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Lol XY may be an airhead sometimes, but she knows what her heart wants. She knows the consequences if she chose xl, she’d end up as a tragedy like her mother & people seem to forget how her mother died tragically. That’s not the life XY wants,after going through all sorts of torture & humiliation, she just wants a quiet,normal happy life with the man who loves her deeply & will never leave her.  If you want the FL to be happy,then stop being delusional wanting a tragic ending for her just because you support your fav who HAS a tragic ending. Think of XY,she wants to be happy not sad or dead but that’s not what xl fans want…they’d rather XY end up with him even if it means both of them dying than for her to be happy just like the way Jing wanted her to be happy even if it’s not with him. That’s very selfish.

Exactly why I do not like the yaoliu shippers cos at the end of the day other than them wanting her to have the romance they want her to have with their favorite male lead  they do not care about her wants and needs.  Everything is all about their favorite male lead.  That's why you see them commenting stuff like xiao yao doesn't deserve xl and all the nonsense they've been writing about. 


One thing I see is as of right now in chapter 1and 2 WXY is developing  some feelings towards YSQ. She does not know anything about her parents love story. So she is not influenced by that. 

it's something that I have been saying since long time ago. But some are convinced that her falling for Shi Qi had to do with her mom history. Personally I don't think so. I don't think falling in love  is something that could be control or avoid and therefore , would she be repeating her mom case is sometimes not to do with what her heart  does. and yep she developed attraction to Shi Qi since chapter 1. when she had no idea about who he is.

lol ..we reached to 5K...


 Winny Aye:

it's something that I have been saying since long time ago. But some are convinced that her falling for Shi Qi had to do with her mom history. Personally I don't think so. I don't think falling in love  is something that could be control or avoid and therefore , would she be repeating her mom case is sometimes not to do with what her heart  does. and yep she developed attraction to Shi Qi since chapter 1. when she had no idea about who he is.

I am 100% with you on this. 100%

One thing I see is as of right now in chapter 1and 2 WXY is developing  some feelings towards YSQ. She does not know anything about her parents love story. So she is not influenced by that. 

@Winny Aye 


One thing I see is as of right now in chapter 1and 2 WXY is developing  some feelings towards YSQ. She does not know anything about her parents love story. So she is not influenced by that. 

it's something that I have been saying since long time ago. But some are convinced that her falling for Shi Qi had to do with her mom history. Personally I don't think so. I don't think falling in love  is something that could be control or avoid and therefore , would she be repeating her mom case is sometimes not to do with what her heart  does. and yep she developed attraction to Shi Qi since chapter 1. when she had no idea about who he is.

***************Clear point :). No doubt.************************

Your observation is astute!. 

As of Chapters 1 and 2, it appears that WXY (Xiao Liu) is developing some genuine feelings towards Yeshiqi (YSQ). The narrative, at this point, seems to focus on the organic growth of emotions between them without being influenced by the backdrop of her parents' love story.

This detachment from her parents' narrative allows for a more authentic exploration of WXY's feelings. Her emotional journey seems to be an independent entity, shaped by her own experiences, fears, and the nuances of her interactions with Yeshiqi. The absence of knowledge about her parents' love story serves as a canvas on which a new tale of affection and connection is painted.

This narrative choice not only adds a layer of freshness to the storyline but also allows WXY and YSQ's relationship to unfold organically, unburdened by the expectations or shadows of a previous generation's romance. It provides an opportunity for their connection to be a standalone narrative, with its own set of challenges, misunderstandings, and, hopefully, a unique resolution.

As the story progresses, it will be fascinating to observe how WXY's feelings evolve, intertwining with YSQ's character development and the overarching plot. The absence of parental influence might also contribute to a sense of liberation or, conversely, present its own set of challenges as the characters navigate the uncharted territory of their emotions.

(bb still on chapter  3  ...be posting late i guess :p)

 Winny Aye:

lol ..we reached to 5K...


a kisssssssssss!!!! :D

(really off now...:D)

 Winny Aye:


-"Is it the innocent type like a white rabbit?... or the passionate one like the one inside?... Why are you blushing?... do you want to get married?"

That's scene is actually in chapter 4.. but we talked about it before...will go quickly this time then...chapter 4 has other important scenes too... so yep will be another taking time for ...

Yeah => sleeping time is important :D

 Winny Aye:

lol ..we reached to 5K...


                                                           HappY XIAOJING DAy! <3

Sharing here too these absolutly breathless pictures of Deng Wei on set today...before I post further on our ch.3 /drama - XiaoLiu / Yeshiqi subject=> Appreciate without any moderaration! It's Art :D


Sharing here too these absolutly breathless pictures of Deng Wei on set today...before I post further on our ch.3 /drama - XiaoLiu / Yeshiqi subject=> Appreciate without any moderaration! It's Art :D

hes so gorgeous ....in black...♡♡

 Winny Aye:
hes so gorgeous ....in black...♡♡

I'm completly distracted :D!!!! <3

Oh well will grab some coffee and go back to our subject loollll...

My wrapped up post for chapter 3....

Ma Zi got into trouble because he protected his father in law from some high noble bratty girl. And we are now confirmed that Qing Shui does not have government. Chaung Zi and Lao Mu went see this bratty lady? So Xiao Liu and Shi Qi follow them. Im skipping some parts. 

 My thoughts on this part is that, it finally comes a time there were conflicts between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. There was this time when Shi Qi could not have done as Xiao Liu had wish, which had led to her feeling abandoned again. (I think Shi Qi knew it later.) What happened is that bratty A Nian made her servant girl Hai Tang bullied Chaung Zi and Lao Mu. And Xiao Liu poisoned her. But Hai Tang eyes were fixed on Shi Qi as recognizing him. That made Shi Qi uncomfortable as there s line he stood off at the corner , under shadow. Meaning that he did not want Hai Tang to see him again? And Xiao Liu had missed to recognize what's Shi Qi was doing too. So her plan got failure. In drama i think there's a line "he did not want them to get into trouble "... ? I need to watch the part again . but in novel he simply was hiding (under shadow),  as afraid to get known by them. I mean Hai Tang and A Nian. And yep the new guests to Qing Shui were a bratty and a pretty boy , who is a lot more sensible and refine than his sister. So all in all im think XiaoQi were dealing with their pasts again .


a little more thought on Shi Qi leaving Xiao Liu side. I felt different between novel version and drama version. Personally somehow I prefer novel version although he did not clearly say why he left her like that. The drama version is clear he did not want her and them to get into trouble. Personally I felt a little odd by it somehow. Was he meaning if Xiao Yao and him caused trouble, it would backfire them, or was he afraid that if his identity was revealed, there will be trouble for them. ??  Again this is personal opinion, in the novel it gives me more vibe of he was afraid to get revealed his identity . I get this by the phrase "stood off at the corner shadow"..I felt it that he is hiding from in shadow from his past. And yep by leaving her like that provoke her once abandoned feeling again.

XL is very pissed when Xiao Liu ask him to do. Is his original form haunting him.?.but it leads him to physically hurt Xiao Liu. 

And yep we have another man now, pretty one Xuan, the wine seller, a guy from far away land. ..this scene was actually the scene I will be sharing next though ....

We can all clearly see Xuan had some kind of sadness according to his sister in the past. And its also implied here that Xuan had some sort of mask on in the way he was living in Qing Shui. So yep four main characters some sort of emotional issues in them

I was wondering if i should share this part. But then I'd like to. Because in this scene , Xiao Liu was once again healed because she got to do some sort of controlling, humiliating XL. And i also love how she sort of possess ive over her bed that Shi Qi had made for her. 

and yep she put xl in her mirror as to get control over. Its mean she has some sort of victory ..so she put that in her mirror . As for fascinating ...still not sure though she mentioned she would like to see his original form..its more like curiocity., And its some sort of healing too. 

And her petty anger  at Yeh Shi seen was gone but it took months.

And yep..Xiao Liu was once again at ease....she decided to let Shi Qi stay temporarily again , trying to shut her heart. 

Overall, the story is coming to more life as more important characters are coming. And we readers can feel ..something was holding them back. As for relationship between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, this situation might come as a life test, Shi Qi had his own reasons why he s not there with Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu had the right to be mad because she left over again. And we can clearly see this torment Shi Qi a lot. 


Adding a little more....

Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed until the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine.

The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.

Overall, we can see Xiao Liu realized Shi Qi can leave her at anytime ...yet she still want to enjoy time with him and his care. I do like how she relax in the blanket he prepaid for her with her bare body...♡ it gives me some sensation...feels..

my tormented baby fox......

but i understand why she would not want pancake from him anymore ....