
And this was supposed to be 21 eps but they added two eps. If it was 21 eps what and how many more of YaoJing and Jing's scenes could have been deleted? He doesn't felt like a 2nd ML in this season.

was his role actually 2ML? From thow they're editing him and cutting out his scenes, I would've been convinced if they put him as 3ML or even 4ML.

I really like Xiang Liu, but it frustrates me when people say XiaoYao and Xiang Liu have more chemistry or a stronger love line. My frustration isn't directed at those who think this way (at least not the nice ones, the toxic Jing antis are pretty loud and unhinged though lol), but at the director and screenwriter for removing all of Jing's highlights and important moments while emphasizing Xiang Liu's instead.

So, for all the Xiang Liu shippers who feel bad that he died or didn't end up with XiaoYao, at least he got a lot of screen time, added scenes, and an epic death. It must be nice to be the author's favorite, the novel's most popular character from the start, with better backing and resources—yet Xiang Liu's fans call him the underdog or is "surprised" that a lot of people like XL when he had every advantage to begin with.

I hate to compare because I do like Xiang Liu as well, but the favoritism is very apparent. Even when we just compare Xiang Liu's death to Jing's. His CGI, BGM, and overall shots are way better. He even got a super long flashback, not just in one episode, but in two! People like to say Xiang Liu's death scene took three days to film, but so did Jing's. You wouldn't think Jing's scene took three days because it was so rushed and the editing was so choppy.

After finishing this, I am still very upset and disappointed at how they handled Jing's death. It was so eh. It felt like they just tossed him around to get to his death quicker. What happened to the CGI's. I can't even remember if there was even bgm to him getting tossed around and then thrown into the sea by TSH. That's how unmemorable his death was. I didn't even feel anything but disappointment, at how the scene was cut down. But then we get XL death scene. It was so well done. It was glorious and tragic, fit for such a character. I even almost shed a tear for Xl. And then overall, I'm just soooo disappointed with how Jing's character was handled this season. 

It feels like they're thinking, Jing is the only one who gets his happy ending so it's fine to take him for granted. 


XL's character is the most interesting in LYF. So giving  other actors decent screen time as it should be shouldn't matter to the production team. If the actor will shine whether it's long or a short screen time they should shine. That's why fans of XL always belittling TSJ's character, just because if the shots in s2, his scenes made him dumb. It weren't that bad in s1. Maybe they were triggered because Deng Wei became a traffic actor while he is just a supporting actor. 

The weirdest thing was I liked Xiangliu in the novel but the way they kept pushing him in our faces esp in S2 made me start to dislike him everytime he appears on screen.... like can they please not be so obvious?? No audience likes to feel manipulated.

Comment section so toxic, let me stay here to read about YaoJing. 

no matter how the drama dragged Jing in s2, Deng Wei's love for him will always be there! and coz we know how much he loves Jing and has been consistent w his thoughts abt him, tho Wei Wei doesn't have that kind of backer, we, who understood Jing thru Wei Wei, will always back him, them. before s2 started he had been dominating the hs, the big platforms. his investigation even became a national issue lol, his diving into the water to get the flower for XY has been a topic in his interviews. love how witty he answers them (˃̤▿˂̤) 

you deserve it our fox prince! The dark night is not stained, the clear light is always there!

finally some official recognition that Jing and Deng Wei deserved!

total char popularity, annual, monthly, weekly, daily rankings... congrats to all who made this possible! Jing and Wei Wei, and we, all deserve to celebrate this achievement! .•*¨*•.•*¨*•.¸¸

the top 1!

the first male char on tencent to break this record

 Kaseh Esmiralda:

Comment section so toxic, let me stay here to read about YaoJing. 

I read the comment section when I first come to LYF 2 page, it's so vile and toxic now I only come to read YaoJing topic here. 

I read the comment section when I first come to LYF 2 page, it's so vile and toxic now I only come to read YaoJing topic here. 

As someone who visited the S1 page, I have to say S2 is toned down. Nastiness is still there from specific people, but toned down. 

In S1 when I wanted to ask a question, I had to think hard if I should post after seeing the nastiness some questions got. 


As someone who visited the S1 page, I have to say S2 is toned down. Nastiness is still there from specific people, but toned down. 

In S1 when I wanted to ask a question, I had to think hard if I should post after seeing the nastiness some questions got. 

They just crazy and super annoying. Especially the obsessive Xiangliu's fans (not all of xiangliu's fans, just certain). 

Tbh I like LYF and all character.  CX is red flag and obsessive person but he never got hate just crazy like Tushan Jing got. It's just b'cuz XY choose him, and that fanatic fans throw hate. So stupid! They really not even understand the story and make theory to suit with their stupid imagination..hahaha.

Honestly? I’m happy this is finally over. I’m also happy Deng Wei got recognition for his role but he should NEVER work with this production team again. He worked soo hard for them to chop his scenes & the most vital parts where either not shown or given to xl. But I’m not surprised,xl & a’nian got grand cgi while Jing’s scenes looked pathetic(when it was the opposite in the novel). The fact that,they tried to dim his light only for Jing to shine soo much than their favorite character says a LOT! That chairman at youhge or whatever it’s called, invested in lyf and the producer also works under him. So it’s understandable they gave better parts to xl & undermined Jing’s parts. Deng Wei had to film the fight scene for days only for it to look messy. He had to stay in the water for hours,fucking freezing,only for them to show seconds of it smh. Poor guy had to limp to set & they couldn’t appreciate it? Now everyone’s calling them out for the CLEAR sabotage & favoritism! Your soo called artist is also catching heat from the public,since you tried to play in our faces. I’m soo disappointed in this season,I gave it a 4 and even deleted it from my watchlist. Thankfully Jing has been trending since the drama aired and has been nr1 on hot search, even had the police & dna authorities talking about him. He’s also the first male character to surpass 200mil heat index! Can’t say the same for xl tho,after all that scene stealing they did,only for him to not trend or talked about. Also Yang zi had to fight for XY’s reunion with her mom scene,cos the production deleted that part,a very CRUCIAL part in the novel which helps XY to heal from her abandonment, then when she finally got it,they couldn’t even conjure flower petals around her but gave a’nian a glorious wedding & xl his serpent heads & glorious exit? Wow wow! I’m speechless! No wonder why people lost interest & didn’t even hype this drama. Don’t even get me started on the comment section,there were some particular xl stans who camped in s1 section,made it soo toxic people stopped commenting on there cos they’ll pounce on you like vultures if you say you like Jing,I only commented once in s2 and that was when XY married Jing without him present. Too many toxic people forcing you to like xl and bash Jing when he’s done nothing but love XY, in which XY also proved her love for Jing to the extend of marrying him and trying to kill CX. This season will go down as the most disappointing season in 2024. I’m glad the public refused to be manipulated & called the production team out for their fuckery.

Deng Wei should keep pushing it and good luck to his upcoming projects,I’m glad he’s working with the MLC screenwriter & blood of youth director. Their cinematography & fight scenes are epic!! So I know love of the divine tree will be a HIT! I probably won’t watch since it has romance in it(not a big fan of romance genre,I only watched lyf because of his chemistry with yz & how expressive his eyes are)

 Kaseh Esmiralda:
They just crazy and super annoying. Especially the obsessive Xiangliu's fans (not all of xiangliu's fans, just certain). 

Tbh I like LYF and all character.  CX is red flag and obsessive person but he never got hate just crazy like Tushan Jing got. It's just b'cuz XY choose him, and that fanatic fans throw hate. So stupid! They really not even understand the story and make theory to suit with their stupid imagination..hahaha.

All the characters are interesting. My 2 favourites are Jing and XL. And tbh, they each had their shortcomings. And I will not be making any excuses for them. But their flaws are what makes them, them. If Jing was not "soft", he would not be kind. If XL was not the hard cookie he was, he would not be able to take care of the ChenRong army.  

Also we have to put the story in the context of that timeline. It was set in ancient times where there was no taboo about marrying a 1st cousin. Royalty and nobility had to fulfill their responsibilities to the country and their marriages were for alliance and seldom for love. It's a modern concept for royalty to marry for love. Fillial piety was top of the list as well. They need to cut Jing some slack about the marriage to FFYY thing. He could have been braver and eloped with XY but that is not Jing. It's just him to close the gaps properly and not upset his elders. 

All 3 of them are "stalkers" in their own way but Jing gets called out the most often. CX was stalking YaoJing right to the last episode. No one said anything. LOL This is too biased. 

Deng Wei should keep pushing it and good luck to his upcoming projects,I’m glad he’s working with the MLC screenwriter & blood of youth director. Their cinematography & fight scenes are epic!! So I know love of the divine tree will be a HIT! I probably won’t watch since it has romance in it(not a big fan of romance genre,I only watched lyf because of his chemistry with yz & how expressive his eyes are)

I am looking forward to see Weiwei be a villain in "Take Me Where the Clouds Rise". Gosh, he looks so sexy as a villain, the total opposite of Jing. There were a couple of cute Weiwei bts clips for "Take Me Where the Clouds Rise".  I was particularly tickled by the one where he was channeling cool handsome evil handsome villain...and he forgot and touched the railing which was super hot as it was summer. He yelped in shock and turned right back into an adorable puppy. Makes one want to pick him up like a puppy and blow on his little paws. LOL 

Yes, I think the future looks bright for Weiwei who took the role that an established actor declined and many others also did not want, because Jing role was perceived as "weak". I am happy it worked out well for Weiwei

Yes, hoping to see more of Deng Wei in the future!

And I know a lot of us have been disappointed with this season with what happened to Jing's character, but I did like that they did include the part of Fenglong letting CX know it was TSJ all along who actually was first to support CX. I haven't finished ep 21 yet, but at least CX can finally swallow those mean things he said about Jing in earlier episodes (or drown himself in wine).

I haven't made my mind up yet about CX's change in character. I'll see after I finish.

I think Jing was not given many speaking opportunities in S2.  XL was also reduced to an alcoholic drinking with his pet. I believe Jing and XL are so much stronger than that. Come on. 

Overall, S1 had more impact on me than S2.

Masterpiece, RUINED!!!