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                                                                                    OUR SOURCES

I'd like to firstly introduce you,  to our  main translation  reference , that we consult, as much as the chinese version on this site: http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/before I fully enter this new chapter covering. As you know , @ Winny translate her Thaï version for us, wich we than compare to the chinese one.  

This is  an official translation. It had to pass the copyrights and be approved and by the original author (Tong Hua桐华 ) and her editors -Hunan literature and Art Publishing House湖南文艺出版社 

And this is Winny's book - her Lost You Forever from Tong Hua.

The person who made the official translation is  Ornjira : อรจีรา .She is participating at the annual Bangkok International Book Fair  : https://nspp.mofa.gov.tw/nsppe/news.php?post=135652&unit=410&unitname=&postname=The-Bangkok-International-Book-Fair---Taiwan-Back-in-the-SpotlightShe is the official Thaï translator for Tong Hua work. . Below,  giving an interview while on the annual BANGOK INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR. :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD_xYipUUp8&ab_channel=SMMPublishing 

I thank Winny for provided informations!

So, it's a pleasure to get to know our main TRANSLATION SOURCE for Tong Hua's book <3

Lady  Ornjira , Thank you too!


My following post will be related. 

As I 'll be covering the Lost in Translations parts for this Chapter 14! .

Stay tuned!:)


                                                 LOST IN TRANSLATION in CHAPTER 14


Part 1:

                                                                                 Passages- extracts :

Koala version :

Jing may have been very proper, but he was still the clan leader and would often go to places of pleasure to discuss business. Plus the scions of the powerful families were all experienced in the male-female relations, and Jing as a man clearly knew enough. In discussing business, he saw more and heard more explicit things then this and was always just fine with it. But facing Xiao Yao, he felt this fire burning through him and he tried to explain “I am not like that.”

Thaï Original version:  

Jing maybe proper and had always strived to protect himself. However, he was the one who holds power in the family. He went in and out of entertainment venues until it became normal. Moreover, it was rare for young members of a large family to not have some fun from time to time. Jing was a man. He knew all about men matters. In the business field,  let alone the words that were more explicit, he had even seen the more explicit matters. But then he did not feel anything. He could just talk and laugh normally.  With Xiao Yao, he was feeling restless as if being licked by the burning fire. He make a concise excuse: "I... am not like that.


Let's dig! :)

Diction and Style:

The "Koala version" uses more casual language and contemporary expressions like "places of pleasure," "male-female relations," and "just fine with it." This gives it a modern tone.
The "Original version" employs a more formal tone and traditional expressions, such as "entertainment venues" and "men matters," maintaining a classic narrative style.


In the "Koala version," Jing is portrayed as more self-assured and accustomed to certain situations, with a matter-of-fact attitude towards explicit discussions and entertainment.

The "Original version" emphasizes Jing's efforts to protect himself and his position, highlighting his familiarity with explicit matters but his lack of emotional response until encountering Xiao Yao.

Contextual Details:

The "Koala version" briefly mentions Jing's role as the clan leader and his experience with male-female relations, without delving into the dynamics of family power or his protective instincts.

The "Original version" elaborates on Jing's position within the family and the societal expectations regarding entertainment, providing more context for his behavior and his internal struggle with Xiao Yao's influence.

Emotional Tone:

The "Koala version" describes Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao's presence as a sudden and intense feeling of restlessness and desire, conveyed through the metaphor of a burning fire.

The "Original version" conveys Jing's unease and emotional turmoil more subtly, using the metaphor of being licked by a burning fire to suggest his discomfort and inner conflict.

Overall, while both versions convey similar events and themes, they differ in their choice of language, characterization, contextual details, and emotional tone, resulting in distinct interpretations of the scene and characters. The "Original translated version" portrays Jing in a more sensual light compared to the "Koala version." This heightened sensuality is evident in the language used to describe Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao and his internal struggle. Phrases like "feeling restless as if being licked by the burning fire" evoke a vivid and visceral image of Jing's arousal and emotional turmoil.

In contrast, the "Koala version" maintains a more subdued tone in describing Jing's reaction, focusing more on his practical experience and matter-of-fact attitude towards explicit matters. The language used, such as "felt this fire burning through him," still suggests desire and passion but in a less overtly sensual manner compared to the "Original version."

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Let's delve deeper into how the "Koala version" tones down Jing's characterization and emotional depth compared to the Original translated  version.

Language and Expression:

The choice of language in the "Koala version" is more neutral and contemporary, which may detract from the richness and intensity of the narrative. By using terms like "places of pleasure" instead of "entertainment venues" and "male-female relations" instead of "men matters," the text loses some of its evocative power and depth. The more traditional language of the "Original version" lends itself to a more immersive and atmospheric reading experience, heightening the sensuality and emotional resonance of the scene.

Description of Jing's Experience:

In the "Original  translated version," there's a more explicit acknowledgment of Jing's familiarity with explicit matters and his experiences in the business field. This not only adds depth to his character but also suggests a certain level of worldliness and sensuality. By contrast, the "Koala version" merely mentions Jing's practical experience in a matter-of-fact manner, without delving into the nuances of his emotions or the impact of these experiences on his psyche.

This lack of exploration  result in a shallower portrayal of Jing and a diminished sense of his complexity as a character.

Intensity of Emotions:

The "Original version" employs more vivid and sensual imagery to convey Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao. Phrases like "feeling restless as if being licked by  burning fire - the "Original version" portrays Jing in a more sensual light compared to the "Koala version." This heightened sensuality is evident in the language used to describe Jing's reaction to Xiao Yao and his internal struggle. Phrases like "feeling restless as if being licked by the burning fire" evoke a vivid and visceral image of Jing's arousal and emotional turmoil.

In contrast, the "Koala version" maintains a more subdued tone in describing Jing's reaction, focusing more on his practical experience and matter-of-fact attitude towards explicit matters. The language used, such as "felt this fire burning through him," still suggests desire and passion but in a less overtly sensual manner compared to the "Original version."


Interesting right?

Sharing more extracts and comparing!

Sharing more extracts and comparing!

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Continuing:  Chapter 14- Passage-extract:


Jing hurriedly stood up and grabbed her arm, but then released it like he was shocked by electricity, his face blushing red. Gao Xing’s clothes were light and airy, so after it got wet the robe was plastered to Xiao Yao. It wasn’t as noticeable earlier since she was sitting down, but now that she stood up, from her trim waist to her full bosom, it was all on display.

Xiao Yao noticed Jing’s expression and glanced down at herself before immediately squatting into a ball and wrapping her arms around her knees. 

Original Translated version: 

Jing hurriedly got up and pulled her arm. But he immediately let go of his hand, as if he had been electrocuted and his face felt was burning. Gao Xin's clothes were light and flowing. The wet dress was so attached to the body. When Xiao Yao was sitting curled up so she could not feel it. Now standing up when looking at it, the waist was a waist, the chest was a chest, it's very clearly visible.

Xiao Yao saw the expression on his face. She looked down and looked at herself. Then she immediately lowered herself to sit down

Let's compare :
In comparing the two versions, the "Original version" tends to convey a deeper sense of emotion and atmosphere compared to the "Koala version." Here's how:

Intensity of Jing's Reaction:

In the "Original version," Jing's reaction is described as if he had been electrocuted, with his face burning. This imagery conveys a strong sense of shock and embarrassment, suggesting a profound emotional response to the situation.
However, in the "Koala version," Jing's reaction is depicted as releasing Xiao Yao's arm like he was shocked by electricity, with his face blushing red. While still indicating embarrassment, the language used does not evoke the same level of intensity or visceral emotion as in the "Original version." The choice of "releasing" instead of "letting go of his hand" and "blushing red" instead of "face burning"  contribute to a somewhat milder portrayal of Jing's reaction. 

 The imagery is  not  as intense or visceral as in the "Original version," toning down the depth of emotion portrayed.

Description of Xiao Yao's Appearance:

In the "Original version," there is a straightforward description of Xiao Yao's appearance after her robe gets wet, focusing on how it becomes attached to her body. While this still highlights her physical attractiveness, the language used is relatively simple and direct.
Conversely, the "Koala version" provides a more detailed description of Xiao Yao's appearance, emphasizing how her figure becomes more noticeable as she stands up. This description adds layers to the scene and may evoke a stronger sense of desire or attraction, but it's not as direct or emotionally charged as in the "Original version."

Xiao Yao's Response:

Both versions depict Xiao Yao's awareness of Jing's discomfort and her attempt to alleviate the situation by squatting down. However, the "Original version" adds an extra layer of depth by mentioning that Xiao Yao looks down at herself before doing so. This additional detail provides insight into her thought process and emotions, enriching her character portrayal.
In summary, while both versions convey similar events, the "Original version" tends to evoke a stronger sense of emotion and atmosphere through its language and imagery. This depth of feeling contributes to a more immersive reading experience and resonate more deeply with readers. It's overall translated  in a higher level of emotional intensity.

Overall Tone and Atmosphere:

The "Original version" tends to convey a deeper sense of emotion and atmosphere compared to the "Koala version." This is evident in the imagery used and the level of detail provided in describing Jing's reaction and Xiao Yao's appearance.
Conversely, the "Koala version" presents the events in a more straightforward manner, with less emphasis on the intensity of emotions and character interactions. While still capturing the essence of the scene, it does not evoke the same depth of feeling or resonance with readers as the "Original version."
In summary, the "Koala version" does appear to tone down the intensity of emotions compared to the "Original version," particularly in its depiction of Jing's reaction and Xiao Yao's appearance, in this extract. 

This difference in tone and atmosphere  result in a  milder portrayal of the characters' emotions and interactions.


Sharing more extracts and comparing- 

Sharing more extracts and comparing- 


Chapter14,  Passage -Extract :

Koala Version: 

Xiao Yao shoved Jing hard “I don’t want to play anymore. I take back my promise! You scram back to Qing Qiu and go marry Fang Feng Yi Yang!”

Jing didn’t dare do anything back to her but he also didn’t budge “I won’t marry her. She doesn’t like me so she likely doesn’t want to marry me either.”

OriginalThaï Transcription: 

Xiao Yao pushed hard. “I won't play anymore. I'd like to take back my promise! You  go back quickly to Qing Qiu and marry  Fangfeng Yiying!”

Jing didn't dare to respond. But he was stubborn and refused to give up. “I will not marry her. In fact, she does not love me. Probably not agreeing to marry me"

Let's compare and analyze the differences between the "Koala version" and the "Original version" of the passage:

Physical Action:

In the "Koala version," Xiao Yao is described as shoving Jing hard, which conveys a sense of force and urgency in her actions. This physicality adds intensity to the scene and underscores Xiao Yao's frustration.
Conversely, in the "Original version," Xiao Yao's action is simply described as pushing. While it still indicates physical interaction, the absence of the descriptor "hard"  imply a less forceful or urgent gesture.


In both versions, Xiao Yao expresses her desire to retract her promise and urges Jing to marry Fang Feng Yi Yang. However, the wording and tone differ slightly between the two versions.
In the "Koala version," Xiao Yao's dialogue is more direct and assertive. She explicitly tells Jing to "scram back to Qing Qiu and go marry Fang Feng Yi Yang." This assertiveness  reflect her determination to assert her desires.
On the other hand, in the "Original version," Xiao Yao's dialogue is slightly less direct, with her simply urging Jing to "go back quickly to Qing Qiu and marry Fangfeng Yiying." The language used convey a softer or less forceful tone compared to the "Koala version."

Jing's Response:

The language and tone of his response differ slightly between the two versions.
In the "Koala version," Jing's response is matter-of-fact and resigned. He states, "I won’t marry her," and suggests that she likely doesn't want to marry him either. This portrayal may indicate a sense of acceptance or pragmatism on Jing's part.
In contrast, in the "Original version," Jing's response is more defiant and assertive. He declares, "I will not marry her," and asserts that she doesn't love him. This version portrays Jing as more determined and resolute in his refusal to marry Fang Feng Yi Yang.
Overall, while both versions convey similar events and themes, they differ in the intensity of physical action, the assertiveness of dialogue, and Jing's response.

We perceive that "Koala version" downtones certain aspects compared to the "Original version":

Physical Action:

The "Koala version" describes Xiao Yao's action as "shoving Jing hard," indicating a forceful and urgent gesture. However, the "Original version" simply states that she "pushed" Jing. The absence of the qualifier "hard" in the "Original version" suggests a less forceful action, toning down the intensity of the physical interaction.


In both versions, Xiao Yao expresses her desire to retract her promise and urges Jing to marry Fang Feng Yi Yang. However, the wording and tone differ slightly between the two versions.
In the "Koala version," Xiao Yao's dialogue is more direct and assertive. She explicitly tells Jing to "scram back to Qing Qiu and go marry Fang Feng Yi Yang." This assertiveness may reflect her determination to assert her desires.
On the other hand, in the "Original version," Xiao Yao's dialogue is slightly less direct, with her simply urging Jing to "go back quickly to Qing Qiu and marry Fangfeng Yiying." The language used may convey a softer or less forceful tone compared to the "Koala version."

Jing's Response(further):

In the "Koala version," Jing's response is portrayed as more resigned and matter-of-fact, suggesting a level of acceptance or pragmatism regarding his situation. This portrayal tones down the assertiveness of his refusal to marry Fang Feng Yi Yang.
In contrast, in the "Original version," Jing's response is more defiant and assertive, with him firmly declaring, "I will not marry her," and asserting that she doesn't love him. This version presents Jing as more determined in his refusal, adding intensity to his character.

Overall, the "Koala version" does appear to downtone certain aspects of the passage, including the physical action, the assertiveness of dialogue, and Jing's response. These differences contribute to a slightly different portrayal of the characters' emotions, motivations, and relationships in the scene compared to the "Original version."
****Also notice: 

In the "Original version," Xiao Yao's statement is "I'd like to take back my promise," whereas in the "Koala version," it's simplified to "I take back my promise!"

The difference lies in the inclusion of "I'd like to" in the "Original version," indicating a degree of politeness or softening of the statement. This phrase suggests that Xiao Yao is expressing her desire to retract her promise, but it also implies a level of hesitation or uncertainty.

On the other hand, in the "Koala version," this  is omitted, leading to a more direct and assertive expression of Xiao Yao's desire to retract her promise. Without the qualifier "I'd like to," her statement becomes more immediate and unequivocal, lacking the same level of softening or uncertainty implied by the "Original version."

This alteration in wording subtly shapes the characterization of Xiao Yao and the tone of the scene, highlighting differences in her assertiveness and demeanor between the two versions.

In the "Original version," the phrase "you go back quickly to Qing Qiu" is used, while in the "Koala version," it's changed to "you scram back to Qing Qiu."

The choice of words carries different connotations:

"You go back quickly to Qing Qiu": This phrase is straightforward and instructive, suggesting urgency but in a relatively neutral tone. It implies a sense of immediacy without any particular emphasis on urgency or forcefulness.

"You scram back to Qing Qiu": The word "scram" is informal and carries a more forceful tone compared to "go back quickly." It adds a sense of urgency and impatience to Xiao Yao's command, emphasizing her frustration and desire for Jing to leave immediately.

Overall, the alteration in wording from "you go back quickly" to "you scram back" contributes to a difference in tone and intensity between the two versions, highlighting Xiao Yao's emotions and assertiveness in the "Koala version."


(sharing more comparaisons)


 Chapter 14 (continue), Passage -Extract :

 Original Translated version :

"Xiao Yao... I'm not worthy of you! In this world, there are many strong, smart, and handsome young men…" “Jing, look up!" Tushan Jing, raised his head." Jing raised his head slowly. Xiao Yao brought her face closer to his. 

She muttered softly, “Last night a man forced me to kiss him. Now all I can think about is wanting to kiss you.” Her lips placed a soft kiss on his lips. Jing's body shook for once. Instantly, he fell backwards to escape Xiao Yao. “Don't...Xiao Yao" Xiao Yao closed her eyes and looked up, both cheeks were blushed. Her body trembled. “Jing...Jing....” Xiao Yao's soft voice was shaking that almost incomprehensible. Jing felt like he was trembling. His kiss touched the light red spot in the center of Xiao Yao's forehead. It was as if a group of flames were burning from the middle of Xiao Yao's forehead towards his heart, warmed up his ice-cold heart. Maybe, sooner or later, there will come a day when the hidden wound inside his body, which has no way to cure, could be able to restore as good as before. Jing hugged Xiao Yao tightly. His head rested in the crook of her neck. He was happy like it was a dream. It made him just think about hugging Xiao Yao and not letting go forever. Xiao Yao moaned. "You are choking me until I couldn't breathe."


"Xiao Yao, I’m not good enough for you! This time, there will be many handsome, smart, physically whole young men…..” “Jing, raise your head! Tu Shan Jing, raise you head.” 

Jing slowly raised his head and Xiao Yao put her face right in front of his and murmured “Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.” Her lips softly landed on his lips and Jing’s body shook and he darted backwards “No….Xiao Yao.” Xiao Yao closed her eyes and raised her face, her cheeks bright red as her body softly shivered “Jing…..Jing…..” Xiao Yao’s soft voice was so low he almost could hear what she was saying, but Jing was shaking as his lips touched the peach blossom birthmark on her forehead and it felt like a fire burned from Xiao Yao straight to his head. His cold heart warned up, with the hope that one day those scars concealed deep within his heart would also heal. Jing tightly embraced Xiao Yao and buried his face in her neck, this joy like a dream where he just wanted to hold Xiao Yao forever and never let go. Xiao Yao murmured “You’re suffocating me.”


  1. Dialogue Depth and Complexity:

    • In the "Original version," Jing's dialogue, "Xiao Yao... I'm not worthy of you," showcases his inner turmoil and humility. The phrase "I'm not worthy of you" suggests a deep sense of inadequacy and self-awareness, revealing Jing's profound feelings for Xiao Yao and his perception of his own shortcomings.
    • In contrast, the "Koala version" simplifies Jing's sentiment to "Xiao Yao, I’m not good enough for you." While still conveying a similar message, this phrasing lacks the same depth and complexity. It portray Jing's feelings with less nuance,  reducing the emotional impact of his confession.
  2. Description of Emotions and Reactions:

    • The "Original version" provides detailed descriptions of Xiao Yao's and Jing's physical and emotional reactions during their intimate moment. Xiao Yao's blushing cheeks, trembling body, and shaky voice convey her vulnerability and emotional intensity. Jing's physical reaction, such as trembling and falling backwards, underscores the impact of Xiao Yao's actions on him.
    • Conversely, the "Koala version" offers more simplified descriptions of their emotions and reactions. While it still mentions Xiao Yao's blushing cheeks and trembling body, the language used does not evoke the same depth of emotion or intensity. Similarly, Jing's reaction is described more succinctly,  diminishing the emotional impact of the scene.
  3. Dialogue Continuity and Flow:

    • In the "Original version," the dialogue flows seamlessly from Jing's confession to Xiao Yao's response, maintaining continuity and enhancing the realism of the interaction between the characters. Xiao Yao's moaning and expression of discomfort add depth to the scene and reinforce the emotional connection between the characters.
    • However, the "Koala version" disrupts this continuity by omitting Xiao Yao's expression of discomfort. This omission affect the flow of the scene and reduce its coherence, potentially impacting the reader's immersion in the story.
  4. Narrative Subtleties:

    • The "Original version" includes subtle details, such as Jing's kiss touching the light red spot on Xiao Yao's forehead and the imagery of flames burning from her forehead to his heart. These details add layers of symbolism and depth to the narrative, enriching the reader's understanding of the characters' emotions and the significance of the moment.
    • In comparison, the "Koala version" provides a more straightforward narrative without the same level of symbolic imagery or subtlety. While still conveying the essence of the scene, it  lack the same depth and complexity as the "Original version."

Overall, the "Original version" offers a more nuanced and emotionally resonant portrayal of the scene, with detailed descriptions, complex character interactions, and subtle narrative elements. In contrast, the "Koala version" simplifies certain aspects of the scene, potentially resulting in a less intense and immersive reading experience.


Also further -

Extract compartive : 

"...physically whole young men…..”  vs  "....there are many strong, smart, and handsome young men…"

=> It introduces a notable difference in tone and connotation: 

  1. Physically Whole" vs "Strong, Smart, and Handsome":

    • The phrase "physically whole young men" used in the "Koala version" appears to focus more on physical integrity or completeness. It suggests that the young men being referred to are physically healthy and unimpaired.
    • On the other hand, "strong, smart, and handsome young men" in the "Original version" emphasizes a combination of qualities beyond physical appearance. It implies that these men possess not only physical attractiveness but also strength and intelligence, contributing to a more well-rounded characterization.
  2. Connotation:

    • "Physically whole" in the "Koala version" carries a more literal and straightforward connotation, lacking the nuanced qualities implied by "strong, smart, and handsome" in the "Original version."
    • "Strong, smart, and handsome" conveys a broader and more idealized image of the young men, suggesting qualities beyond physical appearance. It adds depth and richness to the description, painting a more vivid picture of the potential suitors in the context of the narrative.
  3. Impact on Characterization:

    • The choice of language in the "Original version" contributes to a more detailed and nuanced characterization of the potential suitors. It provides insight into the standards or expectations within the narrative world and hints at the qualities valued by the characters.
    • Conversely, the phrase "physically whole young men" in the "Koala version" come across as more simplistic or literal. It does not convey the same level of depth or complexity in characterizing the potential suitors, potentially resulting in a less vivid or engaging portrayal.

 It appears that the "Koala version" tends to present Jing in a somewhat downgraded light compared to the "Original version." Here's how:

  1. Choice of Words:

    • In the "Original version," the phrase "strong, smart, and handsome young men" paints a positive and favorable image of potential suitors. These descriptors imply admirable qualities and suggest that Jing is part of a group of desirable individuals.
    • Conversely, the phrase "physically whole young men" in the "Koala version" lacks the same level of positivity and admiration. It focuses solely on physical integrity, which  suggest a more basic or superficial standard for comparison, potentially downplaying Jing's attributes and reducing the emphasis on his positive qualities.
  2. Context and Implication:

    • By describing potential suitors as "strong, smart, and handsome," the "Original version" implies that Jing possesses these qualities as well, positioning him among desirable candidates. This portrayal enhances Jing's character and suggests that he is a viable option for Xiao Yao.
    • However, the use of "physically whole" in the "Koala version" does not  imply the same level of desirability or positive attributes. Instead, it suggest a more simplistic or limited perspective on Jing's qualities, potentially downplaying his overall appeal and importance within the narrative.
  3. Impact on Characterization:

    • The "Original version" presents Jing as a character with desirable traits and qualities, reinforcing his status and importance within the narrative. This portrayal enhances his appeal to the reader and contributes to his overall characterization as a strong and admirable individual.
    • On the other hand, the "Koala version" inadvertently or not, downplay Jing's qualities and diminish his significance by using language that focuses solely on physical attributes. This portrayal does not fully capture the depth and complexity of Jing's character,  leading to a less nuanced depiction overall.

In summary, the choice of words and framing in the "Koala version" compared to the "Original version" contribute to a portrayal of Jing that is somewhat downgraded or less positively depicted. This difference in presentation impact the reader's perception of Jing's character and his role within the narrative.


More to explore! :)

More to explore! :)

Chapter 14 Extract:

Koala version : 

The sun was rising and the dawn was cold and misty. The figure seemed to blend into the rock, standing in the distance, appearing to wait forever more. Xiao Yao didn’t know if she was too tired, or happy, but her voice was gone and she couldn’t call out. She weakly raised her hand to wave but nothing moved. Finally the figure saw her and didn’t even bother to walk along the shoreline and instead dove into the ocean and swam to Xiao Yao. Jing held her up and the two of them were treading water. Xiao Yao was so exhausted she was shivering, and for whatever reason, Jing was also shivering. Xiao Yao said “Don’t….don’t….in the water.” After a night in the water, she didn’t want to be here anymore. Jing carried her on shore but after taking a few steps his foot slipped and he fell back. He was afraid she would be hurt so turned to land on his back with a loud thud.

Original translation:

 At this time, the sky began to glow dimly with the cold of the morning The tall, slender figure seemed to have merged with the rocks. between heaven and earth It turned into waiting until the end of time. Xiao Yao didn't know if it was because she was tired  or  happy? Her throat was stiff and she couldn't make a sound. She raised her hand weakly. It's like waving herhand. But she didn't move an inch. Finally, the person standing on the rock saw her. He didn't care to walk along the shore. But he flew and jumped off the cliff into the sea, swimming to Xiao Yao's side with with all his strength and picked her up. Both are soaked in water. Xiao Yao was exhausted. her body trembled non-stop. But she didn't know why the body trembled non-stop as well. Both of them were trembling until they could not speak. Xiao Yao heard the sound of his upper and lower teeth clicking against each other. She felt both sad and funny. She concentrated on getting dressed. She never thought that she would appeared such the most miserable state. Xiao Yao said, her voice shaking because of the cold.


  1. Description of Setting:

    • The "Koala version" depicts the dawn as "cold and misty," emphasizing the harshness of the environment. This choice of language sets a tone of discomfort and uncertainty.
    • On the other hand, the "Original version" describes the sky as "glowing dimly with the cold of the morning," which evokes a more poetic and atmospheric imagery. The phrase "between heaven and earth" adds a sense of grandeur and mystery to the setting, hinting at a deeper connection between the characters and their surroundings.
  2. Physical Actions and Reactions:

    • In the "Koala version," Jing's immediate dive into the ocean and the characters' shivering from exhaustion and cold portray a sense of urgency and physical discomfort. Xiao Yao's simple dialogue "Don’t….don’t….in the water" conveys her immediate concern for their well-being.
    • In contrast, the "Original version" presents Jing's actions as more daring and heroic, with him flying and jumping off the cliff into the sea. This adds a sense of boldness and determination to his character. Additionally, Xiao Yao's internal reflection on their trembling and her mixed emotions adds depth to her characterization, showing her resilience and ability to find humor even in difficult situations.
  3. Dialogue and Character Interaction:

    • The "Koala version" offers minimal dialogue, focusing primarily on Xiao Yao's brief expression of discomfort. This simplicity maintains a sense of urgency and tension in the scene.
    • In contrast, the "Original version" includes more dialogue and interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing, providing insight into their emotional state and the dynamics of their relationship. Xiao Yao's observation of Jing's teeth clicking together and her subsequent reflection on their situation add layers to their characterization and deepen the reader's understanding of their bond.
  4. Tone and Atmosphere:

    • The "Koala version" maintains a straightforward and action-oriented tone, emphasizing the characters' immediate physical struggles and the urgency of their situation.
    • Conversely, the "Original version" incorporates elements of introspection and poetic imagery, creating a more atmospheric and emotionally resonant tone. Xiao Yao's internal reflections and the vivid descriptions of their surroundings add depth to the scene and enhance its impact on the reader.

In summary, while both versions depict the same scene of Xiao Yao and Jing facing challenges at sea, they differ in their portrayal of setting, character interactions, and tone. The "Koala version" emphasizes immediacy and physical discomfort, while the "Original version" incorporates subtleties and nuances that deepen the reader's engagement with the characters and their journey.

It appears , again...that the "Koala version" is downtoning the interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing compared to the "Original version." Here's how:

  1. Simplification of Actions:

    • In the "Koala version," Jing's immediate action is to dive into the ocean and swim to Xiao Yao, which appears more practical and less dramatic. This simplification might reduce the intensity of the rescue and the sense of urgency in the scene.
    • Conversely, the "Original version" describes Jing's actions as more daring and heroic, as he flies and jumps off the cliff into the sea. This portrayal adds a sense of boldness and determination to Jing's character, elevating the emotional impact of the rescue.
  2. Reduction of Dialogue and Interaction:

    • The "Koala version" offers minimal dialogue, primarily focusing on Xiao Yao's simple expression of discomfort. This reduction in dialogue limits the emotional depth and complexity of the interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing.
    • In contrast, the "Original version" includes more dialogue and interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing, providing insight into their emotional state and the dynamics of their relationship. This adds depth to their characterization and strengthens the reader's connection to the characters.
  3. Omission of Internal Reflections:

    • The "Koala version" omits Xiao Yao's internal reflections on their situation and her mixed emotions, which reduces the depth of her characterization and the reader's understanding of her inner thoughts and feelings.
    • Conversely, the "Original version" includes Xiao Yao's internal reflections, adding layers to her character and providing insight into her resilience and ability to find humor even in difficult situations. This enhances the emotional richness of the scene and deepens the reader's engagement with the characters.
  4. Tone and Atmosphere:

    • The "Koala version" maintains a straightforward and action-oriented tone, which detract from the emotional complexity and atmosphere of the scene.
    • In contrast, the "Original version" incorporates poetic imagery and introspection, creating a more atmospheric and emotionally resonant tone. This enhances the reader's immersion in the scene and strengthens the impact of the interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing.

Overall, the "Koala version"downtone the interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing compared to the "Original version," primarily through simplification of actions, reduction of dialogue and interaction, omission of internal reflections, and tone.


 Shift in Emphasis: The "Koala version" as it prioritize different aspects of the narrative compared to the "Original version." By simplifying the interaction between Xiao Yao and Jing, the focus  shift away from their relationship dynamics or emotional depth to other elements of the story.


Chapter 14 , Extract:

Koala's version:

Xiao Yao’s face was white and her lips were black with cold. Jing put one hand on her back and the other on her palm and transferred power into her. Gradually it moved through her body and she stopped shivering.

It was bright sun outside by now but under the outcropping they were in the shade.

Original Thaï translation:

Xiao Yao's face was white. Her lips were dark green. Jing placed his one hand on the back of her heart. His other hand held her hand, slowly conveying his magic power into her so that it circulated within her body. After several rounds, Xiao Yao's body stop trembling. At this time, the sky outside was already very bright, but this small niche under the ridge, obscured by rocks and shadows from trees, was still dim.


The phrase "Jing placed his one hand on the back of her heart" from the "Original version" offers a nuanced description of Jing's gesture while transferring power to Xiao Yao. Here's an analysis of this subtle detail:

  1. Symbolism of the Heart:

    • Placing his hand on the back of Xiao Yao's heart symbolizes Jing's direct connection to her innermost emotions and vitality. The heart is often associated with deep feelings, compassion, and life force, suggesting that Jing's action goes beyond merely addressing Xiao Yao's physical discomfort.
  2. Intimacy and Care:

    • By focusing on the heart, Jing's action conveys a sense of intimacy and care. It suggests that he is not only addressing Xiao Yao's physical condition but also attending to her emotional well-being. This gesture implies a deep level of understanding and empathy between the characters.
  3. Depth of Power Transfer:

    • The specificity of placing his hand on the back of her heart implies a deliberate and targeted approach to transferring power. This detail suggests that Jing's magic is not just a superficial remedy but penetrates deeply into Xiao Yao's being, affecting her on a profound level.
  4. Metaphorical Resonance:

    • The phrase carries metaphorical resonance, suggesting that Jing's actions are not just about alleviating physical discomfort but also about nurturing and healing Xiao Yao's inner self. It implies a transformative process where Jing's power infuses Xiao Yao with strength, resilience, and emotional stability.

The decision to remove the reference to the heart in the "Koala version" alters the symbolic, emotional, and metaphorical dimensions of the scene, resulting in a less nuanced portrayal of the interaction between Jing and Xiao Yao.

 Overall, the phrase "Jing placed his one hand on the back of her heart" adds depth and significance to the scene, highlighting the emotional and symbolical dimensions of Jing's power transfer to Xiao Yao. It underscores the intimacy between the characters and the transformative nature of their interaction.


In short: in this translated passage we lost XIAO YAO's Heart in the translation: wich is still beating in the chinese version too: http://m.xsbiquge.la/book/36337/19812273.html+ https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever-season-2/122339-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=15 


 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@                                                                  GLOBAL ANALYSIS of CHAPTER 14 

And it's related episode 20.


Love and Desire:
The theme of love and desire is explored through the romantic dynamics between characters, particularly Xiao Yao and Jing. It's the main theme of this chapter. Their burgeoning romance, alongside Zhuan Xu's reflections on familial love, contributes to the exploration of this theme. The complexities of love, including longing, sacrifice, and redemption, are examined through nuanced character interactions and internal conflicts, adding depth to the narrative and highlighting the complexities of human relationships.

Duty and Responsibility:
 Duty and responsibility serve as recurring motifs throughout the chapter, as characters navigate conflicting obligations to family, clan, and personal desires. Jing's will to cancel his engagement with Yi Ying and Zhuan Xu's commitment to honoring his family's legacy exemplify the theme of duty versus personal fulfillment. The tension between societal expectations and individual agency underscores the characters' internal struggles and moral dilemmas, providing insight into the complexities of familial and societal obligations.

Identity and Purpose:
 The search for identity and purpose is another prevalent theme, particularly evident in Jing's internal conflict and Zhuan Xu's reflections on his family's history. Xiao Yao's quest for self-discovery and autonomy also contributes to the exploration of this theme, highlighting the characters' journey towards self-realization and fulfillment. The characters' struggles to reconcile their personal desires with their familial responsibilities underscore the thematic concerns of identity and purpose, adding depth to the narrative and providing insight into the complexities of human nature.

Symbolism and Imagery:
The Fish Danhong Gemstone: Symbolizing rarity and value, the Fish Danhong gemstone serves as a metaphor for the characters' emotional yearnings and aspirations. Its significance extends beyond its material worth, representing the characters' desires for something precious and elusive. The gemstone's discovery and significance within the narrative underscore themes of longing, redemption, and personal fulfillment, adding depth to the symbolic landscape of the story.

The Sunrise and Sea: 

The imagery of the sunrise and sea evokes themes of renewal, hope, and possibility. Symbolizing the cyclical nature of life and relationships, the sunrise represents new beginnings and opportunities for growth, while the sea serves as a metaphor for the characters' journey towards self-discovery and transformation. The vivid imagery of the sunrise and sea adds depth to the narrative, enhancing the thematic exploration of renewal and personal growth.

The Gardenia-Yellow Dress:

 Xiao Yao's choice of attire, a gardenia-yellow dress, symbolizes her inner strength and resilience amidst adversity. Serving as a visual metaphor for her blossoming identity and burgeoning romance with Jing, the dress underscores themes of empowerment and self-realization, adding depth to Xiao Yao's character and motivations.

Narrative Structure and Style:

The chapter unfolds through a combination of dialogues, internal monologues, and descriptive passages, allowing for a multi-faceted exploration of character thoughts and motivations. The author's lyrical prose and evocative imagery create a vivid and immersive reading experience, drawing readers into the world of the story. The narrative structure is carefully crafted to build tension and suspense, with each part contributing to the overall thematic development and character arcs, enhancing the reader's engagement and investment in the story.

Emotional Depth and Subtext:

The chapter is imbued with emotional depth and subtext, as characters grapple with complex relationships and internal conflicts. Subtle nuances in dialogue and behavior hint at underlying tensions and unspoken desires, adding layers of complexity to the narrative. Themes of longing, regret, and redemption resonate throughout the chapter, eliciting empathy and introspection from the reader. The emotional depth and subtext of the narrative contribute to its richness and complexity, enhancing the reader's understanding of the characters and their motivations.

In Chapter 14 of "Lost You Forever," Tong Hua masterfully crafts a narrative rich in emotional depth, thematic complexity, and symbolic resonance. Through nuanced characterizations, intricate relationships, and evocative imagery, the chapter mainly explores themes of love, sacrifice, duty, and identity with profound insight and sensitivity.

Xiao Yao emerges as a multifaceted protagonist, embodying strength, resilience, and vulnerability in equal measure. Her assertiveness in confronting Ah Nian underscores her determination to protect those she cares about, while her internal struggle over her feelings for Jing adds layers of depth to her character. Through Xiao Yao's journey of self-discovery and pursuit of happiness, Tong Hua invites readers to contemplate the complexities of love, longing, and personal fulfillment.

Jing undergoes significant character development throughout the chapter, grappling with conflicting obligations to family and personal desires. His maintaining the decision to cancel his engagement with Yi Ying signifies his agency and willingness to pursue his own happiness, despite societal expectations. Jing's vulnerability and longing for Xiao Yao further humanize his character, highlighting the complexities of love and duty.

Zhuan Xu's introspective reflections and sense of duty to his family's legacy add depth to the narrative, as he navigates the tensions between personal desires and familial responsibilities. His interactions with Xiao Yao provide insight into his internal struggles and motivations, underscoring the thematic exploration of identity and purpose.

Ah Nian serves as a compelling antagonist, embodying qualities of manipulation and deceit that create tension and conflict within the narrative. Her confrontations with Xiao Yao highlight themes of rivalry and betrayal, adding layers of complexity to the character dynamics and driving the plot forward.

The narrative structure and style are meticulously crafted to build tension and suspense, with a combination of dialogues, internal monologues, and descriptive passages enhancing the reader's engagement and investment in the story. Emotional depth and subtext resonate throughout the chapter, eliciting empathy and introspection from the reader and contributing to the richness and complexity of the narrative.
Duty and identity intersect as characters struggle to reconcile their individual aspirations with their roles within society and their respective clans. This thematic exploration adds layers of complexity to the narrative, inviting readers to ponder the nature of duty, honor, and self-discovery.

Identity and PurposeThe search for identity and purpose is another prevalent theme, particularly evident in Jing's internal conflict and Zhuan Xu's reflections on his family's history. Xiao Yao's quest for self-discovery and autonomy also contributes to the exploration of this theme, highlighting the characters' journey towards self-realization and fulfillment. The characters' struggles to reconcile their personal desires with their familial responsibilities underscore the thematic concerns of identity and purpose, adding depth to the narrative and providing insight into the complexities of human nature.

Themes of love, longing, regret, and redemption resonate throughout the chapter, eliciting empathy and introspection from the reader. The emotional depth and subtext of the narrative contribute to its richness and complexity, enhancing the reader's understanding of the characters and their motivations.

Secondary Characters: 

The chapter also delves into the dynamics between secondary characters such as Xing Yue, Yi Yang, and Tushan Hou, offering insights into their motivations, conflicts, and relationships. These interactions add depth to the narrative and contribute to the overall richness of the storyworld.

Love: is portrayed as both a source of strength and vulnerability, driving characters to confront their deepest fears and desires. Sacrifice emerges as a recurring motif, as characters navigate the tensions between personal fulfillment and familial responsibilities.As the narrative situations and character interactions push the characters to face their innermost struggles and aspirations. Here's a breakdown of what this means for the characters:

Xiao Yao's Deepest Fears:
Xiao Yao's fear of rejection: Throughout the chapter, Xiao Yao grapples with her feelings for Jing, unsure of whether he reciprocates her affections. Her fear of rejection may stem from past experiences of feeling undervalued, as she have regained her feminity not since long.
Fear of vulnerability: Xiao Yao's assertive exterior often conceals her vulnerabilities and insecurities. Her fear of being emotionally vulnerable, particularly in matters of love, may drive her actions and decisions throughout the chapter.
Jing's Deepest Fears:
Fear of familial disapproval: Jing's decision to cancel his engagement with Yi Ying reflects his desire to pursue his own happiness, but he  also fear the consequences of defying his family's expectations. His fear of familial disapproval may influence his actions and internal conflict, linked to failing to protect them.
Fear of loss: Jing's growing feelings for Xiao Yao expose him to the possibility of loss and heartbreak. He  fear losing Xiao Yao to societal pressure, familial obligations, or unforeseen circumstances, driving his internal struggle and emotional turmoil.
Ah Nian's Deepest Fears:
Fear of being overshadowed: Ah Nian's rivalry with Xiao Yao suggests a fear of being overshadowed or replaced. She may fear losing Zhuan Xu's affection and attention to Xiao Yao, leading to feelings of insecurity and jealousy.
Fear of failure: Ah Nian's manipulative behavior and attempts to control others may stem from a fear of failure or inadequacy. She  fear being unable to secure her position within the one she care for, driving her to engage in deceptive and manipulative tactics.
Fear of rejection or abandonment: Ah Nian's aggressive demeanor and desire for power may mask underlying fears of rejection or abandonment. She fear being cast aside or marginalized by those she cares about, leading to her need for control and dominance in relationships.

Chapter 14 allow those characters to demonstrate resilience and growth in confronting and grappling with their fears.
=> Here's how each character's journey unfolds in relation to their fears:
Xiao Yao:
Xiao Yao confronts her fear of rejection by expressing her feelings for Jing and taking steps to pursue a romantic relationship with him. Despite her uncertainty and vulnerability, Xiao Yao displays courage in acknowledging her emotions and desires.
She also challenges societal expectations by advocating for her own happiness and autonomy, particularly in her interactions with Jing and Zhuan Xu. Xiao Yao's willingness to defy convention and follow her heart represents a significant step towards overcoming her fear of societal judgment and familial disapproval.
Jing grapples with his fear of familial disapproval and societal expectations throughout the chapter, particularly in mintaining his decision to cancel his engagement with Yi Ying. Jing demonstrates agency and autonomy in prioritizing his own happiness and desires over familial obligations.His original plan might have evolved from the original as WXL is now the Eldest Princess and he wanted to get her honorably...that actually show how he value Xiao Yao and also marriage & family
He also faces his fear of loss and vulnerability in his interactions with Xiao Yao, acknowledging his feelings for her and expressing a desire to be by her side. Jing's willingness to confront his emotions and pursue a romantic relationship with Xiao Yao signifies a significant step towards overcoming his fear of rejection and emotional intimacy.
Ah Nian:
Her  interactions with other characters provide opportunities for growth and self-reflection. By confronting the consequences of her actions and facing the possibility of rejection or defeat, Ah Nian open herself a way to gradually come to terms with her deepest fears and insecurities.

Through their struggles and triumphs, they demonstrate resilience, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity, highlighting the complexities of human nature and the power of hope,sincerity, trust, and perseverance.

Several dialogue exchanges in the chapter provide insight into the characters' motivations, conflicts, and emotional states. Here are some interesting dialogue parts:

Xiao Yao's Confrontation with Ah Nian:
Xiao Yao's assertive dialogue during her confrontation with Ah Nian showcases her strength and determination. Ah Nian's manipulative tactics and Xiao Yao's defiant responses create tension and conflict, driving the narrative forward and highlighting the power dynamics between the two characters.

Example- Xiao Yao: "You thought you could control everything, but you underestimated me. I won't let you manipulate me anymore."

Jing and Xiao Yao's Emotional Exchange:
The heartfelt dialogue between Jing and Xiao Yao reveals the depth of their feelings for each other and the internal struggles they face in pursuing their relationship. Their honest and vulnerable conversation adds depth to their characters and underscores the complexities of love and duty.

Example-Jing : "I know the feeling of wanting someone so intensely. I am surely not wrong in telling the difference!"
Exemple-Xiao Yao: Her body trembled. “Jing...Jing....” ,"I actually went to see you this afternoon. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask the guard at the door. I went to look for you, but I couldn't find you, so I wandered around on the street."
This  demonstrates Xiao Yao's vulnerability and honesty as she shares her actions with Jing, offering him insight into her efforts to find him, and her desire to be near him. By revealing her actions and emotions, Xiao Yao lays bare her feelings for Jing, expressing her love and trust in him implicitly.

Zhuan Xu's Reflections on Love and Duty:
Zhuan Xu's introspective dialogue provides insight into his internal struggles and conflicting obligations to family and personal desires. His contemplative nature and philosophical musings contribute to the thematic exploration of duty, responsibility, and identity.
Example-Zhuan Xu: "Sometimes duty and love pull us in opposite directions, and we must choose which path to follow."

Ah Nian's pacification:
Exemple-Ah Nian: “You kicked my stomach first and punch to my face first. I slapped you in the face one time. It is considered . even.From now on, the pond won't interfere with the canal water!"

In Resumé:

Chapter 14 of "Lost You Forever" intricately weaves together themes of love, duty, and personal growth as characters confront their deepest fears and desires, navigating complex relationships and societal expectations amidst a backdrop of manipulation and emotional turmoil.
Chapter 14  also serves as a complete contrast to Chapter 13 in several ways:

Emotional Tone: Chapter 13 is characterized by turmoil, torment, and intense emotional distress for Xiao Yao, particularly during her encounters with Xiang Liu. In contrast, Chapter 14 adopts a more hopeful and introspective tone, focusing on moments of intimacy, self-discovery, and emotional growth for the characters.

Character Dynamics: In Chapter 13, Xiao Yao's interactions with Xiang Liu are fraught with tension and conflict, highlighting the antagonistic relationship between them. Conversely, Chapter 14 shifts the focus to Xiao Yao's interactions with Jing, showcasing moments of tenderness, vulnerability, and mutual understanding between them.

Themes: While Chapter 13 explores themes of suffering, betrayal, and survival, Chapter 14 delves into themes of love, desire, and self-realization. The contrast between the two chapters reflects a shift in focus from despair to hope, as the characters navigate their relationships and confront their inner demons.
Narrative Arc: Chapter 13 serves as a dark and tumultuous chapter in Xiao Yao's journey, filled with obstacles and challenges that test her resilience and strengthand ends with her navigating in the "vicious Mass" - to quote Tong Hua's descriptive words.. In contrast, Chapter 14 represents a turning point for Xiao Yao and other characters, as they strive to overcome past traumas and embrace new opportunities for growth and happiness.

Overall and in a short form, for now -  Chapter 14 provides a stark contrast to Chapter 13, offering a glimpse of light amidst the darkness and highlighting the transformative power of love and redemption in the characters' lives.


                                                                                   THE TURNING POINT     

                                       Analysis of the pivotal moment in between chapter 13 and 14

Both extracts :

1- End of chapter13: 

The sea rose and fell together, and the heaven and earth were silent. Xiaoyao only felt that the color of the sea had become darker. She shuddered, discerned the direction, cursed Xiang Liu, and swam towards the Five Gods Mountain. At first, she was afraid that some sea beast would suddenly appear and bite her legs off. After a long time, there was still no land in sight. Xiaoyao was worried not about being bitten to death, but about being drowned. In order to save every ounce of energy, she did not dare to think wildly. She kept her mind blank and thought about nothing, as if she was in meditation during practice, while her body maintained a fixed rhythm and kept paddling. At first, I could still feel the physical pain caused by exhaustion, but gradually, everything disappeared. The sky was no longer the sky, the sea was no longer the sea, and I couldn’t even feel my own existence. Everything became the instinct of survival. Moving forward in a viscous mass, always moving forward, never stopping. 

2-Begining of chapter 14:

Xiao Yao didn't know how much time had actually passed. She only knew when her hand touched a hard object. She instinctively grabbed it tight. The vision in her eyes recovered a little. It was clearly a rock. Xiao Yao's body instantly collapsed. She was slumped on the rocks. She could see that in the distance, there was a dark figure at the rocks nearby, a dark figure stood proudly. At this time, the sky began to glow dimly with the cold of the morning . The tall, slender figure seemed to have merged with the rocks. between heaven and earth It turned into waiting until the end of time. Xiao Yao didn't know if it was because she was tired  or  happy? Her throat was stiff and she couldn't make a sound. She raised her hand weakly. It's like waving her hand. But she didn't move an inch. Finally, the person standing on the rock saw her. He didn't care to walk along the shore. But he flew and jumped off the cliff into the sea, swimming to Xiao Yao's side with with all his strength and picked her up. Both  soaked in water.  

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's amazing how clear the junction between Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 is!. And serves as a pivotal moment in Xiao Yao's journey, marking a transition from despair and struggle to hope and redemption.

In the closing moments of Chapter 13, Xiao Yao is engulfed by the vastness of the sea, battling exhaustion and fear as she strives to reach safety. She describes a surreal experience where her senses blur and her existence fades into the instinctual drive for survival. This passage captures the harrowing nature of her ordeal and the overwhelming odds she faces, emphasizing her resilience and determination to persevere against all odds.

As Chapter 14 begins, Xiao Yao's desperate struggle for survival reaches a critical point as she encounters a solid object – a rock – in the sea. This moment represents a turning point in her journey, symbolizing a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. The arrival of a mysterious figure (Jing ) on the nearby rocks further amplifies this sense of hope, as it signals the possibility for her of imminent rescue and salvation.

This juxtaposition between Xiao Yao's inner turmoil in Chapter 13 and the emergence of hope in Chapter 14 underscores the thematic contrast between despair and redemption. The transition from the suffocating depths of the sea to the open expanse of the rocks parallels Xiao Yao's emotional journey from despair to renewed determination. Moreover, the arrival of the rescuer, presumably Jing, signifies the potential for emotional connection and support in Xiao Yao's darkest hour.

Overall, the junction between Chapters 13 and 14 represents a narrative shift from despair to hope, as the text goes from a surreal experience to grasp solidity amongst the surrounding water.

Here is how :

There is a significant SHIFT  in Xiao Yao's perception and in her surroundings. 

In Chapter 13, Xiao Yao finds herself lost in a nightmarish ordeal at sea. The vivid imagery and poetic language used to describe her experience convey a sense of disorientation and existential dread. She feels as though she is losing touch with reality, with the boundaries between herself and the elements blurring as she struggles to keep moving forward. The description of her sensations – the fading of pain, the loss of awareness of self – adds to the surreal and otherworldly atmosphere, emphasizing the direness of her situation.

However, as Chapter 14 begins, Xiao Yao's senses gradually return to her, symbolized by her touch on a solid object – the rock. This moment of tactile sensation grounds her in reality and offers a tangible point of reference amidst the chaos of the sea. The appearance of the dark figure on the nearby rocks further solidifies this sense of reality, as it represents the presence of another individual in the physical world. The description of the figure merging with the rocks and the cold light of dawn breaking through the sky evoke a sense of clarity and stability, contrasting with the previous surrealism of Chapter 13.

Thus, the text transitions from the surreal to the solid and hopeful by bringing Xiao Yao back to her physical surroundings and introducing the possibility of rescue and salvation through the appearance of the mysterious figure- a little later identified as Jing. This shift marks a turning point in Xiao Yao's journey, from the depths of despair to the emergence of hope and renewed determination.


-The sea rose and fell together, and the heaven and earth were silent (end CH13)  / The tall, slender figure seemed to have merged with the rocks. between heaven and earth It turned into waiting until the end of time (B.CH14)-

Those 2 lines provide a striking parallel between the two chapters, highlighting the interconnectedness of Xiao Yao's inner turmoil with the vastness of the natural world. It symbolise , metaphoricly the shift moment.

In Chapter 13, the description of the sea rising and falling together, accompanied by the silence of the heavens and the earth, reflects Xiao Yao's profound sense of isolation and existential dread. The relentless motion of the sea and the stillness of the surroundings create a haunting atmosphere, emphasizing Xiao Yao's feelings of being adrift in a world devoid of comfort or solace.

On the other hand, in Chapter 14, the imagery of the tall, slender figure merging with the rocks, situated between heaven and earth, evokes a sense of timeless solidity and resilience. This juxtaposition of human and natural elements suggests a harmonious coexistence between Xiao Yao and her surroundings, symbolizing her newfound sense of hope and connection with the world around her,all relying on one figure merged with the rocks- between heaven and earth It turned into waiting until the end of time .

This shift transcends her feelings of isolation and finds solace in the enduring beauty and resilience of the natural world precisly at the intersection point between heaven and earth, where the figure of Jing is waiting for her.

As a symbol, Jing embodies strength, resilience, and stability. His presence on the rocky outcrop amidst the vast expanse of the sea and sky represents a grounding force in Xiao Yao's tumultuous journey. By merging with the rocks, Jing becomes a steadfast anchor amidst the uncertainty and chaos that Xiao Yao experiences. This imagery suggests that Jing is a source of stability and support for Xiao Yao, someone who is unwavering in his commitment to her well-being.

Furthermore, the portrayal of Jing as waiting until the end of time underscores his enduring devotion to Xiao Yao. Despite the challenges they face and the uncertainties of the future, Jing remains steadfast in his love and dedication to her. His willingness to leap into the sea and swim to her side, despite the risks involved, highlights the depth of his commitment and the lengths he is willing to go to ensure her safety and happiness.

Overall, the depiction of Jing as the slender figure merging with the rocks symbolizes his role as a source of strength and stability in Xiao Yao's life. It reflects his unwavering commitment to her and his willingness to stand by her side through all the trials and tribulations they may face.


 The repetition of the phrase "between heaven and earth" by itself is  significant and suggests that the writer intends to emphasize a profound idea or concept. By repeating this phrase, the writer, Tong Hua,  draws attention to the symbolic significance of the setting and the characters' actions within it.

In the context of the passage, "between heaven and earth" serves as a metaphorical space where the characters' experiences unfold. It represents a liminal space, existing between the celestial realm above and the earthly realm below, where characters grapple with their emotions, desires, and challenges.

By using this phrase repeatedly, the writer underscores the transcendent nature of the characters' experiences and the themes explored in the narrative. It suggests that the events unfolding are not merely mundane or ordinary but possess a deeper significance that resonates on a spiritual or existential level.

Furthermore, the repetition of this phrase  also serve to create a sense of continuity and cohesion within the text, linking disparate moments and themes together.


Let's stay just a little longer in this space: between heaven and earth - at that moment and let me show you , how even in the drama episode-19 , the importance is HIGHLY MARKED as we will see in the captured images :A striking wave takes exhausted Xiao Yao down deep in water...Xiao Yao then - Enter the between heaven and earth....moment and space...

AND HEAR HER FATHER's VOICE - telling her he is sending someone to her.

AND HEAR HER FATHER's VOICE - telling her he is sending someone to her.

THE MEETING POINT - The JUNCTION point invites readers to reflect on the interconnectedness of those two characters in experiences and the overarching themes of the story. Like a destiny.

Xiao Yao and Jing seem in that moment -In between Heaven and Earth - sealed. As the  rock in the water. Be it undeligned by the father's inner voice in Xiao Yao's mind in that critical moment, or be it by the author's delighting words and expressions.


  CHAPTER 14/ Part1 - analysis with extracts and drama (ep.19_ 20) covering:
Seeing that it was a piece of reef, Xiao Yao's entire body immediately went limp, and as she lay on her back, she saw a pitch-black silhouette standing stubbornly on the top of the reef rock in the distance.
At this time, the sky was already cloudy, in the cold morning sun, that long silhouette seemed to have fused with the reef, set between heaven and earth, becoming a waiting for the end of the world.

Xiao Yao also do not know whether it is tired, or joy, the throat is astringent, can not make a sound, she feebly raised her hand, as if in the wave, but all did not move.

This passage from the text provides a poignant moment between Jing and Xiao Yao, filled with emotional depth and rich symbolism.

Physical and Emotional Reaction: The passage begins with a description of Xiao Yao's physical reaction upon seeing a piece of reef. Her entire body immediately goes limp, suggesting a sudden and intense emotional response. This physical reaction underscores the significance of the moment for Xiao Yao and hints at the depth of her feelings as they shift to surviving and to hope.

Symbolism of the Reef: Xiao Yao's inability to speak and her feeble attempt to raise her hand  reflect a deep sense of helplessness. Feeling rooted not only in the long swimming, but also rooted in her enduring so much hardship and trauma in chapter13:

Existential Desperation:

Extract Ch13: Quote: "Life and death are just a simple choice."

Passage we analysed as reflecting on Xiaoyao's contemplation of life and death amidst her ordeal  and her existential desperation- her sense of hopelessness trigered by Xiang Liu's abusive behavor . The stark simplicity of her statement underscores the gravity of the situation she encountered and faced in chapter 13 , willing to risk her life rather than compromise her principles on the subject to whom she kiss or not ,and not submit herself to manipulation and abusive behavior.  Be it back then, choosing death.  And confronting no less that 60 negative words in the last short chapter related passage.

=> Full covering here: (ref.https://mydramalist.com/discussions/lost-you-forever/122337-tong-hua-s-xiaojing-drama-novel-exploration-x1f49c?page=15),

Adding to the points above , that she dealt  with elements of the sea a ll night alone, it's fully understandable - that she feel overwhelmed at the sight of the reef. And how - the reef,  becomes a beacon of hope, symbolizing the possibility of overcoming obstacles and finding a path forward. This interpretation aligns with Xiao Yao's character as someone who perseveres in the face of adversity and remains optimistic about the future.  Description of Jing: The passage also describes Jing as a pitch-black silhouette standing stubbornly on top of the reef in the distance. This imagery conveys a sense of resilience and determination on Jing's part. Despite the challenges they face, Jing remains steadfast and unwavering in his stance, symbolized by his silhouette merging with the reef.
Atmospheric Setting: The cloudy sky and cold morning sun create a somber atmosphere, mirroring Xiao Yao's emotional state. The bleakness of the weather reflects the uncertainty and hardship of their situation, adding to the overall mood of the scene.Symbolism of the Waiting Figure: The image of Jing standing on the reef, waiting for the end of the world, carries profound symbolic weight. It suggests a sense of resignation and the acceptance of their fate, as well as a readiness to face whatever challenges may come their way. Jing's posture reflects his willingness to confront obstacles head-on, even in the face of uncertainty. Bearing the harship as he is alone.Adding the drama explicit inner fathers voice in Xiao Yao's mind as below:

shape further the appearance of the Waiting Figure as a silhouette among the reefs as a manifestation of Xiao Yao's subconscious desires - and point to her father's influence on her life. By personalizing and endowing the figure with the words she hears from her father, "I will send someone to pick you up," the drama scene (end ep.19) implies a deeper connection between Jing's arrival and her father's intentions. This symbolic representation suggests that Xiao Yao's father plays a guiding role in her life, even beyond his physical presence .  The visual narrative symbolically suggests that Xiao Yao's father is guiding Jing towards her, ensuring that he becomes a significant presence in her life. This representation imbues their relationship with a sense of destiny and spiritual connection, suggesting that Xiao Yao's father plays a guiding role in bringing them together for a greater purpose. It reinforces the idea of familial influence transcending death and underscores the theme of fate and destiny in their relationship. Implying that Jing's arrival is not merely coincidental but part of a larger plan set in motion by Xiao Yao's father.  

Xiao Yao's Emotional State: Xiao Yao's inability to speak and her feeble attempt to raise her hand convey her emotional turmoil and vulnerability. The tightness in her throat and her lack of movement suggest a profound sense of emotional overwhelm. The passage captures Xiao Yao's internal conflict and her struggle to come to terms with the challenges they face.

Overall, this passage exemplifies the depth of emotion and the complex dynamics between Jing and Xiao Yao. Through rich symbolism and evocative imagery, it conveys the intensity of their feelings and the challenges they must overcome in their journey towards happiness. .....Bonus: 

With fathers explicit blessings in the drama version! 

Contrasting Imagery: The juxtaposition of Xiao Yao's limp body against Jing's silhouette standing on the reef creates a striking visual contrast. Xiao Yao's physical weakness contrasts with Jing's apparent strength and resilience, highlighting the differing emotional states of the two characters."set between heaven and earth +she feebly raised her hand"-The image of Jing standing resolutely on the reef, positioned between heaven and earth, represent a source of stability and strength for Xiao Yao. His unwavering presence amidst the tumultuous seas of life offers her a sense of security and reassurance. In this moment of vulnerability, Xiao Yao's feeble gesture symbolize her desire for connection and support from Jing, highlighting the interdependence and emotional intimacy between them.Thus, her subtle gesture underscores the depth of their bond and the significance of their relationship in sustaining her through moments of uncertainty and hardship.

Internal Turmoil: Xiao Yao's internal conflict is subtly conveyed through her physical reactions. The tightness in her throat and her inability to make a sound reflect the depth of her emotional turmoil. These nuanced details offer insight into Xiao Yao's inner thoughts and feelings without relying solely on explicit narration.Sense of Isolation: The image of Jing standing alone on the reef evokes a sense of isolation and solitude. Despite being surrounded by the vastness of the sea, Jing appears isolated and vulnerable. This imagery underscores the challenges that the characters face in their quest for happiness and connection.
The phrase "waiting for the end of the world" encapsulates a profoundstate of readiness to face whatever challenges or adversities may come, even if they are perceived as insurmountable or apocalyptic in nature.
But we can read also :
Resignation and Acceptance: Jing's posture of standing on the reef, waiting for the end of the world, symbolize his acceptance of the obstacles and challenges in his path. It reflects a willingness to confront adversity head-on, even if the outcome seems bleak or uncertain.

Endurance and Perseverance: Alternatively, the phrase convey a sense of endurance and perseverance in the face of hardship. Rather than succumbing to despair, Jing remains steadfast and resolute, prepared to weather whatever trials may lie ahead.

Hope Amidst Desolation: 
Despite the bleakness of the imagery, there may be an undercurrent of hope embedded within the phrase. By invoking the end of the world, it may suggest the possibility of new beginnings or transformation on the horizon, even in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty.

Existential Reflection: The phrase  also prompt existential reflection on the nature of life and existence. It evoke questions about mortality, purpose, and the human capacity for resilience in the face of adversity.

Overall, "waiting for the end of the world" serves as a potent metaphor within the passage, encapsulating  the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity. Nb: For the passage: set between heaven and earth, becoming a waiting for the end of the world. - see my analysis in the previous post on the MEETING POINT as well as the  significative Junction moment :).


Part2 analysis- end ep.end 19- 20 related: :

Chapter Extract:

-Finally, the man on the rock wall saw her, not caring about the shore, he leapt off the rock wall, jumped into the sea, swam to Xiaoyao side, picked her up. The two were half immersed in the sea water, Xiao Yao's body was trembling because of her strength, but Jing didn't know why, his body was also trembling.

Both of them trembled so much that they couldn't speak, and Xiao Yao could hear her upper and lower teeth fighting. She felt funny and depressed, having made up carefully, she didn't expect to appear in the most lousy position.

Xiao Yao winced and said, "Don't, don't ...... go in the water.After soaking in seawater all night, she really didn't want to soak anymore.

Jing climbed up the reef with her in his arms, but after hobbling a few steps, he unexpectedly slipped and fell downwards. Jing was afraid of hurting Xiaoyao, and used his own back to land, thumping and falling.

Xiao Yao laughed, "You, you ...... also nine ...... fox ...... stupid ...... "

Finally arrived at the shore, Jing held Xiaoyao walked to the rock wall under the wind, Xiaoyao face pale, lips black, Jing one hand against her back heart, one hand holding her palm, the spiritual power slowly lost in, slowly in her body to swim a few circles, Xiaoyao's body only stopped trembling."-
Symbolism of Jing's Leap: The passage begins with Jing's dramatic leap from the rock wall into the sea to rescue Xiao Yao. This action symbolizes his unwavering commitment to her and his willingness to risk himself for her safety. It reflects Jing's protective instincts and his deep emotional connection to Xiao Yao.

Physical and Emotional Trembling: Both Jing and Xiao Yao experience trembling upon their reunion, highlighting the intensity of their emotions and the physical toll of their ordeal. Their inability to speak due to the trembling underscores the overwhelming nature of the moment and the profound impact of their reunion on both characters.

Xiao Yao's Mixed Emotions: Despite the relief of being rescued, Xiao Yao experiences a mix of emotions, including humor and frustration- "She felt funny and depressed, having made up carefully, she didn't expect to appear in the most lousy position." Her observation of her teeth fighting and her realization of her disheveled appearance amidst careful preparation reveal her vulnerability and self-awareness,all blended by a self-humor tone.

Jing's Concern and Sacrifice: Jing's concern for Xiao Yao's well-being is evident in his actions as he carries her to safety. His decision to use his own back to cushion her fall demonstrates his willingness to endure pain for her sake. The "sealed with reef " figure melt to cushion for her.

Healing Gesture: 

The passage concludes with Jing using his spiritual power to heal Xiao Yao's trembling body. Again here,  Jing is the 1rst amongst all  the mans in the narrative,  to provide comfort to XY.  It really feels like Tong Hua made it sure that YSQ / TSJ  are  the 1rt synonyms of comfort for Xiao Yao. From others:  comfort seems to repeatedly comes after his . Notice, also  that Jing as charachter is the only one who actually has - "low capacity power" - due to the long and incidious  Tushan Hou's torture. But he does not mind using  what's left to heal her. He does it instinctively and spontanioulsy as we saw in all  previous chapter and situations where it was needed.
This gesture  again  highlights Jing's role as a source of well-being , healing, strength and stability for Xiao Yao.

Descriptive of the healing gesture:

"  Xiaoyao face pale, lips black, Jing one hand against her back heart, one hand holding her palm, the spiritual power slowly lost in, slowly in her body to swim a few circles, Xiaoyao's body only stopped trembling."
The heart, as a symbol, holds significant thematic and emotional weight throughout the passage and the broader narrative.

Emotional Resonance: The heart  associated with emotions, particularly love and compassion. In this passage, Jing's actions, such as leaping into the sea to rescue Xiao Yao and using his spiritual power to heal her trembling body- one hand against her back heart - demonstrate the depth of his feelings for her. Similarly, Xiao Yao's emotional response, including her stopped trembling, in relief reflects the profound emotional connection between them.

Physical and Spiritual Healing: Jing's use of his spiritual power to calm Xiao Yao's trembling body and restore her strength symbolizes not only physical healing but also spiritual and emotional healing. It represents his ability to provide comfort and support to Xiao Yao, alleviating her distress and restoring her equilibrium. This act of healing reinforces the theme of love as a source of solace and renewal. As only than, she stops trembling.
Connection and Intimacy: The heart serves as a metaphor for the deep connection and intimacy between Jing and Xiao Yao. Through their physical and emotional interactions, such as Jing holding Xiao Yao's hand and supporting her as they navigate the rocky terrain, the passage highlights the profound bond between them. Their shared experiences and mutual concern for each other's well-being strengthen their emotional connection and deepen their relationship.

Vulnerability and Strength: The heart connection in this passage also symbolizes both vulnerability and strength. As,  both Jing and Xiao Yao display vulnerability in their trembling and emotional responses, yet they also demonstrate resilience and courage in facing the challenges before them. Their willingness to confront obstacles and support each other reflects the strength of their characters and the depth of their commitment to one another.


Added scene :

This is the moment the drama episode (19) choose to show viewers that someone popped into the scenery -  Xiang Liu is watching them, and feeling bad as Jing carry her out of water  - feeling ,  emphasized by the musical score in background. There is clearly a bug in the the bug. 



You know...when the game becomes unplayable....Usualy it signify ...a GAME OVER. 


Part3 analysis:
Chapter extract:

- Jing looked at Xiao Yao's body warmed up, retracted the hand placed on her back heart, felt that he should also let go of the hand holding her hand, but couldn't let go, his hand was momentarily loosened and momentarily tightened. Xiao Yao looked at him and teased, "You used to be bold, but now you're even timid?"

Jing loosened his hand, "Now is different from before."

"What's different?"

Jing glanced at her and sharply lowered his eyes again. Xiao Yao touched her messy wet hair and pinched her cheeks, she guessed that her face couldn't look any better, she was very frustrated and decided that she really needed to go back and teach Ah Nian a hard lesson. Xiao Yao stood up, "I'm going back."

Jing hurriedly stood up, pulling her arm, and immediately let go like an electric shock, face a little hot. Xiao Yao's clothes were light and airy, and when they were soaked, they obediently stuck to her body, she didn't feel it when she sat shrunken just now, but when she stood up at this moment, all of a sudden, her waist was her waist, and her breasts were her breasts, and she could see it extraordinarily distinctly.

Seeing Jing's expression, Xiao Yao looked down at herself and immediately squatted down, clasping her hands around her knees and covering herself tightly.

Jing sat across from her, and after using his spiritual energy to help her dry her clothes, he whispered, "Go back later, okay? Just for a while."

Jing's Internal Conflict: Jing's internal conflict is evident in his struggle to let go of Xiao Yao's hand despite feeling that he should. This internal tug-of-war reflects his conflicting emotions and the uncertainty he feels about their relationship. His momentary loosening and tightening of his hand symbolize his internal turmoil and his reluctance to fully let go of Xiao Yao.

Change in Dynamics: Xiao Yao's teasing remark about Jing being timid highlights a shift in their relationship dynamics. Previously, Jing may have been more assertive or confident, but now he appears more hesitant and cautious, possibly due to newfound feelings or uncertainties about their future. This change in behavior indicates the evolving nature of their relationship and the impact it has on their interactions with each other.

Physical Awareness and Embarrassment: The passage also explores Xiao Yao's self-consciousness and embarrassment as she becomes aware of her soaked clothing clinging to her body. Her discomfort and desire to cover herself reflect her vulnerability and insecurities, especially in the presence of Jing. This moment of physical awareness underscores the intimacy between them and adds a layer of tension to their interaction.

Jing's Protective Nature: Jing's actions, such as helping Xiao Yao dry her clothes with his spiritual energy and urging her to stay a little longer, demonstrate his protective instincts towards her. Despite his own internal conflict, he prioritizes Xiao Yao's well-being and comfort, showing his care and concern for her.


The Symbolism of Wet Clothes: The imagery of Xiao Yao's wet clothes sticking to her body serves as a metaphor for her vulnerability and exposed emotions. It symbolizes the transparency of her feelings and the intimate nature of her connection with Jing. Her discomfort with this physical manifestation of her emotions reflects her internal struggle and adds depth to the scene.It also reminds me of Ancient greek sculpture drapé - very sensual in showing without showing nudity.

Jing's Gentle Approach: Jing's gentle and considerate demeanor towards Xiao Yao highlights his sensitivity and empathy towards her. Despite his own inner turmoil, he prioritizes Xiao Yao's feelings and well-being, showing his capacity for emotional support and understanding.

Xiao Yao's Frustration and Determination: Xiao Yao's frustration with her appearance and determination to confront Ah Nian demonstrate her resilience and assertiveness. Even in moments of vulnerability, she maintains a sense of agency and determination to address the challenges she faces, adding layers to her character development.

Physical Proximity and Intimacy: The physical proximity between Jing and Xiao Yao, as they sit across from each other, underscores the intimacy of their connection. Their close proximity heightens the emotional tension in the scene and amplifies the significance of their interaction, hinting at the deeper feelings they have for each other.

=> In the  extract there is a strong sens of Sudden Awareness of Self:

The opening line, "all of a sudden, her waist was her waist, and her breasts were her breasts," conveys a sudden and profound self-awareness experienced by Xiao Yao

This moment marks a shift in her perception of herself, where she becomes acutely conscious of her body and its physical attributes. It suggests a moment of awakening or realization, perhaps triggered by Jing's presence or their intimate surroundings.

Jing hurriedly stood up, pulling her arm, and immediately let go like an electric shock, face a little hot. Xiao yao's clothes were light and airy, and when they were soaked, they obediently stuck to her body, she didn't feel it when she sat shrunken just now, but when she stood up at this moment, all of a sudden, her waist was her waist, and her breasts were her breasts, and she could see it extraordinarily distinctly.

Seeing Jing's expression, Xiao Yao looked down at herself and immediately squatted down, clasping her hands around her knees and covering herself tightly.

Jing sat across from her, and after using his spiritual energ
y to help her dry her clothes, he whispered, "Go back later, okay? Just for a while."

Symbolism of Intimacy: The act of Jing helping Xiao Yao dry her clothes carries symbolic significance, representing an intimate moment of connection between the two characters. It signifies their emotional closeness and mutual trust. He is making her feeling right. Kindly.

NB:  Jing is experiencing his second  electric shock in the Dragon Bone Prison, in Xiao Yao's closeness....:D !

  1. Sensory Imagery: The writer utilizes sensory imagery to immerse the reader in the scene, appealing to multiple senses. The description of Xiao Yao's clothes as "light and airy" and how they stick to her body when soaked provides a tactile sensation, allowing readers to visualize and feel the texture of the fabric. This tactile imagery adds a layer of realism to the scene, making it more vivid and immersive.

  2. Natural Elements: The mention of Xiao Yao's clothes becoming soaked with wateintroduces the element of water, a powerful and transformative force in nature. Water is often associated with cleansing, renewal, and emotional depth, mirroring the characters' internal experiences and the evolving dynamics of their relationship. The contrast between Xiao Yao's dry and wet clothes symbolizes a shift in emotional intensity and vulnerability, emphasizing the significance of the moment.

  3. Physical Sensations: The passage describes Xiao Yao's sudden awareness of her body in precise detail, emphasizing her heightened physical sensations. The imagery of her waist and breasts becoming distinctly visible highlights her acute self-awareness and vulnerability in Jing's presence. This moment of self-revelation is intensified by the physical sensations she experiences, such as sharing  the electric shock she feels when Jing pulls her arm and initiate it.

  4. Emotional Resonance: By intertwining natural elements with the characters' emotional states, the writer creates a scene that is not only visually striking but also emotionally resonant. The use of sensory imagery and natural elements enhances the reader's understanding of the characters' inner feelings.

Overall, the writer's skillful use of natural elements and sensory imagery enriches the scene, infusing it with depth, emotion, and thematic resonance. This passage serves as a poignant moment of self-discovery and intimacy between Xiao Yao and Jing, underscored by the powerful imagery of the natural world and natural connection.


"her waist was her waist, and her breasts were her breasts, and she could see it extraordinarily distinctly."


Chapter 14 - Extract and ep.20 related pics.

"I waited for you all night, thinking you wouldn't come."
Xiao Yao asked in exasperation, "If you thought I wouldn't come, why did you still wait?"
Jing didn't know how to answer, if she really didn't come, he didn't know where he could go, in the depths of this earth, he had the happiest and sweetest moments. But the person who gave him happiness and sweetness was Xiao Liu, not this young girl in front of him, if she took it back, he understood completely.
Xiao Yao kneeled down on both knees and knelt in front of him, her eyes full of annoyance and aggression, ''Do you think it's hard for you to wait all night? You have a fiancée! You go in and out with her, but you change your ways to remind me every moment that I made a promise to you. If you don't believe me, why do you want me to make a promise? Let me tell you, last night I almost died trying to keep my promise to you!"

 Xiao Yao pushed Jing fiercely. “I won't play anymore. I'd like to take back my promise! You  go back quickly to Qing Qiu and marry  Fangfeng Yiying!Jing didn't dare to fight back, but he was also determined not to back off, "I won't marry her, she doesn't actually like me and shouldn't be willing to marry me."
Xiao Yao stopped shoving, "I don't believe it! Why would she not like you?"
"I have a crippled leg, and I can see she's surprised and disappointed. Once, she saw the scars on my body and was shocked ...... " In fact, saying shocked is a very subtle way of saying that Yi Ying was pale and scared, she didn't dare to look at him for a second, and since then, when the two of them were alone, Yi Ying would keep her distance from him.
Xiao Yao had a hard time, she knew that Jing's legs were inconvenient, and she also knew that the scars on Jing's body were a bit scary, but that shouldn't be a reason for him to be disliked. Xiao Yao said, "You've been engaged for decades, could it be that she still cares about these external things?"
"In fact, I had absolutely no idea what she actually looked like before I met her in Qingshui District ,She was the person picked by my mother, and at that time, my mother was already sick, so I didn't want my mother to worry about my marriage anymore, and I immediately agreed. After the engagement, I had to take care of my mother and deal with the affairs of the clan, I was too busy to think much about this matter, but it was my elder brother who quietly slipped away to look at the defence against the wind Yi Ying, and came back and said to me with a smile ''congratulations, it is indeed a flowery and intelligent woman''. After my mother's death, I had to deal with a broken-down big brother, and was in no mood to think about any male-female affairs. After Grandma revealed the secret of  Brother's  Hou birth, I was even more unmotivated to think about it. It wasn't until everything calmed down and Grandma said it was time for me to get married that I remembered I had a fiancée. Grandma was already old, my sister-in-law looked like she didn't exist, and the Tu Shan Clan did need a mistress to help Grandma share her worries. After discussing with the elders, Grandma chose a wedding date, and I didn't realise that before the wedding was even held, I was secluded by Brother Hou."

It turned out that the meeting in Qing Shui Town was actually his first encounter with Fangfeng Yiying, then it is no wonder that Fangfeng Yiying would be disappointed ...... Xiao Yao s heart was mixed, some sour and difficult, and some happy, and he did not know what he was actually thinking.
After half a day, Xiao Yao said quietly: ''Miss Fafeng is indeed a flowery face, and people are capable. It's normal to be a little picky in your eyes, so don't take it to heart."
"You, are the most beautiful." Jing said and immediately lowered her head.
"Even now?"

Xiaoyao puffed out a laugh, "I finally understand why Zhuan Xu's' flowery words are invincible to young girls, even though I know what you say isn't the truth, I still like to hear it."
"What I said is the truth. Xiao Yao, I didn't expect you to be like this, if I knew you were like this ...... even in the dark dungeon, I would never have had the courage to speak extravagantly ......"Jing's back straightened up like paintbrush, but his head got bow down, like plants growing in the midst of darkness all year that hadn't seen the moonlight or the sunshine.
My body, my voice.....Do you know why even though I know I can heal my leg, I refuse to heal it? Do you know why I refused to heal my leg even though I knew it could be healed? Because I knew that even if it was healed, the real wound was still inside the body, and that no medicine could cure it. I can wear clothes to hide the ugly scars, I can use rare medicines to heal my leg, and I can speak as little as possible to hide my ugly voice. I can deceive everyone, I am still the magnificent and outstanding  Young Master Qingqiu , but I can t deceive myself ...... Xiao Yao, I don t deserve you! In this world, there are many healthy, intelligent and handsome man......"

" Jing, raise your head! Tushan Jing, raise your head."
Jing slowly raised his head, and Xiao Yao's face came up to the side of his face, murmuring and whispering, "Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but now I just want to kiss you." Her lips gently landed on Jing's lips, Jing's body trembled dramatically and jerked back, avoiding Xiao Yao, "Don't ...... Xiao Yao."
Xiao Yao closed her eyes and tilted her head, her cheeks flushed, her body trembling lightly, "Jing ...... Jing ......"
Xiao Yao's light call trembled so much that it was almost impossible to hear what she was calling for, Jing felt as if he was trembling as well, his kiss fell on the scarlet on Xiao Yao's forehead, it was as if there was a ball of fire that burned all the way from Xiao Yao's forehead to his heart, warming his cold heart, perhaps sooner or later one day, those wounds that were hidden in his body and had no cure would also recover.
Jing hugged Xiao Yao tightly, his head buried in the middle of Xiao Yao's neck, as if he was dreaming of joy, making him just want to hold Xiao Yao forever and never let go.
Xiao Yao moaned, "You're about to strangle me to death."
Jing immediately let go of her, his face flushed red. Xiao Yao laughed softly and leaned her head on his arm, looking at him.
Jing was embarrassed and slightly inclined his head, "Just now you said you almost died last night, and said ......"Xiao Yao waved her hand unconcernedly, "I scared you by talking in anger."
Jing looked at Xiao Yao, puzzled in his heart, but knew that Xiao Yao did not want to mention it anymore.
Xiao Yao smiles and asks, "Why not here?" She pointed to her lips.
Jing whispered, "It's not time yet."
"Then when will ...... it be okay." Xiao Yao half closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands to hide her shyness.
Jing couldn't answer, because that was up to Xiao Yao, not him. It wasn't that he didn't desire it, but - he wanted her love, he didn't want her to do it just out of pity, Xiao Yao had already given him too much and he didn't want to keep taking advantage of her kindness.
Xiao Yao peeked at him through the cracks of his fingers, "I thought that when you men saw a woman, you all hated to immediately flip over to the couch and stripped naked ......," Xiao Yao couldn't go on, since she changed back to her daughter's body, unknowingly she couldn't afford to be as unashamed and shameless as Xiao Liu. Especially now, it is even more hate to swallow back the words just said.
Although Jing has always been clean, but after all, is in charge of a family of people, in and out of the sex places is common, and the children of the big families are inevitably some of the declaration of lust and indulgence, Jing naturally is a man should know all the things know. In the business world, not to mention more explicit words than this, or even more explicit things have seen, but did not have any feeling, talking and laughing as usual. But to Xiao Yao, only feel the fire burning uncomfortable, low voice defence: "I, not that." 

Both of them were silent. In the awkwardness, there were streaks of embarrassment. And in that shyness there was some happiness mixing up.Xiao Yao...Xiao Yao...”, the sound of Zhuan Xu's calling voice was coming over.  

Episode captures- Followed by analysis of this passage:

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Insight into Jing's Engagement:Jing's revelation about his engagement to Yi Ying offers insight into the societal and familial pressures he faces. His engagement was arranged by his mother, indicating the influence of family expectations and traditions in shaping his romantic relationships. This lack of personal agency in his engagement underscores the theme of duty versus personal desire. Jing's willingness to fulfill his family's expectations despite his own doubts and reservations reflects the internal conflict he experiences between fulfilling his obligations and pursuing his own happiness.Furthermore, Jing's candid admission about his lack of emotional connection with Yi Ying highlights the complexities of arranged marriages and the emotional toll it can take on individuals. His description of Yi Ying's reaction to his scars reveals the superficiality and shallowness of their relationship, emphasizing the importance of genuine emotional connection and mutual understanding in romantic partnerships.

Physical Intimacy and Emotional Vulnerability:
The physical proximity between Jing and Xiao Yao symbolizes their emotional closeness and vulnerability. Despite their conflicts and misunderstandings, their physical interactions convey a sense of intimacy and connection that transcends words. Through tender moments of closeness and affection, they express their longing and desire for each other, revealing the depth of their emotional bond.

Moreover, their intimate conversation delves into their innermost thoughts and feelings, exposing their vulnerabilities and insecurities. Jing's admission of his inner turmoil and self-doubt reflects the internal struggles he faces in reconciling his past experiences and societal expectations with his own desires. Similarly, Xiao Yao's frustration and anger stem from her fear of rejection and betrayal, highlighting her own emotional vulnerabilities and insecurities.

Themes of Self-Worth and Acceptance:

Jing's struggles with self-worth and acceptance confronted to her new status are central themes in his interactions with Xiao Yao. Also, his belief that he does not deserve Xiao Yao's love or affection due to his physical and emotional scars speaks to broader issues of self-esteem and self-perception. Despite his external accomplishments and societal status, Jing grapples with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, questioning his own value and deserving her love.

Similarly, Xiao Yao's journey towards self-acceptance and self-worth is intertwined with her relationship with Jing. Her willingness to confront her own insecurities- as she envy FFYY position near Jing - and burst out: " I'd like to take back my promise! You  go back quickly to Qing Qiu and marry  Fangfeng Yiying!”- She stand up for herself in the face of Jing's expectations demonstrates her growth and development as a character. Together, their struggles with self-worth and acceptance highlight the universal human experience of grappling with one's own identity and value- in the context of societal expectations and personal relationships.

Further & Digging:

Extract : But the person who gave him happiness and sweetness was Xiao Liu, not this young girl in front of him, if she took it back, he understood completely.

Jing's thoughts in this passage suggest a poignant realization and acceptance of the role that Xiao Liu, Xiao Yao's male form, played in his life and the happiness he derived from their relationship. Here's a closer analysis of Jing's mindset:

  1. Recognition of Xiao Liu's Influence: Jing acknowledges that it was Xiao Liu who brought him happiness and sweetness, not the current persona of Xiao Yao standing before him. This indicates that Jing is reflecting on his past experiences with Xiao Liu and the profound impact they had on him.

  2. Understanding and Acceptance: Jing demonstrates a mature understanding of the situation, recognizing that if Xiao Yao were to retract or withdraw the happiness she once provided as Xiao Liu, he would comprehend and accept it. This implies that Jing is prepared to confront the complexities of their relationship and accept the changes that have occurred over time.

  3. Resonance of Past Memories: The mention of Xiao Liu and the memories associated with their time together evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing in Jing. He is reminiscing about the moments of happiness they shared and grappling with the bittersweet realization that those times may be gone for now and are transformed by Xiao Yao's new persona.

  4. Emotional Complexity: Jing's contemplation of Xiao Liu's significance highlights the emotional complexity of his feelings for Xiao Yao. While he still cherish the memories and connections forged with Xiao Liu, he is also navigating his evolving relationship with Xiao Yao and the challenges it presents to both of them.

    Self-Deception and Acceptance: Jing acknowledges  he might  be percieved  with his outward appearance and demeanor, but recognizes the futility of deceiving himself. He acknowledges that true healing cannot come from external remedies or superficial changes, but requires a deeper acceptance and reconciliation of his inner wounds. His admission reflects a moment of introspection and self-awareness, as he grapples with his own limitations and shortcomings.

Jing's monologue- He is  expressing his resignation and willingness to let her go, believing that she deserves someone better than him: Xiao Yao, I don t deserve you! In this world, there are many healthy, intelligent and handsome man......"  -

And explain her the why:  "Xiao Yao, I didn't expect you to be like this, if I knew you were like this ...... even in the dark dungeon, I would never have had the courage to speak extravagantly ....."

This sentence directly point out to his inner thoughts, about Xiao Liu becoming Xiao Yao , implying that if he had known Xiao Yao's true nature earlier,  as Elder Princess precisly, he would have been hesitant to express himself so openly, fearing rejection or misunderstanding. Additionally, it underscores Jing's growing awareness and appreciation of Xiao Yao's inner persona, deepening their emotional connection and mutual understanding.

BUT,  we see how right away , Xiao Yao stop his words to even pronounce the breaking engament between them - it's a clear cut:

"Jing, raise your head! Tushan Jing, raise your head." 

Doing so Xiao Yao  reject Jing's assessment of himself and affirm her love and commitment to him despite his flaws and imperfections. Her response convey a sense of determination and steadfastness, as she refuses to let Jing undermine their relationship and diminish his own self-worth. Xiao Yao reassure him of her love and support, affirming that his worthiness is not determined by external factors such as physical health or appearance. Instead, she emphasize the depth of their emotional connection and the strength of their bond, reassuring Jing that he is deserving of love and happiness just as he is.

Xiao Yao's reaction to Jing's statement is likely to be pivotal in their relationship, as it reflects her own beliefs and values regarding love, acceptance, and self-worth. Her response serve to challenge Jing's perceptions of himself and encourage him to confront his insecurities, ultimately strengthening their bond and deepening their emotional connection.  // Jing ultimately affirms his love and commitment to Xiao Yao. His acknowledgment of her worthiness, his readiness to let her go because of the shift of her status,  and his willingness to confront his own fears and insecurities demonstrate his deep affection for her. 

******About the shift in gender  identity :

=> Xiao Yao peeked at him through the cracks of his fingers, "I thought that when you men saw a woman, you all hated to immediately flip over to the couch and stripped naked ......," Xiao Yao couldn't go on, since she changed back to her daughter's body, unknowingly she couldn't afford to be as unashamed and shameless as Xiao Liu. // Jing was a man. He knew all about men matters. In the business field,  let alone the words that were more explicit, he had even seen the more obscene matters. But then he did not feel anything. He could just talk and laugh normally.  With Xiao Yao, he was feeling restless as if being licked by the burning fire. He make a concise excuse: "I... am not like that." Both of them were silent. In the awkwardness, there were streaks of embarrassment. And in that shyness there was some happiness mixing up. 

In this passage, Xiao Yao's playful remark about men's behavior around women reveals her underlying discomfort with her own femininity, especially in contrast to her previous identity as Xiao Liu. Her reference to men immediately flipping over to the couch and stripping naked reflects her insecurity and uncertainty about how to navigate her interactions as a woman.

As Xiao Yao grapples with her changed identity and societal expectations, she finds herself unable to maintain the same level of unashamed confidence that characterized her interactions as Xiao Liu. She is acutely aware of the need to conform to gender norms and behave in a more reserved manner, particularly now that she has reverted to her woman's body.

Jing's response showcases his understanding and sensitivity to Xiao Yao's discomfort. Despite his familiarity with explicit matters due to his role and responsibilities, he respects Xiao Yao's boundaries and responds with reassurance. His acknowledgment of her discomfort underscores his empathy and consideration for her feelings, strengthening their emotional bond.

Overall, this exchange highlights the complexities of gender identity and societal expectations, as well as the importance of empathy and communication in intimate relationships. It also underscores the challenges faced by individuals navigating shifts in identity and self-perception.

All the Dragon Bone Prison Point 2 - dialogues and interactions in the scene serve as a mutual reassurance for both Xiao Yao and Jing and as a re statement of their promise. Despite Jing's initial doubts about deserving Xiao Yao and his attempts to distance himself from her, to let her go if she wanted so,  Xiao Yao expresses her unwavering affection and acceptance of him and enthousiasm to pursue their relationship.

Through their mutual reassurance, Xiao Yao and Jing strengthen their bond and overcome their doubts and insecurities. Their dialogue reflects their understanding of each other, paving the way for a deeper and more meaningful connection as they navigate the challenges ahead.


Xiao Yao closed her eyes and looked up, both cheeks were blushed. Her body trembled. “Jing...Jing....”
Xiao Yao's soft voice was shaking that almost incomprehensible. Jing felt like he was trembling. His kiss touched the light red spot in the center of Xiao Yao's forehead.



                                                                           TOUCH POINTS in DBP -ch.14Here are all the instances of physical contact between Xiao Yao and Jing in Dragon Bone Prison- Ch.14:

  1. Jing leapt off the rock wall and swam to Xiao Yao's side, picking her up from the sea.
  2. Jing held Xiao Yao in his arms as they gazed into each other's eyes.
  3. Xiao Yao felt a sense of belonging as she was held by Jing.
  4. Jing's embrace provided warmth and comfort to Xiao Yao.
  5. As they held each other amidst the crashing waves, they shared a moment of intimacy.
  6. Xiao Yao gently kissed Jing's lips, causing him to tremble and jerk back.
  7. Jing's kiss landed on the scarlet on Xiao Yao's forehead.
  8. Jing hugged Xiao Yao tightly, burying his head in the middle of her neck.
  9. Xiao Yao's cheek rested against Jing's.
  10. Jing's body trembled dramatically as Xiao Yao whispered his name.
  11. Xiao Yao's body trembled lightly as Jing hugged her tightly.
  12. Jing's kiss on Xiao Yao's forehead sent a warm sensation through her body.
  13. Jing's embrace provided a sense of security and comfort to Xiao Yao.
  14. Xiao Yao felt Jing's warmth against her skin as he held her tightly.
  15. Xiao Yao's lips gently landed on Jing's, but he jerked back, avoiding her.
  16. Jing's kiss fell on Xiao Yao's forehead as they embraced.
  17. Jing hugged Xiao Yao tightly, holding her close.
  18. Xiao Yao's cheek rested against Jing's chest.
  19. Xiao Yao's body trembled as Jing held her close.

Here are 19 interpretations of mine, for each of their touch:

  1. Assertiveness and Rescue: Jing's swift action demonstrates his assertiveness and determination to rescue Xiao Yao from the sea.

  2. Mutual Recognition: Their gaze reflects mutual recognition and understanding of each other's feelings, deepening their emotional connection.

  3. Safety and Protection: Jing's embrace symbolizes safety and protection for Xiao Yao, highlighting his source of security she lean on.

  4. Shared Vulnerability: Amidst the crashing waves, they find solace in each other's arms, revealing their shared vulnerability and need for comfort.

  5. Tender Affection: Xiao Yao's kiss expresses tender affection for Jing, evoking a response of vulnerability and tenderness from him.

  6. Symbolic Blessing: Jing's kiss on Xiao Yao's forehead symbolizes a blessing or mark of affection, signifying his protective and caring nature. (see @Peng-Peng analysis)

  7. Emotional Release: Jing's tight hug and burying his head in Xiao Yao's neck indicate an emotional release or catharsis, showing his need for closeness and comfort.

  8. Physical Proximity: The closeness of their cheeks emphasizes their physical proximity and emotional intimacy, reinforcing their connection.

  9. Whispered Longing: Xiao Yao's whispered repetition of Jing's name conveys her longing and desire for him, echoing his own feelings.

  10. Sensory Experience: Their trembling bodies suggest a heightened sensory experience, indicating the intensity of their emotional connection.

  11. Emotional Resonance: Jing's kiss on Xiao Yao's forehead resonates emotionally, signifying his deep affection and concern for her well-being.

  12. Reassurance and Support: Jing's embrace provides reassurance and support for Xiao Yao, offering her comfort in times of distress.

  13. Mutual Warmth: Xiao Yao feels Jing's warmth against her skin, symbolizing their shared emotional warmth and connection.

  14. Respectfull Withdrawal: Jing's jerked-back reaction to Xiao Yao's kiss is a moment of withdrawal, reflecting his internal conflict as he is respectfull.

  15. Protective Gesture: Jing's kiss on Xiao Yao's forehead serves as a protective gesture, indicating his desire to shield her from harm.

  16. Emotional Anchor: Xiao Yao's cheek against Jing's chest signifies him as her emotional anchor, providing stability and comfort.

  17. Physical Manifestation: Their trembling bodies physically manifest the intensity of their emotions, revealing the depth of their feelings for each other.

  18. Nonverbal Communication: Their physical closeness communicates emotions and desires that words cannot express, deepening their bond.

  19. Emotional Connection: Through physical touch and proximity, Jing and Xiao Yao forge a deep emotional connection, solidifying their relationship.

Chapter 14 -and related ep.20 images :

                                                                  AH NIAN vs  XIAO YAO                                         

In the following part - Xiao Yao's confrontation with Ah Nian unveils layers of vulnerability and resilience as she grapples with the impact of maternal abandonment on her identity. Through poignant revelations and courageous exchanges, Xiao Yao's character undergoes profound development, shedding light on the enduring effects of family dynamics and the strength required to confront past traumas.

  • Xiao Yao's Journey of Self-Discovery:
  • Facing Ah Nian forced Xiao Yao to confront aspects of herself - long buried. It wasn't easy, but                    she realized that acknowledging her fears and insecurities is the first step towards growth."

Analysis: Xiao Yao's encounter with Ah Nian serves as a catalyst for her journey of self-discovery. The confrontation forces her to confront her innermost fears and insecurities, ultimately leading to personal growth and resilience.

 Thematic Exploration:

  1. Ah Nian's relentless pursuit of power mirrors society's obsession with dominance and control. Through their  interactions, Xiao Yao understand the complexities of power dynamics and the importance of staying true to oneself."

Analysis: The dynamic between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian highlights broader thematic explorations of identity, power, and resilience. Ah Nian's quest for power reflects societal expectations and the challenges of navigating interpersonal relationships while maintaining authenticity.

  1. Insight into Strengths and Weaknesses:

    • Analysis: Through her interactions with Ah Nian, Xiao Yao gains valuable insight into her own character. She recognizes that her empathy and compassion are sources of strength, contrasting with Ah Nian's more ruthless approach to power.
  2. Navigating Societal Expectations:

    • Analysis: Xiao Yao's refusal to conform to Ah Nian's expectations underscores the challenges of navigating societal norms and familial pressures. Her determination to assert her autonomy reflects broader themes of resilience and self-determination.

The passage between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian is significant as it serves to illuminate key aspects of both characters and their relationship dynamics. Here are some conclusions drawn from their interaction:

  1. Character Contrasts: Xiao Yao and Ah Nian represent contrasting personalities and ideologies. Xiao Yao is portrayed as resilient, empathetic, and emotionally vulnerable, while Ah Nian embodies manipulation, deceit, and a thirst for power.

  2. Emotional Growth: Through her encounter with Ah Nian, Xiao Yao undergoes emotional growth and self-discovery. Confronting her fears and insecurities allows her to gain insight into her own strengths and weaknesses, fostering personal growth and resilience.

  3. Power Dynamics: The interaction between Xiao Yao and Ah Nian highlights power dynamics and struggles for dominance. Ah Nian's manipulative tactics and desire for control clash with Xiao Yao's inner strength and determination, leading to a battle of wills.

  4. Empathy and Understanding: Despite their differences, Xiao Yao's willingness to share her experiences with Ah Nian demonstrates empathy and understanding. This suggests that beneath their adversarial relationship lies a potential for mutual understanding and reconciliation.

  5. Themes of Identity and Resilience: The passage contributes to the thematic exploration of identity and resilience. Xiao Yao's affirmation of her upbringing and her ability to confront her past traumas underscore themes of self-discovery and inner strength

Xiao Yao's disclosure of her mother's abandonment serves as a pivotal moment in her journey of self-discovery. Amidst her confrontation with Ah Nian, Xiao Yao reveals, "Everyday, I waited. Waiting for mother to come pick me up. "  (insert text extract). This candid admission lays bare Xiao Yao's emotional scars and underscores the profound impact of maternal absence on her psyche.

Despite the pain of her past, Xiao Yao demonstrates remarkable courage in confronting Ah Nian and embracing her vulnerability. As she shares her story, Xiao Yao's voice trembles, yet her resolve remains steadfast. Xiao Yao's bravery in confronting Ah Nian directly is highlighted in her actions: "Xiao Yao kicked into A Nian's little abdomen. A Nian fell to the ground."(insert text extract). This  highlights Xiao Yao's resilience and determination to confront her fears head-on.

Xiao Yao's determination to confront Ah Nian directly is evident in her bold declaration: "A skittish cow like you still have some strength." 

Moreover, Xiao Yao's courage is further exemplified through her willingness to engage in difficult conversations about maternal relationships. Xiao Yao's acknowledgment of her own vulnerabilities demonstrates her self-awareness: "The fact that you blame your mother's status is no big deal. Because what I feel about my mother's position is resentment." 


In  this part  of "Lost You Forever," Xiao Yao's confrontation with Ah Nian unveils a complex portrait of maternal abandonment and resilience. Through candid revelations and courageous exchanges, Xiao Yao confronts her past traumas with unwavering determination, shedding light on the enduring effects of family dynamics on personal identity. 

Winner ? => Xiao Yao !.

Xiao Yao jumped up like a langur monkey, hung on the bed, and evaded a deadly attack. When she jumped down also exerted force to pull down veil cloth nets.  Several layers of veil  nets lightly fell onto A Nian's body. If these cloths, that water and fire could not penetrate, woven by the work of mermaids, it was a cloth woven from spider webs that a sword could not cut. A Nian pulled hard for a long time. But only she could not pull it off,  instead it made herself squeezed even tighter. 

. ...It hurt until her face turned green.  Drama showed it ...lightly....:D
