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Dear Readers,

 As we think that for more clarity , and being concerned about few misrepresentation and oversimplification of the character arcs (Xiao Yao/ Tushan Jing) in our discussions thread, as when someone oversimplifies complex character developments, it can mislead others and diminish the depth and nuances of the narrative. It can mislead even our initial purpose of our exploration.

 We (@Winny Aye, @peng-peng, @Symbolika1) found one way to respond to such simplifications and misinterpretations=> is to  break down how these moments contribute to the intricate character growth and the evolving relationships in the story. Keeping so always the whole CONTEXT in mind. By providing a detailed analysis, we can counter the oversimplified narrative and showcase the depth and complexity of the characters' journeys. For instance, taking each event or significant interaction and delve into its context, impact, and the emotional depth it adds to the character's story arc.

 By doing so, we can emphasize the intricacies of their relationships, motivations, and the internal struggles they face, providing a more accurate and nuanced understanding to counteract any oversimplification. And twisted, cuted, misleading interpretations. As we belive that's in detailed and thoughtful analysis that can we, help readers, and ourselves , to grasp the complexity of the story and its characters, encouraging a more comprehensive Xiao Yao's & Jing's discussion that respects the depth of writer Tong Hua narrative in novel and the drama.

 All this taking as, you can imagine quite a lot of our time=>We are creating for the purpose, a none discussive new thread for Clarity with Our complete and ongoing LYF Study. Of course, we will continue our explorations in this , saphires thread first. Wich remain our main XiaoJing thread and where you can interact with us and have all Xiaojing related discussion you are eager to enjoy :

https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/119991-tushan-jing-and-xiao-yao-here-s-to-a-happily-ever-after?page=367 We complited the whole vol.1 and it's related episodes...a good way to dive into our loverbirds lovestory..... 

                                                         "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMMENTS HERE"

Prologue LYF (credit to koala)

At the dawn of time, when the universe was just formless chaos, the world had only one ruler. That was the Great Emperor Pan Gu, who opened the Heavens and created the world itself.

At that time, the distance between Heaven and Earth was much closer. Humans lived on Earth and the Gods lived on the Heavenly Mountains. Humans could travel on a sky stair to reach the Gods. The Humans, the Gods, and the Demons all co-existed together in the world.

The Great Emperor Pan Gu had three subordinates that he was as close as siblings with. The one with the greatest spiritual power was a woman, but the time was so long ago that her name no longer can be found. Only known is that she created the Hua Xu Kingdom, so the people called her Hua Xu. The other two subordinates were men, one was named Sheng Nong and was stationed in the Middle Plains to ensure peace from all four reaches, and the other was named Gao Xing and was stationed to the East to protect where the sun rose the Holy Yang Valley and the Eye of the East Gui Xu.

After the Great Emperor Pan Gu passed, the world descended into fiery conflict and endless warfare. Hua Xu tired of the endless battle and left for the far reaches to create the peaceful and harmonious Hua Xu Kingdom. But what made her live on through the legends was not her Hua Xu Kingdom, but her two children – her son Fu Yi and her daughter Nü Wa.

Fu Yi and Nü Wa were brave and just, subduing all the heroes of the world willingly and ending the warfare. They were crowned Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa.

They brought peace to the bruised and battered vast wilderness, and gradually life began anew again.

Aftar thousands of years, Emperor Fu Yi passed and Empress Nü Wa was devastated. She left for the Hua Xu Kingdom and was never seen again. What happened to her remained a mystery and the Fu Yi and Nü Wa tribes slowly lost prominence.

With the downturn of the Fu Yi tribe, the Sheng Nong tribe in the Middle Plains and the Gao Xing tribe in the Southeast rose to be the two great powers. On the surface both abided by the pacted signed before Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa to never attack each other, but deep down each was bursting with ambition to devour the other.

In the Northwest area of the vast wilderness, there was a unassuming mountain called Xuan Yuan Mountain. Living at the base of the mountain was a small God tribe that the powerful Gods never took notice of – the Xuan Yuan tribe. After a great ceremony, the tribal elders of the Xuan Yuan tribe chose the bravest, smartest strapping young man in the tribe to be their leader. But even the tribal elders could not have foreseen what great feats and accomplishments this young man would one day accomplish.

In another few thousand short years time, the young man expanded the formerly small Xuan Yuan tribe until by the time Gao Xing and Sheng Nong became aware of its rival existence in might, the time had passed to eliminate Xuan Yuan easily. They could only watch wearily as Xuan Yuan vaulted to join them and become one of the top three greatest God tribes in existence.

The three great God tribes. The head was Sheng Nong, the tribe that received the direct order from the Great Emperor Pan Gu to watch over the Middle Plains, and each leader of the Sheng Nong Kingdom was called the Flame Emperor. The Flame Emperor ruled by beneficence. The second was Gao Xing, under orders to watch over the Southeast, and each successive ruler was called the Grand Emperor. The Grand Emperor ruled by protocol. The last was the upstart Xuan Yuan based in the Northwest, its ruler was called the Yellow Emperor, and he ruled by law.

From then on, Sheng Nong in the Middle Plains, Xuan Yuan in the Northwest, and Gao Xing in the Southeast – the three
powers co-existed warily for thousands of years in a seemingly stable balance and division of power.

My thoughts

So this is Dahuang and three god tribes. But before Xuan Yuan, there was Hua Xu. It tells me that things can change...after one kingdom gone, come another..but it mainly talk of Fu Yi and Nu Wa, the rulers of Hua Xu. They reminds me of Zhang Xu and Xiao Yao might have bonded of if they were not separated since young. I don't know. So in here we learn to know about the three great emperors and 3 great god tribes, Xuan Yuan, Sheng Nong and Gao Xing. 

First I need a resumé :

The prologue serves as a celestial prelude, laying the groundwork for the intricate web of power, love, and divine intricacies in Tong Hua's universe. It reflects themes of  alliances, love, tragic separations, and the cyclical nature of power. Drawing parallels to the previous books, perhaps it hints at the possibility of characters like Xiao Yao and Zhang Xu mirroring the fates of Fu Yi and Nü Wa. As the celestial drama unfolds, the prologue acts as a bridge, connecting the narrative threads of Tong Hua's earlier works to this tapestry."

As you said Winny, at first it hints that the story could repeat itself...but , we will see as the story unfold , how the union of Jing and the female protagonist  Xiao Yao, might symbolize a crucial balance in this doomed fate, like a convergence of destinies meant to reshape the division power cycle, the shading of pasts tragic loves,  and finally set/stage a path foward, rather than a repeat story  movement .


- The Drama choose to start with the complete  misfortune of Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan in their youth:

                                                                   Zhaoyun Hall on Xiyan 

We see how the royal family is marked by dysfunction, characterized by typical palace politics. 

Despite the King of Xiyan having numerous sons and grandchildren, Cang Xuan finds himself overlooked and marginalized, despite his father's sacrifice for the nation, leading him to become an outcast.

Xiao Yao's military mother, and Queen of Haoling, ( has decided to divorce the King ,more secrets are untold)- remains reticent about crucial information, burdening the children with responsibilities way beyond their years. 

=>It raises the question of how one can ask a child to swear to protect another when the adult, unable to safeguard them, imposes such heavy burdens. 

Both mother dies (battlefield while enemy facing//suicide), and so does the granny who used to take care of them both. "They'll be back soon",  they smile while stabbing in front of kids, their vital organs...Both mothers choose to die, before child care.

The only confort remaining is the kids bond.  

Their heritage are a knife (used by CX mother to kill herself...) given to Cang Xuan:  

And little Xiao Yao gets: from inside these books a magical trinket:  

The Xiyan King split up than the children, by sending Xiaoyao to Mount Jade, to learn under the Royal Mother. A heartbreaking scene follow, showing them parting...The little prince cries on the mountain top, while the little princess is off on an air-carriage in the sky..... 

...and => TIME JUMP : 300 years later - lefting us on a cliffhanger: what happened to those kids who are left with such heavy burdens from their  relatives??? Their hearts broken to ashes.

**********************************Intro/Drama prologue end**************************************


The prologue of "Lost You Forever" by Tong Hua and the prologue scenario from the TV series adaptation share some common elements, but there are also significant differences in terms of tone, focus, and presentation. Let's explore the in-depth comparisons:

Common Elements:

  1. Mythical Setting: Both the novel and the TV series prologues are set in a mythical world with divine rulers and various tribes or kingdoms of gods.

  2. Great Emperor Pan Gu: Both narratives mention the Great Emperor Pan Gu as the original ruler who created the world and had three important subordinates.

  3. Creation of Peaceful Kingdoms: In both versions, one of the subordinates, Hua Xu, creates the Hua Xu Kingdom to establish peace and harmony.

  4. Successors of Hua Xu: The novel and the TV series both mention the children of Hua Xu, Fu Yi, and Nü Wa, who become significant rulers and bring peace to the world.


  1. Focus and Tone:

    • Novel: The novel prologue provides a broad historical overview with a focus on the rise and fall of kingdoms and the shifting balance of power among the god tribes. It has a more distant and epic tone.
    • TV Series: The TV series prologue, on the other hand, zooms in on the personal tragedies of the characters Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan, emphasizing the dysfunction within the royal family and the burdens placed on the children. The tone is more immediate and emotionally charged.
  2. Character Development:

    • Novel: The novel introduces several historical figures and tribes, detailing the rise of the Xuan Yuan tribe and the coexistence of the three great God tribes.It's a more distant and general overview.
    • TV Series: The TV series prologue focuses on the childhood experiences of Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan, highlighting the impact of family dynamics and personal tragedies on their characters. 
  3. Conflict and Ambition:

    • Novel: The novel mentions the ambitions and power struggles between the Sheng Nong, Gao Xing, and Xuan Yuan tribes, creating a backdrop of tension and rivalry.
    • TV Series: The TV series emphasizes the internal conflicts within the royal family of Xiyan, portraying a sense of betrayal and marginalization experienced by Cang Xuan.(and the possible shadowed in secrets for Xiao Yao to be experienced "She is different").   4.Detailed Events:
  • Novel: The novel provides a detailed account of the passage of time, covering thousands of years and the events that shaped the world.
  • TV Series: The TV series prologue focuses on specific, emotionally charged events in the childhood of two characters, building a more intimate connection with the audience.

  • => In summary:

    While both the novel and the TV series share a foundation of mythical elements    and historical events, they diverge in terms of focus, tone, and character development. The novel takes a grand and historical approach, while the TV series opts for a more personal and emotionally intense narrative. The tone is settled as we are ready to enter this personnal and emotional journey centred story approach, to enhance both perception of the same story!.

  • After all Tong Hua supervised the screenplay too.

Chapter 1 my fav part analysis

 I want to share  the 2  points that for me set  some kind of begining of XY's  little affection towards the Beggar.

These 2 scenes are long before our fav bath scene. 

"Ma Zi opened a jar and a light delicate scent wafted out. Xiao Liu reached in
and scooped out a golden ointment with his hands and started applying it on the man, starting with his face, 

The cold ointment alleviated some of the pain and the man's pursed lips softened slightly. Xiao Liu saw the blood staining his lips and applied  some ointment there as well. The man
quickly tried to shut his mouth and 
took Xiao Liu's finger into his lips. It was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt anything soft from his body. Xiao Liu was momentarily stunned but the 

man already opened his lips and Xiao Liu pulled back his finger. He gently lifted his arm and started applying medicine. " ...............................................................................................................................................

- " But then he saw the man's matted hair and he furrowed his brow before calling for Chuan Zi "Cloth, hot waterbasin, pail." Xiao Liu sat down on the edge of the pallet, put his legs inside a pail, lifted up the man's dirty head and placed it on his knees to wash his hair
Chuan Zi sheepishly offered "Brother Liu, tomorrow you have to see patients, go get some sleep and I can do this.'W Xiao Liu scoffed "With your clumsy hands, I'm afraid you'll undo my hours of hard work tending his wounds. You can just change the water." Xiao Liu's hand movements were gentle even more than usual, getting some suds from the soap and 1 ittle by little washing the man's hair. After thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled warm water over the hair to rinse away the blood and dirt. He used a scissors to snip away the ruined

After washing his hair, Xiao Liu's hands moved across his scalp and he lowered his hair to check. He could feel the man tense up and Xiao Liueexplained "I want to check if you have any head injuries.'

The irony was that the torturers wanted him lucid to feel every bit of the pain so they didn't harm his head Xiao Liu didn't want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair.  He worried air brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair

brush to detangle the strands. After arranging his hair, he had Chuan Zi get a clean pillow before laying his head on the pillow.

The sun was already rising when Xiao Liu stepped outside that room. He washed his face with cold water and ate his breakfast while ordering Ma Zi" 

There is nothing sexual about that bold part b. I love that XY is stunned . This is not the reaction of a doctor  at all.  Also it kind of set the tone  for this mysterious beggar. Under all this disgusting bruises person there is softness.

This is the 1rst time XY is washing his hair. Has she ever washed the hair of someone else before?  If no them again this is the 1st person she does this to. She is extremly gentle not to hurt him. When Chiang Zi offered  to do this task, she refuse, she send him off. This is the begining   of XY tlc for this man's hair. Lol. 

I also love  this scene below 

Scene C- "The man kept his eyes lowered "I.
Listen. To you." Xiao Liu chewed more dry grass "In the future if you see people who know you,
you will still listen to me?" The man pursed his lips and his hand lightly gripped the bannister, 

his face pale and he remained silent Xiao Liu was about to scoff when he raised his eyes and looked directly at him "I listen!" In his clear eyes there appeared to be flashing embers as if
branding the word "listen"
 in his heart
Xiao Liu hesitated for a moment and
then said "Then you can stay."

Here the italic and bold part  for me the PACT is made.  Sealed branded in his heart. Them WXY agrees to let him stay.  The man made this knowing fully well that he is making it between this woman and himself. It is a big pact. An important pact. What is important to me here is that XY is the one  having a say in this pact She set the condition " you will listent to me" .Nothing is forced on her. No threats. She has free will to even reject  the beggar acceptance of the  condition she has stipulated. She is in controle.  I am stressing this because there will be more  pacts that she will make later on   with XL, TSJ and FL ( those that I remember on top of my head. There could be more).  

These are my 2 cents. 

Chapter 1 – Life is Short Like a Temporary Stay:

It starts with with our female lead in man form Wen Xiao Liu (Little Six)

The town doctor Wen Xiao Liu (Xiao Liu means Little Six) had a bowl of lamb stew in one hand and a biscuit in the other and was squatting on the backyard stoop noisily eating. Past the steps were two pastures planted with medicinal herbs, and in between was a little pathway that led to a small river. The sun was just rising and casting a golden glow on the river surface. The flowers were blooming on either side of the river banks and the birds were flying and landing, lending it a very poetic view. Xiao Liu admired the view while thinking the swans must be very plump and would be tasty to catch a few and roast them.
......skipping a little ...
Wen Xiao Liu complained as he washed the dishes “This dish will get dirty at the next meal despite getting cleaned now. Why wash after every meal? If one eats out of one’s own bowl, it’s not dirty, so one can wash every few days.”

Wen Xiao Liu never made his bed in the morning. If he folded his blankets he would just have to mess it up that night so why would he make more work for himself. Who’s that stupid? He could get away with never making his bed, but he had to wash the dirty dishes otherwise Lao Mu would have smacked him already.

By looking at all description about Wen Xiao Liu.  He's a a lazy or rather untidy, happy go lucky town doctor ...and his business was a decent like said..

Hui Chun Clinic may not be a large clinic but Wen Xiao Liu was especially skilled at treating infertility, with ten ladies coming to seek help and he could cure perhaps six or seven of them so the business of the clinic was pretty decent.

So Xiao Liu is able to treating infertility and his business was decent . I have a feeling this treating infertility to fertility is giving ot new births and making lives. 

She mentioned harmony happy married life with kids. (something she's wanting)


Chapter 1 continue (skipping)

This is when Xiao Liu found cripple begger.

Xiao Liu took a stroll around the river and hummed his tune. As he walked back along the little path, he stopped next to the beggar and stepped on that biscuit beside him. Xiao Liu knelt down “I stepped on your biscuit, what can I do to make it up to you?”

The beggar did not respond and Xiao Liu looked up at the sky, the crescent moon hung cold and low by the edge of the horizon as if the Heavens were smiling with a mocking grin at the mortals below.

of course in these passages ....we can get further insight  about Wen Xiao Liu not wanting to be burden to the one she was going to help by exchanging it by stepping on his biscuits .

And heaven mocking mortals.. sometimes things are out of mortals reach and had to follow how heaven's planned for the individual . All in all sometimes we could be out of our control to lives and live under the fate. But it is not all negative here. Because heaven is smiling. There's mention of crescent moon. Sometimes I feel like it is heaven testing on mortals . 

continue on Chapter 1....

description of Jing..

Xiao Liu walked over and took a good look. The man’s entire face was battered and bruised so badly it was swollen like a pig’s head. His features were completely indistinguishable. On a reed thin body, paired with a giant head, it was freakishly scary.


Xiao Liu pushed aside his clothes, or more like scraps of cloth, and the man’s entire body was criss-crossed with scars and wounds of all types – whips, knives, burns, and there was a completely charred path right on his chest that came from a brand. Because he didn’t have any excess muscle, his bones protruded clearly and the burned skin hung on his rib cage.

Xiao Liu was gentle as can be and fully concentrated on tending the wounds. But no matter the care taken, there were a multitude of wounds, some with rotted flesh that needed to be cut away, others with dead skin that needed to be snipped, and his broken leg needed to be set.

Because of the pain, Xiao Liu could feel the man shaking but his eyes remained closed and he tightly bit his lips quietly enduring. He battered body was naked and everywhere was the signs of torture meant to degrade and shame him. Yet his behavior remained lofty and composed.

Xiao Liu realized he probably reacted this way to the torture as well, the person being shamed h
aving more dignity than the person shaming. The person torturing him would have been filled with even more rage and therefore increased the torture.

I am copy pasting some phrases description of jing tortured body...clearly it's filthy.. nevertheless , Xiao Liu could see underneath his filthy body was a man of diginity. I think her respect started here. After he recovered , Ma Zi and Chuan Zi were awe. 

This was the first time either of them clearly look at him. He had long black eyebrows, sparkling eyes, a high straight nose, his simple cheap wool clothes was worn with elegance and sophistication. In a second both Ma Zi and Chuan Zi felt so unworthy and also in awe.


Despite eating the same dry grass, his movements were refined and gave off the impression that he wasn’t eating dry grass but the fruit of the Gods from the mountains.


Ma Zi reaction ...he's already assuming Jing was above them.

Ma Zi consoled him “Brother Liu, some people were born on top of the clouds, others are no better than dirt. There is nothing to compare. Let’s be accepting and live our dirt life as best as can be.”

No matter whether Jing is cripple , body full of scars, and wearing cheap clothes . He is sophisticated, enduring and has dignity. Xiao Liu admired him for it ...and so were others. Ma Zi and Chaung Zi and Lao Mu already consider him above them.

All in all , my take on Jing is that, he represents value of person is not depending on the appearance and wealthy clothing ... even in old cheap clothing, Jing is still sophisticated ..♡

chapter 1 continue 

Lao Mu was rolling dough and said “I heard about that man’s injuries from Ma Zi.”

Xiao Liu drank his soup “Uhm hmmm.”

“Ma Zi, Chuan Zi – neither can see it, but you must be able to tell. He is from one of the God tribes , and he is definitely not one of the lowlier types of Gods like us.

Xiao Liu drank his soup and didn’t respond.

“Killing someone is just cutting off a head. These kind of injuries has a big reason behind it. Saving someone who shouldn’t be saved is like bringing death to the door.”

Xiao Liu chewed and said “Clean up that duck and put a bit of salt on it and nothing else, then roast it over a small fire.”

Lao Mu glanced over and saw that Xiao Liu didn’t care so he sighed and said “Understood.”

with Jing's conditions and torture , Lao Mu was warning Xiao Liu about the danger it might bring ..saving Jing against some highly god wish. But Xiao Liu was already determine. Of course, her helping Jing is because of her sympathy because she was once tortured too. Beside her job is healer to infertility, the job to give life, therefore she already had this nuturing heart.

 Some more XiaoJing scenes that gives me goosbump...

Xiao Liu wanted him to relax and joked “You are a man, how can you be afraid of a guy taking your pants off?” After the pants came off, Xiao Liu fell silent.

Im actually ...being beet red here...XD

But she can light up the mood...

After another half hour, the man’s entire body was covered in ointment and wrapped in gauze.

Wen Xiao Liu covered him with a clean blanket and softly said “I will need to check on your wounds often these next few days so I won’t give you any clothes. Don’t worry, we don’t have any females in this household. Even if you flash someone, no one will make you marry her.”

I find it light mood...joke..but Im giggling for some reason.

The cold ointment alleviated some of the pain and the man’s pursed lips softened slightly. Xiao Liu saw the blood staining his lips and applied some ointment there as well. The man quickly tried to shut his mouth and took Xiao Liu’s finger into his lips. It was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt anything soft from his body.

There was not anything just like peng-peng said....but i still feel something ..her finger touching his lip.

and ohh i liked her washing his hair...

Xiao Liu scoffed “With your clumsy hands, I’m afraid you’ll undo my hours of hard work tending his wounds. You can just change the water.” Xiao Liu’s hand movements were gentle even more than usual, getting some suds from the soap and little by little washing the man’s hair. After thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled warm water over the hair to rinse away the blood and dirt. He used a scissors to snip away the ruined patches.


Xiao Liu didn’t want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair. He worried the hair brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair brush to detangle the strands

I love how she was extra gentle with him.  I find it sweet.

and of course ...we have lengendary bathing scene... 

The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”

Xiao Liu sat to the side and munched on a snack and kept him company.

Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body. He took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it.

and all in all ...ye shi qi give himself completely to Xiao Liu. a woman in man's body. 

Because he would not be cured if its not for Xiao Yao..and he would not let anyone heal him apart from her.

Ma Zi secretly gave Shi Qi some of his secreted away savings “Our little Hui Chun Clinic…..heh heh…..you can tell Brother Liu’s medical skills isn’t all that…..heh heh…….have you heard of the Flame Emperor’s Sheng Nong Clan? If you go to the other end of town, there is the Bao Cao clinic run by a doctor who is a many generation descendant of the Sheng Nong clan. His skills are very impressive and perhaps can heal your leg.” Shi Qi silently handed the money back to Ma Zi.

Ma Zi got impatient “Don’t! You can repay me slowly but your leg is a big deal. You can pay me interest if you want then.”

Shi Qi kept his head lowered and said “This. Is good.”

“What’s good about it? Do you want to be a cripple for the rest of your life?”

“He. Doesn’t care.”

=> Xiao Liu's profession and The Underlying Theme of Creating Life in Wen Xiao Liu's Expertise in Fertility Treatments:  

Wen Xiao Liu's proficiency in fertility treatments serves as a thematic anchor in the narrative, providing a multifaceted layer to her re initiate- character. The focal point on infertility and the subsequent ability to overcome it not only establishes Hui Chun Clinic as a reputable establishment but also positions Xiao Liu as a facilitator of the life-creating process.

Xiao Liu as a Facilitator of Life: In the town doctor's role, Xiao Liu assumes a unique position—one that allows her to guide and support couples in their journey to create life. The theme of fertility treatments echoes broader cultural and societal associations with procreation, growth, and family continuity. Xiao Liu's expertise goes beyond the clinical; it is intertwined with the very essence of life itself.

=>Connections to Xiao Liu's Childhood:

Xiao Liu's Mother's Promise: The narrative hints at a deeper connection between Xiao Liu's chosen profession and her personal history. Xiao Liu's fear of abandonment is rooted in her mother's promise to return from war, a promise left unfulfilled. This unresolved aspect of her childhood becomes a significant emotional backdrop, shaping Xiao Liu's perspective on separation and loss.

Xiao Liu's Personal Healing Through Fertility: It is very much conceivable that Xiao Liu's dedication to fertility treatments is not only a professional choice but also a personal one—a way for her to navigate the complexities of her own past. The act of helping others create families could be a form of catharsis, a means of healing the wounds left by her mother's absence.

Reconciliation with Loss: Xiao Liu's expertise in fertility treatments might be a form of reconciliation with the loss she experienced. By actively participating in the creation of new life, she could be seeking a sense of control over the narrative of separation and abandonment that marked her childhood.

=>Fear of Abandonment and the Pursuit of Continuity:

Xiao Liu's Emotional Complexities: The fear of abandonment, stemming from her mother's unfulfilled promise, adds emotional depth to Xiao Liu's character. Her pursuit of creating life through fertility treatments could be seen as a response to this fear, a way of counteracting the sense of loss and creating a narrative of continuity.

=> !!!!!Fertility as a Symbol of Hope:!!! In Xiao Liu's world, where families are formed and expanded through her interventions, fertility becomes a symbol of hope, resilience, and the possibility of rebuilding what was once lost. The creation of life stands as a powerful antidote to the specter of abandonment that haunts Xiao Liu.

I see Wen Xiao Liu's expertise in fertility treatments as a poignant element in the narrative, interwoven with her personal history and the unresolved trauma of her mother's absence. The pursuit of creating life becomes a nuanced exploration of healing, continuity, and the delicate balance between personal and professional motivations in the face of profound loss. So:

                                              THE HOPE THE RESILIENCE THE REBUILDING 

1. Hope for New Beginnings: Fertility treatments, under Xiao Liu's skilled hands, represent the promise of new beginnings. Couples grappling with infertility often confront the profound desire for a family, and Xiao Liu's ability to guide them through this journey embodies the hope for a fresh start. In a world shadowed by past losses, the prospect of creating life anew becomes a powerful source of optimism. 

2. Resilience in the Face of Adversity: Infertility can be a deeply challenging and emotional experience for couples. Xiao Liu's expertise in overcoming these challenges portrays fertility as a symbol of resilience. It signifies the human capacity to endure, adapt, and overcome obstacles on the path to creating life. The clinic, under Xiao Liu's guidance, becomes a sanctuary of strength where resilience triumphs over adversity.

3. Rebuilding What Was Lost: The act of facilitating the creation of families through fertility treatments is, in essence, a process of rebuilding what was once lost. Xiao Liu, driven by her personal history of abandonment, invests not only in the physical act of conceiving but also in the emotional and psychological restoration of families. Fertility becomes a vessel through which broken narratives can be rewoven, offering the possibility of wholeness and continuity.

4. Antidote to the Specter of Abandonment: In Xiao Liu's world, where the specter of abandonment looms large, fertility stands as a potent antidote. The creation of life becomes a defiant response to the haunting echoes of separation. It is a tangible manifestation of Xiao Liu's determination to counteract the lingering shadows of her own past by actively participating in the formation of new familial bonds.

5. Symbol of Healing and Empowerment: Fertility, within the context of Xiao Liu's expertise, transforms into a symbol of healing and empowerment. The process of conceiving and bringing forth life represents a journey of emotional and physical restoration for both individuals and couples. Xiao Liu's role as a healer goes beyond the clinical, extending into the realm of emotional support and empowerment for those who seek her guidance.

In summary, fertility in Xiao Liu's world transcends its biological implications to become a rich symbol of hope, resilience, rebuilding, and empowerment. It serves as a transformative force, offering solace and strength to those navigating the intricate tapestry of life itself and all families, including her, in the face of past losses and the fear of abandonment. She ROCKS!!!!OMG she rocks! <3


  Ch1 continue/Drama ep.2 

                                                 - Xiao Liu found a cripple begger-She saw the beggar holding up the flower instead of the biscuit. The drama show that she remember how she have been caged once. And was longing for a red flower too.  

  * Notice: They are BOTH trying to reach alike flower * 

=>General symbolism of a red flower: Love and Passion /Hope and Longing /Symbol of Fate or Destiny. The symbolism might be explained or hinted at in later episodes or through character development and their interwinted path. -

=> ON HOLD BUTTON about Xiao Yao caged by a Nine Tail fox after her family separation: (back to past to explain the symbol):  

The  very young and naive Xiaoyao on the run, lost,  cross path with a nine tailed fox. She thought that the fox was kind, because when she forgot her real face due to frequent shape changes, the fox gave her a mirror. This mirror can keep any picture, so that Xiaoyao can take a picture before changing, so as to record her original appearance, so as not to lose herself. However, before Xiaoyao had time to thank her, she was tricked into the prison by the fox, who turned out to be her mother's enemy! .When he learned of Xiaoyao's existence, he was not in a hurry to kill her, but tortured her with various unknown drugs, weakened her strength.Ordinary people might compromise in this situation, but Xiaoyao didn't :).she resolutely used the poison she had developed for many years and successfully avenged her, and the fox never woke up again. 

Back in time and to the topic:  -Notice that at that time she don't know the beggar identity. 

* More forward in time, when she will, she will never make the mistake to put all foxes in the same box...Xiao Yao is aware enough to not tar everyone with the same brush.  

She knows the difference between evil and good, and will not deny all possible goodness because of one unfortunate experience. 

* As so, despite the difficult history with the nine-tailed fox who harmed her in the past:  

Xiao Yao's ability to move beyond her past and not look at Tushan Jing with reluctance , finally shows her positive/trustworthy and (later) loving emotions  toward him. 

=> She will never generalize the idea that all those of the same kind are the same :). Wich of course would be inacurate and meaningless. 



 Xiao Liu took a stroll around the river and hummed his tune. As he walked back along the little path, he stopped next to the beggar and stepped on that biscuit beside him. Xiao Liu knelt down “I stepped on your biscuit, what can I do to make it up to you?”

The beggar did not respond and Xiao Liu looked up at the sky, the crescent moon hung cold and low by the edge of the horizon as if the Heavens were smiling with a mocking grin at the mortals below.

of course in these passages ....we can get further insight  about Wen Xiao Liu not wanting to be burden to the one she was going to help by exchanging it by stepping on his biscuits .

And heaven mocking mortals.. sometimes things are out of mortals reach and had to follow how heaven's planned for the individual . All in all sometimes we could be out of our control to lives and live under the fate. But it is not all negative here. Because heaven is smiling. There's mention of crescent moon. Sometimes I feel like it is heaven testing on mortals . 

-Jings description:

"Xiao Liu walked over and took a good look. The man’s entire face was battered and bruised so badly it was swollen like a pig’s head. His features were completely indistinguishable. On a reed thin body, paired with a giant head, it was freakishly scary."

"Xiao Liu pushed aside his clothes, or more like scraps of cloth, and the man’s entire body was criss-crossed with scars and wounds of all types – whips, knives, burns, and there was a completely charred path right on his chest that came from a brand. Because he didn’t have any excess muscle, his bones protruded clearly and the burned skin hung on his rib cage."

-"Xiao Liu was gentle as can be and fully concentrated on tending the wounds. But no matter the care taken, there were a multitude of wounds, some with rotted flesh that needed to be cut away, others with dead skin that needed to be snipped, and his broken leg needed to be set.

"Because of the pain, Xiao Liu could feel the man shaking but his eyes remained closed and he tightly bit his lips quietly enduring. He battered body was naked and everywhere was the signs of torture meant to degrade and shame him. Yet his behavior remained lofty and composed."


 Xiao Liu could see underneath his filthy body was a man of diginity. I think her respect started here. After he recovered , Ma Zi and Chuan Zi were awe. 

"This was the first time either of them clearly look at him. He had long black eyebrows, sparkling eyes, a high straight nose, his simple cheap wool clothes was worn with elegance and sophistication. In a second both Ma Zi and Chuan Zi felt so unworthy and also in awe."

-Despite eating the same dry grass, his movements were refined and gave off the impression that he wasn’t eating dry grass but the fruit of the Gods from the mountains.

-Ma Zi reaction ...he's already assuming Jing was above them.

-Ma Zi consoled him “Brother Liu, some people were born on top of the clouds, others are no better than dirt. There is nothing to compare. Let’s be accepting and live our dirt life as best as can be.”

(First time appearence without bandages and out of the clinic:  the sun lights cover his silhouette.):

HOLD BUTTON => HER FACE WHEN SHE SEE HIM without bandage :D!!!!!!!   

(little song on...) No matter whether Jing is cripple , body full of scars, and wearing cheap clothes . He is sophisticated, enduring and has dignity. Xiao Liu admired him for it ...and so were others. Ma Zi and Chaung Zi and Lao Mu already consider him above them. -All in all , my take on Jing is that, he represents value of person is not depending on the appearance and wealthy clothing ... even in   old cheap clothing, Jing is still sophisticated ..♡ 


@ Peng Peng : I want to share  the 2  points that for me set  some kind of begining of XY's  little affection towards the Beggar:

Scene A -"Ma Zi opened a jar and a light delicate scent wafted out. Xiao Liu reached in and scooped out a golden ointment with his hands and started applying it on the man, starting with his face,The cold ointment alleviated some of the pain and the man's pursed lips softened slightly.

 - Xiao Liu saw the blood staining his lips and appliedsome ointment there as well. The man
quickly tried to shut his mouth and took Xiao Liu's finger into his lips. It was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt anything soft from his body.

Xiao Liu was momentarily stunned but the man already opened his lips
and Xiao Liu pulled back his finger.He gently lifted his arm and started applying medicine. "

Scene B- "But then he saw the man's matted hair and he furrowed his brow before
calling for Chuan Zi "Cloth, hot water basin, pail." Xiao Liu sat down on the edge of the pallet , put his legs inside apail, lifted up the man's dirty head and placed it on his knees to wash his hair.

Chuan Zi sheepishly offered "Brother Liu, tomorrow you have to see patients, go get some sleep and I can do this.'W Xiao Liu scoffed :"With your clumsy hands, I'm afraid you'll undo my hours of hard work tending his wounds.You can just change the water." 

Xiao Liu's hand movements were gentle ,even more than usual, getting some suds from the soap and 1ittle by little washing the man's hair. After thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled warm water over the hair to rinse away the blood and dirt. He used a scissors to snip away the ruined patches.

After washing his hair, Xiao Liu's hands moved across his scalp and he lowered his hair to check. He could feel the man tense up and Xiao Liu -explained "I want to check if you have any head injuries.' The irony was that the torturers wanted him lucid to feel every bit of the pain so they didn't harm his head Xiao Liu didn't want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair.  He worried air brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair brush to detangle the strands. After arranging his hair, he had Chuan Zi get a clean pillow before laying his head on the pillow.

The sun was already rising when Xiao Liu stepped outside that room. He washed his face with cold water and ate his breakfast while ordering Ma Zi" 

There is nothing sexual about that bold part b. I love that XY is stunned . This is not the reaction of a doctor  at all.  Also it kind of set the tone  for this mysterious beggar. Under all this disgusting bruises person there is softness.

This is the 1rst time XY is washing his hair. Has she ever washed the hair of someone else before?  If no them again this is the 1st person she does this to. She is extremly gentle not to hurt him. When Chiang Zi offered  to do this task, she refuse, she send him off. This is the begining   of XY tlc for this man's hair. Lol.....__________________________________________________________________

chapter 1( continue) 

Lao Mu was rolling dough and said “I heard about that man’s injuries from Ma Zi.”

Xiao Liu drank his soup “Uhm hmmm.”

“Ma Zi, Chuan Zi – neither can see it, but you must be able to tell. He is from one of the God tribes , and he is definitely not one of the lowlier types of Gods like us. Xiao Liu drank his soup and didn’t respond.

-“Killing someone is just cutting off a head. These kind of injuries has a big reason behind it. Saving someone who shouldn’t be saved is like bringing death to the door.”

Xiao Liu chewed and said “Clean up that duck and put a bit of salt on it and nothing else, then roast it over a small fire.” Lao Mu glanced over and saw that Xiao Liu didn’t care so he sighed and said “Understood.”

With Jing's conditions and torture , Lao Mu was warning Xiao Liu about the danger it might bring ..saving Jing against some highly god wish. But Xiao Liu was already determine. Of course, her helping Jing is because of her sympathy because she was once tortured too. Beside her job is healer to infertility, the job to give life, therefore she already had this nuturing heart.

**** Some more XiaoJing scenes that gives me goosbump...

- Xiao Liu wanted him to relax and joked “You are a man, how can you be afraid of a guy taking your pants off?” After the pants came off, Xiao Liu fell silent. 

Im actually ...being beet red here...XD -But she can light up the mood...

- After another half hour, the man’s entire body was covered in ointment and wrapped in gauze.

-Wen Xiao Liu covered him with a clean blanket and softly said “I will need to check on your wounds often these next few days so I won’t give you any clothes. Don’t worry, we don’t have any females in this household. Even if you flash someone, no one will make you marry her.”

I find it light mood...joke..but Im giggling for some reason.

The cold ointment alleviated some of the pain and the man’s pursed lips softened slightly. Xiao Liu saw the blood staining his lips and applied some ointment there as well. The man quickly tried to shut his mouth and took Xiao Liu’s finger into his lips. It was the only time tonight Xiao Liu felt anything soft from his body.


-Xiao Liu scoffed “With your clumsy hands, I’m afraid you’ll undo my hours of hard work tending his wounds. You can just change the water.” Xiao Liu’s hand movements were gentle even more than usual, getting some suds from the soap and little by little washing the man’s hair. After thoroughly shampooing it, he ladled warm water over the hair to rinse away the blood and dirt. He used a scissors to snip away the ruined patches.

.....Xiao Liu didn’t want to use any pressure so he used up many clothes gently drying his hair. He worried the hair brush would hurt him so he used his fingers like a thick soft hair brush to detangle the strands

I love how she was extra gentle with him.  I find it sweet.- and of course ...we have lengendary bathing scene: 

-" The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”

Xiao Liu sat to the side and munched on a snack and kept him company.

Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body. He took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed

Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it.

and all in all ...ye shi qi give himself completely to Xiao Liu. a woman in man's body. 

Because he would not be cured if its not for Xiao Yao..and he would not let anyone heal him apart from her.

Ma Zi secretly gave Shi Qi some of his secreted away savings “Our little Hui Chun Clinic…..heh heh…..you can tell Brother Liu’s medical skills isn’t all that…..heh heh…….have you heard of the Flame Emperor’s Sheng Nong Clan? If you go to the other end of town, there is the Bao Cao clinic run by a doctor who is a many generation descendant of the Sheng Nong clan. His skills are very impressive and perhaps can heal your leg.” Shi Qi silently handed the money back to Ma Zi.

Ma Zi got impatient “Don’t! You can repay me slowly but your leg is a big deal. You can pay me interest if you want then.”

Shi Qi kept his head lowered and said “This. Is good.”

“What’s good about it? Do you want to be a cripple for the rest of your life?”

“He. Doesn’t care.”

More? :D -Chapter1:

The man closed his eyes and said nothing. During this entire time he was like that. Every time Xiao Liu touched his body, he shut his eyes and pursed his lips. Xiao Liu understood. After enduring so much torture, his body despised any type of touch and each time he had to endure it.

Xiao Liu put the cloth next to him and said “You wash yourself. Your hair isn’t fully grown back yet so don’t scrub so hard.”

Xiao Liu sat to the side and munched on a snack and kept him company.

Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body. He took the cloth and started washing himself. From the neck down to the chest down to the stomach and finally lower towards his legs.

Xiao Liu’s eyes followed his hand when suddenly he turned to the side and munched loudly on the duck neck, making crunch crunch sounds.

The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light. His cheeks were red and it was illuminated by the sunlight like a piece of beautiful jade with red spots on it. 

And then in chapter 8...we know why she got those red spots...

Xiao Liu sighed “I’m a man, don’t you think you’re being weird.”

This time Shi Qi’s response was immediate “You’re a girl.”

Xiao Liu actually felt Shi Qi had known for a long time that she was a girl, but how did Shi Qi know? “Why are you so certain? Even Xiang Liu being that smart can’t be absolutely certain I’m a girl.”

Shi Qi softly chuckled “That’s because he hasn’t seen you……” He suddenly shut up.

“Seen me what?”

Shi Qi refused to explain so Xiao Liu got more curious “Seen me what?” Xiao Liu shook Shi Qi’s arm     coquettishly and wheedled “Not seen me what? Tell me! Tell me!”

Xiao Liu was always acting like a loutish man and this was the first time showing a pouty girlish side. Even in the darkness and Shi Qi couldn’t see her face clearly, he was already defeated. He said “The first time I bathed after I was strong enough, you sat to the side and I saw…..when you saw my body…..I knew you…..to me…..”

Xiao Liu yelped and then covered her face “You’re lying! I didn’t, I didn’t!”

“I’m not lying.”

“You’re lying, it’s totally a lie. I never blush.”

“I’m not lying.”

Shi Qi usually gave in to whatever Xiao Liu wanted so this was the first time he was so absolutely stubborn and unwilling to concede to her. Xiao Liu turned around and refused to face Shi Qi or talk to Shi Qi anymore, using action to show that Shi Qi was lying and until he admitted it then she wasn’t going to talk to him.

Shi Qi was silent until Xiao Liu felt all wronged and grumbled “Such a little matter and you won’t even give me in to me.”

Shi Qi replied “It’s not a small matter.”

Xiao Liu pouted, if this wasn’t a small matter, then what counts as a small matter?-------------


.....that day you helped me bathe and when you saw my body you blushed beet red. In that instant I  was truly reborn. In your eyes, I was still a man…..a man who affected you…..”

Xiao Liu yelled “Don’t you dare say another word!”

Shi Qi’s eyes misted with tears and it splashed on Xiao Liu’s hair, but his voice was filled with mirth “When you carried me out of the tub, you didn’t even dare look directly at me before placing me on the pallet. You ran off even before you were done talking. How could I ever think you were a man?”

Xiao Liu hit him on the chest and groused “You are so sneaky! And here I thought you were the most honest! I was hoodwinked!”


 From the Drama same scene :D !:

Yeah yeah....XD! Few seconds later: 

(43:47 is the exact moment we see her movements stops on him).  

Yeap yeap, for a Doc, she just forgot for a moment that she's a medic man :D! // While he regained his man standard  :D!  It's a beautifull  ongoing cleansing moment for both that begins <3

"Xiao Liu got more curious “Seen me what?” Xiao Liu shook Shi Qi’s arm   coquettishly and wheedled “Not seen me what? Tell me! Tell me!”

Xiao Liu was always acting like a loutish man and this was the first time showing a pouty girlish side. Even in the darkness and Shi Qi couldn’t see her face clearly, he was already defeated. He said “The first time I bathed after I was strong enough, you sat to the side and I saw…..when you saw my body…..I knew you…..to me…..” 

Analysis=>                           Chapter 1 - Gender revelation/womans feeling are emerging 

Physical and Emotional Trauma:

  • The man, Shi Qi, has undergone significant physical and emotional trauma, evident from his aversion to touch. The mention of torture suggests a dark and painful past.
  • Xiao Liu's understanding and patience during the washing scene reveal a level of intimacy and care, as she observes and respects his discomfort.
  1. Symbolism of Scars:

    • The scars on Shi Qi's body are portrayed as a form of shame, emphasizing the emotional weight associated with his past experiences. Each scar seems to carry a story, contributing to his reluctance to confront his own body.
  2. Intimacy and Comfort:

    • Xiao Liu's companionship during this vulnerable moment, even as she munches on a snack, reflects a level of comfort and acceptance between the characters.
    • Shi Qi's reaction to Xiao Liu's eating habits suggests a familiarity and ease in their relationship, possibly built over shared experiences and time spent together.
  3. Revelation of Gender Identity:

    • The revelation that Xiao Liu is, in fact, a girl comes as a surprise to Shi Qi. The discussion about her gender adds a layer of complexity to their relationship, revealing hidden feelings and perceptions.
  4. Shi Qi's Observations:

    • Shi Qi's acknowledgment that he knew Xiao Liu was a girl is a pivotal moment. His explanation about seeing her during a vulnerable moment creates an intimate connection between them.
  5. Emotional Turmoil and Denial:

    • Xiao Liu's denial of blushing and her subsequent pouting demonstrate her discomfort with the revelation. The emotional turmoil suggests a deeper connection and the potential for romantic feelings between the characters.
  6. Playful Dynamics:

    • Despite the serious undertones, there is a playful element to their interaction. Xiao Liu's coquettish behavior and Shi Qi's teasing contribute to the novel's emotional complexity, blending moments of seriousness with lighter tones.
  7. Themes of Trust and Honesty:

    • The dialogue exchange reveals the importance of trust and honesty in their relationship. Shi Qi's refusal to concede on this matter underscores its significance, suggesting that Xiao Liu's gender identity is a crucial aspect of their connection.


 Funny version :

                                                                        Professional Highlights:

  1. XIAO LIU  is an Expert in Bathing Techniques:

    • Demonstrated unparalleled skills in assisting individuals with sensitive bathing   needs, as seen in quoted Chapter ,when providing a bath to a certain scar-laden, mysterious man (no peeking allowed).
  2. Snack Multitasking Maven:

    • Successfully managed to maintain focus on snack consumption while overseeing said scar-laden man's bath, proving that one can munch and monitor simultaneously. (Snacking level: Expert)
  3. Master of Coquettish Arm-Shaking:

    • Utilized the art of coquettish arm-shaking to wheedle information out of a secretive counterpart!!. This technique, while not formally recognized, has proven highly effective in prying out undisclosed details.
  4. Blush-Proof Resilience:

    • Asserted a strong stance on never blushing, only to be hilariously debunked by a certain someone who claimed to have witnessed such a phenomenon during a revealing bathing incident. (Note: Denial level - 100%)

Congratulation , Xiao Liu=> You are interested in further exploration of your feminity and 

this little guy in the bathtube :D!!!!

 Chapter 1 Xiao Yao - Tushan Jing story analysis:

                          Wen Xiao Liu and Shi Qi: Navigating the Canvas of Life


Wen Xiao Liu, or Little Six, represents a character with a seemingly carefree exterior, masking a deeper, multifaceted personality. His clinic, Hui Chun, specializing in infertility treatments, serves as a backdrop for exploring profound themes.

"Hui Chun Clinic may not be a large clinic, but Wen Xiao Liu was especially skilled at treating infertility."

Fertility as Symbol:

Fertility treatments under Xiao Liu's guidance symbolize hope, resilience, and the delicate balance between personal and professional motivations. The clinic becomes a sanctuary where fertility transcends its biological implications. 

"Fertility becomes a vessel through which broken narratives can be rewoven, offering the possibility of wholeness and continuity."

                                    *Compassion and Symbolic Gestures*

Encounter with the Beggar:

Xiao Liu's encounter with a beggar unfolds as a poignant dialogue on responsibility. Symbolic gestures, like stepping on the beggar's biscuit, showcase a carefree yet considerate demeanor.

"Xiao Liu admired the view while thinking the swans must be very plump and would be tasty to catch a few and roast them."

          And the red Flower as the represantion of their same shared vision of Life and Love.

Shi Qi's Trauma:

Shi Qi's introduction brings darkness, revealing a man bearing severe physical and emotional wounds. Xiao Liu's compassionate care sets the stage for themes of resilience, dignity, and the potential for rebuilding lives.

"Xiao Liu could see underneath his filthy body was a man of dignity."

Symbolism of Scars:

Shi Qi's scars become symbols of shame and trauma. Xiao Liu's meticulous care transforms into emotional restoration, emphasizing the power to overcome past scars and rebuild lives.

"Perhaps because each scar on his body was a type of shame, the man always kept his head raised and eyes closed as to not look at his own body."

Hair Washing as Profound Sensual Exploration:

The act of washing Shi Qi's hair emerges as a profoundly symbolic and sensual exploration, transcending mere physical care. Xiao Liu's gentle touch and meticulous attention to detail during this intimate act become a metaphor for cleansing not just the physical scars but also the emotional wounds inflicted by past traumas. In this moment, the narrative delicately navigates the boundaries between physical care and a deeper, sensual connection, adding layers of ongoing meanings to the dynamics between Xiao Liu and Yeshiqi.

                                           *Revelations and Intimacy*

Gender Revelation:

The revelation that Xiao Liu is a girl adds layers to the narrative, intertwining personal feelings with broader themes of trust and honesty. The bathing scene delves into emotional and physical vulnerabilities, symbolizing a gradual cleansing of wounds. And re-discovey of themselves.

"Shi Qi’s eyes misted with tears and it splashed on Xiao Liu’s hair, but his voice was filled with mirth 'When you carried me out of the tub, you didn’t even dare look directly at me before placing me on the pallet.'"

Intimacy and Vulnerability:

The bathing scene explores the emotional and physical vulnerabilities of both characters. Xiao Liu's gentle care and Shi Qi's reactions highlight a growing intimacy, symbolizing a gradual cleansing of both physical and emotional wounds.

"The man’s eyes opened and he looked towards Xiao Liu. The sunlight shone through the window and bathed Xiao Liu in light."

Transformation and Rediscovery:

Shi Qi's presence becomes the catalyst for Xiao Liu's rediscovery of her femininity. The bathing scene marks a turning point, symbolizing not only the cleansing of physical scars but also the reawakening of Xiao Liu's identity as a woman.

"The bathing scene becomes a transformative moment, symbolizing the reawakening of Xiao Liu's identity as a woman, a journey sparked by Shi Qi's presence and the intimate care exchanged."

                                      *Themes and Symbolism*

Heaven's Jest and Mortals' Helplessness:

The description of the crescent moon symbolizes a sense of written destiniess in the face of celestial forces. However, the softened tone suggests a gentle jest,  indicating a more benevolent and greeting cosmic influence. Propice for new paths and rejuvanation.

"The crescent moon cast a soft glow upon the world below, its cold light a celestial whisper, as if the Heavens were gently jesting at the unfolding human narrative."

Trust, Honesty, and Intimacy:

The relationship between Xiao Liu and Shi Qi emphasizes the importance of trust, honesty, and gradual intimacy. The revelation of Xiao Liu's gender is possible because of those 3 points.

"Shi Qi softly chuckled 'That’s because he hasn’t seen you……' He suddenly shut up."

   =>   In Summary:

Chapter 1 of "Lost You Forever" ,  as explored through the dynamic between those two characters, intricately weaves together themes of hope, resilience, and rebuilding through the lens of fertility treatments (family hopes) - and personal relationships. The narrative delves into the characters' vulnerabilities, showcasing the potential for healing and growth in the face of past traumas, and the rising of the gender veil (respond to the one under the Sun light/YeshiQi). Wen Xiao Liu, with his expertise and compassionate nature, becomes a central figure in this exploration within the Rejuvanate Hall. And Shi Qi's introduction bring very forth the  themes of respectfull and enduring dignity even in trauma, and last but not least:  the extraordinary transformative power of trust and intimacy between two people. 

Shi Qi becomes the catalyst for Xiao Liu's rediscovery of her femininity, marking a profound turning point in the narrative of her character arc.



He just scrubbed his body with linen cloth, from his neck to his chest, and then slowly from his chestSlide down to the abdomen and gradually penetrate between the legs.

Xiaoliu's eyes had been following the movements of his hands, but when he saw it, he suddenly turned his head and bit the duck's neck hard, making a clicking sound.





FoLLow Jings-Xiao Yao's  descrition :


The man opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Liu. The sunlight filtered through the window and reflected Xiao Liu. His cheeks were red and crystal clear in the sunlight, like a beautiful jade with a faint blood halo.

=> REFLECTED.......<3

All is already here. 

  1. Gender Expression and Sensitivity: The description of Xiao Liu's cheeks as "red and crystal clear in the sunlight" evokes an image of delicate beauty, akin to that of a woman. 

  2. Symbolism of Sunlight and Reflection: The sunlight filtering through the window and reflecting on Xiao Liu's face carries symbolic weight. Sunlight often symbolizes illumination, clarity, and revelation. In this context, it signify a moment of emotional clarity or realization for both Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi. The reflection of Xiao Liu in the sunlight also symbolize introspection and self-discovery, hinting at a deeper understanding of one's desires and emotions.

  3. Comparative Imagery: Beautiful Jade with a Faint Blood Halo: The comparison of Xiao Liu's complexion to "a beautiful jade with a faint blood halo" is rich in symbolism. Jade is highly valued in Chinese culture and symbolizes purity, harmony, and longevity. The addition of the "faint blood halo" introduces an element of vulnerability  adding depth to the characterization of Xiao Liu. This juxtaposition of beauty and fragility underscores the complexities of human emotion and experience.

  4. Intimacy and Connection: The moment when Ye Siqi opens his eyes and gazes at Xiao Liu is a moment of intimacy and connection between the two characters. The exchange of glances in the soft, filtered sunlight creates a tender and intimate atmosphere, deepening the emotional resonance of the scene. It hints at an unspoken understanding and bond between Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi.

  5. Exploration of Identity and Desire: The passage subtly explores themes of identity and desire, Ye Siqi's gaze at Xiao Liu in this moment reflect a recognition or appreciation of Xiao Liu's authentic self.

  6. Self-Reflection and Inner Awareness: When characters see themselves reflected, it symbolize a moment of self-awareness or introspection. In this case, the sunlight reflecting on Xiao Liu's face signify a moment of inner realization or understanding, both for himself and for Ye Siqi. It's as if the external reflection mirrors their internal states, revealing hidden truths or emotions that were previously obscured.

  7. Recognition and Understanding: The act of one character observing another in a reflective surface also symbolize a deeper recognition or understanding between them. In this passage, Ye Siqi's gaze upon Xiao Liu, as he is bathed in sunlight,  represent a moment of recognition of Xiao Liu's true essence or identity. It's as if Ye Siqi sees beyond the surface and perceives Xiao Liu's inner beauty and feminine vulnerability.

  8. Connection and Intimacy: The use of reflected imagery often underscores moments of intimacy and connection between characters. In this scene, the shared gaze between Xiao Liu and Ye Siqi, framed by the sunlight's reflection, creates a sense of closeness and emotional intimacy. It's a moment where they see each other not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually, deepening their bond and understanding of one another.

  9. Symbolism of Light and Clarity: Sunlight, as a source of illumination, is often associated with clarity and enlightenment. When characters are reflected in sunlight, it symbolize moments of revelation or newfound understanding. In this passage, the sunlight's reflection on Xiao Liu's face signify a moment of clarity or insight for both characters, illuminating their feelings and relationship dynamics.

Overall, the use of reflected imagery  in this passage of  Chapter 1- adds layers of depth and symbolism to the scene, inviting readers to contemplate the characters' inner worlds and the connections between them. It's a powerful literary device that enhances the emotional resonance of the narrative and enriches our understanding of the characters' experiences and relationships.

As we will see with the next chapter....she and he will just want more! :D


Chapter 2.

There are a lot of moment between them but I will focus on those:
-"A fragrant smell came wafting out. Xiao Liu split the chicken in thirds, one partwent into the food bag, he gave Shi Qithe bigger remaining portion "You mustfinish, you are too skinny." Xiao Liu ate his portion and watched Shi Qi. He WaSstill the same, every gesture was elegant and refined, as if he was seated at the most lofty banquet eating themost incredible food. Xiao Liu sighed Shi Qi, you'l leave sooner or late." Shi Qi glanced at him "I. Won't."
-" Xiao Liu stood up and said You stayhere, I need to go find something alone."
Shi Qi didn't nod, where Xiao Liu went he also went. Xiao Liu glared "You said
you would listen to me. If you don't listen, I don't want you anymore." Shi Qi
silently looked at him and the sliver of sunlight through the trees shone on his
scar along the hair line and the light sorrow in his eyes.
Xiao Liu softened and stepped forward wanting to grab his arm but
remembering that he didn't like to be touched so he grabbed his sleeve "Shi
Qi is the best and most obedient and most capable, I won't discard you"
-"Xiao Liu fixed his waistband and waved "I'm off." "I. Wait for you." Shi Qi stood
underneath the tree There is no person who will wait for another for an entire lifetime. Xiao Liu smiled and with a hop and a skip disappeared into the trees,
-"Xiao Liu was dragged by the soldiers into the room and the army doctor removed his clothes and put medicine on his back. Xiang Liu stood at the door of the tent and coldly observed. Xiao Liu laid on a wooden board and docilely allowed the army doctor to minister to him. When the medicine was applied and everyone left, Xiang Liu said to Xiao Liu "Make whatever concoction I ask of you. All other times you can continue being your healer in Qing Shui Town. But when I summon you then you must obey immediately." "Fine but it's like ..."
-" half carried half propped him up. His hand gently passed over his back.
Perhaps it was mental comfort but Xiao Liu actually felt some pain lessen. Shi
Qi knelt down "Let's go home."
-"Shi Qi knelt down and Xiao Liu remembered that he didn't like to be
touched but right now there was no other way so Xiao Liu carefully climbed
on his back "I'm sorry, I know you don't
want to carry someone. You can imagine that I'm a rock and rocks don't
make any noise.......r you can imagined that I am a pig, a pig who
speaks. Oh, but do you dislike pigs?vThen you can imagine I'm a......"
Shi Qi's voice was low "I will think thatvit's you. I am willing to carry....you."
Xiao Liu paused and murmured "Fine, then you think that lI'm me." After saying
that he realized what he said and laughed a few times and stopped. "Shi
Qi, my back hurts, can you talk with me?" "Yes."
-"Shi Qi's footsteps slowed and Xiao Liu gave his chest a few comforting slaps "I know, you're Shi Qi. I wish you stayed Shi Qi for the rest of your life. But I know that isn't possible. But for each day you don't leave, then you are Shi Qi for an additional day, and you have to listen to me......" "Mmmm hmmmm." "You have to listen to me!" "Mmmm hmmmm. Xiao Liu was as happy as a mouse stealing oil and he felt her back pain lessen. Sprawled on Shi Qi's back, "
-"The days and nights in the mountains were very desolate and those who couldn't move was even lonelier. Xiao Liu grabbed Shi Qi to talk with him - everything under the sky they talked about. A delicious dish, a spectacular sunse......Shi Qi quietly listened to it all. Xiao Liu sometimes felt a twinge of guilt "Am I talking too much? 1 lived alone for twenty some years and during that time - developed a strange quirk. was afraid to see people and wandered alone. In the beginning I never spoke but as the days passed one day in the mountains I forgot the name of a fruit. "
- " Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”
From all those extracts we can see that WXY is kind of worried that SQ will leave But SQ keeps saying that he won't . Again  WXL WANT him to keep his word that he WILL listen to her.  She keeps threatening him that she will disregard him if he does not. She them soften when she see his reaction to that and say that she will not disregard him.  SWL does not believe him when he said will wait for her.     Here SQ just said that he will wait  till sje comes back from  fonding what she wants but WXL  is   thinking about waiting for someone for an entire LIFE TIME. This  scenes have a sad note in them.
 After SQ has taken her back with him we see that she is more relaxed  more happy. She is enjoying her time with him. She is chatty, extremly chatty. She also open up to him about her without him asking her about it.  She talked about everything understand to sun . Its like SQ  has proven himself,     his reliability by coming to her rescue  unexpectedly. WXL  still reiterating her condition " you have to listen to me"   This is so important to her .

Xl is imposing himself with what he wants. He is not giving WXL a choice.  He wants him to do what he ask and when he ask. No bargain here. A pact is made with WXY but WXL is not  control aka she is not the one setting the conditions more or less.

 Before leaving WXY Xiao Liu tried to look alluring and yelled
'My lord! I am already your person!"
Those words......caused all the soldiers at the base to grimace . WXL remind XL that he cannot harm her anymore since  their agreement. She belongs to him in a way.  Then  further down "
"Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled “Don’t you get any ideas about him. He’s mine.”
XL seems to recognise  YSQ.  WXL does not realise this.   She them Clain YSQ as her own.
That my 2 cents .

Chapter 2: The Road Ahead is Unknown

Quig Shui Town

Qing Shui Town wasn’t big but it was a very unique place in the vast wilderness. From North to South it was tightly bordered by mountain ranges that were treacherous, creating natural barriers. After the Sheng Nong Kingdom was destroyed, the Sheng Nong Kingdom’s General Gong Gong refused to surrender. He controlled tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in the area to the East of Qing Shui Town and from there he continued to battle the Yellow Emperor.

In addition to having the General Gong Gong army to the East, Qing Shui Town was West of the Xuan Yuan Kingdom and North of the Gao Xing Kingdom. It wasn’t under the control of the Grand Emperor of the Gao Xing Kingdom nor the Yellow Emperor of the Xuan Yuan Kingdom. Gradually Qing Shui Town became an area muddled with all three influences but neither of the three powers could control it.

Inside Qing Shui Town, there was no royal power, no influential families, no rich or poor, and definitely no distinction between gods and demons.

If a person had a skill, whether he be god or demon, previously an official or a bandit, the person could openly seek a living and no one cared about the past. Gradually all sorts of people gathered here.

Due to the nonstop warfare for the past few hundred years, the blood, corpses, and reborn lives forged a lot of blacksmiths and healers. The weapons and medical skills of Qing Shui Town was relatively famous.

If there were blacksmiths and healers, then people would come to buy weapons and seek medical help. When there were men, then there were brothels. When there were women, then there were milliners. If there were men and women, then came the restaurants and tea shops….

Not sure if the chicken or the egg came first, but now Qing Shui Town was bustling with people and it didn’t even seem like a location at the front line of an ongoing war.

My Analysis

In here, we learn that Quig Shui town did not really belong to all three God tribes. All residence, whether they be god or demon, etc, are equal here. And it said that whether chicken or egg come first is known but it is a civilised busy area. For me it represents that how it exists is not important as much as it  really exists. It was burstling. 

We learn that Shengnong had lost the battle but the general of Shengnong, Gong Gong, was not giving up, he had his troops stationed at the east of Quig Shui. (Shengnong no longer had royal family right?  

Yep all in all Quig Shui had no control from Three God Tribes although it is situated between them, and all the living here are equal. 

Continue talk on chapter 2: A Road Ahead Is Unknown

I am skipping some scenes (actually read but sharing here) and will start on when Xiao Liu started to go to find precious herbs near Shengnong army station and Shi Qi followed her. I will color my thoughts in orange.

Xiao Liu was worried about Ma Zi and Chuan Zi’s stopping him so he prepared and left before sunrise. Humming a small tune and gnawing on a chicken feet, Xiao Liu walked and felt something was off. He turned around and Shi Qi was silently behind him. Xiao Liu waved “Why did you follow me? I’m off to the mountains to gather herbs. You hurry home.”

Xiao Liu kept walking but so did Shi Qi kept following. Xiao Liu put his hands on his hips and raised his voice “Hey! I told you to go home. Didn’t you hear me?”

Shi Qi quietly stood still with his eyes lowered and his silence conveying his determination. Maybe it was that their destiny started with pity so Xiao Liu was quick to soften towards him. He asked “Are you a Shen Nong deserter?” Shi Qi shook his head. “Are you a Xuan Yuan soldier?” Shi Qi shook his head. “Are you a Gao Xing spy?” Shi Qi shook his head. Xiao Liu smiled “Then you can head into the mountains. Follow me.”

Shi Qi took the basket from Xiao Liu’s back and his little bag of snacks. Xiao Liu finished gnawing on the chicken feet and Shi Qi passed him the bag and he grabbed a duck neck. He finished the duck neck and was about to wipe his hands on his robe when a clean cloth was handed to him. Xiao Liu giggled and wiped his hands clean. Shi Qi handed him a jug and Xiao Liu took a swig of plum wine and burped. He felt these days life was sure sweet! The two of them walked the entire day and it was dusk when they entered the mountains.

The word "sweet" is often used to say Xiao Yao/Xiao Liu feelings toward Shi Qi/Jing quite often. Yep, just two of them is serene. 

Xiao Liu found an area near a water supply and used herb powder to sprinkle a circle around them. “There are lots of beasts in the mountains. Don’t step outside the circle at night. I’ll go fetch water and you get some wood. Hurry back before dark.”

Xiao Liu brought the water back along with some wild vegetables. Shi Qi wasn’t back yet and Xiao Liu was about to go find him when Shi Qi returned with wood on his back and a wild chicken in his hand. Xiao Liu was so happy “You start the fire, I’ll cook something delicious for you.”

Xiao Liu cleaned the chicken cleanly then stuffed some mushrooms inside the cavity, salted the outside, splashed it with plum wine, wrapped it around some large leaves, and buried it under the yellow dirt next to the fire. He then made a simple stone top and used it to stew the vegetables with the chicken guts.

Shi Qi quietly watched Xiao Liu busy at work. Xiao Liu stirred the stew and said with a laugh “I lived in the mountains for many years. What is edible and not edible, I’ve eaten it all. Having me around in the mountains, you’re sure to get something tasty.”

When the time was up, Xiao Liu dug out the hard dirt lump and cracked it open. A fragrant smell came wafting out. Xiao Liu split the chicken in thirds, one part went into the food bag, he gave Shi Qi the bigger remaining portion “You must finish, you are too skinny.” Xiao Liu ate his portion and watched Shi Qi. He was still the same, every gesture was elegant and refined, as if he was seated at the most lofty banquet eating the most incredible food. Xiao Liu sighed “Shi Qi, you’ll leave sooner or late.”

Shi Qi glanced at him “I. Won’t.”

Xiao Liu smiled and finished the mushroom stew and went to the creek to wash up.

Jing/Shi Qi had never abandoned his elegant manners. Xiao Liu always had a feeling that Shi Qi might leave one day. Because she's enjoying time with him. One thing is because he looked different and higher than normal individuals living in Quig Shui. Another thing is her not being able to give into believe if someone will stay with her forever because of her abandoned issue. Anyway she was happy he assured her to not leaving. 

Xiao Liu woke up in the morning to find Shi Qi had started a fire and boiled hot water. Xiao Liu took the remaining chicken and diced it up and tossed it in the water to make soup. He took a biscuit from the bag and split it with Shi Qi. Once they were done with the soup and put out the fire, they continued up the mountain.

Xiao Liu took Shi Qi and collected only the more precious herbs along the way. After three days of walking, they entered the deepest parts of the mountain. Xiao Liu squatted down and stared at a pile of animal droppings. His brow was furrowed as if deciding something. Shi Qi carried all their belongings and silently watched him.

Xiao Liu stood up and said “You stay here, I need to go find something alone.” Shi Qi didn’t nod, where Xiao Liu went, he also went. Xiao Liu glared “You said you would listen to me. If you don’t listen, I don’t want you anymore.” Shi Qi silently looked at him and the sliver of sunlight through the trees shone on his scar along the hair line and the light sorrow in his eyes

It's a bit different than from drama. In drama of course we fully see Deng Wei's handsome face but in novel he had scar along his hair line. Not really that important. Just pointing out. Nevertheless, Jing is described to be refine, elegant, sophisticated gentlemen. 

Xiao Liu softened and stepped forward wanting to grab his arm but remembering that he didn’t like to be touched so he grabbed his sleeve “Shi Qi is the best and most obedient and most capable, I won’t discard you. Not taking you is because its dangerous.(I need to remark here a bit because in my Thai version, it is written "Not taking you is NOT because it's dangerous") That thing is too clever and if it smells something it’ll be scared off and run thousands of miles in an instant. The only way to get close is to smear its poop on the body but there isn’t enough poop here so only I can go. If I can’t catch it I’ll come right back so wait for me here.”

Xiao Liu tilted his head and smiled and finally Shi Qi nodded.

Xiao Liu picked up the poop and stepped away to smear it on his arm “Isn’t it gross? You probably never saw this where you grew up. It’s not really that dirty. A lot of medicine is made with animal poop you know.” Xiao Liu turned and Shi Qi was right next to him already and he paused. Shi Qi fixed his sleeve and said “Be careful.”

Xiao Liu laughed “I lived alone in the mountain for years. When I was hungry, I even stole the egg from under a Thousand Year Snake Demon. Even the most vicious beasts aren’t dangerous to me. To be honest, there are no beasts or animals scarier than people……..” Xiao Liu fixed his waistband and waved “I’m off.”

“I. Wait for you.” Shi Qi stood underneath the tree.

There is no person who will wait for another for an entire lifetime. Xiao Liu smiled and with a hop and a skip disappeared into the trees.

Koala writing is actually very good but she sometimes needs editing. For me in red highlighted sentence including "not" is different than what she wrote. Because what she wrote lead to think She's not taking Shi Qi because it's dangerous but "not dangerous" meaning, she assured Shi Qi that he did not have to worry her if it will be dangerous for her.. She can handle it, and also not dangerous but the thing she is going catch maybe difficult for her if two of them go together. And in this part of the story, Xiao Liu and Shi Qi get to spend more time together. They were happy. With their conversation,  I can see that Xiao Liu's life must have been quite rough. The way she explained about how she once wandered and how life was hard and rough for her. So Xiao Liu is chatty and she's also revealing a little of herself to Shi Qi.

And the part include about how diligent and intellgent Jing is. So this is before the part I shared above.

Two years had passed and Shi Qi still looked thin and weak. But his strength was stronger than anyone suspected. Carrying water pails, cutting wood, brewing medicine, grinding herbs, he could do it all. He had an especially keen memory.

Ma Zi and Chuan Zi followed Xiao Liu for over ten years and still couldn’t remember some of the herbs. Shi Qi was different, whatever the herb if he heard it once from Xiao Liu he would remember it.

Gradually Xiao Liu started taking him everywhere, he was strong, had a good memory, very reticent, did anything he was told, he was literally the perfect person to ask to do bad things like murder and mayhem.

And yep Jing got to spend a lot of time with Xiao Liu. ♡

Chapter 2: The Road Ahead Is Unknown 

Xiao Liu sang a sad to lure Jiu Jiu out. Just to remark the lyrics are changed when she sang for Jing. And also to remark Koala  did not put the song the red highlight is what i translated from thai book , not in koala version..lets read the scene..

Xiao Liu wanted to catch a Jiu Jiu, a small animal resembling a civet cat. It had a long white tail and can take away people’s sorrow. It was popular with the nobles and could be sold for a pretty penny. It didn’t have any attack power but it was very very clever yet easy to frighten so quick to run away. It was very hard to catch. But Xiao Liu had a way of dealing with it. Jiu Jiu loved listening to a young woman sing. Jiu Jiu would be attracted to the young woman’s sorrowful song and its body would inch closer to help the girl forget her sorrows. Xiao Liu found a suitable spot to set the trap.

He jumped into the water to wash off the poop first, then crawled on a rock and sat down. The rock was warmed by the sun and Xiao Liu sat there fixing his hair and singing. The song was carried by the wind. Xiao Liu sang a song about missing someone forever and never being able to forget.

"If beloved is wind above the water
I will be the lily in the wind
To see and to miss
To see and to miss
If beloved is the cloud in the sky
I will be the moon in the cloud
To love and to cherish
To love and to cherish
If beloved was the tree in the forest
I would be the vines on the tree
Together and connected
Together and connected
If beloved is the bird on the sky
I would be the fish in the lake
Not forgeting, Missing Forever"

The voice was melodic and the song sorrowful so the Jiu Jiu was lured out by the song. Initially it was scared so hid in the dark. When it sensed no danger, it could not overcome its natural instinct to help people forget sorrow so it stepped out and started chirping.

Xiao Liu fixed his hair and stared at it. It had large round saucer eyes and was super adorable. It would chirp and shake its large white tail, doing little flips or kicking its legs or thumping its chest. It did all sorts of adorable things to make him laugh.

Xiao Liu sighed loudly and undid the trap “You silly thing, you run off now, I won’t catch you to sell for money.”

We can all see Xiao Liu is such a softie when deal with such creature as jiu jiu.

Edit:...Just to add my proof to the post about thai version..

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