
They won't have that at all..  
The next part will just be when they join CX to visit the army camp in Haoling .

Will always be bitter they not only robbed our sweet pre-wedding honeymoon but even a proposal on screen. They even removed our sweet moment in the grassy fields where they were lying down play fighting when she told him about her choice of her surname... maybe the production didn't want to mess up their wigs haaah... many cuttings... even another XY stealing kiss to Jing... but...i hope  the kiss scene added make up a bit


Im on ep9...and ohh ..u should reach to ep 7 as soon as possible...

I will try to, I received your friend request, t.y


I watch all 10 so far. I am enjoying  them very much.  My only complaint is that  they are rushed. I wish we had 36 -40 episodes. 

Yeah. Why they can do only 23 episodes,

XY stealing kiss to Jing

I only know stealing kisses happened in previous season. She's brave and he is shy,


Also annoyed me how they didn’t put the part where FengLong told XY about Jing coming to him to stop the wedding cos she wasn’t happy, nor any inner monologue from XY when she saw Jing on her wedding day wondering why he looked sick. Heck,even the dialogue with FFYY & Jing were cut too

same! It's almost like they want the drama watchers to NOT ship the end game couple, like why? Good thing Jing is such a great character regardless and DW is a great actor, but imagine how amazing it would've been if they actually gave us those important monologues and scenes!! Jing is such a competent and well rounded person and him and XY have all these cute/important moments together and it just gets thrown to the side. I would've loved it if during the breakup arc  they showed XY dreaming of Jing kissing her and then waking up feeling empty and wants to force herself back to sleep. That could literally just be 10-15 secs and that would've been enough. But instead we get these irrelevant scenes / non candid scenes ... 

 Winny24: many cuttings... even another XY stealing kiss to Jing... but...i hope  the kiss scene added make up a bit

unless the scenes added were all dedicated to someone else which I won't be surprised...


Lol the proposal scene from the novel is  one of my most favourite..its yaojing core scene... TT.. 

But i dont really think YaoLiu adding scenes are that nice either.. XL singing with Zither..and them in red dress  look way too fan service and  odd.. but if yaoliu loves them.. its all good.

To be fair, I still enjoy yaojing sweet scene they are showing..

is the red dress scene by the beach in the novel? I actually don't recall that when I read it but it's been a looong time


same! It's almost like they want the drama watchers to NOT ship the end game couple, like why? Good thing Jing is such a great character regardless and DW is a great actor, but imagine how amazing it would've been if they actually gave us those important monologues and scenes!! Jing is such a competent and well rounded person and him and XY have all these cute/important moments together and it just gets thrown to the side. I would've loved it if during the breakup arc  they showed XY dreaming of Jing kissing her and then waking up feeling empty and wants to force herself back to sleep. That could literally just be 10-15 secs and that would've been enough. But instead we get these irrelevant scenes / non candid scenes ...

yes. .right.. I mean these parts in novel are Jing dominating scene.. I feeling's role got reduced for some reason. I felt they are boosting CX for some reason.

Yes I still appreciate for some yaojing fluffy scene.. but something felt unforgiveable to me


is the red dress scene by the beach in the novel? I actually don't recall that when I read it but it's been a looong time

No ..she wear white novel... (red is fanservice)


I only know stealing kisses happened in previous season. She's brave and he is shy,


unless the scenes added were all dedicated to someone else which I won't be surprised...

Im meaning this scene from chapter 39

Under the setting sun, Jing and Xiao Yao sat on a rock beside a creek, with Xiao Yao chattering nonstop while Jing listened to her with a soft smile. Suddenly Xiao Yao flew forward and kissed Jing on the lips before sitting back down even before Jing could react, smiling like a satisfied cat and continuing her talking.


Im meaning this scene from chapter 39

Under the setting sun, Jing and Xiao Yao sat on a rock beside a creek, with Xiao Yao chattering nonstop while Jing listened to her with a soft smile. Suddenly Xiao Yao flew forward and kissed Jing on the lips before sitting back down even before Jing could react, smiling like a satisfied cat and continuing her talking.

omg this scene happen in the novel??!! aaaa im really sad they cut this off. but at least i can imagine this scene in my head :')

also. can anyone spoil me about how CX killed Jing? 


is the red dress scene by the beach in the novel? I actually don't recall that when I read it but it's been a looong time

It wasn’t in the novel,so when I saw that in the drama I just rolled my eyes and fast forward that scene.

is there more sweet scene from jing and xiao yao before jing died? im only excited w xiaoyao and jing scene for this season......>< 


omg this scene happen in the novel??!! aaaa im really sad they cut this off. but at least i can imagine this scene in my head :')

also. can anyone spoil me about how CX killed Jing? 

He gave Hou soldiers to fight the guards Jing had. That was how Hou was able to even defeat the tushan guards, cos even xl know how powerful the tushan guards are and even he wouldn’t dare to go near them.


Im meaning this scene from chapter 39

Under the setting sun, Jing and Xiao Yao sat on a rock beside a creek, with Xiao Yao chattering nonstop while Jing listened to her with a soft smile. Suddenly Xiao Yao flew forward and kissed Jing on the lips before sitting back down even before Jing could react, smiling like a satisfied cat and continuing her talking.

I didn't rea the novel. I only recalled that stealing of kiss from previous drama season. That paragraph is sweet,  what a bummer , it was not in the drama,

also. can anyone spoil me about how CX killed Jing? 

After TSH was exiled to Gao Xing, he plotted to kill TSJ but he was heavily monitored and didn't have the man power to launch a successful attack against TSJ. 

CX provided TSH with the manpower he needed in order to take out all of TSJ's numerous top-notch guards so that TSH could face TSJ one-on-one in order to kill him. 


Chapter 46:

Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends. “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. He can time and again endure Tu Shan Hou only because he treats Tu Shan Hou as a relative. When he banished Tu Shan Hou to Gao Xing, he was well aware that the fracture between them would not end that easily. With Tu Shan Jing’s smarts, he would have been keeping guard against Tu Shan Hou still. He would have assigned someone to track Tu Shan Hou at all times in Gao Xing, and prevent him from growing his power again. That way if Tu Shan Hou still wants to kill Jing, he couldn’t even attempt it.

In the dark silent night, Xiang Liu’s voice was clear and low like that of a lover. “Xiao Yao, do you agree with my analysis?”

Xiao Yao gritted her teeth. “What are you trying to get at?”

Xiang Liu laughed and gently said, “I just wanted to say that Tu Shan Jing may not be vindictive, but he also won’t take anything lying down either. Do you agree?”

Xiao Yao spat out, “What if you’re right?”

Xiang Liu continued, “Even under Tu Shan Jing’s assigned surveillance, Tu Shan Hou managed to shake it and sneak to Qing Shui Town and secretly contact Fang Feng Yi Yang to set the trap. But at that time, there were many Tu Shan Jing’s people in Qing Shui Town as well, the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang and the guards protecting Tu Shan Zhen. You may not be aware but the Tu Shan clan trained guards are top rate, the clan does business so isn’t into battling but in terms of protection the guards are exceptionally skilled. As a killer for hire, I once saw a Tu Shan clan guard in action and after that I made a decision that, unless my adopted father’s life was in danger, I would never attempt to kill any Tu Shan clan leader.

Xiao Yao appeared to finally be processing what Xiang Liu was saying and listened raptly, and Xiang Liu slowed down his words. “Tu Shan Hou’s men not only killed all the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang, but also the thirty top guards Tu Shan Jing brought along to protect him. The remaining few who survived were rounded up by even more powerful foes so they couldn’t go save Tu Shan Jing. To dispatch so many top-notch Tu Shan clan guards, how many even more powerful fighters would that have required? Tu Shan Hou was banished to a life of no money or connections, and under tight surveillance, how could he have commanded so many people to pull this off? If Tu Shan Jing was stupid and careless enough to have let Hou pull this off, then all I can say is that for the past hundreds of years, I was dealing with a totally different Tu Shan Jing.”

Xiao Yao raised her head to stare at Xiang Liu “What are you trying to say?”

Xiang Liu laughed and said nonchalantly, “Tu Shan Jing’s death appears like a brotherly feud, but in truth someone else wanted Tu Shan Jing dead. Without this person’s facilitation, then Tu Shan Hou could have never ever gotten close to Tu Shan Jing.”


Chapter 47:

Xiao Yao asked, “Was it you who sent people to Qing Shui Town to help Tu Shan Hou?”

Zhuan Xu froze momentarily before returning to normal, but he was holding Xiao Yao’s hand so she felt the jolt. Zhuan Xu asked, “Why are you asking this?”

“I want to know the truth. Zhuan Xu, did you send people to help Tu Shan Hou?”

Zhuan Xu wanted to deny it but his pride wouldn’t allow him to, so he said after a pause, “It was me!”