

They say these bugs are easy to raise and easy to plant, but IMO that's not because these bugs act different, but because it's a given that the love that a mother and a child share is special / wholehearted / no competition. Their nature, I believe , is the same.

it’s very different.  the one who planted the bug hosted mother bug. that one controlled both bugs. 

it’s possible to recalll the child bug. And when the host of child bug died, child bug return to mother bug. there is no life and heart connection. and they are controllable 

Oh I see. Yeah,  you're right, didn't think of that. 


I like your analysis and I mostly agree with it, but IMO XY did try to open the door for XL. The crystal ball and her wait for him is a clear message, I mean what more can one ask of her?

my aim is to clarify the man that she mentioned in that part of conversation with Jing is FFB/XL. And then at least we had some clues of her attitude and opinion from her side about the reason why the relationship failed. losing FFB could be easier to link with what she said. But i still not fully grasp their behavior in QS town. I still think she loved also XL thus when FFB was dead, did she still keep any hope? she sent the ball, addressed him as XL. why was she so passive and ignorant during that time? i have to think further. that 1 month in QS will be discussed separately 

About the bugs, I can't help but compare them to the parents-child's bugs. They say these bugs are easy to raise and easy to plant, but IMO that's not because these bugs act different, but because it's a given that the love that a mother and a child share is special / wholehearted / no competition. Their nature, I belive, is the same.

I'm not sure that I understand what you are saying here.  Are you saying that these bugs' nature is the same as those of mother/child bugs, so they would have the same wholehearted love as that of mother/child bugs?

it’s very different. the one who planted the bug hosted mother bug. that one controlled both bugs.

it’s possible to recalll the child bug. And when the host of child bug died, child bug return to mother bug. there is no life and heart connection. and they are controllable

Interesting. Can you tell me which chapter this information is in?

My information on the Lovers Bugs comes from the Voodoo King's scene. He stated that the benefits of these bugs came at a cost - it's incredibly easy for these bugs to retaliate and turn into Gut Severing Bugs. So despite the benefits, not many people grow them because essentially not many people are willing to pay the cost. 

Like I said before, to me the only people who would be willing to pay such a high price are those who love desperately and these are not the kind of people that will be OK with their partner loving another person. The Voodoo King described the temperament of these Lovers Bugs like a pair of lovers in the throes* of love - temperamental, extremely hard to control, easy to bite back. Look at those descriptions and tell me that it doesn't bring to mind a young pair of lovers who are wildly in love and prone to fights and jealousy. These lovers will bite back at each other if they so much as suspect their partner of being unfaithful - just like the Bugs will retaliate and turn into Gut Severing Bugs when the host(s) is no longer one-hearted. I think this price is a fair one - if you want someone to tie their life to yours, then the least you can do is forsake all others and love only them. So for those who love desperately and want exclusivity, these Bugs would be highly desirable.

*taking some liberty with this word, as the literal translation doesn't capture the immediacy of this love/relationship.


"that 1 month in QS will be discussed separately"

 I am looking forward for your take on that month în QS Town, there are things that I don't get either. 


"Are you saying that these bugs' nature is the same as those of mother/child bugs, so they would have the same wholehearted love as that of mother/child bugs?"

Yes, that's what I thought, but they are different, it has been clarified it by H19279. 

So sad. In what universe is Jing the weakling the right decision?

The only universe where Jing is the right decision is the one filled with people with Xiao Yao's psychological shortcomings. What kind of "male lead" is this where his life and his "not a tragedy" ending were made possible by the love rival?


Interesting. Can you tell me which chapter this information is in?

So, XY used the bug for CX, she had thought that her bug was normal bug which she knew the characteristics from Jiuli Poison and poison bug Textbook

it is her conversation with Jing after WXL was rescued from CX (end of chapter 5 or Chapter 6?)

XL made a comment that a voodoo master could control the bug from thousands mile distance after moving the bug to him (chapter 7)

In chapter 46, CX told her no worry about the bug because his doctor Jin said that the bug will either die or return to mother. She thought in her mind that it was correct for mother-child bug but not her lovers’ bug. Se Mai Er told the mother-child bug was easy to raise and use in chapter 26

I think it is ironic how the relationship between XL and XY made one have massive character development while making the other scared/vulnerable and seek refuge in a co-dependent, unhealthy relationship with Jing.

For me,  wasn't her relationship with Xiang Liu that caused XY to seek refuge in her co-dependent, unhealthy relationship with Jing. Her trauma was the cause of that. Her relationship with Xiang Liu would have potentially facilitated growth and addressed her trauma. Unfortunately, XY didn't get there until the end of the novel with XL's death as a catalyst. I wrote a long-a** analysis on this :-).



Ha!  Fei Fei song IS a XY / XL song.

I remember, I once read several articles discussing this song as belonging to Yaoliu. They said This song is the opening line of "Sauvignon Blanc 1: Like First Meeting", and it is also the song Xiaoyao sang when Yaoliu first met.The whole process of Yaoliu's Love have been foreshadowed in the lyrics of this song.

The drama version omits this part:

"You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. Fall in love and cherish each other, fall in love and cherish each other"

Maybe it's because of some changes in the drama, so I understand.




Ha!  Fei Fei song IS a XY / XL song.

I remember, I once read several articles discussing this song as belonging to Yaoliu. They said This song is the opening line of "Sauvignon Blanc 1: Like First Meeting", and it is also the song Xiaoyao sang when Yaoliu first met.The whole process of Yaoliu's Love have been foreshadowed in the lyrics of this song.

The drama version omits this part:

"You are like the clouds in the sky, and I am like the moon in the clouds. Fall in love and cherish each other, fall in love and cherish each other"

Maybe it's because of some changes in the drama, so I understand.

in the first edition of LYF, the song when WXL sang to lure fei fei ends with u are like bird, i am like fish, forgetting and remembering etc which differed from the version XY sang for Jing.

But in the major change in 2019, TH used only 1 version which is the “jing” version 


Congratulations to Lost You Forever S1 for winning "Drama of the Year" at The Tencent Golden Penguin 2023 awards! I love how they used the scene from Xiao Yao's first conversation with Fangfeng Bei to introduce the drama:

"What exactly do you want to do?"
"I want you to remember me."


Tong Hua also won "Best scriptwriter of the Year (original script)":


some say that this video snippet Yangzi herself chose. I don't know whether it's true or not.


in the first edition of LYF, the song when WXL sang to lure fei fei ends with u are like bird, i am like fish, forgetting and remembering etc which differed from the version XY sang for Jing.

But in the major change in 2019, TH used only 1 version which is the “jing” version 

Is this the first version?






some say that this video snippet Yangzi herself chose. I don't know whether it's true or not.

I don't know about that ... I don't think Yang Zi was at that ceremony.  But as I remarked elsewhere, the 'official' CP sure took a hit on the red carpet at the TenCent awards tonight, and I imagine Yang Zi did pick that gorgeous ocean dress she wore. ;p


I don't know about that ... I don't think Yang Zi was at that ceremony.  But as I remarked elsewhere, the 'official' CP sure took a hit on the red carpet at the TenCent awards tonight, and I imagine Yang Zi did pick that gorgeous ocean dress she wore. ;p

Yeah ...she's a nine-headed snake demoness.


Congratulations to Lost You Forever S1 for winning "Drama of the Year" at The Tencent Golden Penguin 2023 awards! I love how they used the scene from Xiao Yao's first conversation with Fangfeng Bei to introduce the drama:

"What exactly do you want to do?"
"I want you to remember me."


Tong Hua also won "Best scriptwriter of the Year (original script)":


I'm so happy for everyone involved with this project......it must really feel good for all their hard work to pay off

This is the final installment of Ep20 (the finale), which covers Cang Xuan finally confessing his love to Xiao Yao, her marriage to Jing, their planned departure for Qingshui town, and what happened after that.

Leaked script Ep20 scenes 19-24

[At the poinciana forest on Zhao Yun peak, Cang Xuan gave the Ruo Mu flower to Xiao Yao, the woman he had always loved, the only woman he wanted to give it to. The Ruo Mu flower had the authority to deploy the armies of the Ruoshui clan, and now he gave it to her as her dowry and blessings from his mother who would have wanted her to have it.

He reminisced how in that same poinciana forest, she once promised to be his wife, never to part (this would definitely be changed to sister in the actual drama, in keeping with how the dialogue was re-dubbed). Xiao Yao never thought that he still remembered their promise, thinking he was like their grandfather, only caring about the throne. Cang Xuan explained that he was determined to claim the throne so that he could protect her and never be parted from her. However, after the pointed question posed by the old Xuan Yuan king which he had no answer for, he thought for a long time and realised that by now, in his heart, the throne outweighed Xiao Yao. If he could turn back time, he would still make the same choice despite knowing that his decision would mean losing her. He was no longer the same person he was back then. Young Cang Xuan lost his parents, lost everything, and only Xiao Yao remained. However, now, she was not his entire world, and he could no longer give up everything for her, even though Xiao Yao was the one who risked her life to help him obtain it.

In tears, Xiao Yao said he had nothing to apologise for. As long as he was alive, and the fact that he ensured both of them survived and was living well, was the best outcome. Ashamed and guilt-ridden for choosing the throne instead of her, Cang Xuan embraced her and wept.]

Little Xiao Yao and Little Cang Xuan holding hands and taking their oath before their grandmother; secretly drinking wine; drinking poinciana nectar together; fighting hand in hand against the enemies in Ze Zhou City; Cang Xuan carrying her on his back; Cang Xuan staying by her side after her heart was broken by Tushan Jing...
[End flashback]


[Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing were married at her grandmother Xie Zhu's palace on Xuan Yuan mountain.

GXSH: Cang Xuan cannot stay for long and has to hurry back to Shen Nong mountain. Let us not waste time on trivial formalities. Xiao Yao, Jing, come over and give Cang Xuan a wedding toast.

When Jing was about to toast Cang Xuan, Cang Xuan actually stood up courteously to everyone's shock.

CX: You are kind-hearted and exceptionally clever, and what is even more rare is that you love Xiao Yao wholeheartedly, placing her first in all things. Not just myself, but even Auntie and Grandmother would surely be satisfied that Xiao Yao is marrying you.

Cang Xuan drank up the wine.

TSJ (bowing embarrassedly): Thank you, Your Majesty.

Cang Xuan actually gave Tushan Jing a deep bow.

CX: From here on, I entrust Xiao Yao to you.

Tushan Jing was initially shocked, before calmly accepting the bow.

TSJ (solemn promise): Your Majesty need not worry. (looking at Xiao Yao) Jing would definitely not dare to let you down.

Xiao Yao handed the wine cup to Cang Xuan in a toast which he accepted. Seeing the Ruo Mu flower in Xiao Yao's hair, he gave his blessings with a smile.

CX: Husband and wife with hearts as one, loving each other until your hair is white.
XY: With gege's blessings, we definitely will!

Cang Xuan smiled and drank the wine.

(Note: In this scene, Cang Xuan rationally knew that this was his own choice, and he had already approved of Tushan Jing. However, in his heart, he definitely was not truly happy. Nonetheless, he was adept in hiding his true thoughts, and his rationality could control his emotions, not allowing anyone to discern his intentions. But to the viewers, he cannot reveal, but cannot not reveal it). ]


[In the morning, Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing went to pay their respects at their families' graves. She reminisced how during her toughest moments, each time she thought of them, she felt that she had to go on no matter what or else they would not rest in peace. Tushan Jing asked what she wanted to do now. They no longer had any burdens that they could not let go off.]

XY (smiling at Tushan Jing): I have let go of all my burdens. How about you, Master Tushan?
TSJ: I too have no more cares left. Tushan Zhen is now the new clan leader. It would be awkward if I returned.
XY: During the quiet moments over these past years, the times I cannot forget the most are those days at Qingshui town.
TSJ: Me too.

Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing looked at each other and laughed in tacit understanding.

XY: In that case, why don't we...

Xiao Yao extended her hand which Tushan Jing took without hesitation, and they walked off hand in hand.
From afar, Cang Xuan approached after they had left, standing all by himself in front of their families' graves, watching them disappear into the distance.

CX (VO): Mother, Aunt, Xiao Yao and I are doing very well.

Behind him were the graves of his family, ahead of him was the vast world that belonged to him.


[At the gates of Xuan Yuan city, the old Xuan Yuan king, Gao Xin Shao Hao and A Nian saw Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing off.

Xiao Yao told her Royal Father that they had not decided where to settle down yet, but planned to travel the world, collecting medical prescriptions and herbs, and updating medical texts. They would settle down once they found a place they both liked. She promised him that they would send word once they settled down, and not just disappear without a trace. She then reminded A Nian to visit their Royal Father in Xuan Yuan mountain if she was bored, but never to step into the Middle Plains, to which A Nian told her that she had seen her share of battles, and knew what was appropriate. Xiao Yao laughingly said that she forgot that their A Nian had grown up.]

A Nian deliberately snorted then glanced at Hai Tang behind her. Hai Tang approached with a wooden box which A Nian opened, taking out a sleeping big-bellied laughing doll made of Fusang wood, which she then handed to Xiao Yao.

AN (her expression seemingly relaxed, but her eyes were cautious): Older Sister, this is my wedding present for you. Wishing you and... Jing, hearts that are forever united, remaining a devoted couple to the end of your lives.

Xiao Yao was momentarily stunned before taking the gift and holding it in her arms.

XY: Haven't you given us a gift already? Still, one can't have too many presents. Since you wish to give again, I will accept again.
AN (requesting): Older Sister, bring this doll together with you to travel the world. (holding back her sorrow) Make... (softly) up... for what I am missing out on.
XY: Alright.

[At last Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing took their leave and alighted the carriage. As Tushan Jing drove the carriage, Xiao Yao, the Ruo Mu flower in her hair, the big-bellied laughing doll in her arms, waved vigorously at everyone in farewell. Their carriage joined others like it on the road, and even those with spiritual power would not be able to tell the difference between those in the carriages.]

[singing voiceover]
If you are the wind above the water, I am like the lotus in the wind; Seeing and missing each other, Seeing and missing each other.
If you are the cloud in the sky, I am like the moon in the clouds; Loving and cherishing each other, Loving and cherishing each other. If you are the tree on the mountain, I am like the vine on the tree: Accompanying and relying on each other, Accompanying and relying on each other. Why are there joys and sorrows in the world; Why are there gatherings and partings in the world; I only wish for us, to stay together forever, never to part...

[As they receded into the distance, Gao Xin Shao Hao and the old Xuan Yuan king calmly noted that they had conveniently forgotten to inform Cang Xuan that Xiao Yao and Tushan Jing were leaving. Gao Xin Shao Hao was sad but gratified that Xiao Yao had managed to accomplish A Heng's unfulfilled wish. As long as the world was peaceful, the old Xuan Yuan king was certain Xiao Yao would have a good life.]


[The medical texts were completed 57 years after Xiao Yao first initiated it, and would alleviate the pain and suffering of the people. Cang Xuan ordered that the names of all those who contributed be documented, starting from Xiling Jiu Yao, so that they would be remembered by those who came after.]


[At the teahouse in Qingshui Town, Master Shi was narrating a story called "The Legend of the Great Wilderness", which started off with a folk ballad "One mountain, two kingdoms, three royal families, four noble families... "

Among the audience were Cang Xuan and A Nian, dressed in plain clothes, with Lao Sang and Hai Tang in attendance. A physician carting a medicine box accidentally ran into A Nian, touching her dress. A Nian did not mind but merely smiled, but Cang Xuan violently turned and chased after the physician, calling him "Xiao Yao", then realised that he was mistaken. Dejected, he watched as the physician disappeared into the crowd. The world now at peace, Qingshui town was bustling more than ever, but Xiao Yao was no where to be found.

CX: The waters return to the sea, the birds enter the forest, Xiao Yao has returned from whence she came. I wonder where she is right now, and whether she is doing well.
AN (following his gaze to look at the marketplace): Older Sister could be the woman selling flowers, or the owner of the clothing store who is dozing off, or the married woman buying candy for the child... By looking at them, you would know that no matter where Older Sister is, she is definitely living a good life.

Cang Xuan looked at the bustling mortal realm and felt comfort in the midst of the dejection he felt.

CX: Xiao Yao is in the midst of the multitude of living beings, and the multitude of living beings are Xiao Yao.
AN (consoling): Everything that is thought of in the four corners of the world is as close as neighbours despite being far apart. We will surely meet again one day.

Cang Xuan masked his emotions with a smile and invited A Nian to go back to listen to whatever new story the talking rock was telling. Together, they went into the teahouse

[singing voiceover] 
You are infatuated again, I am lost again. Being infatuated leaves us both in a dilemma. How can the Heavens know the answer to this problem? Eternal longing, extreme longing. I hope that before fate has ended, we can be together again in this life...

The scene ends with the hustle and bustle amidst the shops in the streets... a picture of prosperity and abundance]

*** THE END ***