
I presume those who claim it have not read the novel, because those who had should certainly know how Xiao Yao expressed her wish more than once that the lure of the mortal realm would be enough to keep Xiang Liu in it.

The leaked script indicates that the song Xiao Yao sang for Fei Fei will be played at the end of the scene where she mourns Xiang Liu's death.

aah...I'm getting curious...whether the song will return to its original owner...hmmm.thanks @liddi


I'd LOVE to see Shao Hao and the revolt and the Five Princes.  I'd love to see how Xuan Yuan took a tribe, and made it an empire.

such thing was not clearly described in Once Promised.

Xuan Yuan was as strong as the other kingdom already.

the 5 Princes” revolt happened after the story in once promised. there are some memories of yellow emperor about his youth. Shao hao had political conflict with his half brothers. Epic fighting battles  between Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan

in 2019 edition, the song was the same when she sang for fei fei and Jing

in the end of chapter 43, she sang it again while singing for CX to make him into asleep. i don’t know who did she think of at that time? jing or xl. if combined with the poem, it can be attributed to XL. otherwise no  clear answer.

She just sang the last part of the song


In the book when XY confronts CX about attacking HL, he tells her about how daddy emperor betrayed his parents and how her mum cuts her finger. It's that part in S2.

It's really moving in the book when CX has these outburst and since they are talking away his crazy state after killing Jing, I hope they leave this part in. It really gives depth to the emperors and how lonely and sad their lives are as a result of their pass actions.


I presume those who claim it have not read the novel, because those who had should certainly know how Xiao Yao expressed her wish more than once that the lure of the mortal realm would be enough to keep Xiang Liu in it.

The leaked script indicates that the song Xiao Yao sang for Fei Fei will be played at the end of the scene where she mourns Xiang Liu's death.

If I am not mistaken, I think a fragment of the song will also play during XY parting from QS Town, after the robbery. 


If I am not mistaken, I think a fragment of the song will also play during XY parting from QS Town, after the robbery. 

Yes, in the leaked script, he thought he could hear her singing that same song as he secretly saw her off from Qingshui town heading towards Qingqiu. 

In the book when XY confronts CX about attacking HL, he tells her about how daddy emperor betrayed his parents and how her mum cuts her finger. It's that part in S2.

It's really moving in the book when CX has these outburst and since they are talking away his crazy state after killing Jing, I hope they leave this part in. It really gives depth to the emperors and how lonely and sad their lives are as a result of their pass actions.

The scene is included in Ep12 of the leaked script, including a flashback to the moment A Heng begged him to give her an army to save her brother, cutting her finger as she swore she would protect the safety of the Gao Xin army that was given to her.

YES!  The fan fic inspiration.  One of the few scenes I hope actually happens, even if it isn't in the book?

Definitely. And since we're going wildly off course in S2 anyway, why can't we just have someone clobber Fangfeng Bei over the head, and he wakes up a married man? 

Definitely. And since we're going wildly off course in S2 anyway, why can't we just have someone clobber Fangfeng Bei over the head, and he wakes up a married man?

Absolutely!  I love that beloved Ru Shuo gets sent to deliver the news.  heheheh

Speaking of ... I had no idea that Ru Shuo is also a mythological figure!  In some tales he is the god of punishments!

Ru Shou 蓐收 was in Chinese mythology an assistant spirit (shen 神) or "official" (si 司) of the mythical Emperor Shao Hao 少皞 (Di Zhi 帝摯). He is also said to have been one of the four uncles or a son of Shao Hao.

The history books Zuozhuan 左傳 and Guoyu 國語 call him Gai 該. The Shanhaijing 山海經 says that in his left ear a snake was living and that he used to ride on two dragons. He was the god of punishment (xingshen 刑神) and as a such he had the face of a human, but white hair and the claws of a tiger, an animal symbolizing death. Ru Shou's paraphernalium was an axe as a symbol of his jurisdictional power. Emperor Shao Hao and his assistant Ru Shou controlled the regions of the west, along the Kunlun Range 崑崙 and the area of the flowing sand (liusha 流沙).

The commentary Zhouli zhushu 周禮注疏 says that Ru Shou had the personal name Gai 該, and ruled the process metal.

Needless to say, I love LYF Ru Shou much better than this guy.



I'd LOVE to see Shao Hao and the revolt and the Five Princes.  I'd love to see how Xuan Yuan took a tribe, and made it an empire.

such thing was not clearly described in Once Promised.

Xuan Yuan was as strong as the other kingdom already.

the 5 Princes” revolt happened after the story in once promised. there are some memories of yellow emperor about his youth. Shao hao had political conflict with his half brothers. Epic fighting battles  between Shen Nong and Xuan Yuan

That's too bad.  Maybe the Five Princes Revolt would have been covered in that second book that was never written.

Yes, the early history of Xuan Yuan would have been out of the scope of Once Promised, I guess.  But I'm glad they dropped some hints.   But the epic battles and plot of Once Promised does sound like something I would like.

I don't know what's difference between deity and demon? 

Please explain me about this 



In the book when XY confronts CX about attacking HL, he tells her about how daddy emperor betrayed his parents and how her mum cuts her finger. It's that part in S2.

It's really moving in the book when CX has these outburst and since they are talking away his crazy state after killing Jing, I hope they leave this part in. It really gives depth to the emperors and how lonely and sad their lives are as a result of their pass actions.

Wow.  So that's how he justifies attacking Haolin?  I was wondering, given how much support he got from them.  I hope they don't mess with CX's stuff.  As the ML, he really needs to have all his stuff in the drama.

Yes, in the leaked script, he thought he could hear her singing that same song as he secretly saw her off from Qingshui town heading towards Qingqiu.

With that regard (together with the content of poem used for chapter title) I have more confidence to say that she thought of XL while singing at the end of chapter 43 (CX asked her to sing for him to make him asleep as in childhood time.









I placed the automatic translation from Edge Microsoft here since the Kaola translation lacks text and precision

"Xiao Yao hummed the old songs that ZX and she had grown up with, and in the low, soothing humming, ZX fell asleep.

Xiao Yao closed her eyes and still hummed casually. She did not know when, the melody became that stepping song:

Why are there joys and sorrows in the world?

Why is life scattered?

Only wish with you

Stay together, don't separate...

In the corners of Xiao Yao's eyes, teardrops slowly slipped down"

BTW, I just finished the translatation of the poem for chapter 31 with title of "Chasing Past Memories, Empty Hopes and Disappointed Visage ". Litteral meaning referred to CX's feeling. This poem consists of 212 letters (insanely long). At the end I am glad that it's about XL's feeling when he heard XY's wedding news (the scene he sat by the river, gazing the ice crytal ball) Poems that was used for chapter titles in the novel - Page 2 - Lost You Forever - MyDramaList . This poem was considered as one of the most sorrow one from Qu Yuan's "Li Sao - Encountering sorrow".


I don't know what's difference between deity and demon? 

Please explain me about this 

Demons come from low grade animal that they need to do cultivation themselve to reach to high level

Deity normal roots back to God. So Jing was deity although he is a kind of fox. I guess his ancestors were promoted to god at some point

That is my understanding


Thank you again for posting the poems, I do have în plan to re-read the book and knowing the poems beforehand it's going to add more to the story, for sure. 


Wow.  So that's how he justifies attacking Haolin?  I was wondering, given how much support he got from them.  I hope they don't mess with CX's stuff.  As the ML, he really needs to have all his stuff in the drama.

Shao Hao had a lot of debt from Qing Yang and Ah Heng. His refusal to help Chang Yi is very selfish. He helped CX mainly due to his debt to Ah Heng. She asked him to help CX and take care of XY. He noticed his love for her too late. And he could clearly see that he had no chance for her love at all. In term of emotion, and magnificent scenes, Once Promised surpasses LYF in my opinion. However, LYF is like a maze that motivates reader to dig in further to find Easter Eggs hidden in it. So depending on reader's patience, keenness, the final comprehention can vary a lot. 

In term of CX's justification for attacking Gaoxin/Haoling, I think that is just his excuse for XY. First of all, he is emperor of Xuan Yuan. Politically, he is same level with White Emperor. He did his best for the benefit of his kingdom. His war strategy against Haoling shows his respect to the country which had once sheltered him. The only negative point is that in order to tie XY to him, he revealed her biological father to the world.  

Just like Shao Hao, the old Xuan Yuan king is brilliant in Lost You Forever - the pinnacle for me is the way he ensured the smooth transition to Cang Xuan's coronation. I understand he was truly unlikeable in Once Promised, certainly a poor husband and parent. I really need to sit down and properly read Once Promised one day.

Once Promised is completely different from Lost You Forever. It's filled with larger-than-life characters, strong and decisive - they have to be to survive in that world of wars and conquests. 

Lost You Forever is quieter. It's melancholy in a way that is different from the tragedy of Once Promised. If Once Promised is about wars and conquests, then Lost You Forever is that price that the later generation has to pay for all those wars and conquests. Most of the characters in Lost You Forever are "ill" in some way.