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LINK: https://twitter.com/DengWei_OFC/status/1697946057265774670?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1697946057265774670%7Ctwgr%5Ecc9e0f85c8897730e28f1d0c04bd9abe56acf1ba%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fforums.soompi.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fi%2Fstatus%2F1697946057265774670

Droping a passage of one of DW interview:





IF HE is releaved.....what to add????!!!!<3 !

Nothing to add! :D =>    PERFECT ending! So let's just start roasting POPCorns for S2 :D

Affectionate second male lead.....but main male lead for Xiao Yao though ....very true...

When I saw the word relief, reminds me of myself when I got spoiled that Jing is end game for XY... I was super happy ...Yess...YaoJing is perfection...

p.s love that smile sly foxie...very cute


The director praising weiwei while showing only with eyes...how incredibly deep is his love, how incredible his speachless acting is :).

Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI8FVR1Aikc&ab_channel=AlienMandarin

I just done watching this...I really love Director take on Jing character and Deng Wei's performance. It is everything. I dont understand those who said DW acting is not level up to ZWY or TJC...they are all newbies to me, who brought out character perfectly. 

                                                                          Xiao Yao's LOVESICKNESS

 Winny Aye:

I just done watching this...I really love Director take on Jing character and Deng Wei's performance. It is everything. I dont understand those who said DW acting is not level up to ZWY or TJC...they are all newbies to me, who brought out character perfectly. 

He is very expressive too, he really love our DW so much too...

 Winny Aye:
When I saw the word relief, reminds me of myself when I got spoiled that Jing is end game for XY... I was super happy ...Yess...YaoJing is perfection...

Hahahahaha yes ! 

We will eat goooood.  I am so looking forward to  thei kiss, XY making her wedding vows alond and their final wedding.

I think that's when I will actually comment in the main section.

:D Can't wait to read you! <3


LYF is now on NETFLIX I noticed it this morning. more people are going to watch now and with audio on different languages.

Happy !!! But still not here in Europe! 


Oh no! maybe soon. Netflix Only streams non-Netflix shows if they've been popular on other platforms.

Yeap, sadly they are missing that part of the audience till now :) Have a good day! :)

 Winny Aye:

Affectionate second male lead.....but main male lead for Xiao Yao though ....very true...

When I saw the word relief, reminds me of myself when I got spoiled that Jing is end game for XY... I was super happy ...Yess...YaoJing is perfection...

p.s love that smile sly foxie...very cute

That -  the bold part- is   the only reason I decided to read the novel. Because Jing was end game lol.


posted a compil video of weiwei in LyF , what moment does he appear this way??? I'd like to extract some more...

 Winny Aye:

Affectionate second male lead.....but main male lead for Xiao Yao though ....very true...

When I saw the word relief, reminds me of myself when I got spoiled that Jing is end game for XY... I was super happy ...Yess...YaoJing is perfection...

p.s love that smile sly foxie...very cute

That -  the bold part- is   the only reason I decided to read the novel. Because Jing was end game lol.

 Winny Aye:

I just done watching this...I really love Director take on Jing character and Deng Wei's performance. It is everything. I dont understand those who said DW acting is not level up to ZWY or TJC...they are all newbies to me, who brought out character perfectly. 

And of course haters kept complaining that he did not do a good job with his eyes lol. They know nothing of course.

Late I saw an interesting thread on S1 page...talking about Lost You Forever titles associating with poems...

She/he mostly address it to associating with XL. It's interesting but I have doubtful to his/her interpretation. I will share here some I have questions about of had seen another translation which is not the same one she shared there.

Let's start with this magnolia one..

I was interested because it has magnolia in title...near end of the chapter Left Ear had put XY under pink magnolia tree...and he burn the fire up to let XY see those flowers. But it also had Xing Yue betrayal of course in planning to kill XY. 

Because in another translation I found for the poem..

But in my thai version of the book..

It is translated "ไจคนรักยากแปรผัน"  meaning "The lover's heart diffcult to change" which I understand it as Xiao Yao heart is unchangable from Jing. And  the lady who translated the book is respected professional translator of many chinese novels and she also translated other Tong Hua's novels such as Bu Bu Jing Xing/Startling With Each Step or Scarlet heart, Once Promised and probably others too. But do u think she's not translating directly ? Because its totally sort of opposite from Koala translation.  And if so do you think its really telling about XL?

@Winny Aye 

Are all those poems the person analysed in the book?