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Chapter 4: Gathering is the Hardest, Parting is the Easiest:

Share highlight scenes ...

XiaoQi make up and went to find Chaung Zi..

And she teased him...

Xiao Liu go meet XL to ask about Tian Er brothel..

And Shi Qi carried her again 

her face ♡

Xiao Liu talk to Shi Qi about Tian Er

Xiao Liu and Tian Er talk


Xiao Liu went to talk to Xuan..

Chaung Zi and Tian Er married 

Shi qi disappeared at A Nian presence ..

Xiao liu go see Shi Qi at lake..

she wanted to dirt him ..so he would not leave her and disappear into high cloud..

But theres more..i will share more later and add text and thoughts later on..♡

 Winny Aye:
text and thoughts later on..♡

Have a good rest <3 !! 

 Winny Aye:
My wrapped up post for chapter 3....

Thank you! Adding it here  :)!

Ma Zi got into trouble because he protected his father in law from some high noble bratty girl. And we are now confirmed that Qing Shui does not have government. Chaung Zi and Lao Mu went see this bratty lady? So Xiao Liu and Shi Qi follow them. Im skipping some parts. 

 My thoughts on this part is that, it finally comes a time there were conflicts between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi. There was this time when Shi Qi could not have done as Xiao Liu had wish, which had led to her feeling abandoned again. (I think Shi Qi knew it later.) What happened is that bratty A Nian made her servant girl Hai Tang bullied Chaung Zi and Lao Mu. And Xiao Liu poisoned her. But Hai Tang eyes were fixed on Shi Qi as recognizing him. That made Shi Qi uncomfortable as there s line he stood off at the corner , under shadow. Meaning that he did not want Hai Tang to see him again? And Xiao Liu had missed to recognize what's Shi Qi was doing too. So her plan got failure. In drama i think there's a line "he did not want them to get into trouble "... ? I need to watch the part again . but in novel he simply was hiding (under shadow),  as afraid to get known by them. I mean Hai Tang and A Nian. And yep the new guests to Qing Shui were a bratty and a pretty boy , who is a lot more sensible and refine than his sister. So all in all im think XiaoQi were dealing with their pasts again .


a little more thought on Shi Qi leaving Xiao Liu side. I felt different between novel version and drama version. Personally somehow I prefer novel version although he did not clearly say why he left her like that. The drama version is clear he did not want her and them to get into trouble. Personally I felt a little odd by it somehow. Was he meaning if Xiao Yao and him caused trouble, it would backfire them, or was he afraid that if his identity was revealed, there will be trouble for them. ??  Again this is personal opinion, in the novel it gives me more vibe of he was afraid to get revealed his identity . I get this by the phrase "stood off at the corner shadow"..I felt it that he is hiding from in shadow from his past. And yep by leaving her like that provoke her once abandoned feeling again.

XL is very pissed when Xiao Liu ask him to do. Is his original form haunting him.?.but it leads him to physically hurt Xiao Liu. 

And yep we have another man now, pretty one Xuan, the wine seller, a guy from far away land. ..this scene was actually the scene I will be sharing next though ....

We can all clearly see Xuan had some kind of sadness according to his sister in the past. And its also implied here that Xuan had some sort of mask on in the way he was living in Qing Shui. So yep four main characters some sort of emotional issues in them

I was wondering if i should share this part. But then I'd like to. Because in this scene , Xiao Liu was once again healed because she got to do some sort of controlling, humiliating XL. And i also love how she sort of possess ive over her bed that Shi Qi had made for her. 

and yep she put xl in her mirror as to get control over. Its mean she has some sort of victory ..so she put that in her mirror . As for fascinating ...still not sure though she mentioned she would like to see his original form..its more like curiosity., And its some sort of healing too. 

And her petty anger  at Yeh Shi seen was gone but it took months.

And yep..Xiao Liu was once again at ease....she decided to let Shi Qi stay temporarily again , trying to shut her heart. 

Overall, the story is coming to more life as more important characters are coming. And we readers can feel ..something was holding them back. As for relationship between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi, this situation might come as a life test, Shi Qi had his own reasons why he s not there with Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu had the right to be mad because she left over again. And we can clearly see this torment Shi Qi a lot.


Adding a little more....

Xiao Liu hadn’t sleep comfortably in days so quickly took off his clothes and burrowed until the covers. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths – clean, warm, the faint scent of soap and sunshine.

***The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.****

Overall, we can see Xiao Liu realized Shi Qi can leave her at anytime ...yet she still want to enjoy time with him and his care. I do like how she relax in the blanket he prepaid for her with her bare body...♡ it gives me some sensation...feels..


                                 Chapter 3 - A Journey through Testing and the way out

Xiao Liu and Ye Shiqi's Dynamic:

Protective Sacrifice:
Ye Shiqi's decision to remain in the shadows is not merely an act of protection but a profound sacrifice. By choosing anonymity, he not only shields Xiao Liu from physical harm but also assumes the burden of a concealed identity, navigating a complex dance of secrecy.

This sacrifice introduces an element of emotional martyrdom, as Ye Shiqi willingly shoulders the weight of hidden truths to preserve Xiao Liu's innocence. The narrative thus delves into the psychological toll of such sacrifices on both characters.

Emotional Turmoil:
Xiao Liu's internal struggle becomes a battleground of conflicting emotions. Her reliance on others clashes with a deeply ingrained self-reliance born out of past traumas. This internal turmoil becomes a poignant exploration of her vulnerabilities, showcasing the emotional intricacies within her character.

Ye Shiqi's actions serve as a soothing melody to this internal discord, addressing not only the external threats but also the delicate melody of Xiao Liu's fears and desires.

-Xiao Liu: "I've killed since I was young, but today, I wanted to kill them."
Ye Shiqi: "They are Gods."
Xiao Liu: "What of it?"

Ye Shiqi, a silently noded, revealing a profound understanding of Xiao Liu's inner struggles.

Why Humor?
Xiao Liu's use of humor in dire situations becomes a coping mechanism, a defense mechanism that allows her to navigate the complexities of her emotions.

The humor, laced with a touch of sarcasm, becomes Xiao Liu's shield against the overwhelming gravity of the circumstances she encounter. It reflects her resilience and her ability to find lightness even in the darkest moments. Xiao Liu's use of humor is a testament to her strength, a way to deflect the weight of  encounters she faces. It's not just a defense mechanism but a display of her indomitable spirit.

Introduction of New Characters:

Ah Nian's :
Ah Nian's cruelty extends beyond mere characterization; it becomes a narrative device to explore the shadows lurking within the world. Her sadistic tendencies not only highlight individual malevolence but also serve as a reflection of societal darkness.

The narrative, through Ah Nian, raises questions about the corrupting influence of power, illustrating how an unchecked ego can lead to the erosion of empathy and morality. Ah Nian's character becomes a cautionary tale, a walking manifestation of the potential consequences of unchecked power dynamics.

-Ah Nian: "My rule is whomever offended me must die! Xuan gege won’t let me hurt anyone so I won’t hurt anyone, but I’ll make him perform tricks."
Ah Nian's dialogue serves as a chilling proclamation of her sadistic tendencies, painting a vivid picture of this trait of her character.

Xuan's is described as a virtuous character that transcends being a mere foil to Ah Nian. His respectful and empathetic demeanor serves as a moral anchor in the story, questioning the essence of power and its relationship with virtue.
The narrative subtly explores the idea that kindness and understanding, even in the face of power, can be a transformative force.

-C.Xuan: "I am Xuan, and this is my cousin Ah Nian. Our servant girl Hai Tang has been poisoned by young master you, so I came personally to ask young master to give us the antidote."
Xuan's polite and respectful dialogue highlights the stark contrast between him and Ah Nian.

Xiang L.:
Xiang Liu's forceful actions are not just a display of dominance, as the narrative hints at the complexities over control vs submission.
-  Xiao Liu suddenly couldn’t open his mouth anymore.

” - "Don’t hit the face. "

- Xiao Liu glared angrily :" that’s my blanket, Shi Qi took it out and aired it under the warm sun all day and beat it until it was nice and fluffy. Xiao Liu wrapped himself up in a blanket and curled into a ball in the corner of the pallet and resentfully fell asleep.
Their interaction transform as she seek to regain (even through humor) - the control on her    well being. XL has lost the  power he had over WXL. She is not  scared of him any more  realising that he needs her blood to heal  himself.  She wins in this psychological battleground.

Relief in Ye Shiqi's Presence:
As Xiao Liu faces the unsettling encounter with Xiang Liu, her relief upon seeing Ye Shiqi becomes palpable. It's not just the physical protection he provides but a reassurance of familiarity, a sanctuary amidst chaos.

- Xiao Liu, exhaling in relief: "I thought I was done for, but then I saw it was you, not him."
This moment of relief encapsulates the depth of Xiao Liu's trust in Ye Shiqi and the profound    impact he has on her sense of safety.

****Sun Blanket, Soap:

   - "The comforter had been laundered and dried under the sun. Xiao Liu laughed and reminded himself not to get used to it. All people will leave and he can’t get coddled, his life was to sleep in a cold blanket, in a dirty blanket. Xiao Liu finished reminding himself before turning around and falling fast asleep.

Sun &  Blanket:
The choice  of the narrative to focus on the moment with the soap and sun, and the loundred  blanket becomes a celebration of Xiao Liu's journey towards self-care and healing. The sun, in its gentle embrace, becomes a metaphor for the warmth of Ye Shiqi's presence, bringing light into the shadows that linger on Xiao Liu .
Soap symbol:
The ritualistic washing with the soap introduces a cleansing motif, both physically and emotionally. It becomes a shared act of purification, a moment of vulnerability intertwined with trust.

                                                               Unspoken Bonds&Promises:

 As Xiao Liu reveals his violent past and expresses a desire for revenge, the arrival of Xuan and Ah Nian marks a pivotal moment. However, it is Ye Shiqi's subtle actions that reveal layers of complexity in his character.

Xiao Liu's admission of past violence  (she have killed before) sets a tone of tension, and Shi Qi's agreement to help him suggests a unique connection between the two characters. The introduction of Xuan and Ah Nian brings external conflict, and Xiao Liu's initial bravado is met with surprise as he collapses after a confrontation.

The critical moment occurs when Shi Qi mysteriously disappears, leaving Xiao Liu vulnerable. Xuan's surprise at Xiao Liu's weakness hints at a miscalculation, and Xiao Liu's subsequent derisive smile adds a layer of  her inner complexity to the scene.

However!The most intriguing element lies in Xiao Liu's reflection on Shi Qi's disappearance. As he questions whether Shi Qi hid to avoid recognition, a deeper motivation emerges.

Quote (ch3):  - "'You were afraid they would recognize you so you hid? Or you thought I shouldn’t have messed with them so you hid so they could get the antidote?'"

=>It becomes apparent that Shi Qi's decision to conceal his identity is not rooted in a fear of facing his past- but rather, it is a deliberate choice to protect Xiao Liu.***

The key revelation lies in the understanding that Ye Shiqi's motive is not self-centered or based on a personal aversion to his own history. Instead, it is a selfless act, driven by a desire to please Xiao Liu. AS, Xiao Liu's repeated sentiments about Ye Shiqi leaving her one day have clearly resonated. In hiding his identity, Ye Shiqi seeks to alleviate Xiao Liu's anxieties, to reassure her that their bond can continue and evolve without the looming threat of abandonment.

This subtle yet profound decision to stay in the shadows is a testament to Ye Shiqi's understanding of Xiao Liu's fears and insecurities. It showcases a nuanced approach to their relationship, where the preservation and growth of their connection take precedence over personal concerns.

In essence, Ye Shiqi's actions speak volumes about the depth of his feelings for Xiao Liu and his commitment to their shared journey. It adds a layer of poignancy to the unfolding narrative,  leaving readers to ponder the intricacies of love, sacrifice, and the unspoken promises that     bind these characters together.

=>  So he protected her from being backfired if he helped her out (knowing who she intend to kill) and   also for protecting the part of her that desire him by her side forever ( her repeatingly saying - one  day you will leave me.

*His motives are very clear:

=> Ye Shiqi's decision to hide his identity and protect Xiao Liu from the potential consequences of their   actions serves a dual purpose:

  1. Protection from Backlash:

    • By concealing his identity, Ye Shiqi safeguards Xiao Liu from potential backlash   or reprisals that might arise if his true nature or past were revealed. He unders-  tands the risks involved and chooses to shield her from any negative consequences.
  2. Preserving Their Bond:

    • Simultaneously, Ye Shiqi's actions are motivated by a desire to preserve and strengthen their bond. He is attuned to Xiao Liu's fears of abandonment, and by preventing any potential fallout, he seeks to reassure her that their connection is enduring and that he intends to stay by her side.

To conclude :

Ye Shiqi's protective stance is not just about shielding Xiao Liu from external threats but also  about nurturing the emotional aspect of their relationship. It reflects a profound understanding of Xiao Liu's vulnerabilities and a commitment to being a constant and reassuring presence in her life. The complexity of these motivations adds depth to their narrative, elevating the emotional resonance of their evolving connection even in hardship.

In the very end of the episode 5, we Xiao Liu, realise, turn around to face him, and tell him with a smile: " Let's go together".



Will read ot tonight  and will let you know. 


Will read ot tonight  and will let you know. 

super cool thx!

(draft** )

Just for those lurking here :D


Just for those lurking here :D


@Symbolika1  the draft is fine  by me. 


Have a good rest <3 !! 

ahhh....this is way too cutee...


@Symbolika1  the draft is fine  by me. 

yes...very fine..♡♡


@Symbolika1  the draft is fine  by me. 

 Winny Aye:

yes...very fine..♡♡


Links to all our explorations  through chapters and novel: (https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=333 -chapt3, Links to Prologue: : https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2873689&page=319 ), Ch1 covering: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2876697&page=322 - Ch.2 exploration:https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?p=2876697&page=327)* 




Great ! We merit some Xiao Yao-TSjing kisses for wraping this chapter 3 /drama parts! 

I enjoyed all our sharings, thank you! Sooo interesting! => Xiao Jing gave us quite a ride! : Sun, soap, blanquet and pancakes :D!!!!*


Deng Wei and Yang Zi video while shooting the Dragon Jail scene, very very moved by each other:

Full touching video link =>https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4975686012567632


Deng Wei and Yang Zi video while shooting the Dragon Jail scene, very very moved by each other:

Full touching video link =>https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:4975686012567632

Contrast with moment of rehearsing:

And of course, wraping S2 moments , we cant wait to share more in depth <3!


Their kisses are the sweetest...♥ those gifs...

Lost You Forever Novel Description from Koala page..

Life is the encounter and separation, is the starting time and oblivion, but there are always things that once happened, will leave traces, and always have a person, once appeared, will not be forgettable.
The fated meeting at the town of Qing Shui has changed the destiny of everyone, even change the destiny of Da Huang.
The desire for a little warmth, a little of company, at some point decided a shattered heart. It is similar to a cup of poisoned wine, when it gets to the throat, it becomes sweet, melting hearts broken bone, and until it reaches the heart and lungs, no medicine can cure. The poison is discovered and it is paralyzing the heart and lungs. Only the smile of one's beloved can eliminate it. If it can't, the only thing left is the engraving of missing. It won't stop even after death.
 If everything is destined, when Xiao Yao and Tu Shan Jing meet, they are fated to be parted one day, fated they cannot love, and also cannot forget. Although they can't hold on to one another, at least to make themselves be unforgettable, bury everything deeply inside the heart. That gentle imprint will forever be indelible.

This description is said by many commentors of page to be not so perfect (or even inaccurate). ..because it only mention about Jing only and not other two male leads. However one thing is for sure, it is translated from Chinese version. ...and YaoJing is main couple. And also the phrase title "Eternally Yearning for You" belongs to YaoJing.