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If she could have admitted she wanted to spend her life with XL, she could have had Fang Feng Bei!

That was not my impression from the novel or from the leaked S2 script. 

XL "killed" FFB on they day that they first arrived in QS town. He was already very committed to his path and his choice. 

XL asked XY The Question on their last night in QS town, over a month later. Even if XY had answered The Question by saying that he was the person she most wanted to spend the rest of her life with, I don't think she would have had XL/FFB. 

XL/FFB was constantly shutting down XY's inquiries (e.g., "...if I do not marry Chishui Feng Long, whom should I marry?") and pushing her away / towards TSJ. To me, it definitely didn't feel like XY was the one who was in control of whether or not they would / could be together. 


I wonder who is stronger? Shaohao or Xiang Liu. Shao Hao specialized on water spiritual cultivation as Xian Liu. He was considered as the most (or equal with Qing Yang) powerful water cultivator in Once Promised

Shao Hao cultivated water spiritual powers. When Shen Nong laid siege to Gao Xin with a 100,000 strong army, Shao Hao defended the city against the threat over 3 days, with the help of Qing Yang. He defeated 60 Shen Nong generals the first day. On the 2nd day, Qing Yang took over the defense of the city disguised as him, defeating a hundred generals in succession. By the 3rd day, Shao Hao reemerged again, but this time his string of unbroken victories demoralised the Shen Nong army and no one dared challenge him, thus pushing back the Shen Nong forces. Around 2000 years later, after he was injured at Yu Abyss, he healed for three days in a pond before manifesting a huge water dragon which countered the fire that threatened to burn Zhong Yi and Qing Yang alive, after which he himself saved A Heng, landed in the fire and blocked off the flames. 

As the nine-headed sea demon, Xiang Liu was the king of the sea. He battled against the raging maelstrom in his true form, pitting brute force against the force of nature, and came out alive while successfully saving Xiao Yao. However, the final battle was conducted on land. During the final battle, Xiang Liu and the Shen Nong resistance army faced off the Xuan Yuan Great Army of 400,000 men led by Ru Shou and Li Yuan. He cleared a bloody path of escape with his death squad, and were pursued for several days and nights until they were cornered at a deserted island. There, Xiang Liu and an army of 1000 men engaged in a fierce battle against Ru Shou's 100,000 soldiers, from which none survived. Based on the leaked script, Xiang Liu fought for 6 days and 6 nights until he was the last man standing, before he was finally killed by 10,000 arrows.

Based on their accomplishments in battle I would say that Xiang Liu should be stronger than Shao Hao. However, Shao Hao 2000 years later would have seen a marked improvement in spiritual powers, so it is hard to tell ultimately who was stronger.

When Shen Nong laid siege to Gao Xin with a 100,000 strong army, Shao Hao defended the city against the threat over 3 days, with the help of Qing Yang. He defeated 60 Shen Nong generals the first day. On the 2nd day, Qing Yang took over the defense of the city disguised as him, defeating a hundred generals in succession. By the 3rd day, Shao Hao reemerged again, but this time his string of unbroken victories demoralised the Shen Nong army and no one dared challenge him, thus pushing back the Shen Nong forces. Around 2000 years later, after he was injured at Yu Abyss, he healed for three days in a pond before manifesting a huge water dragon which countered the fire that threatened to burn Zhong Yi and Qing Yang alive, after which he himself saved A Heng, landed in the fire and blocked off the flames. 

The war between Gao Xing and Shengnong (started by Shengnong) took place ~2,000 years before the war between Shengnong and Xuan Yuan (started by Xuan Yuan / the Yellow Emperor) and before Shao Hao killed his father and became the Grand Emperor. Do you recall what prompted Shengnong to start that war by any chance? I vaguely remember it being mentioned in Koala's translation.

The seventh Flame Emperor didn't seem like he had the Yellow Emperor's greed or ambition to expand his kingdom's territory. I assume he was the Flame Emperor during that war, if Qing Yang participated in it, since that would mean Qing Yang was old enough to participate in battle, meaning that Ah Lei had left her friendship trio with him (the seventh Flame Emperor, before he took the throne) and Ah Mei (the Royal Mother, before she took her throne) and had been married to the Yellow Emperor for quite some time, and he took the throne not long after she left to get married.

I wonder if the war was won by XL who would have been the King then?

 AH :
The war between Gao Xing and Shengnong (started by Shengnong) took place ~2,000 years before the war between Shengnong and Xuan Yuan (started by Xuan Yuan / the Yellow Emperor) and before Shao Hao killed his father and became the Grand Emperor. Do you recall what prompted Shengnong to start that war by any chance? I vaguely remember it being mentioned in Koala's translation.

The seventh Flame Emperor didn't seem like he had the Yellow Emperor's greed or ambition to expand his kingdom's territory. I assume he was the Flame Emperor during that war, if Qing Yang participated in it, since that would mean Qing Yang was old enough to participate in battle, meaning that Ah Lei had left her friendship trio with him (the seventh Flame Emperor, before he took the throne) and Ah Mei (the Royal Mother, before she took her throne) and had been married to the Yellow Emperor for quite some time, and he took the throne not long after she left to get married.

During the time of the siege, it was the seventh Flame Emperor's father who was king. Gao Xin and Shen Nong had been at war for tens of thousands of years at the time. The siege took place during the time when Shao Hao's father ascended the throne, as Shen Nong seized the chance to attack when Gao Xin was not yet stable politically with a new king. The following text takes place as the seventh Flame Emperor laid dying, and was asking Chi Chen to support his son who would be too weak to control his vassals, much less external threat from Xuan Yuan:

Chi Chen grasped the Flame Emperor's wrist who completely let down his guard and allowed him to hold his life meridian. "The Xuan Yuan clan has Qing Yang, Gao Xin clan has Shao Hao, but the Shen Nong clan lacks a capable successor. Yu Xiang is kind-hearted but has mediocre abilities; Yan Zhuan is too greedy and cruel, his ambitions exceeding his abilities; Hong Jiang is too rigid and inflexible, and does not know how to adapt; Luo Jia on the other hand has great potential, but while he appears gentle and humble, he is cunning, overly forebearing and cautious. None among this group of unpromising scoundrels would accept the other. I fear that once I die, they will be busy fighting endlessly and Yu Xiang cannot control them at all."

The Flame Emperor was deeply anxious. "The Xuan Yuan Yellow Emperor has been preparing for war, biding his time for thousands of years. The news of my death will be the clarion call for his Great Army to march eastward. Gao Xin and Shen Nong have been fighting for tens of thousands of years. Back then, during the critical period when the Eminent Emperor ascended the throne, my father sent a hundred thousand troops to attack the border. If not for Shao Hao's efforts to turn the tide, I fear the Eminent Emperor might have long turned to dust. How could such a vengeance not be avenged?"

Deep concern weighed on Flame Emperor's brow, like range upon range of mountains about to collapse. A Heng's body chilled and her heart pounded wildly, as if she could already see thousands of soldiers and horses charging in fury. However, Chi Chen seemed to have heard nothing, focusing only on probing the Flame Emperor's body with spiritual power.

The Flame Emperor's voice was resigned and desolate. "The peace and tranquility of the Great Wilderness over tens of thousands of years, is about to come to a complete end. The people of the world will once again be plunged into continuous warfare."

-- Once Promised Vol 1 Ch9

So I know that the ending is that Xiang Liu is eventually doomed to die in the battlefield. But someone explain why? Like his life is already set up for him? How does he know where and how he's going to die without even knowing the future?

During the time of the siege, it was the seventh Flame Emperor's father who was king.

Interesting. Thank you for clarifying. For some reason I thought the time between Ah Lei leaving the friend group and getting married to the Yellow Emperor and him becoming the seventh Flame Emperor was pretty short. But I guess it wasn't all that short. 

Gao Xin and Shen Nong had been at war for tens of thousands of years at the time. The siege took place during the time when Shao Hao's father ascended the throne, as Shen Nong seized the chance to attack when Gao Xin was not yet stable politically with a new king.

Ah, well that certainly explains why I couldn't remember what caused the seventh Flame Emperor to start the war. ^^

Although, confusingly, the prologue that Koala translated made it seem like the timeline was:

  • Fiery conflict and endless warfare.
  • Peace established by Fu Yi and Nu Wa - including forcing Shengnong and Gao Xing to sign a pact promising that they would never attack each other.
  • Thousands of years pass with the Fu Yi tribe ruling the world and maintaining peace before Fu Yi died.
  • After Fu Yi's death, Shengnong and Gao Xing rose to prominence to become the two most powerful kingdoms, but they continued to abide by the peace pact they signed during that time (despite each one wanting to take over the other). 
  • Another several thousand years of peace passed with Shengnong and Gao Xing as the two most powerful kingdoms, but during that time Xuan Yuan rose to prominence and the balance shifted so that there were three great kingdoms. 
  • The three great kingdoms maintained a wary peace for several thousand more years. 


Prologue to Once Promised:

At the dawn of time, when the universe was just formless chaos, the world had only one ruler. That was the Great Emperor Pan Gu, who opened the Heavens and created the world itself.

At that time, the distance between Heaven and Earth was much closer. Humans lived on Earth and the Gods lived on the Heavenly Mountains. Humans could travel on a sky stair to reach the Gods. The Humans, the Gods, and the Demons all co-existed together in the world.

The Great Emperor Pan Gu had three subordinates that he was as close as siblings with. The one with the greatest spiritual power was a woman, but the time was so long ago that her name no longer can be found. Only known is that she created the Hua Xu Kingdom, so the people called her Hua Xu. The other two subordinates were men, one was named Sheng Nong and was stationed in the Middle Plains to ensure peace from all four reaches, and the other was named Gao Xing and was stationed to the East to protect where the sun rose the Holy Yang Valley and the Eye of the East Gui Xu.

After the Great Emperor Pan Gu passed, the world descended into fiery conflict and endless warfare. Hua Xu tired of the endless battle and left for the far reaches to create the peaceful and harmonious Hua Xu Kingdom. But what made her live on through the legends was not her Hua Xu Kingdom, but her two children: her son Fu Yi and her daughter Nü Wa.

Fu Yi and Nü Wa were brave and just, subduing all the heroes of the world willingly and ending the warfare. They were crowned Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa.

They brought peace to the bruised and battered vast wilderness, and gradually life began anew again.

After thousands of years, Emperor Fu Yi passed and Empress Nü Wa was devastated. She left for the Hua Xu Kingdom and was never seen again. What happened to her remained a mystery and the Fu Yi and Nü Wa tribes slowly lost prominence.

With the downturn of the Fu Yi tribe, the Sheng Nong tribe in the Middle Plains and the Gao Xing tribe in the Southeast rose to be the two great powers. On the surface both abided by the pacted signed before Emperor Fu Yi and Empress Nü Wa to never attack each other, but deep down each was bursting with ambition to devour the other.

In the Northwest area of the vast wilderness, there was a unassuming mountain called Xuan Yuan Mountain. Living at the base of the mountain was a small God tribe that the powerful Gods never took notice of the Xuan Yuan tribe. After a great ceremony, the tribal elders of the Xuan Yuan tribe chose the bravest, smartest strapping young man in the tribe to be their leader. But even the tribal elders could not have foreseen what great feats and accomplishments this young man would one day accomplish.

In another few thousand short years time, the young man expanded the formerly small Xuan Yuan tribe until by the time Gao Xing and Sheng Nong became aware of its rival existence in might, the time had passed to eliminate Xuan Yuan easily. They could only watch wearily as Xuan Yuan vaulted to join them and become one of the top three greatest God tribes in existence.

The three great God tribes. The head was Sheng Nong, the tribe that received the direct order from the Great Emperor Pan Gu to watch over the Middle Plains, and each leader of the Sheng Nong Kingdom was called the Flame Emperor. The Flame Emperor ruled by beneficence. The second was Gao Xing, under orders to watch over the Southeast, and each successive ruler was called the Grand Emperor. The Grand Emperor ruled by protocol. The last was the upstart Xuan Yuan based in the Northwest, its ruler was called the Yellow Emperor, and he ruled by law.

From then on, Sheng Nong in the Middle Plains, Xuan Yuan in the Northwest, and Gao Xing in the Southeast; the three powers co-existed warily for thousands of years in a seemingly stable balance and division of power.

Which also seems to match the seventh Flame Emperor's words on his death bed, when he indicated that the world had been at peace for over tens of thousands of years?

The Flame Emperor's voice was resigned and desolate. "The peace and tranquility of the Great Wilderness over tens of thousands of years, is about to come to a complete end. The people of the world will once again be plunged into continuous warfare."

And that all makes it sound like there would not have been war between Shengnong and Gao Xing during Qing Yang's lifetime, especially when he and Shao Hao were both old enough to fight and dominate on the battlefield (i.e., after Xuan Yuan rose to prominence)?

Yan Zhuan is too greedy and cruel

Is this referring to Zhu Rhong?


So I know that the ending is that Xiang Liu is eventually doomed to die in the battlefield. But someone explain why? Like his life is already set up for him? How does he know where and how he's going to die without even knowing the future?

Although fate constrained some of his choices, it did not force Xiang Liu's particular ending on him... dying on the battlefield was not a pre-determined fate that he just predicted or foresaw. 

Xiang Liu chose his ending (to die with his fellow soldiers in the last battle) and put great effort into planning for it (including protecting XY from the impact of his death). 


Chapter 5:

The soldier reported from outside “General Xiang Liu, two more soldiers died.” Xiang Liu’s laughter stopped and he immediately stood up and walked out. Xiao Liu hesitated and walked to the door. There were two bodies on top of a pyre. Xiang Liu walked over where there were hundreds of soldiers lined up. He poured three cups of wine and then lit the pyre. Within the flames of the fire, the faces of the men showed their familiarity with death, but in the mournful sounds of the song they sang it conveyed their deep sorrow. Their singing wasn’t in unison, flitting in and out, as they wondered about their cause and what it all meant in the long run.

It was true that the Yellow Emperor forcibly took over the lands of Sheng Nong. But the Sheng Nong Kingdom was now no more and the people living there only wanted a peaceful life to live. They don’t care who the Emperor is, and even began to speak warmly of the Yellow Emperor’s intelligence and generosity. The people don’t care about the remaining Sheng Nong soldiers who refuse to surrender. Thousands of years later, their determination won’t be remembered.

Only by giving up and bowing low could they get a sweet wife, a cute kid, perhaps even wealth given by the Emperor. But they still persisted to cling on to their belief. To hold onto something most people no longer cared about. To risk their lives for it.

The wheels of history were already turning but they remained stubbornly rooted in place, with their arms outstretched trying to turn the wheels back. But they were people that time has forgotten, they are going against the tide, and they were destined to be obliterated. Xiao Liu knew they were foolish, and felt pity for them, but he also couldn’t help but feel respect towards them.

In this moment, Xiao Liu suddenly realized why his last mocking question to Xiang Liu about why he worked for Gong Gong doing pointless things, to suggest that he betray Gong Gong and throw his lot with the Yellow Emperor, that question would cause Xiang Liu to fly into a dark rage. In this world, there was a determination that may be destroyed, may be annihilated, but can never be mocked!

Xiang Liu slowly walked back with the sorrowful song lingering behind him. Xiao Liu leaned against the door and watched him walk in the blood red sunset, his white hair and white robe still pristine and untouched. Xiang Liu stopped in front of Xiao Liu, his cold gaze containing a measure of disdain, but it wasn’t clear if it was meant for the world or for himself.

Xiao Liu suddenly bowed. “I wanted to apologize for what I said last time.” Xiang Liu was expressionless as he entered the house. “If the medicine comes sooner, they can live a bit longer. They are warriors. If they are to die, it ought to be in front of the Yellow Emperor’s army.


Chapter 22:

Xiang Liu said, “Tonight’s moon looks like your mystical gorilla mirror. The memories you secretly saved in that mirror……

Xiao Yao was frozen in fear inside.

Xiang Liu was silent for some time and then coolly said “After you wake up, you have to erase it.


Xiao Yao stroked its back. “Furball, where is your master?”

Furbal flapped his wings and called towards the sky once, as if urging Xiao Yao to get on his back.

Xiao Yao happily asked, “Xiang Liu asked you to bring me to see him?

Furball shook his head.

Xiao Yao quizzically asked, “Xiang Liu asked you to take me home?”

Furball nodded his head.

Whether Xiang Liu had matters to attend to or he was purposely avoiding seeing her, Xiao Yao stood there in a dumbstruck daze, the initial happiness of regaining life and light disappearing like receding waves.


Chapter 29:

The one-armed old man stared intently at Xiao Yao before downing all the wine in his bowl and then launching into a song. His song was sad and plaintive, singing about the fallen Sheng Nong kingdom and the sorrow of the soldiers fighting.

Xiao Yao listened intently and suddenly remembered the blood red sunset when Xiang Liu was dressed all in white and walked towards her from a burning funeral pyre of dead Sheng Nong soldiers.

Li Jie Chang yelled, “Uncle, stop your drunken craziness!”

The old man kept singing so Li Jie Chang shoved him into the house and nervously said to Xiao Yao, “The old man has low tolerance but loves drinking. When he gets crazy he loves to sing songs he heard from places…..he only has one arm now and his legs can barely walk, he’s already useless…..”

Xiao Yao said, “I only came to eat. Once I walk out this door I’ll forget everything.”

Li Jie Chang was relieved and listened to the singing from inside the house and sadly added, “My Uncle isn’t a bad guy, in fact he’s too good of a guy which is why he….can’t forget.”


Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and she avoided his piercing gaze and asked, “Who was that old man selling donkey meat?”

“He used to be a subordinate of Qi Yo and one of the survivors in the final battle in Yi Province. Carrying all the memories of those who perished, it’s easier just to have died.” Xiang Liu smiled “Actually, to a General, the best ending is to die on the battlefield.”

It was a warm Summer night but Xiao Yao suddenly felt her entire body turn cold in an instant.


Chapter 31:

The Yellow Emperor suddenly said, “I asked Zhuan Xu to find any way possible to get Nine Lives Xiang Liu to turn his allegiance to us.”

Xiao Yao bolted upright and stared at the Yellow Emperor.

The Yellow Emperor said, “All these years, using any method, any persuasion, any means available, he turned it all down.

Xiao Yao looked back out into the dark distance and her face showed no emotion, no joy and no sorrow.


When Xian came to see Xiao Yao, she thought Xian would look down on her for asking such a powerful goddess to do such a little favor. But when Xian saw Xiao Yao’s creation she exclaimed “It’s so beautiful! You must have spent a lot of time?”

Xiao Yao nodded.


The clear exquisite ice crystal, inside was the deep blue sea, and in the water were colorful little fish swimming and beautiful red coral. There was an all-white giant clam shell like a blooming flower and inside a beautiful mermaid sat on the clam shell. Her hair flowed like seaweed and her beautiful tail was half on the clam shell and half in the water. She had one hand on her heart and the other hand reached out towards the distance like she wanted to grab onto something or like she was calling someone to her. In the direction where her hand stretched there was a merman floating in the water. He appeared close to the clam shell but he was coldly staring outside the ice crystal ball so that it felt like he was actually in another world and not in the world of the peaceful isolated ocean with the mermaid.


Xiao Yao wrapped the ice crystal ball in a demon bear pelt and sent it along with a letter inside a jade container. She went to the Tu Shan clan messenger shop and paid five times more than usual to deliver it as soon as possible to Qing Shui Town.

Inside the jade container was a letter with only one short message:

In two months I am getting married. This is the last poison I will make for you. Please accept with a smile.”


He stood by the edge of the river and stared out at the water and misty air and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

After a long time he looked down and opened his hand and in his palm was an ice crystal ball.

Misty raindrops fell on his palm and created an icy mist around the ice crystal ball. It made the blue water inside even more vibrant like the ocean under a full moon.

The blue ocean depths, the isolated peacefulness, the mermaid sitting on her beautiful clam shell home reaching out her hand to beckon, to plead, to summon. But the merman just coldly looked out at the world outside the ice crystal ball.

Xiang Liu stared at the ice crystal scene for a long, long time.

Slowly he reached out a finger and pressed it on the ice crystal so it looked like he was taking the mermaid’s outstretched hand.

At a glance, it appeared that they were holding hands but in truth the ice crystal separated them. They were from two completely different worlds, they could never truly be together.


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao asked, “Why?” Xiang Liu, you knew two months ago I was getting married, why do you have to do it this way? Do you want the entire world to spit on me? If you want to destroy me, why did you choose this most degrading method?


His one foot was out the door when Xiao Yao suddenly asked, “When did you find out I was getting married?” Due to her head being buried on her knees, her voice sounded muffled like it was coming from far away.

Xiang Liu didn’t turn around and his voice was cold. “Two months ago.

Xiao Yao’s voice was shaking. “Why… why did you have to do it this way?

Xiang Liu’s voice got colder. “Do you have any right to ask me why? The terms of the deal were discussed in advance. Whatever I asked, you would do!”

Xiao Yao said nothing and Xiang Liu left without looking back


Xiao Yao walked outside and saw Xiang Liu standing in the courtyard.

His hair was back to being all white and fell behind him like a waterfall. The tree behind him had red leaves and the brightness contrasted so that he looked even more ethereal like untouched snow.

Xiao Yao sensed something but had to confirm it. “Where is Fang Feng Bei?”

Xiang Liu coolly replied, “He’s dead.”

Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu and her eyes were blinded in pain by his whiteness like a cloud and like the snow. Tears came to her eyes, Fang Feng Bei took her away and now Fang Feng Bei was dead and would never appear again. From now on, it was only Xiang Liu. That irresponsible man who did whatever he wanted, taught her archery, took her through the world seeking the simplest of pleasures… that man was now dead.

He once said that she and he were just temporary companions in this unpredictable life seeking happiness. He never lied to her!

Xiang Liu quietly stared at Xiao Yao, his face was like a ten thousand year old snow mountain, cold and inscrutable.

Xiao Yao abruptly turned around and grabbed a pail of water from the well and splashed the cold water on her face. When she lifted her head her face was all wet. she didn’t know if her tears came down and mixed with the water or was forced back and never fell.


Chapter 35:

Xiao Yao was silent before suddenly asking, “Xiang Liu, why did you pick Gong Gong? Because he’s your adoptive father?” Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight.

“Not just because he’s my adoptive father, there are also all those soldiers I fought along with and watched them die. We drank together, we went to battle together, we picked up our fallen brethren’s bodies…” Xiang Liu looked over at the altar. “For hundreds of years, do you know how many of my fellow soldiers I’ve had to personally cremate?”

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine, but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

Xiang Liu laughed and pointed at his head. “I’ve lost count, but they are all here.”

Xiao Yao buried her head in her lap and grew silent. She felt her heart all jumbled and she didn’t know if it was for Xiang Liu or for herself.


* Note: If I remember correctly, liddi mentioned that "Xiang Liu laughed and pointed at his head" would be more accurately translated to indicate that Xiang Liu pointed at his heart, rather than his head. 


Chapter 46:

“If you’ve known this all along, why did you tell me just now?”

Xiang Liu smiled. “There was no war before, what benefit to me if I told you all this?”

Xiao Yao’s heart shook, “Is it only Gong Gong, your great savior and benefactor, that matters to you? And everyone else is but a chess piece to you! Other than assessing what use that person has for you, nothing else matters? Before when people called you cold and calculating, I always thought……. Now, I really agree!”

Xiang Liu smiled and shook his head at Xiao Yao, like staring at a mentally slow child. “I’ve always been a cold-blooded monster. It’s not that I’m heartless now, it’s that you’re an idiot for thinking otherwise!”


Xiao Yao collapsed on the edge of the urn as her blood continued to flow into it. Left Ear said, “No matter what she owes you, this blood is more than enough payment!”

Xiang Liu coldly smiled back. “She’s not dead yet!”

Xiao Yao forced a devastated smile and gritted her teeth before taking her bow to slice open her other wrist so the blood could flow faster. Both her hands were spilling blood into the urn and Xiao Yao had no strength to open her eyes anymore so all she could hear was the sound of blood flowing.

After a moment Xiang Liu said quietly, “You can take her back now.”

Xiao Yao lifted her head to stare at Xiang Liu. “You should take as much as you can tonight. After tonight, you and I are strangers – for this life and this lifetime, I never ever want to see you again!”

Because of the blood loss, Xiao Yao couldn’t even see anymore, so she didn’t get to see Xiang Liu’s expression, all she heard was him say again, “Take her home now!”

Xiao Yao fainted dead away, and the tears she was struggling to hold in finally fell from her eyes and splashed down her cheeks into the urn, causing a ripple.

Xiang Liu silently stared at the blood in the urn as the ripples spread out.

Left Ear kneeled down and bowed silently to Xiang Liu before taking Xiao Yao away.

Xiang Liu didn’t move or say a word, only staring at the urn with the same plastered smile on his face. He could see clearly the glistening blood inside, beautiful in its power. He stretched his palms forward and conjured up power, a blue green light glowed around him like stars and the urn gradually got smaller and smaller until it became a blood red jewel the size of a pigeon’s egg. Xiang Liu held it in his hand, and turning the blood into a jewel appeared to have sapped Xiang Liu of his power and his face was pale and his hands shook. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips, and after some time he was able to make a call that only the water tribes could hear.

After some time, a ripple appeared on the water’s surface and a merman rode the waves up to Xiang Liu. He stopped before Xiang Liu and bowed respectfully.

Xiang Liu handed the red blood jewel to the merman who carefully received it and placed it into a blue shell that was custom made by the Jin Tian family for this jewel. Xiang Liu spoke to the merman in the mer language, and the merman listened to Xiang Liu’s instructions before nodding and bowing to Xiang Liu. He turned and rode the waves towards the direction of the ocean.

Xiang Liu watched the merman until he disappeared from view. He then lowered his eyes and looked at the arrow protruding from his chest. He touched it lightly with his hands before taking a deep breath and pulling it out of his chest with one move. As the blood gushed out of the wound, Xiang Liu seemed exhausted and finally just collapsed on the lake surface. He looked up at the sky as the smile was slowly wiped away.

The black clouds covered the bright moon so all that shone in Xiang Liu’s eyes were – a darkness without light, a darkness without end, a darkness of eternal loneliness.


Chapter 48:

Xiang Liu still clearly remembered the moment he discovered these saved memories in the gorilla mirror. He was shocked and amazed that Xiao Yao secretly recorded him, and that he wasn’t even aware of it. That proved he was completely relaxed at that time, and Xiao Yao could have had the chance to kill him.

Xiang Liu stared at the mirror for a long time before sighing, taking Xiao Yao to Five Gods Mountain felt like yesterday to him, but was really so long ago! His hand lifted to erase the memories but Sir Bi stopped him looking alarmed, “These are Xiao Yao’s most precious memories, you can’t!”

Xiang Liu silently looked at Sir Bi until he remembered the promise he just made and slowly released his hand.

Xiang Liu used his power to rewind the saved memories in the mirror like turning back time. It was like things were going back to the way they were from the very beginning, but there was no way to do so with feelings and memories!

After the memories were erased, Xiang Liu smiled and returned the mirror to Xiao Yao’s arms like he never touched it before.


Sir Bi understood what happened – the heart-and-life-connected Lover’s Bug was planted between Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao, which is why Xiang Liu could save Xiao Yao’s life earlier. Xiang Liu managed to now break the bug by using his own life as the lure to kill the bugs. It was a suicidal method, but a method that only Nine Lives Xiang Liu could use by taking one of his lives.

Sir Bi took out his precious medicine. “Do you want me to heal you?”

Xiang Liu smiled. “Such medicines are of no use to me.”

Sir Bi anxiously asked, “But you…..your injuries….what can I do for you?”

Xiang Liu casually said, “Don’t be like this, you know that facing down the Xuan Yuan army, one more or one less lives of mine doesn’t make a difference!”

Sir Bi’s face fell and he grew silent.

Xiang Liu added, “You can do one thing for me.”

Sir Bi immediately agreed.

“If later people ask about the bug in Xiao Yao, just make up a believable lie.” Xiang Liu smiled like it didn’t bother him one whit. “Xiao Yao once said that she never ever wanted to see me again in this life and this lifetime. After tonight, she and I truly have no further ties. I also never want to see her again!”

Sir Bi stared forlornly at Xiang Liu before saying, “I will ask the Royal Mother to help lie that she removed the bug. Don’t worry, what happened here tonight, only you and I know outside of the Heavens. I will never ever let Xiao Yao know the truth! I will not ruin all that you’ve done for her and carefully arranged.”

Xiang Liu’s face was ashen and he continued to clutch his chest wound, but he smiled and tried to bow. Sir Bi had nothing he could say further, so he bowed back low as a promise that he would forever keep this secret and not fail all that Xiang Liu had done.

Xiang Liu looked at the horizon and saw a sliver of light coming as dawn was arriving. He stood up shakily. “It’s time for me to go.”

Sir Bi thought he was past all the feelings of the ordinary world, but in this moment he actually felt a genuine deep sadness. “I heard the war is getting more and more intense, and yet you took time away to come all the way to Jade Mountain just for Xiao Yao?” Even Sir Bi knew that the battle was raging and Gong Gong’s army was on the verge of defeat.

Xiang Liu smiled. “It’s not taking time away from official business, I came here for a stroll is all!” He bid farewell and vaulted onto the back of his white condor. Just as he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something and rained snowflakes down from the sky. The snowflakes landed on the white seashell and quickly melted it until it disappeared into the lake like it was never there.

This time, everything having to do with him was well and truly erased, no sign left whatsoever. Just like the most beautiful of snow, after it falls it melts once the sun rises, vanishing without a trace.

Xiang Liu looked over at Xiao Yao one last time before flying East towards the rising sun.

As the light rose over the horizon, he left like the wind with his white robe billowing, as magical as an otherworldly being. Sir Bi wanted to tell him farewell, but such a simple parting phrase felt as heavy as the weight of a mountain and he couldn’t bring himself to say it. This parting, it was likely going to be blood spilled, bones buried, ashes scattered, a parting without a gathering to come.


Chapter 50:

Inside the peach blossom forest, Sir Bi asked “Things happened so quickly to ask what happened, but who saved you, Jing, and why so long before coming back?”

Jing explained about the mercouple in the East Sea and Sir Bi’s mind roiled after hearing it. The Nine-headed demon is the supreme power in the ocean, totally able to command the merpeople to do his bidding. And finding merpeople who could not communicate in the human language, and who lived in the vast ocean, Xiang Liu was cruel and brilliant in saving Jing without ever leaving a way to be discovered.


Everyone continued walking, leaving Xiao Yao standing there with Zhuan Xu as she said, “I heard that Ru So’s relentless attack has backed Gong Gong’s army into a corner.”

Zhuan Xu said, “I was planning on a slow attrition to minimize casualties, but Feng Long’s death has left me no choice but to launch a full on assault.”

Xiao Yao said, “Gege, can you……can you……spare Xiang Liu?”

Zhuan Xu was shocked. “He killed Feng Long, don’t you want to avenge his death?”

“Killing Xiang Liu won’t bring Feng Long back.”

Zhuan Xu stared long and hard at Xiao Yao as she continued, “I know you are in a tough spot, but I’ve never asked you for a favor when it’s difficult for you. This is my first, and last time, begging you for something.”

“Is Xiang Liu Fang Feng Bei?” Zhuan Xu appeared to be asking Xiao Yao but his expression was certain.

Xiao Yao didn’t want to hide it anymore and woefully nodded.

“So that’s it! No wonder I’ve felt that certain things were so odd, but now it all makes sense. Are you two still seeing each other?”

We’ve severed all ties. I never want to see him again in this lifetime and he certainly will also never want to see me. But no matter how he’s treated me……..I…..I still want him to stay alive.”

Zhuan Xu took a deep breath. “Xiang Liu killed Feng Long and I need to give a reckoning to the Chi Sui clan and Sheng Nong tribe, otherwise it cannot appease the Middle Plains. But, as long as Xiang Liu is willing to stop, I can give him a chance to disappear.

“Disappear” doesn’t mean “die”, so this meant Zhuan Xu agreed with her pleading. Xiao Yao smiled brightly. “Thank you Gege!”

“Don’t thank me. Grandfather and I tried countless times to bring Xiang Liu to our side and I even gave him carte blanche to name his terms. But he would never abandon or betray Gong Gong. Actually all this time it’s not I who wouldn’t stop, it’s him who wouldn’t stop. If he vows to fight to the death, then there is nothing I can do. I can’t sacrifice Ru So and the soldiers. His life is a life, but so are the lives of those fighting for me.”

Xiao Yao bit her lip and lowered her head as she quietly said, “I know.”

Zhuan Xu patted her on the shoulder. “He chose his path and now you’ve chosen yours and have done all you can do. I think you’ve done enough for the friendship. No matter what happens, you can forget him and forget it all!”

Xiao Yao nodded her head.


Chapter 51:

Xiao Yao took a deep breath and used her power to turn on the mirror. But after swiping repeatedly nothing appeared.

Xiao Yao grew frantic. “It can’t be! It can’t be!…..” She anxiously used her power to look into the mirror. But no matter how many times she looked there were no memories of Xiang Liu.

Even the only thing he left to her was gone!

Xiao Yao could not believe it and she angrily kept trying the mirror. “How could this be? How could this be?……”

Suddenly she remembered, when she was unconscious Xiang Liu discovered the secret of the mirror and ordered her to erase it. When she woke up he never mentioned it again and she thought he forgot, but it turned out that when she wasn’t aware he had completely erased it all!

Xiao Yao stroked the mirror and said through tears. “Xiang Liu, in your eyes, am I really that meaningless? So you won’t even leave me a small memory!”


Xiao Yao murmured, “Even though I always reminded myself that he was Zhuan Xu’s enemy, but I…..I was not prepared for this! I really wish it was all a lie…..he’s so sneaky, he must’ve found a way to stay alive!”

Jing said nothing because he knew Xiao Yao didn’t need his response.

“It’s because he’s so sneaky that he doesn’t want to stay alive! One time he told me, “Actually, to a General, the best ending is dying on the battlefield.” So he chose for himself the best ending!

“But what a bullshit best ending! He’s the stupidest idiot in this world! He stayed loyal and true to Gong Gong and all his soldier comrades but did he do himself right?”

“I’m the idiot actually. He never cared, so why do I have to be so hurt? I don’t want to be feeling so much hurt…”

Xiao Yao kept talking and crying until gradually her words trailed off and she curled tightly in Jing’s arms and stared at the tall Phoenix Flower Tree. Blooms of red fell to the ground carried by the wind as if frames of each memory passing by. No matter how beautiful, it would all pass with the wind.


XL's Epilogue:

Xiang Liu surveyed the camp and walked up to the top of the mountain to look down from the summit.

In the distance he could see fires burning, that was Ru So burning the entire mountain to force them to come out and battle. The final battle was about to arrive. All the soldiers knew their fate and they willingly chose this path in life. The world was at peace and the people were safe and secure, these Sheng Nong resistance army soldiers were now discarded in the passage of time and had become pointless. So death was the best release for them, and the most comforting final destination.


A clear crystal ball wrapped around an ocean tableau inside. The glittering waves had colorful fishes swimming, red coral, and a large white clamshell open like a resplendent flower. A beautiful mermaid rested sideways on the clamshell, her hair flowing like seaweed and her entrancing fish tail resting half against the white surface and half in the water. A man stood next to her, holding the mermaid’s extended hand and smiling as he gazed down at the mermaid. In the corner of the tableau a merman floated in the ocean, he appeared close to the clamshell but his distant pose made him seem like he was actually in another world and not in the same calm and serene ocean.

Xiang Liu stared at the crystal ball for some time longer before his fingernail extended into a sharp knife and he swiftly inscribed two lines of words on the ball in very small letters. Just then the moon shone through the trees and landed on the crystal ball and the two lines of words next to the merman were legible: The ability to take care of yourself, someone to rely on, a place to go – wishing you a lifetime of worry free happiness!


Remembering our first meeting in Qing Shui Town, you were full of tricks, with a mouth full of made-up crap. But the only thing you said that was true was: I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on, and nowhere to go.

After over ten years of teaching you archery, you now have the ability to protect yourself. You don’t need to use your own body to protect someone you treasure when danger is around. The right man for you. You now have someone to rely on. You don’t have to be all alone anymore with solitude as your companion. The sky is vast and oceans deep. You now have a place to go and don’t need to be chased by people and be without a place to call home.

Xiang Liu thought to himself: Xiao Yao, from now on I can no longer stand watch to protect you. You have to take good care of yourself. Wishing you a lifetime of worry free happiness!

Disclaimer: Everything I say about the events in Once Promised are solely based on what I have read so far (with 7 chapters to go). Do feel free to point out any inconsistencies I might have from my first time read.

 AH :
Interesting. Thank you for clarifying. For some reason I thought the time between Ah Lei leaving the friend group and getting married to the Yellow Emperor and him becoming the seventh Flame Emperor was pretty short. But I guess it wasn't all that short. 

I lost practically everything I answered you when I submitted my post, which was gobbled up by MDL arghh! Anyway, let's try again.

It was over two thousand years ago when Xie Zhu and the seventh Flame Emperor (who was a prince at the time) left their group in succession - her to court, support and later marry the Yellow Emperor; him to return to the deity maiden he met and fell in love with by the river 20 years ago. More than 100 years later, the sixth Flame Emperor launched an attack on Gao Xin when Shao Hao's father ascended the throne. I do not recall whether we were specifically told when the seventh Flame Emperor became king, but we do know that his queen Ting Yao died over 1000 years ago, after giving birth to Yu Xiang and his 3 older sisters, so he would definitely have been on the throne for significantly more than 1000 years.

 AH :
Although, confusingly, the prologue that Koala translated made it seem like the timeline was:

 AH :
Which also seems to match the seventh Flame Emperor's words on his death bed, when he indicated that the world had been at peace for over tens of thousands of years?

Shen Nong and Gao Xin were bound by a blood pact that they made in front of Fu Xi and Nǚ Wa not to invade each other, which they maintained on the surface but did not stop them from seizing opportunities to attack. It was a precarious sort of balance of power, which was successfully maintained over tens of thousands of years. This all changed when the seventh Flame Emperor died.

 AH :
And that all makes it sound like there would not have been war between Shengnong and Gao Xing during Qing Yang's lifetime, especially when he and Shao Hao were both old enough to fight and dominate on the battlefield (i.e., after Xuan Yuan rose to prominence)?

There was no full scale war between Gao Xin and Shen Nong at the time, except for the one threat to Gao Xin two thousand years ago, which Shao Hao and Qing Yang successfully foiled. That was not to say that they were unskilled in battle. Xuan Yuan, while steering clear of the main powers, had been biding its time and slowly accumulating power through wars with smaller tribes, of which Qing Yang and his other siblings were actively a part of. Yun Ze, his younger full brother was burnt to death during the war with the Dian tribe which he went in place of Qing Yang. After his momentous victory 2000 years ago, Shao Hao, having lived through multiple attempts on his life, including those he trusted, kept a low profile until he was summoned back to the capital city. Peace was maintained during the reign of the seventh Flame Emperor due to the respect and fear accorded him which stayed conflict in the Great Wilderness, and even from the Yellow Emperor who bided his time. However, upon his death, the balance of power was destroyed, and Xuan Yuan started their attack on Shen Nong, which had a weak new king Yu Xiang who could barely control his vassals, and his Great General Chi Chen did not command the support of the great generals of the kingdom. It came to a head when the Yellow Emperor killed Yu Xiang in the same battle that Qing Yang lost his life, and the Shen Nong kingdom crumbled without a leader as the vassals could not agree on whom they would support to lead them.

 AH :
Is this referring to Zhu Rhong?

Yes, Yan Zhuan is the name that replaces Zhu Rong in the 2019 revised edition. My apologies for the confusion - I usually use the revised names, except for the names and titles of the kings, because I find the original titles to be far clearer compared to the more generic titles in the revised edition. e.g. Yellow Emperor (as opposed to Xuan Yuan king), Eminent Emperor (as opposed to Gao Xin king), Flame Emperor, including which generation (as opposed to Shen Nong king). 


So I know that the ending is that Xiang Liu is eventually doomed to die in the battlefield. But someone explain why? Like his life is already set up for him? How does he know where and how he's going to die without even knowing the future?

Xiang Liu knows, because he CHOSE to die on the battlefield with his comrades at arms.  He doesn't know the details, but the political situation changed with CX becoming ruler of both Xiyan and Haolin.  Now CX could turn the full attention of three kingdoms against the Chenrong resistance army, so it was simply a matter of time, a very short time.

No, his life wasn't already set up for him.  There are differing opinions here, but I believe he had planned for a future with XY when he accepted the Lovers Bug.  At that time the political situation was different, with Grandfather Emperor ruling and one of the horrible uncles looking likely to inherit.  XL correctly forsaw that CX was the lynchpin.  Had he been successful in killing CX, there's no telling how long the resistance army could have fought on.

Disclaimer: Everything I say about the events in Once Promised are solely based on what I have read so far (with 7 chapters to go).

Ooh you're so close to the end! I'd love to read any thoughts or insights you have that you're up for sharing after you finish. ^^

I lost practically everything I answered you when I submitted my post, which was gobbled up by MDL arghh!

Oh no! When that happens for a long post that took a lot of work to put together it's the WORST. So frustrating. 

It was over two thousand years ago when Xie Zhu and the seventh Flame Emperor (who was a prince at the time) left their group in succession - her to court, support and later marry the Yellow Emperor; him to return to the deity maiden he met and fell in love with by the river 20 years ago. More than a 100 years later, the the sixth Flame Emperor launched an attack on Gao Xin when Shao Hao's father ascended the throne. I do not recall whether we were specifically told when the seventh Flame Emperor became king, but we do know that his queen Ting Yao died over 1000 years ago, after giving birth to Yu Xiang and his 3 older sisters, so he would definitely have been on the throne for significantly more than 1000 years.

I see. I must have jumped to the conclusion that he took the throne around the same time that he returned to / got together with the woman he loved, but it sounds like he actually didn't take the throne until a few hundred years later. 

There was no full scale war between Gao Xin and Shen Nong at the time, except for the one threat to Gao Xin two thousand years ago, which Shao Hao and Qing Yang successfully foiled.

Shen Nong and Gao Xin were bound by a blood pact that they made in front of Fu Xi and Nǚ Wa not to invade each other, which they maintained on the surface but did not stop them from seizing opportunities to attack.

Okay. So I guess that siege / attack was short enough (and ultimately unsuccessful...) that the seventh Flame Emperor felt that he could still refer to "The peace and tranquility of the Great Wilderness over tens of thousands of years..." despite it. 

To be fair, I suppose he didn't specify that that peace and tranquility had been totally uninterrupted.

Yun Ze, his younger full brother was burnt to death during the war with the Dian tribe which he went in place of Qing Yang.

The vague references and general lack of details about his death always made me curious. 

Qing Yang thought that Third Prince Hui was responsible for Yun Ze's death if I remember correctly? And then Consort Tong Yu and Ninth Prince Yi Peng thought that Qing Yang killed Third Prince Hui? And Yi Peng contributed to Qing Yang's death, but didn't find out that he had succeeded until Ah Heng killed him?

Did Third Prince Hui try to kill Qing Yang (because he was the Crown Prince) and accidentally end up killing Yun Ze instead?

Yes, Yan Zhuan is the name that replaces Zhu Rong in the 2019 revised edition. My apologies for the confusion - I usually use the revised names, except for the names and titles of the kings, because I find the original titles to be far clearer compared to the more generic titles in the revised edition. e.g. Yellow Emperor (as opposed to Xuan Yuan king), Eminent Emperor (as opposed to Gao Xin king), Flame Emperor, including which generation (as opposed to Shen Nong king). 

No worries. Thanks for confirming. Lots of names to keep track of. ^^

There are differing opinions here, but I believe he had planned for a future with XY when he accepted the Lovers Bug.

As we've discussed before, that's not my personal interpretation for the novel, but for the drama - I saw in the LYF 2 comment section someone posted a letter from XL to XY (one that he obviously would never intend to have delivered):

Xiao Yao, 

You once said: if I had met you earlier when I escaped from the death match arena, you would have only let me be Fangfeng Bei. Carefree and unburdened Fangfeng Bei. 

I want to say: we must meet early in our next lives. You: not as a princess, but just as Wen Xiao Liu. Me: not as a military advisor, but just as Xiang Liu. 

Xiao Yao, do you know? I bought a house in Qing Shui town? Originally, it was meant for us to live together. At that time, I wanted to grow old with you there in Qing Shui town. 

Do you know? That day, after we planted the Lovers' Bugs, I happily went to find Jintian Xing Chen. She is the best arrow-forging master. I spent decades searching for perfect arrow forging materials. You have low spiritual power, but I want you to be capable of protecting yourself in the future. I was filled with happiness then. 

When Cang Xuan tried to capture you and return you to Haoling I wasn't the first to arrive. From then on, we passed each other by. Suddenly you became a princess and we became enemies. Our identities put us on opposite sides. 

Is there still a possibility between us? I gave up on the feeling between us. Loving you doesn't necessarily mean I must possess you. You could say I love you, but it has nothing to do with you. I have planned my own path, a path of solitude, a path only I can tread, the best ending for a general. So you can live unburdened.

The bow and arrow, which were originally our tokens of love, I've entrusted them to you through others. I've transformed into the unrestrained and carefree Fangfeng, ready to accompany you through every sorrowful day. All I can do is to give you the strength to fight for yourself, and someone to rely on. If one day there's no place for you to go, there is still our home in Qing Shui Town and the bottom of the sea where we spent 37 years together. 

After I'm gone, please don't be sad. Don't be upset. My only wish is that you may live a life of peace and happiness forever.


The letter is clearly specific to the drama (it references the drama's timing for when XL commissioned a special bow for XY, for example), but does anyone know if this is a translation from content shared by an official source / if it can be considered canon for the drama?

Also, if this is offcial, does this mean that when XY and TSJ return to Qing Shui Town at the end of the drama, they will move into the house that XL originally bought next to the clinic (which, at the end of the drama, would be run by Tian Er's children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren) in the hope of living and growing old there with XY himself? 

On the one hand, I do like the idea of XY living in the house that XL bought for her (and where, I assume, they would have spent more than a month together after XL takes her away from her wedding with Feng Long early in S2)... but I don't like it as much as I like the idea of her leaving Dahuang for the Ocean... and, on the other hand, the idea of XY and TSJ both living in that house together instead of XY and XL...? That really feels like rubbing salt in the wound. 


There is a Chi Chen song after all, sung by TJC!

Title                  : 桃花血 Peach Blossom Blood
Singer              : Tan Jianci
Composer     : Dong Dongdong
Lyrics                : Tong Hua
Release date: 9 Jul 2024

I love how the title of the song is tied to Once Promised (A Life Time Love)'s ending song 桃花诺 Peach Blossom Promise by G.E.M., which makes sense since the lyrics would be the love song Chi Chen sang for A Heng.

Can't wait to hear it!

  I listened to G.E.M. song, thanks!

But it turns out that Peach Blossom Blood is actually sang in A Life Time Love!  In a very risque scene.  Like, censors cover my eyes!  lol


Plus here's pics of Bao Zhu's (XL) house in Qing Shui Town.  



Plus here's pics of Bao Zhu's (XL) house in Qing Shui Town.  


Thanks for sharing!

Am I reading into it way too much, or might XL have chosen his QS town fake name (Bǎo zhù) because it rhymes with Xiǎo Liù?