
So a happy ending all-around for The Last Immortal? That's exactly what I need. 

Hmm. Gone with the Wind isn't exactly what I would call happy. But Scarlett is both compelling and horribly unlikable. Love her character, but 1000% would avoid like the plague in real life. Unless I need someone to get shit done :-)

I don't typically like Saeguk, but I do like Nam Gon Ming. Is he playing the Rhett's character?

Yes.  He is fabulous!

Both the Scarlett and the Melanie are also very likeable... partly because their culture's take on women in their situation sucks beyond belief, and partly because they are also great.

TBH, I didn't know about the Gone With the Wind connection, until after I watched it.  I can kind of see it, especially at the start, but not really.

My only small complaint is that there are many plotlines and they rush them at the end, and some aren't resolved well -- especially two, that I was really curious about, that were left dangling, IMO.  Instead of using the politics and royals as background, they gave them plotlines which took up time and space.  I also didn't think the frame was necessary.

Scarlett is deeply flawed which is what makes her character so great and entertaining to see lol.

That she is. Not likable, but definitely compelling. Girl knows what she wants and has the gumption and pure self-centredness to make things happen. Leaving havoc along her wake of course :-). I appreciate a female character that is flawed and unlikable and it gets acknowledged rather than justified by the narrative. 

Gone with the Wind too like Nam Gon Ming's character overhearing the female lead confessing to 'Ashley'

There were times when I marvelled at Rhett's patience with Scarlett. I can see why both Rhett and Ashley would be attracted to Scarlett and yet she is also so deeply selfish. Love really is blind. Although with Rhett, I think a lot of it was his stubbornness to admit defeat and he held on far longer than he should have. At least he finally let go at the end.

You know what, Ashleigh is Jing, Rhett is XL and Scarlett is Xiao Yao (XY is self-fish, but less compelling compared to Scarlett). XL should have learned from Rhett and dumped XY way sooner :-)

Both the Scarlett and the Melanie are also very likeable... partly because their culture's take on women in their situation sucks beyond belief, and partly because they are also great.

They were both restricted by their environment. Malanie fits the mould of what is acceptable for a woman of the time, while Scarlett doesn't. Both characters are strong in that they both refuse to let others' opinion influence their choices - Melanie is just less abrasive compared to Scarlett. Scarlett's selfishness was there right from the beginning. It's a strength of sorts, but also a huge flaw. You get the sense that she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants. Definite shades of a narcissistic complex. I find it hard to believe that a character like this will change. So, IMO, she and Rhett will never reconcile.

They were both restricted by their environment. Malanie fits the mould of what is acceptable for a woman of the time, while Scarlett doesn't. Both characters are strong in that they both refuse to let others' opinion influence their choices - Melanie is just less abrasive compared to Scarlett. Scarlett's selfishness was there right from the beginning. It's a strength of sorts, but also a huge flaw. You get the sense that she doesn't care who she hurts as long as she gets what she wants. Definite shades of a narcissistic complex. I find it hard to believe that a character like this will change. So, IMO, she and Rhett will never reconcile.

I agree.  But I meant the Scarlett and Melanie analogs in My Dearest.  Gil Chae, the Scarlett analog, starts out similar, with all the men wrapped around her finger, except the one she wants, who belongs to Eun Ae, the Melanie analog.  But after that, because of the invasion and cultural attitudes of many, they take a different path, and as far as I'm concerned, and Gil Chae isn't as unlikable as Scarlett.

You know what, Ashleigh is Jing, Rhett is XL and Scarlett is Xiao Yao (XY is self-fish, but less compelling compared to Scarlett). XL should have learned from Rhett and dumped XY way sooner :-)

Hmmm.  I'm trying to remember Ashleigh ... but he sort of fades into the background compared to Rhett, so maybe he is Jing.  lol

I agree. But I meant the Scarlett and Melanie analogs in My Dearest. Gil Chae, the Scarlett analog, starts out similar, with all the men wrapped around her finger, except the one she wants, who belongs to Eun Ae, the Melanie analog. But after that, because of the invasion and cultural attitudes of many, they take a different path, and as far as I'm concerned, and Gil Chae isn't as unlikable as Scarlett.

Interesting. Might add it to my TBW pile. Is the pace slow? I'm becoming more impatience with age and don't want to wait for anything :-)

Hmmm. I'm trying to remember Ashleigh ... but he sort of fades into the background compared to Rhett, so maybe he is Jing. lol

Ashleigh was the "gentleman" that was not good at getting shit done and did not deal decisively with his relationship/feelings for Scarlett. A bit like Jing, no? And he does fade into the background, much like Jing. The only thing I remember about Jing is that I disliked him :-). Ashleigh was also the foil to Rhett, much like Jing is the foil to XL, IMO. i need to finish writing my opinion piece on Jing.

Interesting. Might add it to my TBW pile. Is the pace slow? I'm becoming more impatience with age and don't want to wait for anything :-)

I didn't think so.  Though, like I said, I'd like to have seen more with some characters and plotlines, and less with others, given the ending we got.  I'd recommend it, if you don't mind the gritty and violence, and how bad things can get for the peasants in the middle of an invasion.

Ashleigh was the "gentleman" that was not good at getting shit done and did not deal decisively with his relationship/feelings for Scarlett. A bit like Jing, no? And he does fade into the background, much like Jing. The only thing I remember about Jing is that I disliked him :-). Ashleigh was also the foil to Rhett, much like Jing is the foil to XL, IMO. i need to finish writing my opinion piece on Jing.

This Ashleigh is ... inflexible.  And not good at getting shit done, but in a different way than Jing.  And he has a cleaner relationship with Scarlett / Gil Chae, IMO.  Ashleigh, IIRC, was something of a non-entity, who I don't recall having strong feelings about.  This guy, however, I actively did not like, but not because of his interactions with Gil Chae.

There is no wine here LOL. The wine was in the poem.

Oops! Let me add "metaphorical" to my comment real quick. And I actually re-read that passage before making my comment and still got things all mixed up :-)

And that poem is a kind of foreshadow, metaphor for XY ‘s decision to choose Jing instead of XL (the mountain that the poet wanted to climb but quitted because of external reasons). This is the main purpose that TH used the poem in this section. That is my main point

So I dug back through this thread to find the discussion on that poem. I see where you are coming from. 

Whenever XY uses Jing to act out her feelings for Xiang Liu it's clear that it's about Xiang Liu, whereas Jing comforting Xiao Yao isn't always strictly related to Xiang Liu. However, the inclusion of the poem here is very clunky. Would Tong Hua add this clunky text if it's merely to show that Xiao Yao's hiding her feelings of missing Cang Xuan? Perhaps. At this point in the story, her identity and relationship with Cang Xuan are still a secret, so she can't freely express her feelings. But, given that YaoLiu's relationship is the thing that the author consistently "hides in plain sight" with her "snake in the grass writing techniques", the likelihood is high that it's about them. Particularly when the poem is about a husband/lover. I think there are merits to both your and AH's stances, but I would put the balance on YaoLiu's side when I take into account the author's potential intention. 

I'm wondering if this is the point that Xiao Yao realized her attraction to Xiang Liu and simultaneously realized that her identity is a source of conflict between them. Up until this point, she and Xiang Liu have been getting closer. Part of helping him deal with Cang Xuan was motivated by her own conflict, with Cang Xuan, but she clearly worries about Xiang Liu's safety and wants to protect him.


You know what, Ashleigh is Jing, Rhett is XL and Scarlett is Xiao Yao (XY is self-fish, but less compelling compared to Scarlett). XL should have learned from Rhett and dumped XY way sooner :-

i don’t see any parallel between Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and “XY, XL & Jing.  Scarlett is selfish like a child but she is also adaptive to the social change. in love, she was brave. She was just wrong at pursuing what she thought as love and realized her true love too late.

the only similarity between XL and Rhett is they both had deep hidden love to FL. .I wished that XL had a piece of Rhett”s selfishness and willingness. 

Jing may resemble to Ashley at the point that they were both incapable of dealing with their family matter. In the end Ashley also realized his true love was Melanie instead of Scarlett 

P/s: novel Scarlett is more lovable than movie one. But both novel and movie are great. i was impressed by that movie since the first time watching it as a kid. Both are on my top list of all time favorite for me

@ HeadInTheClouds

I'm wondering if this is the point that Xiao Yao realized her attraction to Xiang Liu and simultaneously realized that her identity is a source of conflict between them.

The shell of XY’s heart  was “ cracked” (a shaken or softened) again when they watched the moon rising on the ocean. Was she moved by the scenery or by the person attached to the scenery.

And she has awareness of what was going on in the pool between her and XL. Since that point (or officially in chapter 6, just after embracing Jing) she started saying she was “scared” of XL..

About the conflict she knew from the beginning. That, he would die with Sheng nong army and he was CX’s enemy . for the latter reason, it could be as late as the pool scene that XL confirmed his stance toward CX (and his determination to kill CX had showed before the fight between him and CX).

Then, after removing the bug, she had no more worry about CX. Why did she still plan to run away?

Because she was afraid of her identity might be discovered or trouble with CX (very low chance) or because she wanted to cut off tie to person who made her heart stirring  (he managed to soften her heart shell twice).

 XY’s expression was happy/ satisfying when she saved and saw CX escaping  despite pain by the wound and potential of death by XL  She had promised to protect CX and she did it. 


 Wish all of you have good time during the holiday.  Happy holiday!

i don’t see any parallel between Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and “XY, XL & Jing. Scarlett is selfish like a child but she is also adaptive to the social change. in love, she was brave. She was just wrong at pursuing what she thought as love and realized her true love too late.

Heh! It wasn't meant to be a serious comparison. However, you're right that Xiao Yao is nothing like Scarlett. As a character, Scarlett is far more dynamic and compelling. She is selfish, but also strong-willed and determined to bend things her way. Xiao Yao is nothing like that. Xiao Yao is passive and lacks courage and grit. She was much better as WXL, but got "nerf" once she returned to her Princess identity. She let other people and circumstances dictate her decision, rather than forge her own path like Scarlett would have. Xiang Liu is decisive and strong-willed, but Scarlett would have given him a run for his money :-). I'm actually quite amused at the thought of this pairing. 

About the conflict she knew from the beginning. That, he would die with Sheng nong army and he was CX’s enemy . for the latter reason, it could be as late as the pool scene that XL confirmed his stance toward CX (and his determination to kill CX had showed before the fight between him and CX)

Her real identity adds another obstacle to their relationship. When she was WYL, XL's dying on the battlefield was an issue, but his being Shen Nong's strategic advisor wasn't an issue. They could have companionship for hundreds of years. But once she realized Cang Xuan's identity, this makes her real identity more salient. When she was forced to return to Cao Xin, she also started to distance herself from XL - and the 15 years of promise with Jing were part of her attempt to reinforce the barrier between them. Ironic that XY's returning to her real identity was also something that hastened XL and the ShenNong's Army's ultimate demise.


Xiang Liu is decisive and strong-willed, but Scarlett would have given him a run for his money :-).

Yes, Scarlett would scare XL away if she turned into him. Rhett  walked away and was afraid of when Scarlett turned to him and showed her determination  (like a kid wanted her candy :)) if i remember correctly) 

One similarity between the two couple is other than love, their characteristics are similar to each other. Rhett understood Scarlett very well.


No, IIRC Rhett was pretty much fed up with Scarlett by the end, when she realised that the man she loves is him, it was too late, he couldn't be bothered anymore.  The iconic line "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" comes to my mind. 

One similarity between the two couple is other than love, their characteristics are similar to each other. Rhett understood Scarlett very well.

Rhett does understand Scarlett; he sees her and acknowledges her less-than-wonderful qualities. He genuinely loved her.  Unlike Asleigh who was either blind or refused to acknowledge Scarlett's selfishness and manipulative behaviour. 

Scarlett doesn't even truly love Ashleigh. He's just the prize that she lost to Melanie and her competitive streak was what kept her obsession with him alive. In the end, she paid for this when she lost the man who loved her and was her match. 

No, IIRC Rhett was pretty much fed up with Scarlett by the end, when she realised that the man she loves is him, it was too late, he couldn't be bothered anymore. The iconic line "frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" comes to my mind.

Like Scarlett's competitive streak kept her fixated on Asleigh, I think Rhett's refusal to admit defeat kept him with Scarlett longer than he should have. Although, there was genuine love there. In the end, he was thoroughly fed up with her.

I know there was an unofficial sequel, but I never read it. I don't think Scarlett will be able to change and a HE for these two is not really in the cards, IMO.


No, don't bother with the sequel, I know there are people who likes it, but personally I belive that's a far cry from GWTW. There is no turning back for Rhett, it is game over with Scarlett. If I am not mistaken, I belive Clark Gable said the same thing when he was asked in an interview. 


I've been watching The Last Immortal for precisely that reason. I have some problems with the male lead, but at least I know that a Happy Ending is guaranteed.

Which My Dearest are you referring to? I think there's a Korean's drama by that name and it doesn't look too happy

I think the whole drama will be full of tragedy with 5 minute happy ending. I am fed up with the way they prolonged A Yin’s first arch. as shown in the trailer, have to wait for eps 27 to see Feng Yin waking up



No, don't bother with the sequel, I know there are people who likes it, but personally I belive that's a far cry from GWTW. There is no turning back for Rhett, it is game over with Scarlett. If I am not mistaken, I belive Clark Gable said the same thing when he was asked in an interview. 


I know there was an unofficial sequel, but I never read it. I don't think Scarlett will be able to change and a HE for these two is not really in the cards, IMO

i watched the sequel, maybe read the sequel book too. It is a kind of official Fanfic isn’t it ?.

The sequel was not convincing. However Scarlett might still have chance since Rhett did not file the divorce. Will XL give XY any chance if he reincarnated? I think only when XY did extreme things or in very very special circumstances .

I don’t think Margaret Michell would have written the sequel if she had not had the fatal accident. Similar to this end of LYF, that ending of GWTW is the most memorable for the book and her characters .

P/s : I watched a movie about Michell and production of GWTW and some documentaries about the movie. It was the first novel that i read multiple times. My sister bought a new released edition as reward when i passed entrance exams for university more than 20 years ago