
Hey Sssnoopyyy! AH should be able to explain that to you better than anyone ?

Calling AH to the information lounge, please. Your knowledge is required. 

Present. But not very helpful on this one I'm afraid. 

about that song sir bi was singing... it is indeed a reference to qiyo/chichen

i skimmed through "a lifetime love" drama (novel is called "once promised". it's the prequel to "lost you forever" and is about xiaoyao's biological parents)

one of the songs played in the drama had the same lyrics as what sir bi sang. it's in ep 24 here around the 8:47 mark (

Oooh nice prequel drama knowledge! Thanks for sharing! 

I did wonder how much of their passion from the novel would be translated into the drama. Looks like a little bit of it was, but not enough to tempt me into trying to watch the whole thing I think. 

I love how simple Xiang Liu's wedding attire is compared to the rest of them because he's poor ?

Because XL is poor, or because the production team spent 99% of their wedding clothes budget on the characters that actually had a wedding (FL), or two (TSJ), or three (XY) or so many we definitely wont' see them all on screen (CX)? ^^

Male, 18-22 years old

I am so, so grateful they didn't cast someone so young in this role. The version of novel!XL in my head looks older than TSJ. 

had no
expectations for the future until he met her, who had a
similar childhood experience. Gradually, he felt affection for
her and longed for a future with her until he realized her true

Not sure whether I'm prepared to incorporate this into my understanding of XL as gospel. I'd love to know if Tong Hua wrote it, or contributed to it. At the very least I guess she would've corrected it if it was really off base. 

But I'm curious to know what kind of future with WXL the casting directors thought XL longed for. Something specific? Or something as general as tying their lives and hearts together for a lifetime?

he ran to
the fate of his own destruction

Not even ten words. And yet </3

Character A:

Interesting. I wonder if he was the first character they tried to cast. I'm picturing Tong Hua making it a priority. 

I read somewhere that Tong Hua specifically wanted TJC for the role of Xiang Liu. ?


I read somewhere that Tong Hua specifically wanted TJC for the role of Xiang Liu. ?

As in, she liked his audition? Or she saw his previous work and already knew she wanted him to be XL?


I read somewhere that Tong Hua specifically wanted TJC for the role of Xiang Liu. ?

Was it Tong Hua or the director, Zoe Qin?  Or both?

 AH :

As in, she liked his audition? Or she saw his previous work and already knew she wanted him to be XL?

I've been trying to figure this out also.  Tan Jian Ci hasn't got too many lead roles.  His costume dramas are Court Lady, Twisted Fate of Love, Secret of the Three Kingdoms, Advisor's Alliance and it's sequel.  Plus Winter Begonia.  I just finished Court Lady.  I've seen clips or parts of everything else, except Winter Begonia, which I'm watching, but haven't gotten to him yet.  Oh, and his I Am an Actor pieces.

Unfortunately, I am biased, so I find most of his performances mesmerizing, so I'm not sure which would be considered the standout.  I suspect Winter Begonia, the one I haven't seen, may have been one of them, cause the show is so good, so far.  Of course, it could be a combination of performances.

Court Lady and Twisted Fate of Love, he plays the SML, so there's similarities there, in that he doesn't get the gal.  Court Lady is kind of interesting, cause he's a 3rd Prince who is cheeky, like FFB, but who also can be demanding and short tempered like XL.  He also hides his own tragedies and is bound by a fate he can't change.  Haven't finished Twisted Fate of Love but he seems like a good guy there.

Secrt of the Three Kingdoms, his Cai Pi seems more concerned with politics than romance.  He's pretty ruthless.  Ditto the Advisor's Alliance.

Apparently there's plenty of other folks who don't like Tong Hua's ending.  So they've made these trailers where they've completely changed the theme of the story, starting with the title.  Now it's With You Forever.  heheheh

They use footage from the show, but I'm pretty sure that's not Sir Bi.  It's footage from something else.



Apparently there's plenty of other folks who don't like Tong Hua's ending.  So they've made these trailers where they've completely changed the theme of the story, starting with the title.  Now it's With You Forever.  heheheh

They use footage from the show, but I'm pretty sure that's not Sir Bi.  It's footage from something else.


niceeee. also, apparently there's a ton of good Xiang Liu fan fiction out there but it's all in Chinese ?


I read somewhere that Tong Hua specifically wanted TJC for the role of Xiang Liu. ?

It was actually rumored that Tong Hua initially wanted Yang Yang to do Xiang Liu but Yang Yang’s team turn it down as he has been playing ML and doesn’t want to take a role to be SML. Any how I am so glad that Tan JianCi is selected for this role, can’t say enough but he totally nailed it. 

TJC just needs more opportunity as he is a good versatile actors that expresses subtle emotions so well with just a look or a stare?. Can’t wait for his other drama to be aired. Even though his past works were not big hit, this drama at least manage to put him in the media spotlight, hopefully we get to see season 2 soon. I am prepared for the tragic of XL.


Apparently there's plenty of other folks who don't like Tong Hua's ending.  So they've made these trailers where they've completely changed the theme of the story, starting with the title.  Now it's With You Forever.  heheheh

They use footage from the show, but I'm pretty sure that's not Sir Bi.  It's footage from something else.


Of course there is. He's arguably the best character in this whole shenanigan after XY (I have doubts about that but anyway), and yet his never-ending suffering is supposed to be applauded by everyone because "oh it's so poetic and it makes the character so memorable"? No thank you, it still remains a terrible ending for me and I won't be convinced otherwise. 



It was actually rumored that Tong Hua initially wanted Yang Yang to do Xiang Liu but Yang Yang’s team turn it down as he has been playing ML and doesn’t want to take a role to be SML. Any how I am so glad that Tan JianCi is selected for this role, can’t say enough but he totally nailed it. 

TJC just needs more opportunity as he is a good versatile actors that expresses subtle emotions so well with just a look or a stare?. Can’t wait for his other drama to be aired. Even though his past works were not big hit, this drama at least manage to put him in the media spotlight, hopefully we get to see season 2 soon. I am prepared for the tragic of XL.

Thank you Yang Yang for your wise decision ?

 AH :

As in, she liked his audition? Or she saw his previous work and already knew she wanted him to be XL?

I think I've been reading conflicting reports. I didn't know about Yang Yang. I remember someone mentioning that TJC was the first one to be cast or something. Down, down below the comments (some 3 or 4 years ago) people were talking about that. The other names were wild lol like Bambi Zhu as XY.


A nice piece of fan art of XL, plus some cartoons.  I love the angry 9 snake heads cartoons.  Sadly, I don't understand Vietnamese?  

Rosalineseyes Twitter

I’m not very fluent but here goes….


Hello Everyone! 

I am “little monster. 

Child belonging to mom, Xiao Yao

and father,  Xiang Liu. 

I am 5 years old. 

Really, I am a three-headed snake. 

This is my signature. 

My uncle made me write this down and send it to him (My uncle made me do / draw/compose this and send it to him.)

Arrows with words:

My Dad

My Mom


I’m not very fluent but here goes….


Hello Everyone! 

I am “little monster. 

Child belonging to mom, Xiao Yao

and father,  Xiang Liu. 

I am 5 years old. 

Really, I am a three-headed snake. 

This is my signature. 

My uncle made me write this down and send it to him (My uncle made me do / draw/compose this and send it to him.)

Arrows with words:

My Dad

My Mom

Awww ? I can't see the photos though. That awful X logo keeps blocking my view. I'll try it on my phone


I’m not very fluent but here goes….


Hello Everyone! 

I am “little monster. 

Child belonging to mom, Xiao Yao

and father,  Xiang Liu. 

I am 5 years old. 

Really, I am a three-headed snake. 

This is my signature. 

My uncle made me write this down and send it to him (My uncle made me do / draw/compose this and send it to him.)

Arrows with words:

My Dad

My Mom

Oh, thank you!  


It was actually rumored that Tong Hua initially wanted Yang Yang to do Xiang Liu but Yang Yang’s team turn it down as he has been playing ML and doesn’t want to take a role to be SML. Any how I am so glad that Tan JianCi is selected for this role, can’t say enough but he totally nailed it. 

TJC just needs more opportunity as he is a good versatile actors that expresses subtle emotions so well with just a look or a stare?. Can’t wait for his other drama to be aired. Even though his past works were not big hit, this drama at least manage to put him in the media spotlight, hopefully we get to see season 2 soon. I am prepared for the tragic of XL.

Yang Yang???  Oh hell no.  I like Yang Yang, but for XL?  Absolutely not.

Between Winter Begonia and Under the Skin, he was definitely on the radar as an actor, but LYF is clearly what's going to make him a star.  I can't wait to see him in something where he actually gets the gal.