Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 6


Jing Took Xiao Liu to Gao Xing (Five Gods Mountain)

At dawn, Shi Qi and Xiao Liu followed the group out of town headed due South. There was a checkpoint set up with very tight inspection and the lines were long to pass. Chatter about why turned to discussion that both Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing soldiers were joined in some sort of search.

It was Xiao Liu and Shi Qi’s turn and a woman held up a magical object mirror and shone it on their faces to show everyone’s true form. Those who transformed were pulled aside for further questioning. Xiao Liu walked up to his inspection and the mirror showed nothing so he passed. Same with Shi Qi as well.

After passing the inspection, Shi Q and Xiao Liu glanced at each other and continued on. Due to the inspection the procession was already late so the leader told everyone to quicken their steps. By nightfall they had arrived within the borders of the Gao Xing Kingdom. Two high mountains flanked a gate with an entry checkpoint. Because Zhuan Xu didn’t think Xiao Liu would come to Gao Xing, the checkpoint was not extra manned so Xiao Liu and Shi Qi entered easily.

That night the procession entered a city and the group checked into an inn. Xiao Liu asked for a hot water bath and after he walked out and changed into fresh clothes he saw that Shi Qi had already finished bathing. Shi Qi took a towel to wipe his hair. Xiao Liu asked “So we successfully escaped?”

Shi Qi answered “When we entered there was a very powerful being nearby so I completely concealed my power aura. I don’t know if he registered us.”

Xiao Liu said “Perhaps it’s a high ranking Gao Xing general that is stationed here.” But he didn’t feel all that at ease.

Shi Qi said “No matter who, we have to be alert. Rest well tonight.”

In the middle of the night Xiao Liu heard a commotion and immediately sat up. He saw Shi Qi pour all the water in the room on the ground around them before saying “The Godly army has surrounded the inn, and there are two very powerful Gods in the mix. I can’t even beat one of them.”

Xiao Liu chuckled “If we successfully escaped then I would be disappointed in Zhuan Xu. He is pretty capable.”

Shi Qi said “I let you down.”

“No you didn’t! Zhuan Xu used the power of two Kingdoms to chase us. You helped me all on your own. It’s a miracle we escaped this far.”

Shi Qi asked “How much do you not want to see the Grand Emperor?”

Xiao Liu thought “I would rather die than see him.”

Shi Qi put a fox shaped satchel in Xiao Liu’s hand “I can’t beat them but I can stall them. My winged ride is due Northeast. You run in that direction then raise the satchel and call like a fox. It will come pick you up.”

Xiao Liu grabbed Shi Qi’s hand “Will they kill you?”

“I am Tu Shan Jing, even if the Grand Emperor was here he would have to consider before killing me. Mere generals won’t even dare.”

Xiao Liu laughed “Then I’m going to abandon you and run.”

Shi Qi grabbed his shoulder with his voice slightly shaking “Let me see your true face.”

Xiao Liu smiled and shook his head “No.”

Shi Qi stared at Xiao Liu with unspeakable sorrow in his eyes. Once he walked out of here, Xiao Liu can become anyone else. Once Xiao Liu stopped being Xiao Liu, then Shi Qi would never be able to find him again.

Xiao Liu stared at him “Are you still willing to risk incurring the wrath of the Grand Emperor and help me escape?”

Shi Qi nodded.

Zhuan Xu’s booming voice reached them “Wen Xiao Liu, get your sorry behind out here! If you run again, I’ll break both your scrawny legs!”

“Change into one of their soldiers and run away” Shi Qi told him.

Shi Qi transformed the water into smoke and it became a mist surrounding him. He transformed into Wen Xiao Liu and walked to the window and opened it. Zhuan Xu said “Now you obediently come out here and I’ll consider not making you suffer as much.”

The mist gradually expanded from the room and floated outside and became so dense and thick it formed a maze. Zhuan Xu was furious and ordered the mist maze stopped immediately.

Xiao Liu could see in the maze thanks to the fox satchel Shi Qi gave him. He transformed into one of Zhuan Xu’s servants and silently slipped out of the inn.

Xiao Liu ran due Northeast and he raised the fox satchel high and a large crane descended. Xiao Liu climbed on the back of the crane and it took off continuing Northeast. Xiao Liu looked back and didn’t feel at ease.

Zhuan Xu’s angry thunderous voice reached him “Wen Xiao Liu, the person with you right now is Ye Shi Qi. I don’t have a problem with killing one Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu sighed – he really was able to be cold and heartless at the blink of an eye, thorough and unyielding. No wonder the Yellow Emperor liked Zhuan Xu.

Xiao Liu transformed back into being Wen Xiao Liu and turned back. After some time, he saw Zhuan Xu flying towards him and behind him Shi Qi was trussed up in a cage.

A servant came forward and Xiao Liu allowed himself to be captured. Zhuan Xu stared coldly at Xiao Liu and ordered “Break both his legs.” The servant kicked both of Xiao Liu’s legs and both snapped. Xiao Liu collapsed on the ground.

“Throw him in the cage.”

Jing had brought Xiao Liu to Gao Xing , in hope that Zhuang Xu probably would have just followed the fake dolls. Instead brought her to Gao Xing alongside with some messagers that were coming. And then at the entrance of  Gao Xing, everyone talking about how Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing soldiers were joining to search for something. Jing and Xiao Liu still got to enter city and rested at inn. I have a feeling that Jing already knew they might not escape when he talked powerful being. Xiao Liu as well having bad feeling. So Jing just comforted her.
And they were right, in the middle of the night, they were surrounded by Zhaun Xu and his soldiers.
Xiao Liu accepted Jing tried all his best to help her, still lost to Zhuan Xu's power.
Again in the scene, we will feel sorry for Jing because Xiao Liu had really tell why she was all running away or even revealing her form, while she knew who he was already. Of course she did not reveal who she was to anyone else at all. And it seems like she was running away from it. Nevertheless she was still very concerned about Jing and that he would get hurt. We can see that her not being ease at all when Jing told her to run away. So many things was secretive about Xiao Yao so far. We already know she was actually Zhuan Xu long lost cousin. They really had a strong bond when they were kids. So why was she wanting to run away from him? What happened to her then that she got separated from him and her family? So I guess that we will get answers soon as her real identity is revealed and it should be soon.  And she was not at all surprised or concerned Zhuan Xu coldness and ruthlessness in dealing with things or her. (He did not know it's her)

@Winny Aye 

"Before her Hui Shui family would be gone before her. And I also think that she felt like she was not needed at Hui Shui anymore because Tian Er was doing well.  And everyone was on their own. Besides, Jing was on his own too (tied to his family). I think Xiao Liu was sort bored, out of place, lonely and want to cut her longing for Jing. So she decided to leave for somewhere to explore the world again."

I understood that but the fact remained that she is running away again. All the reason she gave herself are just  excuses. They are not even valid excuses.  Even if she was leaving to cut her tie with Jing. It is  a lame excuse  let's be honest.  In real life we do not simple  leave town and travel the world because the man we are longing  for  is engaged and is in the same town.  Xiao Yao  was really taking the easy way out.   

Thank god she wanted to know the answer to her test from Jing and thank god Xiang Liu was not around.

 I will not made excuses for her. Doing so will diminish her character development.  


I understood that but the fact remained that she is running away again. All the reason she gave herself are just  excuses. They are not even valid excuses.  Even if she was leaving to cut her tie with Jing. It is  a lame excuse  let's be honest.  In real life we do not simple  leave town and travel the world because the man we are longing  for  is engaged and is in the same town.  Xiao Yao  was really taking the easy way out.   

Well XY likes exploring the world . Jing is not the only reason. Its just that to me Jing is the thread that is still holding her back. And she wanted to cut. So i dont think she's lame. For me it's understandable.

WIsh you Happy time with your families!

Be back to read ya between our holidays activities and catch up <3 Untill than huge hugs to you , and our Xiaojing  readers!

Chapter 8

My Analysis Part 7

It's Safer To Hide In My Shell


Xiao Liu was thrown in the cage and he crawled towards Shi Qi “Shi Qi….Shi Qi…..”

Shi Qi’s eyes were tightly shut and he was unconscious. Xiao Liu examined him and relaxed, Shi Qi had used all his powers as one to fight with many so he depleted all his energy and was passed out. He had no internal injuries and was in no life threatening danger.

Xiao Liu’s legs were in excruciating pain and he leaned on Shi Qi and murmured to himself “If I knew it was so painful to run, I would have chosen not to run. But if I didn’t run, then I would have never known that you would do anything for me. But what shall I do now? It would have been better had you not helped me. I could have easily severed my longing and hope. Or when we were surrounded back there, it would have been better had you not told me to run away by myself. Xan Tian Er’s life is a struggle, and when a man thinks he is helping her by easing her struggle, he is putting her into a different kind of struggle. She is now struggling with the fear that he would leave her one day and she’s left struggling all alone again. Which of the two struggles is harder? Perhaps most women choose to struggle with a man easing her load, at least there is some happiness, some hope that the man won’t let go one day. But I’m not like that! I would rather be roasted all alone, struggle all alone, because at least my hands are free. Pain makes me hope for escape, a man’s hands make me fear he’ll let go. I would then reach out and hold onto him tightly, collect all the happiness tightly. Right now Xan Tian Er is able to save herself because I helped her. But who will help me? The Gods can help humans, but who will help the Gods? No one! I still feel it’s safer to hide in my shell. I’ve suffered so much in my life already, I don’t want to suffer more, I don’t want to be hurt more…..”

After a day and night, Xiao Liu and Shi Qi reached Five Gods Mountain.

Zhuan Xu ordered them tossed into the dragon bone prison. Xiao Liu smiled, his attempted escape really riled up Zhuan Xu. This infamous dragon bone prison isn’t meant for just any prisoner.

The jailers were very rough with Xiao Liu and purposely kicked his broken legs. But they were very careful with the still unconscious Shi Qi and gently place him in the cell.

Looks like Zhuan Xu WAs also very pissed Shi Qi helped Xiao Liu escape so want to make him suffer a bit so he learnED not to defy the imperial authority that is the Xuan Yuan Prince. But he was still wary of his Tu Shan last name so he only locked him up and didn’t add any further insult.

The cell door closed and Xiao Liu crawled over to Shi Qi, hitting him a few times angrily before snuggling by his side. It was pitch black in the cell and Xiao Liu closed his eyes as he felt the waves of pain from his leg hit him. Gradually he also passed out from the pain.

When Xiao Liu woke up, he didn’t know how much time had passed but he felt someone holding his hand. He moved and heard Shi Qi “Xiao Liu, you’re awake?”

“Yup, I’m in pain for laying too long.”

Shi Qi sat up and wanted to help Xiao Liu up but touched his leg and Xiao Liu yelped in pain. Shi Qi held him “You’re hurt?”



“My legs.”

Shi Qi felt Xiao Liu’s legs and the pain lessened but Xiao Liu quickly said “You’re also injured, don’t use your powers.”

Shi Qi ignored him and touched the other leg and Xiao Liu yelled “Be good!”

Shi Qi said nothing and after he touched the legs Xiao Liu felt the pain lessen a lot. Shi Qi helped Xiao Liu up AND let him rest on his shoulder to be more comfortable. Shi Qi asked “You don’t want to see the Grand Emperor, is it because he will kill you if he sees you?”

Xiao Liu understood that Shi Qi was not trying to probe but needed to know what the Grand Emperor would do to Xiao Liu so that he could think about the right plan for now that would ensure Xiao Liu’s safety. Xiao Liu was silent for a moment then said “He won’t kill me.”

With the way Xiao Liu desperately tried to run away, Zhuan Xu must have gotten the wrong idea as well. The Grand Emperor killed all five of his younger brothers and also their entire families and descendants. But rumor had it that the Five Princes had secret offspring that was wandering the world. Zhuan Xu likely thought Xiao Liu was a secret offspring of one of the Five Princes.

Shi Qi didn’t feel at ease “This world boils down to gain at the end, which is really just a business transaction. Even if it’s the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor, I can make a deal with them.”
Xiao Liu laughed “I don’t want to see the Grand Emperor for a different reason. Shi Qi, don’t worry about me, I stake my life on it that the Grand Emperor won’t kill me!”
Shi Qi could tell Xiao Liu was being serious so relaxed. Xiao Liu couldn’t help but secretly smile, every person must feel happy to have another worried about their welfare.

Xiao Liu was in pain but by her speech. She was both happy and unhappy at the time. There was a mentioning she did not want to get hurt anymore. Because she might wish to hold on tightly to her man to get happiness. But then again she was scared to be left alone again. So she better not had anybody in life at all.

When Jing wake up, seeing her legs are hurt ,he used his power on her to lessen and ton.The soldiers treatment to Jing and Xiao Liu are very different. They were very rough to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu had already figure out why she was captured in this way. Because Xuan Xu thought she might the son of one of the rebel to Grand Emperor.

Somehow I have a feeling that there's serene feeling in this scene although they were   in prison. 

And Xiao Liu was happy Jing worreid about her.

I really like this metaphor of her looking at the stars. Stars could be metaphor of "Stars turn on as the day turn to night". The way I understand it is when the dark times come there will be little stars to see the light. Stars metaphor could be "something written in stars", meaning destiny is already written, a force of nature we can't avoid,  and something we could not change

@ Winny...It's Christmass time, I told you I cannot let such scenery left completly uncovered.....Soooo Let's go :D!.

First let me share the 2 related  parts from novel + 1 drama covering, before analysing further :)

1/chapter 5:

- Context-Xiao Liu learn that Yeshiqi is Tushan Jing, and further Xiao Liu is counting the stars : 

Xiao Liu was arranging the cashews on the plate, first into a flower, and then into a crescent moon. The person next to him was ramrod stiff, his hand tightly clenching a cashew until it had been reduced to powder.

 Xiao Liu drank his wine and teased “Hey, what is your name? When I see you later, I can’t act like I don’t know you but I can’t call you Shi Qi anymore! Even if you don’t mind, your wife will likely shoot an arrow into me.” After a few moments, Shi Qi painfully said “Tu Shan Jing.” “Tu Shan….how to write it?” Jing splashed some wine and wrote his name for Xiao Liu who laughed and asked “And what’s the name of your soon-to-be wife?” Jing’s hand froze above the table. Xiao Liu smiled “Six years, I let you stay for six years. Give me six years without rent and then we won’t owe each other anything!” Xiao Liu got up to leave but Jing grabbed his arm. Xiao Liu jerked a few times but Jing never let go. 

Xiao Liu realized for the first time that the normally gentle Jing was actually quite strong and it was enough to subdue him. Xuan walked over with a laugh “Brother Liu is leaving?” Xiao Liu smiled “Yes, you have your big business, I have my little medical clinic. If I’m not leaving, shall I stay forever then? I can’t help you with what you’re doing.” Jing released his grip and Xiao Liu shook off his hand, handed money to Xuan, and walked out of the shop humming a ditty. The appearance of the Tu Shan family Second Lord caused Qing Shui Town to get even more lively as people jostled for opportunities and advancement.

 Everyone was discussing him. Even Butcher Gao lamented to Lao Mu that all the shops on the street belonged to the Tu Shan family. Chuan Zi and Tian Er didn’t think anything of it since those people were like stars, so far above their reach. Lao Mu had his questions but one look at Xiao Liu’s calm face and it relieved him. It can’t be, it can’t be Shi Qi! 

Xiao Liu refused to go to the river banks anymore. He locked the doors to the courtyard and laid on the pallet to count the stars. “Three thousand three hundred twenty seven……..”  

2/Related screenshots-ep.8 of that scene in ch.5:

(falling stars for wishes -TSJ/Yeshiqi point of view)

Fondu-enchainé (fade in) to Xiao Liu's POV of the same starry night and falling stars.

she is surprise to see them and...

Call out => Yeshiqi...

 In the drama covering this scene (episode 8) we have Shiqi alone looking the stars by the river, and Xiao liu in the courtyard counting, the difference is that 1: we see them both under the starry night, 2. there are falling stars in the sky (symbol of wishes- it's in the chapter name by the way-Wish to Entrust Myself to the Mountains and Streams).

3. Novel scene from chapter 8 :

 It was Summer so it wasn’t cold out at night. The entire town was asleep and the stars out were especially bright. Xiao Liu raised his head to look at the stars and wished for a duck neck to gnaw on to make this feel like a trip rather than running away. Jing said “If you’re tired, go to sleep.” Xiao Liu replied “It’s crazy outside of town, isn’t it?” Zhuan Xu thought he left town so was searching outside but in truth he was still in town. Jing explained “Tomorrow the messenger group will depart for Gao Xing.” Xiao Liu laughed, Zhuan Xu would never think that he was running away from going to Gao Xing would then be headed to Gao Xing. Xiao Liu said to Jing “I thought you were so honest, who knew you were this sneaky.” Jing said “Tomorrow will be exhausting, you rest leaning on me.” 

Xiao Liu looked up at the stars and said nothing. A raspy voice said “I. Am Shi Qi.” Xiao Liu still looked up at the stars and said nothing, but after a few moments his head slowly tilted and lightly rested on Shi Qi’s shoulder. Shi Qi didn’t dare move as if afraid he would scare him away. Until he heard Xiao Liu sleeping did he slightly turn his head to gently look down on the sleeping Xiao Liu.


NOW:  Let's delve into the connections and analyze the significance of these moments!:

                               *** Scene in Chapter 5:

Setting and Tone:

  • Xiao Liu arranges cashews into a flower and crescent moon, displaying a playful and carefree demeanor.
  • Shi Qi's reaction is tense, clenching a cashew until it turns to powder, indicating the gravity of the revelation.
  • Xiao Liu's teasing and casual demeanor create a lighthearted tone initially.

Dialogue and Interaction:

  • Xiao Liu teases Shi Qi about his real name, engaging in a playful conversation.
  • Shi Qi reveals his true identity as Tushan Jing, leading to a shift in the atmosphere.
  • Xiao Liu sets a humorous condition for staying in the town for six more years without rent.

Xiao Liu's Reaction:

  • Xiao Liu attempts to leave, but Jing grabs his arm.
  • Jing's strength surprises Xiao Liu, revealing a different aspect of Jing's character.

Later Reflection:

  • Xiao Liu, after leaving the scene, counts stars alone, suggesting a moment of introspection.
  • Lao Mu's suspicions are alleviated after observing Xiao Liu's calm face.

                                   ***Scene in Chapter 8:

Setting and Tone:

  • It's summer, and the night is bright with especially bright stars, creating a serene atmosphere.
  • Xiao Liu wishes for a duck neck, expressing a desire for normalcy and simplicity.

Dialogue and Interaction:

  • Xiao Liu and Jing discuss their journey, and Jing reveals their destination.
  • Jing's explanation about Zhuan Xu's search adds a layer of tension to the conversation.
  • Xiao Liu's laughter and teasing about Jing's sneakiness maintain a degree of playfulness.

Xiao Liu's Reaction:

  • Xiao Liu looks up at the stars and reflects on the craziness outside of town.
  • Shi Qi's revelation is made in a raspy voice, creating a sense of vulnerability.
  • Xiao Liu's head tilts and rests on Shi Qi's shoulder, a gesture of trust and vulnerability.

Symbolism and Wish:

  • Xiao Liu's wish for a duck neck and the metaphor of stars reflect his longing for simplicity and a carefree life.
  • Shi Qi's revelation adds complexity, intertwining the desire for simplicity with the reality of their situation.

Analysis and Connection:

1. Symbolism of Stars:

  • In both scenes, stars serve as a backdrop for significant revelations and introspection.
  • The act of counting stars in Chapter 5 and looking at the stars in Chapter 8 symbolizes Xiao Liu's contemplation of his life's direction.

2. Xiao Liu's Internal State:

  • In Chapter 5, Xiao Liu's playfulness contrasts with the gravity of Shi Qi's revelation.
  • In Chapter 8, Xiao Liu's laughter and wish for a duck neck juxtapose with the impending challenges of their journey.

3. Themes of Trust and Vulnerability:

  • Jing's grip on Xiao Liu's arm in Chapter 5 and Xiao Liu leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder in Chapter 8 both signify moments of trust and vulnerability.
  • The contrast lies in the evolution of their relationship from a playful banter to a more intimate and silent understanding.

4. Desire for Simplicity:

  • The wish for a duck neck in Chapter 8 echoes Xiao Liu's desire for a casual and carefree existence, mirroring his arrangements of cashews into whimsical shapes in Chapter 5.

5. Political Context:

  • Chapter 5 involves the revelation of Jing's identity, impacting the political dynamics in the town.
  • Chapter 8 introduces the political tension with Zhuan Xu's pursuit, adding a layer of complexity to Xiao Liu and Jing's escape.


These scenes, though separated by chapters, are intricately connected through symbolism, character dynamics, and thematic elements. 

They highlight Xiao Liu's  and Jing's internal struggles,their desire for simplicity, and their evolving trust and feelings . The stars, initially a backdrop for playfulness and revelations, become a symbol of contemplation and longing as the narrative progresses.  


*let's delve deeper into various aspects of these scenes to uncover different layers and highlights.

1. Symbolism of Arranging Cashews and Counting Stars:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Xiao Liu arranging cashews represents his attempts to create order and whimsy in the face of unexpected revelations.
    • The flower and crescent moon shapes may symbolize fleeting beauty and the cyclical nature of life.
  • Chapter 8:
    • Counting stars reflects Xiao Liu's contemplation of the vast possibilities and uncertainties in his life.
    • The act of counting stars becomes a ritual, emphasizing Xiao Liu's introspection and search for meaning.

2. Playfulness vs. Intimacy:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Xiao Liu's teasing and playful banter with Shi Qi showcase their relationship's initial lightness.
    • Jing's strength surprises Xiao Liu, hinting at the hidden depths of his character.
  • Chapter 8:
    • Xiao Liu's laughter and wish for a duck neck maintain an element of playfulness amid the impending challenges.
    • The intimate moment of leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder signifies a shift toward a deeper connection and vulnerability.

3. Transition from Mundane to Extraordinary:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Xiao Liu's daily task of arranging cashews contrasts with the extraordinary revelation about Shi Qi's identity.
    • The ordinary act of arranging cashews becomes a precursor to an extraordinary shift in their relationship dynamics.
  • Chapter 8:
    • Xiao Liu's wish for a duck neck and the serene act of counting stars amidst the political tension emphasize the desire for simplicity in the face of complex circumstances.
    • The transition from a mundane wish to the gravity of Shi Qi's revelation creates a nuanced narrative layer.

4. Political Intrigue-world context:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Shi Qi's revelation as Tushan Jing introduces political intrigue and power dynamics to the narrative.
    • Xiao Liu's condition of six years without rent hints at the impact of political factors on personal relationships.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The impending departure to Gao Xing and Zhuan Xu's search add political tension to Xiao Liu and Jing's escape.
    • The wish for a carefree existence contrasts with the political complexities they are navigating.

5. Themes of Trust and Vulnerability:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Jing grabbing Xiao Liu's arm and Xiao Liu's realization of Jing's strength signify trust and vulnerability in the face of change.
    • The humorous condition for staying in town reflects a mix of trust, friendship, and the need for practical arrangements.
  • Chapter 8:
    • Xiao Liu leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder symbolizes a deeper level of trust and vulnerability, transcending the playful banter.
    • Shi Qi's revelation is made in a raspy voice, emphasizing vulnerability and the weight of the shared secret.

6. Desire for Simplicity and Freedom:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Xiao Liu's wish for a duck neck and his whimsical arrangements express a longing for simplicity and freedom.
    • The condition of six years without rent suggests a desire to break free from entanglements.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The wish for a duck neck persists, symbolizing Xiao Liu's continuous yearning for simplicity despite the complexities of their journey.
    • Counting stars becomes a ritualistic expression of longing for a carefree existence.

7. Evolution of Xiao Liu and Jing's Relationship:

  • Chapter 5:
    • The playful banter and teasing lay the foundation for a deeper connection between Xiao Liu and Jing.
    • Jing's hidden strength hints at the unexplored facets of their relationship.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The transition from laughter to a silent and intimate moment signifies the evolution of their relationship.
    • Xiao Liu's vulnerability, leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder, adds emotional depth and complexity.

8. Impact on Qing Shui Town:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Lao Mu's initial concern is eased by Xiao Liu's calm demeanor, highlighting the impact of the revelation on the town.
    • The introduction of Tushan Jing alters the town's dynamics, reflecting the broader consequences of personal revelations.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The political tension involving Zhuan Xu's search adds a sense of urgency and risk to Xiao Liu and Jing's escape.
    • The decision to lock doors and avoid the riverbanks signifies the impact of external factors on their daily lives.

9. Nature Imagery:

  • Chapter 5:
    • The arrangement of cashews into a flower and crescent moon brings nature into the narrative.
    • Nature serves as a backdrop for Xiao Liu's attempt to find order in the chaos.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The bright stars and Xiao Liu's wish for a duck neck connect nature with Xiao Liu's yearning for simplicity.
    • The ritual of counting stars underlines the timeless and natural aspect of Xiao Liu's contemplation.

10. Foreshadowing and Reflection:

  • Chapter 5:
    • Xiao Liu's counting stars alone foreshadows moments of introspection and reflection in future chapters.
    • Lao Mu's initial suspicion sets the stage for the town's evolving perception of Xiao Liu and Jing.
  • Chapter 8:
    • The political tension foreshadows the challenges Xiao Liu and Jing will face on their journey to Gao Xing.
    • The wish for a duck neck and the act of counting stars become recurring motifs, reflecting Xiao Liu's ongoing struggle and journey.


    @@@@@ The Stars as Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi 's Wishing Moments:@@@@@

  • Chapter 5:

    • Context: Xiao Liu counts the stars alone, emphasizing his solitude and contemplation.
    • Observation: Xiao Liu's counting of stars is a silent form of making wishes or expressing inner desires.
    • Interpretation: The act of counting stars serves as a personal ritual, possibly encompassing wishes and  reflections on his situation.
  • Chapter 8 (TV Serie Episode):

    • Context: Both Xiao Liu and Shi Qi are under the starry night, reacting to falling stars.
    • Observation: Xiao Liu, seeking  Shi Qi's presence, calls out his name during the falling stars moment.
    • Interpretation: Xiao Liu vocalizing Shi Qi's name during this auspicious moment suggests a desire for a connection or an acknowledgment of emotions.

Leaning on Shi Qi's Shoulder:

  • Chapter 8:
    • Context: After Shi Qi reveals his identity, struggles and past, Xiao Liu leans on his shoulder while looking at the stars.
    • Observation: This gesture signifies a moment of vulnerability and trust, a departure from their earlier playful interactions.
    • Interpretation: Leaning on Shi Qi's shoulder is a non-verbal expression of Xiao Liu's emotions. It indicate a letting go of reservations and a willingness to share his burdens.

Emotional Release and Connection:

  • Chapter 5(TV Serie Episode 8):
    • Context: Xiao Liu calls out Shi Qi's name during the falling stars moment.
    • Observation: This moment aligns with Xiao Liu's acknowledgment of his feelings, expressed through Shi Qi's name.
    • Interpretation: The vocalization of Shi Qi's name can be seen as an emotional release, a moment where Xiao Liu lets go of his reservations and openly acknowledges his connection to Shi Qi.

Shift in Dynamics:

  • Overall:
    • Observation: The progression from counting stars alone to vocalizing Shi Qi's name during a simultaneous, even if physically apart - falling stars moment signifies a shift in Xiao Liu's emotional state.
    • Interpretation: Xiao Liu's actions suggest a growing emotional connection and a willingness to express his feelings. The falling stars act as a catalyst for this shift in dynamics.


The falling stars become a powerful symbolic element in the narrative, representing moments of introspection, wishes, and emotional release. Xiao Liu's transition from counting stars alone to calling out Shi Qi's name during the falling stars moment in the TV series episode underscores the evolving emotional landscape. It suggests a deeper connection and the acknowledgment of his feelings for Shi Qi. This shift opens avenues for their further connection under the stars.


In the quietude of Qing Shui Town, where starlight painted the night sky with its ethereal glow, Xiao Liu found solace in the rhythmic counting of stars. His fingers delicately arranged cashews, forming patterns that mirrored the celestial display above. It was a scene of solitude, marked by the gentle hum of a ditty escaping his lips, a melody that seemed to echo the secrets held within his heart.

Little did he know that this night, painted with the brightness of stars, would become a thematic thread connecting two chapters of his life. In Chapter 5, Xiao Liu's musings unfolded in the presence of a rigid companion, one who bore the weight of an unspoken truth. Tushan Jing, unbeknownst to Xiao Liu, grappled with a revelation, clenching a cashew with a tension that mirrored the complexities of their intertwining destinies.

As Xiao Liu playfully teased about the impending change in his companion's nomenclature, little did he fathom the twists fate had in store. The name "Tu Shan Jing" etched in wine, the revelation of a soon-to-be wife, and a profound agreement sealed silently – all painted a canvas of anticipation and complexity.

Fast forward to Chapter 8, the narrative unfolded beneath the same star-studded tapestry. This time, however, the stars bore witness to a different scene. Falling stars, traditionally regarded as vessels for wishes, adorned the heavens. Xiao Liu, now accompanied by the enigmatic figure of Tushan Jing, experienced a moment of shared wonder beneath the celestial cascade.

The TV series adaptation breathed life into this celestial dance, capturing the characters' reactions to falling stars in a synchronized ballet. Xiao Liu, aware of Shi Qi's presence, could no longer contain the emotions that rippled within him. As the falling stars painted streaks of brilliance across the night, he called out the name "Shi Qi" into the quietude.

The adaptation, with its visual poetry, added nuances to this moment. Falling stars mirrored the wishes held in Xiao Liu's heart, while he, under the starry night, called out to the figure who had silently inhabited his thoughts for years. It was a convergence of destinies, a celestial acknowledgment of emotions that transcended spoken words.

And then, in a quiet revelation, Xiao Liu leaned on Shi Qi's shoulder. The once playful banter and teasing undertones gave way to vulnerability. The act of leaning, of resting his head on Shi Qi's shoulder, became a silent dialogue of trust and unspoken emotions.

***As the falling stars continued their descent, Xiao Liu's head tilted, finding a gentle perch on Shi Qi's shoulder. In this intimate tableau, unspoken words hung in the air. Shi Qi, careful not to disturb the delicate equilibrium, gazed down at the slumbering Xiao Liu, witnessing a moment that transcended the political intricacies and the tumultuous currents of their shared history.

                                         The correlation between Chapter 5 and Chapter 8 =>                                               

Unveiled a deep sky of emotions, woven with the threads of solitude, revelation, and the shared wonder of stars and falling stars. The drama adaptation, with its visual storytelling, elevated these moments into a symphony of wishes and unspoken confessions, painting the narrative with hues of intimacy and connection that surpassed the boundaries of mere words, her head leaning on his shoulder. 

It was a celestial dance, where the stars bore witness to a story written in the silent language of Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi's hearts.



WIsh you Happy time with your families!

Be back to read ya between our holidays activities and catch up <3 Untill than huge hugs to you , and our Xiaojing  readers!

Merry Christmas to you as well. 

Just passing by to say Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 👋🏾.


Just passing by to say Merry Christmas ?? ??.

Merry Christmas   

@Symbolika1   very beautiful  analysis of the   stars  in relation to XiaoJing. 

@Winny Aye 

I totally agree with you  even though they are both in pain physically   and in prison it seems like  they   they are no more affected by their  troubles.  They are with whom they belong aka each other.  The moment they are sharing in the dragon prison is such an important one for our lovebirds especially hence  that feeling of serenity.

Hello, just joined your wonderful discussion.     I have been reading most of your discussions and am very impressed.    Thanks for sharing your interesting thoughts and especially your insights into this great story.    I am joining from Bangkok and hope to learn a lot more from you… thanks.     Merry Christmas.

Hello, just joined your wonderful discussion.     I have been reading most of your discussions and am very impressed.    Thanks for sharing your interesting thoughts and especially your insights into this great story.    I am joining from Bangkok and hope to learn a lot more from you… thanks.     Merry Christmas.

Thank you!! <3 Merry Christmas to you too, warm and hugs !

Oooo!!!!Thank you!! <3 Merry Christmas to you too, warm and hugs !


Just passing by to say Merry Christmas ?? ??.


Merry Christmas   


@Symbolika1   very beautiful  analysis of the   stars  in relation to XiaoJing. 

+ @ Winny Aye

Thank you all <3 WIsh you that some wisteria petals, and stars from the sky warmth your path and your families!

@Winny Aye

I was reading your analysis on “why Xiao Liu did not want to use painkiller for his wounded hands” and I was most impressed with the wonderful analysis you presented.      I went back to re-read the book and noted that in Chapter 5 of my Thai translated book (page164).      I felt that perhaps the answer was implied in the conversation between Xiao Liu and Jing.     May I offer my simplistic reason for this?    Since Xiao Liu was most scared of pain, perhaps he would not mind so much if that pain was to be felt by Xuan as a way of getting back at him..    That was also the reason he planted the voodoo bug on Xuan in the  first place.    Perhaps he figured after 4 days the bug may have the chance of being transferred from Ah Nian to Xuan and it should start working already by that time.      I know it may sound too simplistic and I am sorry if it wasted your time, but I am sure you are kind and wouldn’t mind so much… thanks and sorry…