Winny Aye:

Thanks so much for compliments and supports ....and everything ...? It gives me so much energy ...

sureee we're purple babies after all. :⁠-⁠D??

Winny Aye 

yep their love is built quite quite solid strong foundation with passion and cherishing .

yessss. and it was through the obstacles they managed to overcome that made that foundation that strong and solid. :-D *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠**⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠* love their story. ?


Not only that but she kept maining Jing like  there was no tomorrow. I could not help but compare. 7 tails cut viciously.  Producing unimaginable  pain b. It was not even needed for the fight and dear Hou having been stabbed to death still delivered the deadly blow.  Sorry I hate that fight where Hou was the tiger. Actually is he not a fox as well? 

Sorry for my rant I apologise. 

no worries. ? the way Jing was tortured again by hou with his tails being cut off not in one blow is like "killing him softly" the way Jing's pain was described {w/c is unbearable} and hou still wanting to hear from Jing's mouth "i lost" makes me so infuriated. 

 Symbolika1: owner :)

Yes please If y find that video link, I'd gladly show it in some form of pic to pic, it's really well done <3 Thx in advance Sapphire *hugs*

i have. yes like how they edited it. ill add here later. :⁠-⁠D welcome. ?


@Winny: regarding TSH, I think it was him finding out his mother wasn’t really his birth mother that set him down the road of no return. Before, as a child, he just maybe felt he wasn’t good enough. But then he realized there was more to it. That kind of emotional abuse leaves a mark, especially on a child. I agree I’d have to reread to get more of a sense of his character, but it’s not unusual unfortunately to project one’s anger or ill feelings for someone towards another (in this case TSH should direct his pain towards the mother, but since she is gone, he does so against TSJ). It’s an unhealthy way to deal with one’s negative feelings. The dude would’ve benefited from some therapy lol.


i think everything blew apart for him when he learned that who he considered his "mother" since childhood was not his "real mother" and that he learned it too late. he felt depressed when she died coz to their last conversation, she still treated him coldly. so he poured his hatred to Jing coz he reminds him of her and her treatment of him all those years. yes FL noticed that too right, he envied how close they were then. and from the throwback in the drama, he protected him from a falling object.

Their childhood bond is what make me confused about his direct hatred later.  I still wish TH wrote more on how Hou became this twisted damaged guy. I still feel we dont get him much. I know he's side character, but still there should be a litte more on him to feel for him. But yep I maybe I miss something . Rereading needed. But yep hopefully in drama version, my fox mr 17 beautiful tails are not cut off even one. Thats too cruel ! NO ! NO! NO!

hiiii welcome back to the purple thread. :⁠-⁠D ??

Thanks! I have 2 little kids and I work so things get busy. Can't believe we're STILL waiting for season 2...


Thanks! I have 2 little kids and I work so things get busy. Can't believe we're STILL waiting for season 2...

welcome. ohh how nice. both girls or boys or a boy and a girl, sorry just curious. no need to answer. (⁠^⁠.^⁠) trueee--- and im honestly almost reaching my limit, haha. btw, it's okay, at least you still drop by the thread. that's alright. ?


welcome. ohh how nice. both girls or boys or a boy and a girl, sorry just curious. no need to answer. (⁠^⁠.^⁠) trueee--- and im honestly almost reaching my limit, haha. btw, it's okay, at least you still drop by the thread. that's alright. ?

I have 2 boys. :) so when I see scenes of TSJ’s mother being stupid in how she treats TSH, I want to tell her what’s what.

I really like this comparison between....the two mls..

from chapter 49..

Zhuan Xu and Jing, one was as solid as the mountain, the other as true as the tree...

ZX is indeed...a solid strong mountain , having to  stand on ..but Jing is like a tree that can be leaned on and give life.


I have 2 boys. :) so when I see scenes of TSJ’s mother being stupid in how she treats TSH, I want to tell her what’s what.

wow....2 boys....must be still at cute stage..hehhe 

well TSJ' s mother....UM...I guess she's hurt and jealous of her husband having affairs with the  maid and TSH is their yep she put her ridiculous hatred on the child.

Winny Aye 

Their childhood bond is what make me confused about his direct hatred later.  I still wish TH wrote more on how Hou became this twisted damaged guy. I still feel we dont get him much. I know he's side character, but still there should be a litte more on him to feel for him. But yep I maybe I miss something . Rereading needed.

it's okay, we may get to see more when the drama comes, i think. (⁠^⁠^⁠) or yes, you may get more about when you reread. for me, i think im fine and imo, his response was wrong. but also their granny should have done more like when she exposed who his real mom was, she should've followed it up coz i think the way he let both like get past this and reconcile and don't harm each other anymore kind of thing isn't enough coz he had this piled up emotions, hurt, confusions, and it reached its peak with the revelation and it all blew up, he was like outraged, how he was treated, and his state of mind i think is "i don't deserve this" the way he shouted at Jing's mother's memorial tablet, i think he's like gone crazy already at that point, that all he could think of is showing her that she's wrong, she treated him as invisible, like he never existed, so he had to make himself contented esp after knowing the truth, thinking torturing Jing equals the unfair treatment he received all those years and thinking "his mother" will see how painful he felt. like torturing "your own blood, your beloved son" will make him feel better. and also his inferiority, he felt like he's a shadow to Jing and will never be recognized by everyone like how he shamed him when he threw him off the street where a woman was looking for the talented second young master-- Tushan Jing, and said that without your title and clothes, your nothing. i feel like he felt that way so he wanted to make him feel that way. overall imo, if Jing's mom tried to see him as a person, didn't constantly and openly ignore him, even if she didn't consider him a son but not treat him like a ghost, non existent, or she herself did the revelation on their last conversation, he may not have tortured Jing or may still have a chance to go back to the way he is or Jing may still get a chance to save him, they may talk it out though it may take some time. but i guess TH's purpose letting Hou vent all his pent up frustrations towards Jing will also make Jing realize smth, just in the most painful way, and that his realizations will reflect on how his actions later esp towards XY and that will in turn help XY, who also exp torture, realize smth, that kind of thing. but i still can't with that torture, it's too much, reading it alone, every word that described Jing's torture is like a knife stabbing my heart. ??? {idk how much i helped though with Hou and Jing issue. will always welcome other points of view of course coz it's just my take on this, ? more opinions on this will help us all understand that part or what TH wanted her readers/viewers to get/learn by that adding that part of the story and that character:}} ?

Winny Aye 

But yep hopefully in drama version, my fox mr 17 beautiful tails are not cut off even one. Thats too cruel ! NO ! NO! NO!

now on this, oh myyy thankssss for adding his beautiful 9 tailed fox tails on the thread. {coz talking abt Hou and how he cut off 7 of that drained my energy, i still can't forgive how him for that but like i said, i still blame their mom, i mean Jing's mom, he started this but didn't finish before she died. but anyway, blaming will not bring anything, which Hou shouldve realized but like i said TH has her purpose for those, it's just---} back to this wonderful 9 tails of Jing. this is one of my faves from the earlier eps for Jing, love how they showed this in the drama. {read some comments before saying, "oh he's a fox, will we see more of that?" "i'd love to watch this drama, that's beautiful, he's beautiful"} :⁠-⁠D for the love of 9 tailed fox and him, who he fits being a 9 tailed fox. ??????

 Winny Aye:

I really like this comparison between....the two mls..

from chapter 49..

Zhuan Xu and Jing, one was as solid as the mountain, the other as true as the tree...

ZX is indeed...a solid strong mountain , having stand on ..but Jing is like a tree that can be leaned on and give life. 

me tooooo. thanksss for bringing that up, so perfectly defined for me.?? 

 Winny Aye:

wow....2 boys....must be still at cute stage..hehhe 

well TSJ' s mother....UM...I guess she's hurt and jealous of her husband having affairs with the  maid and TSH is their yep she put her ridiculous hatred on the child.

yes. and didn't she realize how that will affect Hou and Jing later on, how it will cause a rift bn them? esp knowing that she's near the end of her life, how her beloved son, the one she's been very protective of, will suffer immensely. im still on that, her, and them. Jing suffered the most from that family, physically and mentally. ???


Winny Aye 

But yep hopefully in drama version, my fox mr 17 beautiful tails are not cut off even one. Thats too cruel ! NO ! NO! NO!

now on this, oh myyy thankssss for adding his beautiful 9 tailed fox tails on the thread. {coz talking abt Hou and how he cut off 7 of that drained my energy, i still can't forgive how him for that but like i said, i still blame their mom, i mean Jing's mom, he started this but didn't finish before she died. but anyway, blaming will not bring anything, which Hou shouldve realized but like i said TH has her purpose for those, it's just---} back to this wonderful 9 tails of Jing. this is one of my faves from the earlier eps for Jing, love how they showed this in the drama. {read some comments before saying, "oh he's a fox, will we see more of that?" "i'd love to watch this drama, that's beautiful, he's beautiful"} :⁠-⁠D for the love of 9 tailed fox and him, who he fits being a 9 tailed fox. ??????

Yes I want to see more of his 9 tails appearing..but please dont cut it off...?