the missing part in kaola translation of chapter 6


typical example of missing information due to different  perceptions or misunderstanding author”s intention.

analysis of this part


the event with Miao Pu in chapter 42 in the original text it said she woke up from a dream. i had the same doubt like u since the word used in the vietnamese translation sometimes can be understood as sleep. thus, i checked the chinese text. it is “dream “ 

IMO the key point in the XY-Jing's discussion about TianEr from chapter 4 is how she is giving ChuanZi fake attention în the hopes that with time passing, that fake attention will gradually become real. If it is a given that TianEr-Cuanzi is a parallel to XY-Jing, than how can I take all of XY's affectionate acts to Jing as real? When does her so called love starts? Does it ever, as long as she shares the lover's bug with XL? Is she really heartbroken over Jing or over the fact that she put her trust and hopes into the wrong person? 

It is not only the underwater scene from chapter 17 that obviously points to her habit of projecting and pretending, even that romantic scene when she is kissing Jing' s leg is raising doubts. When she asked him how come he is willing to kiss her now, since  last time on the beach he refused to, his answer is because maybe you are too good or maybe I am more selfish now, but not that she is ready now, even though that's what he said he wants the last time she tried to kiss him. He didn't wait for her to be ready, he obviously knew she wasn't ready, yet he went along. That whole scene looks so romantic on the surface, but the fact of the matter is that XY was still faking it. Giving him fake attention în order for him to give her real attention and hoping for her feelings to eventually turn real too. Most of their romantic / intimate scenes are in the first half of the story and thus going by TianEr's hypothesis, I belive all of them to be fake. Let's also not forget that XY, by her own free will waited for 43 years to set a wedding date with Jing, even though Jing wanted asap for them to get married. Did she wait so long because she was ready? Obviously not. 

I agree with windiaaa about the parallel between CX and his fake attention given to XingYue in order for him to achieve his goals. It is exactly the same în regards to XY-Jing. Let's not forget that up until they got married, CX was quite good into pretending that his feelings for XingYue were real too. Their wedding night was a mess and most probably that's what XY wanted to avoid too by delaying her marriage with Jing, but once he started to project his desire for XY into XingYue, it all become passionate. If not for him making that little mistake and calling XY's name most probably XingYue would have been quite happy about how everything went. But then again, we don't know if that's not going to be the case în regards to XY-Jing's wedding night too, because they didn't have one in the novel, even though they did get marry. Same pattern as CX and XingYue, kind of a deja-vu honestly, they didn't get to consume their marriage în the first night either, since both CX and XY avoided it. For the same reason, IMO. 



the missing part in kaola translation of chapter 6


typical example of missing information due to different  perceptions or misunderstanding author”s intention.

the event with Miao Pu in chapter 42 in the original text it said she woke up from a dream. i had the same doubt like u since the word used in the vietnamese translation sometimes can be understood as sleep. thus, i checked the chinese text. it is “dream “ 

yes..she woke up from the dream..but told miaopu that she never dreamed of jing. Even though she had previously dreamed of Jing kissing her, right? Then who was she actually dreaming about?

and yes, I didn't analyze it myself because that's not my expertise, I only read several articles from fans of the book.(Yaoliu)


"the event with Miao Pu in chapter 42 in the original text it said she woke up from a dream." 

Thank you for clarify this, I was just about to ask if she woke up from a dream or from sleeping, because I was also under the impression that it was a dream. 

 after meeting with XL, her scare was exposed again and she suddenly desire for companionship ( long term and ysq  was taken into account (he met many of her criteria)

Interesting observation. I read yours and HeadInTheClouds  posts about symbolism of lotus and how it was used with XL. I think it is ironic how the relationship between XL and XY made one have massive character development while making the other scared/vulnerable and seek refuge in a co-dependent, unhealthy relationship with Jing.  XL started as a dark character, fell even deeper in love with XY (I think this happened during the 37 years under the sea), selflessly loved XY and overcame the bounds of mortal love. 


Interesting observation. I read yours and HeadInTheClouds  posts about symbolism of lotus and how it was used with XL. I think it is ironic how the relationship between XL and XY made one have massive character development while making the other scared/vulnerable and seek refuge in a co-dependent, unhealthy relationship with Jing.  XL started as a dark character, fell even deeper in love with XY (I think this happened during the 37 years under the sea), selflessly loved XY and overcame the bounds of mortal love. 

because XY had serious psychological issues while XL didn’t.  the scare of being abandoned overruled her heart and decision

 AH :
Also, IMO, whether someone feels betrayed and whether they have actually been betrayed are two separate questions.

I agree with this, although I'm not quite sure what this has to do with my comments. How does your lover/partner falling in love with someone else not consider a betrayal?

It is not XY's mind or XL's mind which judges if it is betray. It is the bug's judgment and I am pretty sure that the bug is very single minded

Isn't what we're talking about Lovers BUG

I too am of the same opinion. It's not about the person, it's about the bug.

I agree with the above comments. My interpretations start with the conceptualizations of the Lovers Bugs; and then applied to come to conclusions about the relationships in question. I don't look at the other potential hidden messages as part of my interpretation. KISS is best. My interpretations are of course influenced by my subjective beliefs. Prepare yourself for another essay :-)

If we start with a pair of lovers who make vows to each other and exchange some token as a physical symbol of those vows. Kinda like marriage vows and the exchange of rings. Usually with these vows, there's an implied promise of exclusivity - you and me, in sickness and in health, til death do us part. Some even make this implied promise of exclusivity explicit with the whole "forsaking all others" bit. How many people take this vow without expecting this promise of exclusivity? If one of these partners then falls in love with another person, they have essentially broken the promise of exclusivity with their partner have they not? Is this not an act of betrayal?

Now let's say instead of rings, these partners exchange Lovers Bugs (we're dealing with some adventurous/possessive lovers on par with Heathcliff and Catherine :-)). To me, the willingness needed for these Bugs to be successfully implanted is like a marriage vow. I see these Bugs as primitive, sentient creatures. These Bugs have their own built-in exclusivity clause with that whole "one-hearted" bit. They give certain benefits that people who are madly in love might want - such as joining their lives allowing them to save one another and also allowing lovers to make good their "til death do us part" promise. But, as the Voodoo King said, everything has its price and the greater the benefits, the costlier the price. You do not get to pick and choose which features you get; you want the benefits then you'd better prepare to pay the piper. 

He described these bugs as a pair of lovers in love - temperamental, unpredictable - I'm going to use the word tempestuous (does this bring to mind any pair of lovers to you :-)?) and it's extremely easy for these bugs to retaliate. In other words, these lover bugs' nature is not placid, mature and/or easygoing. Their nature is tempestuous. Tempestuous lovers are hardly the kind that would be a-ok with their partner falling in love with another. Did you see how well Heathcliff dealt with Catherine's betrayal when she married Linton? So well that he took revenge on their descendant. 

Like Heathcliff, these bugs will turn into "Gut Severing" Bugs when they perceive betrayal such as one partner falling in love with another person and thus breaking that "one-hearted" exclusivity clause. Gut Severing is the literal translation of what we usually call "heartbreak". So yes, these bugs are vindictive - think about how visceral the term Gut Severing is and what that kind of pain would feel like. They're not at all nice or easy-going. That's not these bugs' nature. So while the text didn't explicitly state that falling in love with another person will cause Lovers Bugs to turn into Gut Severing Bugs, I think my interpreting it as implied by the text ( and the "one-hearted" text) is neither extreme nor unreasonable.

As to whether Xiao Yao's lack of knowledge about their nature would change anything. Does me buying a cat without realizing it was a cat going to change the nature of the cat? Of course not! These bugs' nature is primitive and tempestuous. It's not their problem that Xiao Yao was an idiot who went around implanting Lovers Bugs willy-nilly into people. Girl should have done her research. She was lucky that she managed to find Xiang Liu and they met the implanting requirements, otherwise, she and CX would have both met their makers much earlier.

In the decades that Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu shared these bugs, they did not turn or act up once. Remember too that it's very easy for these bugs to retaliate. This to me, suggests that whatever feelings Xiao Yao has for Jing did not achieve anywhere near the same quality and/or quantity as what she has for Xiang Liu. These temperamental bugs would have not let them be if that wasn't the case. You can call her feelings for Jing whatever you want, but the vow of exclusivity was not broken.

As always, everyone's mileage will vary :-).

Apologize to poor Heathcliff for continuing to invoke his name in these discussions :-)

Why do they have to make him recall this scene so much? when he prepared the arrow and now? He wished a happy life for her, why didn't they let the doll look at her (seeing the world with her) but with subtle message of sweeet dream. Then how ironic is that! because the next scence XY did dream of XL (nightmare)

They are dropping this scene like anvil over the audience's head to hammer in the fact that Xiang Liu was the wrong choice for her and that Xiao Yao made the right decision by choosing Jing. If we looked at it from a more positive lens, we might be able to say that things didn't work out for YaoLiu not because they didn't love each other, but because they had competing loyalties. This interpretation would require the audience to pay careful attention and accurately recall the details of the Lovers Bugs. I'm not at all hopeful about that.

 AH :

Excellent summary. Nicely done. 

Very well-done summary. Thank you!

My memory may be shot, but at least my reading comprehension and summarizing skills are still serviceable :-)

The walnut is the original nest for the pair of bugs. After success of planting to human bodies, the bugs found the appropriate "nest" - the lovers' hearts to live and grow. So how can anyone force the bug out of its root/base to another heart. Meaning not one heart anymore.

I see the nature of these bugs as very extreme. It's once and done for them once they find the willing pair. Unlike with a traditional marriage and exchange of rings where you can dissolve the marriage and throw the rings away, there is no going back with these guys - the only way out is death.

Whether they KNEW they met the conditions for planting the bug ... lets just say that had to be worried about her feelings (unadmitted love) for XL interfering in the planting, whether that would happen or not.

He understood what the witch king said about the lovers' bug very well (as well as us). I don't think he was foolish to think that there was no love between his lover XY and XL (after decades of flowing them, and his tight holding XY on the boat because he scared she was about to jumb after XL). Therefore, he awared XY didn't love him (wholeheartedly).

Yup. The key scene is Jing's reaction on the boat following their visit to the Voodoo King. That was not at all the behaviour of someone confident and secure of their place in their lover's heart.


They are dropping this scene like anvil over the audience's head to hammer in the fact that Xiang Liu was the wrong choice for her and that Xiao Yao made the right decision by choosing Jing. If we looked at it from a more positive lens, we might be able to say that things didn't work out for YaoLiu not because they didn't love each other, but because they had competing loyalties. This interpretation would require the audience to pay careful attention and accurately recall the details of the Lovers Bugs. I'm not at all hopeful about that. 

So sad. In what universe is Jing the weakling the right decision? He just happened to be alive and we don’t even know for how long. Really sad. So much for healing. 

 AH :
Also, it didn't seem like XY was dreaming of anyone in that scene. She was asleep, and then she woke up because she heard the wind rustling the trees and mistook it for someone knocking on her window. She thought it was TSJ coming back

@Windiaaa041293 &Blabla100

The original text of the scene when XY woke up from a dream in chapter 42




明亮的月光下,窗外一览无余,只有花木,不见人影。小夭失望伤心,幽幽问 “苗莆,你说为什么我一次都没有梦见璟昵?” [1]



Comparison between Kaola translation and Google translation 

Kaola TranslationGoogle translation

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao woke from her sleep as if someone was knocking on her window. She opened the window “Jing……Jing, are you back?”

Miao Pu was beside her “Miss, it’s just the wind rustling the trees.”

Xiao Yao felt dizzy and couldn’t stand up so she leaned on the window “It’s really not him?”

Under the moonlight there were only trees with no shadow of a person. Xiao Yao’s heart broke and asked “Miao Pu, who do you think I’ve not once dreamed about Jing?” [1]

Miao Pu draped a robe over Xiao Yao and handed her a slipper and didn’t know how to answer other than “Your servant doesn’t know.”

Xiao Yao looked up at the moon “I really miss him, and even if I really can’t see him again, seeing him in a dream is better than nothing.”

In the middle of the night, Xiaoyao woke up from her dream. She seemed to hear someone knocking on the window. She jumped to the ground with bare feet, jumped to the window in a few steps, and opened the window: "Jing... Jing, are you back?"

Miao Pu held the pearl lamp in one hand and the clothes in the other: "Miss, it's just the sound of the wind blowing the branches."

 Xiaoyao felt dizzy and unsteady on her feet. She leaned against the window and murmured: "Is it really not him?"

 Under the bright moonlight, there was an unobstructed view outside the window, only flowers and trees, but no people. Xiaoyao was disappointed and sad, and asked quietly, "Miao Pu, why do you think I never dreamed about Jing?" [1]

Miao Pu put the clothes on Xiao Yao and gave Xiao Yao embroidered shoes. She didn't know how to answer Xiao Yao's question, so she could only say vaguely: "I don't know."

Xiaoyao looked up at the moon and said, "I miss him very much. Even if I really can't see him anymore, it's good to see him in my dreams."

Let's look closely to her question to Miao Pu:  “苗莆,你说为什么我一次都没有梦见璟昵?”

昵: Ni (similar to dear in english) 梦见: dream of  ; 梦: dream

Kaola translated: "Miao Pu, who do you think I’ve not once dreamed about Jing?” 

The best translation for this sentence using translation tools such as google and Baidu or Handbook.com is

Miao Pu, can you explain why I haven't ever dreamed of Jing?

or Miao Pu, can you explain why I have never dreamed of Jing?

@liddi can easily translate this sentence in the best way. But the message is she wanted to ask Miao Pu why she has't dream of Jing once. 


So XY just had a dream and she woke up, and felt as if someone knocking the window. She was in the stage of half unconscious (between sleeping and fully awaken). Who came from the window? Jing never came from the window, if he was back, he would come from the door. What kind of dream that reminded her of someone from the window. 

This kind of mental state and her reaction is why similar to her reaction in chapter 44 when she saw the hibiscus flowers and had illision of "Jing"

Xiao Yao’s eyes were staring into the distance and she said with a smile “Jing, you’re finally back!”

Zhuan Xu paused for a split second, his smile frozen, but then he firmly picked Xiao Yao up into his arms “Let’s go home.

Zhuan Xu carried Xiao Yao onto the cloud carriage. Her body couldn’t move but her face was tightly pressed to his chest “Jing, I miss you so much, so much……..Don’t leave………don’t leave……..”

Zhuan Xu placed his palm on Xiao Yao’s back and felt her weak heartbeat.

His face showed no signs of his exhaustion from rushing back day and night, but his eyes reflected endless sorrow. His voice remained gentle and firm “I won’t leave, Xiao Yao, I won’t leave! I will always be here!”

Xiao Yao listened to his firm beating heart and finally felt comforted. Jing was here! Jing was right beside her (Chapter 44)

She called Jing but she was scared that he would leave her (Don't leave... don't... leave). If Jing was back, he would stay. Why should he leave her? She kept pressing her head to CX's chest to hear his heart beat. Eventually, it was the heart beat that comforted her. So, who shared heart beat with XY over decades? She felt her sorrow was understood, was shared by hearing XY's heart beat. During 37 years, XL's heart beat was the only constant sound that helped her overcome the endless darkness.

Therefore, these 2 examples show that in such half conscious/unconscious condition, her memory of Jing and XL intertwined. And the memory of XL/FFB is normally dominant or dictates her action.

@liddi can easily translate this sentence in the best way. But the message is she wanted to ask Miao Pu why she has't dream of Jing once. 

I translated this excerpt some time ago:

In the middle of the night, Xiao Yao woke up from her dream with a start. She seemed to have heard someone knocking on the window, so she jumped on the ground barefooted and rushed over to the window in a few steps, opening the window, "Jing... Jing, have you returned?"

Miao Pu held the pearl lamp in one hand, clothes in the other, "Young Lady, it is just the sound of the rustling of the branches in the wind."

Xiao Yao felt dizzy and unsteady on her feet. Leaning against the window, she murmured, "Is it really not him?"

The bright moonlight accorded an unobstructed view outside the window. There were only flowers and trees, but not even a shadow of a person. Disappointed and sad, Xiao Yao asked quietly, "Miao Pu, why do you think I never once dreamt of Jing?"

Miao Pu draped the clothes on Xiao Yao's body and handed her the embroidered shoes. Not knowing how to answer Xiao Yao's question, she could only say vaguely, "I don't know."

Xiao Yao looked up at the moon and said, "I really miss him. Even if I really can't see him anymore, it would be good to see him in my dreams."

-- Vol 3 Ch9  (Chapter 42)

@H19279 @windiaaa @liddi

Thank you, again, guys, for the info. IMO this scene is hinting to the bedroom scene, when FBei came to see her through the window. I have no recollection of any other scene that ties anyone else to a window. Also that pearl lamp is present yet again.  I too interpret that part as if she not once dreamed about Jing, altough it's kinda conflicting, giving that she did have at least 2 dreams of him that I recall of in the past. 

"A person suddenly vaulted into her room from the window and then immediately closed it.The sounds of the chasing soldiers reached her, clearly they were chasing someone." 


"Therefore, these 2 examples show that in such half conscious/unconscious condition, her memory of Jing and XL intertwined. And the memory of XL/FFB is normally dominant or dictates her action"

I agree with your interpretation. It's the stage when the real gets mixed with the fake.