It's basically the dialogue that she said to XL when Jing came to try to save her the first time she and XL met. And yes, it's the same sentence with only slight variation.

Thank you very much for the translation! I wish it had unfolded the way the cartoon depicted...

Seriously, XL's hair looks worthy of a Pantene commercial.

Or maybe, XL's hair turned white from his method of cultivation? I don't really know.  It's probably just an oversight from production.

I know right? And thanks to the commercial-worthy hair, Xiang Liu fans end up forking out more for the wig, which has seen so many amazing hairdos!

It actually worked effectively to obfuscate viewers who initially thought the flashbacks were of Xiao Yao being imprisoned and tortured by the nine-tailed fox as a child, until we see the red eyes and realise it was Xiang Liu recalling his own dark past.

It's possible that the game is predominantly played by lay people without much interest or knowledge of LYF and they just prefer XL and CX. XL's appearance is pretty eye-catching and the bad-ass attitude tends to attract viewers/players.

Not exactly. The game actually has a feature where players leave comments in scenes, similar to streaming platforms, and from the start, the comments read like a Xiang Liu fan-girl event, way before his character actually shows up in the story LOL.

I was going to suggest bubble wrapping your TV, but then you won't be able to see the screen. Maybe bubble wrap potential projectile objects so they won't cause too much damage when you launch them at your poor TV?

$10 on Temu. Considering the amount of hair-pulling you'll be doing if the leaked script panned out, the investment will be worth it :-)

The ease with which you come up with all these recommendations makes me wonder whether your home and hair is similarly reinforced for eventualities like these LOL! Do you think I can get that headgear in silver, in solidarity with our favourite nine-headed demon?

@liddi oh, Yes, you are right. It was director ZQ who choosen him as XL. About TH, (she seems really impressed by Jianci performance) I read her interview on Twitter, someone translated that she saw TJC performance as SY, that's how she found him perfect for XL. Maybe its me who mistook ZQ interview for TH. Though, I will still try to find that interview to share.

Thank you very much! Hope you do find it - it's great to know the thought process of how the characters were ultimately cast, especially Tong Hua's own input into it all.

I remember how when BBJX was first adapted, the cast were not Tong Hua's first choices either, though I thought it beautifully poetic that her favourite member of 小虎队 Little Tigers would end up being cast as 4th Prince, something that brought out her 12yo fangirl self all over again when she received a phone call from him after that; and he and Liu Shishi would later give their child the pet name "Bu Bu", after the the title of the novel and drama that brought them together.


Yes, she was wearing a pale yellow outfit in that scene:

Xiao Yao's face was pale and her body thin, but since she was dressed in warm light yellow and wore a touch of rouge, she did not appear listless. Instead, she looked like a winter jasmine, blooming in the face of cold wind, swaying in the chill of early spring, her beauty fragile yet resilient.

-- Vol2 Ch8  (Chapter 25)

and yes, the flower that Fangfeng Bei shot was yellow.

Thank you, liddi. I personally find it interesting that TH went for a yellow dress and a yellow flower to describe XY's appearence în that scene, but could also mean nothing. 

Not to say I am fond of this ending, again, I would have pretty much preferred for XY to die alongside XL or for her to become strong enough to live life without needing someone by her side, but that's quite unrealistic and I don't believe TH considered that as an option. I believe she seriously thought of only 2 possible endings, Jing or a tragic ending and sadly for some, she went for the first. I wonder if she came up with the name of the novel before or after she finished it.

My ideal ending is for XY to achieve enough growth that she and XL could be together even for that short amount of time before he honoured his commitment to his comrades. Then, instead of dying with him like CX's mother, she has the strength to carry on - head to the ocean with Left Ear and Mao Piu - with the door open for her and Jing down the track (if TH had written Jing differently and also allowed him to grow). I believe that XL was open to that temporary relationship if she was strong enough to deal with the consequences. She just wasn't and he didn't want her to die with him, hence he pushed her away. This kind of ending would be in line with the story TH mentioned in one of her interviews. It will be bittersweet, but still hopeful. However, maybe TH thought this would be too similar to Song in the Clouds and she wanted something different. 

I think in an earlier post, liddi pointed out that the title Eternally Yearning for You was from a poem that was included in Once Promised, so maybe TH had already planned LYF while writing Once Promised. 

I believe from its inception, LYF was designed to have a tragic or at least "not tragic" ending. It's TH, she is allergic to happy endings. Of all her historical romances, only Ballads of the Desert has a happy ending. The others were filled with suffering, unhappiness and people getting thwarted from that elusive happiness at every turn. Part of it is her view that it's more realistic to have non-HEA, the other part is probably pragmatic. 10 years into writing, she would have seen by then that it's the tragic stories that stick with people and what helped her romances stand out amongst the sea of romances (besides her other strong points as a writer, of course). XL and the Yao Liu romance was the culmination of all the previous years/novels of unhappy endings and thwarted love. She had perfected her formula. So for any reader who was familiar with TH's work, the questions weren't if the ending was going to be tragic, but just how tragic and who would suffer the most and have the most tragic fate.

Questions time, again :-)

What would LYF be if there was no XL or if there was no YaoLiu romance? Beyond our own biases and interpretations, how would the lack of these two things impact the evaluation of LYF?


Questions time, again :-)

What would LYF be if there was no XL or if there was no YaoLiu romance? Beyond our own biases and interpretations, how would the lack of these two things impact the evaluation of LYF?

It would've been more of a court drama,  with his uncles being the main conflict point, while CX being the evil brother who is hindering Yaojing. It will just be a boring ass love story between a princess and a engaged/married man. There wouldn't be much to watch and Id probably never picked it up.


Thank you, liddi. I personally find it interesting that TH went for a yellow dress and a yellow flower to describe XY's appearence în that scene, but could also mean nothing. 

As I was writing my fanfic, I have some to understand there are no coincidence in choosing colors for our characters.  so it may not be the same exact thoughts as yours, but it could've been a reason behind the color. It could mainly have been choseb to make the visualization of XY not looking sickly, or it could've been a correlation.  The ambiguity behind it is pretty on par with TH writing.

"There wouldn't be much to watch and Id probably never picked it up." 

I second that. XL is without a doubt the highlight of  LYF. 


Questions time, again :-)

What would LYF be if there was no XL or if there was no YaoLiu romance? Beyond our own biases and interpretations, how would the lack of these two things impact the evaluation of LYF?

Wen Xiao Liu would probably have continued to exist until at least Lao Mu's passing, if not more. She would still have ended up betrayed by Shi Qi with him leaving her in the lurch when Cang Xuan came knocking at the door for the antidote. Most likely, she would never have recognised who he was because there was no confrontation between Cang Xuan and Xiang Liu's forces to begin with. It is highly doubtful she would have planted the lovers bug in Cang Xuan to get back at him too, because he would have had no reason to torture her the way he did over A Nian's kidnapping. Even if by some fluke, she was reunited with Cang Xuan and reclaimed her identity as the Gao Xin princess, Cang Xuan (and most likely her too) would have been killed at the hands of a second assassin during Yu Jiang's attack. And should they both survive that attack and depart for the Central Plains, Xiao Yao would definitely have been dead by Vol 2 Ch4 (Chapter 21) because she could never have survived the Plum Forest assassination.

In other words, it would be a short novel with 21 chapters.


"As I was writing my fanfic, I have some to understand there are no coincidence in choosing colors for our characters."

Yes, for sure there is a reason behind the yellow color, but I am not sure how to interpret it. I could read it as XY being heartbroken over FFB, giving that they started their lessons with him shooting a yellow flower and he just told her that their classes togheter came to an end or could also mean that she's heartbroken over Jing, yet thanks to FFB who helped her achieve her first goal out of 3, she is strong enough to take the blow that Jing caused her. I think the context is quite important here, so I will probably have to re-read these chapters in full to reach a conclusion, but as you said, the ambiguity is TH's specialty.

What would LYF be if there was no XL or if there was no YaoLiu romance? Beyond our own biases and interpretations, how would the lack of these two things impact the evaluation of LYF?

It would be another trite, melodramatic romance novel riddled with plot holes.

When the Grand Emperor and Zhuan Xu rushed over, all they saw was a bloody Xiao Liu being pressed to the ground by servants as she struggled with all her might staring at Consort Jing An, her face streaked with tears, her hands outstretched, begging her not to leave “Mom, mom…..”

The Grand Emperor’s entire body shook and he appeared to be unsteady on his feet.

Zhuan Xu felt his entire head burst open in that very second and he rushed forward like a crazed person. He pushed everyone aside and grabbed Xiao Liu as he cried 
“Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, she’s not! She’s not Auntie!”

Zhuan Xu pulled the shoe out of his mouth and crumbled it into ashes. Xiao Liu’s entire body was shaking like a dried leaf 
“Mom, she’s mom. Gege, I want to ask her why she didn’t want me anymore. Was it because I was being bad? I will be good, I promise I will be good, I will be good…..”

Zhuan Xu’s entire face was buried in Xiao Liu’s shoulder as his tears came down 
“She’s not Auntie, Auntie already died on the battlefield. She is Consort Jing An, she just looks a lot like Auntie.”

-- Vol 1 Ch 9

A Nian was there. Did she not hear CX yell, "Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, she’s not! She’s not Auntie!"? Did she not know she has an older sister named Xiao Yao? Could she not deduce that CX's auntie is WXL's mom? Did she not hear WXL call CX "gege"? Did she not know that her older sister's mother died on the battlefield? In the next chapter, A Nian comes to the conclusion that her father intends to marry her off to WXL. My head is spinning from all the mental gymnastics required to suspend my disbelief regarding A Nian's lack of cognitive ability.

Here's an alternate answer for if there was no YaoLiu romance:

Xiao Liu knew that Xiang Liu had no patience to figure out why he seemed suspicious and would used the most efficient and effective way to solve the problem which was to the same fate as the Jiu Jiu.

-- Vol 1 Ch 2

Demons prey on the weak. XL only had the patience to deal with WXL's "mouth full of lies" because he was attracted to WXL. If there was no YaoLiu romance, it would have been the end of the line for WXL in Chapter 2. In some ways that might have been a more satisfying ending. Maybe I should turn this concept into a fanfic...

@liddi. I just saw this and immediately thought of you. Are you ready for Scarlett Heart: Thailand? :-)

Get ready for dog-blood, b**ch-slap and hair-pulling. More than half of the actors are famous from Thailand's prolific BL industry so the fans are going to have a field day shipping the princes together (incest be damned). :-)

@liddi. I just saw this and immediately thought of you. Are you ready for Scarlett Heart: Thailand? :-)

Wow! I never saw that coming. I don't know anyone in the Thai entertainment industry, so the cast means nothing to me. Certainly would be interested to check it out when the time comes - fingers crossed English subs are available. I see quite a few Thai remakes of kdramas over the years - is this the first time they remade a Cdrama?

You think they will remake LYF next? Imagine a Thai Xiang Liu!


Wow! I never saw that coming. I don't know anyone in the Thai entertainment industry, so the cast means nothing to me. Certainly would be interested to check it out when the time comes - fingers crossed English subs are available. I see quite a few Thai remakes of kdramas over the years - is this the first time they remade a Cdrama?

You think they will remake LYF next? Imagine a Thai Xiang Liu!

No. They have remake a few CDramas. Of the top of my head: A Love So Beautiful, Boss and Me, Fox Summer. They've also remake quite a number of Taiwanese series as well. I don't think they've remake any historical/fantasy dramas, though. I imagine it's trickier to translate the historical/fantasy ones given the cultural differences. 

Is there a market for Thai dramas from Chinese audience? The neat thing about knowing Vietnamese is that Vietnam watched dramas from all over so there are Vietnamese subtitles for pretty much anything that is popular enough. 

I can't even imagine a Thai's XL. I don't think the ethereal, otherworldly quality of XL will translate well to Thai. I'm just imagining the costumes alone and it's a giant NO. As beautiful as Thai's clothing are. My impression of Thai's dramas and characters are that they are quite "earthy". Old school lakorns are filled with bodice rippers and questionable MLs. Even now there's still many dramas focused on revenge and affairs etc. although there has been shifts in the industry. 


@liddi. I just saw this and immediately thought of you. Are you ready for Scarlett Heart: Thailand? :-)

Get ready for dog-blood, b**ch-slap and hair-pulling. More than half of the actors are famous from Thailand's prolific BL industry so the fans are going to have a field day shipping the princes together (incest be damned). :-)

I saw this yesterday and I got intrigued. Maybe the Thai version is the only one I can watch ahahahaha