Remember, you can’t control one’s emotions no matter how demonic or strong whatever bug, bomb or gps device you plant in another.  Nobody can control how you feel towards another,if we could control people’s feelings & love, a lot of us would have been manipulative jerks or a lose canon. Same way XY can’t control her emotions every time she sees Jing, whether they’re together or apart.


But the chapter you’re talking about has nothing to do with xl controlling XY’s heart ache? That has nothing to do with xl tho, even in the drama, the minute she saw Jing, all her emotions she tried hard to hide gave her the heartache even when Jing tried to give her the things that fell due to a car accidentally splashing water on her. The minute she saw him again, she cried & had to run away from him. So this has NOTHING to do with the serpent controlling her heart.

which one u are meaning ...Symbolika or mine one?

No no its not like what u think... He could not control her emotions... its the heartbeat...i mean u have to consider its as an body organ than emotion 

Its different chapter im mentioning... the one u said i think xy going out with A Nian and Xing Yue going shopping...and the i shared was chapter 26..ZX wedding ...and another one is when XL snatched away from her wedding ...they were at quig shui..he made her promise that she will say ffb died...not to reveal true identity....and he control her heart organ...showing he can hurt her like that too

well i see it like that


I think in chapter 26, when she hadn’t seen Jing for a while now and when she saw him(even in the drama) her heart started to ache & she thought it was xl that was playing tricks on her but not knowing it was her heart breaking again. So Jing used his healing powers to soothe her heart.



I think in chapter 26, when she hadn’t seen Jing for a while now and when she saw him(even in the drama) her heart started to ache & she thought it was xl that was playing tricks on her but not knowing it was her heart breaking again. So Jing used his healing powers to soothe her heart.

Well..I dont think it that way....

in chapter 26..

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

This puple part her true emotion towards Jing..Her longing.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.

This red part is where XL control her (to my understanding) because its more bodily hurt than emotional hurt. 

Grabbing a cup of coffee, bb to read y all ( ps: I know I have still at your request to try to give my capture on the debt subject! :D) . *cheers* and hugs* 

bb* - Droping 2 interesting pics :*


Compilation of Yeshiqi <3

and from weibo :


......:D! I laughed hard on this one :D!!! owner


Grabbing a cup of coffee, bb to read y all ( ps: I know I have still at your request to try to give my capture on the debt subject! :D) . *cheers* and hugs* 

bb* - Droping 2 interesting pics :*


Compilation of Yeshiqi <3

and from weibo :


......:D! I laughed hard on this one :D!!! owner

love his 9 tails so much..

and u are right...that edit...make the scene more funn

I do not think he played her out. I think he is saying this to hide his true  motivations.  He never used that against her when could have 

 Winny Aye:
In chapter 32...when he was departing from her at Quig Shui..he controlled her heart beat. promise him not to reveal about FFB...

Xiao Yao turned to leave and Xiang Liu said “A word of reminder, the voodoo bug still connects us so if you tell the world I’m Fang Feng Bei, don’t blame me if I hurt your heart and you die from the pain.”

Xiao Yao stopped and looked back at Xiang Liu.

“Don’t believe me?”

Xiao Yao’s heart was suddenly cut with so much pain like a sword pierced it, the pain so excruciating she fell on the ground in a slump.

Xiang Liu appeared to hold her life in his hands and he coldly said “If you don’t want to die, then don’t say a word!”

Xiao Yao was in such pain her face was ashen and cold sweat dotted her face. She sat up and smiled “Is this the reason you never had time to go to Jiu Li to break the voodoo bug? You want to control my life and death so that one day you can hold me hostage to your will? General Xiang Liu, you really are something!”

Xiang Liu smiled and turned to leave. With a whistle his white condor descended and he vaulted on its back and disappeared in the clouds.

The pain in Xiao Yao’s heart vanished but it was so painful that her body was still weak and needed some time to recover her strength. After some time, she slowly got up and walked towards town.

 Winny Aye:
Another scene is in chapter 26..

 Winny Aye:
I have a feeling XL must have annoyed at XY's longing for Jing. That's why he started to control her heartbeat. Jing is again act as Mr Healer in here as usual. 

Hi! <3 

I was about to quote to chapter 26, thank you for adding the insight on that mather from chapter 32!

Ch.26 (adding to have a clear view from both at same time :) !

Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.

Xing Yue hurriedly assisted her and asked in concern “Are you okay?”

Xiao Yao smiled and shook her head. The Xi Ling clan leader saw her face flushed bright red and quickly said “I remember your constitution is not strong, hurry and sit down to rest.”

Xing Yue helped Xiao Yao to sit down at Jing’s table.

Jing anxiously put one hand on Xiao Yao’s wrist while his other clutched the wine cup and transformed the wine into a fog. Everyone knew the Tu Shan clan had the power to mystify which was very useful for taking away pain. No one thought it weird what Jing was doing.

Her heart continued to beat wildly and strongly, so much that she felt like all her blood was rushing into her head. Xiao Yao couldn’t control it and muttered under her breath “Xiang Liu, will you cut it out already?”

Everyone only heard “cut it out already”, but Jing was sitting closest to her and he was completely familiar with Xiao Yao’s voice, so he heard every word she said.

Her heartbeat started to return to normal and Xiao Yao gently pulled her hand away from Jing “Thank you, I’m fine now.”

Jing pulled his hand back but it clenched into a tight fist to tamp down everything he was feeling.


In my opinion , the excerpt from Chapter 32 provides a clear example of Xiang Liu's manipulation and jealousy in the intricate dynamics of his relationship with Xiao Yao. 

 Let's delve into the details of Xiang Liu's actions and how they connect with the theme of jealousy and manipulation in the context of Xiao Yao's feelings for Jing, referencing the events in Chapter 26 as well.

  1. Manipulation of Emotions in Chapter 26:

    • In Chapter 26, Xiao Yao experiences intense emotional turmoil upon seeing Jing again. The mention of her heart being clawed at and the sensation of being ripped apart suggests that her emotions are heightened. While the exact cause is not explicitly stated, it aligns with the possibility of Xiang Liu's influence:. through the bug connection to her heart, he allows himself to manipulate her emotions or senses even from a distance. See also her mentioning his name and begging TO STOP!.
  2. Xiang Liu's Warning in Chapter 32:

    • In Chapter 32, Xiang Liu takes his manipulation to a more explicit level. He warns Xiao Yao about the voodoo bug connecting them, emphasizing that he can control her life and death. The pain he inflicts on her heart when she questions him about it serves as a stark demonstration of his power.
  3. Jealousy and Possessiveness:

    • Xiang Liu's warning can be seen as an expression of his jealousy and possessiveness. His desire to control Xiao Yao's life and death may stem from his own feelings for her and the fear of losing her to someone else, particularly Jing. His fear is feeded by Xiao Yao not allowing him anything but deep friendly care and concern, while in contrary she manifest and speak her heart out loud to Tushan Jing (touching,kissing,huging,singing,confessing etc).
  4. Connection to Xiao Yao's Feelings for Jing:

    • The manipulation becomes more pronounced when considering Xiao Yao's feelings for Jing. Xiang Liu's actions, both in Chapter 26 and 32, seems to be very driven by jealousy as seen above, and is reflected intensly, especially in the moment, when confronted with the possibility of Xiao Yao revealing Fang Feng Bei's identity (FFB) to the world.
  5. Control and Hostage Situation:

    • Xiang Liu's manipulation extends beyond mere emotional influence. By controlling Xiao Yao's heartbeat, he establishes a form of control over her, creating a situation where her actions could have life-threatening consequences. This aligns with the idea that he may want to hold her hostage emotionally, preventing her from revealing his intention, his plans. His intentions toward CX, and destined agenda("You are a chess piece"-leaked script phrase resonate on that point too, I'm sure it's in the novel too, if someone would dig more ).
  6. Response and Revelation:

    • Xiao Yao's response to Xiang Liu's revelation in Chapter 32 showcases her resilience and perceptiveness. She recognizes his intentions and questions his motives, revealing her understanding of his manipulative nature. (more bellow)

In summary, the events in Chapter 32 deepen the portrayal of Xiang Liu's manipulation and jealousy, highlighting the control he exerts over Xiao Yao's emotions and even her physical well-being. This manipulation is interconnected with the emotional turmoil Xiao Yao experiences in Chapter 26!.


                                                                                           Xiao Yao's reaction:

Xiao Yao as a resourfull character choose to confront Xiang Liu directly about his manipulative actions. She could assert her independence and set clear her boundaries, making it known that she won't tolerate attempts to control or manipulate her emotions or decisions   => The "Stop it"  +  her insistance constantly on getting rid of it for exemple.

This could lead to moments of self-reflection, where she evaluates her own feelings for Jing and the preciouss value of those, comparing to other 2 ML. It can help her clearing her reflexion about  her palette of emotion.

----------She is eager to  create a path forward that aligns with her own desires and well-being.-----------

personal exploration :D

 Winny Aye:
and u are right...that edit...make the scene more funn

BUT!!!! =>


(I think the one who made the edit refered to her puting  "rouge" to kiss him (later scenes/later in story).



I think in chapter 26, when she hadn’t seen Jing for a while now and when she saw him(even in the drama) her heart started to ache & she thought it was xl that was playing tricks on her but not knowing it was her heart breaking again. So Jing used his healing powers to soothe her heart.

 Winny Aye:
Well..I dont think it that way....

 Winny Aye:
Xiao Yao hadn’t seen Jing in over a year and seeing him like this, Xiao Yao maintained her smile and quietly stood next to the Xi Ling clan leader. She remembered in the ocean when he let his hair loose, the stirring in her heart. She remembered twining his hair around her fingers, each strand was a longing. Everything felt like yesterday but it was already black hair turned white and all longing severed.

This puple part her true emotion towards Jing..Her longing.

Xiao Yao felt her heart was being clawed at by a large hand, so painful it was like being ripped apart. She could only keep smiling when suddenly she felt her heart violently beating. Xiao Yao couldn’t maintain her fake smile anymore, much like a person could endure severe pain without any change in expression yet couldn’t control exhibiting bodily reaction to intense exercise. Xiao Yao clutched her chest and took a few deep breaths.

This red part is where XL control her (to my understanding) because its more bodily hurt than emotional hurt. 

Same reasoning, (see my post -  draft above ;) ) <3

 Winny Aye:
No no its not like what u think... He could not control her emotions... its the heartbeat...i mean u have to consider its as an body organ than emotion 

Agree :)...again . Same thoughts :)

Jrrg new little painting! <3 


Xiao Yao as a resourfull character choose to confront Xiang Liu directly about his manipulative actions. She could assert her independence and set clear her boundaries, making it known that she won't tolerate attempts to control or manipulate her emotions or decisions   => The "Stop it"  +  her insistance constantly on getting rid of it for exemple.

yes i was overwhelmed too. i was confused when XL control her. but the first paragraph was her true longing for jing.  And yep XY can differentiate her emotions for jing and controlling from XL.

Xiao Yao felt the voodoo bug in her body but got no response. Xiao Yao gave up, was she the one who raised the bug or was it Xiang Liu? Xiang Liu could control her but she couldn’t control Xiang Liu at all! Could it be that even voodoo bugs know how to fear the strong and sneer at the weak?

And yes I think either XL is jealous or annoyed at XY heartbreak over jing.

chapter 26

Finally Xiao Yao spoke first “Did you attend Jing and Yi Yang’s wedding?”

“I may be irresponsible but I still would manage to attend my little sister’s wedding to the Tu Shan clan leader.”

“The pain in my heart, do you feel it?” Xiao Yao’s face turned red, not clear if it was over embarrassment or frustration. The reason the heart was tucked deep inside the body was so that people’s feelings, whether it was happiness or sorrow, would remain concealed. But right now her heart felt like it was stark naked before Xiang Liu, like she was stripped naked before him to observe.

Xiang Liu softly chuckled “If you’re afraid I will feel everything, then stop tormenting yourself. If your heart doesn’t hurt, then I’ll be better off as well.”

Xiao Yao heard the last thing he said and immediately perked up “If my body hurts 9/10th, then you hurt 1/10th. But if my heart hurts, is it how much I feel you feel?”

Xiang Liu honestly said “Yes! If your heart hurts how much is how my heart hurts how much. What of it? Are you planning to use that to reckon with me?”

Xiao Yao was silent. He was right! She could inflict bodily pain on herself, but she couldn’t make happiness or sadness.

Xiang Liu suddenly said “I’m a killer for hire sometimes.”

Xiao Yao looked quizzically at him and he said slowly “If you pay, I can kill Fang Feng Yi Yang and her child for you.”

Xiao Yao smiled wanly “That is like the worst idea ever!”

Xiang Liu said in a half sincere half joking way “Then you stop giving yourself a heartache in the future. If you keep causing trouble for me, maybe I’ll decide to kill you!”

Xiao Yao pouted “I didn’t force you to take the voodoo bug into your body years ago.”

Years ago, I knew you were useless and would often get injured. But I didn’t know you were this foolish and couldn’t even protect your own heart.”

Xiao Yao opened her mouth like she wanted to argue back but said nothing. She dejectedly lowered her head like a wilted sunflower.


XL seems quite annoyed at XY heartbreak over jing.XD


Jealousy and Possessiveness:

Xiang Liu's warning can be seen as an expression of his jealousy and possessiveness. His desire to control Xiao Yao's life and death may stem from his own feelings for her and the fear of losing her to someone else, particularly Jing. His fear is feeded by Xiao Yao not allowing him anything but deep friendly care and concern, while in contrary she manifest and speak her heart out loud to Tushan Jing (touching,kissing,huging,singing,confessing etc).

I am feeling same same :)))

 Winny Aye:


Jealousy and Possessiveness:

Xiang Liu's warning can be seen as an expression of his jealousy and possessiveness. His desire to control Xiao Yao's life and death may stem from his own feelings for her and the fear of losing her to someone else, particularly Jing. His fear is feeded by Xiao Yao not allowing him anything but deep friendly care and concern, while in contrary she manifest and speak her heart out loud to Tushan Jing (touching,kissing,huging,singing,confessing etc).

I am feeling same same :)))

@ winny : XL seems quite annoyed at XY heartbreak over jing.XD 

Breath taking Xiao Jing gifs! <3

                    *   (the last one hurted too much before s2...had to add one of their kiss <3)