Where's AH? I think we need her here.

I sent her a message earlier today because I was worried, but she's just busy and she's focusing on other dramas.

I asked her to say hi every now and then otherwise I'll be stalking her like Jing :D


CX was TOTALLY jealous of Jing in the drama.  The cray cray scene in the courtyard watching the lights go out in Jing's room, while CX held the sharp end of the knife in his bare hands?  Oh yeah.  Beyond jealous.  Granted, he also thought Jing was scum for the way he treated XY, but he was also jealous.   And given that he killed him in the book, I'm betting CX was jealous and hated him in the book too.

I honestly can't remember exactly and I don't know the chapter either, but I remember him saying something along these lines? Maybe I am mistaken, so don't take my word for it, but that's the  impression I had. I belive it was a comparison to Feng Long or something, like it is not because he was jealous on Jing, but because he belived Feng Long to be better for her. 

Oh ok, this is the fragment. I guess it's up to everyone's interpretation. 

"Jing said “The Black Emperor is the person you trust the most, don’t let one mistake make you lose faith in him! Have you thought about why he was willing to let you marry Feng Long but tried to stop you from marrying me? He was just as pained in both instances.”

“Because….he thinks you’re not as good as Feng Long.”

Jing shook his head “That’s just the surface reason, the most important reason is that His Majesty believes I don’t have the ability to protect you!"

HeadsinTheClouds and H19279 Im vietnamese like you guys

Purely out of curiosity, may I ask - it seems like LYF has a very large Vietnamese fan base! I see lots of fan made videos and on facebook the Vietnamese crowd is very active too. As I typically do not watch C-dramas, I'm wondering if C-dramas are very popular in Vietnam? I imagine there will be a rather substantial language barrier (until the translations come out) so mad respect for following the shows so well despite that. 

I'm from Singapore, with Mandarin being most of the Chinese population's 2nd language but I don't feel like C-dramas are particular popular here. Sadly so, because I have no one to chat with about LYF face to face.

CX was TOTALLY jealous of Jing in the drama.  The cray cray scene in the courtyard watching the lights go out in Jing's room, while CX held the sharp end of the knife in his bare hands?  Oh yeah.  Beyond jealous.  Granted, he also thought Jing was scum for the way he treated XY, but he was also jealous.   And given that he killed him in the book, I'm betting CX was jealous and hated him in the book too.

Agreed, from CX's expressions (ZWY is really decent actor too!) and actions, I think its very obvious that he was jealous of Jing. I don't think CX could tell that XY's true love wasn't Jing since XY hid XL so well and tried to project all her love for XL on Jing, but on many occasions he was jealous of the amount of time XY spent with Jing, and the attention she showered on him. He even threw a mini fit when she returned after 37 years and went to look for Jing first (to save his life) instead of her gege first. CX softened only after XY explained she did ask Xin Yue about CX first before anything else, and because Jing's matter was time sensitive (on his deathbed)

I belive it was a comparison to Feng Long or something, like it is not because he was jealous on Jing, but because he belived Feng Long to be better for her. 

He also did say that FL is better husband material for XY. I think his dislike for Jing is a combination of XY showering Jing with attention (the jealousy) and that Jing is not good enough for her (kept letting her down, not strong enough to protect her)

I honestly can't remember exactly and I don't know the chapter either, but I remember him saying something along these lines? Maybe I am mistaken, so don't take my word for it, but that's the impression I had. I belive it was a comparison to Feng Long or something, like it is not because he was jealous on Jing, but because he belived Feng Long to be better for her.

Oh ok, this is the fragment. I guess it's up to everyone's interpretation.

"Jing said “The Black Emperor is the person you trust the most, don’t let one mistake make you lose faith in him! Have you thought about why he was willing to let you marry Feng Long but tried to stop you from marrying me? He was just as pained in both instances.”

“Because….he thinks you’re not as good as Feng Long.”

Jing shook his head “That’s just the surface reason, the most important reason is that His Majesty believes I don’t have the ability to protect you!"

You know.  The more I read about Jing, the less I like him.  This guy has some nerve talking about CX stopping XY from marrying.  O_o

I think Jing is splitting hairs there.  The man who can protect XY is, by default going to be the better person, in CX's mind.  Regardless, that's how Jing sees it, not how CX sees it.  And even if CX said that, I wouldn't take him at his word.  Like everyone in this novel, they don't always say what they mean or believe.


I know how you differentiate between “yeu” and “thuong” but in terms on romance I believe “thuong” exceeds “yeu”, “yeu” is more short lived and “thuong” is long lasting. But anyway my view was that her love for XL was greater than Jing even before the bug transplant, the evidence is endless. Some was explicit some implicit

- She admires XL’s look & store it inside her ape mirror.

- When she was WXL, she was worried for his safety and followed him to battle. 

- She accidentally dream of him (even if she didn’t want to and said she is scare he will enter her dreams). She also have very sweet dreams and good sleep when she is around him. 

- During 37 years under sea, she said hated Gonggong for no reason (hah could this be jealously?) when XL chose GG. She later wish she was the one that save XL (like she saved Jing so that he can be by her side?)

- She puts a lot of effort in making the poison look appealing and wondered if XL will praise her. 

- She said she will never take first step for anyone but XL was always an exception (though she probably not aware of her actions hihi) : 

- And most importantly XY knew when she was WXL that XL wanted to kill CX and vice versa but she did not have the heart to harm him instead chose to secretly protects him from everyone. 

I mean with all that evidence even both Grand and Yellow Emperor sees it, they just don’t say it out loud.  

And most importantly XL knows XYs feelings for him.

What makes me laugh is if 1/10  audience thinks XY love XL then we probably have a problem but it’s 5/10 audience says so and almost every character in the novel think so in some way (not to mention LYF is a sequel of OP so there is a message author want to convey) yet the other audience still have a way to deny all this straight forward evidence or relation. 

PS: Has anyone relate XY- Jing- XL  relationship to that of the snake and fox story in the begining? I honestly don’t want to say this but as WXL I think XY was stronger in character and able to cope with her fear but when she became XY she was weaker and came back to being locked in prison because she can’t face her fear. I remember seeing a post from someone about her making 15 year promise inside Dragon Bone Prison kinds of going back to this, in a way I feel very pity for XY. I don’t know why TH could write up her character like this.

I like Windi explanation of the hair and it’s correlation between XL and Jings but I think that a difficult topic to debate compare to the love bug however there is one thing I like to point out, I don’t recall seeing this appear in the novel but in the drama there was a part when XL came to see WXL at night after he was injured by CCs men, he drank her blood and spend the night sleeping on her bed. The next day he left a strand of hair on her bed (not sure if this was accident or on purpose) but could this mean something? anyway Jing came to the room saw the hair got jealous and changed the bed so WXL never get to see his hair. Then later episode which is shown in novel, Jing left a strand of his hair on XYs bed when she woke up she held it in her hands and felt “disturbed” (i haven’t check what the word in english is but you know what i mean). But could this be treated as evidence of Jings selfishness? What if WXL saw the hair XL left behind, what would she felt that time? 

PS: Has anyone relate XY- Jing- XL relationship to that of the snake and fox story in the begining? I honestly don’t want to say this but as WXL I think XY was stronger in character and able to cope with her fear but when she became XY she was weaker and came back to being locked in prison because she can’t face her fear.

I did a post on how the actions of Jing and the 8 tailed fox, as well as XL and the snake demon,  paralleled. Between that, and how Jing's actions are similar to other negative relationships / events in her past, I don't understand how XY's relationship with Jing is supposed to be a good thing -- though I tried to put a spin on that and say Jing was basically stripped of all that by the end of the book.

Almost everyone likes WXL better and she was stronger back then.  I keep thinking there's gender commentary to be explored there, but have never put it all together.  I'm a slow thinker. ;p

The next day he left a strand of hair on her bed (not sure if this was accident or on purpose) but could this mean something? anyway Jing came to the room saw the hair got jealous and changed the bed so WXL never get to see his hair. Then later episode which is shown in novel, Jing left a strand of his hair on XYs bed when she woke up she held it in her hands and felt “disturbed” (i haven’t check what the word in english is but you know what i mean). But could this be treated as evidence of Jings selfishness? What if WXL saw the hair XL left behind, what would she felt that time?

Uhn ... was Jing sleeping on XY's bed with her knowledge, then?  I mean ... if not, then YEAH, that's creepy.  Beyond creepy and disturbing.

I'm pretty sure that XL's hair was there by accident, as it disappeared immediately.  Kind of odd that he has that sort of spell on his body, but I guess he doesn't want to leave any identifying traces behind, and silver white hair is pretty identifying.


I did a post on how the actions of Jing and the 8 tailed fox, as well as XL and the snake demon,  paralleled. Between that, and how Jing's actions are similar to other negative relationships / events in her past, I don't understand how XY's relationship with Jing is supposed to be a good thing -- though I tried to put a spin on that and say Jing was basically stripped of all that by the end of the book.

Almost everyone likes WXL better and she was stronger back then.  I keep thinking there's gender commentary to be explored there, but have never put it all together.  I'm a slow thinker. ;p

I saved your post. Here it is:

“It may have actually been covered earlier in the thread, but I can't keep up with this one.  I've been thinking about the the fox and snake parallels and their respective characters. but haven't pulled together everything. I'll just post it anyway.  Please forgive the rambling and unfinished state.

But the theme I was speaking of is transformation, and shedding of trauma, or karma, from my very surface understanding of it.

The choice of the 9 tailed fox as both enemy and lover for XY has always stuck with me.  I don't know anything about the mythology of the creature in Asia, but in the LYF, it has a depowering role.

Both Jing and the 8 tailed fox present a guise of companionship that lures XY into lowering her guard.  Jing, or more precisely Jing wearing the guise of 17 (9+8=17???), and the 8 tailed fox pretending to be a friendly shape changer playing games with XY.

 Both lock her away in a cage.  Jing, appropriately while in the actual Dragon Bone Prison, locks her into a figurative prison with his 15 year agreement and declaration of love.

 Both feed her poison to depower and alter her physically.  

In LYF, love is referred to as a poison. Jing feeds her his version of love and the hope of a future that he fails to deliver, which ends up doing a similar thing the 8 tailed fox's poisons did, messing up her meridians, and she ends up coughing up blood and being debilitated.  In the book, I believe, she even ends up with a heart condition from the heart ache and can't sleep.
 Now, the rest of the comparison is not as clear to me, since season 2 hasn't been released and I haven't read the book.   

However, the connection to the 8 tailed fox has to be broken, and Jing has to become less demon and the more 'human' 17, before XY can fully accept him and they go off to their HE.  And this is literally what happens.  His tails are stripped from him.  His responsibilities are stripped from him: his wife and grandmother and brother die, then he dumps the kid and his clan.  He dies and is resurrected as 17, but also depowered.  But for the most part these are not sacrifices for others he makes, but actions others take.

 XL has a similar transformation and duality, but an empowering role.


We don't know as much about the snake demon that XY encountered before, but obviously he mirrors XL.  He was her companion and alleviated her loneliness in the wilderness, as XL did for XY.  He even dies for XY while she's imprisoned by the 8 tailed fox, as XL will sacrifice a life for XY trying to free her and Jing of his Fox Demon.  And of course, both start out as a demon ignorant of many human feelings.

XL cultivates (gains spiritual power and "humanity") by eating poison.  For him, poison (love) is empowering, not depowering, so his love for XY is also empowering, not depowering.  For him, love allows him to experience human emotions, that as a demon he didn't have.  Of course the poision XY makes for XL throughout their relationship is the only expression of love that they can share openly.

Like Jing, he also gives her his poison (love), which alters her physically, but unlike Jing, his love empowers her with the ability to breath water, and gives her the oceans.

Like Jing, he has to lose his demon side and become fully 'human,'  which he does by killing off his heads, one by one, but for others, in actions and sacrifices that XL makes. So appropriately,  snake like, he sheds his bad karma and isn't resurrected to the same world, but reaches an empowered state.”


From the perspective of the female protagonist's growth line, there is no male protagonist at all!

Some people say that it is Tu Shanjing who saves Xiao Yao. I just want to say how shameless Tu Shan Jing is. Not to mention saving Xiao Yao, Tu Shan Jing is simply the biggest stumbling block on Xiao Yao's growth! Some people say that it was Xiang Liu who redeemed Xiao Yao. Xiang Liu only fulfilled Xiao Yao's needs, but she herself was the one who truly redeemed Xiao Yao!

What is true salvation? Redemption is not that you lacked maternal love when you were a child and I gave you a boyfriend who is a mother. It is not that you have been abandoned before, so l will find you someone who will never leave you for the rest of your life. It is not that you were unable to protect yourself before, so l kept you in captivity and gave you heavy protection.

The redemption is that I want you to understand that there is no long-term dependence in this world, and that you can truly accept the departure of your loved ones; the redemption is that I want you to understand that only you can protect yourself, and don' t try to rely on others. The human dodder flower Will always keep your sobriety and your ability to improve yourself.

Redemption is that one day you will understand that there was once someone in this world who loved you beyond life. This love is enough to heal all the pain in your heart, rebuild your complete personality, and embrace real life, even if that person is no longer there. Yes, you have to follow your own path.

Xiaoyao's growth line in this book is different from what many people expected. From Qingshui Town, Xiaoyao has been polished to a slippery loach. She knows everything and has perseverance that is different from ordinary people. The only weakness she has is that she cannot get out of the shadow of her original family. She has a heart problem. After leaving Qingshui Town, it is the beginning of her mental suffering.She was hurt by Zhuan Xu and Tu Shanjing "in the name of love". Down the road, she had been lost and in pain, but with the guidance and help of Xiang Liu, she did not give up searching for herself, and finally cured her heart disease and became a butterfly.

Xiaoyao's real growth and breakthrough begins with the ending.


To all strong people: Sufferings become sufferings only because those who encounter them are defeated. And we defeated the sufferings, trampled them to pieces, kneaded them into our own bodies, and turned them into our own strength. Therefore, we never regard sufferings as sufferings - "Sauvignon Blanc"

This Weibo post by Tong Hua points out the purpose of this book's growth line:

If you are suffering from the pain caused by the shadow of your original family, if you are suffering from the hardships of life, don't be like Xiaoyao, longing for someone to save you. Look, Xiaoyao has been going around in circles for half his life. Didn't you finally come out on your own? Therefore, believe in yourself. Suffering is suffering only because you are defeated by it. If you transform suffering into your own strength, then no suffering can defeat you. There is no long-term dependence in this world. Whether it is parents, lovers, relatives and friends, you are born alone and will die alone. Don't be obsessed with long- term dependence. Even if your loved ones leave, you will still be together. Live your life well.

Wow, I love this. Definitely don’t be like Xiao Yao. I still maintain that she should have ended up alone. It would have been truly empowering.

Thanks Nathsketh for reposting Kokuto’s post.

Sorry i’m using my phone to reply so can’t copy paste.

Back to reading page 281 now lol and I love the comparison on Lie Yang’s white figure with XL, it does make sense I think when XY saw a figure in white in chapter 49 she was thinking of XL and was disappointed when that person was LY (because at that time she and XL swore not to see each other again) and how she drinks and talk to LY all night on her wedding about her mother (it was like she think LY was XL and feel comfortable crying in front of him) . It is very sad that when a person has something or someone she doesn’t treasure or to afraid to have and then lost but when that person no longer there  it she realise she lost him (that she finds happiness in someone or something resembles him) even if she never has him to begin with. 

Xiaoyao's real growth and breakthrough begins with the ending.

So true! Although it isn't in the novel, I hope that in S2 of the drama, TH wraps the story up by showing us XY's real transformation into someone who is emotionally and mentally healthy. At least, this will justify XL's efforts. Being with Jing as is, will probably create another generation and cycle of toxicity.


Wow, I love this. Definitely don’t be like Xiao Yao. I still maintain that she should have ended up alone. It would have been truly empowering.

This would have been a great ending, IMO.  Of course, I get the feeling that a portion of the viewers would have hated that.


So true! Although it isn't in the novel, I hope that in S2 of the drama, TH wraps the story up by showing us XY's real transformation into someone who is emotionally and mentally healthy. At least, this will justify XL's efforts. Being with Jing as is, will probably create another generation and cycle of toxicity.

They may try to pass that transformation off, but I just do not see it.  She's still clinging to her criteria.  But we'll see.