@liddi: just when I thought I already desentisized from all the changes from the novel they ripped me a new one.

Exactly. It's one blow after the other. 

Total YaoLiu scenes in S1 add up to less than 5 hours, far less than YaoJing and YaoXuan (~ 5.5 hours each). Imagine if we had all those scenes... we might make it past the 5 hour mark, though we as viewers probably would be stuck on repeat at the 37 years under the ocean scenes!

Just thinking of it is enough to ruin my day lol. All those moments robbed and those dead fish kisses were given to that other dude. So lame.

And of course, like almost everything else, this scene will probably not make it, the kiss changed to just a snowflake falling on her forehead, and everything else given to Jing.

I hope the novel readers shred this into pieces when the time comes. These studios need to learn there are consequences when this much butchering of a story is done.

The following are the scenes from the leaked script that cover the preparation of the crystal globe, Xiao Yao waiting for Xiang Liu by the sea, right up to just before the wedding ceremony to Feng Long

Thank you for the translations, Liddi! We definitely need to start getting ready for next year. I'm already planning on showing all these leaked scripts to a therapist ??

Thank you for the translations, Liddi! We definitely need to start getting ready for next year. I'm already planning on showing all these leaked scripts to a therapist ??

Care to share your therapist's name with me? I know I will be on tenterhooks as each episode airs, terrified of what we might see. 


Care to share your therapist's name with me? I know I will be on tenterhooks as each episode airs, terrified of what we might see. 

I don't have one, never needed one, but I think I'll have to find a good professional. ?

Especially when reading comments like these:

"I love tushan Jing. I pray they end up together. I'm tired of fls choosing toxic men over good guys.

I like that she seems to love him most for now. I only see friendship vibes with her & xiang lu.

Liking ' bad boys' is why most people end up in abusive relationships.

I wish I could meet a tushan Jing in my life."

Another gem found in the main comment section.


It would be poetic if it did, since this time round, it is Xiao Yao waiting for Xiang Liu in vain. The script does not specifically mention Xiang Liu's presence, but it would be good if we do get to see him watching her, unseen by her as he did during the time in Rejuvenation Hall.

I hope so too as they made him watch her swimming near the Dragon bone Prison in eps 19.

Now, Xiang Liu ranks first for her, followed by Cang Xuan, and Jing last. She has since read the novel version of the 37 years under the ocean, and is frustrated that YaoLiu scenes were diluted or changed, declaring that we have been robbed even though we have so few scenes as it is.

Over the past two days, she has been inconsolable, already mourning for what she knows to be Xiang Liu's fate down the road

She's one of us now. Jing ranks dead last for me. Even Feng Long and Hou are ahead of him in rank ???


She's one of us now. Jing ranks dead last for me. Even Feng Long and Hou are ahead of him in rank ???

It's been passed down to another generation. I just love to see it. So much going against him and he's still the favorite LOL

Feng Long is a peach, and Hou doesn't really bother all that much. I'm such a villain ahahahaha


Even Feng Long and Hou are ahead of him in rank ???

Feng Long is a peach, and Hou doesn't really bother all that much.

My daughter noted that majority of the kisses are taken up by the Tushan brothers. Gah!


Yes she finally decided to marathon it over 3 days last weekend. You can see her journey here on p204.

I am starting to regret her watching the drama though because of how much it has affected her. And she is now encouraging her good friend to watch too. The poison continues to spread... 

Oh!! I missed this comment of yours, but now that I'm reading it, it's so awesome. It's everything that happened to me (except I didn't finish watching it 'cause the pain was too intense).

I hope she's okay, and please tell her she's not alone in her suffering. We are all in this together.


My daughter noted that majority of the kisses are taken up by the Tushan brothers. Gah!

Yikes, yes. Stomach-churning kisses. An abomination, ugh.


Oh!! I missed this comment of yours, but now that I'm reading it, it's so awesome. It's everything that happened to me (except I didn't finish watching it 'cause the pain was too intense).

I hope she's okay, and please tell her she's not alone in her suffering. We are all in this together.

Oh... which episode did you stop at? Did you make it to the 37 years under the ocean? Any plans to go and pick up where you left off, since I guess pretty much all that has happened would have been discussed on the thread, so it won't be that much of a spoiler. You could rely on the trusty FF button, or just watch the YaoLiu compilations on Youtube too.

Thank you very much for your concern and encouragement. I  will definitely let her know. She is a lot less cheerful nowadays so I tried to comfort her by telling her he is not real, but to her, he is real in her heart. I just hope I can find a way for her to move on... she tried distracting herself with other shows, but it has not really helped much so far, and I catch her humming the songs every now and again.  Perhaps it's early days yet and hopefully time will lessen the pain for her (and all of us too!).

Oh... which episode did you stop at? Did you make it to the 37 years under the ocean?

I only watched two-thirds of it. I stopped at episode 26. When she became a princess again I got so bored and the fox dude with his fox dude face wasn't helping so I just quit it. I'll eventually watch one more episode because I promised Kokuto that I would.

Did you make it to the 37 years under the ocean?

No, and seeing the many changes from the novel to the drama isn't really helping me want to watch it. All that robbery we've been subjected to... it's painful.

Any plans to go and pick up where you left off, since I guess pretty much all that has happened would have been discussed on the thread, so it won't be that much of a spoiler.

I've read so much about it and seen endless clips, so basically I've watched it all, except for the fox dude scenes. Those do not exist in my world. ?

But I really can't bring myself to watch it. I've stared at my Viki app countless times and when I'm about to press play, an invisible hand stops me from doing it LOL It will remain there in my "Continue Watching" list forever. Oh, wait, no, I removed it months ago hah. ?

She is a lot less cheerful nowadays so I tried to comfort her by telling her he is not real, but to her, he is real in her heart. I just hope I can find a way for her to move on... she tried distracting herself with other shows, but it has not really helped much so far, and I catch her humming the songs every now and again.

Same. I don't know how old she is, but it's probably normal behavior at her age. I used to get pretty upset with fictional stuff when I was younger. 

But nowadays, for me to behave like this... eh... not really that normal ?. So I have to pretend to do some adulting every now and then. Crying over Xiang Liu won't pay the bills ahahahaha

So I'm glad we have this space to vent among friends. ♥️

But nowadays, for me to behave like this... eh... not really that normal ?. So I have to pretend to do some adulting every now and then. Crying over Xiang Liu won't pay the bills ahahahaha

True that. I am just waiting for S2 to air so that I get closure, one way or another. All this extended waiting is not making it any easier.


Definitely. Thank goodness for fanfics!

I lost the links to the one where she resurrected him. Does anyone have the link handy.

Or anyone other you would recommend.

I lost the links to the one where she resurrected him.

Is there such a thing?! I don't think I've seen this one.

Or anyone other you would recommend.

I only have this one: 不负相思意 Fulfilled Yearning

Is it the same you were talking about? I haven't read it yet. ?