Leaked script Ep9 (scenes 7, 17-18)

@luv2bafangurl, to answer your question, the scenes with Lirong Chang and Xiang Liu do not exist in the novel, but are added in the drama, which shows Xiang Liu confirming his son's parentage to Jing.

[Xiao Yao gave Jing life-saving pills and a letter through Jing Ye. In the letter, she told him that she would start ignoring him from this point forward, and asked him to promise that regardless of what happened after this, whatever he saw or heard, he would close his eyes, search his heart and trust her unconditionally.]

TSJ (VO): I promise you. In the past, I failed to do everything I promised you. This time I will definitely keep my promise, and will not let you down!


[At Zhi Yi city, Xiao Yao started showing marked attention to Hou in attempts to expose the truth, which angered Lirong Chang, who offered to beat up Hou for him.]

TSJ: Don't cause trouble. This is Zhi Yi city. If the two kings on Shen Nong mountain do not care, who are you to do so?
LRC: No wonder this princess can behave so outrageously, it is because she was totally spoiled! Just look at her, she looked down on you, looked down on Feng Long, and even totally destroyed Fangfeng Bei... and now she is actually having a wonderful time with that jerk Tushan Hou...

Tushan Jing furrowed his brows as he pondered on Xiao Yao's motives.

LRC (patting his chest): Just let me know how you want this matter handled and I will go all out for you!

Tushan Jing seemed to have made a decision and looked at Lirong Chang, whose face was filled with anticipation.

TSJ: Go back first! I am going on a faraway trip to settle some things.

Lirong Chang stiffened. Tushan Jing got up and Lirong Chang followed, blocking his way.

LRC: Whatever you are planning to do, I will go with you. You cannot use your spiritual powers rashly. I have to keep an eye on you.
TSJ: There is no need. I am making a trip to Qingshui town.
LRC (shocked): What are you going to Qingshui town for? Isn't that Nine-Headed Demon's territory?
TSJ: There are some things I need to clear up.


By the river of Qingshui town, Tushan Jing and an unmasked Xiang Liu stood facing each other.

XL (coldly): What does Tushan clan leader want?
TSJ: I wish to ask you... about Fangfeng Yi Ying and Tushan Zhen.
XL (mocking): You are asking me about matters regarding your wife and son?
TSJ (placidly): I have suspicions about Tushan Zhen's parentage, but have turned up nothing in my investigations. If you know anything, I hope you would tell me. Consider it as me buying information from you.
XL: Why go to such trouble? Name your price and I will help you kill mother and son.

Tushan Jing was stunned, then shook his head with a bitter laugh.

TSJ: There is no need. I will find another way.
XL (scornfully): Indecisive!
TSJ (calmly): I have not thanked you, thank you for letting Xiao Yao look for me at Qingqiu...

Xiang Liu refused to accept his gratitude, coldly interrupting Tushan Jing.

XL: We had a deal between us last time. Her going to Qingqiu to find you is her business, what does that have to do with me?

Tushan Jing did not argue, merely bowed deeply to Xiang Liu, and planned to leave.

XL (suddenly): I do not know whose son Tushan Zhen is. However, Fangfeng Yi Ying and Tushan Hou are definitely having an affair.

Tushan Jing stopped dead in his tracks and whirled around, staring at Xiang Liu in shock. As Xiang Liu turned to leave, Tushan Jing came to his senses and took a few steps after him.

TSJ: Wait, can I trouble you...

Xiang Liu did not even bother to look back.

XL: Fangfeng Bei is already dead. Surely you are not expecting a dead man to be a witness?

Tushan Jing was caught off guard. Xiang Liu's figure disappeared.
Tushan Jing stood there, stunned. All his suspicions over the years had finally been confirmed, but he could not tell whether he was happy or sad, mixed emotions on his face.

TSJ (murmuring): It was true after all...

Do you guys think Daddy emperor eventually knew FFB is XL?

Does Daddy emperor know the poison was for XL. The yellow emperor knew and CX eventually worked out FFB is XL and must have worked out the poison was for him as she said he ate all her portions when CXFL died....

great neutral and logical analysis. I‘ll read this again before S2 starts to help me at least to have neutral feelings about XY. I sympathized and could understand XY while I‘m watching the drama, being a more head over emotion girl myself. But reading this thread and my XL bias made me dislike drama XY more as time passed

Xiao Yao is quite pitiful. As Tong Hua said, her choices came from her psychological shortcomings stemming from childhood experiences. You can understand where she's coming from. However, just because you understand and have sympathy, that doesn't mean that you have to agree or like her behaviour/choices. Particularly when says behaviour has a negative impact on other people. Kinda like how it's OK for a child to feel angry, but it's not OK for the child to hit out in anger. 

So yeah, I have no problem with not staying neutral on Xiao Yao - as my long roasting post on the other thread already showed :-). Besides, she's a  fictional character. I just want to be annoyed at a fictional character to my heart's content. What's wrong with that? There's no rule that say you have to like the female lead.

XY went back to save TSJ even going so far to mouth feeding him the medicine and sleeping right to him. OMG girl, XL just saved you and you cried because he sent you off without meeting you and here you are, not even a day after you devoted yourself to TSJ. XY came across as flighty. Even if she loved both XL and TSJ at this point and was reading XL not saying goodbye personally as his way of rejecting her, how could she have emotional whiplash that quick.

It's precisely things like this that make me want to reach through the screen and smack her good :-). This is an example where her fears, her willful ignorance and self-deception kicked in leading to this sort of smackable behaviour. 

She'll be that friend that you're constantly saying, "guuuurl" to when it comes to her love life. And the kind of girl that you would not want your friend to get involved with, cause she's bad news :-)

Missing part in Kaola translation in chapter 41.

Thank you for finding and providing this!


Thank you again, for the translations and sharing the leaked script.  Definitely food for thought.


Besides, she's a  fictional character. I just want to be annoyed at a fictional character to my heart's content. What's wrong with that? There's no rule that say you have to like the female lead.

Lucky you. I don‘t think I can continue watching drama if I don‘t like the FL at all because what‘s the point in continue watching then if I don‘t care what happened to her and watching XL suffering and sacrificing himself for another 21 Eps for such undeserving FL will only make my blood boil ‚sigh‘. The better option will be waiting for the awesome Gifs from S2 from @Elise. Hopefully she‘ll continue gracing us all with her Gifs.

She'll be that friend that you're constantly saying, "guuuurl" to when it comes to her love life. And the kind of girl that you would not want your friend to get involved with, cause she's bad news :-)

LOL so true. 

Who’s the “sickest” character in Lost You Forever?

Re-reading Lost You Forever after a decade, I noticed things in the story that I previously didn’t pick up on. It’s not the love triangle that stood out to me, but rather the fact that this novel is about traumatized people and the various ways that they use to manage their trauma. This is one of the major themes of the novel.

The 4 main characters in Love You Forever all have experienced trauma to varying degrees. While some have managed to heal and rise above, others are still on their journey towards healing, and other still seems to have given up by the end of the novel. In order of wellness:

  • Xiang Liu

We know that Xiang Liu didn’t have the best childhood. He did not have any family and was exploited and used as a fighting slave for a hundred years before setting himself free. Out of the 4 main characters he probably started from the worst/most unfortunate position. And yet, he’s the “healthiest” one. He’s the only one whose past trauma is not haunting his current behaviour. He’s not seeking to control anything other than his behaviour, and he showed clarity of mind and ability to take decisive action. And no, dying with the resistance army is not because he’s suicidal. It’s a choice that he made based on his principles and values (a clear indication of a strong sense of self)

  • Cang Xuan

Lost his parents as a young child. Separated from his “childhood sweetheart” whom he’d clung to in their shared tragedy. Sent away from the home of his childhood – a saving grace for him as it turned out – because his uncles were not going to let him grow up in peace. His early losses and the sense of helplessness that they instilled in him stroked his desire to become powerful so that he could protect those that he lost – seeking the power to control so he would never be helpless again. For the most part, he has managed to use his tragedy as fuel. His biggest regression is killing Jing in an attempt to keep Xiao Yao for himself (his clinging on to XY is another manifestationof his trauma as she'shis linkedto the happiest part of his childhood.  This goes for XY as well). But, he learns to accept that even with all the power that he now possesses, there are still things that are beyond his control. Letting go of XY is a symbolic shedding and coming to term with the past.

  • Xiao Yao

Started from a similar point to Can Xuan. More unfortunate because while Cang Xuan experiences love and safety with his adopted family, Xiao Yao has to fend for herself for hundreds of years. The other major difference between Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan is that she had personalized/internalized her trauma. Xiao Yao blames others for abandoning her and interprets it as “I’m not good enough/lovable enough that’s why even my mother could abandon me”. The result is someone extremely insecure, with low sense of worth and hypervigilance about being abandoned again. The result is that she surrounds herself with those who are weaker than her and who need her as this will allow her to be in control and will also ensure that they won’t leave her. Xiao Yao’s desire for a companion who will always put her first and who will never abandon her is another attempt to deal with her trauma. But her cognition and beliefs are distorted and her means of controlling her fear aren’t reasonable nor attainable. Until Xiao Yao learns to trust in herself again, she will remain trapped. What puts Xiao Yao above Jing, is that she has some sense of self and can stand on her own when needed.

  • Jing

The one that had the most fortunate start, and yet also the “sickest” by the end of the story. Pampered, praised and celebrated since young, Jing led an enviable life until his imprisonment and torture by his half-brother. Unlike with the other 3 characters, we were made aware of Jing’s physical scars. This was deliberate by the author as the physical scars are used as the manifestation of his mental scars. When Wen Xiao Liu blushed at his scarred body, this was like a beacon for Jing – from that moment, she became his saviour; his sense of worth, of self is linked to her. Even though he could heal his physical scars, Jing refused to do so – symbolically this represents his refusal to deal with his mental trauma - choosing instead to rely on Xiao Yao as his means of living. In the end, to hold on to Xiao Yao Jing gave up everything. The author further stripped him of 7 tails and rendered him essentially powerless. Jing had lost himself. The trauma wasn’t what destroyed Jing, but rather his refusal to heal himself (rather than relying on someone’s love and approval) that destroyed him. Jing probably needs more time to heal, but at the end of the novel, he is the “sickest” by far. 

P.S. Given what we know about Tong Hua from her interviews, does anyone actually believe that she thinks Jing, XY and their relationship are healthy ??


Thank you for the translation of the leaked script. but I haven‘t read it before so my question was based entirely from the S1 drama. It interesting though that XL did confirm TSJ‘s suspicion.


He did try to tell XY, but she didn't want to hear it, so he shrugged his shoulders and did as she wanted.

Yes this scene is exactly what I refer to. But what I get from this scene is that XL only halfheartedly hinted to XY about the affair. Their conversation before about TSJ and how he presented his hint (his choice of words) made XY naturally assumed that he wanted to egg her on further by showing her FFYY and TSJ intimate moments, which she rightly declined. 


 He probably didn't know how serious is the affair. And FFYY is officially his sister who had quite good relationship with him (She drew XY's attention to FFB in the event).

He basically didn't have any evidence about YY and TJH after 37 years. They didn't have any encounter all together perhaps only in CX's wedding. And that one was way after Jing was framed by YY. The pregnancy before marriage was kind of "forbiden subject" that should be kept secretly. Did Fang Feng family all know about that before her wedding? And FFB was not at home all the time. Moreover, after Jing became clan leader, he knew that YY more determined to be clan leader's wife.

I agree that XL might not know about the extend of the affair. He might have some suspicions with how the marriage and pregnancy panned out but no real evidence and for all appearance TSJ did fall into the drug trap and spend the night with FFYY. He only confirm his suspicion to TSJ when TSJ asked him directly later (from @liddi leaked script).

So my take for now is, XL wanted to cover his ass/his guilty feeling if he didn‘t attempt to warn XY at all about the affair but he also didn‘t really keen on helping TSJ (who can blame him) thus the halfhearted attempt at the Chenrong Mansion. XL himself may not foressen that this family drama will escalate that badly. I think he like us overestimated TSJ ability to deal with his family affair. And later on he didn‘t have any proof that FFYY son is not TSJ‘s, so why ruined an innocent child life with his suspicion. It also dawned on me that maybe he has some affection/loyalty for FFYY as well. They‘ve been living as brother and sister for hundreds of years after all and have pretty cordial relationship, even working together as assassins. I read his offer to kill FFYY and her child to XY and TSJ as a bluff, because he knows they won‘t ever take his offer.


2nd, even XY herself didn't tell Jing that FFYY was a dangerous one who tried to kill CX several times so that Jing could have prepared, and alerted more with YY.

You‘ve brought up an interesting point for me. Have you ladies discussed this point already? Maybe I missed it? For me it‘s like XY subconsciously sabotaging or at least in not actively trying to help Jing to solve his engagement problem, then she is delaying her HE with TSJ, another hint that she‘s not really into her relationship with TSJ. Logically she would eagerly tell TSJ every dirt she knows about FFYY especially if it is proof that FFYY is not what she seems, a meek obedient weak lady. This knowledge is practically a flashing neon of ‚SKELETON in The Closet, pls dig me up‘ that TSJ can investigate and use to sever his engagement or at least like you said, guard himself from. Compare this with how active WXL was when she was helping XL solving the herbs problem even so far as sticking her own neck in he process. You think she‘ll be more invested in solving TSJ’s and her obstacle to HE than XL’s military problem.

Some people also complained why he didn't let XY know about Jing was in coma. He kept that secret for 6 year even though he knew XY was depressed and heartache during that time.

Is this from the novel? I don‘t remember this from the drama. I remember XL seeing her frowning expression and tried to cheer her up. But all that XY said about how disappointed she was for hearing and receiving nothing from TSJ while CX sent her medicines was said by her spirit which XL could not hear. Even if the PLB connection already restored at this point and XL can feel her emotions again, he won‘t know the cause of it, if her sadness/depression is caused by her disappointment over TSJ or being bored and alone in the shell (she hate loneliness) or something else entirely. From my pov, it‘s a completely normal thing not to tell a sick person, in this case a comatose barely alive person who survived an assassination attack, bad news that happened to her loved ones in order not to distress her further so she can concentrate on getting better first.  ‚Hey btw your boyfriend was burned to crisp for trying to die together with you in the maze and now comatose.’ is not really a motivating sentence no? He did timely told her and woke her up to save TSJ, what more can those people expect from him ‚sigh‘


I like your characters break down analysis. They all need a good therapist. What struck me is that XY is actually pretty self aware. She knows her trauma, the cause and thus why she is the way she is. But knowing is actually not enough as her actions/decisions at the end still determined/controlled by her fear/trauma, mistaking TSJ readiness to die with her as absolute proof of devotion and being so moved by it for example. Instead of overcome her traumas and issues, she justify her skewed decision making with them.


Some people also complained why he didn't let XY know about Jing was in coma. He kept that secret for 6 year even though he knew XY was depressed and heartache during that time.

It seems you misunderstood. Maybe what @H19279 meant was when Jing was declared dead before their wedding.

Some people also complained why he didn't let XY know about Jing was in coma. He kept that secret for 6 year even though he knew XY was depressed and heartache during that time.

Is this from the novel? I don‘t remember this from the drama.

No, this is close to the ending of the novel (Chapter 46/51). It will be in season 2. However, if the leaked script is authentic, it would not be adapted on screen. Jing could save himself instead of XL saved him as in the novel implied



Some people also complained why he didn't let XY know about Jing was in coma. He kept that secret for 6 year even though he knew XY was depressed and heartache during that time.

It seems you misunderstood. Maybe what @H19279 meant was when Jing was declared dead before their wedding.


Oh I see, thank you for the clarification. So this part that TSJ in coma after the TSH‘s assassination attempt right? I haven‘t read the novel, only some parts from S1 (I skimmed through it) and mostly what you ladies posted here. That‘s why I don‘t chimed in much when you discuss the novel. I‘m not qualified to ;) but I enjoyed your discussions.  Most of my take and interpretation I got it from watching the drama first. So when I do read the novel my interpretation of it will be heavily influenced by my concepts of the characters from the drama and from your discussion here. I keep delaying reading the novel because the watered down version of the drama already hit me so hard, imagine getting the original version ?. 

Guess I need to read the novel after all.

Leaked script Ep10 scene 14, Ep11

[With the truth regarding Tushan Hou and Fangfeng Yi Ying's duplicity finally revealed to all, Xiao Yao and Jing were reunited at last.]

Xiang Liu sat atop a tree branch by Gourd Lake, drinking wine from a wine bottle amid heavy snowfall. Snowflakes flew around him but not a single one settled on his body. He was dressed in white as always, untouched by the world.
The tiny Furball perched on the tree branch beside him.
Xiang Liu's lips were curved into a smile and he raised the wine bottle in the direction of the Middle Plains as if sending faraway well wishes, before tilting his head to take a big gulp.
Furball tilted its head in puzzlement, chirping as if asking a question.

XL: I am celebrating Wen Xiao Liu getting back Ye Shi Qi. I... (stopped for a moment before laughing, though his eyes were empty and bitter) am happy for her.

Furball seemed speechless, and mimicked a human's sigh, shaking its head.
Xiang Liu threw Furball a cold glance, and it immediately drooped its head and laid down obediently, keeping quiet.
With a stretch of the hand, the ice crystal globe appeared in his palm. Xiang Liu stared at the mermaid in the crystal globe with a lonely, sad expression.
Amidst the snowy landscape, Xiang Liu sat alone.


[Rumours of Xiao Yao being Chi Chen's daughter started spreading all over the Great Wilderness. Despite Jing harnessing the collective influences of the Tushan, Xiling and Guifang clans, the rumours could not be stopped.
With the rumours, Xiao Yao was now being cursed by all. The Xuan Yuan courtiers petitioned for Cang Xuan to send Xiao Yao back to Gao Xin much to Cang Xuan's fury. He pointed out that even if Xiao Yao was not the Gao Xin princess, her identity as Xuan Yuan Great Princess's daughter was indisputable. Reminding them of Mu Fei's fate, he warned them to keep that in mind.

Xiao Yao brought Cang Xuan and Jing to the same grilled meat eatery that Fangfeng Bei brought her in the past, which was noted by Xiang Liu, dressed in a hood and cloak.
Here, she overheard talk that confirmed her parentage. In shock and grief, she stumbled away. Jing confronted Cang Xuan about being the one who spread the rumours in the first place.

This is followed by the scene previously translated about Xiao Yao coming upon the lantern seller who tried to sell her a lantern that depicted the great battle between her mother and Chi Chen, trying to seek out the Lirong donkey-meat seller to ask about her father.]



The Gao Xin courtiers submitted petitions stating that Xiao Yao had tarnished the royal bloodline and brought great shame to the nation, and demanded that she be severely punished. Angered, A Nian suggested that a spell be cast in public to prove Xiao Yao's lineage and stop the outrageous accusations.
Ru Shou however, kept his eyes downcast, not saying a word.

GXSH (deliberately): Ru Shou, why aren't you saying anything?
RS (helpless): Master, I find that the situation is strange. Cang Xuan's position is now secure and he wields full authority. How could he not be able to quell the rumours?
GXSH (laughed): That's right. It is rather unusual.

Gou Mang did not seem to grasp what they were saying, while A Nian was bewildered.

AN (impatiently): Who cares whether it is strange or not! Royal Father, you must quickly prove that Xiao Yao is your daughter, and shut those people up!
GXSH (calmly): It cannot be proven! Because Xiao Yao is really not my daughter.

A Nian stared, dumbfounded, unable to believe her ears. Gou Mang was also surprised. Only Ru Shou remained calm.

AN (stammering): How... how is this possible?
GXSH (placidly): Gui Wen, announce my decree. Proclaim to the world that the woman Jiu Yao is not of the Gao Xin royal bloodline. Henceforth, her title is revoked, and her name stricken from the family register.
GW (bowing): Yes.

Gui Wen took his leave. Gao Xin Shao Hao's face was filled with exhaustion.
Ru Shou's expression was solemn. Gou Mang wanted to say something but decided to keep quiet at a look from Ru Shou. A Nian's eyes were brimming with tears, her face anxious and angry.

AN: Royal Father! What are you doing? Even if Older Sister... Xiao Yao were not your flesh and blood, she was your daughter for so many years. Don't you feel the least bit sorry? She is now in a difficult situation. Not only do you not help to alleviate it, instead you are making it worse...
RS (rebuking): A Nian!

A Nian looked at the serious Ru Shou, then at her father who continued to keep silent, and her tone softened, but she still refused to give up.

AN: Royal Father, Xiao Yao...
RS (interrupting): Master, I take my leave.

Ru Shou pulled A Nian's wrist and started to leave. A Nian struggled for a moment, but realised that things were not right and stared puzzled at her silent Royal Father, before sadly leaving with Ru Shou. Gou Mang quietly bowed to Gao Xin Shao Hao and followed suit.
Gao Xin Shao Hao sat in a daze, his expression seemingly grieved, seemingly happy as he touched the white bone ring on his finger.

GXSH (VO): A Heng, I did not betray you and Qing Yang's trust, and have taught Cang Xuan very well.


We have quite a lot of discussion and dabate about the moon. Mostly, we have mentioned the moon from XY's point of view (POV). The full moon involved was mentioned so many times in the novel. the moon that WXL stared at while XL was sucking his blood (a lot) after her/his revenge on XL (drawing on his face). It was the first time WXL shared his painful past with XL which he never talked to anyone before. That was the magnificent full moon on the sea when XL took her for the first sightseeing when WXL said scenery is only meaningful when it attaches to people. It was the healing day for 37 year long under the sea. The full moon there was not only the scenery but also the witness (character) for their relationship. When XL died, first thing XY thought of if the moon was bright and tenderly shone on him at his last moment. Althought after Jing's missing, the meaning of the moon in XY's mind gradually shifted to Jing (just by his promise to marry her on a full moon day, but in fact they had never shared a meaningful full moon together), by the end of this book in her mind, the image of the moon would always tied with XY, especially when she went out and settled new life in the sea. 

In the book, it was so few occasions that XL's POV was mentioned. I suddently wonder what is the meaning of the full moon to him? @HeadInTheClouds mentioned the term "white moonlight" or "brightmoonlight". In XL's POV, XY probably is his "white moonlight", "his full moon". Besides the moments that they shared together, he missed the full moon for 37 year but he embraced her in his arms. The night on the gourd shaped lake where they offically met the last time was a full moon. When he came, during their "talk" the moon was still there. She vowed that she didn't want to see him again in life. And when she left, he was exhausted after making the blood pill, lying on the water, the moon was hidden and what reflected in his eyes is only darkness. She went out of his life, the moon, the only light in his eyes also left. 

The black clouds covered the bright moon so all that shone in Xiang Liu’s eyes were – a darkness without light, a darkness without end, a darkness of eternal loneliness. (Chapter 46).

The last time that XL saw full moon in life was when he came to Jade Mountain to save XY after her suicide. He finished cutting the last connection between them when the dawn was coming ("Xiang Liu looked at the horizon and saw a sliver of light coming as dawn was arriving."). Before leaving, "Xiang Liu looked over at Xiao Yao one last time before flying East towards the rising sun". Probably the full moon had gone by that time. 

A few day ago @Windiaaa041293 made a calculation about XY&Jing's wedding date. It was in the end of lunar month (with withered moon). A few day after the wedding, XY heard of XL's death. That means he died either in the end of the month or very first day of the new month when the moon is in the smallest size. The last image before he closed his eyes was probably a sky without moon. He had said that he never wanted to see her again when leaving Jade Mountain. He kept his word. The moon was not there either.  

This was deliberate by the author as the physical scars are used as the manifestation of his mental scars.

Indeed, even after so many years (42 years)? together since their engagement, he still refused the treatment of his legs. That is the most visible "scar" on his body as well as his mind. 

With this project completed, Xiao Yao’s busy life suddenly ended and she was so excited to do nothing again. She decided to go to Xuan Yuan Mountain to pay a visit to the White Emperor.

The White Emperor was looking well, likely from having no political matters to deal with, but he still carried a limp from waiting too long to treat it.

Xiao Yao was upset about that but the White Emperor laughed “I’m an old man now, no girl will spare me a second glance, so who cares if I walk a little ugly. I’d rather Jing’s leg get healed if there is a way.

Jing just smiled and said nothing more so this issue wasn’t mentioned again.

It seems that Jing was very insecured, lacked of self-confidence love matter. He was still afraid of losing XY any time. He wanted to keep his injury to remind XY that he was YSQ. He wanted her softheart constantly to support his posture. Because deep down in his heart, he knew XY's real love was not Jing. 

Jing probably needs more time to heal, but at the end of the novel, he is the “sickest” by far. 

In the end of the book, the one who came to Jade Mountain, sabotaging the ceremony was YSQ. Jing was "dead". He left his clan behind and accompanied XY to the sea. XL died, that means his scare of XY left him for XL was gone. What YSQ wanted most is to be by her side.  He would accept the fact that XL would be unreplacable part in XY's heart. And if XY stayed with him, I hope YSQ could ease his mind and worry. About his limp issue, more than 100 years delay of treatment might be too long. He would have to live with it for the rest of his life. That is the consequence of being timid facing his trauma. 

just curious, these men above, they are from Guifang Sect?  I don’t remember this clan was mentioned much in the drama and how they are related to Xiangliu? And I rmbr Bei wore the same mask too…

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