I hope the drama will not loose its hype. I trust them to do excellent promotion near the time next year. I year is a long time. Hopefuly I will not have hit the bucket yet.?


I hope the drama will not loose its hype. I trust them to do excellent promotion near the time next year. I year is a long time. Hopefuly I will not have hit the bucket yet.?

I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking I might die before it airs. ???

Sigh, I paused at ep 34 hoping to watch the rest along with S2 so Jung’s story has a resolution, but oh well. Might as well finished S1.

I’ve seen comments similarly nonsensical like when XY is with Jing she’s actually imagining him as XL.

I wonder if they might be referring to a specific scene from the novel (the one copied below)? It's a rather uncomfortable moment. 

But it also happens to be part of the scene where XY tells TSJ that she likes his soft-hearted nature and where the novel says his soft-hearted nature makes her feel safe.


Chapter 18:

Xiao Yao asked “You don’t want to kill Hou?”

“Even though mother was always unfair, but since birth he never treated me poorly. We had no dad and he got no love from mother, so he placed all the familial love he craved on me. He was my age but acted like an older brother and dad surrogate, always taking care of me. When I got complimented he would beam with pride. I once asked him why and he said that even if he hurt, I was his beloved younger brother and he was proud of me. We were loving brothers that were the envy of all. He really was an exceptional older brother for four hundred years. Xiao Yao, I can’t kill him!” Jing’s voice conveyed his sadness and regret and guilt, because he knew his choice would bind him and bind Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao walked over and put her head on his shoulder. “I complain that you’re too soft-hearted, but actually….I would rather you be soft-hearted.” She was surrounded by too many cold-hearted people – her grandfather, her dad, Zhuan Xu, two maternal side uncles, all those cousins, even herself. They were all ruthless, which is why Jing’s soft-hearted nature made her feel safe and she liked it.

Jing embraced Xiao Yao and she kept her head on his shoulder and they stood there.

“Xiao Yao, what is it?”

“Zhuan Xu had matters that needed my help so I’ve been so busy and so tired lately. Not my body tired, more like my spirit is tired. I worried about making a mistake and always busy but it made me think a lot of the past. It’s unbelievable that Zhuan Xu and I didn’t have parents, and yet here we are, both of us grew up.”

Jing held her “If I knew you were tired, I wouldn’t have come see you tonight!”

Xiao Yao laughed “The heart being tired isn’t cured by sleep.” She looked out at the pool and took his hand “Go play in the water with me.”

It was Summer so the water wasn’t cold as Xiao Yao jumped right in. She swam one circle and dove underwater thinking it wasn’t too deep but it was much deeper than she thought so before she hit bottom she needed to come up for air.

Jing sat on a rock smiling at her.

Xiao Yao rapped her head. “I’m so stupid!” She took out the fish amethyst from her robe. “I forgot you got me this treasure.”

Xiao Yao sprawled on a rock splashing water with her feet. “Let’s go play in the ocean next time. It’s so beautiful at the bottom of the ocean and even playing all night it doesn’t get boring.”


Xiao Yao thought about Xiang Liu and buried her face in her arms and went silent. She didn’t know if he was Xiang Liu or Fang Feng Bei right now. Suddenly she grabbed Jing’s arm and pulled him into the water “Go to the bottom with me.”

She didn’t wait for Jing to answer before putting the fish amethyst in her mouth and diving down with Jing.

She pulled Jing down with her but the pool was so deep there was no bottom in sight. Even those with strong powers couldn’t stand too long underwater so Jing grabbed her hand and pointed to the top indicating he was going up.

Xiao Yao shook her head and wouldn’t let him. She wanted him with her.

Jing’s face was changing color but he allowed Xiao Yao to continue to pull him down. She wrapped her arms around his neck and put her lips on his to pass him air. Jing’s body stiffened and he was so shocked he started choking.

Xiao Yao quickly gave him another breath of air.

Jing’s entire body was stiff but he descended with her until they hit bottom. It was dark and nothing was there so Xiao Yao pulled Jing up. He seemed to snap out of it and used his strength to swim up with her. She pointed to her lips indicating for him to get another breath of air but he didn’t. Jing used his one breath and made it to the surface but he was in pain and gasping on the rock.

Xiao Yao asked angrily, “Why?”

Jing stared in the distance and said in a low voice, “Because you didn’t have me in your eyes back there.

Xiao Yao said nothing and walked towards the hut. She didn’t have much power so she took her off her wet clothes and dried herself before huddling in the blanket. “You can come in now.”

Jing sat down on the pallet and took a towel to dry her hair and then a comb to brush it. Years ago, Xiao Liu took care of Shi Qi like this, and Shi Qi used to take care of Xiao Liu like this. Gradually the mood warmed up between them and both smiled.

@AH I remember reading this, also since it wasn’t included in the drama so a lot of YaoLiu shippers kept mentioning it lol I’m not sure if the comment I saw was for this specific scene. When she was underwater she did think of FFB/XL but imo I don’t think she wasn’t imagining Jing as FFB/XL since she just finished talking about how she likes his kindness. I think because she relates to water activities to XL so it’s natural that she would think of him while she’s in the water. Her actions of trying to give air to Jing reminds me of XL, XY and XL are so alike at times like the male/female version of each other. 

Sometimes XY frustrates me but because I love her I just look the other way ? I think this is probably how the three guys feel too. They love her and just want her to be happy even if it means hanging out with their love rivals ?

 His Smile:

Same here. It will make viewers avoid longer dramas from now on and probably wait for everything to be finished before they watch everything and that's going to be me now. Crossing fingers that LORC will just have one season. 

I wonder will dramas even risk making longer dramas if they have to wait 6months to a year to release the 2nd part of it. LFY  must’ve had a lot of confidence for willing to break up the drama and wait to broadcast the 2nd part (probably since it’s TongHua’s work) lol but I don’t think many other dramas can have that same confidence lol 


I did not  find this uncomfortable at all when I read this part.  For me she had these nice experiences in the water with FFB/XL  it is right for her heart to be moved by him as well and think about him  why not . I did not read it  as her seing Jing as XL as those people keep implying.

Hopefuly with 1 year wait, new cdramas will soon be shorter than 50/ 60 episodes and 1 season. I went as well into Cdrama and K drama because they only have 1 season. Once done, you move along to the next drama

since it wasn’t included in the drama

I'm kind of glad it wasn't. It's really not one of XY's finer moments. I was proud of TSJ for the way he handled the situation and glad they were able to move past this moment pretty quickly. 

but imo I don’t think she wasn’t imagining Jing as FFB/XL

Agreed, "imagining Jing as FFB/XL" is overstating it. 

IMO, it's not a coincidence that Tong Hua points out that TSJ makes XY feel safe before this scene. When XY has conflicted thoughts about the implications of XL's identity (her last interaction with him before this scene was when he hid in her bed and confirmed that FFB and XL were the same person), her impulse (with deep water readily available right in front of her) is to recreate an experience she had with XL that was... for lack of a better phrase, emotionally unsafe. That interaction with XL felt dangerous. She was afraid, at that point, of letting XL into her dreams, as she put it.

But in her recreated version of that interaction, she is the one who could breathe underwater, she is the one controlling the situation, and she is with someone who she trusts and feels safe with - someone she trusts enough to allow herself to fall for. XY might be thinking about XL to an extent during these moments (given TSJ's comment), but it's the trust she has with TSJ and the sense of safety that he gives her that makes her feel comfortable trying to process all her conflicted feelings with him that way. 

Since it's the first time any of them have been in love, it's a new experience for them and they fumble sometimes while figuring out their feelings and how to love and how to be in relationship. 



I did not  find this uncomfortable at all when I read this part.  For me she had these nice experiences in the water with FFB/XL  it is right for her heart to be moved by him as well and think about him  why not . I did not read it  as her seing Jing as XL as those people keep implying.

I'm not sure I would describe the particular interaction she had with XL that she recreated in this scene as "nice" (although she definitely did have plenty of other "nice" experiences with him under water).

I found this scene super uncomfortable mainly because of how obviously uncomfortable TSJ is. 


Sigh, I paused at ep 34 hoping to watch the rest along with S2 so Jung’s story has a resolution, but oh well. Might as well finished S1.

You should finish off S1 and then read the novel . otherwise it will feel too hanging. The second half is intense, But i want to see it on screen. but yep reading novel gives some completeness.


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking I might die before it airs. ???

I need YaoJing to get have their heart to heart and get back together and make fox babies before I die too ?


Thank you for sharing the scene. I have skimed through the novel. But i rereading in details now. 

About this under water scene though. I don't feel bad as a YaoJing shipper somehow . Because I don't deny XY attraction to XL.I guesss she likes underwater . And she wants to experience it (water kiss) with Jing whom also seems to know her intention. But she still trust Jing more and was disappointed he did not response. he was sort of jealous of XL then.  I don't think she was using Jing as substitute though. Or is it my yaojing heart blindness?

 AH :

I'm not sure I would describe the particular interaction she had with XL that she recreated in this scene as "nice" (although she definitely did have plenty of other "nice" experiences with him under water).

I found this scene super uncomfortable mainly because of how obviously uncomfortable TSJ is. 

Yep he's a fox and not water demon ...?


I need YaoJing to get have their heart to heart and get back together and make fox babies before I die too ?


 AH :
I found this scene super uncomfortable mainly because of how obviously uncomfortable TSJ is. 

And he showed he is  not weak in that part. A lesser man would have not cared of her intentions. 

 AH :
Agreed, "imagining Jing as FFB/XL" is overstating it. 

Agreed. She knew she was with Jing, she just wanted to replace the bad experience with a nicer one. Jajaja, just kidding, but you know what I mean. Jajaja