I always thought XY fell for XL ever since she was a man, I have no doubt about that. What I am not sure is whether she was aware of what that feeling is called or not, but maybe because she never experienced romantic love before, she haven't had a name for what she felt. Altough  she wasn't totally clueless, the beach scene she had with XL în chapter 13 did lead her to try to kiss Jing în chapter 14, în a way to replicate what XL tried to do, but was it because she knew XL is interested în her romantically, thus thinking that Jing, as her partner, would also want to kiss her, or was it because deep down she knew what her relationship with XL was all along? Maybe she was în fact mirroring her own desire for XL's kiss into Jing. At that point în time she didn't know what the bugs are called and she believed XL doesn't know either, but I belive she knew that whatever was going on between them was more than what meets the eyes. IMO it was mutual, whatever XL felt towards her, XY felt it too, even before the bugs. 

Also, she was angry at Jing for waiting all night for her, but I belive that deep down she also resented him  for agreeing to help her while running away from CX and for taking  advantage of her desire for a forever companion to make promises to her that lead her to give up on the short term companionship that XL was providing.  

XY knows that Jing is sneaky, whenever she wants to back off, he plays the pity card with her, FFY does t like me, she looks at me in disgust, it's only you who makes me feel like a normal human being, it's only you I can turn to, he plays the same music that the 9 tale fox played to get close to her.  He gave you the mirror so you won't forget your face anymore, you gave me a new identity, so I will forever own you one, there is only you for me. They both trapped her în the same fashion.  I am honestly starting to dislike Jing more and more. 

Between XL and FFB, i have no doubt that her answer to the last question would have been XL, because he was XL, but I don't belive the distinction she made between FFB and XL was în regards to what each one of them can give her, but more în regards to the way they treated her. XL was cold to her, while FFB was warm. She was happy regardless if she was spending time în the ocean with XL or on land with FFB, so it all boils down to his refusal to put her on top of his priorities. 

In chapter 18 she was worried that his "face" wasn't his, but FFB's, IMO she was testing him about his feelings towards her, as in îs this your real face,  was everything just an act?  He did answer XY's question on "who are you" în chapter 17, but her second burden was which one of you is the real one? 

Chapter 17

"Last night when she knew for sure he was Xiang Liu, she wasn’t surprised or shocked in the least. It felt like it was always this way, and this heavy burden in the corner of her heart was lifted, though another burden had arisen.

Chapter 18

"Fang Feng Bei mocked her “You’ve changed identities way more than me. Are all of them play-acting for you?”

Xiao Yao shook her head “No matter how I change, I am still me. Except I’m not as able to let things go like you are, and some things still matter to me.”

Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu and gingerly asked “Is this….your real face?”

Who has the patience to wear a fake face for four hundred years. And every time I change I’ll need to worry about changing back wrong.”

You look like Fang Feng Bei?”

No, we don’t look alike. But when Fang Feng Bei ran away from home he was still an adolescent and his looks wasn’t full matured. Plus he was injured in the North Pole and his face required a doctor to fix up after he got home.”

Xiao Yao suddenly felt her heart set down a burden and she smiled “

Reopened for discussion

Some Analysis of the Mei Lin Formation- Episode 30

The post was originally analyzed and written in Vietnamese by Cửu. The link is provided below

Two inquiries arise in relation to episode 30:
Question 1: Why did the fire appear larger when TSJ unleashed his spiritual power?

Question 2: Was TSJ capable of extracting XY from the formation?

Prior to delving into the specifics, it is imperative to establish a foundational understanding of the Chinese philosophical concept known as the Five Elements which can be easily found on Google or Baidu.

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the natural environment is shaped by the five fundamental elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. These elements, collectively known as the five elements, have been integrated into the I Ching, a renowned work of feng shui philosophy, since the Zhou Dynasty in the 12th century BC. Even today, the five elements continue to exert a profound influence on the trajectory and progress of human existence.

The interplay between the five elements is characterized by both compatibility and mutual exclusion. The law of mutual generation and mutual inhibition represents the transformative relationship between Heaven and Earth, giving rise to the vitality of all things. These two elements are inseparable, as mutual generation always harbors the seed of conflict, while conflict itself invariably leads to mutual generation. This fundamental principle sustains the essence of all living entities.

The law of mutual generation encompasses the concept of nurturing and supporting each other's growth and development. It comprises two aspects: what gives birth to an element and what it, in turn, gives birth to, also referred to as mother and son. The principle of mutual generation can be summarized as follows:

- Wood gives birth to Fire: Dry trees fuel the flames, and Fire relies on Wood as its sustenance.

- Fire creates Earth: Fire reduces all matter to ash, and from ash, Earth is formed.

- Earth generates Metal: Metal and ores originate from the soil.

- Metal produces Water: When metal is heated to a high temperature, it transforms into a liquid state.

- Water nourishes Wood: Water sustains the life of plants.

Conversely, the law of mutual inhibition represents the notion of incompatibility, where elements hinder each other's growth and development. Incompatibility serves to maintain balance, but excessive inhibition can lead to the decline and destruction of all things. The law of incompatibility also encompasses two relationships: what overcomes an element and what it, in turn, overcomes. The principle of incompatibility can be summarized as follows:

- Water overcomes Fire: Water extinguishes flames.

- Fire overcomes Metal: Intense heat melts metal.

- Metal overcomes Wood: Metal is fashioned into tools that cut down trees.

- Wood overcomes Earth: Trees absorb all nutrients, leaving the soil barren.

- Earth overcomes Water: Earth absorbs water and can impede its flow.

Mutual generation and mutual inhibition coexist as two fundamental laws, ensuring balance in the universe. If only generation occurs without overcoming, excessive growth can result in detrimental consequences.

The Mei Lin maze designed to eliminate XY is a composition of three elemental spirits, in sequential order: Water - Wood - Fire. Drawing from the principles of the Five Elements, Water gives rise to Wood, and Wood gives rise to Fire. In this context, Water represents snow, Wood symbolizes a plum forest, and Fire signifies flames.
Hence, the objective of this battle is to employ Fire to vanquish Metal, as Fire prevails over Metal according to the principle of mutual inhibition. Consequently, we can infer that XY possesses the spiritual power attribute of Metal.

In Episode 30, the scene where Tushang Jing unleashes spiritual energy, resulting in an intensified fire, accurately reflects the effects of his Wood-type spiritual energy. The drama further elucidates Jing's spiritual power type by depicting his ability to employ the aura of plants and trees to track XY, as exemplified in Episode 4 which is also attached below.

Jing's release of spiritual energy in a formation of "Wood gives birth to Fire" may also contribute to strengthening the formation. Notably, the individual pursuing XY also possesses the Wood element and continuously utilizes Wood-type spiritual power to attack and ultimately kill XY, employing apricot blossom trees as a weapon (Trees being representative of Wood). This underscores the significance of Wood within the Mei Lin maze, as the potency of Fire is contingent upon the strength of Wood (recalling the initial statement of the Law of Mutual Generation: WOOD GIVES BIRTH TO FIRE).

When Jing encounters XY, he examines her pulse, discovering that it has ceased, leading him to assume XY's demise. Despite transmitting spiritual energy to warm XY's body, no discernible effect is observed, and her pulse remains stagnant. At this juncture, XY has withdrawn all sensory perception, rendering her impervious to external stimuli. As the apricot blossoms transform into flames and surge towards them, DSC surrenders without resistance, allowing the fire to consume both individuals, who sit together, embracing, weeping, kissing, and lamenting.

Can TSJ extricate XY from the formation? Undoubtedly, the answer is affirmative. This fact is later confirmed by CX's bodyguards, whose spiritual powers also align with the Wood element, enabling them to navigate the formation with ease. Individuals possessing Wood-type spiritual power, particularly TSJ, possess a comprehensive understanding of the formation, as evidenced by TSJ's initial identification of the formation's entrance. TSJ does not rescue or bring XY out of the formation because he believes she is deceased, a realization that drives him to despair and prompts his decision to join her in death.

The subsequent Chinese paragraph unveils TSJ's profound comprehension of the formation
[ 璟有天生灵目,能看透一切迷障和幻化,再叫上识神小狐的帮忙,他一直追踪到了另外一个山谷。眼前是一个水、木、火三灵结合的阵势,是个必杀的杀阵。不过满地是雪,对他却最有利,璟从地上抓起一团雪,握在掌中,从他的掌间逸出白雾,将他裹住,整个人消失不见

According to the principles of mutual generation among the five elements, TSJ's spiritual energy has no impact on XY, as Metal prevails over Wood, or in this case, XY prevails over TSJ. Nevertheless, his embrace serves as a shield, protecting XY from harm caused by the fire.

In summary:
- The formation employed to eliminate XY comprises three elements: Water - Wood - Fire.
- XY's spiritual power attribute is METAL.
- TSJ's spiritual power attribute is WOOD.
- As Metal overcomes Wood, TSJ's spiritual power cannot aid XY, although he possesses a thorough understanding of the formation and can navigate it effortlessly. However, believing XY to be deceased, he loses hope and chooses to perish alongside her.

i don’t recall any lines which said XY practiced Metal spiritual power. Anyway, her spiritual power was very low. So it didn't matter much 

 I remember that CX had wood spiritual power. XL probably has Water one (snow or ice is other form of water). any line about type of TSJ’s spiritual power? If TSJ practice Wood power, the release of his wood power can fuel the fire more

moreover i think XY was killed in 2nd phase of that maze . the last attack on her is the plum petals, which relates to Wood spiritual power.

The last phase using Fire is to burn everything in order to vanish all the traces and proof at the site. Therefore Yellow Emperor or Haoling King couldn’t investigate anything 

i don’t recall any lines which said XY practiced Metal spiritual power. Anyway, her spiritual power was very low. So it didn't matter much

 I remember that CX had wood spiritual power. XL probably has Water one (snow or ice is other form of water). any line about type of TSJ’s spiritual power? If TSJ practice Wood power, the release of his wood power can fuel the fire more
  • Xiang Liu - water based powers (ice skill)
  • Zhuan Xu / Cang Xuan - wood and earth based powers
  • Tushan Jing - water based powers (fog skill)
  • Ah Nian - water based powers (ice skill)
  • Yu Jiang - water based powers (water skill)
  • Chi Sui Xian - water based powers (ice skill)
  • Feng Long - water and fire based powers (rare)
  • Xing Yue - fire based powers
  • Tushan Hou - water based powers (water skill)
  • Qi Yo / Chi You and Shao Hao / the Grand Emperor - one has water based powers (water skill) and one has earth based powers


Chapter 6:

Four people encircled him, one of whom was Xuan, and each was a powerful opponent. Xiang Liu battled by only attacking and never guarding, it was to win or die. His weapon was a curved sword like a crescent moon, crystal clear like it was made of ice, and he wielded it so that it appeared to be ice droplets dancing in the air.


Chapter 18:

Fang Feng Bei smiled. “Just reminding you that I’m the spare son so I shouldn’t make a scene.” Fang Feng Bei put an ice arrow in Xiao Yao’s hand, “Princess, show me how your archery skill has improved.”


Chapter 22:

Xiang Liu said, “The snowfall in the North Pole is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. To avoid my attackers, I escaped to the North Pole and hid there for over a hundred years. The snow there not only saved my life, it awakened an understanding in me and I transformed the healing technique my adoptive father taught me to learn a new powerful fighting style.”

Xiao Yao thought: No wonder each time seeing Xiang Liu fighting it was as beautiful as snowflakes dancing!


Chapter 15:

Zhuan Xu stood up and started tending to the graves. His power was rooted in wood and earth so he quickly cleaned everywhere.


Chapter 14:

Jing looked at the jug of wine beside him and placed his hand on it and a white mist rose from the jug and enveloped the entire boat in thick white fog. It was like the entire boat had been consumed by the sea and nothing was left from the outside.


Chapter 21:

Jing... The ground covered in snow was to his advantage and he grabbed the snow in hand and created a fog to envelope him and he disappeared from sight.


Chapter 26:

Jing anxiously put one hand on Xiao Yao’s wrist while his other clutched the wine cup and transformed the wine into a fog.


Chapter 35:

Xiang Liu vaulted out of the room and onto the courtyard wall to see that there was dense fog all outside and nowhere he could go.

Xiang Liu turned around with a smile to see Jing standing there dressed in blue. He asked with a chuckle, “Tu Shan clan leader, was it interesting to eavesdrop? I didn’t tell her you were listening in back there so why are you using a mystical fog to make it difficult for me?”

Jing calmly said, “If you don’t want to run into Zhuan Xu’s personal guards, head North because I left a path open there.”

“Looks like I misunderstood clan leader’s intentions. Thank you!” Xiang Liu fixed his hat and changed his face before vaulting North.


Chapter 42:

A fog blanketed out from Jing until the entire field was shrouded in mist. Hou scoffed “A fox is a fox, never daring for a direct combat, even generations of descendants can’t change this pathetic habit!”


Chapter 5:

Xiao Liu thought some more and put another powder on the hair pin before touching Ah Nian’s back with his hand. “For insurance let’s put another poison. Your spiritual power is of the water type ice skill, right? I’ve got to find the right pressure point.”


Chapter 11:

 Both were adept water type powers but Yu Jiang trained in water while Xian was in ice.


Chapter 31:

Back then when Xiao Yao finished to the final step, she racked her brains and remembered the most powerful ice power god in the vast wilderness was Chi Sui Xian.


Chapter 20:

Feng Long walked to an open spot “I’ll make a lion dance for entertainment.” He waved his hand and a water based lion appeared crouched on the ground as if ready to pounce. Feng Long said to Xing Yue “Little sister.” Xing Yue waved her hand and conjured up a fireball and she tossed it to Feng Long. That was when Xiao Yao realized Xing Yue’s power was fire-based while Feng Long had the rare ability of both water and fire.


Chapter 42:

Hou conjured up a water power based tiger who roamed in the mist roaring. It leaped in one direction and a white nine-tailed fox scampered away.


Koala's summary for part of Volume 2, Chapter 19 of Once Promised:

[During the final battle, the two most power spiritual beings Qi Yo and Shao Hao engage in an one-on-one showdown using water power versus earth power and end up creating a massive flood that could not be redirected out of the Yi Province battlefield and threatened to drown all the Xuan Yuan soldiers on lower ground. To save her army, Ah Heng awakened the sun power inside of her and became a walking sun, using the heat to evaporate the flood. But she quickly loses control of the sun power and it ends up incinerating her body and turning her goddess spirit into a demon. It’s only up to Qi Yo to save her.]


The formation employed to eliminate XY comprises three elements: Water - Wood - Fire.

Agreed. This is supported by the text. 


Chapter 21:

Jing was born with the spiritual eye that could see through any enchantments and mazes, plus with the help of the little astral fox, he tracked her to another canyon. He saw a maze formed using water, wood, and fire. It was a kill maze. The ground covered in snow was to his advantage and he grabbed the snow in hand and created a fog to envelope him and he disappeared from sight.


Xiao Xiao immediately reported, “The Princess’s hands and feet were cut by sharp blades, her left leg pierced three times, her right leg pierced three times. Her left arm cut twice, her right arm cut twice. Her abdomen was sliced three times. And her entire body was embedded with countless sharp daggers. This was the vengeance of using blood to avenge blood. The final maze attack was a fire inferno. Based on all the injuries on her body, there was also a wood and a fire power expert involved. Preliminary evidence suggests three people created the maze together but it was one elaborate plan intended to kill her. It could not have been planned in a short time, and one of the involved persons must know the Tan family daughter so as to know beforehand that she invited Miss Xing Yue and the Princess out to play.”


- XY's spiritual power attribute is METAL.
- TSJ's spiritual power attribute is WOOD.

This does not appear to be supported by the text. 

The only types of powers mentioned in LYF are those based in water, fire, wood or earth.

TSJ's powers appear to be water based.

There are talented blacksmith deities (the Jin Tian family and the Grand Emperor) in LYF, but there do not appear to be any individuals identified as having metal based powers. 

 AH :
Qi Yo / Chi You and Shao Hao / the Grand Emperor - one has water based powers (water skill) and one has earth based powers

Chi You has 5 element-based power. Everyone thought he was expert in wood-based power but in fact he understood the nature and had 5 based power

Shao Hao has water based power. Although Gong Gong was considered as Water God, Shao Hao and Qing Yang were more powerful in water-based power

Chi You has 5 element-based power. Everyone thought he was expert in wood-based power but in fact he understood the nature and had 5 based power

Thank you for clarifying. ^^

Did Chi You use earth based powers in the last battle when he was fighting against Shao Hao (in disguise) because that was his strongest element?

Also, does Once Promised give any indication whether XY inherited Chi You's multi-element based powers?

 AH :
[During the final battle, the two most power spiritual beings Qi Yo and Shao Hao engage in an one-on-one showdown using water power versus earth power and end up creating a massive flood that could not be redirected out of the Yi Province battlefield and threatened to drown all the Xuan Yuan soldiers on lower ground.

So, are they the most power spiritual beings on the battlefield at the time, or them most powerful in the world, at that time?

 AH :

Thank you for clarifying. ^^

Did Chi You use earth based powers in the last battle when he was fighting against Shao Hao (in disguise) because that was his strongest element?

Also, does Once Promised give any indication whether XY inherited Chi You's multi-element based powers?

Yes, during the last battle, Shao Hao and Chi You fought against each other. Shao Hao used water based power and Chi You used Earth-based power. The two of them were the most powerful ones. Later when Ah Heng un-sealed her solar energy (then I guess she had Fire based power) inside her body, that power destroyed everything

When XY was a kid, she was good at  water properties. I don't know if later she practice water based spiritual power that she had. I found only following information

"Like all Gaoxin children, she (XY) grew up immersing herself in water from a young age, very proficient in water properties, constantly climbing to the shore and then immediately jumping into the water, letting loose and having fun" (Once Promised  - Vol 2 - Chapter 13)

When XY was a kid, she was good at  water properties. I don't know if later she practice water based spiritual power that she had. I found only following information

"Like all Gaoxin children, she (XY) grew up immersing herself in water from a young age, very proficient in water properties, constantly climbing to the shore and then immediately jumping into the water, letting loose and having fun" (Once Promised  - Vol 2 - Chapter 13)

Thank you for this detail! ^^

The similarity in term of male leads' impact to XY at her crisis.

We all know the famous scene - Merlin's assasination where Jing was the first man to arrived the site then CX and XL arrived at Shen nong peak the next day. Although Jing gave XY spiritual energy, he decided to "die" together with her there in big fire, he blocked the fire into contact to her. CX came later, his guards brought XY and Jing out. Xiao Xiao order to to transfer spiritual gas to XY. CX did not accept the dianosis that XY was dead, he ordered his guards keep transfer spiritual gas/power to XY. XL came last. And he played the biggest role to save her with his live + essential blood for 37 year. So in term of impact to rescue XY, the order should be XL>CX>Jing.

In chapter 35, XY suffered great sorrow and metal crisis when the rumor of Chi you as her father spread out. In the BBQ restaurant, XY, Jing and CX heard the story about Ah Heng and Chi You which was a kind of play directed by CX.  Hearing the story, XY became cetain that she was Chi you's daughter. She was shocked, super sad. To comfort her, Jing gave her water, she refused. CX gave her liquor, she felt alive again. But CX's and Jing's word could not calm her down, confort her. She wandered around then arrived at the veteran's house where she encountered XL. We all know how he conforted her with his story, saying she should trust her mother's choice and reminded her that she could go the sea if she was chased, nowhere to go. She relieved. The similar narative in term of understanding and ability of conforting her: XL>CX>Jing

" Xiao Yao raised her head and saw Zhuan Xu and Jing worriedly looking at her. Xiao Yao’s lips moved but her throat was dry and no words came outJing handed water to her but she shook her head but accepted the bowl of wine from Zhuan Xu. She gulped down the wine and when the burning went through her tongue she felt like she was alive again.

It was dark already and the lanterns lit up the street. Xiao Yao was sitting straight and didn’t look at Jing or Zhuan Xu, only looking out the window.

After a long time, she was unusually calm but also very certain “I am Qi Yo’s daughter!”

Zhuan Xu hurriedly said “Xiao Yao, it doesn’t matter whose daughter you are, you are the dearest person to me.”

Jing slowly said “Xiao Yao, when we first me, you were just you, not anyone’s daughter. In the future, it doesn’t matter whose daughter you are, you’re still just you.”

Xiao Yao stood up and walked outside. Zhuan Xu and Jing followed but she said “I want to be alone, you guys don’t follow me!”

Both Jing and Zhuan Xu stopped in their tracks and watched her leave." (Chapter 35)

Merlin's assasination where Jing was the first man to arrived the site then CX and XL arrived at Shen nong peak the next day.

It doesn't make any difference to your order, but ...

Jing may have been the first to arrive physically, but XL would have been the first to give her the energy to survive via the Poison Love Bug.  That was one of the properties of the PLB.  That if one is fatally injured, they could survive from the energy of the other. 

The drama didn't exactly show that.  XL should have been aware of what was going on far sooner.  Not sure how the novel portrayed it.  Though I do remember asking who's incredibly pained energy she felt as she was dying.


It doesn't make any difference to your order, but ...

Jing may have been the first to arrive physically, but XL would have been the first to give her the energy to survive via the Poison Love Bug.  That was one of the properties of the PLB.  That if one is fatally injured, they could survive from the energy of the other. 

The drama didn't exactly show that.  XL should have been aware of what was going on far sooner.  Not sure how the novel portrayed it.  Though I do remember asking who's incredibly pained energy she felt as she was dying.

Considering that YX was effectively "dead" by the time that Jing got there and could no longer perceive through her 5 senses, the pained energy would have been from TL through the Lovers Bugs. If I recall correctly, he continuously transferred energy to the Lovers Bugs to keep her heart beating.

Not sure how the novel portrayed it.

Based on my interpretation of the text:

Red is XL

Green is TSJ

Blue is Xiao Xiao and CX's other people


Chapter 21:

Jing let out a scream from deep within his soul, it was a scream that didn’t even sound like it was made by a person, and he flew up and used his hands to slash the branches and grabbed Xiao Yao in his arms.

Jing went to feel for her pulse but felt nothing. His entire body was shaking and he tightly embraced Xiao Yao and tried to use his body warmth to warm her icy cold body.

He put his hand on her back and continued to push spiritual power into her. “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao……”


No matter how much power he transferred to her, her pulse never started again.

Jing let out a gut wrenching scream as his tears soaked her robe.


The flames rushed forward and burned Jing’s clothes and his skin was in pain but he continued to hold Xiao Yao tightly in his arms and allowed the flames to engulf them together.


Zhuan Xu paid her no heed and rushed forward while screaming “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao……”

Xiao Xiao summoned all her power and hit Zhuan Xu hard on the back of neck and he fainted.


The five all paused and Xiao Xiao turned her head before pointing left. “Over there!”

The five rushed over and saw a man holding a woman tightly in the center of the flames, he was transferring power to her and her body was not scorched by the flames but he was completely burned to the point of passing out.


Zhuan Xu was still passed out and Xiao Xiao inspected Jing and Xiao Yao’s pulses and her face fell “Master Jing is still alive but the Princess…..she has no pulse.”

Xiao Xiao put her hand on Xiao Yao’s back and said to the guards “Back to Sheng Nong Mountain immediately. Even if it's useless, from now on we have to keep transferring power to the Princess. Tell Miss Xing Yue that the Princess is gravely injured and to bring us the best doctors in the Middle Plains but seal all the information.”

Back at Sheng Nong Mountain, Zhuan Xu bolted upright the moment he woke up. “Xiao Yao!”


Jin Xuan cautiously led Zhuan Xu to see Xiao Yao. After the efforts of the guards, they finally separated Jing from Xiao Yao and she was placed on a special water jade pallet which was used by the Flame Emperor to heal because the water jade could collect all the spiritual power to protect the body. The guards took turns sitting at the head of the pallet and placing their hands on the water jade to transfer power to Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao’s body was wrapped tightly like a wrapped rice dumpling but her face was uncovered. Zhuan Xu’s doctor sat at the end of the pallet and stood up when she saw Zhuan Xu.

Zhuan Xu asked, “How is she?”

Doctor Yin was a mute and studied medicine from childhood so wasn’t very adept at social conversing so he signed directly, “She’s dead.


Xiao Yao had no life but with the power being continuously transferred to her, her body remained soft and warm rather than cold and stiff. Even though no pulse could be detected, but Zhuan Xu felt that her heart was still beating slightly.


The doctors replied, “She’s dead. There is still life coursing through her because of the unending transfer of power into her body, but the moment that ends her body will be completely dead.


Zhuan Xu smiled wanly. “You are the infamous Nine-lives Xiang Liu who has killed countless. If my brain hasn’t become addled, we’re political enemies. Yet you want me to hand my little sister to you. How can I trust you?

If you don’t give her to me, she’ll die.

Zhuan Xu’s personal Doctor Yin was taught by the best court doctors in Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing and he concluded Xiao Yao was dead. Xing Yue brought the best doctors in the Middle Plains and they concluded Xiao Yao could not be saved. Zhuan Xu believed that even when the best court doctors from Xuan Yuan and Gao Xing arrived, they would say the same as the first three doctors. Xiang Liu was the only one who was certain that Xiao Yao wasn’t dead yet. Zhuan Xu didn’t trust Xiang Liu, but he wouldn’t miss the sole chance to save Xiao Yao. Zhuan Xu said, “You let me consider it.”

Xiang Liu calmly said, “She’s almost out of time.” If it wasn’t for so many powerful people transferring power to Xiao Yao, even by the time Xiang Liu rushed here it would have been too late. It was by Zhuan Xu’s seemingly pointless effort that he managed to secure a lone shred of chance for Xiao Yao.


Zhuan Xu paced in the chamber and his expression kept changing but finally he decided. “You can take her!”


Chapter 22:

Xiao Yao felt that the last thing she saw before she died was a thick wall of cherry blossoms flying towards her. 


She could vividly sense her heart slowly weakening, but just as it was about to stop, she heard another heart beating. It was strong and powerful, leading her heart so that it wouldn’t completely stop. It was like a sole flame in the palms of the hand, seemingly about to be extinguished at any moment, but still flickering weakly with life.

Xiao Yao felt that she heard Xiang Liu snarking at her: Just this and you’re going to give up?

Xiao Yao retorted back at him: What do you mean just this? If you’ve been poked so many holes in like a sieve, air passing through both top and bottom, even if I don’t want to give up I have to give up.

She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating.

She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Xiao Yao wanted to see who was so sad but didn’t have the strength. She could only follow the guidance of the other heart and slowly locked herself up. Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive.


In the unending darkness, Xiao Yao felt like a hundred years had passed. If her conscious could commit suicide, she would have killed herself. But she could do nothing other than stay like this forever. She started to hate the person who saved her.

One day Xiao Yao suddenly felt something, like a little bit of warmth entered her body from the outside. It slowly took away the icy cold and Xiao Yao greedily clung onto that warmth.

Every so often the warmth would flow into her. Even though the waiting was long, but the warmth always came so even the long wait wasn’t scary anymore.

The warmth entered her time and time again. She didn’t know how much time passed but her heart gradually got stronger. It was like the flickering sole flame had a cover placed over it, so even if the light wasn’t as bright at least the flame was no longer in danger of being extinguished.

One time as the warmth entered her, Xiao Yao felt another heart beating. Her heart soared as if she was encountering an old friend.

Xiao Yao wanted to laugh: Xiang Liu, is it you? I’ve healed you that many times, now it’s finally your turn to repay me.

Time and time again, Xiao Yao didn’t know how much time passed but she felt time was so slow!

In the unending darkness, every time Xiang Liu came to heal her became the only time she felt like she was still alive, because she felt another heart beating.


Every twenty or thirty days Xiang Liu would heal her. 


More time passed and Xiao Yao guessed it was many years because Xiang Liu healed her so many times she lost count.

Gradually Xiao Yao felt more and more alert. When Xiang Liu was embracing her, she could feel his body heat, and could also clearly feel what the warmth was that was flowing into her body. It was Xiang Liu’s blood, and it was different than normal blood. It was scalding hot, and every drop felt like a little flame. Xiao Yao guessed it was Xiang Liu’s essential soul blood.

Xiang Liu fed her his essential soul blood, but because he was poisonous all over, even his blood was poisonous, so he needed to suck the poison out of Xiao Yao afterwards.

Xiao Yao had heard of a voodoo spell where a person could use their life in exchange for another. If Xiang Liu used his life to save hers, she hoped that he really had nine-lives because then if he gave her one it wouldn’t be too detrimental for him.


Considering that YX was effectively "dead" by the time that Jing got there and could no longer perceive through her 5 senses, the pained energy would have been from TL through the Lovers Bugs. If I recall correctly, he continuously transferred energy to the Lovers Bugs to keep her heart beating.

That differs from my interpretation. 

I thought XY heard another heart beating (XL's heart) through the bug connection, and that heartbeat provided guidance that initially helped her heart to keep beating (albeit, like a weak, flickering flame on the brink of going out). 

 AH :
She could vividly sense her heart slowly weakening, but just as it was about to stop, she heard another heart beating. It was strong and powerful, leading her heart so that it wouldn’t completely stop. It was like a sole flame in the palms of the hand, seemingly about to be extinguished at any moment, but still flickering weakly with life.

But after a while even the guidance of XL's heart wasn't enough. She was too weak. At that point, TSJ transferred power to her and that allowed her heart to keep beating. 

 AH :
She really had no strength left, so that even the weak sole flame that was keeping her heart beating was too much to sustain. Even with another heart guiding her heart, still the heartbeat grew weaker.

Suddenly power coursed through her, unending streams of power that allowed the weak heartbeat to continue beating.

We know that power is TSJ's power (and not the power of CX's people yet), because it is described as so sad and devastated. 

 AH :
She couldn’t hear it, couldn’t see it, couldn’t even feel it, but she felt sad because the spiritual power was so sad and devastated. Even the power was crying and Xiao Yao couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken the owner of the spiritual power was.

Then XL's heart guided XY to go into a kind of hibernation mode to protect her.

 AH :
She could only follow the guidance of the other heart and slowly locked herself up. Just like a flower blooming, the reverse process was to return to being a bud, into a seed, back into the soil, laying in the Winter to wait for the Spring to arrive.

After that, XY couldn't sense what was happening, but we know from XL that the power transferred to her by TSJ and the power that continued to be transferred to her by CX's people kept XY alive. Without them, even XL would not have been able to save XY. 

 AH :
Xiang Liu calmly said, “She’s almost out of time.” If it wasn’t for so many powerful people transferring power to Xiao Yao, even by the time Xiang Liu rushed here it would have been too late. It was by Zhuan Xu’s seemingly pointless effort that he managed to secure a lone shred of chance for Xiao Yao.

So all three groups (XL, TSJ, and CX's people) played key roles. Without any one of them, XY would have died.