I also like some of his career outside XL. Luckily i don’t fall into TJC so much. I like TJC-XL more than the actor.

Honestly, same. I like XL more than I like TJC (shocking, I know lol)

if you have other favorite actors or actress, watch their work or some already started watching LMLMV. I don’t think of XL when i watch that drama :))

In my opinion, LMLMV is very fluffy and not my cup of tea at all. That's all I'm going to say about it. What do you think of the drama?

Aside from LMLMV, I'm also watching Liu Yu Ning's A Journey to Love and it's very action packed. Right off the bat, it got my attention. The female lead is interesting and one of my favorite actors, Alen Fang, is in it too.


To this day, I still hate watching the scene with Fangfeng Bei in her chambers, because we know from the novel how that scene should have played out, one that showed the extent of Xiao Yao's feelings for him, not to mention them sleeping together, a decision Xiao Yao consciously made, rather than just being conveniently unconscious at the time.

Are there differences  between  Xiao Yao  and Xiang Liu's story in the drama??

We've discussed some of the differences in Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu's dynamic within the last few pages. You might want to read through them for a better understanding. It isn't just one thing, but rather a combination of things that create the differences.

"Is there no one else who treats you well? Why is it him?" I used to chalk it up to a mother's conflicted emotions because her daughter stood before her all grown up, with a lover, when the last time she saw her, she was still a child.

I would think that a mother would feel more happiness than conflicted if her daughter had found a man who treated her well. The phrasing of that question "Is there no one else who treats you well", is very "off". It's like Ah-Heng is thinking, "Yeah, he treated you well, but that's only the bare minimum and isn't everything". The tone is very dismissive of Jing, IMO.

THIS. Exactly. How could they have robbed us of Ch43? Oh, and I demand an actual lips on forehead kiss, not some flakey snowflake for Ch35 (Vol 3 Ch3)!

They are not going to give us anything. Not even one measly forehead kiss, let alone that entire scene in Chapter 43. Xiao Yao's feelings for Xiang Liu will be too obvious, and we can't have that.

Oh I believe you...........

You are not at all convincing, liddi. I'd have you know that I have the purest of thoughts and intentions ;-).

So much so that if the leaked script really pans out, I feel drama Xiao Yao does not deserve Xiang Liu, unlike novel Xiao Yao.

This was a translation of a write-up @windiaaa041293 previously posted about the significance of hibiscus vs osmanthus flowers. According to the poster,

I obviously missed something, but what's the context behind us trying to compare the meaning behind these two flowers?

Do you still remember, Xiaoyao not only told about the snake demon and the nine-tailed fox, but Xiaoyao also told about monkeys.
there are those who analyze that it is also a metaphor..and do you know who he is? he is jing...LOL.
Tonghua was really mocking him.


I obviously missed something, but what's the context behind us trying to compare the meaning behind these two flowers?

The flower language of hibiscus flower is gentle persistence, tenacity, eternity, beauty, endless life, simplicity, eternal vitality, charm, nostalgia, love and righteousness. Gentle persistence and tenacity mean that the flowers of hibiscus bloom every day as the sun rises and close as the sun sets, just like a determined goal and continuous struggle. Eternal vitality and endless charm. The vitality of hibiscus flowers is very strong. Usually after one flower blooms and dies, other buds will follow and continue to bloom, seemingly endlessly.

Is this suitable for a jing, he doesn't even have the will to survive, just wants to die for love.


I obviously missed something, but what's the context behind us trying to compare the meaning behind these two flowers?

because this flower is so important, why did she use hibiscus to wash jing's hair, and why was there hibiscus when xy was being hunted by xinyue's hired killers.

all this commotion is because of hair problems.LOL

There are several flowers which related to certain characters in LYF. We all know that the phoenix flower is symbol for CX and sweet osmanthus for Jing

Figure 1: Phoenix flower (flower symbol for CX)

Meaning of phoenix flower can be found in [1] Phoenix Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual Significance - Foliage Friend - Learn About Different Types of Plants 

Figure 2 蔷薇花 (Rose flower)
In ancient Chinese classics roses refer to roses (Rosa rugosa), which originated in Northeast Asia. Its branches are soft, soft, and densely thorny, and bloom only once a year. [2] Rose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
月光映照下,成千上万朵白色蔷薇花在静静绽放,一朵朵花像宝石般晶莹剔透。颛顼长身玉立在白色蔷薇花海中,笑眯眯地看着小夭。随着他的灵力漫延,白色的蔷薇花如涌起的浪潮般,缤纷地盛开,一直开到了小夭脚前,铺满了她身周。(Chapter 45)

In the bright moonlight, thousands of white roses were blooming before her eyes, each one as beautiful as a precious jewel. Zhuan Xu stood inside the sea of blooming roses with a big smile, using his powers to make the roses bloom like a rippling wave until it reached Xiao Yao and surrounded her. (Chapter 45)

The white and cream roses could mean loyalty, hope, new beginnings, or shared secrets. Don’t forget, however, the association of white and death  [3] Meaning of Flowers in Chinese Culture(12 Types) (sonofchina.com) 

Figure 3.  Sweet osmanthus (木樨), flower for Jing


In the evening, Xinyue came to call Xiaoyao: "The yard where brother Jing lives is called the osmanthus garden. It is in a osmanthus forest. Every autumn, the fragrance is so fragrant that after sitting under the forest for a long time, even the clothes are covered with the fragrance of osmanthus. Tonight we will Dining in  the osmanthus garden is not only a gathering of friends, but also an opportunity to enjoy the osmanthus flowers.  (Chapter 20)


木樨花灯,灯油用的是木樨花油,此时已能闻到浓郁的木樨花香,小夭不自禁地驾驭着鸿雁,追随着花灯。放花灯时,小夭没有许愿。从小到大,她许的愿全都被以最残忍的方式撕碎,她已经不敢奢求,更不敢许愿。小夭总觉得老天听到她的愿望,就会故意地毁灭一切。这会儿,她遥望着花灯,默默地说:璟,我在小月顶上种了木樨,等到木樨花开时,我唱歌给你听。(Chapter 44)

Xiaoyao wrapped the reins around her wrist and put a sweet-osmanthus lantern into the sea of clouds. A gust of wind passed by, and the lantern floated into the distance with the surging sea of clouds. 

Three sweet-scented osmanthus lanterns were put on in a row. The lamp oil was made of sweet-scented osmanthus oil. At this time, she could smell the strong sweet-scented osmanthus flower fragrance. Xiaoyao couldn't help but control the wild geese and follow the lanterns. When setting off the lanterns, Xiaoyao didn't make a wish. From childhood to adulthood, all the wishes she had made were torn apart in the most cruel way. She no longer dared to ask for anything, let alone make a wish. Xiaoyao always felt that God would deliberately destroy everything after hearing her wish. At this moment, she looked at the lanterns in the distance and said silently: Jing, I planted osmanthus on the top of Xiaoyue. When the osmanthus blooms, I will sing to you.

Traditionally, (sweet) osmanthus represents love and romance. In old Chinese wedding customs, the bride would carry a pot of the plant to the in-laws. It was said to represent true love, faithfulness, fertility, and peace. It was a sign that the couple would give birth to noble children and have many grandchildren. [3] 


What is the flower used as symbol for XL? It is White lotus


Xiang Liu dressed all in white, standing at the front door of Huichun clinic. His tall body was pure and spotless just like a white lotus that has been washed by rain for three days and three nights. It is so clean that everyone wanted to go home and take a bath. (Chapter 3)

Note: 白: white;              莲: lotus                   花: flower


The white shadow stood steady on top of the wave, white robe and white hair, wearing a mask. He stood in the middle of the waves as if standing among white lotus blossoms, pure and untouched, extraordinary and beautiful. (Chapter 8)

White Lotus in Chinese Culture

In Chinese culture, the white lotus holds a special place and is considered a symbol of purity, perfection, and harmony. It is often associated with the qualities of a virtuous person, representing their ability to remain untainted by the impurities of the world. The lotus flower is highly regarded for its elegant beauty and its ability to bloom in adverse conditions, symbolizing resilience and strength.

The white lotus also carries a romantic connotation in Chinese and . It is often used to symbolize love, purity, and the beauty of the soul. The delicate petals of the lotus are seen as a metaphor for the tender and fragile nature of human emotions. [4] The Meaning And Cultural Significance Of White Lotus | Garvillo 

Meaning of lotus in China:

 This is a very important flower in China often depicted in its art and architecture. It grows in murky waters and the petals are either pink or white. It’s been present throughout Chinese history and is considered to represent wisdom, intelligence, purity, and nobility. This is based on how it grows in muddy waters but the petals remain clean and pure. The flower is spiritually linked to the Buddha. It is said to be the throne on which the Buddha sits and represents perfection and purity which are the nature of the buddha. [3] 

Actually, lotus or white lotus has a lot meaning in Chinese culture. Further infromation about the meaning of lotus can be referred to [5] Importance of the Lotus Flower in Chinese Culture (thoughtco.com), [6] The Meaning of Lotus in Chinese Culture – Asian Journal USA 


How did XY regard lotus?

The Autumn afternoon is the most beautiful time of the day. When no one was direly ill, Xiao Liu liked taking a big lotus frond to cover his eyes and laying on the straw pallet used to dry herbs. He raised his two arms over his head against his ears and his two legs would naturally stick straight out as well with his toes pointed. His entire body was straight like a line and in his imagination his body could extend forever. That feeling of stretching, paired with the warm sun, the fragrant lotus frond, it was like drinking wine into the bones and being slightly tipsy. (Chapter 4)

WXL/XY liked the tender, fresh smell of lotus. When FFB took her to the cosmetics shop in Xuan Yuan, below is her description about the flower fragance 

花妖开的脂粉店,那些脂粉小夭倒不稀罕,可一滴凝练的花露,能让人身体凝香一个月,清幽的莲香、傲骨的梅香、空灵的兰香……还能有各种调制的方法,能调制出这世上独一无二的香气,连小夭这个做惯了男人的人,也不禁陷了进去,试着各种香露,忍不住买了十几种花露。(Chapter 16)

The cosmetics store owned by the flower demons which initially didn’t interest Xiao Yao. However, a drop of condensed flower dew can make a person's body fragrant for a month. There are also various methods of blending, such as the quiet and secluded lotus fragrance, proud plum fragrance, ethereal orchid fragrance... There are also various methods of blending, which can create a unique fragrance in the world. Even Xiaoyao, who is used to being a man, can't help but fall in love and try various fragrances, unable to resist buying more than a dozen types of floral dew.

Among a lot of flower fragance, XY recalled lotus scent first. She describled it as "清幽" which means quiet, secluded and beautiful. It sounds very similar to the perfumed later she made for herself that she called "Dream" - a scent smelled like closed but also distant, real but also unreal. This scent is reflecting her perceiving of XL: "he was like a person made of snow, so pristine so perfect, it made one want to get close but afraid to." (Chapter 5) 


In Chapter 16, XY met Jing again after about 2 year since the last time she met him (20 months since she arrived in Xuan Yuan). At this point, FFB had taught XY archery and they hang around with each other for almost 20 months. (more than 16 months). The context of the below scene was that XY and FFB had archery lesson in the morning and they returned to CX's house. In the morning, CX reminded XY that he needed Jing's help and asked her to meet Jing. So, in the afternoon, after resting, XY was about to go out with FFB but then she recalled CX's request. She changed her mind and stayed with Jing. 

When they got to the front door, she suddenly remembered what Zhuan Xu asked her earlier and stopped. She didn’t know why but she just wanted to be mad at Jing.

Fang Feng Bei asked “What is it?”

Xiao Yao said “I suddenly remembered that Gege asked me to do something. I won’t accompany you today and let’s make it up another time, okay?”

Fang Feng Bei stared at her and that inexplicable familiar sensation rose up again and Xiao Yao’s body tensed. She felt like at any moment Fang Feng Bei would suddenly fly forward and bite down on her neck.

Suddenly Fang Feng Bei laughed and said with a casual “Sure!”

He left and Xiao Yao touched her neck and felt like she avoided that one.

FFB's stare reminded XY about XL. In the evening, XY and Jing met each other in her own room. She wanted to help Jing seek for the betray maid. 

Xiao Yao opened the door and saw no one, and then quickly led Jing to her own room.

Once inside with the door closed, they relaxed.

“When I’m not at Cao Yun Peak, I live here.” Xiao Yao sat down and cocked her head to look at him “What shall we play?”

“Whatever you want.”

Xiao Yao looked around, she had no zither, paints, chess, nothing at all and she was annoyed at herself.

Her chest contained all sorts of poisonous juices in various colors like paints and Xiao Yao took it out and placed it before Jing and then placed four of her handkerchiefs before him as well.

Xiao Yao handed him a little brush “Paint me a few portraits!”

“What do you want?”

Uhm….a lotus.”

Jing picked a dark green color and Xiao Yao said “Be careful, this is poisonous bark root.”

Jing didn’t seem to care and continued to draw whatever Xiao Yao wanted while she sat down watching him draw.

“What else?”

Butterfly. Once time I wanted to make a poisonous butterfly but I can’t draw well so the one I made was dopey.”

Jing heard she wanted to make poisons so he drew it smaller and then carefully drew ten more butterflies for her.

Xiao Yao sprawled on the table looking at it.

Jing saw she was sleepy “Tell me what you want and I’ll draw it while you sleep.”

Xiao Yao shook her head.

Jing finished the butterfly and Xiao Yao said “The remaining two, you decide.”

Jing picked up the brush and drew a cliffside jagged beach scene and the other he drew peach blossoms without any green leaves or stems so it looked like Xiao Yao’s birthmark was all over the handkerchief. (Chapter 16) 

So, XY had nothing that was suitable for Jing's hobby. She had only poisons in her room. Playing with poisons is her hobby and she made poison for XL. The chest containing poison bottles was placed next to her bed. When she was bored she could play with them.

She gave Jing 4 handkerchiefs but she cared for 2 of them only with specific request for Jing to draw on it: Lotus and butterfly. 

Why lotus? Because she missed XL and because FFB reminded her about XL in the afternoon. 

The second one is butterfly. It is mentioned in several scenes that butterfly is symbol for XY. She wanted to make poison for XL in the shape of butterfly. Since her draw was not so nice, so she asked Jing. Haha, she asked Jing a draw beautiful butterfly to make gift for XL. 

The other two handkerchiefs, she was not interested and let Jing draw anything he wanted. Of course, Jing draw the scenery of the dragon bone and the sea to remind her of the 15 year promise. 


XY made a gift for FFB for apology: "Koi Playing Lotus Picture" 



ZX was very curious, and walked behind Xiao Yao gently. Just look at Xiao Yao's slender fingers dexterously busy, gradually, on the white tray, green lotus leaves were born, the dew on the leaves seemed to be about to roll off, pink lotus flowers also grew, tender yellow stamens loomed, the newly knotted lotus canopy was shyly hidden, and two carp were playing in the water among the flowers.

Unconsciously, a morning passed, a picture of koi playing lotus, in addition to no sound, even the fragrance of lotus was there.

Xiao Yao took a closer look and smiled with satisfaction.




Xiao Yao had no choice but to open the lid by herself. When she made it, she wasted a lot of thought about the fragrance of the lotus, but at this time, the surrounding fat powder gas, the aroma of wine and vegetables were too strong, and the fragrance of the lotus was not obvious at all.

Xiao Yao rushed over, originally had a belly to say, showing off what kind of poison the lotus flower is made of, what kind of poison the lotus pod was made of, but now looking at the "koi play lotus picture" only felt tasteless, and she did not bother to say anything. She picked up the wine bottle and started drinking and pouting.

Bei finally took his eyes back from the dancer and looked at the case. A picture of an unfolded scroll, in the rippling clear waves, the green leaves, the dew drops are crystal clear, the lotus flowers are half grateful, the lotus canopy is beginning to knot, a pair of koi fish are playing under the lotus, the fish lips are slightly open, as if waiting for the lotus seeds to fall, hurry up to grab it.

Beside the connection of XL to lotus (she made the picture on white plate, therefore the lotus flower was pink), according to [5]Importance of the Lotus Flower in Chinese Culture (thoughtco.com), the famous pitures containing lotus (represent a girl) and a fish (represent a boy) means love. 


In addition, I am not sure how importan is it. XY had many utensils in the shape of lotus: the plate in the shape of lotus leaf, lotus lamp, the container that she used to hold the poison to commit suicide in chapter 47 was also in the shape of lotus. This could be her intention to memorize XL but could be co-incident because lotus figure was widely used in the ancient time for decoration, architecture. Lotus is an important flower and has a lot of meaning in Chinese culture. 


We can see the the meaning of each flower matches well with the ending destiny of each male lead to XY. 

  • Jing's osmanthus represents his love to XY, also predicts a marriage in the end. 
  • CX in the end chose white wild rose to offer to XY which represents loyalty, hope, new beginnings, or shared secrets.
  • and XL was white lotus, the Budha's sacred flower which matches his personality, quality and his departure (like a fairy god who did not belong to the world). White lotus represents pure, love which matches with his selfless love for XY
What happened in Once Promised with regards to the Tushan clan?

Actually, Tushan clan was quite ok in Once Promised. They sponsored food for Chi You's army (but he hid that fact and let his soldiers have lack of food and spread that info to Yellow Emperor). It was one of the factor made Yellow emperor attacked Chi You's army instead of defense inside the fortress, thus got trapped by Chi You and lost the battle. 

A nine-tailed fox demon who was friend of Ah Heng's half brother's and later in LYF imprisoned XY for 30 years kinapped her on the wedding day of Qing Yang (Ah Heng's big brother, the bride was Yun Xang, great princess of Shen-nong). Her half brother wanted to humiliate Ah Heng by forcing her tell everyone about the secret that Chi You was real father of XY. At the end Chi You chopped off that fox's one tail and got XY back to Ah Heng just in time.  The XY's white fox tail which later was given to CX originated in this event. Chi You at that time came to Xuan Yuan for the wedding.

That fox demon came from Qing Qiu where Tushan clan based. He might be Jing's relative.

I wrote this little observation about Xiang Liu a while ago, but I haven't posted it. Wanted to add more details from the novel, but realized that with my poor memory for details that was never going to happen :-)

In any case, as I mentioned to @H19279, I find the various shades of red used for Fangfeng Bei's outfits reflective of how he was temporarily a part of the mortal world during those times, contrasted with the otherworldly white of Xiang Liu who chose to be detached from the attractions of that life because of his loyalties and responsibilities to the Shen Nong army.

I want to borrow your observations about Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei's clothing as a stepping stone to my observations of how Tong Hua used XL's outer appearance to reflect his inner qualities in the novel. Long post ahead.

In the novel XL wears predominantly white; even as FFB. (aside: XL in the drama is a lot more emotional and of the “mortal world” compared to the one in the novel). The most common terms XY/WXL used to describe XL's appearance are clean, pure, ethereal, and otherworldly. In their second encounter, WXL described Xiang Liu as

"a pristine white lotus, unblemished by worldly dust, as if it has just been washed by rain for 3 days, so clean/pure...."

Not only is XL like a pristine white lotus, but he's a lotus that has been washed for 3 days by rain (considered a source of pure water). Just how clean and pure does Tong Hua want us to see him? The image of Xiang Liu being untouched by worldly dust/otherworldly was also referenced by XY numerous times. Even as FFB, arguably the most worldly version of Xiang Liu, XY still described him as a visitor to this earthly realm and wished that there was something that could keep him there.

The lotus is a symbol of purity; remaining pure despite the mud that it sprung from. In Buddhism, the lotus flower symbolizes a heart/mind that is untainted by the poisons that keep people trapped in the cycle of Samsara. The white lotus, in particular, stands for an enlightened mind.

The poisons are greed, anger/resentment, and delusion/ignorance. Greed is about possessing - XL does not desire worldly fame or fortunes, nor does he want to possess XY. Despite the prejudice and discrimination that he faced, he harboured no hatred/resentment. Delusion is a bit harder to explain, but I see it as being free from the illusion of permanence. Nothing in this world is forever, nothing in this world is truly yours. Life is a series of meetings and partings, partings and meetings. As FFb said to XY they are temporary partners traveling through this impermanent world.

XL appreciates things as they are instead of attaching conditions to them. His comment to XY about placing too much importance on gains and losses reflected his philosophy of life. A person who truly understands impermanence doesn't place importance on gains or losses because they understand that such things are inevitable. A more direct way that Tong Hua demonstrated Xiang Liu’s pure heart/mind is his immunity to Sir Bi’s voice. Sir Bi himself said that Xiang Liu is immune because his heart is as clear as a crystal*, money and power cannot temp him (*I don’t know the exact translation for this word)

Compared to the other 3 lead characters who were born with golden spoons in their mouths and experienced loving childhoods. XL was born at the bottom of the social hierarchy; he had nothing and had to fight for survival in the cruellest arena. That kind of experience could either create a cruel/cynical nature or a compassionate, empathetic soul. The other 3, after their misfortunes, operate out of fear of further loss, from greed and delusions: the greed to possess, the delusion that someone will stay with you forever. XL is the only one whose behaviour showed selfless giving. He could give so unreservedly because he doesn’t weigh everything on the scale of gain and loss.

Xiang Liu’s life is a journey from a demon – a species that is looked down by gods and humans for being driven by base instinct – to a man who experiences love in its various forms, to showing love at its highest level; one that is free from conditions or possessiveness. Like the lotus that he’s compared to, he managed to rise above the “mud” of his beginning, retaining the purity of mind/heart that we are all born with until tainted by life.

I find it interesting that out of the 4 main characters, it’s Xiang Liu, the one who was born into the worst circumstances, with the worst childhood and with the worst reputation, who actually showed the purest heart and selflessness. We readers struggled with his decisions so much because we, like Xiao Yao and the other characters, are inherently selfish and weigh everything on the scale of gains and losses. So we find his choices and actions difficult to accept.

Maybe Xiang Liu had to die in the end because someone like him doesn’t or can’t exist in this mortal world. Or Maybe because he’d finally paid all of his debts or learned all of the lessons that he needed to move to the next stage towards enlightenment. Tong Hua does favour him; she allows him to achieve nine lifetimes worth of learning/paying in one.

I will post a little write-up of Jing next.

because this flower is so important, why did she use hibiscus to wash jing's hair, and why was there hibiscus when xy was being hunted by xinyue's hired killers.

all this commotion is because of hair problems.LOL

I will do it later. Hibiscus flower is tricky and it linked to XY's psychology issue. This flower intertwined XL and Jing. XY got inspiration from XL but later she applied it on Jing as a kind of compensation behaviour. (Lol it's 2 am. I must go to bed now)


I like the way you explain it.^^

Xiaoyao looked at the drawing with concentration. After tsj finished drawing, Xiaoyao's inner OS: Okay. Xiang Liu's butterfly drawing is finished. What's left? I don't care what you like to draw." LOL


In addition, I am not sure how importan is it. XY had many utensils in the shape of lotus: the plate in the shape of lotus leaf, lotus lamp, the container that she used to hold the poison to commit suicide in chapter 47 was also in the shape of lotus.

can you imagine how much she loves and misses XL? plus the shell pearl lamp that she always carries everywhere

Once promise vs sauvignon blanc

【one】 The Queen Mother loved Shennong, but they could no longer meet each other due to their different stances, so the Queen Mother held a peach banquet every year to gather the world's heroes, just to wait for Shennong. Shennong had never been there once. Before his death, he gave the Queen Mother a singing wooden sculpture. The Queen Mother knew that Shennong was dead and her hair turned gray in an instant. The girl would never wait for her lover again, and there would be no one who could please her and be worthy of her keeping. Twenty-eight are beautiful.

【two】 Shennong's first wife was weak and unfit for childbirth. However, Shennong was an emperor. If there were no heirs to succeed him, the Shennong family would definitely be coveted by the other two countries. So his wife desperately gave birth to several children, but the children all inherited their mother's frailty, the prince's spiritual power was low, and Wang Ji died of illness at an early age. Shennong did not want to marry anyone else, so after Shennong died, there were only these few children. Shennong's country did not have a strong emperor and was unable to protect itself.

【three】 Shaohao met A-Heng too late. A-Heng once lamented to Shao-hao that the two of them were close friends. They both loved wine and told stories while drinking, but A-Heng met Chi You first.Aheng pities Shaohao, knowing that the two of them can't get out together, she will resolutely turn around and wait for Shaohao to die in Yuyuan, just because Shaohao is always smiling in her memory. But they met too late, Shaohao had his own position, Aheng had Chiyou, and they finally chose to be allies instead of husband and wife.

【Four】When Zhongyi married Changpu, he vowed to marry only one person and depend on each other for life and death. In the end, Zhongyi died in battle and Changpu died in love."Zeng Promise" is almost a BE for all members. Everyone chooses the person they love. "Sauvignon Blanc" changes the regrets of "Zeng Promise" to a different way of choice. Choose the person who suits you, will you be able to do it? better?Ah Heng has seen the regret of the Queen Mother, so she chooses to be with the one she loves and enjoy the stolen time. Xiaoyao has seen her mother's ending, so she chooses to spend the rest of her life with someone who will not leave her. Xuanxuan has seen the tragedy of his parents, so he said that he would never marry a woman who died for him in his life .In fact, children are another choice for their parents. They have suffered from their parents' generation, so they chose another path. From this point of view, "Sauvignon Blanc" can actually be considered a HE.

"Zeng Promise", a prequel to "Sauvignon Blanc", tells the love story of Xiaoyao's parents, Prince Ji Aheng of Xuanyuan (the mother country of Xingxuan in Sauvignon Blanc) and General Shennong Chi You (Xiang Liu's camp in Sauvignon Blanc)

Ah Heng learned medical skills and went around treating illnesses and saving people in the name of Mr. Xiling.

Xiaoyao also knows medical skills, and under the name Wen Xiaoliu, he goes around saving lives and healing the wounded.

Aheng is the daughter of King Xuanyuan. Her brother Qingyang has been telling her that she must win over Gao Xin and marry Shaohao for Xuanyuan.

Xiaoyao is the daughter of King Gaoxin, and her brother Xuanxuan also told her that she was going to win over Tushan Jing and Fenglong and marry Jing or Fenglong.

Ah Heng represents King Xuanyuan, and Chi You represents Shennong. Their positions must be opposite.

Xiaoyao represents Gao Xin (later unified with Xuanyuan), and Xiangliu represents Shennong. Their positions are also opposite.

When Aheng learned that she was going to marry Shaohao (Shang Xiangsi Xiaoyao's adoptive father) for marriage, she waited for a whole day in Baili. Chi You is the mythical beast born in Baili, but Chi You did not come.

Xiaoyao also waited at the seaside for seven days before marrying Fenglong. Xiangliu was a demon born in the sea, but Xiangliu didn't come either.

Chi You asked A Heng if he was willing to meet him for the rest of his life. A Heng asked him back and said that as long as Chi You was willing to wear the red clothes she gave him for the rest of his life, she would meet him. Chi You agreed.

Xiang Liu asked Xiao Yao if he was willing to wander around with her. Xiao Yao asked him in return, saying that as long as he was willing to give up everything, she would go with him, but Xiang Liu did not agree.

Ah Heng and Chi You were not happy when they first met. Chi You snatched A Heng's jewelry to buy things and stalked her for a long time, giving Ah Heng a headache just thinking about this person.

Xiaoyao and Xiangliu were not happy when they first met. Xiangliu beat Xiaoyao twenty times and stalked her to make poison to suck her blood. Xiaoyao was shocked and annoyed when she thought about Xiangliu.

On the wedding day of Ah Heng and Shaohao, Chi You snatched the bride and mentioned their agreement.

On the wedding day of Xiaoyao and Fenglong, Xiang Liu snatched the bride and mentioned their agreement.

Chi You intended to kill A Heng's father, but because Qing Yang stood in the way, Qing Yang died in the battle, and A Heng broke off relations with Chi You.

Xiang Liu intended to kill Xiao Yao's brother, but because Feng Long stood in the way, Feng Long died in the battle, and Xiao Yao broke off with Xiang Liu.

@liddi ^^

第1部英文名是“Lost you forever”。封面写:“生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,是一次又一次的遺忘和开始。可总有些事,一旦发生 就留下印迹;总有个人,—旦来过, 就无法忘记。”封底写:“长相思,长相思。若问相思甚了期,除非相见时。长相思,长相思。欲把相思说似谁,浅情人不知。……”

第2部诉衷情英文名是“Love you forever”。封面写:“相爱是两个人的天长地久,相思是一个人的地老天荒。”封底写:“花似伊,柳似伊,花柳青春人别离,低头双泪垂。长江东,长江西,两岸鸳鸯两处飞,相逢知几时。……”

第3部思无涯英文名是“Miss you forever”。封面写:“漫长的光阴里,你不会只走过一个人的生命,也不会只有一个人走过你的生命。缘来时,猝不及防;缘去时,无力阻止。唯一能做的就是,遇见时,紧握手中 珍惜;离别后,深藏心底 铭记。”封底写:“一重山,两重山,山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹。菊花开,菊花残,塞雁高飞人未还,一帘风月闲。”




