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Chapter 5: I entrust myself to mountains and sea

My analysis part 1

Abstract from novel (credit to Koala):

About Tushan Jing

After some bowls of wine were in the gullet, tongues began to loosen. Whatever interesting happened in Qing Shui Town could be heard in the conversation here. Xiao Liu was impressed with Xuan, opening this shop was a great idea!

“That’s nothing interesting. There is something even more major that happened in town!”

“What? Do tell!”

“Let me test you guys first. Other than Xuan Yuan, Gao Xing, and Sheng Nong, within the great wilderness what are the other powerful and famous clans?”

“Who doesn’t know that? Below the Three Imperial Families, on the top of the pecking order are the Four Great Clans – the Chi Shui family, the Xi Ling family, the Tu Shan family, and the Gui Fang family. Other than the Four Great Clans, in the Middles Plans are the Six Big Families. And below the Six Big Families are various moderately powerful smaller clans such as the Jin Tian family to the South, the Fang Feng family to the North….. But none of them can compare to the Four Great Clans.”

“The Tu Shan clan is based in the city of Qing Qiu. From the dawn of time until now, every generation is in trade. Their businesses blanket every part of the great wilderness. They have so much money it’s not even considered money. I hear even the imperial family of the Xuan Yuan and Sheng Nong kingdoms have borrowed money from the clan. It’s genuinely wealth that can rival a kingdom. What I’m going to say involves the Tu Shan clan.”

“So what of it? Hurry up and tell us!”

“I have reliable intel that says the Tu Shan clan’s Second Young Master is in Qing Shui Town!”

“What? That can’t be true.”

“Speaking of the Tu Shan clan’s Second Young Master, he’s definitely an impressive figure. This generation has only two sons, a pair of fraternal male twins born from the same mother and father. But I heard the Second Lord is very capable and since he was small he’s been lording over the Eldest Lord. He makes all the decisions in the family.”

“In the entire great wilderness, no matter if it’s Xuan Yuan or Gao Xing territories, their businesses extend there. Can you imagine how wealthy they must be? I hear this Second Lord is very handsome, talented in all the arts from music to painting to chess, a witty conversationalist and all-around scholar. His nickname is the Young Master of Qing Qiu. So many well-born families want to marry their daughter to him. The Tu Shan family matriarch selected carefully and finally picked the daughter of the Fang Feng family. I hear that daughter followed her father and brothers all around growing up, she’s capable and very well traveled, as beautiful as a flower and can shoot a damn fine arrow.”

“That Tu Shan eldest son is comparatively pathetic, he married a serving girl and can’t even be competition for the inheritance.”

“Nine years ago when the two families were about to hold the wedding ceremony, even the invitations had gone out, right before the wedding the Tu Shan family second son suddenly got sick and called off the wedding. All these years, the Second Lord has been hidden away healing while the Eldest Lord has been the one handling all the clan affairs.”

“That Miss Fang Feng is one loyal girl for sure, when her family wanted to call off the engagement, she dressed up in her wedding robes and ran to Qing Qiu and told Grand Madam Tu Shan “Born into Tu Shan house, buried in Tu Shan tomb.” The Madam was so touched she was in tears, and all these years since Miss Fang Feng has lived at the Tu Shan residence helping the Madam with household matters.”

“Now that the Fang Feng family has heard the Second Lord has recovered, the two families have resumed wedding preparations and want it to happen as soon as possible.”

“Hearing the Tu Shan Second Lord is here in 
Qing Shui town, likely he’s getting ready to take over running the family business affairs.”
So finally Ye Shi Qi's identity is revealed. He surely is no ordinary lord. First of all, he was second son of great clan Tushan yet he is likely the heir and his elder brother is second to him, described as comparatively pathetic. He is said as very handsome, talented in all arts, from painting to chess. And he had been handling clan affairs since very young. But the thing is he is engaged to Fang Feng Yi Yang, who is known to be very beautiful (as flower) and had great skills in archery. I think hearing all these would make our poor Wen Xiao Liu's heart ache. Because now her Shi Qi had become the great lord, who is far from her, and soon to be married to another woman. I think that's why she decided to distance herself from him. 
Xiao Liu was arranging the cashews on the plate, first into a flower, and then into a crescent moon.

The person next to him was ramrod stiff, his hand tightly clenching a cashew until it had been reduced to powder.

Xiao Liu drank his wine and teased “Hey, what is your name? When I see you later, I can’t act like I don’t know you but I can’t call you Shi Qi anymore! Even if you don’t mind, your wife will likely shoot an arrow into me.”

After a few moments, Shi Qi painfully said “Tu Shan Jing.”

“Tu Shan….how to write it?” Jing splashed some wine and wrote his name for Xiao Liu who laughed and asked “And what’s the name of your soon-to-be wife?”

Jing’s hand froze above the table
. Xiao Liu smiled “Six years, I let you stay for six years. Give me six years without rent and then we won’t owe each other anything!” Xiao Liu got up to leave but Jing grabbed his arm. Xiao Liu jerked a few times but Jing never let go. Xiao Liu realized for the first time that the normally gentle Jing was actually quite strong and it was enough to subdue him.

I like it how...people in Qing Shui were talking about how great Tushan Jing and his clan are, yet all he was doing was peeling cashew for his Wen Xiao Liu. It is showing he doesn't care about all these outer greatness, whats important to him is to take care of his beloved. But Xiao Liu had already decided to distance from him because he already had fiance. We can see that when she asked him to write his real name and then his wife to be. And then Jing grabbed her hand too tightly and that surprised her because he normally treated her so gently. Indeed he wasn't going to let go of her. Even when Wen Xiao Liu refused to acknowledged, we already see she had feelings for Jing. Romance was there but timing is wrong. Tushan Jing has his burden but he's not going to let go of Wen Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu understood and immediately lowered his head to focus on peeling the cashews. On that table there was also a plate of cashews, initially it was untouched but now that man was also peeling it. But he didn’t eat it and instead neatly placed it back on the plate.
Shi Qi said something in a low voice and Jing Ye bowed and retreated. He walked over and sat next to Xiao Liu and placed the plate of peeled cashews before him."

I love how as YSQ as TSJ is introduced here. He is elegant, well dresses, no jewellery and his demeanour command respect. This finally shown   the impression WXL and the  people in her clinic  had on YSQ was not wrong. 

 Here again WXL is avoiding  confronting what  matters to him instead of going to him and talk, he stays  where he is and distract himself.  this  is something he has been doing since chapter 3 and he will be even when he  will be XY.   TSJ  is making the 1rt move and come to  him  and sit down  with the cashew nuts as peace offering after all he  know what WXL is not really alright   at this moment.  as he is. TSJ  here is still taking care of his WXL- he is YSQ after all no difference regardless not  what WXL sais- hence the  peeling  of the cashew nuts form her.  I guess wxy does not know how to deal with those feelings since it is the 1rt time he must feel like this towards someone. 

Thank you @Peng <3!  And @Winny:

Xiao Liu was arranging the cashews on the plate, first into a flower, and then into a crescent moon.

The person next to him was ramrod stiff, his hand tightly clenching a cashew until it had been reduced to powder.

Xiao Liu drank his wine and teased “Hey, what is your name? When I see you later, I can’t act like I don’t know you but I can’t call you Shi Qi anymore! Even if you don’t mind, your wife will likely shoot an arrow into me.”

That whole cashew  peeling moment was for me too a very interesting and meaningfull moment after she aknowledge who Yeshiqi really is,...

and how he deal with it :).  

=> I'd like to explore it more....

I'd like to explore it more....


                                                              *** Cashew Nuts Peeling - A symbolic Moment***

(Ch.5/ep7) Xiao Liu was arranging the cashews on the plate, first into a flower, and then into a crescent moon. 

  1. Flower Formation:

    • The meticulous arrangement of cashews into a flower suggests an intentional and creative expression by WXL. Flowers often symbolize feminity, beauty, growth, and the unfolding of something new. In this context, WXL's creation of a cashew flower may signify her desire for love and harmony,  mirroring her aspirations to be able to let bloom a harmonious  and loving connection with TSJ.

(NB-In Ch1/ep2) eploration we saw how  both wanted to reach out for a red flower, expressing their desire for  Love  and Life. And how the red flower represented  Fate or Destiny  :


  1. Crescent Moon Formation:

    • The transformation of the cashews into a crescent moon introduces a celestial element. The crescent moon is often associated with change, transition, and the passage of time. WXL's decision to reshape the cashews into this celestial form may hint at a recognition of the changing dynamics between her and TSJ. It symbolize a n evolution in their relationship, and question the matter of Time.

=> The transition from a flower to a crescent moon tend to signify a journey from seeking harmony to acknowledging change. It could imply that WXL is navigating the complexities of her relationship with TSJ, recognizing that relationships, like the phases of the moon, undergo shifts and transformations.

Day/Night - Carried by Yeshiqi by day - Alone in the garden with stars and calling him out by night.


  • Peeling of Cashew Nuts: 

The act of peeling cashew nuts serves as a metaphor for the gradual revelation and uncovering of hidden aspects of their life and identities-thrue social selve. The meticulous process of removing layers mirrors the unfolding of characters and the disclosure of concealed emotions and histories. It symbolizes the characters' willingness to expose vulnerabilities and connect on a deeper, more authentic level. 

  • Peeling language

The delicate act of peeling cashew nuts parallels the intricate process of revealing layers of one's identity.  Xiao Liu meticulously removing the outer layers of the cashew, it mirrors the gradual unfolding of characters in the story. Each peel represents a step towards disclosing concealed emotions and histories, symbolizing a journey of self-revelation, and question further the other chararacter (TSJ) deeper motives and feelings.  

We see that while they are peeling more and more off => she is eager to let out some bothering elements, as hidden jealousy that are itching her from inside to out.

      ***       Untill:  Xiao Liu even smash the cashew nuts in her fists. 

                                                            The matter is clearly irritating her.

  • Shared Investment in Unveiling: The shared activity of peeling cashew nuts becomes a tangible representation of mutual effort in understanding one another. It's a collaborative act, signifying a joint commitment to exploring each other's complexities. The shared plate implies a common ground where both characters willingly engage in the process of revealing their true selves.

***As WXL and TSJ peel cashew nuts together, it transforms into a shared experience that goes beyond the literal act. Their collaboration in this task becomes a tangible representation of a mutual effort to understand one another. The shared plate of cashews becomes a metaphorical common ground, emphasizing their joint commitment to exploring the complexities within themselves and each other. ****

- Now, let's apply this symbolism to the specific scene where she asks TSJ about his to-be-wife while peeling:

While engaged in the act of peeling, Xiao Liu seizes the opportunity to explore a deeper layer of TSJ's life. By inquiring about TSJ's fiancée, she uses the metaphor of peeling as a conversational tool to delicately uncover hidden aspects of his personal life. This interaction signifies her curiosity and willingness to navigate the complexities of TSJ's emotions and relationships.

The shared activity of peeling, in this context, becomes a collaborative exploration of not only the cashew nuts but also the intricacies of TSJ's impending marriage. The act implies a shared investment in understanding the nuances of TSJ's personal life, with the common plate serving as a metaphorical space where they willingly engage in the process of revealing more about themselves.

In essence, the peeling of cashew nuts becomes a powerful symbolic backdrop for the characters to connect on a more profound level. It is not merely an act of preparing food but a shared journey into the layers of their lives, creating a space for vulnerability and authentic connection between them.


Xiao Liu drank his wine and teased “Hey, what is your name? When I see you later, I can’t act like I don’t know you but I can’t call you Shi Qi anymore! Even if you don’t mind, your wife will likely shoot an arrow into me.”
After a few moments, Shi Qi painfully said “Tu Shan Jing.”
“Tu Shan….how to write it?” Jing splashed some wine and wrote his name for Xiao Liu who laughed and asked “And what’s the name of your soon-to-be wife?”


                                                 ***Exploration of TSJ Name Writing with Wine***

Writing Name with Wine:

 When TSJ takes the initiative to write his name with wine, the symbolism takes on a poetic resonance. Wine, often associated with the essence of life and blood, becomes a medium for personal expression and identity. Choosing wine as the medium suggests a fluidity in identity, mirroring the nuanced and evolving nature of their relationship. The deliberate act of writing his name with wine signifies intentionality and leaves a lasting impression. It becomes a visual representation of the characters leaving an indelible mark on each other's lives, signifying a shared journey and the blending of individual identities.

Fluidity in Identity:

 Choosing wine as the medium for writing introduces an element of fluidity in identity. Wine, known for its adaptable and transformative nature, becomes a fitting representation of the nuanced and evolving dynamics between TSJ and WXL. The act of writing with wine suggests a willingness to embrace change and a recognition that identity is not static but can flow and adapt, much like the fluid in the wineglass. 

Deliberate Act and Lasting Impression: 

The deliberate act of writing TSJ's name carries a sense of intentionality. It is not a casual or arbitrary gesture but a purposeful expression. By leaving his name imprinted in wine, TSJ signifies a commitment and a desire to make a lasting impression. The indelible mark left by the wine-writing becomes a visual representation of their shared journey and a testament to the significance of their connection. 

Interwoven Destinies:

 The symbolism of wine as the lifeblood further intertwines the destinies of Xiao Liu and Tu Shan Jing. As they embark on this symbolic journey, the mark left by the wine-writing runs deep, connecting them at a fundamental level. Their relationship is portrayed as not just a fleeting interaction but as a shared essence of life itself, with the potential for growth, transformation, and enduring significance. 

In this scene, the choice of wine as a catalyst for connection and expression goes beyond a mere beverage. It becomes a ritualistic expression of life and vitality, mirroring the essence of their shared experiences. Wine, often considered the lifeblood in various cultural contexts, further intertwines their destinies. Xiao Liu and Tu Shan Jing, through their interactions, embark on a symbolic journey that transcends the ordinary, leaving an enduring mark on their evolving relationship—a mark that runs as deep as the shared essence of life itself.

 Winny Aye:

This scene is breaking .....for me....they long for each other.. he was waiting for her till it gets dark...

She longed for him yet refused to go to see him because she' s scared her will get hurt more ... yet she cannot help slipping out calling Shi Qi..yet she felt herself all alone..this is like touching ...its look a circle  ..and She's in the middle all alone....

Thanks for reminding this scene! Yes the "oups " moment she call out his name while counting stars, was beautifully rendered <3. Each star was a Yeshiqi at that moment, while sitting  surrounded by garden walls :)!

 Winny Aye:
Tushan Jing has his burden but he's not going to let go of Wen Xiao Liu.

One more input *wave* Thanks! <3

@Winny Aye, @Symbolika1 

I read it all. I am loving all those extra moments and how you have digged deeply  to analysis them.  They are prefect 

Chapter 5:

My Analysis Part 2

Xiao Liu & Tushan Jing & Xiang Liu

“The man beside you, he’s from the Tu Shan clan?”

“Who? Ma Zi? Chaun Zi?” Xiao Liu opened his eyes and asked sincerely. “I wanted to be nicer to you but you always have way of making me want to bite down and wring your neck.” Xiang Liu put both his hands around Xiao Liu’s head and slowly lowered his head. Under the moonlight, his two teeth extended into fangs as sharp as any beast.

Xiao Liu spoke “You’re really more and more careless with your image. Last time it was the demon eyes, this time it’s the beast fangs. I know you’re a demon monster but knowing is different than seeing with my own eyes. You should know us people, whether be gods or humans, we like the outer image and we don’t care about what’s on the inside. Even what we eat we care about how it looks and smells. The wives we take must be pretty. Not like you demons, picking the plumpest fattest….”

Xiang Liu’s fangs retreated and he patted Xiao Liu’s cheek “Lately you’ve been lonely?”

Xiao Liu sighed “People who are too smart are bound to die young. But you’re not a person, you’re a demon….so you’ll die even faster!” Xiang Liu grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck
 and pressed in “That man, the one who you always hide every time I show up, is that Tu Shan clan’s second son?”

Xiao Liu thought and knew he wouldn’t believe him if he said no “Yes.”

“Good.” Xiang Liu released him. Xiao Liu saw him smile and all his goosebumps came out. “I’m not close with him, if you want something you go see him yourself.”

“I’m even less familiar with him. I’m familiar with you.”

Xiao Liu laughed “A demon’s jokes are so not funny!”

Xiang Liu said “It’s been very hot lately and there is an illness spreading in the mountains and medicine is desperately needed. Have Tu Shan Jing get some medicine for us.”

Xiao Liu sat up “Why? Who do you think you are?” Xiang Liu smiled at Xiao Liu “I’m someone who can eat you.”

“I’d rather you eat me then go find him.”

Xiang Liu conjectured out loud “Do you want to know what the eldest son of the Tu Shan clan is like? Nine years ago, he disappeared right before his wedding. If I contact the eldest son and asked him for some medicine and he asked me to kill a person, what are the odds that the Young Master of Qing Qiu can stay alive?”

Xiao Liu spit out through gritted teeth “No wonder your name is number 1 on the list of Most Wanted. I really want to use your head to exchange for the reward money.”

Xiang Liu laughed out loud and suddenly moved right in front of Xiao Liu’s face and said slowly “I have nine heads, remember to sharpen the knife very well.” Xiao Liu glared at him, the two of them so close their breaths were mingling.

After a moment Xiao Liu said “If he helped you, what good will that bring him.” Xiang Liu slowly moved away from Xiao Liu “When matters in the mountain isn’t too busy, sometimes I’m an assassin for hire, and a pretty notorious one at that. If the Tu Shan eldest son asked me to kill him, I would turn him down. If he wanted me to kill the Tu Shan eldest, I will accept the job.”

“He just went home, he might not be able to utilize the family money and manpower.”

“You underestimate him! Just a pallet of medicine, to him it’s nothing. Tu Shan clan does any type of business. Back then, he sold way more dangerous items to the Sheng Nong army.”

Xiao Liu asked “This time, why don’t you buy it directly from the Tu Shan clan?” Xiang Liu coldly replied “No money!”

Xiao Liu wanted to laugh but didn’t dare in case he made him angry. He raised his head to look at the stars “You are a demon, to help out the completely unrelated Sheng Nong, is it worth it?”

Xiang Liu laughed “You can waste your time taking care of a bunch of losers. Why can’t I waste my time doing pointless things?” Xiao Liu smiled “You’re right. In this long life, one has to find something to do. Fine, let’s go see him.”

Xiao Liu got up and walked out the door but Xiang Liu grabbed him back “He’s by the riverbank.” Xiao Liu walked to the riverbank with Xiang Liu following behind.

Jing heard a sound and turned around with a look of joy, but immediately he saw a white figure behind Xiao Liu, proud and wild, completely untouched by the world. Xiang Liu walked to the river edge and looked out towards the distance.

Xiao Liu walked up to Jing and felt a bit awkward. He coughed and asked “Have you been well lately?”


Is Jing Ye well?”



Xiang Liu’s cold gaze glanced over and Xiao Liu hurriedly asked “I have something to ask of you.”

Jing replied “Yes.”

“I need a batch of medicine.” Xiang Liu tossed over a tube, Xiao Liu caught it and handed it to Jing “Inside is the details.”


“When the medicine arrives in Qing Shui Town, contact me and Xiang Liu will go and retrieve it.”


This business was done just like that? So easy? Xiao Liu added “I have no money to pay you, you know that right?” Jing lowered his eyees “You. Don’t need to pay.” Xiao Liu didn’t know what else to say so he looked towards Xiang Liu. He nodded so Xiao Liu told Jing “Then….thank you. I’m, I’m done.”

Jing started to walk away and when he passed Xiao Liu his low voice carried in the wind “From now on, don’t say thank you.”

Xiao Liu silently stood there for awhile and said to Xiang Liu “I’m going back to sleep. You leave by yourself!” Xiang Liu grabbed his collar and pulled him back “Before I get the medicine, you’re with me.”

In my opinion, Xiang Liu is supporting Xiao Liu and Jing union. Of course he was mainly doing it for his soldiers. However, through this conversation we learn more about Jing through Xiang Liu. Xiang Liu also knew Xiao Liu was lonely without Jing. He was letting Xiao Liu have a hint of Tushan brothers situation. And the fact Jing and him had done business deal before., and also giving Jing might be as pure as Xiao Liu had thought, by revealing how he used to dangerous items to Sheng Nong army. But what I really admire is his moral towards Tushan brothers., If the Tu Shan eldest son asked me to kill him, I would turn him down. If he wanted me to kill the Tu Shan eldest, I will accept the job. ..He definetly know who should live and who should die. And yep definetly know Jing was waiting at the river bank for Xiao Liu. And Xiao Liu did not fail to ask about his maids. Xiang Liu won't take any nonsense. Jing agreed to it at once. He didn't want Xiao Liu thank him because he's doing this for her. Xiao Liu was even surprise how easily Jing gave in.

That's how I understand this scene here. 

Here, we can the connection between these three main characters. Overall they are on good terms. 

More character revealation about Jing and Xiang Liu. 

 Winny Aye:

pink & deng wei

Dior Urban gentleman - Deng Wei , I love your compo! <3

All in streght and delicacy as your compo !


@Winny Aye, @Symbolika1 

I read it all. I am loving all those extra moments and how you have digged deeply  to analysis them.  They are prefect 

It's a pleasure trip <3


Dior Urban gentleman - Deng Wei , I love your compo! <3

All in streght and delicacy as your compo !

thanks u.... hes beautiful and gorgeous 

@Winny Aye 

" I was quite touched by that scene. Where he held her strong , meaning he's not easily going to let her go although his nature is gentle. And yep WXL knew this "Jing" is her Shi Qi. "

Exactly this you said it better. ♡

@Winny Aye 

I like it how...people in Qing Shui were talking about how great Tushan Jing and his clan are, yet all he was doing was peeling cashew for his Wen Xiao Liu. It is showing he doesn't care about all these outer greatness, whats important to him is to take care of his beloved

me too.  Great point here. 

@Winny Aye 

"In my opinion, Xiang Liu is supporting Xiao Liu and Jing union"

 I do not see it that way.  What I understood is that he is making a bargain with WXL. He is laying the options -while emphasising  of the  threat that is lurking around Jing's life- if WXL does or does  not help  in asking Jing for the medecine. 

If WXL helps him, then : 1 -if  later on in the future such an assassination request come from elder Tu Shan, he will refuse. 2- he will  assassinate elder TS if  in the future Jing requests it.

If WXL does not help, then he will accept to carry out the assassination request from  elder Tu Shan . 

If he,  XL,   goes himself and asks elder Tu Shan  for help regarding  the medicine,  and elder Tu Shan  later asks  him to kill Jing, he will do so. 

This is so WXY who cares about Jing, makes the right decision = doing what XL ask of him.  Both  XL and WXL will benefit from Jing providing medicine for his soldiers.    In the end this is all for XL's benefit.