

She is effectivly the person who will make her "tilt" on what is important :)

Yes indeed.

Hhhhooo my good Lord in Heaven. DW looks good.  

Hahaha me every day :D

 Winny Aye:

I just find it as Tian Er giving advice about taking chance to love. And yep compare to Tian Er , Xiao Yao was so afraid to open her heart..yet she still can't help testing on  Shi Qi. 


OMG YES!!!!! I can imagine it perfectly!!! I'll have sweet dreams tonight! :D

I want this movie very badly <3 Weiwei in it too ;:D

Since yesterday I have been thinking about this. He fit both characters so well. The image where DW is dress  with red embroidery  he is Hua Sheng  . When he is in white is in Xin Lian 

And more. 


Since yesterday I have been thinking about this. He fit both characters so well. The image where DW is dress  with red embroidery  he is Hua Sheng  . When he is in white is in Xin Lian 

And more. 

Hahahaha ! Yeah Let him do all characters :D Ah Peng Peng <3

 Winny Aye:
i have few questions

You only asked one!!! :D And what were your thoughts ?


You only asked one!!! :D And what were your thoughts ?

hehhee...cute garfield...
I have 2 more actually for now...may have more later

mystical or divine proclamation that foresees the two characters coming together against all odd

what u  mean by divine proclamation??

another one is.."an ancient artifact that holds the key to their fate"
wonder ..what is anicent artifact?

U can answer slow..cos i need to go sleep now..

see u and answer tmr..♡♡


Hahahaha ! Yeah Let him do all characters :D Ah Peng Peng <3

Lol he can pull it off. 


OMG YES!!!!! I can imagine it perfectly!!! I'll have sweet dreams tonight! :D

I want this movie very badly <3 Weiwei in it too ;:D But how Xiao ZHan and WYibo had harsh time after Untamed...Glad they've pulled it off and doing great <3!

Off  topic it has already been filmed . It is called Eternal Faith nit released yet if ever. You can see the cast on MDL.  Zhang Ling  He is Hua Shen.  

Back to topic.

Back to topic.

yeah yeah! :D

 Winny Aye:

hehhee...cute garfield...
I have 2 more actually for now...may have more later

mystical or divine proclamation that foresees the two characters coming together against all odd

what u  mean by divine proclamation??

another one is.."an ancient artifact that holds the key to their fate"
wonder ..what is anicent artifact?

U can answer slow..cos i need to go sleep now..

see u and answer tmr..♡♡

Let's gooooo :D!

Ref. ch 49 for exemple :

Divine proclamation is for me very deeply related to Divine Royal Mother figure:

*-   Before the pivotal ceremony where Xiao Yao is set to accept the role of the Royal Mother by taking the jade seal, her thoughts transport her back to a moment when Tushan Jing proposed to her. This recollection serves as a poignant memory. As the ceremony unfolds, Xiao Yao, in a symbolic gesture, envisions Tushan Jing during the formal acceptance of becoming the Royal Mother. This mental image adds a layer of emotion and connection to the significant event, intertwining the past proposal with the present acceptance of a profound responsibility.  -*

Divine Proclamation in the Context of the Royal Mother:

  • In "Lost You Forever," the term "divine proclamation" refers to significant declarations or decisions made by the Royal Mother, a divine and powerful figure in the story. She holds a unique and revered status, often making pivotal pronouncements that outshape  the destiny of characters:
    • The Royal Mother proposes Xiao Yao to become the next Royal Mother during a succession ceremony. This act is akin to a divine proclamation, indicating a significant and preordained role for Xiao Yao in the larger cosmic plan of Jade Mountain.
    • The Royal Mother's decisions, such as breaking the voodoo bug spell on Xiao Yao, showcase her divine insights and abilities, further reinforcing the idea that her actions carry a weight of fate and destiny.
    • Furthermore, the Royal Mother's acceptance of Jing and Xiao Yao's relationship and her blessing their union, is on itself  a form of divine proclamation to them, signifying her approval and support for their union. This endorsement adds a layer of divine affirmation to their love story.
    • This addition emphasizes the Royal Mother's broader role in guiding and blessing the characters in their personal relationships, contributing to the overarching themes of destiny and divine influence in the novel. She is the one who can MAGICLY transform Xiao Liu back into Xiao Yao. Performing a rebirth that Xyao wants. (flower cocoon)


"The Royal Mother was admiring flowers in the corridor and when she saw Xiao Yao, she didn’t look surprised and waved her over “Xiao Yao, did you dine yet? Come have breakfast with me!” 

she , The Royal Mother just knows+ notice again the reference to flowers.


"Jing kneeled down “Xiao Yao’s mother entrusted Xiao Yao to Your Highness before she went off to war. Your Highness raised Xiao Yao for seventy years, and afterwards continued to look after her. It’s proper for Xiao Yao to do your bidding but Xiao Yao is my wife and I cannot allow her to take over Jade Mountain.”

The Royal Mother coldly huffed “You think being the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain is a job to take one day and discard the next?””

Xiao Yao said down beside the Royal Mother and grabbed her arm “My good surrogate mother, can you stop tormenting him for fun!”

The Royal Mother sighed and barked at Jing “Get up! When a girl is grown she flies the coop, there is nothing to keep her anyways!”

“Thank Your Highness!” Jing bowed his head three times before getting up."


An ancient the voodoo bug of course:

  1. Symbolism of Control:

    • The voodoo bug spell serves as a symbolic representation of control and manipulation. When implemented, it ties Xiao Yao to someone else's will, suggesting a form of magical influence over her actions and decisions.
  2. Origins of the Spell:

    • The fact that Xiao Yao initially implemented the spell adds complexity to its meaning. It implies that she had agency in shaping her destiny, and the consequences of her actions reverberate through the narrative. The spell becomes a manifestation of choices made by the characters.
  3. Xiang Liu's Involvement:

    •  Importantly, Xiao Yao did not willingly pass on the voodoo bug to Xiang Liu. Instead, Xiang Liu, in an act of sacrifice or intervention, assumed the burden of the bug to protect Xiao Yao. The spell becomes a symbolic link between the characters, not forged by choice, but by circumstances beyond their control. He have his own agenda, and this challege his will/his deepest wishes.
  4. Royal Mother's Intervention:

    • The Royal Mother's act of breaking the voodoo bug spell represents liberation and freedom. It symbolizes the characters breaking free from external influences and regaining control over their destinies. The Royal Mother's intervention becomes a pivotal moment of empowerment. See also her blessing them.
  5. Redemption and Transformation:

    • The voodoo bug's presence and subsequent breaking can be seen as a narrative device for redemption and transformation. Xiao Yao's journey, marked by the consequences of the spell, becomes a path toward self-discovery and growth. Notice that this device will be used for tying/untying the 3 main characters. The  bug is  used like a plot- knot. Xiao Yao sees it as an interesting object to study too in first intention.
  6. Narrative Function:

    • The exact workings of the voodoo bug, such as how it transfers from one person to another, are not explicitly explained in the text. This lack of detailed explanation ,is leaving certain aspects open to interpretation and various speculation. 
  7. Love Beyond Enchantment:

    • The voodoo bug spell goes beyond it's appelation ,  and  explore themes of fate, choice, and the intricacies of all relationships knoted in or knotted out(side). Willing and unwilling ones + add tonalities (colors ). A link not forged by one's choice but by circumstances beyond their control, as it started out of repaying a debt given to Xiao Liu....(this sounds interesting could develop)..wich she wants to test.

Let's step into ch.50  and read - back to Rouge and flower:

Something RED and funny:          

-" Xiao Yao’s face turned beet red but she kept a straight face and asked :                         

                                                       “So did you guys reach a conclusion?”

Jing caressed Xiao Yao’s cheek and said also in a straight face “This color is certainly pretty but isn’t enough to be bridal makeup by itself.”

Xiao Yao couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, holding her face in one hand and smacking Jing with the other.

(draft form, might edit cause it's getting late :) -note that literary interpretations can vary, and different readers may derive diverse meanings from a text.  ) 


A link not forged by one's choice but by circumstances beyond their control, as it started out of repaying a debt given to Xiao Liu....(this sounds interesting could develop)..wich she wants to test.

Yes please doo develop I am interested. 

An ancient the voodoo bug of course:

Symbolism of Control:

The voodoo bug spell serves as a symbolic representation of control and manipulation. When implemented, it ties Xiao Yao to someone else's will, suggesting a form of magical influence over her actions and decisions.

Very interesting point here. Very. 


Ref. ch 49 for exemple :

Divine proclamation is for me very deeply related to Divine Royal Mother figure:

*-   Before the pivotal ceremony where Xiao Yao is set to accept the role of the Royal Mother by taking the jade seal, her thoughts transport her back to a moment when Tushan Jing proposed to her. This recollection serves as a poignant memory. As the ceremony unfolds, Xiao Yao, in a symbolic gesture, envisions Tushan Jing during the formal acceptance of becoming the Royal Mother. This mental image adds a layer of emotion and connection to the significant event, intertwining the past proposal with the present acceptance of a profound responsibility.  -*

I see, 

In reference to chapter 12, Xiao Liu aka Xiao Yao had mentioned the peaceful quietness of Jade Mountain to be as still like death. That's why she ran away from there to live as normal being; experiencing bad and good, sadness and happiness,  which are all essential in normal living. She had accepted Jing's proposal before. And she remembered accepting the proposal, and she is sort having the memory again to accept Royal Mother role. How I see it is that, for Xiao Yao, without Jing, there will be no more normal live for her, and she agree to absent from worldly if there is no more of Jing. 


Divine Proclamation in the Context of the Royal Mother:

  • In "Lost You Forever," the term "divine proclamation" refers to significant declarations or decisions made by the Royal Mother, a divine and powerful figure in the story. She holds a unique and revered status, often making pivotal pronouncements that outshape  the destiny of characters:
    • The Royal Mother proposes Xiao Yao to become the next Royal Mother during a succession ceremony. This act is akin to a divine proclamation, indicating a significant and preordained role for Xiao Yao in the larger cosmic plan of Jade Mountain.
    • The Royal Mother's decisions, such as breaking the voodoo bug spell on Xiao Yao, showcase her divine insights and abilities, further reinforcing the idea that her actions carry a weight of fate and destiny.
  • Furthermore, the Royal Mother's acceptance of Jing and Xiao Yao's relationship and her blessing their union, is on itself  a form of divine proclamation to them, signifying her approval and support for their union. This endorsement adds a layer of divine affirmation to their love story.
  • ....

The Royal Mother's act of breaking the voodoo bug spell represents liberation and freedom. It symbolizes the characters breaking free from external influences and regaining control over their destinies. The Royal Mother's intervention becomes a pivotal moment of empowerment. See also her blessing them.

um..about Royal Mother breaking voodoo spells...

Yes, I believe Royal Morher helping it break too. But as not to be accused as of misguiding or misinformation or as not giving credit to another important character , in case other people come to see. I will say yes, the bug was killed by Xiang Liu , therefore breaking the connection. But XL had wished Xiao Yao was cut all ties from him, so no burden left to her., so that she started and renew her life completely. (Maybe he did not want any traces of him left in this world, I mean the way he died is something,  so that it also break free him from everything in that lifetime too). 

However, Royal Mother was divine that can hardly lie. Telling Xiao Yao that she break the spell of Voodoo bug is not  considered a complete lie to me, but more of blessing to three characters Xiao Yao, Jing and Xiang Liu, breaking free of this tie up, so they are all break free . Therefore it's she broke the voodoo bug spell for them all.  Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu got free from each other able to lead their own way. She had fulfilled Xiang Liu wish of no memory of him left in this world, even in Xiao Yao. As life and death and burden, memory are no longer holding back, Xiao and Jing can start life all over. 


A link not forged by one's choice but by circumstances beyond their control, as it started out of repaying a debt given to Xiao Liu....(this sounds interesting could develop)..wich she wants to test.

Yes please doo develop I am interested. 

Yeahhhh...I am interested too...


An ancient the voodoo bug of course:

Symbolism of Control:

The voodoo bug spell serves as a symbolic representation of control and manipulation. When implemented, it ties Xiao Yao to someone else's will, suggesting a form of magical influence over her actions and decisions.

Very interesting point here. Very. 

I think voodoo bug is both blessing and cursing to Xiao Yao. Through it Xiang Liu was able to save her life two time. And because of it Xiao Yao life was attached to Xiang Liu, who was determined to give his life to his army. Their emotions and lives are sort of connected too. And Xiang Liu was able to control Xiao Yao. He did that I think 2 times in the story.


You have very good points making of Voodoo Bugs. And also about its lack of full complete explanation too, that could leave to open interpretation. And  that circumstances sort of bring Xian Liu and Xiao Yao shared this link.