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“With such a natural and harmonious option possible for the ending, I wonder what was on Tong Hua's mind to instead inflict us with a whirlwind of torturous torments. Well, Tong Hua being the omnipotent writer, she has created a trap sewn into a labyrinth to ensure that XL would die anyway. She set up the perfect circumstances to create the (best?) inescapable ending...”

I feel like Hong Jiang’s unwillingness to let go is the exception that proves the rule. And it also makes for a much more dramatic and memorable ending, which I’m still quite partial to. I think it’s very good writing. 

HJ (smile): When Shen Nong kingdom was destroyed and we were called to surrender, my answer was to fight to the death. Now, my answer remains the same!

Me to HJ: Why are you the way that you are?  

HJ: A Yi, your choice to surrender was not wrong, but neither is my choice. (gaze at the large tree outside the window). Roots grow downwards, while branches grow upwards. The roots go into the darkness while the branches face the sunlight. Both appear to be in direct contrast, complete opposites, but it is exactly because one faces downward and the other upwards, one in the dark while the other is in the light, that this vibrant tree exists.

Also, thanks a lot for the translations liddi <3 It helps me get prepared for all the stuff we're about to suffer.


Me when I got spoiled about the ending two months ago:

This was me when I got spoiled with what happens to XL

Me when I clicked on the youtube video of the bts of his death scene

 AH :
And it also makes for a much more dramatic and memorable ending, which I’m still quite partial to.

Me when I clicked on the youtube video of the bts of his death scene

That conversation took place in Ep16. This scene before that conversation between Hong Jiang and Xiang Liu is poignant, reflecting his realisation that their time is coming to an end.

Xiang Liu had just returned after his visit to see Cang Xuan and A Nian's wedding festivities. The soldiers were hard at work training, their faces weather-beaten, their clothes threadbare yet they continued to persevere. Among them were youthful faces. He stood watching them for a while, then gently told the officer in charge of the training to give them an extra portion of meat from that day forth. The officer was overjoyed, and assumed that Xiang Liu had procured more provisions, to which Xiang Liu did not further elaborate.

Those poor soldiers. I'm about to cry.... ughhhh.  

was XL aware of the 15 years promise made between XY and TSJ?

I don't recall Xiao Yao ever mentioning it to him.

If XL/FFB didn't appear after the beach scene, could XY have kept him in her memory=heart as strongly?

Which beach scene are you referring to? Was that the one where she refused to kiss him? That is an interesting idea, but I don't think that showing up repeatedly in front of her was a ploy to make sure she remembered him. Don't forget that even after that scene, she continued to make poisons and sent it to him, so there was no question of her forgetting him, despite what happened between them. His purpose in approaching her as Fangfeng Bei was to start equipping her so that she could protect herself. In the meantime, he made her days with him fun-filled and carefree for over ten years. Even when he went about categorically making sure she hated him later on, it did not retaliate be it against him or her, because deep down inside, she loved him in spite of everything she believed about him. I think too, that he already had his answer when he probed her mind in Qingshui town, so any risk to her would not be due to the heartbreak bug, only his imminent death.

Will translate this scene where he probes her mind from the leaked script afterwards, which has an added description of the bugs at the time.

I think too, that he already had his answer when he probed her mind in Qingshui town, so any risk to her would not be due to the heartbreak bug, only his imminent death.

Thanks for your answers!

That gives this scene an entire different meaning: he probed her in order to verify that despite what he had done at the wedding, she still loves him and thus the Lover's Bug won't turn into the Heartbrake Bug! Knowing that at least *he* knew that *she* loved him gives us a glimpse of closure.

Indeed, I was refering to the scene chapter 13/episode 19 when she refused to kiss him. Yes, she continued to make poison for him but that's because he asked her to during that scene. If he wouldn't have asked her to still make poison for him at the beach scene, she wouldn't. And if she still would because of some yearning for him, she would not take the trouble to send them to someone who doesn't want them. And then - that's an hypothesis - maybe she would little by little stop making poison for his use and gradually let go of him?

Will translate this scene where he probes her mind from the leaked script afterwards, which has an added description of the bugs at the time.

Looking forward to it, thank you so much :)!!

I haven't read everything you guys have been busy with, but in skimming I saw this bit about the tree and what Feng Long's dad acknowledged (from the leaked script?)

SNY: Although Uncle Hong Jiang consoled me that the roots and branches each has its own place, the world only sees the branches and not the roots; they love the branches that are in full bloom, but do not care about the  roots that are covered in filth. All these years, it was exactly because of your unwavering stance that those of us who surrendered were given preferential treatment. 

I have been slowly coming to this conclusion, myself about Hong Jiang and the Rebel Army's role, as I tried to find justification for their extreme stance.  Though I think it is in more a conscious fashion on the part of their hidden allies.

As we've discussed, before, the rebel army has survived due to the Haolin Emperor and the support of the plains families over these centuries.  Not only does he have Chernog helping with provisions, but in the passage where XL orders the bow, the Jintian craftsman reveals she doesn't know his identity, but he shows up with the Clan Master's token from the other Great Family, the Gui Fang, that Jintian is associated with.  Which means, they've been supplying arms for the rebel army.  Plus, you've got Tu Shang dealing with the rebels for centuries, though it seems they charge.   Xiling and Chishui, I don't know if they've been secretly helping either, but Feng Long seems to be ignorant of any connection, though we haven't seen much of him as chief, where he may have more information.

Regardless, my point is, exactly what Feng Long's Dad says.  The threat of the Rebel Army plays a part in the recovery of the Plains and how they weren't totally oppressed and plundered, like the Uncles wanted.  If Xiyan came in all heavy handed after the surrender, the Rebel Army was there, to help protect, and to be a beacon for the disatified.  It was a threat that had to be considered in any dealings with the plains.

Likewise, Haolin used the Rebel Army to keep a portion if not more of Xiyan's military strength focused on them, instead of conquering Haolin.  Xiyan couldn't attack Haolin, while a Chernog army waited on their flank to take advantage.

Unfortunately, none of that is explained in Season 1, and we're left with this impression that the rebel army serves no purpose but to feed Hong Jiang's delusions.  But as Hong Jian says, their blood and sacrifice is what allows the tree of the Plains grow.  If the Rebel Army hadn't been there, Xiyan could have rolled over them and spent their resources and men on the fight with Haolin.

Leaked script Ep 7  (S2 Ep15 scene 9, Vol 2 Ch15 / Chapter 32)

[This scene takes place after Xiang Liu forcibly takes Xiao Yao away from her wedding to Feng Long]

At the house in Qingshui town, Xiao Yao, all well bundled up was staring at the heavy snowfall outside the window. She started drinking wine despite Xiang Liu warning her that it is especially potent.

Xiao Yao drank the second cup without hesitation, while Xiang Liu stared at her, no longer stopping her. Her eyes revealed her tipsiness and the cup slipped from her hand, after which she stared boldly at Xiang Liu.

XY: Xiang Liu, you are really a heartless Nine-headed demon, a cruel and unscrupulous monster.
XL (calmly): You knew from the start what kind of person I am. Since you dared to make deals with a monster, then you should have the courage to face the consequences.
XY (deflated): You are right! The deal we had was completely fair. If I had to do it again, I would still choose to move the bug into you. It is all my own fault...
XL: Are you willing to marry Chishui Feng Long?
XY (cold laugh): Why would I accept him if I wasn't willing?
XL: Xiao Yao, look into my eyes.

Xiao Yao looked at Xiang Liu's eyes, which emitted a strange red glow. As she looked, the tipsiness on her face dissipated, and she fell into a trance.

XL (spellbinding): Are you willing to marry Chishui Feng Long?

Xiao Yao's expression grew slack, and her voice was soft.

XY: I don't want to.
XL: Are you willing to marry Tushan Jing?

Xiao Yao's dull expression suddenly had a moment of clarity and she struggled to wake up. The red glow in Xiang Liu's eyes intensified, his voice even gentler.

XL: Are you willing to marry Ye Shiqi?
XY: I am willing.
XL (momentarily hesitant): With whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if to answer, but her expression showed extreme resistance, and she struggled to snap out of the trance. Xiang Liu firmly focused his eyes on her and intensified the spell.

XL (tense): Tell me, with whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao gripped her head violently, in such pain that her body was shaking.

XY: Ah! It hurts, hurts...

Xiang Liu quickly dispersed the spell, and Xiao Yao collapsed into his arms in pain. Xiang Liu caressed her head,  his eyes concerned and apologetic.

XL: I won't ask anymore, won't ask anymore...

Xiao Yao closed her eyes wearily, her tightly knit brows slowly relaxing.

XY (murmuring): Why...
XL: Because...

Xiang Liu did not continue. His eyes were tender, as if everything he had kept deeply buried inside would finally overflow.
The poisonous bugs in both their hearts emitted a glow in unison with their heartbeats.
Xiang Liu stared at the unconscious Xiao Yao, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

XL: Have a good sleep. You will forget everything after you wake.

Regardless, my point is, exactly what Feng Long's Dad says.  The threat of the Rebel Army plays a part in the recovery of the Plains and how they weren't totally oppressed and plundered, like the Uncles wanted.  If Xiyan came in all heavy handed after the surrender, the Rebel Army was there, to help protect, and to be a beacon for the disatified.  It was a threat that had to be considered in any dealings with the plains.

Likewise, Haolin used the Rebel Army to keep a portion if not more of Xiyan's military strength focused on them, instead of conquering Haolin.  Xiyan couldn't attack Haolin, while a Chernog army waited on their flank to take advantage.

Unfortunately, none of that is explained in Season 1, and we're left with this impression that the rebel army serves no purpose but to feed Hong Jiang's delusions.  But as Hong Jian says, their blood and sacrifice is what allows the tree of the Plains grow.  If the Rebel Army hadn't been there, Xiyan could have rolled over them and spent their resources and men on the fight with Haolin.

Very well said. Thank you.

Unfortunately, none of that is explained in Season 1, and we're left with this impression that the rebel army serves no purpose but to feed Hong Jiang's delusions. But as Hong Jian says, their blood and sacrifice is what allows the tree of the Plains grow. If the Rebel Army hadn't been there, Xiyan could have rolled over them and spent their resources and men on the fight with Haolin.

I wanted to ask about this ages ago. Why are they rebelling and are they really in the wrong for persisting in their obstinacy? 

So unless we all read the novel, there are no further explanations for those who only want to watch the drama?


I wanted to ask about this ages ago. Why are they rebelling and are they really in the wrong for persisting in their obstinacy? 

So unless we all read the novel, there are no further explanations for those who only want to watch the drama? 

The novel does not show us any scenes with Hong Jiang. if the script is real, then we will get the explanations in S2.

XL (momentarily hesitant): With whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Xiao Yao opened her mouth as if to answer, but her expression showed extreme resistance, and she struggled to snap out of the trance. Xiang Liu firmly focused his eyes on her and intensified the spell.

XL (tense): Tell me, with whom do you most wish to spend your life with?

Oh wow, The Question™. And asked twice.

I guess this is the scene I won't be able to not watch.

Xiang Liu did not continue His eyes were tender, as if everything he had kept deeply buried inside would finally overflow.
The poisonous bugs in both their hearts beat in unison with their hearts, emitting a glow together.
Xiang Liu stared at the unconscious Xiao Yao, his voice uncharacteristically gentle.

The beating of the hearts in unison.



nothing to add.