
Not only that but she kept maining Jing like  there was no tomorrow. I could not help but compare. 7 tails cut viciously.  Producing unimaginable  pain b. It was not even needed for the fight and dear Hou having been stabbed to death still delivered the deadly blow.  Sorry I hate that fight where Hou was the tiger. Actually is he not a fox as well? 

Sorry for my rant I apologise. 

I was thinking the same where is that "Tiger" come from..Fox can formed themselves into "Tiger"??? Info was not given. And also Hou's character was very poorly written..I only can get the purpose was to comparing with his grudge and Jing's forgiveable nature. Jing lived happier than him despite all those torture and suffering . The build up of Hou's character was not making sense to me on how he became Jing hater when he initially was a loving brother to him. Therefore, it is so difficult to understand this character. In villain character point of view, he's not a charming villain still. But yep I still feel hatred for him with no remores. So it must be TH only purpose.  

Edit: Maybe I just need to reread. Will say again after reread.

 AH :

I was also confused about this. 

hii, yes me too. does it have to do with having different mothers? their father wasn't also mentioned a lot, right? thankss. :}} 


hii, yes me too. does it have to do with having different mothers? their father wasn't also mentioned a lot, right? thankss. :}} 

there should be more info about it!! 

I will have to see if I have missed any. 


amazing work Winnyyy?????❣️ one with kind of throwback and one with the impt parts of yaojing journey. *⁠\⁠0⁠/⁠*(⁠^.⁠^⁠)


Have a good rest Winny!! ! Did you did those? <3 love them!

Thanks so much for compliments and supports ....and everything ...? It gives me so much energy ...



                                                                                         ( owners :D)

loves all those halloween edits..????

 Winny Aye:

there should be more info about it!! 

I will have to see if I have missed any. 

hii you here *purple wave* :⁠-⁠D  thankss, i was also thinking how he's a tiger but i thought it could coz of their mothers :⁠-⁠D but yes kindly update us bout that. will try to go over the book again i might have also missed that part, we'll see. 


hii you here *purple wave* :⁠-⁠D  thankss, i was also thinking how he's a tiger but i thought it could coz of their mothers :⁠-⁠D but yes kindly update us bout that. will try to go over the book again i might have also missed that part, we'll see. 

yes...purple wave...♡♡ kkeke hopefully theres more info

hii, yes me too. does it have to do with having different mothers? their father wasn't also mentioned a lot, right? thankss. :}} 

I don't think it was related to TSH's mother. She was a maid and I don't recall them mentioning anything about her being related to a tiger demon bloodline or anything like that. 

After re-reading Chapter 42, I think it was more about contrasting TSH's personality and preferences with TSJ's.

TSH wanted a direct fight. Partly because he looked down on the habits of the nine-tailed fox's descendants (preferring clever strategies and avoiding direct combat). Partly because he knew he could beat TSJ in a direct fight, but probably couldn't beat him otherwise. And as XY surmised, if he forced a direct fight then a tiger would be able to beat a fox. 

Also, as an aside, I think TSJ picked the location for the fight because he always planned to escape via the river. He still managed to strategize. 


Chapter 42:

Jing asked, “What do you want?”

“Everyone you have in Qing Shui town has been…….” Hou made a throat slitting gesture “and all your guards have been detained. Right now only my men are here and if I make one call you will be shot full of arrows.”

Hu Zhen didn’t believe it and called out but no one answered. He angrily said, “Hou, don’t forget your vow to the ancestors that if you dare harm the Clan Leader you will die a terrible death.”

Hou laughed like he heard a hilarious joke. “Me, die a terrible death? Do you think I’m scared of death?”

Jing asked Hou, “If you want to kill me, why haven’t you made the call yet?” Hou smiled broadly, “Ever since we were kids, everyone said you were better than me. No matter what I did, you did it better. This time I want a fair fight, to use life or death to determine once and for all who is better.

Jing said, “I have a condition, let Hu Zhen live.”

Hou smiled, “He’s the man of your maid, right? Fine, so she doesn’t shed any tears, I’ll spare Hu Zhen.” Hu Zhen yelled “No! No, Clan Leader! You can’t agree……” Hou struck Hu Zhen with his palm and Hu Zhen fainted.

Hou smiled. “Finally I can have a quiet talk with my little brother.”

Jing said, “Fair fight?”

Hou said, “Right, until one of us dies, and the one who lives is naturally better. Neither can dispute the result! Even if mother saw it, she must also accept it, right?”

Jing stared at Hou and his sadness and pity was evident in his eyes. Hou smiled back “Since we were kids, mother always helped you cheat. No matter what I did it wasn’t as good as you. Tu Shan Jing, you owe me one fair fight.”

Jing’s sadness was as thick as ink in his eyes. “If this is a fair fight, you already chose the method, I will choose the location.”

Hou scoffed, “Fine!”

“Then I agree!”

“This is the antidote!” Hou tossed a pill at Yi Yang before walking out.

Jing followed behind Hou silently. Since they were kids, he followed countless times behind Hou, following his big brother out to play, to school, to hunt, to greet their grandmother…..back then they could have never imagined that one day they would fight to the death.

The two rode their winged rides to the outskirts of Qing Shui Town, to an open field by the river. “Here!”

Hou said, “Mountains and streams, this is not bad a place for your resting ground.”

Jing looked at Hou who made a gesture to go ahead.

A fog blanketed out from Jing until the entire field was shrouded in mist. Hou scoffed “A fox is a fox, never daring for a direct combat, even generations of descendants can’t change this pathetic habit!”

Hou conjured up a water power based tiger who roamed in the mist roaring. It leaped in one direction and a white nine-tailed fox scampered away.

Hou laugh. “Jing, I know your battle strategy is to buy time so that your guards can arrive. Next month is your wedding and you desperately want to go back to be a groom, but let me tell you that's impossible!”

The tiger pounced towards the nine-tailed fox, and with Hou being adept at battling since young, many times the tiger nearly captured the fox who only managed to escape at the last minute thanks to the concealing fog.

Hou laughed. “It’s not only you who is the descendant of the fox.” The tiger changed color to white and disappeared into the fog.


Xiao Yao knew that Jing was not a fighter, and compared to Hou it was like a forest fox versus a mountain tiger. The tiger might not be able to catch the fox in the woods, but in a direct battle the fox was doomed. Hou claimed he wanted a fair fight but he chose the method that gave him the advantage. So Jing was going to die whether he agreed to the fight or not.


Chapter 49:

Jing explained, “Hou forced me to duel and I secretly ate the life preserving pill you gave me beforehand. I wanted to jump into the water to escape, and Hou kicking me in the water helped my plan along. But his kick was much stronger than expected and I fainted in the water. When I woke up it was five days ago at dawn on a deserted island in the East Sea..."


Jing said, “Before going to Qing Shui Town, I brought extra secret guards just to be extra safe. But Hou’s people actually took out all of the Tu Shan clan guards. That’s something the Chi Sui clan leader can’t even pull off. Back then, I knew only one person in the entire world commanded such power, and because I guessed it was the Black Emperor, that was why I kept trying to inch closer to the river as I battled Hou so I could use the river to get away, because there must be more people waiting in Qing Shui Town to take me out.”

Winny Aye 

I only can get the purpose was to comparing with his grudge and Jing's forgiveable nature. Jing lived happier than him despite all those torture and suffering . 

i think so too. 

The build up of Hou's character was not making sense to me on how he became Jing hater when he initially was a loving brother to him.

i think everything blew apart for him when he learned that who he considered his "mother" since childhood was not his "real mother" and that he learned it too late. he felt depressed when she died coz to their last conversation, she still treated him coldly. so he poured his hatred to Jing coz he reminds him of her and her treatment of him all those years. yes FL noticed that too right, he envied how close they were then. and from the throwback in the drama, he protected him from a falling object.

In villain character point of view, he's not a charming villain still. But yep I still feel hatred for him with no remores. So it must be TH only purpose.  

haha the only villain i consider atm charming is DW's role :⁠-⁠D sorry back to topic. haha. Yes, i still can't accept how he ended but i consider being hit by an arrow by YY, who i think she also loved? but may not be as much as YY loved him, could be enough to hurt him. i mean coz he always wanted to turn those close to Jing against him or pull those people away from him coz he felt doing that would make him victorious. i sometimes wonder what their father is like coz i disliked granny but more so Jing's mother. ?

@Winny: regarding TSH, I think it was him finding out his mother wasn’t really his birth mother that set him down the road of no return. Before, as a child, he just maybe felt he wasn’t good enough. But then he realized there was more to it. That kind of emotional abuse leaves a mark, especially on a child. I agree I’d have to reread to get more of a sense of his character, but it’s not unusual unfortunately to project one’s anger or ill feelings for someone towards another (in this case TSH should direct his pain towards the mother, but since she is gone, he does so against TSJ). It’s an unhealthy way to deal with one’s negative feelings. The dude would’ve benefited from some therapy lol.

@dtsj_sapphire: you beat me to it with your answer! ?


I don't think it was related to TSH's mother. She was a maid and I don't recall them mentioning anything about her being related to a tiger demon bloodline or anything like that. 

“Hou laughed. “It’s not only you who is the descendant of the fox.” The tiger changed color to white and disappeared into the fog.

ah yes forgot this part. haha. but im still confused. ?. anyway, thanksss. :⁠-⁠D :}} 

Hou said, “Right, until one of us dies, and the one who lives is naturally better. Neither can dispute the result! Even if mother saw it, she must also accept it, right?”

=⁠_⁠= he's so---- 


@Winny: regarding TSH, I think it was him finding out his mother wasn’t really his birth mother that set him down the road of no return. Before, as a child, he just maybe felt he wasn’t good enough. But then he realized there was more to it. That kind of emotional abuse leaves a mark, especially on a child. I agree I’d have to reread to get more of a sense of his character, but it’s not unusual unfortunately to project one’s anger or ill feelings for someone towards another (in this case TSH should direct his pain towards the mother, but since she is gone, he does so against TSJ). It’s an unhealthy way to deal with one’s negative feelings. The dude would’ve benefited from some therapy lol.

yes, i felt his pain when he learned the truth, and i can't forgive how Jing's mother treated him. it's a trauma for a child, like you said, it will leave a mark, and it did. it's really unhealthy. yes he could've. :⁠-⁠D. he was so consumed by getting revenge and getting revenge means torturing the one who reminds him of the one he considered "mother" for such a long time and he'll only get satisfied if he thinks he won over Jing. he's the -- "i beat you Jing, you lost, admit it, you're the loser, I'm the winner, the end." he was wrong coz nothing will change. he will never get the acknowledgement he wanted from her coz she's gone. 


@dtsj_sapphire: you beat me to it with your answer! ?

hiiii welcome back to the purple thread. :⁠-⁠D ??


No offence but it kind of look at XY feeling for TSJ as  safe. People forget that   Nice guy can make woman love them with passion and longing. TSJ did. 

From the meaning of deep raw love,  I read on Google, it is exactly what she has with TSJ/ YSQ hence she only longed for him all the time  _-him being alive or dead she did.  TH made sure of that.  She even showed it to the highest level during their break up period. 

So I do not get where the XL = passionate love or raw love come from. 

Jing being husband type does not mean there is no passion or deep raw love or romance in his relationship with XY.   TH showed that there is indeed.

? .... I have used the wrong words with "deep raw passion"..But I think I have said that her love for Jing is from deep down bottom (not like some other saying its only surface ...definetly no on those takes)....okay to let me try again ..XL did have this ....mysterious, unpredictable, hot & cold at times, don't know what's he actually up to, some sort of risky (I consider this to be bad boys traits so I don't understand when someone say hes not true bad boy!"). Some women are very attracted to men like this. Some men too are attracted to women like this. They are not so attracted to what's being called "direct". Some people do more so than others. One part of XY maybe attracted to this type. But deep down bottom of her heart, she's always yearning for someone she can belong to, someone who settled on her which representing everything Jing is, where ever they are going to. And yep their love is built quite quite solid strong foundation with passion and cherishing . 

 Winny Aye:

there should be more info about it!! 

I will have to see if I have missed any. 

hope so but if none, we'll just see it like you said, TH's purpose of adding him to the story. ?. thankss Winnyyy. :⁠-⁠D