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Winnny <3 I 'll be back to answer you! So interesting! :))

thank u ..will be looking forward to..♡♡


Yeah some stuffs are really just mindless :D

that pic..lololol...XD....yep

Today I 'll add:

New pics from S2 so spoiler alert:

 Winny Aye:
thank u ..will be looking forward to..♡♡

on it (while multi tasking in studio :D)

 Winny Aye:
that pic..lololol...XD....yep

:D <3

 Winny Aye:
Chapter 4

Tian Er knelt down “Twelves years as a prostitute and my heart is cold and hard. Even now I don’t believe Chuan Zi won’t discard me one day and plans to live an entire lifetime with me. But I can try it, if Chuan Zi really wants to be with me….” Tian Er raised her hand “I solemnly swear to the Heavens that I will be true to him.”

Xiao Liu looked at Tian Er and said nothing.

Tian Er lowered her head and her voice was soft “A cold and hard heart can keep out the pain, but also keeps out the joy. I really want a man to turn me back twelve years ago, let my heart soften so that I can cry and laugh. If Chuan Zi is that man, then I will treasure him more than my own life.”

In here we could see Tian Er is giving her chance to live as normal woman who had a normal family. We can see that she's giving her a chance love by giving chance to Chaung Zi who sincerely asked her to marry.

Since Tian Er is human..we can how the relationship go. 

Tian Er take on relationship..

Chapter 32

..Xiao Yao suddenly asked “Is this Hui Chun Clinic?”

The old woman said “Yes!”

Xiao Yao was startled and then asked “Tian Er?”

The old woman was taken aback and sadness flitted across her eyes “Since my Chuan Zi died, it’s been a long time since I heard someone call me that name. How do you know I’m Xan Tian Er?”

Xiao Yao said “I….I heard the old folks in town mention it once.”

Xan Tian Er laughed “Likely they were gossiping about how I was once a prostitute and doesn’t deserve to live such a good life. But I did live an entire lifetime with Chuan Zi, we had four sons and one daughter, and now I have ten grandson, eight granddaughters, and three great-grandchildren.”

In here I can say..Tian Er was very satisfied with the road she had walked.. and I do love how she addressed her hubby to "My Chaung Zi"...

continue on another abstract. .

Xiao Yao asked Tian Er “Did Chuan Zi ever find fault with you? Did you ever feel unhappy? Did you regret anything in this lifetime?”

Xan Tian Er felt this girl’s questions were odd but from the first moment she saw her, she felt this strange kinship so she answered “It’s not like a prostitute with a client, only sweet without the bitter. How could our days together not be stumbling and fumbling at times? After I had two sons, Chuan Zi and I almost broke up but I couldn’t withstand his pleading for forgiveness so we stayed together. But looking back I’m so relieved I didn’t just leave in anger at that time.”

To push a woman who gave birth to two sons to leave, Chuan Zi really must have committed a huge infraction. But mistakes and wrongs can be seen in an instance or viewed in a lifetime. After her life was almost at its end, Xan Tian Er looked back and decided her forgiveness was the right decision. Xiao Yao asked “A person can only see what is right before her, not what is ahead for the lifetime. How does one know that a decision in that moment, even if it’s painful, is the right decision that one won’t regret down the road?”

 Winny Aye:
Xan Tian Er answered “Not only am I unable to answer your question, even a god or goddess living hundreds more years can’t answer it. Isn’t a person’s lifetime like walking a desolate road? No one has walked it before you so each step is stepping on unknown ground. Some walk a road with a good view, others have a poor view. But no matter what the view is, there will always be jagged cliffs, broken paths, dangerous beasts, perhaps one wrong step and one will tumble or maybe one wrong turn and one will head the wrong way. Because it’s a desolate road that is unknown and dangerous, everyone wants to find a companion to walk it with. Another set of eyes, another pair of hands, each taking care of the other. I warn you of a fork in the road, you warn me of a cliff ahead, we hold hands to cross together, joining forces to beat back a dangerous beast…….two people stumbling and fumbling an entire lifetime together and that’s how it happens.”

Xiao Yao said nothing.

Xan Tian Er appeared to remember something and she squinted her eyes and also said nothing. The sound of children laughing startled Xan Tian Er and she stared at her great-grandchildren with Chuan Zi and smiled “I smiled and I cried in my life, it’s been worth it!”

Xiao Yao never could have imagined the Xan Tian Er standing at the end of her life would be so content.

Xan Tian Er counseled Xiao Yao “Little lady, you have to remember that whatever you want, you have to believe it exists. If you refuse to believe it, then how can you give your true heart? If you don’t plant the seeds, you can’t have a happy harvest.”

 Winny Aye:
have highlighted the ones I think are important. Her life with Chaung Zi was not perfect. ..he did make mistake but she give him and herself chance again. ..By the near end of her life she was very satisfied. .and she referred to her husband as My Chaung Zi. That tells something. So the answer is Yes, She loves Chaung Zi. However it did not echoed to Yaojing completely..i mean not 100%. Because we do not see how much Tian Er is attracted to Chaung Zi, she grew to love him in very mature way. But with Yaojing raw attraction. .something like young passionate yet also has calm and solid side to it. But Tian Er reminds Xiao Yao to take chances and believe in it.

Copying it so I have it on same page as my answer :)


Deng Wei 's beautifull leather costume on set today! <3

My gish he is killing it. So many looks in this drama. He is perfect in all if them.

answer :)

                                                        Tian & Chuan Zi /Xiao Yao & Tushan Jing  reflexion:


  1. Redemption and Transformation:

    • Both love stories involve characters seeking redemption and transformation. Xiao Yao and Jing, like Tian Er, may have aspects of their past that they wish to overcome or change. Love becomes a catalyst for personal growth and transformation.
  2. Sacrifice and Commitment:

    • Similar themes of sacrifice and commitment may be present in both narratives. Characters might be willing to sacrifice personal desires for the sake of their loved ones, showcasing a deep commitment to their relationship.
  3. Overcoming Societal Judgments:

    • Both couples face societal judgments or challenges related to their relationships. Whether it's Xiao Yao and Jing navigating through external obstacles or Tian Er overcoming the stigma of her past as a prostitute, there's a shared theme of overcoming societal expectations for the sake of love.
  4. Emotional Complexity:

    • The emotional complexity of these characters is likely to be a parallel. Love stories often explore the intricacies of human emotions, including doubt, fear, joy, and longing. Both couples may experience a range of emotions as their relationships unfold.


  1. Background and Setting:

    • One notable difference is the background and setting of the two love stories. Xiao Yao and Jing's story might take place in a fantastical world, while Tian Er's narrative is more grounded in a more realistic, historical,  setting. The context and world-building can significantly influence the dynamics of the relationships.
  2. Character Motivations:

    • The specific motivations of the characters in each love story might differ. For example, Xiao Yao and Jing's relationship is be driven by a larger purpose, while Tian Er's story from my reading focus more on personal relationships and the important to them: overall societal expectations, contrary to Jing and Xiao Yao.
  3. Nature of Love:

    • The nature of love in each story vary.! Xiao Yao and Jing's love could be seen as intertwined with elements of magic and destiny *(note)- their whole love arc, while Tian Er's love story emphasize the mundane, but profound aspects of human connection.
  4. Character Arcs:

    • The character arcs of Xiao Yao, Jing, and Tian Er  also differ in terms of personal growth and development. Their individual journeys and the lessons they learn through love are very unique to their respective narratives.

*  (note) => )The notion of destiny in a love story adds a layer of intrigue and often frames the romantic narrative within a larger cosmic or supernatural context. Here's how the element of destiny might be perceived and  developed in the love story of Xiao Yao and Jing:

  1. Prophecy or Foretelling=> The Time of Moving ahead :

    • The idea of destiny might be introduced through a prophecy or foretelling that predicts the union of Xiao Yao and Jing. This could be a mystical or divine proclamation that foresees the two characters coming together against all odds. The prophecy could serve as a driving force for the characters to fulfill their destinies and navigate the challenges they face. 
  2. Symbolic Connections:

    • Symbolic elements in the environment or the characters' lives could hint at their destined connection. This could include recurring symbols, such as a specific celestial alignment, a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love, or an ancient artifact that holds the key to their fate. These symbols serve as tangible manifestations of their intertwined destinies.
  3. Shared Dreams or Visions:

    • Both Xiao Yao and Jing are often sharing/dialogue about their dreams /expectations or visions (fears), that hint at their destiny together. These dreams could be otherworldly and filled with symbolism, providing glimpses into the future or the significance of their union. The dreams could act as guiding lights, prompting the characters to pursue their shared destiny. Hand in hand.
  4. Fate Intervening in Events:

    • Instances where fate seems to intervene in the characters' lives can emphasize their destined connection. This could include seemingly coincidental meetings, narrow escapes from danger that align with a larger plan, or the way in which their paths consistently cross despite the challenges/trials they face. These events reinforce the idea that their love is part of a larger, predetermined plan. (thank you author!:D)
  5. Challenges to Overcome Fate:

    • Their  story  involve  far more  challenges and obstacles that threaten to disrupt the destined union. This adds tension and drama as the characters strive to overcome not only external conflicts but also the machinations of fate itself. The journey becomes a quest to fulfill their destinies against all odds.

The incorporation of destiny in Xiao Yao and Jing's love story adds an enchanting dimension, it elevate their romance .=> It introduces elements of fate, a moving foward from ancients backgrounds  that resonate as a prophecy to fufill.:)! Even their visual touching each other is next level :)...



My gish he is killing it. So many looks in this drama. He is perfect in all if them.



Symbolic elements in the environment or the characters' lives could hint at their destined connection. This could include recurring symbols, such as a specific celestial alignment, a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love, or an ancient artifact that holds the key to their fate. These symbols serve as tangible manifestations of their intertwined destinies.

This detailed insight comparison is wonerful. But i have few questions. I think i actually know the answers. But i could be wrong.. So what u mean by the prophecy of their fate.. In drama ..I could see the deep pink flower their manifestation to life..but i want to know what is "a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love..?"

 Winny Aye:


Symbolic elements in the environment or the characters' lives could hint at their destined connection. This could include recurring symbols, such as a specific celestial alignment, a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love, or an ancient artifact that holds the key to their fate. These symbols serve as tangible manifestations of their intertwined destinies.

This detailed insight comparison is wonerful. But i have few questions. I think i actually know the answers. But i could be wrong.. So what u mean by the prophecy of their fate.. In drama ..I could see the deep pink flower their manifestation to life..but i want to know what is "a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love..?"

The rouge one:

=The Feelings of Love

that taste sweet ...and is shared:

she blushes like a red flower...

But for that and while doing that/ to get there to the opening red heart,(pics of the rouge embrassed)- to open her heart (Eir's discussion contribution to it, advice: don't bypass joy!), she have to BLOOM :).


 Winny Aye:
"a rare flower that blooms only in the presence of true love..?"

is herself :

How do you lecture it ? :)





Deng Wei 's beautifull leather costume on set today! <3

Is he still filming Rosy Clouds or is this for another one?

 Winny Aye:
Im happy everytime i see more Jing fans.

Me too <3

The way I saw it, Xioa Liu had love coming her way and  she was closing her heart to it due to her life  experience a whereas  Tian ' er was  not letting her life experience, her cold heart stop her for  wanting to envoy that new opportunity life is throwing her way and see where it would take her.  Tian 'er is an indirect  guide /councelor to XY.  In a way she is  the image of what XY could have if she  decide to not let her cold heart rule  her and take a chance in love .

For me their respective love/ relationship  for their man  does not mirror each other at all.