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I still haven't finished LYF Season 2. I think my TV protested against me watching it because it decided to die a few days ago. Now I have no TV. 

Your TV boycotted S2? LOL! But think of all the gorgeous Xiang Liu scenes you are missing out on! Which episode are you up to?

Have you finished Once Promised drama, liddi?

Funny that you mention it. I was just telling @Kokuto this the other day:

My only regret was that I held off reading it for so long. Definitely, I hope that it will be fully translated too one day. You know that because I love it so much, I went back to brave certain scenes in A Lifetime Love - and found myself actually tearing up during the events leading to A Heng's first death, which surprised me, because the CGI was nothing to write home about. However, by the same token, the glaring issues of having wooden actors playing nuanced, grey roles are even more pronounced. I really wish they would remake Once Promised again, though that is probably a pipe dream. 

Safe to say, I have not ventured past this. More than an oily Chi Chen (actually this is no longer an issue in later parts of the drama), a block of wood Shao Hao drove me up the wall and I cannot bring myself to continue. The drama actually made Shao Hao less callous - by having him regretting and turn back to find A Heng after he initially left with half the jade egg, but by the time he arrived, it was too late and he only saw Luo Jia (Hou Tu) weeping at the edge of Yu Abyss, and was told how A Heng died. 

They also made it such that A Heng being recovered from Yu Abyss is actually all through Chi Chen's efforts, and he brought her back to Xuan Yuan, but because she went berserk, she was then trapped in a formation to be destroyed (again a decision made by the 4 ministers after the Yellow Emperor was knocked unconscious by A Heng's attack). Chi Chen was the one who helped her break free from the demonic possession. The Yellow Emperor was furious when he heard what his ministers attempted to do to A Heng, and banished one of them. I didn't properly sit down and watch it through so I might be mistaken but it seems like drama Yellow Emperor is less ambitious (willing to live in peace with Shen Nong) and more caring of his children?  Dunno.

Now, since you don't seem that keen to watch S2, how about you braving A Lifetime Love on behalf of us? LOL

Okay, more movement on Go East!  They are setting up this cool display offline display, in some malls, I'm guessing, where they have some sort of activity?  To encourage reservations?  My google translate is limited.  But the activity runs thru 8-30, so my joke about it showing up on the 31st maybe psychic.


Your TV boycotted S2? LOL! But think of all the gorgeous Xiang Liu scenes you are missing out on! Which episode are you up to?

Boycotted S2!  hahahahaha  Such a tough crowd here.  lol

Now, since you don't seem that keen to watch S2, how about you braving A Lifetime Love on behalf of us? LOL

I may take up this challenge.  I've really been intrigued by your translations, and I doubt we'll get an English version, so it may have to be the drama for me.   Plus, I have a high tolerance for dreck in the pursuit of an actor's work ... or in this case, a story / world -- as I eyeball yet another awful short drama for my Li Jiu Lin.

I will say, that the lack of CGI and all the fantastical creatures in LYF may be a blessing.  The show will hold up much better than a CGI heavy drama would, over the years.

I may take up this challenge.  I've really been intrigued by your translations, and I doubt we'll get an English version, so it may have to be the drama for me.  

Wow! Much respect and applause for your bravery! Please do share your viewing journey. I'll give you a map of names after I've compiled them because just like LYF, they changed names even more extensively in A Lifetime Love, though I think you would be able to guess who is who.

Is there a fully subbed version available to you? I saw a lot of requests for English subs on Croton's official Youtube channel but they have not subbed it past Ep7 (I think).

I will say, that the lack of CGI and all the fantastical creatures in LYF may be a blessing.  The show will hold up much better than a CGI heavy drama would, over the years.

That is very true. Unless the drama itself is good and immersive enough in every other aspect that the audience is able to look past the campy CGI, which I am not as confident that A Lifetime Love falls in this category. Scarlet Heart did not have the best CGI (even though it is not a CGI-heavy drama), and to be honest, neither does LYF in certain scenes (looking at you - water tap blood dispenser!), but it does not stop me from being unable to move on...

Wow! Much respect and applause for your bravery! Please do share your viewing journey. I'll give you a map of names after I've compiled them because just like LYF, they changed names even more extensively in A Lifetime Love, though I think you would be able to guess who is who.

Is there a fully subbed version available to you? I saw a lot of requests for English subs on Croton's official Youtube channel but they have not subbed it past Ep7 (I think).

Yes, it's on Viki.  And the subtitler was cursing as she translated.  lol

I certainly will share my ... experience with all of you, when I bite the bullet.  Cause, yes, I'm sure I'll need some help sorting out folks.

That is very true. Unless the drama itself is good and immersive enough in every other aspect that the audience is able to look past the campy CGI, which I am not as confident that A Lifetime Love falls in this category. Scarlet Heart did not have the best CGI (even though it is not a CGI-heavy drama), and to be honest, neither does LYF in certain scenes (looking at you - water tap blood dispenser!), but it does not stop me from being unable to move on...

Yes, so many complaints about older CGI which some dramas may use liberally ... which really can't be helped -- technology gets better.  Though I don't think that's the biggest problem of A Lifetime of Love, according to viewers.

Anyone catching the clips of the concert tonight?

Dont think i should be posting in the main comments. Here are some wbs. I will add here slowly.

Omg how much did they spend on that screen and graphics..

1. YiNianWuMing https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068436569522252

ZhiAnShiKe https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068548905566232

2. ZhaoMi https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068454781190231

3. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068457646161989

4. DengBuDaoDeDengDai  https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068451153117201

Stage https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068676899209227

5. Pian Ai RenJian Yan Huo https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068507143143483

6. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068449303429183

7. IMMA Get It https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068440285937705

8. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068440101126146

9. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068445373628481

10. ChuLian (canto) https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068661791064086

11. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068463295889453

12. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068482014806135

13. Mona Lisa https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068476109488139

14. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068459315494929

15. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068470329737245

16. https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068472905039982

17. dress up https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068737364033557

18. On GuYun https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068500343914503

19. YiBaYanHuaFangWan (written for guyun ) https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068508388851750

20. XuYaoRenPei https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5068715633344553

21. Dance Monkey https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5069022429904959

22. TAKE IT OFF!!!  


23. Official release from jct studio  https://video.weibo.com/show?fid=1034:5069118194253871

I certainly will share my ... experience with all of you, when I bite the bullet.  Cause, yes, I'm sure I'll need some help sorting out folks.

The mapping of locations and names in Once Promised (both novels) vs Lost You Forever vs A Lifetime Love. Feel free to let me know if I made any mistakes.

Kingdoms, Locations, Clans                                                                                                     

Novel (2011 edition)Novel (2019 edition)Lost You ForeverA Lifetime Love
轩辕Xuan Yuan轩辕Xuan Yuan西炎Xi Yan宣阳Xuan Yang
神农Shen Nong神农Shen Nong辰荣Chen Rong玄牧Xuan Mu
高辛Gao Xin高辛Gao Xin皓翎Hao Ling凌云Ling Yun
九黎Jiu Li百黎Bai Li百黎Bai Li若疆/不归谷Ruo Jiang / Valley of No Return
玉山Jade Mountain玉山Jade Mountain玉山Jade Mountain玉山Jade Mountain
若水族Ruo Shui Clan若水族Ruo Shui Clan若水族Ruo Shui Clan涉河族She He Clan


Novel (2011 edition)Novel (2019 edition)Lost You ForeverA Lifetime Love
蚩尤Chi You赤宸Chi Chen赤宸Chi Chen赤云Chi Yun
西陵珩/轩辕妭Xiling Heng / Xuanyuan Ba西陵珩/轩辕妭Xiling Heng / Xuanyuan Ba西陵珩Xiling Heng木青寞/宣阳婼Muqing Mo / Xuanyang Ruo
高辛少昊Gaoxin Shao Hao高辛少昊Gaoxin Shao Hao皓翎少昊Haoling Shao Hao凌云晟仑Lingyun Sheng Lun
云桑Yun Sang云桑Yun Sang

云桑Yun Sang
青阳Qing Yang青阳Qing Yang青阳Qing Yang昱辰Yu Chen
昌意Chang Yi仲意Zhong Yi仲意Zhong Yi知若Zhi Ruo
蜀山昌仆Shushan Chang Pu濁山昌仆Zhuoshan Chang Pu濁山昌仆Zhuoshan Chang Pu亦篱Yi Li
诺奈/雨师Nuo Nai / Yu Shi诺奈/雨师Nuo Nai / Yu Shi

景时/雨尘Jing Shi / Yu Chen
黄帝Yellow Emperor轩辕王Xuan Yuan king西炎王Xi Yan king宣阳王Xuan Yang king
嫘祖Lei Zu缬祖Xie Zu缬祖Xie Zu木青廖若Muqing Liao Ruo
炎帝Flame Emperor神农王Shen Nong king辰荣王Chen Rong king玄牧王Xuan Mu king
俊帝Eminent Emperor高辛王Gao Xin king皓翎王Hao Ling king凌云王Ling Yun king
炎帝榆罔Flame Emperor Yu Wang榆襄Yu Xiang

浩许Hao Xu
祝融Zhu Rong炎灷Yan Zhuan

童峥Tong Zheng
共工Gong Gong洪江Hong Jiang洪江Hong Jiang兴汒Xing Mang
后土Hou Tu珞迦Luo Jia

坤卜Kun Pu
茱萸Zhu Yu茱萸Zhu Yu茱萸Zhu Yu紫株Zi Zhu
王母Royal Mother王母Royal Mother王母Royal Mother玉夫人Madam Jade
彤鱼氏Madam Tongyu彤鱼氏Madam Tongyu

蝉雷氏Madam Chanlei
夷彭Yi Peng夷澎Yi Peng

佶夷Ji Yi
高辛宴龙Gaoxin Yan Long高辛宴龙Gaoxin Yan Long

凌云地音Lingyun Di Yin
高辛中容Gaoxin Zhong Rong高辛中容Gaoxin Zhong Rong

凌云函宴Lingyun Han Yan
小夭Xiao Yao小夭Xiao Yao小夭Xiao Yao诺夙Nuo Su
颛顼Zhuan Xu玱玹Cang Xuan玱玹Cang Xuan落尧Luo Yao
Anyone catching the clips of the concert tonight?

Dont think i should be posting in the main comments. Here are some wbs. I will add here slowly.

Bless you!  I saw some pics, but videos are very welcome!

The mapping of locations and names in Once Promised (both novels) vs Lost You Forever vs A Lifetime Love. Feel free to let me know if I made any mistakes.

OMG.  Thank you liddi!  So quick!  

@joas thank you for sharing the concert clips 


@joas thank you for sharing the concert clips 

Welcome! I think most of them are close ups so cant see the fabulous stage.

Anyone catching the clips of the concert tonight?

Dont think i should be posting in the main comments. Here are some wbs. I will add here slowly.

Thank you Joas!


Thank you Joas!


I am literally exhausted -- in a good way -- from excitedly watching concert videos and pics from yesterday.  I can't imagine how people who actually went to the concert feel.  They are probably STILL sleeping off the drop in adrenaline.  Kudos to Tan Jian Ci and his team for an AMAZING concert.  I've never seen so much effort put into giving fans so much extra content before and during a concert.


I am literally exhausted -- in a good way -- from excitedly watching concert videos and pics from yesterday.  I can't imagine how people who actually went to the concert feel.  They are probably STILL sleeping off the drop in adrenaline.  Kudos to Tan Jian Ci and his team for an AMAZING concert.  I've never seen so much effort put into giving fans so much extra content before and during a concert.

Breathtaking concert! I can't imagine going a full three hours in that manner. The fans and friends who attended are blessed. And we see nods to LYF - from the nine-headed serpent and Mao Qiu videos to the costume in the opening track. One of the most moving tracks has to be 那些荧火, with footage of the fans that has supported him on his long journey. Very very moved and inordinately proud of him to have come so far, and seen the fruit of his unwavering hard work, dedication and passion. Certainly one of the very few in the entertainment industry that I truly respect. He looks even thinner than before though. I hope he gets time to properly regroup and rest before the next stop in Beijing in roughly two weeks' time.