Just like how YZ's fandom will protect XY and by extension DW's Jing since he's XY's "official partner" and disliking Jing is tantamount to criticizing XY and therefore criticizing ZY. It's a strange mentality.

I've noticed this too. All those "Zimis" usually prefer DW to Tan, so I'm guessing their sheep behavior is coming from supporting the official pairing. Welp, I already disliked her fandom a lot, so this extra incentive to steer clear from her dramas and her fans wasn't necessary :D

You should see the comments on Viki about her new drama. That whole thing apparently sucks, but one poor soul dared to mention how weird her acting was as a teenager and the Zimis did not like to hear such truths.

17 hours ago
Iol... I take JCT pretty face over Deng Wei. JC soft features are way more attractive to me than Deng Wei'd chisel looks. Also, JC eyes and lips are just perfect.

Me too, if I had to choose between the two, easy choice for me. But Deng Wei's look is considered peak male idol perfection by a lot of Chinese idol drama viewers' standards.

I heard that Chinese people value V-line faceshape and small face. 

On screen, livestream, there are a lot of filters or tools to make people look different (e.g., enlong the face, make big eyes etc)

Every country has its own standard set of beauty. And then within the same country, people still have various preference for beauty. 

14 hours ago
Welp.  Is it the height thing again? Or I need new glasses. Maybe it’s a cultural thing because I really don’t see it. My eyes only see Tan. The rest is all sort of blurry lololol

I don't get the height thing.  I mean, when I see him next to other actors and stars they are about the same height, maybe an inch or so taller.  

I do think height is an important factor too. In many occassions, events, TJC wore elevated shoes so that he looked quite close to others. However, he could not use that trick everytime. He did not look much higher than Yang Zi in the end year Tencent event because she also wore high heels. 

The important thing is that his personality and talent are larger than life.

Yes, those are the factors which keep audience, fans to stick with him or any good artists for long term. 

Officially, there has not been any released drama yet where DW plays as ML. I am curious how will be the feedback. I would not watch but for sure when that day comes, there will be a lot of news on facebook or drama forums, websites. 

I came here to talk about XL after sitting with the characters but..

I want to further expand my thoughts about Jing since my comment was used as an example that had some interesting follow-up opinions. To me Jing really gives the vibes of the golden retriever that's been kicked one too many times and will just stick with the first person who sincerely gives him care without pretenses. After being tortured and humiliated for 3 years, it's a very understandable reaction to me. The adjective honest was used to describe how he directly confessed to XY.  He was also the first one to do so in a romantic way. When he became TJ again and had chances to describe his feelings to XY, he did. Unlike Cangxuan or XL (though both had their own reasons). 

From the perspective of XY, Jing indeed gave the most cute and feathery moments.  Jing and XY's love story used a lot of youthful scene direction. Not only that, a lot of their  one-on-one dialogue was very "I'll stay by your side forever. I'll do anything for you."  "Promise?",  "Promise.".   It's storybook because Jing really believes he could give up everything and  things would go his way just because he wants them to. What's most important: XY believed that. Promising to wait 15 years for somebody but also still pouty with jealousy at every turn is very rom com.  Queue Jing coming to make it up to her and the cycle repeats. They both are happily living in a fantasy though XY waits for the other shoe to drop. I agree that it's surface level but at the end of the day XY is allowing herself to follow that fantasy. She has hopeful pessimism.  That's why I still find what they had fulfilling and storybook because for a brief moment, they got to experience a wispy relationship and enjoy those moments for what it was  until the other shoe actually dropped ( the surprise pregnancy).  I find their romance fulfilling also because I saw a lack of depth from both of them. For where they currently were mentally and emotionally, the romance was fine. Jing still needs to face his family and XY still needs to deal with her trauma around abandonment. I think they were perfect for each other in the moment because neither were ready to unpack their baggage in a meaningful way.  Truly, only Xuan and XL were realistic about how their feelings merged with their current situations.

That's what I was  trying to say in my og comment.   Oh, I did  incorrectly use the word innocent to describe Jing. I should've used the word naïve to better describe what I meant.   Also, for someone who is on the newer side of cdramaland... this has got to be one of the most  interesting inductions to a fandom. Literacy level, age/maturity, and fandom association assumed in just a few comments. Cdramaland truly is the wild wild west (or east in this case).  Lol, Just wanted to get that out before I actually talk about XL (in a bit).  

I heard that Chinese people value V-line faceshape and small face.

On screen, livestream, there are a lot of filters or tools to make people look different (e.g., enlong the face, make big eyes etc)

Every country has its own standard set of beauty. And then within the same country, people still have various preference for beauty.

This is true.  Especially in the US where there are a variety of cultures.

I think all the idols meet the standard, so the calls of 'ugly' that some receive are just ridiculous.  Not the peak and ideal, sure, I can see that.  But for me personally, charisma and intensity and talent trump perfect physical traits.  Magazines are full of peak beauty, but that's superficial and rarely makes a lasting impression on me.

I do think height is an important factor too. In many occassions, events, TJC wore elevated shoes so that he looked quite close to others. However, he could not use that trick everytime. He did not look much higher than Yang Zi in the end year Tencent event because she also wore high heels.

Sure, but other actors are doing the same thing.  Plus, it's not like the women in China are generally tall.  I guess it's like the peak beauty thing ... Tan Jian Ci meets the standard, and has so much more to offer, his height rarely enters my mind.  Also, his eyes are so magnificent, I'd be happy that they were closer for me to fall into. ;p

Yes, those are the factors which keep audience, fans to stick with him or any good artists for long term.

Indeed!  With his youthful looks, Tan Jian Ci will have a longer idol career, and with his talent and personality will ensure he'll have a long post idol career.  His fans will have the last laugh after all. :)

Officially, there has not been any released drama yet where DW plays as ML. I am curious how will be the feedback. I would not watch but for sure when that day comes, there will be a lot of news on facebook or drama forums, websites.

I think Love of the Divine Tree that Deng Wei is filming now will be his first ML, carrying a movie, so it will be a while before we see that feedback.  In Legend of the Rosy Cloud he's got a big role, but I think Joseph Zeng is the first ML -- though I'm sure there will be lots of press for him.  Regardless, if he's been picked up by IQiYi as I suspect, he'll get numerous ML in dramas, like Zhang Ling He.

I want to further expand my thoughts about Jing since my comment was used as an example that had some interesting follow-up opinions.

Welcome!  And thank you for dropping in and clarifying your comments on the main.  I try not to scare off new posters on the main, but brought up your comment here because you clearly didn't have a shipping bias, and yet were seeing things that I didn't, especially concerning Jing.  I know I am biased, so I do sometimes question my take on scenes, and folks here are happy to ... discuss and enlighten me, even if we still end up disagreeing.  lol!

Lots of interesting points and new takes, but I'm a slow thinker and typist.  I'll come to discuss in a moment.  Oh, and just a warning, we do have SPOILERS for season2 here, cause we do talk alot about the complete novel, plus we've talked extensively about the allegedly leaked season 2 script.

Also, for someone who is on the newer side of cdramaland... this has got to be one of the most interesting inductions to a fandom. Literacy level, age/maturity, and fandom association assumed in just a few comments. Cdramaland truly is the wild wild west (or east in this case). Lol, Just wanted to get that out before I actually talk about XL (in a bit).

I just started watching CDramas in January 2023, so I'm still learning lots myself.  That said, I've been on the main commentary board on Lost You Forever since it starting airing in July, and I've never experienced anything like it.  Things definitely blow up there regularly, and after lots of attacks and lectures, I've sadly lost a lot of my patience and sometimes assumptions are made.

Tan Jian Ci meets the standard, and has so much more to offer, his height rarely enters my mind.  Also, his eyes are so magnificent, I'd be happy that they were closer for me to fall into. ;p

I read somewhere that the optimal height for Chinese male actors is 180-185 cm. Some who are actually taller than 185 cm can delibrately decrease their real height and vice versa. 

Indeed a good looking guy with tall posture can fit well in idol or CEO typed drama. Many Chinese young actresses now are taller than average height. So, this can narrow the choice of actress for FL who can pair with him. I saw many Chinese students in some so-called student cities in The Netherlands and many of them are pretty tall. As you know Dutch people are among top 1 or 2 tallest people in the world. Those Chinese girls looks quite comparable with many local people. 

I don't know what is the order of important criteria to evaluate beauty in the US. In my country, we have an idiom for beauty standard saying "first is the posture, second is the complexion". As you can see all those actors (men and women) have very nice complexion.  

Anyway, there are always exception. Look at Tom Cruise. He was not tall but his beauty and talent (plus luckiness) can bring him to great success. 

Speaking of literacy issues. When does it stop being a subjective interpretation and become a willful misinterpretation or miscomprehension of the work?

It becomes a willful misinterpretation when someone blatantly ignores and invalidates everything the creator has presented. For example, I once got into an argument with someone on Facebook (OP) whose counterargument was that I was incorporating too much of my cultural background and attaching meaning to it. I was genuinely baffled by this because that's how I was taught to critically analyze art:

  1. What, why, when, how, where.

  2. How I interact with the piece through my lens of thought.

  3. Its relation to general overarching popular culture and personal experiences.

  4. Past artworks, literature, history, etc.

I seriously began to doubt my approach to art. I even lost sleep over it because she was so harsh; she completely invalidated all my training as an artist.

There was another instance where the same OP claimed that the scene where FFB was reflected in XY's eyes was just her being surprised to see someone resembling XL. My brain nearly exploded. No director, cinematographer, or author would pay that much attention to a reflection in the eyes, demanding the CGI department to meticulously create a slow-motion scene just to show XY recognizing XL. Come on! The eyes are the windows to the soul. They are precious for human sight. This scene depicted XY falling in love with FFB for the first time and foreshadowed that he would become the apple of her eye, her most precious person, hidden deep in her soul. 

But you would have to be literate beyond reading and writing to understand this.

Also, for someone who is on the newer side of cdramaland... this has got to be one of the most interesting inductions to a fandom. Literacy level, age/maturity, and fandom association assumed in just a few comments. Cdramaland truly is the wild wild west (or east in this case).

Welcome to the thread @Elektraa :-). Be mindful if you decide to browse through because there are spoilers galore from the novel and the leaked script for season 2.

I just want to note that the comments that you noted here addressed CDramaland and fans and also some of the stuff that has been going on within the LYF board here for the last 5-6 months as a whole. CDrama fandom has its set of peculiarities that are fascinating to observe.

I can see where you are coming from with your clarification about Jing. When I read the novel, I was iffy about some of his actions in the early parts, but I can accept that it's part of the character set-up and necessary for the story and character development. My evaluation of this character comes from the entirety of the novel so his actions in the early part of the story take on a different shade when you consider everything that played out.

Anyway. Hope you have fun hanging around. We are a friendly and reasonable bunch :-)

I only point out Deng Wei's reputation with Chinese idol drama viewers -- he and his career trajectory, even how he got his start as a  非主流 (net idol), is the perfect quintessential male idol: 90% about looks, 10% about acting ability/charisma/intensity. TJC doesn't quite measure up to that standard but what makes him special is that he's a non-idol actor who is transitioning into doing predominately idol dramas so of course he's going to be measured by idol drama standards and deemed not quite fitting appearance-wise but he is still highly regarded by idol drama viewers because he's one of the few real actors who is doing idol dramas and fits in well enough while bringing something extra to a production which is high industry reputation, professionalism, and credibility of acting skills.

I also have been thinking for a while that Deng Wei signed some kind of deal with IQIYI, that was almost confirmed in my mind when he didn't attend the Tencent Video Awards. I don't necessarily think he's actually signed with Super Up (although I don't know for sure because I don't actively follow his career), like Zeng Shunxi and Cheng Lei, but maybe some kind of multi-project deal like Zhang Linghe has (also IQIYI is a major shareholder in Zhang Linghe's agency Zhongxing Shidai).

And agreed that Yang Zi's new drama is just such a slow-paced, cliched bore. Her and Fan Chengcheng are such a casting mis-match, the only good thing about this show is Jin Shijia's guest role and, literally no one is surprised by this, the good chemistry he has with Yang Zi. They need to stop casting her opposite younger actors who can't act, she performs better and has better chemistry with actors who are around the same age range as her who have some acting ability. She is turning into China's Song Hye Kyo in terms of big name actress who always gets cast with  younger male idol actors resulting in no chemistry and making her look less accomplished too.

Anyway, sorry to take this thread off-topic with industry chatter, I usually keep that confined to the other thread about TJC lol.

I've noticed this too. All those "Zimis" usually prefer DW to Tan, so I'm guessing their sheep behavior is coming from supporting the official pairing.

During the airing of LYF, YZ's fans often defend Jing from criticisms. And don't even think about criticizing XY's actions, they will come for you as if you are criticizing YZ. I don't get this mentality at all. You saw how I criticize TJC's character in Love My Voice. TJC's acting was great, I didn't like the character and roasted him regularly :-). If TJC acts as a despicable character, am I supposed to white-wash and make excuses for the character? I can acknowledge the acting without having to defend that character's behaviour. That thinking is just weird. 

You should see the comments on Viki about her new drama. That whole thing apparently sucks, but one poor soul dared to mention how weird her acting was as a teenager and the Zimis did not like to hear such truths.

YZ's fandom is not the only one guilty of this. Hers just happened to be very strong and vocal. Did you see the recent bad blood between hers and DW's fandom because she commented on the 4 male characters from LYF and was slightly critical of Jing? I wonder what will happen in Season 2 now that the two fandoms are on the outs. I don't blame C actors/actresses for staying mum and not giving their opinions because it's very easy to get raked over the coals if you're not careful.

That's what I was  trying to say in my og comment.   Oh, I did  incorrectly use the word innocent to describe Jing.

Perhaps naïve is a good word.  For me, it is a combination of DW's lack of acting repertoire and changes made to the character that brings out this sort of romantic story arc for YaoJing. There's a line in the novel that was not portrayed in the drama but was very clear in the novel: that this nice and naïve person is not all that there is to Jing, and it plays a part in why his brother, Hou, can't stand him. It's his ability to be two-faced. When XY went to nap after archery with FFB and she heard a voice that was like Jing and woke up expecting him. In the drama, they didn't delve to much into XY thoughts, but in the novel, she didn't quite discern that it was Jing; she woke up to check because she often realized Jing sometimes didn't sound like himself when he was talking to others.

Promising to wait 15 years for somebody but also still pouty with jealousy at every turn is very rom com.  

Thanks for helping frame YaoJing. haha...I have been trying to figure out the words for the past months...and all I could think of was cheap romance. I had a debate with someone who said that unspoken love was old and boring. However, rom-coms are overdone and every where. So I guess, if you prefer rom-coms you would prefer YaoJing.

. I think they were perfect for each other in the moment because neither were ready to unpack their baggage in a meaningful way.

We just finished a string of discussions about tackling thier emotional/psychological baggage. Many of us are disappointed, but maybe, your insights might help us better see it from a different perspective.

Anyway, sorry to take this thread off-topic with industry chatter, I usually keep that confined to the other thread about TJC lol.

Always love your posts giving insight into the CDrama Industry @atmosphere. I don't think the ladies here mind a little off-topic discussion.

I also have been thinking for a while that Deng Wei signed some kind of deal with IQIYI, that was almost confirmed in my mind when he didn't attend the Tencent Video Awards. I don't necessarily think he's actually signed with Super Up

I'm wondering if this is why Tencent hasn't used him in promotion for Season 2 of LYF and is downplaying him in LYF-related social media. Maybe some fans' wistful thinking that Tencent is re-cutting, and re-editing the second season so that it will resemble more of the novel instead of making Jing look better (as in the leaked script) will pan out after all. One can only hope :-)

Is Super Up IQIYI's talent agency? Who is managing DW currently?

TJC doesn't quite measure up to that standard but what makes him special is that he's a non-idol actor who is transitioning into doing predominately idol dramas

Though he may have been a serious actor first, but he had always been an idol. By gosh, I getting to a point where I am going to forgo idol dramas because of the fandom nonsense. lmao. Fingers cross JC doesn't pigeon hole himself in idol drama land.

To me Jing really gives the vibes of the golden retriever that's been kicked one too many times and will just stick with the first person who sincerely gives him care without pretenses. After being tortured and humiliated for 3 years, it's a very understandable reaction to me. The adjective honest was used to describe how he directly confessed to XY. He was also the first one to do so in a romantic way. When he became TJ again and had chances to describe his feelings to XY, he did. Unlike Cangxuan or XL (though both had their own reasons).

I can see why you think Jing gives off puppy vibes ... because that is what he projects to XY.  In my cynical view from having dealt with people like Jing, however, I always saw that as a manipulation on his part.  And the more I learned about Jing, the more that impression stuck.  Jing is supposed to be the smartest man in the room.  He's supposed to be the best merchant in a family of super merchants.  Even XL says he has never been able to get the better of him in a deal.  His lineage is the cunning fox, not the goofy golden retriever.  Granted, we don't always see that portrayed in the drama.

That's not actually correct.  He became Tushan Jing back in Qingshiui Town, and for several months, or longer, he did not confess to WXL.  The confession happened in the Dragon Bone Prison, and was it really honest?  I mean, why did he confess?  Because he knew XY's life was about to change and everyone was going to know she was a woman, so he would have competition, in a field he didn't feel he had a chance in.  Even more importantly, his confession was tied to a 15 Year Promise where he asked her not to date / consider loving other men, while he himself was practically married by his 10 year engagement to Fang Feng Yi Yi.  No one in the drama, including himself, thought that was an honorable thing to do -- which is why Haolin Emperor, CX, and XL were giving him the stink eye.  One of my favorite CX scenes is where he's politely smiling at Jing's request to see XY in Haolin, and then turns around and his smile drops and his expression becomes DIAF Jing.  LOL!

My view of Jing's honesty, or lack of, actually starts from his first interactions with XY / WXL.  He lied to her about almost everything to get what he wanted, which was to stay hidden.  He promised XY he would do as she said, and repeatedly did not do so, including the time she opened up emotionally and asked him to back her up against CX and A'Nian -- which he KNEW he couldn't do, because he knew A' Nian could recognize him.

So, that's why I questioned what you saw in the drama, when I didn't see much honesty in Jing at all.  As for his sincerity ... well, maybe.  But even there, it was more like Jing's sincere HOPE for things, his intentions, often colored by selfishness, without the sincere effort or ability to actually carry out any of his hopes or promises.

It's not like CX was exactly given a chance to confess to XY.  He didn't know who she was, until AFTER Jing had confessed and extracted his 15 Year No Dating Promise.  XL was also was cut off by Jing's Promise, though he actually confessed indirectly to XY by accepting the Love Bug.  Arguably, he may have thought it wasn't needed, since he could feel XY's love through the bugs.

I just want to note that the comments that you noted here addressed CDramaland and fans and also some of the stuff that has been going on within the LYF board here for the last 5-6 months as a whole. CDrama fandom has its set of peculiarities that are fascinating to observe.

Yes, indeed.  Like I said, I've lost my patience with some people.  And learning about CDrama fandom has definitely been interesting.  I feel like such a slacker fan, now.  lol!

I can see where you are coming from with your clarification about Jing. When I read the novel, I was iffy about some of his actions in the early parts, but I can accept that it's part of the character set-up and necessary for the story and character development. My evaluation of this character comes from the entirety of the novel so his actions in the early part of the story take on a different shade when you consider everything that played out.

I still stand by my initial negative reaction to Jing.  Granted, some non-biased folks give Jing the benefit of the doubt, or don't think it's as big a deal, but I personally don't do well with that sort mess.  And with the parallel characters to Jing, I think Tong Hua has probably had some experiences too.  heh

That said, Elektraa has given my some food for thought as to role of the character, even if I still think his ending suxs

Anyway. Hope you have fun hanging around. We are a friendly and reasonable bunch :-)

Yep.  We don't always agree with each other, but we're fine with a variety of opinions.