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Sorry AH.

No worries :)

Thank you for posting these, AH.

You're welcome ^^

Thank you AH, Sirry and others for sharing notes about XY and XL from the novel.

I totally agreed with you too Kokuto about how it is realistic of demon XL’s character being brutal as he is who he is as an army general. He could have kill WXL for many account but he didn’t. FFB is the idea human form of XL’s interpretation, being filial, live care freely and be there and have fun with XY. And I can see him being a good husband and father too; but sadly he has the role of the general that he is loyal and faithful to his promise to his adoptive father. That shows as a demon he has more heart and not as scheming as some human. 

I gave up commenting in the comment section about XL and XY as there are many bias people that see the character is superficial form, I totally respect their opinion, so see no point arguing there.

I do hope all the good bits between XL and XY are not cut up from here onwards. But I guess in order for the director to balance so many leads, they have to make a tough decision on all the various relationship. Sigh. 

@Yara_B "I don't want to get too deep or philosophical but this subject was my college major at one point and so I'm pretty passionate about human nature and the complexity behind the infamous debate of "is evil born or made". Haha "

You and me both. I'm always interested in human minds and that debate, "is evil born or made". It's actually a very thought-provoking question to ponder. This is why characters like XL and Xuan are great examples to be discussed.

I think all of us here are a few of the ones who really understand XL's characterization. The things he did to Wen Xiao Liu in the earlier episodes are pretty much understandable if you put yourself in his shoes. Too bad some people are only focusing on how he's abusive, violent, etc... actually forgetting that he's a demon and that's also a part of his nature, besides what he's gone through as a child that somehow shaped him to be who he is now. I am actually surprised he didn't kill XY right there and then when she trespassed his territory.

I just hope we get to see more moments between XY and XL before the grand finale. Too bad this excerpt from Chapter 19 wasn't really shown in the drama.

When she was with Fang Feng Bei, Xiao Yao often forgot her identity and she would feel like she was still Wen Xiao Liu except wearing girl clothes… Xiao Yao knew Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu, but because this wasn’t the battlefield and he wasn’t being a cold and ruthless battle god, it was like he took off his armor and resumed living the ordinary life as well. 

XL as FFB takes his well deserved annual leave from his work as a strategist for the army troops that are fighting a losing battle.  Even he himself describes his adopted father's stupid loyalty as a blind loyalty for the doomed Chen Rong kingdom.

I love the part where FFB/ XL rebuked Chen Rong Xin Yue when she condemned Qi Yo in front of Chang Xuan and other guests.  

XL/ FFB know that Xiao Yao is Qi Yo's daughter by the time she was assassinated.  

XL never met Qi Yo while the latter was alive.

Chapter 2 Xiao Yao indirectly reveals her true gender to Xiang Liu

...Jiu Jiu loved listening to a young woman sing.  Jiu Jiu would be attracted to the young woman's sorrowful song and its body would inch closer to help the girl forget her sorrows...

Jiu Jiu in the novel =  Fei Fei in the drama


Chapter 2 Xiao Yao indirectly reveals her true gender to Xiang Liu

...Jiu Jiu loved listening to a young woman sing.  Jiu Jiu would be attracted to the young woman's sorrowful song and its body would inch closer to help the girl forget her sorrows...

Jiu Jiu in the novel =  Fei Fei in the drama

Loved that scene in the novel and how it played out in the drama. 


XL as FFB takes his well deserved annual leave from his work as a strategist for the army troops that are fighting a losing battle.  Even he himself describes his adopted father's stupid loyalty as a blind loyalty for the doomed Chen Rong kingdom.

I love the part where FFB/ XL rebuked Chen Rong Xin Yue when she condemned Qi Yo in front of Chang Xuan and other guests.  

XL/ FFB know that Xiao Yao is Qi Yo's daughter by the time she was assassinated.  

XL never met Qi Yo while the latter was alive.

That's kind of weird.  I mean, wasn't XL fighting for Chenrong?  I'd have loved for them to meet.

Also, I did enjoy that scene also.


That's kind of weird.  I mean, wasn't XL fighting for Chenrong?  I'd have loved for them to meet.

Also, I did enjoy that scene also.

XL told XY later on that her father died before he joined the Rebel army. 

Qi Yo died on the battlefield and I'm assuming XL's foster dad fought side by side with him and was most likely the last standing general for that nation. 

There's a funny interaction later on between Ah Bi and XL. They said that they heard his (XL) reputation isn't that good out there. He chuckled and said even he outdid Qi Yo himself with the rumors. 


XL told XY later on that her father died before he joined the Rebel army. 

Qi Yo died on the battlefield and I'm assuming XL's foster dad fought side by side with him and was most likely the last standing general for that nation. 

There's a funny interaction later on between Ah Bi and XL. They said that they heard his (XL) reputation isn't that good out there. He chuckled and said even he outdid Qi Yo himself with the rumors. 

Hope we get to see it.  I'm all for more XL scenes. 

Hmmmm.  I need to get my timeline together.  It sounds like he hasn't been with the Chenrong that long at all then --  immortally speaking.  He's been FFB longer than with them, I believe.  I guess Gong Gong rescued him from the slave arena, and then they separated for a while.


Hope we get to see it.  I'm all for more XL scenes. 

Hmmmm.  I need to get my timeline together.  It sounds like he hasn't been with the Chenrong that long at all then --  immortally speaking.  He's been FFB longer than with them, I believe.  I guess Gong Gong rescued him from the slave arena, and then they separated for a while.

Tbh the timeline  is confusing. XY's mom died when she and CX were kids. We saw that in episode one when she went off to war.  That also means her father was still alive at that point since both parents died in that war. 

And if XL wasn't in the rebel army yet, it means he was probably still a kid himself. I'm going to assume that he isn't that much older than XY and CX. His exact words were  (when XY asked him about her father), he said, "he was dead a couple hundred years before I join" something along those lines. Someone can correct since it's directly from the novel and I'm just going off memories. 


Tbh the timeline  is confusing. XY's mom died when she and CX were kids. We saw that in episode one when she went off to war.  That also means her father was still alive at that point since both parents died in that war. 

And if XL wasn't in the rebel army yet, it means he was probably still a kid himself. I'm going to assume that he isn't that much older than XY and CX. His exact words were  (when XY asked him about her father), he said, "he was dead a couple hundred years before I join" something along those lines. Someone can correct since it's directly from the novel and I'm just going off memories. 

XL became FFB ~430 years before XY met FFB, which was before XY was born. I'm not sure how old XL was when he escaped from the demon slave death match arena, but when he did he was injured and found by Gong Gong. Gong Gong tried to treat his wounds, but XL didn't trust him, wounded him, and ran away. I'm a bit fuzzy on this part and need to re-check the details, but I think XL went to the north pole at that point and wandered there for a while before he met the real FFB. Then he spent 4 years looking after FFB's mother, and I assume he re-connected with Gong Gong and joined his army some time after that. 

Ok, so I created an account for the sole purpose of ugly crying and ranting here with you beloved people who will continue on this path to very end. And also to increase the replies, because what's up with only 250 comments?

Seriously people, let's heat up this discussion board. What are you all watching other than LYF?

Some YaoLius are not commenting here. Hence, there's just a few discussion.

They're mostly commenting on the main page. That's why.