In the novel XL wears predominantly white; even as FFB. (aside: XL in the drama is a lot more emotional and of the “mortal world” compared to the one in the novel).

Yes, that is the reason I am not so happy with the costume department of the drama. I think they overdid to make FFB distinguished from XL. 

However, 3 out of 5 encounters between XL and XY after 37 years, FFB wore white outfit. It seems that he delibrately wore white more often toward the ending of FFB. It is understandable that he wore white when he robbed her in the wedding ceremony. The previous event where XY encountered him in the casino after her engagement with FL, then he brought her to the Li rong donkey meat seller, he also wore white. After that he walked her back to Zhurong's masion and farewelled. She saw his figured like northern snow mountain

Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and she avoided his piercing gaze and asked “Who was that old man selling donkey meat?”

“He used to be a subordinate of Qi Yo and one of the survivors in the final battle in Yi Province. Carrying all the memories of those who perished, it’s easier just to have died.” Xiang Liu smiled “Actually, to a General, the best ending is to die on the battlefield.”

It was a warm Summer night but Xiao Yao suddenly felt her entire body turn cold in an instant.

They arrived outside Little Zhu Rong’s residence and Xiao Yao and Xiang Liu both stopped at the same time. But one didn’t depart and the other didn’t go in. They just silently stood there.

In the past she felt they had so many opportunities to see each other, but it wasn’t clear when it began that Xiao Yao started to feel that she was seeing less and less of him. Until tonight, when this feeling became impossible to ignore.

After a few moments, Xiang Liu said “You go inside!”

Xiao Yao wanted to talk to him but she didn’t know what she wanted to say. She said “Now is not like before, you shouldn’t come to the Middle Plains so often anymore.”

Xiao Yao thought Xiang Liu would mock her, asking whether she was worried Zhuan Xu would kill him, or worried he would kill Zhuan Xu. But surprisingly Xiang Liu said nothing and continued to just look at her.

Xiao Yao quietly stood there waiting, but she didn’t know what she was waiting for.

Xiang Liu cold voice spoke “You go inside!”

Xiao Yao smiled and curtsied to him before turning to knock on the door. The door opened and Xiao Yao stepped inside while Xiang Liu continued to stand outside, white robe black hair, tall and proud, like the white snow on the black mountains in the North, even if it was covered with flowers it would still look imposing.

Xiao Yao couldn’t take another step and stood rooted in place staring at him as the door slowly closed and Xiang Liu disappeared from sight. (Chapter 29)

This marked the moment she realized FFB would step out of her life and caused immersed distraught that later she told other doctor to convince them to work on the medical book (in chapter 41). She starting working on editing the medical book because of losing FFB (and later XL as well). It took her so long (42 years) to settle down her sorrow and moved on the wedding with Jing (actually she had no reasonable excuse to delay the wedding anymore =)) ).

Unfortunately, yesterday, I watched a short BTS footage of Jing in which he sat in the Lirong donkey meat seller. XL and XY passed by the frame for a second. And drama XL was wearing violet outfit (violet, not the wine-red outfit like in Season 1) 


@liddi ^^

第1部英文名是“Lost you forever”。封面写:“生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,是一次又一次的遺忘和开始。可总有些事,一旦发生 就留下印迹;总有个人,—旦来过, 就无法忘记。”封底写:“长相思,长相思。若问相思甚了期,除非相见时。长相思,长相思。欲把相思说似谁,浅情人不知。……”

第2部诉衷情英文名是“Love you forever”。封面写:“相爱是两个人的天长地久,相思是一个人的地老天荒。”封底写:“花似伊,柳似伊,花柳青春人别离,低头双泪垂。长江东,长江西,两岸鸳鸯两处飞,相逢知几时。……”

第3部思无涯英文名是“Miss you forever”。封面写:“漫长的光阴里,你不会只走过一个人的生命,也不会只有一个人走过你的生命。缘来时,猝不及防;缘去时,无力阻止。唯一能做的就是,遇见时,紧握手中 珍惜;离别后,深藏心底 铭记。”封底写:“一重山,两重山,山远天高烟水寒,相思枫叶丹。菊花开,菊花残,塞雁高飞人未还,一帘风月闲。”






They would have been such a power couple


Honestly, same. I like XL more than I like TJC (shocking, I know lol)

In my opinion, LMLMV is very fluffy and not my cup of tea at all. That's all I'm going to say about it. What do you think of the drama?

Aside from LMLMV, I'm also watching Liu Yu Ning's A Journey to Love and it's very action packed. Right off the bat, it got my attention. The female lead is interesting and one of my favorite actors, Alen Fang, is in it too. 

It's ok to like a character more than the actor

I can confidently say I like TJC because of Xiangliu......and I was able to watch his other works because of my likeness for his character Xiangliu

Gradually I have grown to appreciate the actor himself cos my goodness!, I love his voice and he's so talented

It's particularly hard for me to get into LMLMV because it's so cheesy lol...so fluffy like lying on feathers of sugar ,hahaha

But I'm enjoying the novel , so fingers crossed I can watch the drama after I'm done with the novel

What happened in the novel when FF Bei was coming into the  Xiao Yao boudoir???

How is this incident written in the novel????


What happened in the novel when FF Bei was coming into the  Xiao Yao boudoir???

How is this incident written in the novel????

you can read the novel here Lost You Forever light novel - Read Lost You Forever light novel online at lightnovelreader.org (readln.org) 

Chapter 17 Read Lost You Forever Chapter 17 (readln.org) when FFB came to XY's boudoir

第1部英文名是“Lost you forever”。封面写:“生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,是一次又一次的遺忘和开始。可总有些事,一旦发生 就留下印迹;总有个人,—旦来过, 就无法忘记。”封底写:“长相思,长相思。若问相思甚了期,除非相见时。长相思,长相思。欲把相思说似谁,浅情人不知。……”

This is what is said. I have included some additional notation (origins of the poems, novel-referenced texts) for clarity:

Vol 1 如初见 As When We First Met (Lost You Forever)

Front cover
生命是一场又一场的相遇和别离,是一次又一次的遺忘和开始。可总有些事,一旦发生 就留下印迹;总有个人,—旦来过, 就无法忘记。
Life is a series of encounters and partings; it is a series of forgetting and beginnings. However, there will always be some things which once happened, would leave behind a trace; there will always be someone, whom once encountered, can never be forgotten.

Back cover
Everlasting yearning, everlasting yearning. If asked when the yearning will end, it will be at the time we meet. Everlasting yearning, everlasting yearning. Whom do you wish your yearning to be given to, 
The one whose love is weak will not know....

-- 晏几道 Yan Yi Dao, 《长相思·长相思》"Everlasting Longing"

Vol 2 诉衷情 Love Confessed  (Love You Forever)

Front cover
Loving each other means being everlasting and unchanging for two people. However, yearning is drawn out desolation for one person.

Back cover
The flowers resemble you, The willows resemble you, 
Parting when the flowers and willows are glorious in spring, Heads bowed while tears flowed.
The east side of the Yangtze river, The west side on the Yangtze river, Mandarin ducks fly on both sides of the strait, When will we meet again. ...

-- 欧阳修 Ou Yang Xiu,《长相思·花似伊》"Everlasting Longing - The Flowers Resemble You"

Vol 3 思无涯 Unending Yearning (Miss You Forever)

Front cover
漫长的光阴里,你不会只走过一个人的生命,也不会只有一个人走过你的生命。缘来时,猝不及防;缘去时,无力阻止。唯一能做的就是,遇见时,紧握手中 珍惜;离别后,深藏心底 铭记。
Across this long stretch in time, you will not cross paths with just one person's life, nor will only one person cross paths with your life. When fate arrives, you are caught off guard; when fate departs, you are powerless to stop it. The only thing one can do is to hold on tightly and cherish it when you encounter it; and bury it deep inside the heart and enshrine it after you are parted.

Back cover
One mountain range, two mountain ranges, Faraway peaks against lofty skies and cold mists, 
Yearning like flaming maple leaves. Chrysanthemums bloom, Chrysanthemums wilt, The geese at the border have flown high but the person still has not returned, Only the wind and moon behind the curtain is carefree.

-- 李煜 Li Yu, 《长相思·一重山》"Everlasting Longing, A Mountain Range"

“浅情人不知 The one whose love is weak will not know".
Whose love is weak? Who does not know?

“花柳青春人别离 Parting when the flowers and willow are glorious in spring"
Who is the flower? Who is the willow 柳 (Liu)?

“相思枫叶丹 Yearning like flaming maple leaves."
Behind him was a maple tree, its frost-covered leaves blazing red, accentuating his features as clear as snow, as untouched as the clouds...

“塞雁高飞人未还 The geese at the border have flown high but the person still has not returned"
Who has not returned?

On the back cover of Vol 2, it is written "花柳青春人别离,低头双泪垂 Parting when the flowers and willows are glorious in spring, Heads bowed while tears flowed." Doesn't "flower" refer to Xiao Yao, while "willow" refers to Xiang Liu?

As for the words "相思枫叶丹 Yearning like flaming maple leaves."  on the back cover of Vol 3, remember when Xiao Yao saw Xiang Liu standing in front of a maple tree with blazing red frost-covered leaves?

His hair was restored to white in colour, falling freely like floating clouds. Behind him was a maple tree, its frost-covered leaves blazing red, accentuating his features as clear as snow, as untouched as the clouds, without even a hint of shadow.

-- Vol 2 Ch15  (Chapter 32) - Qingshui town, after being taken away from the wedding

"塞雁高飞人未还 The geese at the border has flown high but the person still has not returned," - Isn't the person who did not return Xiang Liu?


We posted at nearly the same time about Xiang Liu and the lotus flower. Thanks for all the extra details in yours.

Yes, that is the reason I am not so happy with the costume department of the drama. I think they overdid to make FFB distinguished from XL.

For what purpose do you think?

One gets the feeling that they wanted to sell FFB as more real to who Xiang Liu really is rather than the Resistance Army's Strategic Advisor version of him. It's in line with the emotional version of Xiang Liu in the drama.

Personally, FFB's love of freedom and exploring the world is very much Xiang Liu, but the flirtatious behaviour and the indolent way that he carried himself seem more like the persona that he put on to play FFB, good-for-nothing 2nd son.

However, 3 out of 5 encounters between XL and XY after 37 years, FFB wore white outfit. It seems that he delibrately wore white more often toward the ending of FFB

It's very much symbolic of Xiang Liu letting go of the "mortal world" inhabited by his FFB persona and Xiao Yao to fully embrace the path that he'd chosen.

This marked the moment she realized FFB would step out of her life and caused immersed distraught that later she told other doctor to convince them to work on the medical book (in chapter 41). She starting working on editing the medical book because of losing FFB (and later XL as well). It took her so long (42 years) to settle down her sorrow and moved on the wedding with Jing (actually she had no reasonable excuse to delay the wedding anymore =)) ).

Is it any wonder that she got drunk on her wedding night and didn't consummate the marriage? Nobody forced her to marry Jing, she chose that herself. Good luck to Xiao Yao.


Thank you for all the time you put into translating things for us. It helped immensely with our understanding of the novel at a deeper level.


Thank you very much Liddi, sorry for always asking for your help.

btw, I feel like those three books are all about yaoliu.hihi ^^

We posted at nearly the same time about Xiang Liu and the lotus flower. Thanks for all the extra details in yours.

LOL, I saw your post right after I sent my post. But actually, I still added more information until now. haha. So your post was completed before mine

For what purpose do you think?

One gets the feeling that they wanted to sell FFB as more real to who Xiang Liu really is rather than the Resistance Army's Strategic Advisor version of him. It's in line with the emotional version of Xiang Liu in the drama.

Maybe that is the purpose of dressing him with pink or purple, focusing on the trait of "prodigal" man. However, in my opinion, his characteristic remain unchanged (e.g.,cold, distant). 

@H19279 @windiaaa  @liddi

Thank you, guys, for all the info, I swear the more I read, the more I belive this book is all about XY and XL. And CX, but not as a love interest. Actually both XY and CX's love interest are hidden, XY married Jing and CX married lots of women, but no doubt in my mind that CX's only love is XY and XY's true love is XL. I really don't belive anymore that she loved Jing in that special way, I honestly think the bugs are a testimony în this regard. 

Vol 2 诉衷情 Love Confessed  (Love You Forever)

Back cover

"The east side of the Yangtze river, The west side on the Yangtze river, Mandarin ducks fly on both sides of the strait, When will we meet again. ..." 

Vol 3 思无涯 Unending Yearning (Miss You Forever)

Back cover

" The geese at the border have flown high but the person still has not returned, Only the wind and moon behind the curtain is carefree."

To me these fragments from vol 2 and vol 3 back covers sound similar to the Voodoo King's poem.  

The Voodoo King sighed “Our Jiu Li folk ballad sings ‘The twisted roots of the parasol tree entwine on land, the doves do not fly alone in the sky, the pair of mandarin ducks in the water always die together.'”

btw, I feel like those three books are all about yaoliu.hihi ^^

Thank you, guys, for all the info, I swear the more I read, the more I belive this book is all about XY and XL.

Absolutely. I'll just copy and paste my comment from 1 week ago.

IMO, Xiang Liu and Xiao Yao's relationship is the true love story of Lost You Forever. Jing was just the guy that she ended up with because our author didn't have our heroine healed sufficiently from her childhood trauma to stand on her own (and because of romance convention). 

And Cang Xuan is there to provide the backdrop for the conflict that kept them apart ;-)


I agree. I understand why Tong Hua refers to XY and CX as main leads, but when it comes to the love line of the novel, I am convince that that part belongs to XY and XL (that picture of them on the ocean being the only picture from the first edition speaks volumes IMO) . Jing is there the same way as AhNian is there, he is  just the guy that ended up with XY, as you said. I know jing's fans belive she was interested în Jing since the beginning, but IMO her interest was far from romantic, she took an interest în him because he probably was the first person she met în a long while that had a life span similar to hers, thus making him more suitable for a longer run than the rest of the guys from QS's Town were. 


I'm 2 days late to this reply but welcome. Always nice to see new people here. Also, I wonder whatever happened to Fei Fei, the creator of this forum.

I’ve been wondering about this as well. I found that Fei Fei on another comment section and sent a message but never got any reply :(

I guess we took over this forum now :D