Speaking of archery, in the drama, they didn't explain why FFB /XL wants to teach her archery. It appears as if it's just a random thing that happened. I know he did it so XY can protect herself. Idk how it unfolded in the novel so I'm curious too about this.
I also remembered earlier in the episodes, XL went to someone and ordered a bow to be made. Some commented that didn't happen until much later.
XL teaches XY archery so she has a means of protecting herself. When XL first meets XY, she tells him "I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have no where to go..." So XL makes sure that none of that is still true before he dies. We know that for sure based on the sentiments he expresses in his epilogue.
I thought the weapons he ordered early in the drama were for his army, not for XY, but I could be mistaken.
When she poisons herself, is that when Jing died?
It is related to TSJ's death, but doesn't happen right after. It happens after XL makes XY realize that ZX is responsible for TSJ's death.