Pfff I was so excited thinking that Lost Indulgence was available on Plex, but no. It was just the trailer.

Jingers also working tirelessly inside all my apps hahahahahahah


Pfff I was so excited thinking that Lost Indulgence was available on Plex, but no. It was just the trailer.

Jingers also working tirelessly inside all my apps hahahahahahah

I was too.  But it turns out it's on Apple TV... which I don't have.


I was too.  But it turns out it's on Apple TV... which I don't have.

Here it’s the opposite. I have Apple TV. But it’s not available for me.

For real. Why??? 

Feel free to laugh 😹 


Here it’s the opposite. I have Apple TV. But it’s not available for me.

For real. Why??? 

Feel free to laugh 😹 






They really don’t want me to stan this Tan. 

Unrelated, but what the heck was episode 33 of Winter Begonia?

My only question is: why?

No, really. Why, though?


Okay.  I found what I thought was a full recording of the Great Wilderness Celebration for LYF on the YT, as it is 1 hour and 30 minutes.  HOWEVER, this is not official, and my Spidey Sense must have been working, as I decided to watch it before posting.  And yes!  They cut out stuff!  I'm sensing some bias, but as far as I can tell, Wang Hong Yi's AND Tan Jian Ci's singing numbers were cut -- which, of course are CX and XL's songs.  But they kept Dai Lu Wu singing XY's Fei Fei song, which I had not seen.  They also cut CX and XY's 'recreation' with bow and cucumber or melon.  :(

But it is the longest video of seen of the event so far.  Watch it before it gets pulled, if you are interested.  Sadly, no subtitles, but the expressions are worth it.

haha… dont bother watching… seriously quite a bore! cut out TJC singing… duh. Watch DW paint for 15minutes? 🤷‍♀️ i managed to  watch it on bTV the same night and i just ended up ffd to the second half. 

It was more interesting to watch Kaka’s analysis of segments of the concert. 

TJC update: he’s got two more hello saturday segments to shoot this november, there were talks about his contract but couldnt make sense whether it got renewed or not. 

Anyone managed to buy the album? Still trying to get the album but jd wont even send me an authentication. :( 

Anyone managed to buy the album? Still trying to get the album but jd wont even send me an authentication. :(

No, we didn't! I'm stuck at the same part of the registration process. Actually, I can't even complete the puzzle, which is absurd. It keeps telling me I'm getting it wrong.

It's the Jingers, I'm telling you hahahahaha

TJC update: he’s got two more hello saturday segments to shoot this november, there were talks about his contract but couldnt make sense whether it got renewed or not.

Ohh goody!

I hope they renew it. They'd be mad not to.

haha… dont bother watching… seriously quite a bore! cut out TJC singing… duh. Watch DW paint for 15minutes? 🤷‍♀️ i managed to watch it on bTV the same night and i just ended up ffd to the second half.

It was more interesting to watch Kaka’s analysis of segments of the concert.

Where was this analysis of the concert?  I wish it was subtitled.  There definitely seemed to be some undercurrents going on.  Like that business with Dai Lu Wa running up and grabbing Yang Zi's hand as they walked off.

I liked some of it.  As usual, ZHY's expressions and reaction to being there is so funny.  I was trying to find the right word to describe it, but failed.  He appears very unguarded and doesn't seem to care much about playing the game.  I could be wrong, but he appears to be brutally honest in his reactions.

But yes.  I used the fast forward button, since I'd already wasted all that time watching the painting and sandwich making earlier.  But I don't understand why they would cut ZHY and Yang Zi playing with props and vegetables and having fun 'recreating' their action sequence.


Unrelated, but what the heck was episode 33 of Winter Begonia?

My only question is: why?

No, really. Why, though?

I'm sorry.  I thought you knew. :(

Tan Jian Ci actually talked about it in an interview, because at first, he didn't get it either.


I'm sorry.  I thought you knew. :(

Tan Jian Ci actually talked about it in an interview, because at first, he didn't get it either.

I didn't. However, shame on me, because I should have known. Now I'm left with 16 episodes pfff

But I'll persevere through it. The drama is actually quite beautiful and I like the two MLs.


Why, bro?

Just why?

I need to take some pics, but for those asking ... this opening bit in Jimmy Kimmel is close to what Champloo (more Great Dane head) and Taro (with a curly tail and more Pug body) look like.  Sans costume, but fully accurate attitude.  Champloo is the black and white dog.

Also, imagine it with some snapping, and you understand why Champloo gets annoyed once in a while.

Welcome to my life.


I need to take some pics, but for those asking ... this is opening bit in Jimmy Kimmel is close to what Champloo (more Great Dane head) and Taro (with a curly tail and more pug body) look like.  Sans costume, but fully accurate attitude.  Champloo is the black and white dog.

Also, imagine it with some snapping, and you understand why Champloo gets annoyed once in a while.

Welcome to my life.

Kokuto this morning I posted 7 videos from TikTok and 1 from Pinterest on the other forum 


I didn't. However, shame on me, because I should have known. Now I'm left with 16 episodes pfff

But I'll persevere through it. The drama is actually quite beautiful and I like the two MLs.


Why, bro?

Just why? 

Because XL fans can't have nice things. :(

Yes!  I loved what what I saw of the MLs and actually, the rest of the show.  I'd have watched it even without Tan.