For roman's collection! :p


(did she touch his tongue here? O-O :D)!

I'm speachless!

Im loving all these edits..♡♡


                                                                                           *  Into your arms *

 Winny Aye:
I think being immoral at times is required for ZX to get throne . ,  The sight of loss and suffering are common to him  than a normal person. He only had to choose what is less loss for all rather than loss for one specific. Therefore he's good ruler still for all. 

I don't deny that CX is a good ruler. The novel left me an impression that he is a wise and capable leader who is devoted to his country and people. He is not described as a ruthless king. However, him orchestrating a murder attempt at Jing, his friend, XY's fiance, has crossed a line. He is willing to use a cruel method, even if it means betraying those close to him, this act is morally reprehensible to me.


DW close up :D 

DW <3  so dashingly handsome!!


So they didn’t post anything regarding S2? We were tricked ?

I'm also waiting for update re S2


Adding :


Rabbit Spirit’s message to #YangZi Wen Xiaoliu

- “Liu ge, my 7 little bunnies  are all grown up. I hope you can come back often to see them, play together with them”


Chuan Zi’s message to #YangZi Wen Xiaoliu-

                              “Liu ge, Tianer treats me very well. You don’t have to worry! :D”


Ma Zi’s message to #YangZi Wen Xiaoliu

-  “Liu ge, Chun Tao and I run the butcher shop very well. From now on, everyone in Hui Chun Tang don’t have to worry about running out of meat to eat. You should also eat well”



Chun Tao’s message to #YangZi Wen Xiaoliu

 “Liu ge, thank you for making it possible for me with Ma Zi. Don’t worry, the two of us will definitely be filial to Lao Mu”

“Xiaoliu, Shiqi came back. He told me everything about you. Thank you for sending Ma Zi, Chuan Zi, Chun Tao, Sang Tianer to me. They treated me so well. I’m content with my life”

Blueberries Field 

30 minutes ago


So they didn’t post anything regarding S2? We were tricked ?

I'm also waiting for update re S2

=>   Asking myself if those videos are those "uptades" wich is an incorrect word :) ......

 Blueberries Field:

I don't deny that CX is a good ruler. The novel left me an impression that he is a wise and capable leader who is devoted to his country and people. He is not described as a ruthless king. However, him orchestrating a murder attempt at Jing, his friend, XY's fiance, has crossed a line. He is willing to use a cruel method, even if it means betraying those close to him, this act is morally reprehensible to me.

Hmm...its no denying its its immoral but  also in political scheming not every action is moral. But the fact is he actually dislike Jing since beginning, jealous and also dislike, considering him weakling as many xl fans do and some other fans do. Jing cannot be called his friend. I said that before, this particular act from him was emotional bursting . Because he repressed his true emotions way too much. So when the time came he burst it all out on Jing. Moral is one thing. But the thing he actually underestimated Xiao Yao's emotions, or could not even considerate, of a person he claimed to love or getting all these power to protect on? I was actually uncomfortable since he's the one who spread rumors so that XY felt shame in society ??  I mean really .! I can't take it.  Therefore he deserved to lost her forever in the end. He's emotionally repressiveness lead to be selfish on XY. I call it emotional tragedy. But he did not lose everything. He got to rule the world the better than before, which his efforts were all invested. Therefore I do not consider his ending as full tragic.

Another fact im not so happy about is back then I read about a comment how he/she felt sorry for CX. And that he was to be called "selfish" in getting XY that way wouldn't jing be also "selfish" in his actions. I will be writing about it soon. But i wonder how other Yaojing fans think about it? The comment did not mention whats Jing's actions were but we could all guess it right. 

 Winny Aye:
he actually dislike Jing since beginning

Before Jing.

Provoking obviously...

                                                     A chess game. Jing let's Xiao win all.

Agree :

He get the whole world chess table for himself.

 Blueberries Field:
who is devoted to his country and people


 Blueberries Field:
. However, him orchestrating a murder attempt at Jing, his friend, XY's fiance, has crossed a line. He is willing to use a cruel method, even if it means betraying those close to him, this act is morally reprehensible to me.

 Winny Aye:
Because he repressed his true emotions way too much.

 Winny Aye:
could not even considerate, of a person he claimed to love or getting all these power to protect on? I was actually uncomfortable since he's the one who spread rumors so that XY felt shame in society ??  I mean really .! I can't take it.  Therefore he deserved to lost her forever in the end. He's emotionally repressiveness lead to be selfish on XY

The main problem is again=> not pronounce what need to go out, what need to be said. I think he's love for Xiao Yao acted same as the drug he used to protect himself once, and Xiao Yao helped him out. But he was alone to face his feelings, and couldn't make it all by himself. He is very clear with  world "chess"playing, but is a mess when it comes to rule his own heart. It's like being Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde in some point. The bad guy becomes "ruthless" for the one he cares.

                                                                                               The end :D


He is very clear with  world "chess"playing, but is a mess when it comes to rule his own heart. It's like being Dr.Jekyll/Mr.Hyde in some point. The bad guy becomes "ruthless" for the one he cares.

Yes i also think his emotion towards XY is so messy. And it leads to end like that.

Dr . Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. That gothic classic ...miss reading it...but Mr .Hyde is scary.

But yep i can see what u are meaning ..

 Winny Aye:

?? Thank u ♡

I was surfing on google lo.. According to googel. lcharacter development has two meanings . Well written character and character growth throughout .....

Maybe the commentor referring the initial part of "develop" while I am refering to the latter one cos of the word "develop". XL is well written character. Whatever it is, to say, XY has not character development except in romance is a total wrong. So to me its evidence that she/he doesnt understand the most main character of the story and only came for XL. So thats only what she/he takes. 

If they were them this apply to XY, ZX and XL But the reason they gave was  " 

Xiao Yao's main ideal is love above all else, and even though she knows deep down that it is not possible (because in her social circle there are priorities that are not love), she clings to the hope that it can be so. Here I realized that her character had many opportunities to grow, but the writer took the route of giving her a love development and not a character development as she gave it to Xiang Liu, who despite being in love to the bone, had a separate life that led him to understand that love is not necessarily to be together but that his beloved can be happy.

I do not know.  What do you think? 

Let not bother


this is the comment right..

Xiao Yao's main ideal is love above all else, and even though she knows deep down that it is not possible (because in her social circle there are priorities that are not love), she clings to the hope that it can be so. Here I realized that her character had many opportunities to grow, but the writer took the route of giving her a love development and not a character development as she gave it to Xiang Liu, who despite being in love to the bone, had a separate life that led him to understand that love is not necessarily to be together but that his beloved can be happy.

If so I guess that she purposely ignore YaoJing development and definetly do not understand XY. Because that bold line mostly apply to XL and only partly to XY. XL is one on 3 main only.  And Jing is still one of 3 main. Theres reason why Jing is dubbed "love interest", not other two. I will talk more on this later because i need some sleep at the moment. 

ZX has shown that when it comes to XY, he is extremely  controling. This was not even about him wanting to protect her at some point 

I was glad she never loved him like a lover. He would have been extremly possessive and controling. This is a really bad characterists combination in a lover. 

"Another fact im not so happy about is back then I read about a comment how he/she felt sorry for CX. And that he was to be called "selfish" in getting XY that way wouldn't jing be also "selfish" in his actions. I will be writing about it soon. But i wonder how other Yaojing fans think about it? The comment did not mention whats Jing's actions were but we could all guess it right"

The only thing Jing did was  to ask XY for a 15 years promises. It was not even a selfish request because XY has a choice in the matter. She was free to say yes or no. Nothing was forced on her.

What ZX did was as low as what Hou did.

Trying  to remove all that is  good  around XY so she can only have him to go to just because of a childish promise  was despicable.  He just could not stop himself  till the last part in the novel. He tried to force his stupid fake wedding on her, forced, threatened her to wear his flower during her wedding with Jing  several times because  he could not have her.   again removing the choice from her.

That's why I respected XL in the end when he  made the doll for XY. He did not force XY to have it. If Jing had not  told yhe maid to pack it, XY would not have it with her. Hence why I also dislike the change they will be making in season 2 where Nia h force XY to always keep it with her all the time. It will take away the beauty of XL and Jing act and turn Niah into a busy body. I dislike busy body to the core.

 Winny Aye:


this is the comment right..

Xiao Yao's main ideal is love above all else, and even though she knows deep down that it is not possible (because in her social circle there are priorities that are not love), she clings to the hope that it can be so. Here I realized that her character had many opportunities to grow, but the writer took the route of giving her a love development and not a character development as she gave it to Xiang Liu, who despite being in love to the bone, had a separate life that led him to understand that love is not necessarily to be together but that his beloved can be happy.

If so I guess that she purposely ignore YaoJing development and definetly do not understand XY. Because that bold line mostly apply to XL and only partly to XY. XL is one on 3 main only.  And Jing is still one of 3 main. Theres reason why Jing is dubbed "love interest", not other two. I will talk more on this later because i need some sleep at the moment. 

I can't  wait to read you. Rest well.