
And I once saw a fan post a screenshot of Tonghua's weibo, I forget exactly when, but it was definitely after 2013, saying that Tonghua had a grudge against to heroine's character.
After thinking about it, because her favorite character had to die, I think TH really has a grudge against to heroine.Even though Tonghua doesn't mention who the heroine is, I think Xiaoyao is one of them



And I once saw a fan post a screenshot of Tonghua's weibo, I forget exactly when, but it was definitely after 2013, saying that Tonghua had a grudge against to heroine's character.
After thinking about it, because her favorite character had to die, I think TH really has a grudge against to heroine.Even though Tonghua doesn't mention who the heroine is, I think Xiaoyao is one of them

Do you mean her heroines in general? In all of her works? She's definitely ruthless to her main female characters.

Or Xiao Yao, specifically? Because I can see her making XY end up with Jing as a sort of punishment. Deal with your trauma, or get a Jing as a prize. Sort of a cautionary tale. But hey, not a tragedy, right?



And I once saw a fan post a screenshot of Tonghua's weibo, I forget exactly when, but it was definitely after 2013, saying that Tonghua had a grudge against to heroine's character.
After thinking about it, because her favorite character had to die, I think TH really has a grudge against to heroine.Even though Tonghua doesn't mention who the heroine is, I think Xiaoyao is one of them

Hmmmm.  Well, I'd have to see it, but Tong Hua is the author.  If she doesn't like a character, she can always rewrite or change things.  It wasn't XY's fault that XL died, it was Tong Hua's decision.

I do think writers like to put their characters through tribulations, because that is what makes them interesting -- seeing how they react under pressure.

Or Xiao Yao, specifically? Because I can see her making XY end up with Jing as a sort of punishment. Deal with your trauma, or get a Jing as a prize. Sort of a cautionary tale. But hey, not a tragedy, right?

lol!  Well, that's a different take.


"I would love to be able to read the book from beginning to end, but the biggest impediment now is not even Xiang Liu dying. It all comes down to this nonentity called Jing."

Lol, same here. So many times I have tried to  re-read the novel from start to finish, but I just can't because of Jing.  He just bores me to tears.


I personally think that Xiang Liu actually realized very early on that his feelings for Xiao Yao were somewhat special, although he couldn't be sure whether this was what humans call "love" until he succeeded in planting the love bug.

Despite this, he never really decided to pursue her, because he knew from the beginning that his end would probably be to die for Chenrong army. Tan Jian Ci also confirmed this in a previous interview, "Xiang Liu has always been aware of his fate." Therefore, before he discovered Xiao Yao's true identity, I think his plan was to hide his feelings, continue to get along with Xiao Yao as a friend before he had to leave, and secretly get some joy and intimacy from her which is rare for him, while silently watching over her. Because she said to him, "If I can't find long-term companionship, short-term companionship is also good." He remembered this and recalled it later. Until one day, Xiao Yao was taken to Wushen Mountain. When he chased her to save her, she was held by TSJ. She told him "I don’t want to owe you", so he returned to Qingshui Town and had been waiting for her to come home, but she never came back. Later, he met her in Zhiyi City with her clothes changed. He pretended to be another woman and asked her why she didn't go home, but she said that she was at home all over the world and would be wherever she went. He became afraid that she would never come back. It wasn't until he heard about Princess Haoling and guessed her true identity that he suddenly understood that she truly would never come back. Moreover, she is the granddaughter of the enemy and will probably disappear forever and never see him again. That's why he was so bitter and angry, determined to take revenge on her for lying. Later, after the conversation on the beach, he understood that Xiao Yao didn't want to have any special feelings for him. But not being able to see her made him tortured by lovesickness. So in the end he decided to stay with her as a playboy, while teaching her how to protect herself.



"I would love to be able to read the book from beginning to end, but the biggest impediment now is not even Xiang Liu dying. It all comes down to this nonentity called Jing."

Lol, same here. So many times I have tried to  re-read the novel from start to finish, but I just can't because of Jing.  He just bores me to tears. 

I would take the boredom any day over the loathing I have for this character. I have read many many books of every genre in my life but I don’t remember disliking a character as much as I dislike him. Not even all the true villains and despicable scumbags in fiction make me so mad as this one particular dude. I think the sugar coating he often gets is what infuriates me the most. People’s inability to see he’s not a healthy choice, he’s not a poor tortured abused hero who deserves so much pity from the world is the icing on the cake. He is supposed to have the power and the intelligence to do more but because of an endless stream of excuses, he does nothing and still gets praised for at least “having good intentions”. That means nothing if actions don’t follow those good intentions. Too much sweet talk and very little action. No wonder his life is constantly at risk, being deceived and murdered left and right. Where’s the cunning aspect of his character?

He’s just there to  be available at the end because the “heroine” is also as unhealthy and damaged as it gets. All the other dudes have more pressing issues than to cater to her unrealistic needs. Couple of nonsensical people who need therapy, not a fairy tale ending. 

Dramatic much? :D

This is why no matter how much I try to understand their point of view, I will never not despise his fans and his character.

This is from dramaticsKC, a very vocal Jinger on various platforms.  I think Symbolika is even re-posting her stuff in a topic here or in Season 2.   Normally, I don't bother reading it when it shows up on my feed, cause it's the usual nonsense like this.


I honestly do not know what Tong Hua meant to say with her ending. Or with the creation of this character altogether. It has to be the most frustrating thing ever written.

I continue to ponder this ending also.

Now, nathsketch.  It's clear that Jing was created to make XL look even more godlike in comparison. ;p



"I would love to be able to read the book from beginning to end, but the biggest impediment now is not even Xiang Liu dying. It all comes down to this nonentity called Jing."

Lol, same here. So many times I have tried to  re-read the novel from start to finish, but I just can't because of Jing.  He just bores me to tears. 

So do I. sometimes there is debate about Jing in this thread. I would like to participate with neutral stand and text evidence which requires me to re-read chapters involving Jing. But I really dislike reading the part about him or XY with Jing. Their contact, itimacy, reaction seems so vague and "theater playing". From start to wedding, XY's reaction remained "blushing" all the time. 

For sanity of my mind, I happily log out to erase my Google history page. Their are people like Tsj in reality, who behaves pitifully, fails to be responsible and burdens their lovers on name of love. Some Tsj fans like Winny & Symbolika, making excuses on excuses for him, trying to make everything about Jing. Maybe it will satisfy them if TH written Jing as both Male and Female lead.

I don't think, they even care about XY. They are basically Dw fans, trying to benefits from YangZi. No offense but Dw depends upon YZ. She is superior in acting & character than him. Production tried to boost his Cp cause Jing solely fails to gain momentum in plot, like other leads. Still seems Dw & YZ are just acting, its nothing natural. His some obsessive fans erratic biased behaviours have greatly lessened my interest in both Dw and Jing. So as much they try to misinterpret things, Still won't change facts & truth. Btw, I think, they will do same if he ever got drama with Dilireba, YangMi, Zhao Liying etc. 

Despite this, he never really decided to pursue her, because he knew from the beginning that his end would probably be to die for Chenrong army. Tan Jian Ci also confirmed this in a previous interview, "Xiang Liu has always been aware of his fate." Therefore, before he discovered Xiao Yao's true identity, I think his plan was to hide his feelings, continue to get along with Xiao Yao as a friend before he had to leave, and secretly get some joy and intimacy from her which is rare to him, while silently watching over her.

I disagree.  XL has 9 lives.  If anyone is going to die in battle in the army, it isn't going to be him.  And the political and military situation in the beginning is different from the end of the story.  In the beginning of the story, there were two factions fighting against Xiyan, and things were at a stalemate -- with one of CX's uncles likely to inherit, which would have swung things to Haolin and the Chenrong Resistance Army.

I'm not sure which interview you're referencing, but it's unlikely that XL has always been aware of his fate -- unless he believed his fate was to die fighting.

Others disagree with me, but I don't think XL would have accepted the Poison Love Bug, if he hadn't planned on having a future as a lover / husband with XY.  There's even an alleged casting sheet for XL that actually says he planned for a future with her.  There's a reason why he recites the poem / song that reference marriage  symbols upon killing the Poison Love Bugs:

"The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the jian birds do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.” 

It wasn't until he heard about Princess Haoling and guessed her true identity that he suddenly understood that she truly would never come back. Moreover, she is the granddaughter of the enemy and will probably disappear forever and never see him again. That's why he was so bitter and angry, determined to take revenge on her for lying.

I don't think this is why XL is angry.

Later, after the conversation on the beach, he understood that Xiao Yao didn't want to have any special feelings for him. But not being able to see her made him tortured by lovesickness. So in the end he decided to stay with her as a playboy, while teaching her how to protect herself.

I'm not certain of this either.  Maybe it's different in the novel.

Some Tsj fans like Winny & Symbolika, making excuses on excuses for him, trying to make everything about Jing. Maybe it will satisfy them if TH written Jing as both Male and Female lead.

I don't think, they even care about XY. They are basically Dw fans, trying to benefits from YangZi.

Yes, they do the detail analysis of the novel with all kind of symbolic images etc. I was curious how did they interpretate some parts when XY looked at the mirror and talking about Jing with her daddy, thinking of XL when she was swimming and making poison but everything that they wrote is escape mechanism. Their attitude and opinion is great example of escape mechanism too. Escape from the fact that the FL did not think of their beloved Jing in such cases. 

2) What is the relationship between XL and Chenrong Yi?

 AH :
It is not discussed or shown in the novel. As far as I can recall, it is also not discussed or shown in S1.

I don't know about the novel, but in the drama, it's made clear that XL has been meeting Chenrong Yi to get provisions and supplies for the Resistance Army.  He was leaving such a meeting in a boat, when XY was looking for a ride.  So, he shapeshifted into a woman, and picked XY up.

The Resistance Army is getting secret support from some of the major families in the Central Plains.  In the drama, we also see that one of the great clans, the Guifang, are supporting or connected to XL, who bears some sort of command token from them.

 AH :
XL will refuse, and Hong Jiang will point out that while Cherong Yi did his part to help the people of the Middle Plains prosper after surrendering to Xuan Yuan, Hong Jiang and his army also played a role in protecting their interests.

I think it is actually Chenrong Yi who reminds Hong Jiang that he and the Resistance Army had not led a futile existence.  Without the threat that Resistance Army posed to Xiyan all these centuries, he couldn't have gotten the better treatment and good conditions that enabled the Central Plains to be more of a prosperous partner, rather than an oppressed subject state of Xiyan.  And he formally thanked Hong Jiang, XL and the army for that.


Well...I still stand by my opinion. Xiao Yao had already refused to admit that she was a woman to him in the hot spring pool. How could Xiang Liu still think that she would agree to be his wife? Xiang Liu should have known from that time that Xiao Yao didn't want to be with him, but he didn't react much at the time, so he probably didn't have this plan from the beginning.

Also, regarding the fate of Chenrong army, the screenwriter borrowed Xiao Yao's words from the very beginning, "Sooner or later, the Xiyan Kingdom will encircle and destroy Hongjiang. This situation is irreversible and cannot be stopped by one person." Xiang Liu did not refute her then.

Also, I think the main reason Xiang Liu agreed to plant love bugs was because the old man told him that if the person being planted didn't love the planter, she would probably be attacked by the bugs and her life would be in danger, and the bugs cannot be taken out. He decided to pay this price for her safety.


Later, after the conversation on the beach, he understood that Xiao Yao didn't want to have any special feelings for him. But not being able to see her made him tortured by lovesickness. So in the end he decided to stay with her as a playboy, while teaching her how to protect herself.

I'm not certain of this either.  Maybe it's different in the novel.

He pretended to be another woman and asked her why she didn't go home, but she said that she was at home all over the world and would be wherever she went. He became afraid that she would never come back. It wasn't until he heard about Princess Haoling and guessed her true identity that he suddenly understood that she truly would never come back. Moreover, she is the granddaughter of the enemy and will probably disappear forever and never see him again. That's why he was so bitter and angry, determined to take revenge on her for lying. Later, after the conversation on the beach, he understood that Xiao Yao didn't want to have any special feelings for him. But not being able to see her made him tortured by lovesickness. So in the end he decided to stay with her as a playboy, while teaching her how to protect herself.

@ZYHLJ, I think you are talking about the drama because in the novel there is no scene where WXL met female XL in Zhiji. 

The message that XY told XL was quite clear the she was afraid that if she was not careful enough he would enter her dream and he was a kind of person/man who was not suitable to enter girl's dream. 

So, it was quite clear that XL could understand XY had feeling for him but he was not suitable. and XY was afraid that such feeling got more serious. It is not "he understood that Xiao Yao didn't want to have many special feeling for him". Of course XL was quite bitter and angry in the context now because he gave her his heart by the bug which could not be removed but she did not want their relationship progress further. The relationship with him is more fearful than death. That also speaks something. If she didn't have feeling for him then she would not have such fear. 

XY also said that in any relationship there should be a person to take initiative. She took the initiative in the relationship with Ah Nian because of her father and CX. Thus, later he could have reviewed their relationship and changed his approach. 

The drama also indicated that XL wanted to teach WXL archery before WXL was captured and went back to Haolling. In order to teach XY archery, FFB just had to approach XY and then taught her archery and had some hanging time with her. But FFB after 2 years revealed his true identity. If he didn't want any further relationship with her or future with her, he should not had done so. And I don't believe that without XY, he could not escape the chase of Xuan Yuan's guards. He did such kind of dangerous action for hundreds of year without XY. That time, he took it in order to reveal his identity and see her feeling toward him 

Is this part in the drama? I've forgotten.

Season 1

△ Gao Xin Shaohao looked at Xiaotian, thinking of her wandering growth, his eyes were sad.
Gao Xin Shaohao: This time, it was Liu, the Nine- Life Prime Minister, who saved you?

Xiaotian: (nods) Yeah.

Gao Xin Shaohao: (serious) Xiaotian, I never interfere with your freedom, but as a father, I ask you not to associate with Xiang Liu. He and Zhenxuan have different positions. Your bloodline has already made the choice for you.

Xiaotian: (Unexpectedly silent for a moment, then he smiled brightly) Father, where did you think? There was just a transaction between me and Xiang Liu. He saved me because he wanted to grab the ball, not because of me at all.

△ Gao Xin Shaohao didn’t seem to believe it, but he didn’t say anything more, he just explained solemnly.

Gao Xin Shaohao: Anyway, remember, I would rather risk the disgrace of the world and send troops to destroy the Fangfeng clan and help you snatch the little fox from the Tushan family than have anything to do with you and Xiang Liu.

△Xiaotian deliberately made a dumbfounded and frightened face and agreed with a smile.