This image was impossible to describe other than Ah Nian felt a sense of utter desolation for her sister. Xiao Yao’s image made her think of the legends of old, of a fisherman’s wife sitting on the rocks waiting for her lover to come back, sitting and waiting for so long she turned into a rock.
...Yes that part: the all white dressed felt so XL like and the fisherman's wife - i related it to mermaid's wife, and the rock - to the cristal ball itself...
It's the visual and the words us
In a more YaoLiu feel, we can interpret like this.
Since , XY is using Clam Shell, she can refer it to the time, 37 years of her living with XL while he's healing her. It's can be interpreted like they were husband and wife although he's just hugging her and healing there. (It's more intimate feel in novel) She did get the warmth.
she's not 100% conscious. So it's just feel not official. 😊