There’s a party in this thread and I’m only hearing about it now!! Even the clowns arrived early!


There’s a party in this thread and I’m only hearing about it now!! Even the clowns arrived early!

There so much Tan Jian Ci stuff going on today ... we better get a good announcement today.

Damn. That was a good bait. I don’t even know where to start. But I will start and it will be difficult to get me to finish hahahahaha but then again I love a good trolling. Add a good brainless moron in the mix and I’m in Heaven. The irony of mentioning our brains…

Okay, so now I'm back at the desktop version of this fine website. It's not easy reading Jinger-regurgitated nonsense on mobile while being out in the street. It's a hazard risk. 

Well, it's not easy reading Jinger-regurgitated nonsense in any situation, but here we go. Not gonna lie, this is the opportunity I was waiting for after all these months. Fox idiocy in our own house? Hallelujah!


There so much Tan Jian Ci stuff going on today ... we better get a good announcement today.

The good announcement was the fact he was born lol. But yeah, not a single day without good things.


I didn't even think to tie CX & AN's wedding blessings for YaoJing back to the questions XL asked XY after the wedding robbery. Excellent detective work! I agree with your interpretation--the answer to the last question would be XL rather than FFB.


I've been wanting to watch Till the End of the Moon, if for nothing else than to wash the "Jing" aftertaste out of my mouth. Maybe I'll like DW more after watching it. My favorite C-dramas so far (aside from Lost You Forever) are The Long Ballad, Lighter and Princess, and Love Like the Galaxy--so if you have any recommendations similar to those titles, let me know.


Welcome to the forum! My day job is computer programming and I'd like to show you a little programming hack to make your life easier. Just enter this into any command prompt and the output will replace any text (e.g. "Xiang Liu is Xiao Yao's soulmate") with "Jing is the greatest!"

> sed 's/.*/Jing is the greatest!/' <<< "Xiang Liu is Xiao Yao's soulmate"
Jing is the greatest!

You're welcome. Hope this helps!

I'm scanning through episodes looking for the first appearance of Beloved Ru Shou.  Does anyone know which episode that might be?

I could have sworn his first appearances had him on a boat or something picking up A Nian or serving as her bodyguard.

But I'm getting close to the gender switch / reveal of XY, so that would mean his first appearance was getting XY's 'coronation' dress ready ... that doesn't sound right.


Okay, so now I'm back at the desktop version of this fine website. It's not easy reading Jinger-regurgitated nonsense on mobile while being out in the street. It's a hazard risk. 

Well, it's not easy reading Jinger-regurgitated nonsense in any situation, but here we go. Not gonna lie, this is the opportunity I was waiting for after all these months. Fox idiocy in our own house? Hallelujah! 

Prepare for roasting!!!

I love how XY's ideas about XL's head placement are illustrated!




[The nine-headed demon sent by Teacher Tonghua in the past is shared with friends of Chaohua!

The picture comes from the original work and is shared by an old friend of ten years!]

Sweet, good-hearted  AH  always warned me about not entering that circle of hell they call "YaoJing's Happy Ending Whatever Blah Blah Blah Visual Monstrosity of Scrapbooking Nightmare" and I did indeed learn to preserve my mental health by avoiding that headache-inducing place. 

Yet here we are, on April 17 of all days, witnessing the monstrosity with our own eyes. 17 lol, there's no way that wasn't intentional.

I also remember sweet, good-hearted AH occasionally visiting that nightmarish place to try and shed some light on their doubts and correct some of their wrong takes (which were always abundant) in a very polite manner, much more polite than they ever deserved considering the well-wishes often directed to us.

Now you see my perplexity in finding the trash coming to us in such an aggressive manner. So much for supporting the "good guy" as they love to parrot as if that were some sort of badge of honor. Proving once more the kind of supporter that good boy Jing attracts. It's the same thing everywhere. Weibo folks also proved that very recently.

So I wonder which one of the usual suspects decided to create a pathetically weak account named as pathetically weak as her favorite character two days ago to vent this much noodle diarrhea after months of pent-up frustration. I already have some names in mind. The writing reminds me of some folks I dealt with in the past and that I hoped would have crawled back to whatever hole they came from. Guess not.

But, in case it's none of the names I have in mind and it is indeed a newcomer, well, even worse. Jingers are a stereotype of their own and it's a joy to see it first-hand like this.

To be continued...

Also, @littleloverboytsj totally stands for 

Little Lover Boy Trash Stalking Jing, right?

Or Tepid Schlong Jing?

Wait, Tediously Suffering Jing. 

Maybe Twerpy Smeg Jing. 

The list is endless so let's keep it the way it is. Tu Shan Jing. It conveys all the negative implications without needing further explanation. 

Tepid schlong, tho. Yikes.

Sweet, good-hearted  AH  always warned me

What a kind description, nathsketch. I'm touched. 

I did indeed learn to preserve my mental health by avoiding that headache-inducing place.

I'm glad nathsketch. Too bad there are still some who can't do the same and even feel the need to post headache-inducing comments and insults in this thread. 

AH occasionally visiting that nightmarish place to try and shed some light on their doubts

Ironically, littleloverboytsj  asked a question in that thread about references in the text that we covered in this thread last fall in much greater detail (and with supporting text references) than the response she got in that thread.

 AH :
than the response she got in that thread.

There are no responses to be gotten in that thread. She claimed we are deluding ourselves here, meanwhile, they're discussing the sun symbolism, the Statue of Liberty in New York, or how Jing is comparable to whatever they feel like on any given day. Last time it was a bunch of gibberish about blue flowers or some nonsense like that intertwined with those fugly-looking edits.

For a relationship so "EXPLICITLY, CONSISTENTLY, and CLEARLY" written, they sure need to have Luffy's rubber arms for all the reaching they do.

 AH :
Ironically, littleloverboytsj  asked a question in that thread about references in the text that we covered in this thread last fall in much greater detail (and with supporting text references) than the response she got in that thread.

Out of pure idiocy, I was curious as to what this discussion was about but was unable to find it. Lmao.

Did anyone notice? #littleloverboytsj is just another new Jing/DW obsessed 'delusional' fans account. I checked, its made on April 15 2024. There's no hope for them. Don't let some unreasonable attention seeker fans disturb your peace.

All they can do is nag, until Deng Wei get another S+drama and big actress like YZ to hog on. His next drama is again 2nd ML drama. Let's hope LiYiTong and ZhengShunXi fans are able to face his delusional fans complains and frustrations.