I am only halfway through, more than 10 years since I last read it for me too, altough it's been always one of my favs, even more than her sister's Jane eyre and definetely a lot more than Jane austen's pride and prejudice, that one is not really my cup of tea.

I prefer the Brontes to Austen; but then I enjoy "darker" works touching on extreme emotions or taboo topics. Have you read Anne Bronte's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall? That one is probably the "realest" of all three works (Wuthering Height, Jane Eyre). The Brontes' work reflected their upbringing which was darker than Austen's.

"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being"

This does match my perception of XY's love for XL as something instinctive and elemental. They are one per the Lovers Bugs. Whereas her feelings for Jing are never separated from what he represents/can give her - the companion that she desperately wants in the form of 17. You get the sense that if another person offers her the same Jing that does, he would also be acceptable to her. In other words, it's never really about Jing/17. 

I don't know if you guy knew it but a long, long time ago, there was a japanese drama or film which was inspired from Wuthering Heights . I watched it but could not remember the name.

A Google search suggested that it's called Arashi ga Oka, made in 1988. That's probably the Japanese name for Wuthering Heights like the Vietnamese name is Dinh Gio Hu.

Are you reading the novel in its native language, English? I read those classics which were translated into my native language. It would take me some more time to read those novel in English

I read them in English. I do prefer Wuthering Heights to Jane Eyre, but they are both good. I just like the intensity and wildness in Wuthering Heights, whereas Jane Eyre feels more constrained to me. I mentioned Anne Bronte's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall earlier. Anne is not as well known as her sisters and the book has its problems (doesn't every novel?) but it's worth a read, IMO. 

Dan Brown's works are great beach reading so much easier to digest compared to the classics :-)

@H19279 @blahblah100, 

Which one of the adaptations of Wuthering Heights is your favourite? What about Jane Eyre?

Her internal dialogues also consisted a lot of lies since she deceived herself too. It is part of author's delibration to write A but to mean B. So readers must to trace back what was the real definition of A.

That's what I thought too. Usually, you can believe that a character's internal dialogue reflects his/her real thoughts and feelings, but when you have a character like XY who is into self-deception, you have to be careful. I trying to approach this re-read with this in mind, it's really a lot of work :-).

XY and Jing basically shared no comon interest or hobby.

Yes, it was clear (and you've given a lot of examples) that they didn't have anything in common. All the things that Jing enjoys/like, Xiao Yao finds boring. You don't have to share every single interest with your partner, of course, but their experiences and outlook are different. Do they complement each other or is it a case of square peg, round hole held together by psychological issues on both sides? I can see them plodding along living their mundane life, things are never too happy or too sad, just there. I guess this is what XY wants. 

@H19279 @blahblah100, 

Which one of the adaptations of Wuthering Heights is your favourite? What about Jane Eyre?

I only watched the 1992 adaption of Wuthering Heights with Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche. Ralph potrayed Headcliff as exactly as I imagined from the book (maybe it is a bit biased because I had watched the film before reading the book)

Wuthering Heights (1992) - IMDb 

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights - Wikipedia 

For Jane Eyre, now I recall that I did read the book (somewhere in 200x when I was so bored). And I prefer Wuthering Heights to Jane Eyre. Such kind dark love always attracts me. In my teenager and in my 2x age, I read more French classics than English literature. Actually I just read whatever my mom had at that time (either she bought them or borrowed from library), a lot of Sidney Sheldon's works, Alexandre Dumas, imao.

I haven't watched the new adaption of Jane Eyre (200x or 2011). I watched the 1982 mini drama starred with Timothy Dalton when I was a kid. Jane Eyre (TV Mini Series 1983) - IMDb 

I have seen more than one adaption of Wuthering Heights, but honestly can't recall one as a favorite. This is one of those stories that are meant to be read, because the descriptions and the emotions are very hard to show on screen, not the same effect. 

I haven't read anything of Anne's, but charlotte has another great book, villette, almost as good as Jane Eyre IMO, but for whatever reason it is not as popular. 

"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”

Another quote from WH that, IMO, resembles XY-XL a lot. Tonghua really stressed on how similar XY and XL were, the same way Cath and Cliff were.  Also, as a reader, I can't help but notice the emphasis both Tonghua and EBronte put on each of their couples surroundings, when I think of XY-XL I think of the ocean and the moon, when I think of Cath and Cliff I see the darkness of the moors. Both couples are tied up to nature. 


I think the whole drama will be full of tragedy with 5 minute happy ending. I am fed up with the way they prolonged A Yin’s first arch. as shown in the trailer, have to wait for eps 27 to see Feng Yin waking up

The Last Immortal is filled with dumb, useless characters and evil people getting away with their wrongdoings (those 2 peacocks, the evil fox aunt, Gu Jin's aunt). That peacock lady secretly tortured A Yin and she got away with it. Why does that peacock have so much power and authority over everyone?

After 25 episodes, I still don't like the male lead. This drama is frustrating to watch. I'll still continue it for Zhao Lusi though :|

@blahblah100 @H19279

I've been thinking about Wuthering Heights and the love triangle there does bear some resemblance to the XL/XY/Jing triangle in LYF. 

In Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is Cathy's great love, he represents her "true essence", her desire for freedom. Edgar on the other hand, presented the security, status and approval from the society that she lives in - her desires for these things stemmed in part from her relationship with her highly disapproving father. Cathy was essentially caught between these two competing desires.

Cathy loves Heathcliff dearly, and passionately, but can't compromise her need for security and status. She chose Edgar and betrayed her own heart/denied her true essence, only to end up regretting it when she "lost" Heathcliff and thus, herself. She fell into depression, had a nervous breakdown and died. There is a strong streak of selfishness and naivete in Cathy when she thinks that Heathcliff will understand her choice (does she not understand Heathcliff at all?) and her attempt to keep Heathcliff in her life in the guise of a friend, thinking that he and Edgar will be OK with it (Really, Cathy??). Girl wanted her cake and eat it too.

Can you see the similarity to XL/XY/Jing in LYF? 

XL represent freedom and XY's true essence, but she couldn't compromise on her need for a forever companion (Jing) that came from her fear of abandonment stemming from her relationship with her mother (amongst other things). She chose to commit to Jing, but couldn't really let XL go. 

Xiao Yao is lucky that Xiang Liu doesn't feel as entitled to her as Heathcliff does towards Catherine and his love for her isn't based solely on his selfish desires.  Instead of feeling like a victim of her rejection and unleashed havoc as revenge, XL chose to make things easier for her by letting her go. 

Will XY regret her decision once she loses XL forever?

Can you see the similarity to XL/XY/Jing in LYF? 

In term of internal, true feeling there is many similarity between these 2 love triangles . However the external love expression was opposite. 

Catherine and Headcliff showed their love to each other. On the other hand, XY-XL kept it secretly. XY self-deceived her true feeling which is opposite to Catherine. XL is also opposite to Headcliff: selfless XL vs. selfish Headcliff

Xiao Yao is lucky that Xiang Liu doesn't feel as entitled to her as Heathcliff does towards Catherine and his love for her isn't based solely on his selfish desires.  Instead of feeling like a victim of her rejection and unleashed havoc as revenge, XL chose to make things easier for her by letting her go

XY was very lucky because if possible XL would have stood watch and protected her (as long as he could). The moment when XY rejected him on the beach of Dragon Bone Prison, he could have let go but he decided to "try", showing his warm side and taught her archery so that she could protect herself and her loved one in future. 

Will XY regret her decision once she loses XL forever?

I think her words to Jing already showed her regret of losing him. She knew very well that she lost him forever much earlier than XL's death. 

"but in truth it’s because I can’t forgive myself. ...  A person can make mistakes that can fixed, other times it can never be fixed…….”

"Every night when she woke up from her dreams, she knew she was wrong but it was too late to fix. That pain was like a saw cutting through her bones. But it was all too late…….."

However, at least she could self-deceive that he was there, alive and might encounter him again. When XL died she had to face the reality that she could never see him again, forever loss. 


The Last Immortal is filled with dumb, useless characters and evil people getting away with their wrongdoings (those 2 peacocks, the evil fox aunt, Gu Jin's aunt). That peacock lady secretly tortured A Yin and she got away with it. Why does that peacock have so much power and authority over everyone?

After 25 episodes, I still don't like the male lead. This drama is frustrating to watch. I'll still continue it for Zhao Lusi though :|

I just finished eps 21. The plot differs a lot from the novel. In the novel Hua Shuo could only "torture" A Yin when Yuan Qi and other senior immortal officials were on the battle with Demon clan. The torture was actually A Yin's punishment (by Yuan Qi) for realising Hong Yi. Of course, Hua Shuo also apply extra force during the lighting strike. Father peacock, Qing Lin were the hidden villain most of the time. Because of extra story on A Yin's tribulation/misery, the ML was made more useless than he was in the novel. Acutally in the novel, all Daze's tribulation stermed from A Yin's kindness when she insisted to keep Hong Yi in Daze Sect.

The main reason that keeps me watching this drama is it is sequel of Ancient Love Poetry and I read the novel Shen Yin. Just curious how would Feng Yin take the revenge

The moment when XY rejected him on the beach of Dragon Bone Prison, he could have let go but he decided to "try", showing his warm side and taught her archery so that she could protect herself and her loved one in future.

I'm doing a re-read at the moment. I'm sure this topic has been debated, but I'm trying to hone in on an approximate timeframe for when Xiang Liu decided that he and XY would never be together. Was her refusal to kiss him outside the Dragon Bone Prison the deciding factor; or was it something else? And was there anything that XY could have done to change the outcome? It's difficult because we barely get anything from XL's perspective. 

I think her words to Jing already showed her regret of losing him. She knew very well that she lost him forever much earlier than XL's death.

This was what she said to Jing after the marriage robbery, right? One of those moments where XY appears to be talking about one thing, but is meaning something else. 

However, at least she could self-deceive that he was there, alive and might encounter him again. When XL died she had to face the reality that she could never see him again, forever loss.

Yep. If Xiang Liu was still alive, it would be more bearable. But with his death, the loss, pain and regret would be pushed to the extreme. I questioned the feasibility of Xiang Liu's wish that Xiao Yao would have no sadness and worry life. She probably could have a boring, calm and thus "happy" life with Jing as foreshadowed in the early chapter of the novel. But I don't think she can be sadness-free or worry-free.

This was what she said to Jing after the marriage robbery, right? One of those moments where XY appears to be talking about one thing, but is meaning something else. 

Yes, this is from her conversation with Jing after the wedding robbery

"Every night I think about the fault and knew that I was wrong. My own pessimistic personality and attitude, my own distrust of others, it caused me to lose the man I like. If I made a bit more effort, said more or did more, perhaps the result would be completely different. Zhuan Xu thought I couldn’t get over it because I hated you, but in truth it’s because I can’t forgive myself. Jing, you shouldn’t feel guilty anymore. The world thinks we’re both very smart and calculating but when it came to our feelings and relationship, we both made mistakes. A person can make mistakes that can fixed, other times it can never be fixed…….” 

Every night when she woke up from her dreams, she knew she was wrong but it was too late to fix. That pain was like a saw cutting through her bones. But it was all too late…….." 

All of the blue sentences linked to the pain and the dreams in red text. She told CX about her pain and her dreams in chapter 29. And the content of her dream was in chapter 27. Tong Hua scattered the hints, keywords in many places. 

but I'm trying to hone in on an approximate timeframe for when Xiang Liu decided that he and XY would never be together. Was her refusal to kiss him outside the Dragon Bone Prison the deciding factor; or was it something else? And was there anything that XY could have done to change the outcome? It's difficult because we barely get anything from XL's perspective. 

So, XY knew from the beginning that there is no fate for them to be together from the very beginning. However, she could not help herself from falling into him. 

For XL, in my opion, the moment in dragon beach was too early for that decision. CX at that time was still hostage in Gaoxin. And CX was still underdog in Xuan Yuan. XL and XY actually enjoyed a lot of time together, doing a lot of stuff, discouvering the cities during Xuan Yuan and the time in Middle Plans before the Merlin assassination. If he had just had to teach her archery, he shouldn't have spent much time with her.  Many people said that after 37 years under the sea, he made that decision because he experienced the feeling of losing the most loved one and he did not want her to experience it. Thus, he refused to see XY when she woke up in order to push her away. I personally still hope that he only made such decision in chapter 29: after CX became king of Xuan Yuan and XY despite losing Jing decided to engage with FL (the person that she did not love). He understood well the situation at that time: the ending fate of Shen nong would be coming much sooner and XY's choice.

he probably could have a boring, calm and thus "happy" life with Jing as foreshadowed in the early chapter of the novel. But I don't think she can be carefree/worry-free.

It is very hard to have a carefree/worry-free life for XY. Althought he erased the "physical" memory, making everything that he did for her as transaction, there were still other things that he could not remove: her archery bow was sealed to her body; his blood circulated in her body which allowed her to breath underwater; her far vision ability. Those things were carved, became her characteristics that she might use daily or frequently. They would always remind her about him. Besides, I strongly believe that memory about him still haunted her in her dream.

It's typical in xianxia dramas that MLs want to protect FLs then they do a lot of thing even hurt the FLs and wish that their lovers can survise, move on and have carefree life in future. However, it is actually not what the FLs want. Most of them ends up in heartbroken life after the MLs die.  Actually, the one who is left behind, is more miserable than the dead one since she has to live with a forever broken heart, sometimes with guilty feelings etc...Many of them undergo terrible process to resurrect the ML. So, what is the point of living forever or very long life if she has to live long with PTSD. I remember in the novel Shen Yin which was adapted to The Last Immortal, Feng Yuan's boyfriend told Feng Yuan after seeing how heartbroken Feng Yin was after Yuan Qi died completely that he, Bai Jue (Yuan Qi's father) and Yuan Qi were all wrong; they themselves should not have made such scacrifice choice for the pair of lovers; that should be the decision from both of them. Those three men all decided to died for their lovers (the first two died in Ancient Love Poetry and Yuan Qi "died" in The Last Immortal)

Jing's Chronicle prior to the event in Dragon Bone Prison

Events involved Jing

External circumstance 

XY rescued Jing from the river

6 month later, Jing almost recovered, he saw WXL getting blush when he saw his naked body. Jing got named YSQ. He wanted to stay with WXL in Huichun Clinic. Since then, he did all XY's housework, learned about medicines and followed WXL everywhere.

More than 2 years passed. Jing followed WXL to the forest where WXL encountered XL. Jing later traced to Shennong camp and carried injured WXL out. He looked after WXL's wound for 12 daysl. "Perhaps it was because he was just tormented by Xiang Liu. Or because his hard shell that was forcibly opened wasn’t fully shut yet. Xiao Liu really craved this feeling of reliance and he closed his eyes and rested his head on Shi Qi’s shoulder and his head was pressed to Shi Qi’s neck."

I know, you’re Shi Qi. I wish you stayed Shi Qi for the rest of your life. But I know that isn’t possible. But for each day you don’t leave, then you are Shi Qi for an additional day, and you have to listen to me…….

WXL was captured, interrogated and punished with 40 lashes by XL. "Xiao Liu didn’t dare to move but the beads of cold sweat came down and there where unshed tears in his eyes because the hard protective shell placed in the last tens of years got forcibly peeled open.( I am just someone who has been discarded. I have no ability to protect myself, I have no one to rely on, I have nowhere to go)

1 year later, in Mazi's wedding, XY wanted to poison XL but failed. She was frustrated, gave Jing the wine with poison and Jing got poisoned. " Xiao Liu anxiously gave him the antidote and yelled “You idiot!” while his heart felt this indescribable feeling."

XL came to Mazi's wedding to congratulate with a gift. After the wedding, XL occasionally passed by Huichun Clinic to drink wine and had some snack prepared by WXL. WXL life became busy, he studied poison and made poison

Lao Mu & Mazi was humiliated by Ah Nian. WXL wanted YSQ to help him to fight against Xuan. However YSQ run away (when he recognised Ah Nian). WXL was disappointed.

WXL returned home after meeting XL. YSQ had prepared warm bed,

6 months later, WXL didn't normalize with YSQ yet. "Xiao Liu hurried back to his room, the hard shell around his heart already sealed shut again. It was his moment of softened pity that caused him to be confused for a while but now he was back to thinking clear again. Every person arrived alone on this Earth and would depart alone. There was no one to rely on. How much hope and reliance one had today, was how much pain and suffering one would endure down the road. Rather than that happening, it was better to not have it to begin with."

XL picked up WXL when he was swimming in the cold river due to disappointment. They had some good time. WXL later joked about XL's head and XL bit WXL and discovered the secret of his blood.  

YSQ saw the "kiss" sign on WXL's neck. YSQ prepared warm, clean bed set for WXL when he returned home from hiding in Xuan's shed WXL reminded himself that he should not get used to YSQ's care

Since Shi Qi temporarily couldn’t go back, then he’ll let him stay for now. A temporary companion, and this brief period in what was a long life would one day be forgotten.

XL got injury, sucked blood again, WXL drew charcoal on XL's face and hid in Xuan's for 3 days.

YSQ promised to be by his side whenever WXL needed him. WXL realized his petty anger at Shi Qi was totally pointless. They bashed under the sun together. WXL realized having companion while basking felt particularly nice for some reason

A few months later, YSQ found WXL in the forest and carried him home. He saw the "kiss" on WXL's neck again

Because of Chuanzi's wedding, WXL made appointment with XL, sharing her past with XL. At the end, XL broke the tree branch, WXL felt, got broken leg.

2nd month the year after, Tian Er married to Chuanzi. WXL and YSQ observed Tian Er and Chuanzi on the river bank: Xiao Liu leaned on his crutches and watched them from a distance with Shi Qi beside him. WXL shared his opinion: “This is actually an interesting gamble. Tian Er doesn’t believe Chuan Zi will want to be with her forever so right now she’s giving him all fake affection. But the more Tian Er is nice to him, the more Chuan Zi is nicer to her. The fake affection will gradually be mixed with real feeling, and as a lifetime passes even the false becomes true. But during this process it’s not without risk. Tian Er is gambling with her heart and if Chuan Zi dared to discard her then one of them is going to end up dead.”

YSQ prepared warm soup, warm bed and dried WXL's hair.

Xiao Liu said softly “You shouldn’t spoil me. If I get used to it, what’ll I do when you leave.” “I won’t leave.” Xiao Liu smiled, millions made promises, it was hard to find one who kept them. If he was Shi Qi, it might’ve been easier, but he wasn’t just Shi Qi.

XL brought WXL to see the moon on the ocean, the shell around his heart soften again. Later, WXL persuaded XL to leave Gong gong and got punished by XL, falling into the river

A few month later, YSQ was recognised by Jing Je. WXY was disappointed. Xiao Liu told Lao Mu: ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be with you until you are old and send you off. You’re life span is shorter so I’ll be with you until you die. I won’t let you be all alone, with no one to rely on and no one to talk to. Who knows who will be with me until I die………

WXL asked Jing to deliver herb medicine to Shen nong Army. Jing agreed to help.

XL threatened WXL that he would harm Jing if he did not tell Jing  to get herb medicine for shennong army

Jing and XL collaborated to rescued WXL from Xuan. He gave him precious medicine to treat his hands.

CX tortured WXL since he helped XL and kidnaped Ah Nian

Jing found WXL in the pool and brought him to his residence. When WXL got up, he leaned on Jing for comfort.

Jing still showed his care for WXL (bringing snack, let her play chess with Xuan the way he liked)

XL used WXL as bait to kill Xuan. WXL helped XL but protected Xuan at the last minnute and got injured. WXL and XL got arousal in the pool. Then XL left when he sensed Jing nearby

FFYY arrived in QS Town. WXL was jealous and angry. He swam in cold water. “Do you see? This is what happens when you do what you want. You almost freeze to death.”

Xiao Liu jumped back into the river and swam upstream back to the clinic. He ran inside, took off his clothes, and burrowed under the blankets. He was still cold and tossed and turned but couldn’t sleep. He yelled at himself “Wen Xiao Liu! Don’t be so coddled! Life goes on no matter who leaves!”

WXL came to Jing to ask for the ice crystal to save Xuan (CX)

XL and FFYY collaborated to kill Xuan

The lovers' bug was removed from CX to XL

WXL asked Jing to help him escape from CX. WXL had expected that Jing would decline but Jing agree to help WXL without hesitation. He had known WXL used fake face. "the longing in Xiao Liu’s heart expanded instead of being severed.

YSQ passed out while fighting with CX's squad. WXL returned and was captured by CX. "If I knew it was so painful to run, I would have chosen not to run. But if I didn’t run, then I would have never known that you would do anything for me. But what shall I do now? It would have been better had you not helped me. I could have easily severed my longing and hope. Or when we were surrounded back there, it would have been better had you not told me to run away by myself."

CX wantend to capture WXL and bring him to Gaoxin. WXL couldn't call XL

From the summary on YSQ/Jing's chronicle, we can see that from the begining XY considered Jing as a temporary companion in her life as other members in Huichun Clinic. However, after encountering with XL, WXL's trauma of being abandoned, no where to go, nobody to reply was triggered, her hard shell which covered his issue for decades was opened up/softened. He seeked the comfort from YSQ and he started to have some hope to have YSQ for long in his life, to rely on YSQ. We know that YSQ met her criteria for her partner. When WXL needed YSQ to deal with Xuan and Ah Nian, YSQ escaped because he recognised Ah Nian. WXL was angry on himself and disappointed of YSQ. He shut his heart again. However, when XL brought WXL to watch the full moon rising on the ocean, the magnificient scenery (together with the people connecting to the scenery which made the scenery meaningful according to WXL) softened the shell around WXL's heart again. However, WXL also realized how important Shennong army to XL. He got hurt by XL and again YSQ gave WXL some comfort. And again, he had some hope for YSQ. He did some tests on Jing to see if Jing could choose WXL as first. Jing kept saying that he would not leave WXL and he always agreed on WXL's request. This could be the foundation for WXL's decision in the Dragon Bone Prison to accept the 15 year promise with Jing


Hey...I read your comment on the Yaojing thread. There are lots of essays there.^^

Just some thoughts after completing my re-read of Book 1 of LYF.


Xiao Yao/WXL and Jing/Shiqi’s  relationship was perfectly captured by the following Cang Xuan’s quote:

"Everyone thinks that people who receive kindness will feel close to those who give kindness, but they don't know that people who give kindness will also feel close to the people they save... Charity is a kind of giving, but the human heart, as long as you give something, you can't help but expect something in return. And people's hearts are very strange. If I take the initiative to get close to the Chishui clan, they will be wary of me, but if I let them stand high in the position of the benefactor, they will relax their vigilance. They I thought I just threw away a piece of cake and could close the door to the beggar at any time, but I didn’t know that I had expectations in my heart. Even if I closed the door, I would quietly see how the beggar would react.”

Jing was the literal beggar that XY saved and now feels close to and has expectations of. From chapter one, it’s clear that WXL feels possessive over Shiqi; WXL saved him, cares for him (like a mother caring for a child per Mazi), names him and sees Shiqi as his person. This possessiveness is reinforced by Shiqi obedience and the promise to always listen to WYL. It was the promise that prompted WXL to let Shiqi stay. WXL and Shiqi relationship was conditional on this - WXL repeatedly told Shiqi that he must listen to him numerous times throughout Book 1. WXL feelings for Shiqi are rooted in pity and “because the origin was pity from the beginning, Xiao Liu easily felt soft towards him and asked”


In the three years that WLX and Shiqi knew each other before XL and Cang Xuan came onto the scene, there was no emotional connection. It was very much a case of “benefactor” and  “beggar”. Shiqi and his unquestioning devotion were a balm to XY’s fear of abandonment and WYL obviously enjoyed being taken care of by Shiqi (the warm bed and blanket etc.), but WXL never opened up to Shiqi - there's a lack of emotional intimacy that should be there even in the most basic freindship . Their relationship dynamic was the kind that XY likes – she’s the one with the power and control, and he’s dependent on her.


“It was not that he was angry at Qi Qi for letting Xuan take away the antidote, but that when he wanted to rely on someone, when he turned around, that person was not there. He was just angry with himself for allowing himself to have such a ridiculous desire.” 

The focus of the anger is on the self, rather than the other person for betraying her. It could have been anyone, it’s not really about Shiqi. Throughout book 1, XY relationship with Jing was all about testing to see if he can keep his promise of putting her first/never leaving her. This is really different from loving someone. When Jing didn’t contact XY for 6 months she decided that she wasn’t going to wait anymore, because she had vow to never wait for anyone again after waiting in vain for her mother. This is again about her trauma rather than about Jing himself.


WXL and XL’s dynamic is the opposite of WXL/Shiqi. WXL sees XL as a challenge; he wants to poison him and hates that XL seems to look down on him and doesn’t see him as a real threat. The child in WXL/XY really comes out when he/she is with Xiang Liu – this is XY’s true character and personality; untainted by the trauma and fear of abandonment. Their interaction is like a dance - both are intrigued and drawn to each other, approaching then retreating. Whenever XL is around, WXL seems to forget about Shiqi even when he’s right there (this pattern seems to holds throughout the novel).


The hard shell surrounding WXL’s heart cracked the first time during the first meeting with XL. This prompted WXL to lean on and share some of his past with Shiqi, something that he never did in the 3 years that they have spent together. WXL talked and Shiqi listened. Funnily enough, the story that WXL shared with Shiqi was about the monkey - the monkey who she drove crazy by her insessant talking. The cracked “closed” after Shiqi failed to keep his promise of backing WXL against CX and Ah-Nian. The second time that WXL’s shell softened was while watching the moon on Gourd Lake with Xiang Liu. So both times, XL was the catalyst. The emotional connection/intimacy between the two was very clear - it started at the very  first meeting and built at each subsequent meetings. WXL shared things about his past, his thoughts and feeling with XL in a way that he didn't with anyone else. WXL also seek out XL when he feels lonely – when he returned to the Princess identity this was done by looking at the memories of XL through his magic mirror.


XY seems to think that the bugs inside hers and XL are the mother/child variety as she is baffled as to why she is supposed to be able to feel him and he shouldn’t be able to feel her and yet, it was the opposite. XY also think that all the medicine that XL gave her changed the nature of the bugs because she couldn’t recall the one in CX, when it’s just that the bugs are male/female rather than the mother/child one that she thought they were. In other words, the Lovers Bugs have not been altered and XY was not aware that they are Lovers Bugs.


There was a lot written about YaoJing and we see Xiao Yao’s reasoning for getting involved with Jing and their relationship. However, we barely get anything about YaoLiu. Is it any wonder that some readers didn’t pick up on YaoLiu’s love line. To get the changes in Xiao Yao’s feelings for Xiang Liu, you have to look at the surrounding clues – Xiao Yao’s behaviour and her conversations with others.

One of the biggest clues is the changes in Xiao Yao’s poisons for Xiang Liu. In the beginning, she deliberately leaves obvious signs that it’s poison so that he can’t use it to poison others. Once she realized that it was for his personal use, she made it as foul-tasting as possible (as a way to get one over him – this was the pattern in their early relationship). Gradually, this shifted into making them taste good and beautiful; with each poison carrying her thoughts, mood and experience – this is very much an act of love. H19279 had written a post about this

The second big clue was of course Xiao Yao’s conversation with her grandfather about choosing someone to marry:

“Is it okay no matter who it is? Is it okay if I have an engagement? Is it okay if it’s your enemy?”

It’s clear the two people that she was referring to here. So even though she hasn’t seen Xiang Liu since refusing to “kiss” him outside of the Dragon Bone Prison, even though she has the promise with Jing, Xiao Yao has been thinking about him as someone to marry. This despite the fact that he does not meet any of the requirements that she listed in this same exchange with her grandfather.



Hey...I read your comment on the Yaojing thread. There are lots of essays there.^^

i was bored and has free time so i was curious at what was going on there. wow i was amazed by the chapter analysis ( just quick look on chapter 8). That comment of the author drew my attention ( showed how well they understand their Jing).

Ah there are post on TH saying the FL’s decision was based on psychological shortcomings. Then they said how comes. They found XY was normal . She was only afraid of being abandoned in the beginning, and some complaints that how TH’s book introductions sounds like YaoLiu’s fans. 

I just finished eps 21. The plot differs a lot from the novel.

Ohh, so the novel made more sense and the male lead was more useful. Did the novel focus on A Yin's tribulations (her 27 lives before she returned as Feng Yin)? Because in the drama, it got completely skipped. I'm also wondering about what that kid said in the beginning, about A Yin falling in love with the Fox King. Was that all just gossip from the immortals and A Yin never loved Hong Yi?

The main reason that keeps me watching this drama is it is sequel of Ancient Love Poetry and I read the novel Shen Yin.

I'm curious how Feng Yin takes revenge too. I saw that sneak peek of Feng Yin making the peacock lady kneel. I'm looking forward to see her get revenge on everybody who treated her badly and I especially want to see how she treats Yuan Qi considering he killed her. I saw episode 27 and it's really frustrating that  peacock has been the acting Heavenly Empress for 1,000 years.