I am more inclined to think this is the scene in the dream sequence where she pretends to poison him while she commits suicide, dying in his arms. Dream sequence. That leaves a sour aftertaste in the mouth. Gah.

:( I'm going to be super disappointed, but I guess I have a few days to prepare myself for disappointment, lol. Maybe that's why the script was leaked??? I don't know, I just need this to air so I can recover emotionally after a year LOL.


:( I'm going to be super disappointed, but I guess I have a few days to prepare myself for disappointment, lol. Maybe that's why the script was leaked??? I don't know, I just need this to air so I can recover emotionally after a year LOL.

Omg are we twins??? I feel the same way, this may be their way of gently letting us down ? - “just an fyi this is the script ?” but I know I will still feel awful after finishing it, and it will take a while to get over the emotions ughhhhh. Might need to read the novel again after the drama to get over it


Omg are we twins??? I feel the same way, this may be their way of gently letting us down ? - “just an fyi this is the script ?” but I know I will still feel awful after finishing it, and it will take a while to get over the emotions ughhhhh. Might need to read the novel again after the drama to get over it

The reading the novel again to resolve unsatisfication from the drama is so real! (ಥ﹏ಥ)  I was already set to throw chairs. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


The reading the novel again to resolve unsatisfication from the drama is so real! (ಥ﹏ಥ)  I was already set to throw chairs. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

Need to grab extra chairs and tables, I am with you!


Omg are we twins??? I feel the same way, this may be their way of gently letting us down ? - “just an fyi this is the script ?” but I know I will still feel awful after finishing it, and it will take a while to get over the emotions ughhhhh. Might need to read the novel again after the drama to get over it

Exactly, I can soothe myself with the novel haha. That's what I had to do with S1 ending the way it ended for Tushan Jing in the dumps. Now I'll have to do it with CX et al.


This breaks my YaoXuan heart even more!

Saw a clip of FengLong asking XY to marry asap and it looks pretty in line with the novel. But my poor CX looked devastated. I don’t know if I’m ready for ZWY’s sad longing eyes - prob will be 100x more sad ? 

NGL, but every clip I see focused on Feng Long makes me feel bad for him.  I didn't feel bad for him at all in season 1.

My YaoXuan heart T_____T

Just saw the clip of ZWY talking about CX’s character and CX-XY relationship on weibo ( He has a very good understanding of him. CX is such a tragic character, and this is something I was able to witness more of after rewatching S1. The heartbreak, internal struggles, shouldering burdens…he gave everyone a peaceful country at the expense of his own freedom and happiness. In the end, he lost XY forever - forever missing her. It breaks me because of how beautiful their bond was - the unwavering support they gave each other, a bond that was deeper than family and romance.

There were discussions about the S2 script regarding how it downplays his love/intentions by making him feel sorry/guilty for choosing the throne over her - that the throne was more important than XY. This totally throws off his characterization from S1 and the novel because he never cared about power and just wanted a simple life with his loved ones. In the beginning of the drama, he told Lao Sang that it would be nice to live with XY in QingShui town. Someone made a valid point - it wasn’t a simple choice between power or love, but a choice between selfishly putting down everything to be with XY or selflessly getting the power to guarantee her safety and happiness. The only one he let go of was himself because he can never live on his free will. 

And the ruo mu flower pin. Such a significant token of his love (which they also downplayed in the script). But still broke my heart because it represented his love for her and how he would only ever see her as his one true love/wife. Aghhhhhh

I know alot of people don't discuss this enough, but CX yielding from killing Jing a second time is not guaranteed. But a driving force for XY to leave in the wilderness and dissapearing also stems from that CX couldn't promise XY from sparing XL life, and losing XL, was to much for her.


I know alot of people don't discuss this enough, but CX yielding from killing Jing a second time is not guaranteed. But a driving force for XY to leave in the wilderness and dissapearing also stems from that CX couldn't promise XY from sparing XL life, and losing XL, was to much for her.

I don’t see CX killing Jing the second time (even in the novel). He saw the consequence of his actions and XY nearly died, so I don’t think he would do it again. Towards the end of the novel, I sense that he truly gave her his blessings but expected that she and Jing would stay close so that he could at least see her. However he didn’t expect she would leave. 

I initially didn’t think she left CX because of XL’s death, this was something she always knew would happen one day. It was either XL or CX. It is interesting because she had asked them individually before to not kill each other, she loves them all but sadly it was inevitable that one would die. I guess she underestimated the immense grief over XL. But after rereading that part, XL did impersonate as Gong Gong and no one knew it was XL until the end. XY doesn’t blame CX but perhaps you are right, seeing the phoenix flowers, she would think of CX which would remind her of XL’s death. However, in CX’s position it is hard to blame him because he had to do it, although I think he meant it when he told XY he would let XL disappear if he stopped. This is all too tragic because someone important would have to die.

Ch 51:

“Xiao Yao kept talking and crying until gradually her words trailed off and she curled tightly in Jing’s arms and stared at the tall Phoenix Flower Tree. Blooms of red fell to the ground carried by the wind as if frames of each memory passing by, no matter how beautiful it would all pass with the wind.

Xiao Yao wearily closed her eyes “Jing, I want to leave!”

My YaoXuan heart T_____T

Just saw the clip of ZWY talking about CX’s character and CX-XY relationship on weibo ( He has a very good understanding of him. CX is such a tragic character, and this is something I was able to witness more of after rewatching S1. The heartbreak, internal struggles, shouldering burdens…he gave everyone a peaceful country at the expense of his own freedom and happiness. In the end, he lost XY forever - forever missing her. It breaks me because of how beautiful their bond was - the unwavering support they gave each other, a bond that was deeper than family and romance.

There were discussions about the S2 script regarding how it downplays his love/intentions by making him feel sorry/guilty for choosing the throne over her - that the throne was more important than XY. This totally throws off his characterization from S1 and the novel because he never cared about power and just wanted a simple life with his loved ones. In the beginning of the drama, he told Lao Sang that it would be nice to live with XY in QingShui town. Someone made a valid point - it wasn’t a simple choice between power or love, but a choice between selfishly putting down everything to be with XY or selflessly getting the power to guarantee her safety and happiness. The only one he let go of was himself because he can never live on his free will.

And the ruo mu flower pin. Such a significant token of his love (which they also downplayed in the script). But still broke my heart because it represented his love for her and how he would only ever see her as his one true love/wife. Aghhhhhh

Thanks for sharing.  Well put.  Just reading your post here already made me cry. This is what I feel for CX too. Not many people give him credit for bringing peace to the country. They see him only wanting power.  For those of us who dig deeper to understand his character, we know his struggles and pain. He is one of many tragic characters in this drama.

 Katelyn Arshi:
Thanks for sharing. Well put. Just reading your post here already made me cry. This is what I feel for CX too. Not many people give him credit for bringing peace to the country. They see him only wanting power. For those of us who dig deeper to understand his character, we know his struggles and pain. He is one of many tragic characters in this drama.

Some folks just want the story to be a romance, so that's the most important thing to them.  Though Tong Hua said, there's more than romantic love, and everyone has other important things pulling on them.  I know some would disagree with me, but I feel that everyone, understood and worked towards non-romantic goals.


Some folks just want the story to be a romance, so that's the most important thing to them.  Though Tong Hua said, there's more than romantic love, and everyone has other important things pulling on them.  I know some would disagree with me, but I feel that everyone, understood and worked towards non-romantic goals.

Haha  I agree there was more than romance here. Technically, just like Tong Hua said, everyone got the main thing they wanted/pursued so it was a happy ending in that sense. But when I look at it in the romantic aspect (and those darn expressive eyes from ZWY) my YaoXuan heart cannot handle hahaha. I am just hopelesss

Haha I agree there was more than romance here. Technically, just like Tong Hua said, everyone got the main thing they wanted/pursued so it was a happy ending in that sense. But when I look at it in the romantic aspect (and those darn expressive eyes from ZWY) my YaoXuan heart cannot handle hahaha. I am just hopelesss

Of course.  Living up to your responsibilities or goals isn't always what one wants the most.  Everyone wants to be loved and love, but like Tong Hua said, you don't always get everything you want. :)

And so our romantic hearts and yearning for happiness for our favs squeezes our hearts.


Of course.  Living up to your responsibilities or goals isn't always what one wants the most.  Everyone wants to be loved and love, but like Tong Hua said, you don't always get everything you want. :)

And so our romantic hearts and yearning for happiness for our favs squeezes our hearts.

Yes! Things cannot be that perfect, plus we don’t have 3 XY’s available anyway hahah. I blame ZWY - he squeezes hearts even more with his acting. Grrrrrrrrrr although it must’ve been emotionally taxing to play such a tortured and restrained character.

I wish we had novels like these to analyze in school instead of the usual classics, would’ve aced it with all of our analyses


Some folks just want the story to be a romance, so that's the most important thing to them.  Though Tong Hua said, there's more than romantic love, and everyone has other important things pulling on them.  I know some would disagree with me, but I feel that everyone, understood and worked towards non-romantic goals.

Yes that's true that most viewers love the romantic aspect in rooting for Jing etc. YaoXuan's strong bond and goals got me on a choke hold. Xuan's unrequited love broke me in pieces. I'm looking through his lenses and I find it quite unique beyond the typical romance. I wish viewers would appreciate him more rather than just looking at the romantic CP.