
Saw this and kept smiling how XY was happy leaning on Jing’s shoulder while holding hands ??. Oh this scene is in S2, I think that’s when she found out about her really being Qi Yo’s daughter. Really hate ZX/CX for spreading those rumors. Jing actually knew it was CX, but never told XY cos he knew she’d be hurt.

The caption is so funny, YaoJing cp and the cousin 😂


Saw this and kept smiling how XY was happy leaning on Jing’s shoulder while holding hands 🤭🤭. Oh this scene is in S2, I think that’s when she found out about her really being Qi Yo’s daughter. Really hate ZX/CX for spreading those rumors. Jing actually knew it was CX, but never told XY cos he knew she’d be hurt.

I am looking forward to this scenes...😍😍... 

I just finished the novel...I am currently writing full review ..Total love XY & Jing union . I love how much she rely on him at the end. ZX/CX had his reason..but to me his actions mostly does not considerate of XY if compare to both Jing& wonder he lost her forever...serves him right..sorry to CangYao ship...


The caption is so funny, YaoJing cp and the cousin ?

Lmao that was my initial reaction too, I’m like you throwing shade sweetie

 Winny Aye:

I am looking forward to this scenes...??... 

I just finished the novel...I am currently writing full review ..Total love XY & Jing union . I love how much she rely on him at the end. ZX/CX had his reason..but to me his actions mostly does not considerate of XY if compare to both Jing& wonder he lost her forever...serves him right..sorry to CangYao ship...

You’re right, he thought having the world in his hands will keep XY, even to the extent of conniving with TSH to kill Jing. How’s killing the man she loves protecting? She may have been hurt at first due to the breakup but the truth came out,but instead of ZX to be happy,he was envious cos he knows she’ll reconcile with Jing & ZX wanted a love like theirs. So I get why XY chose to be Royal M,that way she can get away from ZX’s clutches.

Oh, I just wanted to add that, Deng Wei has the most prettiest fingers I’ve seen🥰🥰. I could kiss those fingers all day 🤭.


Oh, I just wanted to add that, Deng Wei has the most prettiest fingers I’ve seen🥰🥰. I could kiss those fingers all day 🤭.

very true he has beautiful fingers. 😍

I am still seeing comments, scrolling down...Xiao Yao just pitied Jing and only take him because he met her criteria ...UM...hhehehehe I wonder's that because they dont like idea of YaoJing union or did they really missed it. They interpret it bit..uh quite different from my opinion Lol. Like when Jing died,  XY did not suicide but when she knew CX is involved ,  she just could not stand it , so she poisoned herself .She just feel bad for Jing....? While I would not deny the betrayal rage is strong.  They did really missed this slow burn suffering and longing while Jing is absent.

Since this thread has come as far as 2.8k ...let's make it 30k soon..💞


 Winny Aye:

I am still seeing comments, scrolling down...Xiao Yao just pitied Jing and only take him because he met her criteria ...UM...hhehehehe I wonder's that because they dont like idea of YaoJing union or did they really missed it. They interpret it bit..uh quite different from my opinion Lol. Like when Jing died,  XY did not suicide but when she knew CX is involved ,  she just could not stand it , so she poisoned herself .She just feel bad for Jing....? While I would not deny the betrayal rage is strong.  They did really missed this slow burn suffering and longing while Jing is absent.

Since this thread has come as far as 2.8k ...let's make it 30k soon..💞


Lol ignore them, I don’t even look at the comments cos a bunch of them are airheads😩. XY sang the song & even said it herself on different occasions that the song is for Jing. When he disappeared & XY was trapped by the assassins,she gave up cos she wanted to die & meet Jing. XY always looks at the full moon & remember Jing telling her they’ll marry on a full moon,whether bright or dark. This same XY was pissed at XL mentioning Jing & death in the same sentence.

 Winny Aye:

I am still seeing comments, scrolling down...Xiao Yao just pitied Jing and only take him because he met her criteria ...UM...hhehehehe I wonder's that because they dont like idea of YaoJing union or did they really missed it. They interpret it bit..uh quite different from my opinion Lol. Like when Jing died,  XY did not suicide but when she knew CX is involved ,  she just could not stand it , so she poisoned herself .She just feel bad for Jing....? While I would not deny the betrayal rage is strong.  They did really missed this slow burn suffering and longing while Jing is absent.

Since this thread has come as far as 2.8k ...let's make it 30k soon..💞


Everyone views it differently we cant get people to love Jing the way we do just like how they can’t get us to love XL the way the do.  Just agree to disagree. or maybe because I’m tired of the arguing lol which lately there hasn’t been any hopefully it stays that way 😅 


Oh, I just wanted to add that, Deng Wei has the most prettiest fingers I’ve seen🥰🥰. I could kiss those fingers all day 🤭.

His fingers and hands came out straight from a shojo manga. It's the most attractive I find about him.

Eu gosto muito da construção do romance deles

Não é forçado e nem começa com uma paixão louca, mas nasce sólido graças a uma longa convivência

Eles se entendem, se confortam e se completam

Adorava as cenas deles namorando porque tinha muita energia de "meu primeiro relacionamento" (e era)

fofinhos demais

Tomara que o drama adicione mais cenas porque na novel acabam passando muito tempo separados graças a duas armações: uma da família de Tushan e outra da "família" da Xiaoyao


His fingers and hands came out straight from a shojo manga. It's the most attractive I find about him.

I agree his hands and fingers are so pretty

 Winny Sim:

Ainda estou vendo comentários, rolando para baixo...Xiao Yao apenas teve pena de Jing e só o aceitou porque ele atendeu aos critérios dela...UM...hhehehehe Eu me questionei...é porque eles não gostam da ideia da união de YaoJing ou realmente não sinto falta disso. Eles interpretaram isso um pouco... bem diferente da minha opinião haha. Como quando Jing morreu, XY não se suicidou, mas quando soube que CX estava envolvido, ela simplesmente não aguentou, então se envenenou. Embora eu não negue que a raiva da traição seja forte. Eles realmente sentiram falta desse sofrimento e saudade lenta enquanto Jing estava ausente.

Já que esse tópico chegou a 2,8k...vamos chegar a 30k em breve..?


Não tem lógica acharem que ela ficou com ele por pena, é simplesmente por não aceitarem o final por odiarem o personagem.

Xiaoyao não tem pena de Jing e sim admiração, isso é dito várias vezes. Ele conseguiu conservar o coração terno apesar de tudo que passou e isso acaba fazendo com que ele chegue no coração de Xiaoyao. 

De todos os homens que se aproximaram o que ela verbaliza que quer é Jing e os sentimentos dela ficam ainda mais claros pra quem acompanha no reencontro quando discutem a relação assim e concluem que por ter sido a primeira vez que estavam apaixonados acabaram errando muito por não saber qual ação tomar ou como expressar os sentimentos. 

E após a armação que os separa e Xiaoyao acha que o perdeu pra sempre a reação é de alguém completamente destruído por ter perdido um amor e não um homem que sentia pena, ela sofreu sim a perda. Quando Jing morre ela cai em depressão e diz que ficará sozinha para sempre. 

Mas teve uma sobreposição de infortúnios, quem tava presente na cena pra discutir isso era Cang Xuan, claro que a reação seria mais violenta. 

Ela já tinha perdido Jing, saber que foi Cang Xuan  basicamente acabou sendo uma sentença de que não tinha quase ninguém no mundo para confiar e isso ainda se juntou com a culpa porque se não fosse a associação com Cang Xuan ele ainda estaria vivo. 

Cang Xuan era a família dela, o que ele fez com ela foi massacrante. 

@Snowball I agree with you 💯💯


Thank you for reply . but can someone please translate the comment for me because I want to know the message ..and my google translate aren't case if anyone of u have better translating app..