
Yes! Things cannot be that perfect, plus we don’t have 3 XY’s available anyway hahah. I blame ZWY - he squeezes hearts even more with his acting. Grrrrrrrrrr although it must’ve been emotionally taxing to play such a tortured and restrained character.

I wish we had novels like these to analyze in school instead of the usual classics, would’ve aced it with all of our analyses

ZWY really did his job well and he completely understood his character. Any other actor with flat performance would have a different result and we would have been annoyed with CX. Lots of praises should go to ZWY!! ???

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yes that's true that most viewers love the romantic aspect in rooting for Jing etc. YaoXuan's strong bond and goals got me on a choke hold. Xuan's unrequited love broke me in pieces. I'm looking through his lenses and I find it quite unique beyond the typical romance. I wish viewers would appreciate him more rather than just looking at the romantic CP. 

Omg same, I am so glad there are YaoXuan/CX fans out there. Rewatching S1 and rereading parts of the novel gave me more insight on CX’s POV. All the loss and heartbreak and cruel experiences he had to face…tragic. I admire his strong will to continue forward. But every time I see him struggling and reminding himself his purpose, I just feel for him because he just wants XY to be happy and desires to be by her side so much. Of all the dramas I’ve watched, their bond left the biggest impression on me. Unwavering and unconditional. 

Cang Xuan lowkey confessing to Xiao Yao:  

Grandpa: The country cannot be void of a king, the palace cannot be void of a queen. It is time to decide on a queen. 

Xiao Yao: Gege, who do you want to enthrone your queen? 

Cang Xuan: You.

OMG ???

 Katelyn Arshi: 

Cang Xuan lowkey confessing to Xiao Yao:  

Grandpa: The country cannot be void of a king, the palace cannot be void of a queen. It is time to decide on a queen. 

Xiao Yao: Gege, who do you want to enthrone your queen? 

Cang Xuan: You.

OMG ???

That is in the new season?  Oh wow!!

 Katelyn Arshi:

Yes that's true that most viewers love the romantic aspect in rooting for Jing etc. YaoXuan's strong bond and goals got me on a choke hold. Xuan's unrequited love broke me in pieces. I'm looking through his lenses and I find it quite unique beyond the typical romance. I wish viewers would appreciate him more rather than just looking at the romantic CP. 

I agree completely with you here. The depth and intensity between YaoXuan has me transfixed. They belong together, so their coming parting is tragic, especially given how Xuan does love her romantically too. They are such a power couple together, I keep trying  to think of ways siblings could rule the kingdom! which of course won't work in this story, especially as Xuan is already married. All the levels of tragedy in this story, all the ways each character has already lost something, and will continue to lose, even as they try to find their way towards love and and some kind of stability or peace. This show is mesmerizing.  YaoXuan are at the heart of the story, that bond they have with one another - all their scenes are my favourite ones in the drama. I wish viewers would see Xuan is the lead male because of his relationship and bond with her.  

I'm sharing in case, you haven't seen this!!

BTS clip of Yang Zi and Zhang Wanyi 

CX: TSJ is dead!

XY: Bring me my wedding dress, I’m going to marry Tu Shanjing .

CX: Tu Shanjing is not here, how can you marry him

XY: The ideal time is nearly here 

CX: Tu Shanjing is dead! With 10, 20, 30, 100, 200, or even 300 years you will be able to forget the past

Bring on the angst and stellar acting please!! ????

Are you counting down the minutes now? I am.  Really hoping Viki has the English translations ready on Monday, or I'm going to fall to pieces. All the drama and angst is to come! 

 Katelyn Arshi:

I'm sharing in case, you haven't seen this!!

BTS clip of Yang Zi and Zhang Wanyi 

CX: TSJ is dead!

XY: Bring me my wedding dress, I’m going to marry Tu Shanjing .

CX: Tu Shanjing is not here, how can you marry him

XY: The ideal time is nearly here 

CX: Tu Shanjing is dead! With 10, 20, 30, 100, 200, or even 300 years you will be able to forget the past

Bring on the angst and stellar acting please!! ????

I'm ready but not ready haha. Bring it.

 Katelyn Arshi: 

Cang Xuan lowkey confessing to Xiao Yao:  

Grandpa: The country cannot be void of a king, the palace cannot be void of a queen. It is time to decide on a queen. 

Xiao Yao: Gege, who do you want to enthrone your queen? 

Cang Xuan: You.

OMG ???

This is the equivalent scene from the leaked script, where the old Xuan Yuan king tells Cang Xuan to take a queen, which is poignant as it describes Cang Xuan's despair:

Leaked script Ep3 (originally S02E11 scene 18) CX's choice of queen

XYK: How is the progress of the move of the capital?
CX: Everything is going smoothly. the Hu He and Gu Liang clans have moved to the Central Plains, one after another.
XYK: How are the old clans getting along with the clans of the Central Plains?
CX: It's alright for now.

Sensing what his grandfather wanted to say, Cang Xuan's smile stiffened.

XYK: A nation cannot be left without a monarch for a day; a harem cannot be left without a mistress for a day. Cang Xuan, it is time to appoint a queen.

Cang Xuan's smile gradually died, and he involuntarily looked at Xiao Yao.

XY: Gege, whom do you want to crown as queen?
CX: You.... who do you think?

Cang Xuan stared at Xiao Yao. He could not help but blurt out the word "you", but at the very last moment, he had no choice but to restrain his own impulse. The old Xuan Yuan king's expression changed drastically, yet Xiao Yao was totally oblivious.

XY (find it amusing): Why did you ask my opinion? The queen you crown, is naturally your choice. Gege, whom do you want to be your queen?

Cang Xuan gazed at Xiao Yao and remained silent. Xiao Yao had a confused expression on her face.

XY: Gege?
XYK: Naturally it can only be Shen'nong Xin Yue.

Cang Xuan looked at the old Xuan Yuan king with a plea in his eyes.
There was pity in the old Xuan Yuan king's eyes, but his words held no hesitation.

XYK: You have decided to change a structure that had lasted for tens of thousands of years, allowing the old clans of the North and the Western borders to integrate with the clans of the Central Plains. However, how could tens of thousands of conflict be changed just like that? You are of the Xuan Yuan clan, representing all the old clans. Xin Yue is of the Shen Nong clan, representing all the clans of the Central Plains. As long as you crown her as queen, the other clans will naturally emulate in intermarriage. As time goes by, mixed bloodlines is the truest integration.
XY (furrowed brow): I disagree!

Cang Xuan turned to look at Xiao Yao with joy.

XY: I am not opposing Xin Yue becoming queen, but what about A Nian? Where do both of you leave her?

The joy in Cang Xuan's eyes faded away and he bowed his head, staring blankly.

XYK: If A Nian were crowned queen now, the Shen Nong clans would definitely be upset, as will the Chishui clan. The entire Central Plains will feel that Cang Xuan cast them aside once he had achieved his purpose. Xiao Yao, do you want to send the whole world into chaos just for the position of a queen?

Xiao Yao could not answer.

XYK (earnest, solemn): The old clans and the Central Plains clans are like two ferocious beasts that originally lived on two different mountains, having nothing to do with each other. But now, they have been forced by Cang Xuan into a single cage, and are even more dangerous than before. At the slightest movement, they would very likely pounce and attack the other. If Cang Xuan wants the old clans and Central Plains clans to integrate, he must lead by example. (looking at Cang Xuan) Since things have come to this, you have no way back.

Cang Xuan remained silent, despair in his eyes.
Xiao Yao pulled Cang Xuan's sleeve.

XY: Gege, between Xin Yue and A Nian, who do you want as your queen?

Cang Xuan looked at Xiao Yao and wanted to speak, but in the end dared not say anything. He feared that the moment he said it, even what he had now would be lost.

CX (deflated, despair): Whichever one both of you want. I don't care. After all, this is the way my whole life will be!

Cang Xuan got up and left without looking back. Xiao Yao got to her feet, wanting to go after him.

XY: What do you mean you don't care? Gege--

The old Xuan Yuan king sighed and stopped Xiao Yao.

XYK: Xiao Yao, just let him be!

Interesting script, and it gets me in the gut - how much further XY moves away from Xuan with each step he takes to unite the world and keep her safe. Xuan also has to know that if he can't make A Nian the Empress, then he can't make XY either? Questioning because we don't know in the story when her parentage is revealed, and if it is revealed. 


Interesting script, and it gets me in the gut - how much further XY moves away from Xuan with each step he takes to unite the world and keep her safe. Xuan also has to know that if he can't make A Nian the Empress, then he can't make XY either? Questioning because we don't know in the story when her parentage is revealed, and if it is revealed. 

The bigger obstacle to CX making XY his emperess, regardless of spoilers, is that she is not having any of that.  She has to be the only spouse.  And CX just can't do that.

Buckle up everyone.  It's going to be heartbreaking.

Hail to the new Emperor!!

Ooooh.  I'm glad they released more of the armor stills.  He looks great there!


Ooooh.  I'm glad they released more of the armor stills.  He looks great there!

He sure does! There are more in the picture section.

 Katelyn Arshi:

He sure does! There are more in the picture section.

Let me go heart them all!