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Either Chubby is experiencing auditory hallucination because he misses his XL so much. Or maybe, they'll throw us a bone and give us - or maybe I should say me - the longed for wish of XL being alive and travel the world with Maoqiu!

OmGAD him traveling with Maoqiu YES! and maybe find his woman warrior (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Either Chubby is experiencing auditory hallucination because he misses his XL so much. Or maybe, they'll throw us a bone and give us - or maybe I should say me - the longed for wish of XL being alive and travel the world with Maoqiu!

It's probably Obi-Wan Kenobi Force Ghost Xiang Liu.  :(

I can't believe we'd get XL reborn in a JC-T Studios video!


WHaT! I only watched it with out sound too early....okay I'll have to back!

LOL!  Yes.  Need SOUND.


Aaah.  Let me see if I can fix it.  I don't know why I have such problems.  Here's the weibo link.


See if this works for Twitter.


OMG it's too cute and sad. 

Also I need a plushie of him now.


OMG!  JC-T Studio actually did a CGI / live action short of Maoqiu's search for XL!!


What is that ending???

Wait. Did it say 300 years in the video? Maoqiu fly around looking for his master for 300 year? That's extra sad. 


OMG!  JC-T Studio actually did a CGI / live action short of Maoqiu's search for XL!!


What is that ending???

Mao Qiu's Weibo account has been killing us with daily posts of him searching for Xiang Liu ever since Monday evening when the last ep aired. This latest video is credited to TJC Studio as main creator, and Mao Qiu's account 猛禽毛球 Bird of Prey Mao Qiu as co-creator. So Mao Qiu has been recreating the seashell little by little from all parts of the world that he had ever been for 300 years. Is Xiang Liu finally resurrected, or is Mao Qiu finally going to join him in death? I can't.

Wait. Did it say 300 years in the video? Maoqiu fly around looking for his master for 300 year? That's extra sad.

Yes, I think so.  300 years spent with XL and 299 years + 364 days searching for XL.


Mao Qiu's Weibo account has been killing us with daily posts of him searching for Xiang Liu ever since Monday evening when the last ep aired. This latest video is credited to TJC Studio as main creator, and Mao Qiu's account 猛禽毛球 Bird of Prey Mao Qiu as co-creator. So Mao Qiu has been recreating the seashell little by little from all parts of the world that he had ever been for 300 years. Is Xiang Liu finally resurrected, or is Mao Qiu finally going to join him in death? I can't.

I know!  That weibo has been great.

But this ending ... I'm tearing up again.


I know!  That weibo has been great.

But this ending ... I'm tearing up again.

How can we move on when they keep tearing our hearts out like this.


Mao Qiu's Weibo account has been killing us with daily posts of him searching for Xiang Liu ever since Monday evening when the last ep aired. This latest video is credited to TJC Studio as main creator, and Mao Qiu's account 猛禽毛球 Bird of Prey Mao Qiu as co-creator. So Mao Qiu has been recreating the seashell little by little from all parts of the world that he had ever been for 300 years. Is Xiang Liu finally resurrected, or is Mao Qiu finally going to join him in death? I can't.

Jaysus.....nooooooooooo to the latter...he must live on so my fanfic wouldn't have been for naught! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Wow...the studio went to the same CGI production as well as Tencent to pay for this short! (ಥ﹏ಥ)(ಥ﹏ಥ) I just can't...JC is just to perfect with his vision.



How can we move on when they keep tearing our hearts out like this.

 They enjoy making our hearts bleed! 


OMG it's too cute and sad. 

Also I need a plushie of him now.

Here are some links 



Mao Qiu's Weibo account has been killing us with daily posts of him searching for Xiang Liu ever since Monday evening when the last ep aired. This latest video is credited to TJC Studio as main creator, and Mao Qiu's account 猛禽毛球 Bird of Prey Mao Qiu as co-creator. So Mao Qiu has been recreating the seashell little by little from all parts of the world that he had ever been for 300 years. Is Xiang Liu finally resurrected, or is Mao Qiu finally going to join him in death? I can't.

I saw that video and I felt like XL came back for Maoqiu. I mentally can't process any other explanation. Tan said

I feel a little better now


Jaysus.....nooooooooooo to the latter...he must live on so my fanfic wouldn't have been for naught! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Wow...the studio went to the same CGI production as well as Tencent to pay for this short! (ಥ﹏ಥ)(ಥ﹏ಥ) I just can't...JC is just to perfect with his vision.

Your fan fic would have to be an alternate alternate world. :)

Did they?  That's amazing!  I think whatever extra Tan Jian Ci got paid, got spent on all the extras he gave us.  He truly did love the character, and his fans.

 Liu Yifei:

I saw that video and I felt like XL came back for Maoqiu. I mentally can't process any other explanation. Tan said

I feel a little better now

Omgad Tan, this hopeless romantic, killing us with his charm and honey lips. ♥‿♥