We keep saying the dude, it's too funny

El Duderino ahahah

LOL! Seriously? She gets wasted on their wedding night?

Dang, that's some enthusiasm right there.

I'm so happy yayayayay, now let me drink to drown my sorrows lololol



I wasn't aware until you mentioned it. It's actually not a YaoLiu ship, but Tan Jianci x Yang Zi shippers.

The name 健饼果紫  (Jiàn bǐng guǒ Zǐ) is a play on their names, and is alternately known as 煎饼果子. 

 健饼 (Jiàn bǐng) sounds similar to 煎饼 (pancake), while 果紫 (guǒ Zǐ) sounds similar to 果子 (fruit).

Combined, it is actually a popular street food 煎饼果子 which is deep-fried dough stick 油条 rolled in a thin pancake.

Awww.  Not a RL shipper, but that's cute. 

I'm kind of a RL shipper after browsing Toastybuns twitter account lol. Good to know this info xD



I wasn't aware until you mentioned it. It's actually not a YaoLiu ship, but Tan Jianci x Yang Zi shippers.

The name 健饼果紫  (Jiàn bǐng guǒ Zǐ) is a play on their names, and is alternately known as 煎饼果子. 

 健饼 (Jiàn bǐng) sounds similar to 煎饼 (pancake), while 果紫 (guǒ Zǐ) sounds similar to 果子 (fruit).

Combined, it is actually a popular street food 煎饼果子 which is deep-fried dough stick 油条 rolled in a thin pancake.

Awww.  Not a RL shipper, but that's cute. 

Who is RL?

They had several kiss scenes in season 1…no need in season 2 to show XL dealing with it ..better not be true 😡😡😡


We keep saying the dude, it's too funny

El Duderino ahahah



Who is RL?

RL is real life



That's definitely tru love. 


I feel that XL's gals ( all of us here ) feel the loss and the pain in anticipation of S2. Downplaying  XL's role in ensuring XY has a happy ending does not sit well with me and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

We don't know if that's actually going to happen.  We don't know if it's the actual script.  But even if it is, there's a bunch of stuff that has to happen between it and what we see on the screen.

Plus, I think that both TJC and Tong Hua would take care to present the best for Xiang Liu.

Oh dear! This I have to see. Which chapter did they translate his form as such so that I can compare against the original!

Some of the google translations are so funny and confusing

Chapter 7:







Another warm heartbeat came, and Xiaoyao, who had low spiritual power, suddenly heard Xiang Liu's voice.

"Cum on me."

Xiaoyao was surprised.

"Shoot at me, Xiaoyao..." Xiang Liu lay on Maoqiu's back, using his remaining spiritual power to drive the Gu worm to transmit his heartbeat, "Under your feet... there is the sea."

Xiaoyao suddenly understood.


We keep saying the dude, it's too funny

El Duderino ahahah

Ha.  No. No.  I'm fair.  Jing may be a dude, but he's not The Dude.  He's a pretty dude.


Some of the google translations are so funny and confusing

Chapter 7:







Another warm heartbeat came, and Xiaoyao, who had low spiritual power, suddenly heard Xiang Liu's voice.

"Cum on me."

Xiaoyao was surprised.

"Shoot at me, Xiaoyao..." Xiang Liu lay on Maoqiu's back, using his remaining spiritual power to drive the Gu worm to transmit his heartbeat, "Under your feet... there is the sea."

Xiaoyao suddenly understood.

OMG.  It's Row 6, number 15!!!


Of course, they are writing fan fiction.

Some of the google translations are so funny and confusing

Arghhhh! Now that is bad. What is even stranger is that the exact same words are translated correctly a few lines later. You definitely need several layers of auto-translations in your  mind to figure out what it is actually supposed to mean.

The scene ends with the song playing in the background which she sang to lure Fei Fei, which Xiang Liu heard when they first met.  

Lmao I'm sobbing omg idk if I'll be able to watch this. I can't. 

I'm posting this link here so more people could see. TJC reacting to XL and FFB scenes with the audience reacting in the background. They're the Row 6, number 15 audience like @Kokuto said xD
