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Chapter 13

Part 2


The cloud carriage arrived at the summit and the maids helped Xiao Yao disembark. She walked into the cloud tent and the maids checked her hair and makeup one last time. Ru So solemnly reminded her “Princess, many people will be watching you. Don’t look at them and pretend no one is there.”

Xiao Yao glanced at him “It appears you’re more nervous than me.”

A horn sounded and Ru So said “It’s time.”

Xiao Yao took a soft breath and said to herself: This is nothing. Dad is waiting for met at the summit altar. This is the same as the rehearsal, just with one more set of steps.

Xiao Yao slowly walked out of the cloud tent and the maids helped adjust her train.

The entire summit altar was constructed from white jade and consisted of 99 steps to the top, starting out wide and narrowing as it got to the top. Both sides of the steps were ringed with Gao Xing ceremonial guards who looked very imposing. All the guests were dressed in their finest and watching from the stands.

Ah Nian was smiling as she waited for disaster to happen.

Zhuan Xu was calm yet expectant – this moment wasn’t just Xiao Yao’s coming back, it also marked his imminent return.

Jing was filled with anticipation. He wanted countless times to see Xiao Yao’s true form and now he was finally going to see her. But even more nervous was standing with other guests watching from afar, making him feel he was so distant from her.

The sun was shining brightly and flooding the summit with light. A young girl gracefully walked up the summit steps.

Her inky black hair was upswept, a white dress robed with a cinched waist paired with an outer gossamer veil robe with a long flowing train. The robe was embroidered using red and black thread into the design of a swallow and peach blossom forest. As she walked, the robe fanned out on the white jade steps. The peach blossoms extended from her waist on down and created the image of an entire forest of blooming peach blossoms covering the steps.

The girl followed the sound of the horn and walked straight forward with her head slightly raised as she stared ahead to the top of the summit. Her snow white skin, fine features, and a small peach blossom right in the center of her forehead – she was breathtaking. A who’s who of the entire world was here for her but her expression was aloof, her lips tightly pressed together without a hint of a smile, and her eyes aconveyed her annoyance and unhappiness to be here, with a dash of scorn.

Whether it was the bright sun shining down, or steps full of peach blossoms, but everyone felt a little woozy like the image was dizzying.

Zhuan Xu and Jing stood in the very front and could see the clearest. Zhuan Xu was slightly angry but didn’t know why he was angry. Jing felt this awe inducing sight before him transformed into unease. It was like he wanted to grab onto something, but couldn’t grab onto anything.

Xiao Yao stood very still before the Grand Emperor and bowed to him. The Grand Emperor sighed – so often fate is on its own tracks and no one could stop it.

The Grand Emperor took Xiao Yao to pray to the Heavens, and then prayed to the Gao Xing ancestors. Xiao Yao’s mind was blank, all she knew was that she was praying praying praying in between all the chanting and bowing. Thanks to Ru So’s daily torturous training, she was able to do this feeling completely numb and just going through the memorized motions. She secretly scoffed, the more one looked totally stiff, the more the spectators would consider her totally proper in such a solemn setting.

Until the very end, when Xiao Yao felt like her body was so stiff it was about to collapse, she heard the announced that the ceremony concluded. Servants escorted all the guests from the summit.

Xiao Yao got on the cloud carriage and let out a huge breath. The Grand Emperor asked “Tired?”

Xiao Yao nodded. The Grand Emperor continued “When you get back, take off the outfit and go rest. You don’t need to come to tonight’s banquet if you don’t want.”

“Dad, aren’t you tired?” Xiao Yao didn’t need to go but the Grand Emperor had to do even if he didn’t like socializing.

“I’m used to it.”

Xiao Yao asked “Dad, how come you’re not asking why I’m wearing the outfit you don’t like?”

“Clearly Ah Nian must’ve ruined the other one.”

Xiao Yao laughed “I knew you were aware of all the stuff she was doing.”

“If I knew this, I would have stepped in. But……Ah Nian is using unreasonableness to hide her unease and insecurity. When it was just her, she was the only and never had to fight for anything. Now that you are here, she compares herself to you. The only ones who can reassure her are Zhuan Xu and myself. I don’t want her to think I’m playing favorites so I’m more lenient with her right now. But I feel like…..some things are between you sisters and you guys need to resolve it yourselves.”

Ah Nian’s fear, Xiao Yao could understand the worry that she would take away her dad and older brother. But insecurity? Xiao Yao laughed “I can take care of it myself, I just wanted to let her vent enough before dealing with her.”

The Grand Emperor sighed loudly “This life, I’ve used everything I have to exchange for everything I want. I have regrets but will still do it again. The only thing I worry about is the two of you sisters. If you can love and accept each other sincerely and look out for each other, then I will have nothing else to worry about.”

This was the rare instance of the Grand Emperor revealing genuine sadness and it made Xiao Yao feel terrible. But there are some things that one cannot do alone. Xiao Yao didn’t have faith she could do what her dad asked with Ah Nian so didn’t want to make a promise she couldn’t keep. But she vowed to try her best.

The cloud carriage returned to the Palace, with the Grand Emperor washing up and heading to the banquet in Qi Qing Garden while Xiao Yao returned to Ming Se Court.

The maids knew her personality so immediately took off her outfit and removed her makeup. After taking a hot bath, Xiao Yao finally felt like she was alive again.

Xiao Yao would never envy a woman with a willowy cinched waist anymore. She had the maid find a loose fitting robe to put on and then she sprawled on the pallet while the maids did her hair. A maid give her a head massage and she promptly fell asleep.

My Thoughts

Introduction of The Princess to the World

Xiao Yao had been practicing hard for this moment. The time to let the world know the eldest princess of Gao Xing. Being elegant lady, wearing tight beautiful clothes and showing off to the world who she is or just being in the big crowed of many people is not her thing. Ru So had trained her hard and she accepted it. She accepted her identity as a princess now. There was a line of her being aloof. Actually it was not her being aloof or cold, she was just very uncomfortable and nervous.
I love how in the scene of her walking in front of the crowd, peach blossoms surrounded her. It's beautiful. It does show that her spirit and soul is from peach blossoms too. And it can be also telling that she is blooming to the world now.

Zhuan Xu and Tushan Jing Reaction
Zhuan Xu was angry for the way he felt towards Xiao Yao. His feelings were more clear now. It definetly was more than brother affection towards sister. He did not like it. 

Jing reaction definetly a man fall in love first sight again. It reminds me of those male leads in Thai dramas at prime time when female lead dressed beautifully and male lead got bewitch or dazzed by seeing her beauty. However, with that Jing felt low again. His feeling was described with the line "he wanted to grab into something, but could not grabbed into anything". Jing might felt like she was far away from him or someone like him. 

Grand Emperor Plead on Xiao Yao & Ah Nian

Grand Emperor admitted that he had done many regretful things in the past. Something he was not happy about. But at least he wanted his daughters to get along well. Xiao Yao definetly is not fond of Ah Nian but she was willing to get along well for her father. 

Grand Emperor did not like  Xiao Yao's dress because it must all reminded him something from probably of Xiao Yao's biological father. It kinds of haunted him. Nevertheless, he still cared for Xiao Yao like his own daughter. 

Chapter 13 

Part 3


Xing Yue and Yi Yang grabbed Zhuan Xu and wheedled “Call your cousin out. We want to meet her.”

Feng Long and the rest of the sons of powerful families said nothing but also stared at Zhuan Xu. He sighed “She has a very strange personality. I doubt she’ll be willing to come out.”

A guy piped up “We know she’s got a temper otherwise we wouldn’t be asking you.

Xing Yue said to Zhuan Xu “Aren’t we all friends? Later if people ask if we are friends and if we met your cousin, are we to say we know her but she’s never met us?”

With all the begging, Zhuan Xu had no choice and turned to Jing “Help me.”

The normally silent Jing spoke up “You guys stop putting Zhuan Xu in a difficult position.”

Feng Long immediately smiled “Yes, you guys stop bugging Zhuan Xu. There are plenty of opportunities in the future to make her acquaintance.”

Everyone piped down and thus dispersed to look for things to do. Zhuan Xu turned to thank Jing when suddenly Jing said “I want to see Xiao Yao.”

The expression in Zhuan Xu’s eyes changed and he was silent for a moment before smiling “I can only pass word for you. She decides whether or not to see you.”

Jing said “Thank you. Please tell her that I will be waiting for her at the base of the mountain outside the dragon bone prison.”

Zhuan Xu didn’t understand “That is secluded enough but not exactly a good place to go meet a girl.”

JIng bowed “If you please” and then turned and disappeared from the banquet.

Zhuan Xu had a servant deliver the news that “Shi Qi is waiting for you outside the dragon bone prison”. Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness, it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand.

She finished her meal, washed up, and then casually ordered the maids “I want to change to go meet a guest. Pick me a pretty outfit.”

It was the first time the maids heard the Princess ask to dress up nicely and they all perked up in excitement and pulled out all sorts of pretty outfits for the Princess to choose from.
The maids conferred and decided on three to pick from. Xiao Yao wanted one that didn’t have a cinched waist and was told she would look like she was pregnant under the moonlight.

Another maid said “Princess, we can’t wear these outfits even if we wanted because our waist isn’t small enough, legs aren’t long enough, top isn’t pretty enough. You look so pretty in it, why don’t you wear it?”

Xiao Yao asked “I really look nice in it?”

All of the maids nodded in unison and Xiao Yao thought about how this was her first time meeting Jing as a girl and decided to go with pretty over comfortable.

Xiao Yao picked a white and green robe and the maids did her hair with a bell hair pin so it whistled as she walked. She took a few steps and felt tired but the maids were gasping in joy and clapping “Princess, go see the person now. We promise he will never ever be able to forget you.”

Xiao Yao’s face was burning “What are you guys talking about? I’m just going to see a regular friend.”

All of the maids controlled their smiles – yup, just a friend, a regular friend who was so regular that the Princess would spend all that time dressing herself up.

She saw a man standing on the rocks, he was facing the ocean and quietly waiting. It was unclear how long he waited, it was unclear how much longer he’ll continue to wait.

The person waiting for her was Ye Shi Qi.

Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness.

Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him.

My Thoughts

Xing Yue and Yi Yang Curiousity On Xiao Yao

The scene actually showed the friendliness between Xing Yue and Yi Yang. Both of them indeed were interested in Xiao Yao. It sounded like if they would like to increase their girl friend group. However, with politics was going behind the scene, they might probably want to get to Xiao Yao for political connections, especially Xing Yue who took interest in Zhuan Xu since chapter 12.  

Jing's Pleading to Meet Xiao Yao

Zhuan Xu was hesitated to answer more about Xiao Yao at Xiao Yao sudden leave from the event. So he needed Jing to help speak up too which Jing did so. With the kind good timing Jing just asked out to meet Xiao Yao at Dragon Bone Prison which was he got to sealed their promise. Zhuan Xu was hesitated, especially at the kind of place, nevertheless he agreed to pass the words to her. 

Xiao Yao's Preparation For Her First Dating As Woman 

Xiao Yao was happy to get the meeting message from her Shi Qi. But we can still her happy excited emotions at best by eating slowly before asking for beautiful dresses. Although she did not like tight beautiful clothes, to their first meeting as her in woman form, she would choose to be beautiful than comfortable. Again she tried to keep her feelings as she said she was meeting a friend. But the maids as well as the novel readers know that she's all lying and trying to hide her nervousness. And then it is said that her frustration disappeared at the to thought of meeting Jing. It was all happiness when Xiao Yao thought she will be meeting Jing soon. She probably had been missing him all these times. And what she said to grand emperor earlier on how she did not care for Jing because Jing might be happy with his fiance were all just come out from her frustration. 

And by the way, the way Xiao Yao reacted to Shi Qi's message from Koala Playground version and Thai ver some differences. So I will share here.

Thai Version
เสี่ยวเยาเพิ่งตื่นนอน กำลังจะรับประทานอาหาร ได้ยินผู้รับใช้มารายงานว่า “สือชีรอพบอยู่ที่หน้าคุกกระดูกมังกร” เสี่ยวเยารู้สึกดีใจแต่ก็
กังวลและตื่นเต้นอยู่บ้าง บอกไม่ถูกว่าที่แท้เป็นรสชาติใด
นางรับประทานอาหารในชามจนหมดอย่างช้าๆ บ้วนปากอย่างพิถีพิถันพยายามทำตัวนิ่งเป็นปกติเหมือนไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้นขณะสั่งสาวใช้
จะเปลี่ยนเสื้อผ้าไปพบแขก ช่วยข้าเลือกชุดที่ดูดีหน่อยมาสักชุด 

Xiao Yao just woke up and was about to have  meal. She heard one of the servant came to tell her "Shi Qi is waiting for you at the dragon bone prison". Xiao Yao felt happy but also nervous and a little excited. She could not tell what kind of taste it was.
She slowly ate the food in the bowl, rinse your mouth carefully. Trying to act calm and normal as if nothing had happened while ordering the maids , "I will change clothes to meet a guest. Help me choose a nice looking outfit."

Koala Version
Zhuan Xu had a servant deliver the news that “Shi Qi is waiting for you outside the dragon bone prison”. Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness, it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand.
She finished her meal, washed up, and then casually ordered the maids “I want to change to go meet a guest. Pick me a pretty outfit.”

Chapter 13

Part 4


At the ceremony, Ah Nian was so excited to see Xiao Yao make a fool of herself, but who could have expected that Xiao Yao would end up wearing an outfit that was even more exquisite than the one she destroyed. She ended up being the center of attention of the entire vast wilderness.

Ah Nian almost rushed out and trashed Xiao Yao’s outfit then and there, destroying Xiao Yao and destroying herself. But her mom tightly held onto her hand, her eyes filled with despair and entreaty. Ah Nian would misbehave towards anyone except her mom. So Ah Nian could only close her eyes and endure until the ceremony was over.

She escorted her mom back to her residence but couldn’t stay in the Palace any longer. Since Xiao Yao returned, the Palace no longer felt like her own home.

Ah Nian rode her swallow winged ride and left he Palace. She didn’t know what she wanted to do, she just wanted to escape for now and not hear the celebration that was for Xiao Yao.

The swallow flew aimlessly and Ah Nian was tired so she had it stop in a little island in the middle of the ocean. It was the size of a ship and Ah Nian sat down on a jutting rock and watched the ocean churning around her. The noise it made was like a beast bellowing, and normally she would be afraid, but tonight she wasn’t afraid. She even felt it would be best if a beast came and hurt her. Her dad and older brother had Xiao Yao now and they no longer cared about her. When she was injured and near dying and they found her, they would come to regret it but would be too late! Ah Nian thought about how sad her dad and older brother would be if they lost her, and she felt some comfort in that.

Another wave crested towards her and riding on the wave was a man in white with white hair, wearing a silver mask. He was smiling at Ah Nian and gently said “It hurt a lot? Your father and older brother have abandoned you?”

Ah Nian recognized him – he was Nine-lives Xiang Liu who kidnapped her once with Xiao Liu. Perhaps it was because Xiao Liu was the one who did all the mean things to her that time, so Ah Nian’s impression of Xiang Liu wasn’t bad. She was nervous now but not afraid of him.

Ah Nian asked “What are you doing here?”

Xiang Liu laughed “What do you think? The entire vast wilderness is discussing the Gao Xing Eldest Princess. Naturally I got curious so came to check out the festivities.”

Xiao Yao again! It was still Xiao Yao! Ah Nian loudly harrumphed.

Xiang Liu smiled “If she wasn’t around, you are still Gao Xing’s one and only Princess, your dad’s only daughter, your older brother’s only sister. But she randomly showed up and took everything from you. Don’t you want to seek revenge on her?”

Ah Nian bit her lips and said nothing. She knew not to make any deals with Xiang Liu, her Gege called him a demon devil, but……there was no such thing as a deal that couldn’t be made in this world, it was only that there was not enough enticement.

Ah Nian struggled “I hate her, but I don’t want her dead. I just want things to go back to the way it used to be.”

Xiang Liu gently said “I confess I might kill Xuan Yuan’s Prince, but I will never kill Gao Xing’s Princess. We Sheng Nong resistance army would never want to get on the Grand Emperor’s bad side.”

Ah Nian knew that which is why she wasn’t scared of him.

Xiang Liu looked at Ah Nian and gently suggested “You want to torment her a bit but not kill her, is that right?”

Ah Nian slowly nodded her head.

Xiang Liu laughed “You are a kind girl, your dad and older brother ought to love you more.”

Ah Nian felt like this was the first true words she heard in a long time so asked “How to give her a good bout of thrashing?”

Xiang Liu said “All you need to do is lure her out and not be detected. I’ll handle the rest.”

Ah Nian asked “Why are you helping me? What do you want me to do for you?”

Xiang Liu smiled “You are the Gao Xing Princess and want for nothing. It’s rare that I can do something for you and I’m happy to. You know the position of the Sheng Nong resistance army. If in the future the situation arises, I would ask that Princess to help me once in return.”

Ah Nian smiled “You don’t even want me to promise, aren’t you afraid I will renege?”

Xiang Liu solemnly and gently said “I trust you.”

Ah Nian smiled sweetly “Fine! If you teach her a lesson, I will do one thing for you in the future.”

Xiang Liu handed a clam shell to Ah Nian “Lure her to the ocean and then smash this. I will be there.” Ah Nian put the shell away and rode her swallow back.

My Thoughts

Ah Nian's Plight

Ah Nian was very feeling down at her failure to bring Xiao Yao down. But it happened that Xiao Yao got to be even more dressed beautifully and the vast wilderness accepted the elder Gao Xing princess.

Ah Nian was very angry. She even wanted to make more destruction but her mother stopped her. In the context it is implied that Ah Nian would not misbehave towards her mother although she might be to others. This tells the relationship between her and mother well. Her mother must be quite caring towards her. Nevertheless, Ah Nian thought too much about the care from her father and Zhuan Xu. She had this thinking that since Xiao Yao came, she maybe less important. Yes we all know she disliked Xiao Liu. But in this particular context it seems she's thinking that even if she got hurt or die, her father and Zhuan Xu would not be sad because there is Xiao Yao. Of course it is over thinking. 

Xiang Liu's Manipulating and "Promise to do one thing" from Ah Nian

It was at this emotional state (feeling down) that she met this man with white hair and white dress. He offered to torment Xiao Yao for Ah Nian. Ah Nian was hesitated. She would not want Xiao Yao's death. It's just that she did not like how Xiao Yao had come into her life that. She felt love from two men for her got taken by Xiao Yao!

I will use the word "manipulation" because of the way Xiang Liu said to Ah Nian. Such as: " If she wasn’t around, you are still Gao Xing’s one and only Princess...."

"Don’t you want to seek revenge on her?”"
Xiang Liu looked at Ah Nian and gently suggested “You want to torment her a bit but not kill her, is that right?”

Xiang Liu laughed “You are a kind girl, your dad and older brother ought to love you more.”
And once Ah Nian asked what he actually wanted in return..
and of course he would not lose his opportunity ...said about "help me once"...which made her promised to do one thing for him in the future.
Is this something familiar? Yes ...he made Xiao Liu swear to do "ONE THING" for him in the future or else everything she loves will turn bitter.
And least he did not made Ah Nian swear...but acted soft. 

The fact is that Xiang Liu used Ah Nian blind jealousy to get his adventages. One is to get Xiao Yao tormented (in the next scene) and another is to get one promise from Gao Xing princess whose emotion was not at the right moment. We don't even know (not yet) how that one promise will be used.

Chapter 13

Part 5


Xiao Yao happily looked at the man standing on the rocks and walked towards him. Suddenly a rock struck her back and she turned to see Ah Nian standing in the distance waving at her to go over. Xiao Yao walked towards Ah Nian when she suddenly turned and ran off.

Xiao Yao furrowed her brows and looked back at the cliff side, and then followed where Ah Nian disappeared to.

Ah Nian’s form flitted in and out of the forest and Xiao Yao knew she was trying to play with her so she went along to see what Ah Nian had up her sleeve. They emerged from the forest to the other side of the mountain and Ah Nian beckoned Xiao Yao to the edge of the cliff.

Xiao Yao slowly walked over “What do you want?”

Ah Nian looked at her and her expression was conflicted. Xiao Yao also looked at Ah Nian and couldn’t figure out what she wanted to do. Even if she pushed her off the cliff, she wouldn’t die.

Ah Nian smashed a clam shell and then rushed Xiao Yao who sighed “You really want to push me off the cliff?” She wanted to duck but Ah Nian used an ice sword to block Xiao Yao’s escape.

Ah Nian said “You guessed right!”

Xiao Yao could kill Ah Nian if she wanted, but she couldn’t beat Ah Nian in a fight. Suddenly Xiao Yao felt a power strike her back and her body flew over the cliff.

Xiao Yao wasn’t scared, she had been cliff diving since she was young and she actually quite enjoyed this free fall before entering the ocean.

The wind blew her hair around her and her robe billowed out so she looked like a falling butterfly with green wings flying towards the ocean.

Xiao Yao stretched out her body and squinted her eyes, when suddenly her eyes opened wide – under the moonlight, in the dark blue ripples of the ocean, a white haired white robed man was laying on the waves. He had a slight smile as he looked up at her, as if enjoying a dance that was for his eyes only.

Xiao Yao wanted to escape but she was in the middle of falling and her only way was down. She could only watch as she got closer and closer to him, closer and closer, until she thought she would fall right on top of Xiang Liu. At that moment he sank into the ocean and she entered the water. He grabbed her hand and pulled her down with him.

He held her under water but Xiao Yao knew he wouldn’t kill her but only wanted to torment her so she endured it.

When the final breath was almost gone, Xiao Yao grabbed his hands and pleaded with him but he ignored her and kept swimming underwater. Xiao Yao felt her entire chest was about to explode and her hands no longer had any strength. She let go and Xiang Liu grabbed her around the waist with a smile and pointed to his lips indicating that if she wanted fresh air, she was going to have to get it herself.

Xiao Yao shook her head. In the past, she was Wen Xiao Liu, she never saw herself as a woman. But now, no matter what happened, she couldn’t do it.

Xiang Liu’s smile disappeared and he embraced Xiao Yao and continued to sink deeper.

He stared at Xiao Yao, and Xiao Yao stared at him.

Xiang Liu was descending faster and Xiao Yao realized that faced with a Nine-headed demon who didn’t give a shit about anything, her identity as the Gao Xing Princess couldn’t protect her.

Xiang Liu was sinking even faster and the soft water was filled with such pressure it made Xiao Yao feel like it would rip her to pieces. Her chest was about to explode and her entire body hurt.

Life and death – it was one simple choice.

Their faces were so close, so close their noses were almost touching. All Xiao Yao needed to do was move forward an inch and she would be pressing to his lips.

But…she couldn’t!

Xiao Yao felt all the water rushing into her head. His lips were so close, so close…..and then Xiao Yao lost consciousness and fainted.

Xiang Liu jerked her head forward to his lips and then rocketed to the surface with her.

The two of them broke the surface.

Xiang Liu sat crossed legged on the surface and pulled up the unconscious Xiao Yao and placed her on his leg. His summoned power to his palms and patted her a few times on the back. Xiao Yao coughed and spit out mouthfuls of water. She was gradually regaining consciousness though her entire body as weak and sore and her head was heavy. She couldn’t move so so closed her eyes and rested wearily on Xiang Liu’s lap.

After resting for a good while, Xiao Yao finally was able to think straight and she pressed down on Xiang Liu’s leg to help her sit up. Likely Xiang Liu’s power was forming a solid surface so the waves underneath her felt like a soft cushion, making her movements wobbly but she didn’t sink.

Xiang Liu was expressionless and just staring at her. He said nothing so Xiao Yao didn’t know what to say either.

They were in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by endless darkness, as if the entire world was just the two of them left.

Xiao Yao finally spoke “I was planning to pretend I didn’t know you when I saw you again.”

“I still have the voodoo bug in my body, are you trying to welsh on your promise?”

Xiao Yao said “It ought to be that only I can sense you, but you can’t sense me. How did you know I was Wen Xiao Liu?”

Xiang Liu raised his hand and pulled Xiao Yao’s hair back from her face, holding her head in his hand and carefully taking in her face “This is your true form?”


“You’re a great liar.”

Xiao Yao wanted to explain “It’s not lying, I really thought I was Wen Xiao Liu.”

“The Princess of Gao Xing?” Xiang Liu laughed coldly “No wonder you would die to save Zhuan Xu.”

Xiao Yao didn’t dare say anything more.

Xiang Liu’s hand seemed to casually rest on her shoulder and his finger passed by her neck and he softly said “What else have you lied about? Why don’t you come clean all together today. I won’t kill you.”

“I told you before, I only bullshit but I never say anything fake. I like to talk because I’m afraid of being lonely. If I’m full of lies, then the more I talk the lonelier I’ll get.”

Xiang Liu’s sharp finger retracted in that moment and Xiao Yao never knew how close she was to death.

Xiang Liu silently stared out at the pitch black sky, unclear what was on his mind, but his entire body was like the edge of the sharpest sword blade, so sharp that no one could get close.

Xiao Yao didn’t know why – she was floating on the surface but she felt like she was sinking into the depths. Her heart ached with this pressure when she looked at him like this, and then she suddenly thought of something and pulled out a wet satchel and took out a small jade bottle. She dumped out colorful pills and showed it to Xiang Liu “Want to try?”

Xiang Liu ate it like he was eating candy, slowly eating it one by one.

“How is it? I made this specifically for you, reading all sorts of manuals, and gathering all sorts of rare ingredients.”

The thrumming intensity in Xiang Liu diminished and he said “It’s passable.”

“Passable?” Xiao Yao was almost in tears “So many ingredients came from the most hard to reach places and takes thousands of years to grow.”

Xiang Liu coolly asked “You still want to poison me?”

“I’m one of the foremost poison masters of this generation, I can even poison a Nine-tailed fox, there is no reason I can’t poison you Nine-headed demon!”

Xiang Liu smirked “I’ll wait for it.”

Xiao Yao felt the mood between them was no longer as intense and dangerous as before so carefully asked “How did you get mixed up with Ah Nian?”

“Can’t I?”

Xiao Yao grabbed his sleeve and sternly said “No! You can’t go mess with her again. She’s been so well protected by my dad, she can’t handle being mentally screwed with by someone like you.”

Xiang Liu leaned forward and laughed “A person like me? What kind of person am I?”

Xiao Yao rolled her eyes at him “You totally know.”

Xiang Liu casually said “She doesn’t see you as an older sister and you’re already rushing to be a good older sister.”

“The relationships between people, one person always needs to make the first move. Men and women, and even parents to children. Before a child is aware, the parents are already giving. I’ve always been selfish and never want to make the first move. But between Ah Nian and I, I’ve decided to make the first move not because she’s worth it, but because of my dad and Zhuan Xu. I’m willing to do it for my dad and Zhuan Xu.”

“Not every sacrifice will get a reciprocal response. She can sell you out to me, that means she can sell you out to someone else. She can push you off a cliff today, next time she may plunge a dagger into your chest.”

“I know, which is why I’m only going to do this once.”

Xiang Liu said “I promise I’ll stop messing with your sister for fun, but you’ll have to promise me one thing.”

“Can I say no?”

“Of course not.”

Xiao Yao looked at him all docilely waiting for him to speak.

Xiang Liu said “Continue making poisons for me.”

This was so easy Xiao Yao immediately agreed “But…but…how can I hand it to you? I’m not in Qing Shui Town anymore, and you can’t come to the mountain top to find me.”

Xiang Liu laughed “This is your problem to figure out. If a prolonged period of time passes and I don’t see a new batch of poisons, I’ll go looking for your sister.”

Xiao Yao pouted “I knew you wouldn’t forgive me for lying this easily.”

Xiang Liu said “I’ve already forgiven you.”

Xiao Yao continued pouting and Xiang Liu coldly humphed, and then he suddenly asked “Why?”

Xiao Yao knew exactly what he was asking – why did she refuse to kiss him and would rather die. She pretended to be clueless “Why what?”

Xiang Liu grabbed her arm and they started sinking so Xiao Yao yelped “Oh, I remember, I remember!”

Xiang Liu stared at her and Xiao Yao “Because I’m scared.”

It’s scarier than death?”

Xiao Liu thought about it and finally put it into words “My Gege, that is Zhuan Xu, he said one night when we were talking that I was still a girl who dreams. So….so….I’m scared that if I’m not careful, you’ll walk into my dreams. And you…..” Xiao Yao shook her head “You’re someone who is never ever suitable to show up in a young girl’s dreams. That might actually be scarier than death.”

Xiang Liu started chuckling, and it grew louder and louder until he was laughing. He released Xiao Yao and his body drifted away.

Xiao Yao yelled “Hey…hey….don’t leave me here. If you leave me here, what’ll I do?”

Xiang Liu laughed “Swim back!”

Xiao Yao was in disbelief “You want me to swim back from here? This is the deep ocean and sea monsters are around. I’ve got very weak powers, any random sea monster can eat me!”

Xiang Liu smiled with a twinkle in his eye “I’m doing this for your own good. If I’m too tender and considerate with you, I might accidentally enter your dreams and leave you wishing for death. That would be a crime on my part.”

Xiang Liu finished talking and sank into the ocean and disappeared.

Xiao Yao couldn’t believe it and yelled “Xiang Liu, Xiang Liu, Nine-lives! Nine-headed demon! Devil bastard! You damn Nine-headed demon bastard…..”

The waves ripped around her and the sea was desolate. Xiao Yao felt the ocean grew darker and looked around to gather her bearings and started swimming towards Five Gods Mountain.

My Thoughts

Xiao Yao Got Distracted by Ah Nian
Xiao Yao was so happy when thinking about dating Jing. Just then she was distracted by Ah Nian on the way who lured her to the edge of the cliff. I think the main reason Xiao Yao choose to follow Ah Nian, she really wanted to make up with Ah Nian for her dad, Grand Emperor, despite knowing Ah Nian was willing hurt to her. I think like this because of how she said she was willing to make first move with Ah Nian, acting as first giver, because of Grand Emperor and Zhuan Xu. She also believed that Ah Nian won't be able to hurt her. She was also curious what will Ah Nian do. 

Play Emotions With Life And Death
Ah Nian did make Xiao Yao fell into the ocean. Xiao Yao was not afraid. Such free fall was actually what she enjoyed mostly. But it was only when she saw Xiang Liu down there, she began to get scared. And she was right to be scared. I think that whole scene in ocean between Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu was his toying with her whole scene. It is really uncomfortable to read. For me it is not  romantic at all although he seems to want kiss from her. He distracted her from getting her first date with Jing.
Well at least from Xiao Yao side of emotion, it is really uncomfortable. Because her whole body was hurting. There is no words or lines that make me think Xiao Yao attracted to Xiang Liu. She definetly was not playing emotional life and death game along with him. All she did was struggling to get away from him. The way he toyed with her was as if he was in  upper hand. Because he's drowning her to get hurt. If she wanted to get life, she will have get air from lip to lip. Even with near death coming, all hurting, Xiao Yao was able to maintain her rational mind and rejected his advances. 

 Great Liar?
Xiang Liu might be doing all these because he did not expected her to be a princess. She never accepted to be female as Wen Xiao Liu. She never really seems to be sincere with him. But what about him though? He had used her at least two times to get at Zhuan Xu for war. He also lied that he did not really know about the Bug pair and did not honestly told her that it's lovers bug when he knew it completely. He offered to get the bugs sounded as if he wanted to give Xiao Liu a favor but actualy he was also binding her in such way with her. Of course it suddenly did not sound proper. Because she certainly have no idea about that purpose of bug.

Her Honest Simple Answer

Xiao Yao knew what she was dealing with. I think what she told him was very honest.
Because she knew herself that she's still a girl who dreams and she likes the thrills of like such as falling into ocean from high above. With all XL doing to her, she definetly knew what it is. It's not something suitable. She was not going towards it. She's afraid she will get into something she was not proper for what she want in life. This answer and whole scene is her struggle to get away from something she was getting into but not something that was in her that she is avoiding because she could be able to think of what is proper. I could say there is no desire in her to that way deep down. We will see how the story turn.
She handed him a poison bottle as to cool down their boiling situation.  It ended with him asking her to continue making poison for him as to keep the connection? But then, he acted as  it's all up to Xiao Yao to find the way and left her. 

Swimming Through The Scary Ocean
Her body was hurt and her strength was low as well as her power. The sea was vast. Xiao Yao was scared. However, there is something called "survival instinct" in Xiao Yao. And she will keep going by her instinct. 

Chapter 13 Wrap Up


 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                          LOST IN TRANSLATION

As the title says I will firstly, before getting into the overall drama and novel chapter 13 covering, explore what differences can be found between the native form of the text, and the Koala's version with some exemples. It's absolutly not intended to downgrade her translation, but rather to satisfy my explorative vibe and curiosity . Hope you'll enjoy this exploration too :).

For chinese version link is bellow:
http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/19812272/2.html  (original chinese version)



 Xiaoyao wanted to run away, but in mid-air, her only direction was downward. She could only watch as she and him got closer and closer. Just when she thought she would hit Xiang Liu directly When he was on her body, he sank and she fell into the sea water. He grabbed her hand with both hands and she could only be dragged to the bottom of the sea by him.
Koala:. Xiao Yao wanted to escape but she was in the middle of falling and her only way was down. She could     only watch as she got closer and closer to him, closer and closer, until she thought she would fall right  on top of Xiang Liu.  

Descent into Desperation:
In the Chinese original, the narrative unfolds with a vividness that immerses readers into the very air Xiaoyao breathes. The description of her desire to escape, contrasted with the inevitability of her downward trajectory, creates a sense of urgency. Koala's version, while capturing the essence, places a stronger emphasis on the repeated use of "closer," intensifying the impending collision and heightening the urgency of the scene.The Chinese rendition crafts a dance in mid-air, as Xiaoyao and her mysterious counterpart draw closer. Each movement is meticulously detailed, building suspense until the unexpected twist – Xiang Liu's descent. Koala's version, by accentuating the word "closer," amplifies the imminent collision, focusing more on the tension and less on the aerial choreography. While Koala's version strategically accentuates the word "closer" to underscore the imminent collision and the emotional intensity of the scene.

2. Chinese original:


At first, she could still feel the physical pain caused by exhaustion, but gradually, everything disappeared. The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and she couldn’t even feel her own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping.

Koala's version: the sky was not the sky and the sea was not the sea. She couldn’t feel her own existence and was swimming based on her natural instinct for survival. Swimming like she was letting everything all go and just moving forward, forever moving forward.         

Differences - The Echo of Instinct:
In the original Chinese, the concept of survival becomes an intrinsic part of Xiaoyao's being, propelling her forward relentlessly. The mention of a "viscous mass" implies a struggle against an unseen force. Koala's rendition maintains the essence but simplifies the description, emphasizing the instinct for survival as Xiaoyao swims forward, releasing everything in her wake.
The exclusion of "viscous mass" in Koala's version alters the texture of Xiaoyao's swim. In the original, the term implies a resistance, a thickness in the struggle for survival. Koala's portrayal, in contrast, leans toward a more streamlined interpretation, focusing on the altered perception and the instinctual forward motion without delving into the specific nature of the struggle.A viciouss Mass.
Chinese Extract:

Every time she swam, the maids spread out and guarded her surroundings to prevent anyone from bumping into Wang Ji. The surroundings were very quiet, and Xiaoyao often thought of her mother while swimming. She once thought she would no longer miss her mother, but it turned out that she still missed her mother. And because she deliberately suppressed it, after returning to the familiar environment, the longing became more intense, but it was accompanied by pain. As long as there is a little missing, there will be a little pain, as long as there is a little pain, there will be a little hatred.

Koala's Translation:
When she was swimming, the maids would fan out and guard the garden for her so that no one would run across the princess. It was quiet all around, and swimming made Xiao Yao think of her mom. She used to think she would never think about her mom, but in truth she still missed her a lot and merely forced herself not to think of her. Back in familiar surroundings, this missing her grew stronger and stronger, but along with it came pain. With an ounce of missing came an ounce of pain, and with an ounce of pain came an ounce of anger.
Difference =Longing, Pain
The essence of missing her mother and the subsequent intensification of that longing is consistent in both renditions. However, the Chinese extract employs the term "hatred" to describe the emotion accompanying the pain, while Koala's translation opts for "anger." This choice adds a nuanced distinction to the emotional landscape, subtly altering the reader's perception of Xiaoyao's inner turmoil.And that bring back her feeling of loneliness even though she is back with her loved ones, her family.


Xiaoyao felt that she must be lonely again. She forced herself to think about other things, swimming, swimming... There must be other interesting things in her life related to swimming... Xiaoyao suddenly missed the Nine Headed. Liu, if he were here, I'm afraid she wouldn't have time to recall the past. However, Wen Xiaoliu had completely disappeared. Even if he saw Xiang Liu again in the future, he might not be able to recognize her.

KOALA:Swimming, swimming…..there must be other things in her life connected with swimming…..Xiao Yao suddenly missed Nine-lives Xiang Liu very much. If he was here, likely she would not have any time to think about the past. But Wen Xiao Liu was gone and even if she ran into Xiang Liu in the future, he would not recognize her anymore.
=In the KOALA version, the sentence "Xiao Yao suddenly missed Nine-lives Xiang Liu very much" is included, while in the CHINESe version, the mention of missing Xiang Liu is not explicitly stated in the same way, also And she does not miss him "very much ".She just miss him. 

This difference adds an emotional depth to the KOALA version, as it conveys a sense of longing and nostalgia that may not be as prominent in the CHINESe version. The inclusion of this sentiment in the KOALA version could indicate a nuanced interpretation or emphasis on the character's emotional state by the translator or adapter. This difference highlights how the choice of words and phrasing can impact the portrayal of emotions and relationships within the narrative.You see she does not really miss XL persay BUT the things she does with him .Swimming.
5. Part :Jing's Silence: A Contrast in Expression

Chinese Extract:

Jing put her hands on her knees, clenched them tightly into fists, and remained silent.

Koala's Translation:
Jing’s hand was on his knee and it was tightly clenched into a fist as he sat there and never said a word.

=Silent Echoes: A Nuanced Difference=

In the silent moments of Jing's contemplation within the realms of Tong Hua's narrative, the subtle yet impactful differences in expression between the Chinese extract and Koala's translation shape the tone of the scene.

Neutral Silence vs. Unyielding Absence:
The Chinese extract delicately describes Jing's posture and her choice of silence without imposing a strong negative connotation. "Remained silent" suggests a more neutral, contemplative state, allowing readers to interpret Jing's silence without the forceful emphasis on the absence of speech.

On the other hand, Koala's translation introduces a more definitive note with "never said a word." This phrase carries a sense of permanence and unyielding absence, emphasizing the continuous nature of Jing's silence. The use of "never" imparts a more direct, unambiguous quality to the narrative.

The Power of Negative Emphasis:
Koala's choice to emphasize the absence of speech with "never said a word" adds a layer of intensity to Jing's silence. The negative connotation implies a deliberate choice to refrain from speaking, potentially highlighting the weight or significance of the unspoken moment.

Subtle Contemplation vs. Unspoken Intensity:
The Chinese version leans towards a more subtle portrayal of Jing's contemplation, allowing readers to perceive the silence as a reflective pause. Koala's translation, with its direct emphasis on the lack of speech, injects a sense of intensity into the scene, hinting at the potential gravity or significance of Jing's unspoken thoughts.


Xiaoyao had just woken up and was eating when he heard the attendant reported that "Seventeen is waiting for you outside the Dragon Bone Prison." Xiaoyao was a little happy, a little worried, and a little nervous, and couldn't explain what it was like.
KOALA: Zhuan Xu had a servant deliver the news that “Shi Qi is waiting for you outside the dragon bone prison”. Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness, it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand.
Difference- Awakening Emotions: A Dance of Nuances

Chinese Extract:
Xiaoyao had just woken up and was eating when he heard the attendant reported that "Seventeen is waiting for you outside the Dragon Bone Prison." Xiaoyao was a little happy, a little worried, and a little nervous, and couldn't explain what it was like.

Koala's Translation:
Zhuan Xu had a servant deliver the news that “Shi Qi is waiting for you outside the dragon bone prison”. Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness, it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand.

=The Unraveling of Emotions: A Subtle Contrast=

In the delicate moments of Xiaoyao's awakening within the realms of "Lost You Forever," the distinction in the portrayal of emotions between the Chinese extract and Koala's translation paints a nuanced picture of Xiaoyao's inner world.

Subtle Shades of Emotion:
The Chinese extract employs the phrases "a little happy, a little worried, and a little nervous" to convey Xiaoyao's emotional state. This subtle blending of emotions suggests a delicate dance of feelings, allowing readers to sense the complexity without overtly defining each sentiment. The use of "a little" imparts a sense of moderation, leaving room for interpretation.

Direct Expression of Mixed Feelings:
Koala's translation, in contrast, presents Xiaoyao's emotions more directly by stating, "Xiao Yao felt happiness mixed with nervousness." This explicit articulation leaves less room for interpretation and directly communicates the blend of emotions. The phrase "it was a feeling she couldn’t fully understand" sounds like a statement.


Whispers of Movement: A Dance of Details

Chinese Extract:




Waiting for her here is Ye Shiqi.The anger in Xiaoyao's heart gradually disappeared, leaving only joy and nervousness.

Xiaoyao walked softer and lighter, approaching him quietly.

Koala's Translation:

The person waiting for her was Ye Shi Qi. Xiao Yao felt all her frustration slowly disappear until all that was left was joy and nervousness.

Xiao Yao walked quietly towards him.

=Subtle Nuances in Movement=

In the dance of Xiaoyao's approach, the difference between the Chinese extract and Koala's translation lies in the specific details that shape the portrayal of her movement.

Chinese Passage: Sensory Richness:
The original Chinese version delicately crafts the image of Xiaoyao's approach by stating that she "walked softer and lighter." This nuanced description appeals to the senses, conveying a sense of delicacy and grace in her steps. The emphasis on the softness and lightness adds a layer of subtlety and imagery to the scene, inviting readers to envision the manner in which she is walking.

Koala's Translation: Streamlined Simplicity:
Koala's translation simplifies the description to "walked quietly." This portrayal provides a more straightforward depiction of her movement, focusing on the general sound without specific emphasis on the softer and lighter aspects of her steps. While still effective in conveying a sense of quietness, it doesn't delve into the nuanced details present in the original Chinese passage.

Intrigue: A Dance of Details and Tone

Chinese Extract:

Xiang Liu's hand seemed to be accidentally placed on her shoulder, his fingers brushed her neck, and he said seductively: "Which of the things you said are false? Why don't you confess it once today? I won't kill you."

Koala's Translation:
Xiang Liu’s hand seemed to casually rest on her shoulder and his finger passed by her neck, and he softly said “What else have you lied about? Why don’t you come clean all together today. I won’t kill you.”

=Subtle Variations in Intention and Tone=

In the intricate dance of Xiang Liu's interaction with the character, the differences between the Chinese extract and Koala's translation emerge in the details and the tone of the scene.

Chinese Passage- Intention and Seduction:
The original Chinese version weaves a detailed tapestry of Xiang Liu's actions, suggesting intention and seduction with the phrases "seemed to be accidentally placed" and "his fingers brushed her neck." The addition of "seductively" emphasizes the sensuality of his words, portraying a deliberate and potentially manipulative approach. This nuanced depiction accentuates the emotional and psychological impact of the scene.

Koala's Translation- Simplified Yet Softened:
Koala's translation simplifies the description, presenting Xiang Liu's actions in a more straightforward manner with "seemed to casually rest" and "his finger passed by her neck." The tone of his words is softened to "softly said," and the seductive element is less explicitly conveyed compared to the original Chinese version. This simplification offers a clearer portrayal while retaining a sense of intrigue, with no more the "manipulative" word...



                                             Global Analysis of Chapter 13 Novel and Drama ep.19

                                               Title: "The Peach Blossom Beauty, Blooming in Glory"
Part 1:

Setting and Atmosphere:
The chapter begins by setting the scene in Cheng En Palace, creating an atmosphere of routine and order. The description of the servants addressing Xiao Yao as "Princess" adds an air of familiarity, hinting at her established presence in the palace. The efficient running of Cheng En Palace underlines the Grand Emperor's control and authority.

Character Dynamics:
Xiao Yao's admiration for her father's ability to manage the intricacies within the palace showcases her appreciation for his leadership. Zhuan Xu's busy schedule establish nighttime visits and a deeper connection between father and daughter.

Symbolism of Swimming:
The act of swimming becomes a symbolic activity for Xiao Yao, providing a moment of reflection. The quietness of the garden and the presence of guards emphasize her isolation despite being in a vast palace. Swimming also becomes a trigger for memories of her mother, adding an emotional layer to the narrative.

Internal Conflict and Coping Mechanism:
Xiao Yao's inner turmoil and loneliness surface as she contemplates her mother's absence. The emotional conflict is palpable as she tries to suppress her feelings, resorting to swimming and diverting her thoughts. The mention of pain and hate suggests deeper unresolved emotions.
Symbolic Transformation of Trauma:
The mirror's role in Xiao Liu's life is explored as a symbolic continuation of coping mechanisms developed during captivity. It becomes a means of transforming traumatic symbols from the past, empowering Xiao Liu through mockery and defiance. The irreverent depiction in the mirror serves as a narrative of triumph over past traumas.

As Xiao Yao deals with the memory of her mom, the narrative hints at the complexity of her emotions. The act of swimming, her attempts to force herself not to think about her mother, and the increasing feelings of missing her all contribute to a sense of emotional turmoil. The pain, anger, and loneliness that accompany these thoughts indicate that Xiao Yao's coping mechanisms, while providing temporary relief, may not fully address the depth of her emotional struggles.The irreverent depiction in the mirror, involving Xiang Liu, become a source of amusement and defiance. However, they also serve as a distraction from the more profound emotional challenges she faces, such as missing her mom and dealing with the loneliness that creeps in.

The Gorilla mirror serves as a tool for Xiao Yao to navigate her complex emotions, allowing her to channel her feelings into a form of playfulness and defiance rather than confronting their full weight.
In essence, while the irreverent depictions in the mirror offer a narrative of triumph over certain traumas, they concurrently serve as a diversion from the deeper emotional issues Xiao Yao grapples with, providing her a temporary reprieve from the complexities of her internal struggles. The story suggests that Xiao Yao's journey involves not only confronting external challenges but also navigating the intricate landscape of her own emotions and memories.

Full mirror analysis :https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=3

Father-Daughter Interaction:
The first part of  chapter 13 concludes with a poignant interaction between Xiao Yao and the Grand Emperor. The father's curiosity about the mirror, Xiao Yao's candid honesty, and their shared understanding contribute to the portrayal of a complex yet meaningful father-daughter relationship.His heart clench each time he sees Xiao Yao as she reminds him very much her mother.

Analysis of Part 2:

Setting and Atmosphere:
This part of the chapter shifts to Ying Province in Five Gods Mountain, a place filled with guests from various regions. The atmosphere is lively with preparations for the upcoming proclamation ceremony of the Eldest Princess. The description of Ying Province's inns, restaurants, and vibrant surroundings contributes to the festive mood.

Character Dynamics and Relationships:
Zhuan Xu's revelation of his true identity to Feng Long, Xing Yue, Jing, and Yi Yang adds a layer of complexity to their relationships. Feng Long's nonchalant response and Xing Yue's inner joy highlight the different reactions among friends. Yi Yang's acknowledgment of her past actions and Zhuan Xu's subsequent forgiveness further solidify their camaraderie.

Symbolism of Peach Blossom Gown:
The ceremonial gown for Xiao Yao becomes a symbol of both anticipation and discomfort. The elaborate description of the gown, adorned with peach blossoms, emphasizes its visual impact. However, Xiao Yao's physical discomfort and the Grand Emperor's rejection of the outfit add an interesting contrast, hinting at the tension between tradition and personal comfort.
Foreshadowing and Intrigue:
The intrigue surrounding Xiao Yao's mysterious past, her mother's identity, and the anticipation of the proclamation ceremony build a sense of anticipation. The guests' discussions about the Eldest Princess and the potential benefits of marrying her foreshadow future developments and add a layer of mystery to Xiao Yao's character.

Zhuan Xu's Evasiveness:
Zhuan Xu's reluctance to describe Xiao Yao's appearance to his friends adds an air of mystery to her character. His comparison of different flowers suggests that Xiao Yao possesses a unique and incomparable beauty. This choice to keep her description vague adds intrigue and sets the stage for the eventual reveal.
Than he look directly upon Tushan Jing:

Jing's Unspoken Turmoil:
Jing's silent reaction to the discussion about Xiao Yao's appearance hints at inner turmoil. His clenched fist suggests a mix of emotions, related to his past interactions with Xiao Yao or his feelings towards her. This subtle detail adds depth to Jing's character and highlight he is unease.This silent moment is taking place while they are playing chess. Both CX and Jing make purposly a wrong moove. Fenglong can only notice:

Cultural Contrasts:
The discussion about different culinary practices between Gao Xing and the Middle Plains highlights the cultural diversity within the world Tong Hua has created. It serves as a subtle reminder of the various regions and their unique customs, enriching the narrative with world-building elements.


Analysis of Part 3:                          

                                                                             The Eldest Princess

Ceremony and Symbolism:
The chapter opens with the proclamation ceremony for Xiao Yao at the summit of Five Gods Mountain. The elaborate description of the ceremonial attire, the peach blossom forest design, and the grandeur of the setting convey the significance of this event. The use of symbols such as peach blossoms and the steps of the altar enhances the overall atmosphere, emphasizing the importance of the ceremony.
Xiao Yao's Inner Struggle:
Xiao Yao's internal struggle to represent Gao Xing with dignity despite her carefree personality adds depth to her character. The juxtaposition of her casual demeanor and the solemnity of the ceremony creates a tension that reflects her inner conflict. This duality in her character is well-crafted, highlighting the complexity of Xiao Yao's role as the Eldest Princess.Jing and Zhuan Xu reaction:
Both Zhuan Xu and Jing are experiencing a mix of emotions upon seeing Xiao Yao's true face for the first time. Zhuan Xu appears to be slightly angry without understanding the reason for his anger, while Jing is overwhelmed by a sense of awe transforming into unease, as if he's struggling to find something to hold onto. This suggests a complex emotional reaction to the revelation of XY true appearance, possibly indicating a mixture of surprise, confusion, and perhaps even a hint of fear or uncertainty.
Ru So's Reaction and Ah Nian's Actions:
Ru So's anger and frustration upon discovering the ruined ceremonial gown showcase the tension arising from Ah Nian's actions. Ah Nian's disruptive behavior, revealed through her sabotage, adds a layer of conflict to the narrative. The strained relationship between the sisters becomes more palpable as Xiao Yao navigates the consequences of Ah Nian's antics.

Father-Daughter Dynamic:
The conversation between Xiao Yao and the Grand Emperor sheds light on their relationship. The Grand Emperor's insights into Ah Nian's feelings and his concerns for the sisters' bond add emotional depth to his character. Xiao Yao's commitment to resolving the issues with Ah Nian reflects her sense of responsibility as the older sister.

Foreshadowing and Intrigue:
Jing's request to meet Xiao Yao outside the dragon bone prison introduces an element of anticipation. Jing's choice of location and his decision to wait for her contribute to the sense of mystery surrounding their relationship. This development raises questions about Jing's intentions and the potential impact on their dynamic.
Xiao Yao's Transformation:
Xiao Yao's transformation for the meeting with Shi Qi showcases her willingness to present herself in a different light.She want to be pretty. The maids' reactions and the choice of a more elaborate outfit highlight the external changes in Xiao Yao's appearance. This shift in her presentation adds an intriguing layer to her encounter with Shi Qi.

Emotional Complexity:
The emotions conveyed in the chapter range from Xiao Yao's nervousness and joy to the Grand Emperor's genuine concerns. The narrative skillfully navigates the emotional landscape, providing readers with a nuanced understanding of the characters' feelings and motivations.

In summary, Part 3 of Chapter 13 focuses on the proclamation ceremony, the aftermath of Ah Nian's actions, and the anticipation surrounding Xiao Yao's meeting with Shi Qi. The chapter effectively weaves together elements of ceremony, symbolism, interpersonal dynamics, and emotional complexity.


Part 4:

Plot Summary:

Xiao Yao have attended the introsation ceremony where she  became the center of attention , wearing an outfit even more exquisite than the one destroyed by Ah Nian.Ah Nian, frustrated, wants to ruin Xiao Yao's celebration but restrains herself due to her mother's presence.Feeling displaced since Xiao Yao's return, Ah Nian leaves the Palace and ends up on a small island in the middle of the ocean...

Xiang Liu,appears, having been attracted by the discussions about Gao Xing Eldest Princess (Xiao Yao).
Xiang Liu suggests to Ah Nian that she can torment Xiao Yao without killing her, offering his assistance.
Ah Nian agrees to this plan, and Xiang Liu gives her a clam shell to lure Xiao Yao to the ocean for the torment.Xiao Yao encounters Ah Nian, who tricks her into falling off a cliff on XL suggestion. Xiang Liu intervenes, submerging both of them in the ocean.

Xiang Liu intervenes, submerging both of them in the ocean. Xiang Liu torments Xiao Yao underwater, but it's evident he has no intention of killing her.
Despite the pressure and nearing unconsciousness, Xiao Yao refuses to kiss Xiang Liu and choose to rather loses consciousness and die.
Xiang Liu resurfaces with the unconscious Xiao Yao and revives her.

Character Dynamics:

Ah Nian's frustration and jealousy towards Xiao Yao intensify.
Xiang Liu's manipulative and mysterious nature is highlighted, be it with Ah Nian or Xiao Yao.
Xiao Yao's complicated relationship with Xiang Liu is further explored, showcasing her determination and refusal to succumb to his advances.


The theme of rivalry and jealousy between female characters (Ah Nian and Xiao Yao) is prominent.
Xiang Liu's role as a manipulative and unpredictable force adds an element of suspense and danger.

Xiang Liu's request for Xiao Yao to continue making poisons for him hint on future interactions and complications.

Overall Analysis:

Part 4 intensifies the rivalry between Ah Nian and Xiao Yao, adding a layer of complexity with Xiang Liu's involvement. The underwater torment scene highlights the power dynamics and Xiao Yao's resilience. The story continues to blend elements of fantasy, intrigue, and character dynamics.

Global conclusion :

In these four parts, the narrative unfolds with Princess Xiao Yao returning to the Palace, where her presence creates a stir. It show the concern of a father for his daughter, set the dragon bone appointment with Jing, and question Zhuan Xu's role in the unfolding story.
Amidst the intricate dynamics between characters, an unexpected alliance forms between Ah Nian and Xiang Liu. The manipulative nature of Xiang Liu and the emotional conflicts within Ah Nian add layers of complexity to the story.

Few interesting parts will be further   developped later in this chapter/drama exploration.


                                                                                Drama Ep.19 - added scenery

Before Xiao Yao's ceremony, the drama show us a scene between her Cang Xuan (Zhuan Xu):




Added scene 2:

The other added scene is Zhuan Xu (again! :D) spying to the ongoing beauty treatement of Xiao Yao as she prepare herself with great care for her appointement with Jing.

=>As her beauty set up continue...a little sad music is played for CX...



 Detailed Literary Analysis with Quotes, Symbols, and Textual Analysis of Chapter 13:


*******Army vs Household.

Xiao Yao was impressed with her dad, it was easier to control an army than the details within the house. How much power and oversight did he have that Cheng En Palace was efficiently running through and through.

This quote highlights Xiao Yao's admiration for her father's ability to govern and manage Cheng En Palace effectively. It also emphasizes her recognition of the complexity and challenges inherent in household management compared to military leadership.


Household Affairs vs. Military Control:

The comparison between controlling an army and managing household affairs serves as a symbolic contrast between external and internal governance. Controlling an army represents external power and authority, while managing household affairs symbolizes internal organization and administration.
Household affairs symbolize the intricate details and complexities of domestic life, including interpersonal relationships, logistics, and resource allocation. This contrasts with military control, which often involves more straightforward strategies and hierarchical structures.

Textual Analysis:

Xiao Yao's reflection on her father's governance style provides insight into her own interests and perspectives. While she acknowledges the importance and effectiveness of military control, her admiration for her father's ability to manage household affairs suggests her affinity for internal governance and organization.
The phrase "impressed with her dad" indicates Xiao Yao's respect and admiration for her father's leadership skills. It underscores the influence her father has on her worldview and aspirations.
By questioning how much power and oversight her father has to ensure the efficient running of Cheng En Palace, Xiao Yao demonstrates her curiosity and analytical mindset. She is not only impressed by her father's capabilities but also seeks to understand the mechanisms behind his success.

In conclusion, this part of the passage offers insights into Xiao Yao's admiration for her father and her interest in governance and administration. Through symbolic contrast and introspective reflection, the text deepens our understanding of Xiao Yao's character and her relationship with her father.



Part2 - Swimming and pain.
Missing  mother:

Text Extract: 

When she was swimming, the maids would would fan out and guard the garden for her so that no one would run across the princess. It was quiet all around and swimming made Xiao Yao think of her mom. She used to think she would never think about her mom, but in truth she still missed her a lot and merely forced herself not to think of her. Back in familiar surroundings, this missing her grew stronger and stronger but along with it came pain. With an ounce of missing came an ounce of pain, and with an ounce of pain came an ounce of anger.

The passage emphasizes Xiao Yao's unexpected longing for her mother while swimming. Despite her initial belief that she could suppress her emotions, the act of swimming brings forth memories and feelings of missing her mother. This suggests that her emotions are more complex and deeply rooted than she initially thought.
The water element, often associated with maternal figures and emotions, serves as a catalyst for Xiao Yao's thoughts of her mother. Water symbolizes the subconscious mind, emotions, and nurturing qualities, which are all aspects associated with maternal figures. Thus, the act of swimming becomes a conduit for Xiao Yao's subconscious longing for her mother.

Forced herself to think of other things:

The mention of Xiao Yao forcing herself to think of other things highlights her attempt to avoid confronting her feelings of loss and longing. This suggests a coping mechanism employed by Xiao Yao to deal with her emotional pain.
The juxtaposition of Xiao Yao's attempt to distract herself from her feelings about her mother with her eventual inability to do so underscores the depth of her emotions and the significance of her relationship with her mother.

Escapism and Xiang Liu:

The word "forced" before Xiao Yao thinks of Xiang Liu indeed suggests a sense of escapism or avoidance from confronting her emotions. While swimming reminds Xiao Yao of her mother and brings forth feelings of longing and pain, her thoughts about Xiang Liu may serve as a distraction or a way to shift her focus away from her maternal longing.
The contrast between Xiao Yao's emotions regarding her mother and her thoughts about Xiang Liu further highlights the complexity of her emotional landscape and the different coping mechanisms she employs to navigate it.
In summary, this passage illuminates the depth of Xiao Yao's emotions, particularly her longing for her mother, and the intricate ways in which she attempts to cope with her feelings. The water element serves as a powerful symbol that connects Xiao Yao to her maternal longing, while her thoughts about Xiang Liu reflect her attempts to escape or distract herself from her emotional pain.

****Let's delve deeper into the literary analysis of the passage:


It was quiet all around and swimming made Xiao Yao think of her mom. She used to think she would never think about her mom, but in truth she still missed her a lot and merely forced herself not to think of her. Forced herself to think of other things. Swimming....”

This quote captures Xiao Yao's unexpected emotional response while swimming. It highlights her initial attempt to suppress thoughts of her mother, only to find herself overwhelmed by memories and feelings of longing. The repetition of the phrase "forced herself" underscores the internal struggle she experiences in trying to control her emotions.



Water serves as a powerful symbol in this passage, representing both the subconscious mind and maternal connections. The act of swimming immerses Xiao Yao in water, triggering memories and emotions associated with her mother. Water's fluidity reflects the fluid nature of Xiao Yao's emotions, which she initially tries to contain but ultimately cannot control.


Xiao Yao's thoughts of her mother while swimming highlight the maternal bond and its enduring impact on her. The quietness of the surroundings and the reflective nature of water evoke a sense of maternal presence, emphasizing Xiao Yao's longing for her mother's comfort and guidance.

Textual Analysis:

The passage skillfully portrays Xiao Yao's internal conflict and emotional vulnerability. Despite her efforts to suppress her feelings, the act of swimming serves as a catalyst for her subconscious longing for her mother. This suggests that certain environments or activities can evoke deeply buried emotions, even when one attempts to avoid them.

The phrase "forced herself" emphasizes Xiao Yao's struggle to maintain emotional composure. This repetition highlights the tension between her desire to avoid confronting her feelings and the inevitability of their resurfacing. It also underscores the complexity of grief and the inability to fully control one's emotions.

The juxtaposition of Xiao Yao's thoughts of her mother with her subsequent thoughts of Xiang Liu provides insight into her coping mechanisms. While swimming initially brings forth feelings of maternal longing, her thoughts of Xiang Liu serve as a temporary distraction or means of escape from her emotional pain. This contrast highlights the multifaceted nature of grief and the different ways individuals cope with loss.

In conclusion, 

this passage offers a poignant exploration of Xiao Yao's internal struggle with grief and longing for her mom. Through powerful symbolism and evocative language, the text illuminates the complexities of emotional suppression and the enduring impact of maternal connections.




Part 3 :

 A Book to Harm


"Xiao Yao snuck into Cao Yao Court and sat beside the Grand Emperor, peering at what he was doing. He smiled at her and kept on working."

*This quote sets the scene for Xiao Yao's interaction with her father, the Grand Emperor. It highlights their close relationship and Xiao Yao's curiosity about her father's activities.

"The Grand Emperor asked 'Have you learned the “Sheng Nong Book of Herbs” left by your mother?' Xiao Yao pointed to her head 'The Royal Mother said that was a bad thing so forced me to memorize it and then destroyed the manual.'"

*This dialogue reveals Xiao Yao's upbringing and her mother's influence on her education. It also hints at a mysterious aspect of her mother's past, adding depth to her character.

(pics above explaining the same to CX in ep.18)

"Xiao Yao walked over and flipped open a book, but it wasn’t a medical book like her dad suggested, but a book on how to harm others. Ah Nian’s push today reminded Xiao Yao that she can’t let her guard down!"

*This quote illustrates Xiao Yao's cunning and resourcefulness. Despite her father's suggestion to study medical texts, she chooses to explore darker subjects related to poisons and harm, showing her readiness to defend herself in the dangerous palace environment.

"Father and daughter, one sat on the throne working, the other rested on a pillow reading medical texts. This went on until late into the night when the Grand Emperor escorted Xiao Yao back to her residence before returning to his."

*This imagery emphasizes the bond between Xiao Yao and her father, depicting them both engaged in their respective pursuits. It also highlights the familial duty and care the Grand Emperor shows towards Xiao Yao, escorting her back to her residence at night.


Books and Knowledge:

Books symbolize knowledge and power in this passage. Xiao Yao's interaction with different types of books reflects her diverse interests and the breadth of her knowledge. While her father encourages her to study medical texts, Xiao Yao's choice to explore a book on harming others demonstrates her awareness of the darker aspects of palace life and her readiness to protect herself.


Poisons symbolize Xiao Yao's resourcefulness and survival instincts. Her research and experimentation with poisons serve as a means of self-defense and empowerment in the dangerous palace environment. 

Textual Analysis:

The passage skillfully portrays Xiao Yao's complex relationship with her father, the Grand Emperor, and her navigation of palace life. Through dialogue and imagery, it reveals the dynamics of their interactions and Xiao Yao's independent spirit.

Xiao Yao's defiance of societal norms and her readiness to explore darker subjects highlight her resilience and adaptability. Despite her privileged upbringing, she is not naive to the dangers of palace intrigue and actively seeks ways to protect herself.

The juxtaposition of Xiao Yao's academic pursuits with her interest in poisons adds depth to her character - It also hints at the darker undercurrents of palace life and the moral ambiguity of survival in such a cutthroat environment that Ah Nian is setting for her.

Xiao Yao's exploration of darker subjects related to poisons and harm serves multiple purposes within the narrative, including her readiness to defend herself in the dangerous palace environment. 

****Let's delve deeper into the symbolic significance of her interest in poisons and how it relates to her relationships with Ah Nian and Xiang Liu:

Defense Mechanism and Protection: Toxicity to counter and deal with Toxicity

Xiao Yao's interest in poisons can be interpreted as a defense mechanism in the treacherous palace environment. By familiarizing herself with poisons and their effects, she is better equipped to protect herself from potential threats, including individuals like Ah Nian who may pose a danger to her.

Exploration of a Darker Side:

Additionally, Xiao Yao's fascination with poisons reflect her exploration of a darker aspect of herself. The act of studying poisons and their uses represents a departure from traditional moral boundaries and suggests a willingness to engage with darker, more sinister elements. This exploration of the darker side of her nature adds complexity to her character and underscores the moral ambiguity of survival in the palace.

Relationship with Ah Nian:

Xiao Yao's association of harm and darkness with Ah Nian highlights the threat she perceives can be anywhere and come  from even her sister. Ah Nian's aggression and hostility towards Xiao Yao serve as a catalyst for her interest in self-defense mechanisms such as poisons. By understanding and potentially utilizing poisons, Xiao Yao seeks to protect herself from the harm that Ah Nian represents.

Connection to Xiang Liu:

The mention of Xiang Liu in the context of harm and darkness adds another layer of complexity to Xiao Yao's exploration of poisons. Xiang Liu, with his formidable abilities and enigmatic nature, embodies a darker and sinister aspect of the world. Xiao Yao's sadness over not being able to share her latest poison with him  stem from her will to get recognition of his affinity for such elements.

In summary,

 Xiao Yao's interest in poisons serves as both a means of self-defense and a symbolic exploration of darker themes within the narrative. It reflects her readiness to confront the dangers of palace life while also delving into the complexities of her relationships with characters like Ah Nian and Xiang Liu. Through this exploration, Xiao Yao's character is further developed, showcasing her resilience, resourcefulness, and willingness to navigate the moral gray areas of her world. Toxic to counter toxic.