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Bb to read your post! Big and sunny  hugs <3

yesss.....see u around ...Big sunny HuG...♡

 Winny Aye:


Her slapping her cheeks indicates how shi qi makes her feel even in a male form. WXL’s attraction became deeper & deeper, cos he was making her feel things?. She even tried to push him away, but in the end she couldn’t.

it's very true . I mean their bond already so strong . So those fans who claimed she'd rather choose XL if confess thingy is a total out of this story. They must have gone wild by their own bad boy bickering romance imagination which is not this story. I have read up to chapter 8. I can 100% solidly confirmed now that there's even less romance about XL/XY compared to drama, up to now. Tong Hua had already written so clear about deep raw female male attraction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. 

Lol XY may be an airhead sometimes, but she knows what her heart wants. She knows the consequences if she chose xl,she’d end up as a tragedy like her mother & people seem to forget how her mother died tragically. That’s not the life XY wants,after going through all sorts of torture & humiliation, she just wants a quiet,normal happy life with the man who loves her deeply & will never leave her.  If you want the FL to be happy,then stop being delusional wanting a tragic ending for her just because you support your fav who HAS a tragic ending. Think of XY,she wants to be happy not sad or dead but that’s not what xl fans want…they’d rather XY end up with him even if it means both of them dying than for her to be happy just like the way Jing wanted her to be happy even if it’s not with him. That’s very selfish.


You are right about XY choices. She knows what she wants. I mean no matter how much she loves ZX, she refused to go with him in chapter 7. After Xiao Liu helped ZX for 2nd times , he asked xiao liu to go with them. She prefer normal life in Qing Shui town. . 

Think of XY,she wants to be happy not sad or dead but that’s not what xl fans want…they’d rather XY end up with him even if it means both of them dying than for her to be happy just like the way Jing wanted her to be happy even if it’s not with him. That’s very selfish.

The thing is i found them very wierd on how much they wanted to proof XY love XL more than Jing, which is not true. I mean they want that to a level of manipulating the original plot. I feel it like that by reading all their comments. Because the romance story is with Jing..it talks all about male female attraction up to being life partner of lifetime ... . Well we will go through those plot later.

The thing is XY wants what XY wants.  She is not after power or   external beauty. She felt something  for YSQ  internally.  It grew  without her doing anything. Just because a man confess  his  love to  you,  it does not mean that you will automatically reciprocate it.   XY reciprocated Jing love and affection because she felt the same as him.  She wanted him to reciprocate the feelings she has for him.   This us why they ended up as lovers.  Their love was pure and true. It did not need the use of outside intervention to have their heart linked

*****Incoming blending/copy paste time  for me to resume and analyse all our ch3novel and drama related covering, you'll be able to add of course, before I go through it all :)

Only  looking at the above pic, makes me sooo in hurry for S2 :D!!! ps -be patient it all takes time, and my hobbit home is a emplified hobbit home...always full of dwarves XD... So might get distracted etc... !****


*****Incoming blending/copy paste time  for me to resume and analyse all our ch3novel and drama related covering, you'll be able to add of course, before I go through it all :)

Only  looking at the above pic, makes me sooo in hurry for S2 :D!!! ps -be patient it all takes time, and my hobbit home is a emplified hobbit home...always full of dwarves XD... So might get distracted etc... !****

Take your time dear.  It is lots of work. 

       (pics not added yet etc)

                           => Chapter 3 - A Mosaical  Rought overview; sticked with glue :D :

@Winny :                 Thoughts on Chapter 3: Guest from Far Away Land

                                                                               part 1

my title : A Nian , the bratty and Xiao Liu got mad my thoughts will be blue color...

parts from novel

Chuan Zi laughed at Butcher Gao’s smart deal, got money for marrying a daughter and got himself an extra son. Xiao Liu and Lao Mu didn’t care – to Xiao Liu having one Shi Qi equaled ten Ma Zi, and for Lao Mu he was just happy to see Ma Zi living a peaceful happy life.

So when one day Ma Zi was carried into the clinic by Butcher Gao and Chun Tao, Lao Mu was in disbelief while Xiao Liu furrowed his brows. If it was Chuan Zi that got beaten up that wouldn’t surprise Xiao Liu. Chuan Zi could be an ass and sometimes deserved a beat down. But Ma Zi was not like that, he was tall and strong but very reasonable and was willing to give in to others.

“What happened?” Lao Mu asked. Chun Tao wiped her tears and explained “After butchering a sheep this morning, I was delivering sheep blood when I accidentally bumped into a lady. I apologized to her and offered to pay for the damage but the lady’s maid yelled that I couldn’t afford it. My dad got nervous and a few words were exchanged and then fists went flying. Ma Zi tried to protect my dad and got beaten.”

Qing Shui Town had no government or law enforcement and the only law was survival of the fittest.

So Ma Zi got into trouble because he protected his father in law from some high noble bratty girl. And we are now confirmed that Qing Shui does not have government. Chaung Zi and Lao Mu went see this bratty lady? So Xiao Liu and Shi Qi follow them. Im skipping some parts. 

Shi Qi followed behind Xiao Liu and when they arrived at the inn they saw Lao Mu fighting with a girl in yellow. Chuan Zi was laying on the ground and when he saw Xiao Liu he grumbled “Brother Liu, I didn’t start anything. Before I got close to them I was already beaten down.”

Xiao Liu shot him a glance and then looked at Lao Mu who was clearly not a match for the girl in yellow. The girl was like toying with a monkey the way she danced around Lao Mu, with a veiled girl standing on the stone steps next to her. The girl was laughing as she watched and would call out an order “Hai Tang, I want to see him fall on his butt.” and the girl indeed caused Lao Mu to fall on his rear end. The young girl giggled and clapped “Hopping, I want to see him hopping like a toad!”

Lao Mu could not control his body and he was forced to hop like a toad as if someone else was pressing on him. The little girl doubled over laughing and all the people gathered to watch the scene were also guffawing.

Xiao Liu squeezed to the front and bowed to the young girl before turning to Hai Tang “He’s already defeated, will the young lady please stop.”

Hai Tang looked at the young girl but the young girl continued as if she heard nothing “I want to see him tumbling.” Lao Mu was then tumbling on the ground while the young girl laughed and the crowd also laughed

Xiao Liu solemnly spoke up “The rule of Qing Shui Town says to know when to stop when there is no blood feud at stake.” The young girl looked at Xiao Liu “My rule is whomever offended me must die! Xuan gege won’t let me hurt anyone so I won’t hurt anyone, but I’ll make him perform tricks.”

Lao Mu was a hardscrabble battle worn old man and there were tears in his eyes as he begged Xiao Liu “Kill me!” He was a runaway soldier from the Xuan Yuan Army but he was only escaping the nonstop war and not escaping a man’s dignity. Xiao Liu’s murderous intent was roused and he stepped forward.

Suddenly Lao Mu stopped tumbling and Chuan Zi hurried over to help him up. The young girl was unhappy “Hai Tang, did I allow you to stop?” Hai Tang shot a glance at Shi Qi standing in the crowd “It wasn’t your servant I” She slowly backed up and stood in front of the young girl with her eyes locked on Shi Qi.


Xiao Liu sat in the front salon while Shi Qi stood off in the corner in the shadows. Xiao Liu toyed with a cup of wine and chattered in his usual way “Lao Mu, Ma Zi, Chuan Zi, they all think I’m the nicest person. But in truth I’ve killed people since I was very young…….I haven’t killed anyone in a long time but today I wanted to kill them.”

“They are Gods.” Shi Qi suddenly spoke out.

“What of it?” Xiao Liu looked unafraid.

Shi Qi was silent. Xiao Liu glanced at him “Will you help me?” Shi Qi nodded. Xiao Liu smiled and suddenly didn’t feel killing anyone anymore. Xiao Liu drank a tumbler of wine and finally the person he was waiting for arrived.

The young girl took off her veil and her features were merely fine but with an expressive pair of eyes that raised her looks from a 5 to an 8 on that alone. The man standing next to her was very extraordinary – his eyes were warm and his demeanor refined like the rivers and mountains in fluidity and strength.

The man bowed to Xiao Liu “I am Xuan and this is my cousin Ah Nian. Our servant girl Hai Tang has been poisoned by young master you so I came personally to ask young master to give us the antidote.”

Xiao Liu played with the tumbler of wine in his hand and said with a smile “Sure, if one kneeled and bowed in apology to my elder brother.”

Ah Nian glared at Xiao Liu “Want my servant girl to bow in apology to your elder brother, are you sick of living?”

Xiao Liu coldly stared at Hai Tang who appeared in great pain as she clutched the wall and slowly sank to the floor. Ah Nian whined “Xuan gege, you see! They came looking for trouble. I didn’t hurt them and was just toying a bit but they responded by trying to kill us. If I wasn’t carrying my E….father’s poison warding beads then I would have been poisoned.”

Hai Tang yelped in pain and Xuan stared at Xiao Liu “Please give me the antidote!”

Xiao Liu coldly laughed “What? You want to take it with force? Be my guest!”

Xuan reached out to grab the medicine and Xiao Liu backed up. Xiao Liu knew Shi Qi was behind her and if he blocked for Xiao Liu then he could see what type of powers Xuan had and poison him accordingly. But Shi Qi didn’t step forward and when Xiao Liu looked back the corner of the room was empty and Shi Qi was gone.

Xiao Liu was struck by Xuan and collapsed. Xuan was surprised that Xiao Liu was so weak since he appeared so brash and quickly held back his power “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you……” He picked up Xiao Liu to check his injuries and it was a relief that Xuan never intended to hurt him so Xiao Liu appeared just dazed. Xiao Liu rested on Xuan’s shoulder and a small smile appeared on his lips and his eyes filled with derision. Sometimes one could only laugh at the entire world.

Xuan paused.

Ah Nian picked up the antidote bottle and fed a pill to Hai Tang who swallowed and expressed some aura “This is the antidote.” Ah Nian mocked Xiao Liu “You’re this useless and you dared to oppose us?”

Xiao Liu pushed Xuan away and struggled to get up “Scram!”

Ah Nian wanted to strike but Xuan stopped her “Since the poison has been cured, let’s just go home.” He looked at Xiao Liu one more time before dragging Ah Nian behind him. Ah Nian looked back and silently mouthed the insult “Lowlife loser!”

Xiao Liu walked into the courtyard and sat down on the stone step and Shi Qi walked behind him. Xiao Liu smiled at the sunset and loudly sighed. He was wrong, he should never rely on another.

Shi Qi kneeled beside Xiao Liu and handed him the basket of snacks. Xiao Liu asked “You know them?” Shi Qi nodded. “They are the young lady and lord of a noble family in the God tribe?” Shi Qi paused for a moment before slowly nodding. “You were afraid they would recognize you so you hid? Or you thought I shouldn’t have messed with them so you hid so they could get the antidote?”

 My thoughts on this part is that, it finally comes a time there were conflicts between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. There was this time when Shi Qi could not have done as Xiao Liu had wish, which had led to her feeling abandoned again. (I think Shi Qi knew it later.) What happened is that bratty A Nian made her servant girl Hai Tang bullied Chaung Zi and Lao Mu. And Xiao Liu poisoned her. But Hai Tang eyes were fixed on Shi Qi as recognizing him. That made Shi Qi uncomfortable as there s line he stood off at the corner , under shadow. Meaning that he did not want Hai Tang to see him again? And Xiao Liu had missed to recognize what's Shi Qi was doing too. So her plan got failure. In drama i think there's a line "he did not want them to get into trouble "... ? I need to watch the part again . but in novel he simply was hiding (under shadow),  as afraid to get known by them. I mean Hai Tang and A Nian. And yep the new guests to Qing Shui were a bratty and a pretty boy , who is a lot more sensible and refine than his sister. So all in all im think XiaoQi were dealing with their pasts again .



 Winny Aye: reasons.:D

Love the ending/closure of the chapter  : =>  

Xiao Liu notices the comforting scents of soap and sunshine in his room, which are associated with Ye Shiqi. Despite his earlier reflections on impermanence (trust/untrust-wrong/right etc), Xiao Liu appreciates the comfort, acknowledging that people may leave but the momentary respite is fully appreciated. Text bellow:

"Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed until the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine. The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.  "


@Winny Chapter 3:  Guests from Far Away Land

                                                                part 2: The Haunting 

continue a little more thought on Shi Qi leaving Xiao Liu side. I felt different between novel version and drama version. Personally somehow I prefer novel version although he did not clearly say why he left her like that. The drama version is clear he did not want her and them to get into trouble. Personally I felt a little odd by it somehow. Was he meaning if Xiao Yao and him caused trouble, it would backfire them, or was he afraid that if his identity was revealed, there will be trouble for them. ??  Again this is personal opinion, in the novel it gives me more vibe of he was afraid to get revealed his identity . I get this by the phrase "stood off at the corner shadow"..I felt it that he is hiding from in shadow from his past. And yep by leaving her like that provoke her once abandoned feeling again.  

And yep this chapter deals characters bothering by something in themselves ....not only ziao ki but also other two main characters . 

Let me share more abstract from the novel,

Xiao Liu walked to the edge of the river and watched it rumble past. He wasn’t angry that Shi Qi let Xuan take the antidote. He was angry because when he relied on someone it was to turn around and discover that person wasn’t there. He was angry at himself for having this pathetic hope. Xiao Liu jumped into the river and swam upstream. The river got wider and wider and the current stronger and stronger.

 there differences. In the novel she dived into the river herself (to heal?) and of course she encountered Xiang Liu..let me skip to one of their scene.. 

Xiao Liu started cooking the fish while Xiang Liu said “You grew up somewhere with a lot of water.”

“You say that for anyone who can swim?”

“Not just because you can swim, it’s that swimming brings you unfettered happiness. People seek familiar things that allow them to relax and feel the freedom and joy from childhood.”

In here it talks about her relation to water . Remark all water in the world came from Gao Xing. 

Xiao Liu whistled “They say you are a Nine-headed demon, and with your nine-heads thinking together it’s definitely working. Even what you say is so deep.”

“Don’t you know that’s a taboo topic?”

Xiao Liu wasn’t scared and continued “I’m curious, how are your nine-heads arranged? In a row? One one top of the other? Or three on each side of three in the middle? Which one goes first when you eat?…..” Xiao Liu suddenly couldn’t open his mouth anymore.


Xiang Liu took the cooked fish and slowly started to eat it and Xiao Liu could only stare. After he finished the fish he stared at Xiao Liu “I actually like eating people the best. Your size is perfect so that each of my heads can take a bite.”

His hand stroked Xiao Liu’s face and he leaned in and grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck. Xiao Liu’s body shook and he shut his eyes. Xiang Liu’s tongue tasted blood and a realization thundered through his mind. He slowly sucked a few times before raising his head “Do you dare say anymore nonsense?”

Xiao Liu wildly shook his head. Xiang Liu released him and Xiao Liu scrambled as far away as he could.

....skip  a bit

As they returned to Qing Shiu Town, Xiang Liu kicked Xiao Liu off the back of the condor without warning and Xiao Liu fell into the river. He was stunned and floated on the surface watching the condor fly off...

In here, I think XL is very pissed when Xiao Liu ask him to do. Is his original form haunting him.?.but it leads him to physically hurt Xiao Liu. 

And yep we have another man now, pretty one Xuan, the wine seller, a guy from far away land. ..this scene was actually the scene I will be sharing next though ....

Xuan appeared to know what he was thinking “In the future if Ah Nian does anything that is rude, will Brother Liu please forgive her considering she’s just a girl.”

In the future? There is a future……so he’s not going to quietly get rid of him tonight? Xiao Liu smiled “No problem, no problem, I’ll definitely let it slide.” Xuan stood up and sincerely asked again so Xiao Liu said it again that he’ll let Ah Nian’s actions slide until it became a promise. Xiao Liu sighed and said wistfully “It’s good to be your sister.”

That was probably the most sincere thing Xiao Liu said all night and even Xuan felt it. His mask of a smile disappeared and he said “No, I am not a good brother.” In his words there was the hint of sadness. Xiao Liu drank his wine “I’m going home.”

We can all clearly see Xuan had some kind of sadness according to his sister in the past. And its also implied here that Xuan had some sort of mask on in the way he was living in Qing Shui. So yep four main characters some sort of emotional issues in them..

                                                                  Chapter 3 Last Part...

I was wondering if i should share this part. But then I'd like to. Because in this scene , Xiao Liu was once again healed because she got to do some sort of controlling, humiliating XL. And i also love how she sort of possess ive over her bed that Shi Qi had made for her. 

Xiao Liu looked at Xiang Liu – tonight he seemed different. His white hair was still not a strand out of place, his white robe was still spotless but appeared not as perfect as before “You’re hurt.”

Xiang Liu stroked Xiao Liu’s neck as if picking a spot to bite next “What exactly did you eat to grow up? If demons were to discover that your blood was more powerful in healing than even the most magical of medicinal pills, you’ll get eaten until nothing is left.”

Xiao Liu laughed but didn’t respond to Xiang Liu’s words and instead asked “What brings my lord here so late tonight?”

Xiang Liu took off his outer robe and laid down comfortably “Borrowing your pallet to sleep.”

“Then where will I sleep?”

Xiang Liu glanced at him and Xiao Liu immediately squatted. He understood, he could sleep sprawled anywhere.

Xiao Liu glared angrily – that’s my blanket, Shi Qi took it out and aired it under the warm sun all day and beat it until it was nice and fluffy. Xiao Liu wrapped himself up in a blanket and curled into a ball in the corner of the pallet and resentfully fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Liu climbed on top of Xiang Liu’s body and he opened his eyes. Xiao Liu grabbed his neck and laughed wildly “You’re using your power to heal yourself, right? Don’t interrupt and stop now otherwise you’ll exacerbate your injury and may even lose all your powers and lose all thought.” Xiang Liu closed his eyes.

Xiao Liu slapped his left cheek “How about I whip you 40 times?” Xiao Liu slapped his right cheek “You stupid demon, you’re not afraid of pain. If I cut off your left arm you’ll probably roast it with your right arm and eat it.”

“Hee hee…..” Xiao Liu jumped off the pallet and ran to the kitchen to grab some coal from the stove. He slithered back to the room and jumped on the pallet and hooted “Even you have a day like this! Don’t be angry and focus on healing your injury, don’t let me distract you!” Xiao Liu grabbed the coal and started carefully drawing over Xiang Liu’s face.

After Xiao Liu was done and approved of the results, he grabbed his precious mirror and put it in front of Xiang Liu’s face “Take a look but don’t get mad and ruin your healing energy flow.” Xiang Liu opened his eyes which were sharper than knives but Xiao Liu was on a roll “Look!”

Inside the mirror, under Xiang Liu’s left eye was three more eyes, under his right eye was three more eyes, and there was one more eye on his forehead. Xiao Liu counted “One, two three……….a total of nine.”

Xiao Liu used his blackened fingers to rub those eyes until it became heads and he turned nine eyes into nine heads. Xiang Liu stared at him and Xiao Liu furrowed his brows “I really can’t imagine what nine heads looks like. One of these days you have to show me your true form!” Xiang Liu’s lips moved and he wordlessly mouthed “I am going to devour you.”

Xiao Liu used his dirty fingers to rub on his lips “If you don’t mind it being so dirty then go ahead and eat!”

Xiao Liu flipped off the pallet and cocked his head to stare at Xiang Liu “I’m leaving, no need to come look for me. I’m going to disappear for a few days until your temper dies down. When you remember my good side then I’ll be back.”

and yep she put xl in her mirror as to get control over. Its mean she has some sort of victory ..so she put that in her mirror . As for fascinating ...still not sure though she mentioned she would like to see his original form..its more like curiocity., And its some sort of healing too. 

And her petty anger  at Yeh Shi seen was gone but it took months.

And somehow i pity Shi qi...at how he lowered hs son..

Shi Qi handed the snack basket to Xiao Liu and he grabbed a few duck feet. Shi Qi’s eyes lit up. Xiao Liu politely smiled “Thank you” and Shi Qi’s eyes dimmed. Xiao Liu munched on a duck foot and walked into his room kicking the door shut. Shi Qi held the basket and stood there with his lead lowered.

It was six months later..

Shi Qi quietly stood there. After some time he spoke “Xiao Liu, you are still angry.”

“Huh?” Xiao Liu pretended not to get it “No, Lao Mu is now all buddies with him and is willing to accept Ah Nian like a little sister and let her win this time, what reason would I have to still be angry?” Shi Qi knew he was avoiding the topic and stared at him “You are not talking to me.”

“How so? I talk to you every day. Am I not talking to you right now?”

“I….want…..you to be like before. I want to hear you talk.”

“Before?” Xiao Liu acted stupid “How was I different now than before? Don’t I treat you the same as I do Ma Zi and the others?”

Shi Qi lowered his head and didn’t have the glib tongue to counter. He could only use his silence to endure it all, his voice lingering of loneliness. Xiao Liu hung up the rag and wiped his hand on his shirt “Okay, all done. Time to rest.”

Xiao Liu hurried back to his room, the hard shell around his heart already sealed shut again.

But after he drew eyes on XL and ran away and come  , she is in good mood...after she went back from Xuan place to hide from XL.

It was death laying down or standing up so might as well get it over with. Xiao Liu closed his eyes and shook “I…..I….was wrong!”

Like a cat, using the gentlest voice to cajole an owner’s forgiveness, hoping Xiang Liu would remember his ability to make poisons and also that his blood was healing, then perhaps he wouldn’t be beaten half to death. Except….after a few moments, there was still no movement.

Xiao Liu’s heart was pounding furiously and finally he couldn’t take it anymore and opened his eyes. It. Was. Shi. Qi!

Xiao Liu was furious! He was so scared out of his wits! He pointed at Shi Qi and wagged his finger “You….you…..how come it’s you?” Shi Qi’s face was ashen and he voice despondent “I’m sorry you were disappointed.”

“What are you doing in my room?”

Shi Qi bit his lip and lowered his head and turned to leave. Xiao Liu quickly tried to apologize “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. That….that….my tone of voice was harsh but don’t feel bad. I’m not forbidding you from entering my room.”

“It’s my fault.” Shi Qi moved past him and walked out, closing the door tightly behind him.

Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed until the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine.

And yep..Xiao Liu was once again at ease....she decided to let Shi Qi stay temporarily again , trying to shut her heart. 

Overall, the story is coming to more life as more important characters are coming. And we readers can feel ..something was holding them back. As for relationship between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, this situation might come as a life test, Shi Qi had his own reasons why he s not there with Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu had the right to be mad because she left over again. And we can clearly see this torment Shi Qi a lot. 


more later :)

@Symbolika1 : that's the beauty of re reading the novel:

 As Xiao Liu reveals his violent past and expresses a desire for revenge, the arrival of Xuan and Ah Nian marks a pivotal moment. However, it is Ye Shiqi's subtle actions that reveal layers of complexity in his character.

Xiao Liu's admission of past violence  (she have killed before) sets a tone of tension, and Shi Qi's agreement to help him suggests a unique connection between the two characters. The introduction of Xuan and Ah Nian brings external conflict, and Xiao Liu's initial bravado is met with surprise as he collapses after a confrontation.

The critical moment occurs when Shi Qi mysteriously disappears, leaving Xiao Liu vulnerable. Xuan's surprise at Xiao Liu's weakness hints at a miscalculation, and Xiao Liu's subsequent derisive smile adds a layer of  her inner complexity to the scene.

However!T he most intriguing element lies in Xiao Liu's reflection on Shi Qi's disappearance. As he questions whether Shi Qi hid to avoid recognition, a deeper motivation emerges.

Let's get into that:

Quote (ch3):  - "'You were afraid they would recognize you so you hid? Or you thought I shouldn’t have messed with them so you hid so they could get the antidote?'"

***It becomes apparent that Shi Qi's decision to conceal his identity is not rooted in a fear of facing his past; rather, it is a deliberate choice to protect Xiao Liu.***

The key revelation lies in the understanding that Ye Shiqi's motive is not self-centered or based on a personal aversion to his own history. Instead, it is a selfless act, driven by a desire to please Xiao Liu. AS, Xiao Liu's repeated sentiments about Ye Shiqi leaving her one day have clearly resonated. In hiding his identity, Ye Shiqi seeks to alleviate Xiao Liu's anxieties, to reassure her that their bond can continue and evolve without the looming threat of abandonment.

This subtle yet profound decision to stay in the shadows is a testament to Ye Shiqi's understanding of Xiao Liu's fears and insecurities. It showcases a nuanced approach to their relationship, where the preservation and growth of their connection take precedence over personal concerns.

In essence, Ye Shiqi's actions speak volumes about the depth of his feelings for Xiao Liu and his commitment to their shared journey. It adds a layer of poignancy to the unfolding narrative,  leaving readers to ponder the intricacies of love, sacrifice, and the unspoken promises that bind these characters together.

=>  So he protected her from being backfired if he helped her out (knowing who she intend to kill) and   also for protecting the part of her that desire him by her side forever ( her repeatingly saying - one  day you will leave me.

*Regarding what was his motives it became very clear:

=> Ye Shiqi's decision to hide his identity and protect Xiao Liu from the potential consequences of their   actions serves a dual purpose:

  1. Protection from Backlash:

    • By concealing his identity, Ye Shiqi safeguards Xiao Liu from potential backlash   or reprisals that might arise if his true nature or past were revealed. He unders-  tands the risks involved and chooses to shield her from any negative consequences.
  2. Preserving Their Bond:

    • Simultaneously, Ye Shiqi's actions are motivated by a desire to preserve and strengthen their bond. He is attuned to Xiao Liu's fears of abandonment, and by preventing any potential fallout, he seeks to reassure her that their connection is enduring and that he intends to stay by her side.

To conclude my thoughts :

Ye Shiqi's protective stance is not just about shielding Xiao Liu from external threats but also  about nurturing the emotional aspect of their relationship. It reflects a profound understanding of Xiao Liu's vulnerabilities and a commitment to being a constant and reassuring presence in her life. The complexity of these motivations adds depth to their narrative, elevating the emotional resonance of their evolving connection even in hardship.

And he did so right: that we can see from ep.6 some absolutly delightfull moments, that shows how his attitude was in fine appriciated by Xiao Liu. Incoming pics! ....

Ep.6 -just after their reconsiliation, over the mather we are covering with Winny...

Ep.6 -just after their reconsiliation, over the mather we are covering with Winny...

XiaoLiu: "Even if you dont have a concubine...You must have a few of stunning looking maids, don't you?" 

                                                                 " Who's the prettier?..." 

                             *****(taking her time....manifestingly enjoying herself...) *****

                                          "....What kind of woman do you like?......" 

                                            "Is it the innocent type like a white rabbit?... "

"...or the passionate one like the one inside?"... We are at the 4th minute, she will have just few seconds  to ask one last provocation:D ....Here she goes again: 

                                            -" Why are you blushing?....do you want to get married?"

Yeshiqi with onedirect look on her will tell her sooo much:

that she just have to step back  :D...<3


Same episode near the end 39:46- Xiao Yao and Yeshiqi are heading back from a long talkative and sharing thoughts moment by the river when suddenly:

Xiao Yao slips and go to grab Shiqi's walking stick (not a metafaphor) 

But he gently put it a side and carry her in his arms, 

...All the long way through the gardens.... 

to home :D.


Please put !!!ON HOLD !!! !button and watch carefully this image 41:09 +(ep.6)

Last  image covering the scene :

***Same frame on the left Xiao Liu, on the right Yeshiqi. (You can even start to analyse deeper all the elements in the backgrounds if it amuse you...it surely amuse me...green plant for her/baskets and coton tissues for him-ref.bandages/provision/carrying/food/ for her the vase/feminity/herbs/grow/maturity...the circle around her visage that look so much as the divine circle around spiritual beings vs...him having like a form that relates to wings be it butterflies or spiritual angels...It's Beautifull how with only all those simple details, one unique frame express so much meanings. I'm BLUFFED :D <3***

=> Xiao Liu tries to pull  herself together by slapping his own cheeks -&- Yeshiqi savour happily the moment.

@ Romans_Revenge 

Her slapping her cheeks indicates how shi qi makes her feel even in a male form. WXL’s attraction became deeper & deeper, cos he was making her feel things?. She even tried to push him away, but in the end she couldn’t. No matter how many people telling her about Jing’s engagement or the family he’s from, still didn’t stop XY from being with him ??‍♀️. Jing told her the truth about his predicaments cos he didn’t want to hide anything from her. Including that & other things made XY CERTAIN that Jing was the one for her & finally came to terms to how he makes her feel & how she loves him. Others can say whatever they want, but still won’t change the fact that, she CHOSE him, not out of pity or because he was the “best choice”. Puuhh-lease even Haoling king & yellow emperor knew how much XY loved Jing,while they’re were together & when the broke up. She couldn’t move on because she was hung up on 1 man,even if the other men made their feelings known, it’d have been too late cos Jing was the ONLY man who made XY open her heart again & something like that lingers in your heart for a long time. Ayt I’m out ✌?.



( purple = my thoughts )  

chapter 3. I dive straight in. We meet Ah Nian and XC.   YSQ tell us and WXL  that they are gods.  There is a huge contrast in behaviour between the 2n new characters. 

Ah Nian :  many scene  show  her in a very disgusting light . here are some : 

- when I accidentally bumped into a lady. I apologized to her and offered to pay for the damage but the lady’s maid yelled that I couldn’t afford it. My dad got nervous and a few words were exchanged and then fists went flying. Ma Zi tried to protect my dad and got beaten.”

- The girl was like toying with a monkey the way she danced around Lao Mu, with a veiled girl standing on the stone steps next to her. The girl was laughing as she watched and would call out an order “Hai Tang, I want to see him fall on his butt.” and the girl indeed caused Lao Mu to fall on his rear end. The young girl giggled and clapped “Hopping, I want to see him hopping like a toad!”

- The young girl looked at Xiao Liu “My rule is whomever offended me must die! Xuan gege won’t let me hurt anyone so I won’t hurt anyone, but I’ll make him perform tricks.”

- Ah Nian glared at Xiao Liu “Want my servant girl to bow in apology to your elder brother, are you sick of living?”

- Nian whined “Xuan gege, you see! They came looking for trouble. I didn’t hurt them and was just toying a bit but they responded by trying to kill us.

- Ah Nian mocked Xiao Liu “You’re this useless and you dared to oppose us?”

Ah Nian wanted to strike but Xuan stopped her “Since the poison has been cured, let’s just go home.”

- Ah Nian looked back and silently mouthed the insult “Lowlife loser!”

She is a piece of  sh*t let's be honest She is  rude, hasn't no respect for people  older than her. She has no compassion. She enjoy hurting  and humiliating people who she consider have  offended her.  If she had  it her way she would kill those people  -She doesn't not  care if  the person is old or weak- but  thanks to her gege she doesn't .  She is cruel and full of herself. hasn't no empathy it seems and looks down on people she considers below her status. She is all this wrapped in her lady appliance.   She  is young and is a spoiled brat.   I feel so sorry for XC knowing that she will become his empress. lol. so sorry for him.  

in contrast we have  her gege: 

- The man bowed to Xiao Liu “I am Xuan and this is my cousin Ah Nian. Our servant girl Hai Tang has been poisoned by young master you so I came personally to ask young master to give us the antidote.”

- Xiao Liu was struck by Xuan and collapsed. Xuan was surprised that Xiao Liu was so weak since he appeared so brash and quickly held back his power “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you……” He picked up Xiao Liu to check his injuries and it was a relief that Xuan never intended to hurt him so Xiao Liu appeared just dazed.

- the prostitutes were happy to give him business not because he was very handsome, but because he paid no heed to his own looks or the prostitutes.

CX is respectful of others regardless of  his status and theirs. He does  not look down  on  people  and show empathy.  thats all I will say about these 2.

** XL shows up again he is intrigues by  WX past and more about him.  He  drink her blood by force  without asking  the permission  to do so.  he does it in a despicable  way  to me anyway.    

-  Xiao Liu suddenly couldn’t open his mouth anymore.

Xiang Liu took the cooked fish and slowly started to eat it and Xiao Liu could only stare. After he finished the fish he stared at Xiao Liu “I actually like eating people the best. Your size is perfect so that each of my heads can take a bite.”
His hand stroked Xiao Liu’s face and he leaned in and grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck. Xiao Liu’s body shook and he shut his eyes. Xiang Liu’s tongue tasted blood and a realization thundered through his mind. He slowly sucked a few times before raising his head “Do you dare say anymore nonsense?”
Xiao Liu wildly shook his head. Xiang Liu released him and Xiao Liu scrambled as far away as he could. Xiang Liu climbed on the white condor and crooked his finger towards Xiao Liu. He didn’t dare get close and instead backed up a few steps. Xiang Liu stared with a smile “Do you want me to go over there?” Xiao Liu quickly shook his head and docilely came over and climbed on the back of the condor.

You were cursing me just now?” Xiang Liu smiled and crooked his finger. Xiao Liu step by step walked up to him “Don’t hit the face.” Xiang Liu didn’t use his hands and instead used his mouth, he bit down hard on Xiao Liu’s neck and sucked his blood. Xiao Liu closed his eyes and this wasn’t like last time meant as a warning. Xiang Liu really was drinking his blood.
After some time he released Xiao Liu but his lips remained on his bite mark “Scared?”

Xiao Liu candidly said “That night I knew you discovered the secret with my body. I thought you would think of ways to eat me, but tonight you came and all you want is my blood. I’m not scared anymore.”
Xiang Liu said with a half-smile “Maybe I currently want your blood, but one Winter I may want to stew you to nourish myself fully.”
Xiao Liu laughed and opened his hands “I belonged to my lord you already. My lord can do whatever you want with me.”
“You’re lying again

Here XL has lost the  power he had over WXL. She is not  scared of him any more after realising that he wants her blood to heal  himself. `she say that  he can do what ever wants  with her but XL knows that she is lying about that. 

Again  we see XL imposing himself.  Rolling   my  eyes lol.

-Xiang Liu took off his outer robe and laid down comfortably “Borrowing your pallet to sleep.”
“Then where will I sleep?”
Xiang Liu glanced at him and Xiao Liu immediately squatted. He understood, he could sleep sprawled anywhere.
Xiao Liu glared angrily – that’s my blanket, Shi Qi took it out and aired it under the warm sun all day and beat it until it was nice and fluffy. Xiao Liu wrapped himself up in a blanket and curled into a ball in the corner of the pallet and resentfully fell asleep.

We see that during the night WXL felt extremely at ease within XL . So much so that  she even enjoy herself at his expense  and saved his handy work  in his gorilla mirror  as a funny memory to keep. WXL also show some worries over him  being hurt after  all he is a healer at heart. There is no love here as we can see.  Just concern  and fun from WXL. XL does not mind . Why would he?  He needs WXL more than WXL  needs him.  We also see that  WXL is  not that upset or  angry at XL

- In the middle of the night, Xiao Liu climbed on top of Xiang Liu’s body and he opened his eyes. Xiao Liu grabbed his neck and laughed wildly “You’re using your power to heal yourself, right? Don’t interrupt and stop now otherwise you’ll exacerbate your injury and may even lose all your powers and lose all thought.” Xiang Liu closed his eyes.
Xiao Liu slapped his left cheek “How about I whip you 40 times?” Xiao Liu slapped his right cheek “You stupid demon, you’re not afraid of pain. If I cut off your left arm you’ll probably roast it with your right arm and eat it.”
“Hee hee…..” Xiao Liu jumped off the pallet and ran to the kitchen to grab some coal from the stove. He slithered back to the room and jumped on the pallet and hooted “Even you have a day like this! Don’t be angry and focus on healing your injury, don’t let me distract you!” Xiao Liu grabbed the coal and started carefully drawing over Xiang Liu’s face.
After Xiao Liu was done and approved of the results, he grabbed his precious mirror and put it in front of Xiang Liu’s face “Take a look but don’t get mad and ruin your healing energy flow.” Xiang Liu opened his eyes which were sharper than knives but Xiao Liu was on a roll “Look!”
Inside the mirror, under Xiang Liu’s left eye was three more eyes, under his right eye was three more eyes, and there was one more eye on his forehead. Xiao Liu counted “One, two three……….a total of nine.”
Xiao Liu used his blackened fingers to rub those eyes until it became heads and he turned nine eyes into nine heads. Xiang Liu stared at him and Xiao Liu furrowed his brows “I really can’t imagine what nine heads looks like. One of these days you have to show 
me your true form!” Xiang Liu’s lips moved and he wordlessly mouthed “I am going to devour you.”
Xiao Liu used his dirty fingers to rub on his lips “If you don’t mind it being so dirty then go ahead and eat!”
Xiao Liu flipped off the pallet and cocked his head to stare at Xiang Liu “I’m leaving, no need to come look for me. I’m going to disappear for a few days until your temper dies down. When you remember my good side then I’ll be back.” Xiao Liu grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and was about to leave when he saw Shi Qi.
Xiao Liu just finished tormenting Xiang Liu and was in a very good mood. 

she still goes and hide from him  though  fearing he  would kill  her - " Xiao Liu left without waiting for Shi Qi to respond, thinking to himself where to hide so that the big demon couldn’t find him........

Xiao Liu hide in the wine cellar for three days and on the fourth day sneaked into the kitchen for some snacks."

" Like a cat, using the gentlest voice to cajole an owner’s forgiveness, hoping Xiang Liu would remember his ability to make poisons and also that his blood was healing, then perhaps he wouldn’t be beaten half to death.   

-"Xiao Liu’s heart was pounding furiously"

(Next chapters, I will not. write so much about XC and XL  unless their actions affect. XIoaJing one1  way  or another)

*** Now on to  our precious  love birds in the making WXL &YSQ  on their  journey  to TOGETHER FOREVER  NEVER  TO BE PARTED  .

( finally in can add colour lol) I  love  that  they have their. 1rst   disagreement.  bless them. 

SQ want to please WXL  too much lol.  He should  have  said no.  lol. he learned the hard way how long  XY can  be angry  at him.  Served him right. 

- "Xiao Liu sat in the front salon while Shi Qi stood off in the corner in the shadows. Xiao Liu toyed with a cup of wine and chattered in his usual way “Lao Mu, Ma Zi, Chuan Zi, they all think I’m the nicest person. But in truth I’ve killed people since I was very young…….I haven’t killed anyone in a long time but today I wanted to kill them.”
“They are Gods.” Shi Qi suddenly spoke out.
“What of it?” Xiao Liu looked unafraid.
Shi Qi was silent. Xiao Liu glanced at him “Will you help me?” Shi Qi nodded. Xiao Liu smiled and suddenly didn’t feel killing anyone anymore.

I like how this simple "Yes"  from YSQ affected WXL mood. it is like a balm in a way.  All went pears. shape of course  since YSQ broke  his promise because he  went to hide from Nian.  WXL took  it extremely hard . They way  she tried to release her disappointment  shows it.  It show us again  how much  this abandonment  issue she has been  carried all.  This years still weight a lot on him/her. She so want someone she can trust to be there for her. She has decided that that someone was maybe   YSQ.  instead of arguing, stating how she feel, WXL accepts defeat( not expressing myself  clearly here) .  

- "Xiao Liu noticed that Shi Qi didn’t hide from the pretty boy which meant the person he knew was Ah Nian

-" Xiao Liu walked into the courtyard and sat down on the stone step and Shi Qi walked behind him. Xiao Liu smiled at the sunset and loudly sighed. He was wrong, he should never rely on another.

-" Shi Qi kneeled beside Xiao Liu and handed him the basket of snacks. Xiao Liu asked “You know them?” Shi Qi nodded. “They are the young lady and lord of a noble family in the God tribe?” Shi Qi paused for a moment before slowly nodding. “You were afraid they would recognize you so you hid? Or you thought I shouldn’t have messed with them so you hid so they could get the antidote?”
Shi Qi lowered his head and Xiao Liu flipped the basket over and a plate of goose necks and claws fell on the ground.
Xiao Liu walked out the door when when Shi Qi tried to get up “Don’t follow me!” and Xiao Liu’s order caused him to stop.
Xiao Liu walked to the edge of the river and watched it rumble past. He wasn’t angry that Shi Qi let Xuan take the antidote. He was angry because when he relied on someone it was to turn around and discover that person wasn’t there. He was angry at himself for having this pathetic hope. Xiao Liu jumped into the river and swam upstream. The river got wider and wider and the current stronger and stronger.
The icy cold river rushed past everything, night and day, it never stopped. Xiao Liu allowed the current to batter him and feel the sense of powerlessness.

YSQ  does try to make amends and patch thing but WYX  shows   a side of her that will years later affect their  relationship : she let things be instead of meeting him  1/2 way and discuss what is  wrong.  She also pretend everything  is fine. (  the black highlighted parts) 

- " He quickly took off his wet clothes and dried his body before climbing under the covers naked. The normally cold covers were not cold and instead there was a warm incense ball inside that made it warm and fragrant. ( YSQ TLC lol) Chuan Zi and Lao Mu clearly were not the considerate thoughtful type. Xiao Liu smiled and flipped over before falling asleep, his body so weary he didn’t even have a dream left.  "  lol she  like that little attention YSQ is giving her though. 

.- " Shi Qi handed the snack basket to Xiao Liu and he grabbed a few duck feet. Shi Qi’s eyes lit up. Xiao Liu politely smiled “Thank you” and Shi Qi’s eyes dimmed. Xiao Liu munched on a duck foot and walked into his room kicking the door shut. Shi Qi held the basket and stood there with his lead lowered.

-"Xiao Liu stepped out and Shi Qi followed so Xiao Liu said “I’m going to the pretty boy’s wine shop. Just to see, not to fight.” Shi Qi halted and Xiao Liu smiled and kept on walking. Moments later Shi Qi was back following this time wearing a hat. Xiao Liu glanced back at him and said nothing.

- " Shi Qi washed dishes while Xiao Liu wiped down the stove, not a word spoken. Shi Qi glanced at Xiao Liu a few times but Xiao Liu smiled as he did his chores and even when he met Shi Qi’s glance he didn’t look away and would instead make a goofy face with a smile. After Shi Qi finished with the dishes and reached out for Xiao Liu’s rag, Xiao Liu held on “I’m almost done, you go rest.”
Shi Qi quietly stood there. After some time he spoke “Xiao Liu, you are still angry.”
Huh?” Xiao Liu pretended not to get it “No, Lao Mu is now all buddies with him and is willing to accept Ah Nian like a little sister and let her win this time, what reason would I have to still be angry?” Shi Qi knew he was avoiding the topic and stared at him “You are not talking to me.”
“How so? I talk to you every day. Am I not talking to you right now?”

“I….want…..you to be like before. I want to hear you talk.”

Before?” Xiao Liu acted stupid “How was I different now than before? Don’t I treat you the same as I do Ma Zi and the others?”
Shi Qi lowered his head and didn’t have the glib tongue to counter. He could only use his silence to endure it all, his voice lingering of loneliness. Xiao Liu hung up the rag and wiped his hand on his shirt “Okay, all done. Time to rest.”
Xiao Liu hurried back to his room, the hard shell around his heart already sealed shut again. It was his moment of softened pity that caused him to be confused for a while but now he was back to thinking clear again. Every person arrived alone on this Earth and would depart alone. There was no one to rely on. How much hope and reliance one had today, was how much pain and suffering one would endure down the road. Rather than that happening, it was better to not have it to begin with.
Since Shi Qi temporarily couldn’t go back, then he’ll let him stay for now. A temporary companion, and this brief period in what was a long life would one day be forgotten.

  From the above, YSQ could  have tired harder to make her talk to him but this is not his style in guess He let her be. As we can see WXL was  opening her heart to YSQ but shut  the heard shell again due to this incident.   I feel for her  here. she is trying so hard to justify why she cared and lie not herself about what she wants.  

* We see  below how again YSQ feels toward WXL. He has feelings for her not just care but much more.  

-"Xiao Liu just finished tormenting Xiang Liu and was in a very good mood so waved a greeting to Shi Qi with a bright smile. Shi Qi hurried up his footsteps and there was a twinkle in his eye until he noticed the teeth mark on Xiao Liu’s neck. For all intents and purposes it looked like a mark left by a kiss. Shi Qi’s eyes darted to Xiao Liu’s room and the twinkle disappeared from his eyes. Xiao Liu told Shi Qi “Xiang Liu is in my room. Don’t bother him and let him rest. He’ll leave when he wakes up.

{on another note. I laught at this from m WXL   thoughts  "But Xiang Liu was fine – he was just a demon, and a hideous freakish nine-headed demon at that." }

The misunderstanding  here  breaks my heart :

- He pointed at Shi Qi and wagged his finger “You….you…..how come it’s you?” Shi Qi’s face was ashen and he voice despondent “I’m sorry you were disappointed.”
“What are you doing in my room?”
Shi Qi bit his lip and lowered his head and turned to leave. Xiao Liu quickly tried to apologize “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else. That….that….my tone of voice was harsh but don’t feel bad. I’m not forbidding you from entering my room.”
“It’s my fault.” Shi Qi moved past him and walked out, closing the door tightly behind him. 

{ he look defeated like he will never open this door again} 

Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed in the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine. The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. (YSQ TLC)  Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.

I love all the little things YSQ did for WXL to make amend in this chapter.   They look like nothing much but they are. She will miss them even  though she said  she will forget him and them when he will leave.  She never once rejected the blanket/ cover he prepared for her on the contrary she smuggle herself in it and was pleased by this  special attention. As we saw before  when XL made her sleep on  the floor and took her blanket ( bad treatment)   she had  told him indirectly  , that YSQ has been taking care of her blanket aka taking care of her.

-"Xiang Liu glanced at him and Xiao Liu immediately squatted. He understood, he could sleep sprawled anywhere.
Xiao Liu glared angrily that’s my blanket, Shi Qi took it out and aired it under the warm sun all day and beat it until it was nice and fluffy.  

She sure likes this from  YSQ even  though she is still   dismissing him in a way.  she could have just said "this is my blanket " but noooo lol.  She is pissed that XL dares use her special blanket.

What I love in this chapter above all,  is  the level of intimacy YSQ and XY are sharing unbeknown to them during their  1 st disagreement. I  have highlighted them in Bold red.  It is so sexy   it remind me of when a girl smuggles in her boy friend shirt  and find comfort  in it. This is a hint to where this  relationship  of their might lead to in the future.

That's my 2 cents finally.  


Winny Aye :


Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed in the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine. The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. (YSQ TLC)  Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.

I love all the little things YSQ did for WXL to make amend in this chapter.   They look like nothing much but they are. She will miss them even  though she said  she will forget him and them when he will leave.  She never once rejected the blanket/ cover he prepared for her on the contrary she smuggle herself in it and was pleased by this  special attention. As we saw before  when XL made her sleep on  the floor and took her blanket ( bad treatment)   she had  told him indirectly  , that YSQ has been taking care of her blanket aka taking care of her.

 Lol you made me even feel more in this scene.  And the scene showed how much Xiao Liu is comfortable with Shi Qi. We all know how much she is attached, the only man she actually want in that way. They are love birds. I do not understand those who say Xiao Liu would have chosen XL if he confessed... lololol its becoming a funny made up statement for me now...


Her slapping her cheeks indicates how shi qi makes her feel even in a male form. WXL’s attraction became deeper & deeper, cos he was making her feel things?. She even tried to push him away, but in the end she couldn’t.

it's very true . I mean their bond already so strong . So those fans who claimed she'd rather choose XL if confess thingy is a total out of this story. They must have gone wild by their own bad boy bickering romance imagination which is not this story. I have read up to chapter 8. I can 100% solidly confirmed now that there's even less romance about XL/XY compared to drama, up to now. Tong Hua had already written so clear about deep raw female male attraction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi.


Her slapping her cheeks indicates how shi qi makes her feel even in a male form. WXL’s attraction became deeper & deeper, cos he was making her feel things?. She even tried to push him away, but in the end she couldn’t.

it's very true . I mean their bond already so strong . So those fans who claimed she'd rather choose XL if confess thingy is a total out of this story. They must have gone wild by their own bad boy bickering romance imagination which is not this story. I have read up to chapter 8. I can 100% solidly confirmed now that there's even less romance about XL/XY compared to drama, up to now. Tong Hua had already written so clear about deep raw female male attraction between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. 

Lol XY may be an airhead sometimes, but she knows what her heart wants. She knows the consequences if she chose xl, she’d end up as a tragedy like her mother & people seem to forget how her mother died tragically. That’s not the life XY wants,after going through all sorts of torture & humiliation, she just wants a quiet,normal happy life with the man who loves her deeply & will never leave her.  If you want the FL to be happy,then stop being delusional wanting a tragic ending for her just because you support your fav who HAS a tragic ending. Think of XY,she wants to be happy not sad or dead but that’s not what xl fans want…they’d rather XY end up with him even if it means both of them dying than for her to be happy just like the way Jing wanted her to be happy even if it’s not with him. That’s very selfish.

Winny Aye :


You are right about XY choices. She knows what she wants. I mean no matter how much she loves ZX, she refused to go with him in chapter 7. After Xiao Liu helped ZX for 2nd times , he asked xiao liu to go with them. She prefer normal life in Qing Shui town. .

Think of XY,she wants to be happy not sad or dead but that’s not what xl fans want…they’d rather XY end up with him even if it means both of them dying than for her to be happy just like the way Jing wanted her to be happy even if it’s not with him. That’s very selfish.

The thing is i found them very wierd on how much they wanted to proof XY love XL more than Jing, which is not true. I mean they want that to a level of manipulating the original plot. I feel it like that by reading all their comments. Because the romance story is with Jing..it talks all about male female attraction up to being life partner of lifetime ... .

 Well we will go through those plot later.

@peng-peng :

The thing is XY wants what XY wants.  She is not after power or   external beauty. She felt something  for YSQ  internally.  It grew  without her doing anything. Just because a man confess  his  love to  you,  it does not mean that you will automatically reciprocate it.   XY reciprocated Jing love and affection because she felt the same as him.  She wanted him to reciprocate the feelings she has for him.   This us why they ended up as lovers.  Their love was pure and true. It did not need the use of outside intervention to have their heart linked. 


@----<---All raw parts are just glued, now shaping time of this raw...before sculpting time <3---<---@

 Winny Aye:
yesss.....see u around ...Big sunny HuG...♡

Take your time dear.  It is lots of work. 

he knows what her heart wants.

Thanks yeah , take care you 3 and be patient *big hugs*

(bb to continue ) :D....I have dwarves on the table...

 Will enjoy reading this with a nice warm cup of coffee today.


*****Incoming blending/copy paste time  for me to resume and analyse all our ch3novel and drama related covering, you'll be able to add of course, before I go through it all :)

Only  looking at the above pic, makes me sooo in hurry for S2 :D!!! ps -be patient it all takes time, and my hobbit home is a emplified hobbit home...always full of dwarves XD... So might get distracted etc... !****

cute doggie...♡ ...yep i hope we get some legit news of S2 when we enter 2024. 


Thanks yeah , take care you 3 and be patient *big hugs*

(bb to continue ) :D....I have dwarves on the table...

hehe...enjoy times first..dwarves lol. cutee

 Will enjoy reading this with a nice warm cup of coffee today.

Goes for me *have your cup* and good reading ...( I'm with mine and our piles of paper love for Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing) - if you need to add, feel free, I can blend if necessary when i'll go through it all , a little later, after coffee etc <3

 Winny Aye:
yep i hope we get some legit news of S2 when we enter 2024. 

That! :D.....!

One thing I see is as of right now in chapter 1and 2 WXY is developing  some feelings towards YSQ. She does not know anything about her parents love story. So she is not influenced by that.