
Thank you @plor20. There's really no ambiguity. It's lovers - two people in a romantic relationship. 

I was curious, so I checked the scene in the drama where XL talked to the old man about the Lovers Bugs to see the English translation. This was on Tencent channel on Youtube.  Unsurprisingly, the translation was not good. It was termed Couple Bugs and the Poisonous Love Bugs (in lieu of Heartbreak Bugs). Although there was mentioned that young girls typically raised it for their lover. Although, this may be an issue with the actual dialogue rather than translation because it was the same over at Viki

OoO... I can go get a screen shot of the dialogue and  tranlaste that. Give me a day or two and we'll compare again ❤️

14 minutes ago
Thank you @plor20. There's really no ambiguity. It's lovers - two people in a romantic relationship.

I was curious, so I checked the scene in the drama where XL talked to the old man about the Lovers Bugs to see the English translation. This was on Tencent channel on Youtube.  Unsurprisingly, the translation was not good. It was termed Couple Bugs and the Poisonous Love Bugs (in lieu of Heartbreak Bugs). Although there was mentioned that young girls typically raised it for their lover. Although, this may be an issue with the actual dialogue rather than translation because it was the same over at Viki

OoO... I can go get a screen shot of the dialogue and  tranlaste that. Give me a day or two and we'll compare again ❤️

Here are the text in the drama. It was translated by @Liddi who is native speaker. So you can have a gymse on the difference between AI and human translation

Recently I met a poison bug. It's very strange. It can make the receiver suffer the same pain as the one who places it. Conversely, if the receiver is injured, it has no effect on the one who places it. But the one who places it can neither control the bug at will. nor recall it. 

Is the one who places the bug is a girl?

Why are you asking this?

If it is really a girl. It's likely a pair of couple poison bugs planted for her lover.

Couple poison bugs?


LROM: Legend has it there are male-female poisonous bugs which are very difficult to cultivate. One is male, the other is female, with equal power. The one who raises them cannot control the poisonous bug. Mostly women raise it for their
lovers, hoping for a love that is devoted (one heart, one mind), never betraying each other. Once it is planted, the couple's hearts and fates/lives are joined, living and dying together. As such, it is also called love poisonous bug.
If there is no love between the couple, would it be possible to plant the bug?
LROM: No, no, no. However, the art of poisonous bugs is mysterious and unpredictable. Perhaps it is possible. Even so, forcibly planting it will lead to endless troubles. Not only are they unable to join their hearts together and share the same fates/lives, but the poisonous bugs may retaliate against them and harm their lives.
XL: How can they be removed?
LROM: The planting of the bug relies on love, as does its removal. If it has not been planted for long, it is possible to transfer it to another person while its foundation has not yet stabilised. However, the other person must have love in his heart. The love poisonous bug demands not only your life but your heart. You have nine lives, but only one heart. Once your heart is given, you can never take it back.

I'm not afraid, you're the one who's afraid.

From the leaked script, the whirpool scene has been cut. I came across this image....

He's not looking like his usual, neat self. Did they film it, but then cut it?

ETA: that picture is inspired by the whirlpool scene isn't it @windiaaa

Yes, avoidance is one of her trait when dealing with loss, problems that she could not solve. There are several examples about her avoidance trait.

She engaged in cognitive avoidance as well as behavioural avoidance. Another example is becoming the Heavenly Mother. This is classic avoidance and an extreme one at that. It harkens back to my years of watching series where some character (usually a woman) would attempt to become a nun following some setback or disappointment in life. Only to be told that the nunnery is not the place for you to run to escape your problem. Yes, this wasn't just about Jing, but once she got her "companion" back, girl was super happy to ditch the responsibility that she'd just agreed to.


From the leaked script, the whirpool scene has been cut. I came across this image....

He's not looking like his usual, neat self. Did they film it, but then cut it?

ETA: that picture is inspired by the whirlpool scene isn't it @windiaaa

I've seen it too, and it says it's just an edit.

yes...that is the scene in the sea whirlpool chapter 43.
One of my favorite scenes, even the tension beats the fireworks kiss.LOL

I think that might fall into the 'not a tragedy category. But I'm sorry, there is no universe where Jing is the right person. ;p

Jing is the "right person" in a universe full of people with psychological deficiencies like Xiao Yao, otherwise, he would be discarded in the "faulty goods" pile :-).

So it wasn't who XL thought was right for her (cause as he said repeatedly, Jing was useless), but it was who XY told him she would marry.

Why do people continue to push this narrative that Xiang Liu approved of Jing for Xiao Yao? He left Jing as an option for Xiao Yao, she's the one that continues to return to such a flop. Just because someone provided you with a piece of cake, it doesn't mean that you have to eat it. Xiang Liu is not responsible for Xiao Yao's poor judgement and flop taste. Whatever happened after he's gone is on her. 

Honestly, at this point, I'm starting to think Tong Hua just wanted to screw XY over. lol

If you think about it, Tong Hua had total control. She could have written Jing differently, but she chose not to. Is every reader who has a problem with this character motivated by their liking/preference for Xiang Liu? I don't think so. She could have written Jing in a way to minimize the criticisms, but she didn't. So yeah, thinking that she just wanted to screw XY's over is quite valid, IMO.

 AH :
XL did not say that TSJ was useless in the novel. They added that line in the drama and IMO it's one of the many changes they made that make drama!XL look pettier / more petulant than novel!XL. In chapter 46, the things that XL said about TSJ made it seem like he respected TSJ.

Is it petty when it's the truth, though :-)? He's certainly useless in certain aspects. I took his comments about Jing as neutral observations rather than as respect.  I recently read a post where the writer claimed that Jing and Xiang Liu are zhiji. After our recent discussion on the terms zhiji and zhiyin, I thought that was hilarious. I don't think Xiang Liu disliked Jing (certainly not as much as I dislike him, :-)), but to claim that these two are zhiji is a real reach.


I don't see it petty to state the the obvious truth, especially when it concerns XY....And he's not so petty as withhold giving Jing his due -- as a merchant.  But as a protector for XY, Jing is useless. 

GMTA :-). If you ever doubt Jing's uselessness, just remember this 

It never gets old :-)

Why do people continue to push this narrative that Xiang Liu approved of Jing for Xiao Yao? He left Jing as an option for Xiao Yao, she's the one that continues to return to such a flop. Just because someone provided you with a piece of cake, it doesn't mean that you have to eat it. Xiang Liu is not responsible for Xiao Yao's poor judgement and flop taste. Whatever happened after he's gone is on her. 

Given all the things that he does to facilitate TSJ and XY being together, it would be pretty messed up if XL thought that TSJ was bad for XY. 

Is it petty when it's the truth, though :-)? He's certainly useless in certain aspects.

Accuracy doesn't really factor into whether it is or isn't petty.

IMO, adding that line for XL in the drama makes drama!XL look pettier and more petulant than novel!XL because he's showing contempt for TSJ and criticizing TSJ for not having enough spiritual power to keep WXL out of danger when he either knew that the danger was CX and all of his men (in which case it would be completely unreasonable to expect one deity to be able to take all of them on single-handedly) or he didn't know what the danger was yet and criticized blindly.  And the comment didn't serve any purpose. It was just petty and petulant. I prefer stoic novel!XL, who didn't make unnecessary comments like that.  If he did have a comment to make, it was respectful. If he did not think highly of TSJ, his judgement was silent. To me, that is much more attractive. 

Plus, despite his self-appointed position as WXL's protector, XL wasn't around to protect WXL from CX. TSJ also wasn't with WXL when the danger presented itself, but she chose to go to him to ask him for help as he was available and XL was not. And TSJ did manage to create a situation where WXL was able to get away from CX and his men, if she had just been more hard-hearted and willing to ignore CX's threat to kill YSQ. Which he obviously would not have followed through on. 

I would also point out that CX, TSJ and XL all failed to prevent XY from having to endure her assassination, and they all contributed to saving her after her assassination. Just as TSJ was grateful to XL for saving XY's life, I imagine that XL was grateful to TSJ for the role that he played in saving XY's life. I imagine that was part of the reason why XL was willing to start pushing XY to be with TSJ from chapter 22 on. 

We know from XL's epilogue that he appointed himself to be XY's protector, and that he also intentionally taught her archery so that she would have a means of protecting herself. Novel!XL never seemed to expect TSJ to protect XY, and never seemed to blame TSJ for any danger that XY faced. Why would he? There was no reason for him to view TSJ as responsible for protecting WXL. And XL found TSJ to be useful for a different purpose: filling the gap in XY's life (that XY expressed in their first meeting) as a person she could rely on. 

I recently read a post where the writer claimed that Jing and Xiang Liu are zhiji. After our recent discussion on the terms zhiji and zhiyin, I thought that was hilarious. I don't think Xiang Liu disliked Jing (certainly not as much as I dislike him, :-)), but to claim that these two are zhiji is a real reach.

"The writer" meaning Tong Hua wrote that post? Or "the writer" meaning some random person wrote that post?

Zhi ji is a flexible term. It can have a very deep meaning, but it can also refer to a single moment of understanding. 

XL and TSJ collaborated more than once and had one clear shared goal when it came to XY. I can see how someone might look at that and see two people who shared an understanding on some level / at some point. 

Hunxi Guilai wrote:

People seem shocked when 知己 zhiji is a term dropped in casual conversation or daily dialogue, and they really shouldn’t be; it is as weighty or as casual as someone makes it in the moment. It is a living, breathing word that is actively employed in vernacular vocabularies, not some ancient artifact only pulled out and dusted off for the most significant/dramatic of occasions.

3) I mean, it can be both, right? Like how there isn’t a single standardized journey to best friend status with someone, you can call someone 知己 zhiji for as something as little as just being on the same wavelength for them in a conversation. You can also make it huge and dramatic like you’re the only one who truly understands what I’m trying to do, without you I would have nothing, etc etc. 

In the 《天涯客》 audiodrama, Zhou Zishu calls Wen Kexing a zhiji just for noticing that he’s sunning himself on the street (because Wen Kexing is the only one who sees through Zhou Zishu’s disguise at that moment, and doesn’t take him for a beggar). At that point, they haven’t even exchanged a single word, and Zhou Zishu remarks to himself that he hadn’t thought to meet a 知己 zhiji. He makes no more of it than that–just the acknowledgement oh, someone understood me, before moving on with his day.

tl;dr 知己 zhiji is a term that is as dramatic or casual as you make it

 AH :
XL because he's showing contempt for TSJ and criticizing TSJ for not having enough spiritual power to keep WXL out of danger when he either knew that the danger was CX and all of his men (in which case it would be completely unreasonable to expect one deity to be able to take all of them on single-handedly) or he didn't know what the danger was yet and criticized blindly.  And the comment didn't serve any purpose.

My comment on that scene in the drama. XL knew that WXL got whipped on her hands terribly. Such punishment was not typical from man like CX or his guard. It was very much like female act. So he might guess that WXL got trouble by Ah Nian 

And such incident happened weeks after the last time XL saw them being taken out of the Dragon Bone Prison. He could feel that WXL's leg breaking got treated and better. Thus the treatment for WXL there was not bad. 

On the scene at the dragon bone, Jing looked like a protector  or took care for WXL. And XL also understood that Jing could use his Tushan inherit to protect WXL. 


 AH :

I recently read a post where the writer claimed that Jing and Xiang Liu are zhiji. After our recent discussion on the terms zhiji and zhiyin, I thought that was hilarious. I don't think Xiang Liu disliked Jing (certainly not as much as I dislike him, :-)), but to claim that these two are zhiji is a real reach.
"The writer" meaning Tong Hua wrote that post? Or "the writer" meaning some random person wrote that post?

Zhi ji is a flexible term. It can have a very deep meaning, but it can also refer to a single moment of understanding. 

@HeadInTheClouds, I think I read that post about Jing was XL's zhi ji. C'mon! 

@AH, if someone used the word zhi yin or zhi ji for a single moment of understanding, he or she probably doesn't understand the meaning of that word or abuse the usage to please the listener. It is not easy to call someone as your [zhi ji]. 

With regards to the post about "zhi ji relationship between XL and Jing", the author claimed that XL recognised Jing from the beginning when he came to the camp to pickup WXL in chapter 2 but both of them kept Jing's identity secretly. Thus I found that claim is quite illogical. 

I also questioned what XL told XY about Jing in chapter 46. Did XL do the business directly with Jing or his employees. 


Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. (Chapter 46). 


In QS town Jing used his real face. Thus, if XL really met Jing before, he could recognise Jing. However, in chapter 5, he wanted WXL to confirm YSQ was Jing. 

“The man beside you, he’s from the Tu Shan clan?” ....

Xiang Liu grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck and pressed in “That man, the one who you always hide every time I show up, is that Tu Shan clan’s second son?

Xiao Liu thought and knew he wouldn’t believe him if he said no “Yes.”

“Good.” Xiang Liu released him. Xiao Liu saw him smile and all his goosebumps came out. “I’m not close with him, if you want something you go see him yourself.”

“I’m even less familiar with him. I’m familiar with you.” .....

“He just went home, he might not be able to utilize the family money and manpower.”

“You underestimate him! Just a pallet of medicine, to him it’s nothing. Tu Shan clan does any type of business. Back then, he sold way more dangerous items to the Sheng Nong army.”

Xiao Liu asked “This time, why don’t you buy it directly from the Tu Shan clan?” Xiang Liu coldly replied “No money!”

And Tushan Jing could distinguish people who used real or illusion face. So, I really doubt that XL did business directly with Jing. Jing had not met FFB before their first encounter in Xuan Yuan capital in front of the casino.  In the novel, Jing only told XY that he felt FFB was XL after the incident outside the casino in Zhi yi when XY said to XL that she wished to be born a few hundred years before so that she would came to the death areana and save him (more than 40 years after he knew each other in QS town)

In term of business, Jing's employees could negociate business with XL or XY's people under Jing's policy or instruction.

5 minutes ago
 AH :
XL because he's showing contempt for TSJ and criticizing TSJ for not having enough spiritual power to keep WXL out of danger when he either knew that the danger was CX and all of his men (in which case it would be completely unreasonable to expect one deity to be able to take all of them on single-handedly) or he didn't know what the danger was yet and criticized blindly.  And the comment didn't serve any purpose.
My comment on that scene in the drama. XL knew that WXL got whipped on her hands terribly. Such punishment was not typical from man like CX or his guard. It was very much like female act. So he might guess that WXL got trouble by Ah Nian

And such incident happened weeks after the last time XL saw them being taken out of the Dragon Bone Prison. He could feel that WXL's leg breaking got treated and better. Thus the treatment for WXL there was not bad.

On the scene at the dragon bone, Jing looked like a protector  or took care for WXL. And XL also understood that Jing could use his Tushan inherit to protect WXL. 

I had to go back to the drama (haven't done a rewatch in quite a while) to refresh my memory. I was thinking of the scene in episode 14 when XL thinks, "You're really useless." after he feels WXL's leg get broken by CX's men through the bug connection. But XL was referring to WXL in that scene, not TSJ. (His full thought was, "You're really useless. You got caught again.")  I incorrectly recalled that as the scene where XL thought of TSJ as being useless. 

As you noted, the scene where XL thinks to himself that TSJ is really useless is actually in episode 15, after WXL's hands are beaten by Ah Nian's servants. 

That changes things in a few ways. On the one hand, WXL had already declined XL's offer of help, so it is not hypocritical for XL to have this thought even though he also did not prevent the hand-beating. And XL left WXL after she declined his offer of help knowing that she was with TSJ, which perhaps gave him some comfort that she would have someone with her who was looking out for her. But to view TSJ as responsible for protecting WXL from experiencing any pain on Five Gods Mountain? That seems rather unreasonable. And on top of that, the pain and threat in this case (beaten hands rather than a broken leg) were pretty minor. So it seems even more petty for XL to view TSJ as useless for not preventing that vs. not preventing the broken leg. 

@AH, if someone used the word zhi yin or zhi ji or a single moment of understanding, he or she probably doesn't understand the meaning of that word or abuse the usage to please the listener. It is not easy to call someone as your [zhi ji].

Hunxi Guilai cited the audio drama adaptation of Faraway Wanderers (the novel that Word of Honor / Shanhe ling / SHL is based on) as an example of a situation where a character used "zhi ji" to describe a moment of understanding between himself and another character that he did not know and had not spoken to yet. My understanding is that the audio drama is viewed as a faithful adaptation of the novel, that the novel was written in Mandarin by a well-established writer (penname Priest) who is a native Mandarin speaker, and that the audio drama was adapted by a team of all native Mandarin speakers. 

It is not easy to find someone who understands you (zhi ji) or to find someone who understands / appreciates your "music" / shares your understanding of "music" (zhi yin). That goes for both small moments of understanding like the one in the audio drama noted above (where Wen Kexing is the only person on the crowded street who sees through Zhou Zishu's disguise and understands that he is not a beggar and is merely sunning himself) and even more so for more profound relationships of knowing and understanding one another (like the one that develops between Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu later on in their story, when they continue to use the term but now with greater weight ascribed to it). 

The weight of that word is flexible, which is one of the reasons it is so difficult to translate properly. 

With regards to the post about "zhi ji relationship between XL and Jing", the author claimed that XL recognised Jing from the beginning when he came to the camp to pickup WXL in chapter 2 but both of them kept Jing's identity secretly.

I also questioned what XL told XY about Jing in chapter 46. Did XL do the business directly with Jing or his employees.


Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. (Chapter 46).


In QS town Jing used his real face. Thus, if XL really met Jing before, he could recognise Jing. However, in chapter 5, he wanted WXL to confirm YSQ was Jing.

“The man beside you, he’s from the Tu Shan clan?” ....

Xiang Liu grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck and pressed in “That man, the one who you always hide every time I show up, is that Tu Shan clan’s second son?”

Xiao Liu thought and knew he wouldn’t believe him if he said no “Yes.”

“Good.” Xiang Liu released him. Xiao Liu saw him smile and all his goosebumps came out. “I’m not close with him, if you want something you go see him yourself.”

“I’m even less familiar with him. I’m familiar with you.” .....

“He just went home, he might not be able to utilize the family money and manpower.”

“You underestimate him! Just a pallet of medicine, to him it’s nothing. Tu Shan clan does any type of business. Back then, he sold way more dangerous items to the Sheng Nong army.”

Xiao Liu asked “This time, why don’t you buy it directly from the Tu Shan clan?” Xiang Liu coldly replied “No money!”

And Tushan Jing could distinguish people who used real or illusion face. So, I really doubt that XL did business directly with Jing. Jing had not met FFB before their first encounter in Xuan Yuan capital in front of the casino.

In term of business, Jing's employees could negociate business with XL or XY's people under Jing's supervision.

In chapter 46, XL cites the hundreds of years' worth of business that he did with TSJ as evidence to demonstrate that he was in a position to comment on TSJ's personality and personal qualities. Perhaps he could assess those things (that he was not vindictive, that he was not a weak fool, that he was smart, and that he could only endure TSH's behaviour because TSH was his relative) to some degree from doing business with TSJ indirectly through his representatives, but to me this comment suggests that it's more likely that XL and TSJ would have met in person at least once, if not several times, to the point where XL felt that those interactions (even more so than his subsequent in-person meetings with TSJ during the events of the novel - which XY was also aware of) allowed him to get to know TSJ well enough to comment on these personality traits.

XL also mentioned that once, when he was a killer-for-hire, he saw a Tushan clan guard in action. It's not clear whether that incident occurred before or after the events of chapter 2. My first thought was that he was referring to FFYY's attempt to assassinate TSJ in chapter 19, but when I thought more about it, it seemed unlikely to me that XL would have been involved in trying to kill TSJ, especially in his capacity as an assassin-for-hire. Anyway, I take that comment from XL to mean that XL might also have had an opportunity to see TSJ's face while he was a killer-for-hire, separate from their business interactions, possibly before TSJ's disappearance. 


Chapter 46:

Xiao Yao glared in rage at Xiang Liu who acted nonchalant and continued to stroke her neck while smiling down at her and talking like it was a random chat between friends. “Even before I knew you, I was already doing business with Tu Shan Jing for hundreds of years. He’s not a vindictive person, but he’s also not a weak fool. In hundreds of years, I’ve never once taken any advantage from him. He can time and again endure Tu Shan Hou only because he treats Tu Shan Hou as a relative. When he banished Tu Shan Hou to Gao Xing, he was well aware that the fracture between them would not end that easily. With Tu Shan Jing’s smarts, he would have been keeping guard against Tu Shan Hou still. He would have assigned someone to track Tu Shan Hou at all times in Gao Xing, and prevent him from growing his power again. That way if Tu Shan Hou still wants to kill Jing, he couldn’t even attempt it.”

In the dark silent night, Xiang Liu’s voice was clear and low like that of a lover. “Xiao Yao, do you agree with my analysis?”

Xiao Yao gritted her teeth. “What are you trying to get at?”

Xiang Liu laughed and gently said, “I just wanted to say that Tu Shan Jing may not be vindictive, but he also won’t take anything lying down either. Do you agree?”

Xiao Yao spat out, “What if you’re right?”

Xiang Liu continued, “Even under Tu Shan Jing’s assigned surveillance, Tu Shan Hou managed to shake it and sneak to Qing Shui Town and secretly contact Fang Feng Yi Yang to set the trap. But at that time, there were many Tu Shan Jing’s people in Qing Shui Town as well, the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang and the guards protecting Tu Shan Zhen. You may not be aware but the Tu Shan clan trained guards are top rate, the clan does business so isn’t into battling but in terms of protection the guards are exceptionally skilled. As a killer for hire, I once saw a Tu Shan clan guard in action and after that I made a decision that, unless my adopted father’s life was in danger, I would never attempt to kill any Tu Shan clan leader.

Xiao Yao appeared to finally be processing what Xiang Liu was saying and listened raptly, and Xiang Liu slowed down his words. “Tu Shan Hou’s men not only killed all the guards keeping an eye on Fang Feng Yi Yang, but also the thirty top guards Tu Shan Jing brought along to protect him. The remaining few who survived were rounded up by even more powerful foes so they couldn’t go save Tu Shan Jing. To dispatch so many top-notch Tu Shan clan guards, how many even more powerful fighters would that have required? Tu Shan Hou was banished to a life of no money or connections, and under tight surveillance, how could he have commanded so many people to pull this off. If Tu Shan Jing was stupid and careless enough to have let Hou pull this off, then all I can say is that for the past hundreds of years, I was dealing with a totally different Tu Shan Jing.


The novel makes at least two references (in chapter 49 and chapter 36) to TSJ travelling extensively to do business before he was tortured by TSH. He didn't just sit in QQ and conduct business through his representatives. That further suggests to me that if TSJ and XL did hundreds of years' worth of business together, they would have met at least once (and more likely met several times). 


Chapter 49: 

“Why help me? Only because of Xiao Yao?”

“No. When I first went out to do business, the Yellow Emperor had just united the Middle Plains and I followed the merchant groups to many places and saw people displaced by the war. I believed sincerely that the world needed a strong compassionate ruler, one who cared about the lives of all citizens. For Xiao Yao, I could break from clan rules and not support the other princes, but I couldn’t truly go against my clan and openly support Your Majesty as ruler. I did what I did because I know Your Majesty’s magnanimous hope for the world and I remain steadfast in believing that my choice is correct. Even today I do not regret my choice, and I know Feng Long didn’t as well. Our choice and determination to support you is the right one.”

Zhuan Xu stared hard at Jing one last time before silently walking past Xiao Yao and heading down the cliffs.


Chapter 36:

Even though Xiao Yao wandered for hundreds of years, it was in the Middle Plains and she never explored Gao Xing. Jing was different, being the clan leader designate since he was young meant he traveled for business all over the vast wilderness. Whether it was the dangerous and scary Jiu Li, the unpredictable ocean, he visited everywhere before. This trip he knew where all the fun things were and the delicious food spots and he planned everything so that Xiao Yao was totally taken care of.


During the course of the novel, TSJ and XL meet in person on several occasions to discuss "business". When it comes to reaching an agreement, they are never described as interacting solely through representatives or solely through correspondence. In-person meetings seem to always be their preferred approach. Although TSJ was presumably more personally invested in these interactions (as WXL/XY was always involved) than he would have been back when he was conducting more typical business with XL and the Sheng Nong remnant army before TSH tortured him, I still think this gives an indication of TSJ's approach to business discussions (i.e., he gets involved directly) more generally. 


When YSQ comes to rescue WXL from the Sheng Nong remnant army camp in chapter 2, YSQ only stared at XL and XL ignored WXL to only stare at YSQ. XL continued to stare at YSQ so long that it made WXL nervous to the point where she grabbed YSQ's face and yelled at XL to not get any ideas about YSQ because he was hers. Although it's subtle, this emphasis on the two of them staring at each other seems to be hinting at the fact that they had met before and recognized each other. 

If XL had met TSJ before and knew his face, then he would presumably recognize that same face and find it very odd that someone with the same face as the future Tushan clan leader, who had disappeared years earlier, was suddenly appearing outside of QS town: (1) calling himself Ye Shi Qi; (2) dressed as a poor and simple servant; (3) identified by humble small town doctor / suspected spy WXL as her servant; (4) obeying WXL's orders; and (5) talking about bringing her home. If XL had not met TSJ before and did not recognize him in chapter 2, why would Tong Hua make a point of noting that XL was staring at YSQ so much, to the extent that it prompted WXL to make that comment?

Perhaps XL wasn't 100% certain that YSQ was TSJ at that point (just as TSJ seemed like he wasn't 100% certain that FFB was XL later on when he first met FFB, even though he would have recognized that FFB had the same face as XL), but IMO XL did recognize YSQ's face from the times when he met TSJ to do business with him in the past. And despite that fact he didn't try to expose YSQ's identity as TSJ. Just as TSJ didn't try to expose FFB's identity as XL later on. 


Chapter 2:

A soldier’s voice called out, “Sir, someone has stormed the barracks.”

Xiang Liu took off and the noise stopped. Xiao Liu heard a soldier ask, “Who are you and why have you stormed the Sheng Nong army base?” A scratchy voice replied, “Ye Shi Qi. Xiao Liu.”

It’s Shi Qi! He came? Xiao Liu crawled outside and yelled, “My lord Xiang Liu, please don’t harm him! He’s my servant and came to find me.”

Shi Qi ran towards Xiao Liu and his spiritual energy was stronger than expected because he deflected all the soldiers trying to stop him. But these were trained soldiers and if he took down two then four more would step up. So Xiao Liu yelled, “Shi Qi, stop! That’s an order.”

Shi Qi stopped and the soldiers encircled him and glared, but Shi Qi didn’t even look at them and only stared at Xiang Liu. “I. am taking. Xiao Liu.”

Xiao Liu tried to look alluring and yelled, “My lord! I am already your person!” Those words… caused all the soldiers at the base to grimace.

Xiang Liu furrowed his brow but lowered his hand and the soldiers parted. Shi Qi flew to Xiao Liu’s side and half carried, half propped him up. Shi Qi’s hand gently passed over Xiao Liu’s back. Perhaps it was mental comfort but Xiao Liu actually felt some pain lessen. Shi Qi knelt down. “Let’s go home.”

Xiao Liu crawled on Shi Qi’s back, smiled cheekily at Xiang Liu, and said, “My lord, I’m going home now.”

Xiang Liu kept staring at Shi Qi and Xiao Liu got nervous and actually grabbed Shi Qi’s face like a child would and yelled, “Don’t you get any ideas about him! He’s mine!”

Xiang Liu was startled and was about to smile but stopped himself. He coughed a few times. “After investigating and confirming you are a citizen of Qing Shui Town and not a threat to the Sheng Nong army, you are free to leave.”

Xiao Liu continued the charade and said, “Thank you my lord, after I return I will be sure to spread word of my lord’s vast kindness.”

The soldiers left and Shi Qi carried Xiao Liu on his back and rushed off.


In chapter 5, all of QS town came to know that the Tushan clan's second lord had appeared in QS town, but no one other than WXL knew that YSQ was that person. Not even Lao Mu knew. 

Just at the time when XL desperately needed medicine for his soldiers, it became widely known that the Tushan clan's second lord had reappeared in QS town. Since he had a budding relationship with WXL and YSQ seemed like he would do anything that WXL asked, XL presumably saw an opportunity to get the medicine he needed and took it. 

That would mean that XL either: (1) always knew for sure that YSQ was TSJ, but had no reason to leverage that knowledge before or thought that YSQ wasn't in a position to command Tushan clan resources while he was in hiding / operating under a false identity; (2) only strongly suspected that YSQ was TSJ before, but the rumours increased his suspicions and WXL confirmed it; (3) didn't suspect that YSQ was TSJ before, but was smart enough to figure out that YSQ was TSJ after the rumours surfaced (despite the fact that none of WXL's other companions were able to figure it out). 

As for the conversation between XL and WXL in chapter 5 about YSQ's identity, it didn't seem to me like XL was asking WXL about YSQ's identity because he was unsure about the answer. XL knew to ask WXL about YSQ's identity in the first place, had already prepared a list of the medicine he needed, and knew where YSQ was at that moment (by the riverbank).

He seemed like he already knew the answer, in which case... why ask? 

Perhaps he wanted to test WXL to see if she would outright lie to him (which makes me think about their conversation about WXL lying vs. not lying to XL in chapter 13). Luckily for her, she only tried to avoid answering once and did not lie (as Tong Hua noted, because she knew that XL would not believe her if she did). 

Or perhaps instead of being 100% certain, XL only strongly suspected the answer and wanted WXL to confirm it beyond a shadow of a doubt. 


Chapter 5:

After some bowls of wine were in the gullet, tongues began to loosen. Whatever interesting things happened in Qing Shui Town could be heard in the conversation here. Xiao Liu was impressed with Xuan, opening this shop was a great idea!

“That’s nothing interesting. There is something even more major that happened in town!”

“What? Do tell!”


“I have reliable intel that says the Tu Shan clan’s Second Young Master is in Qing Shui Town!”

“What? That can’t be true.”


The appearance of the Tu Shan family Second Lord caused Qing Shui Town to get even more lively as people jostled for opportunities and advancement. Everyone was discussing him. Even Butcher Gao lamented to Lao Mu that all the shops on the street belonged to the Tu Shan family. Chuan Zi and Tian Er didn’t think anything of it since those people were like stars, so far above their reach. Lao Mu had his questions but one look at Xiao Liu’s calm face and it relieved him. It can’t be, it can’t be Shi Qi!


Xiang Liu waved his hand and a wild wind blew everything off the pallet. He sat down and stared at Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu felt two knives were scraping back and forth on his face. He endured, and endured, more enduring, until finally he couldn’t anymore…..he opened his eyes. “My lord isn’t busy in the mountains, what are you doing here in my little courtyard?”

“The man beside you, he’s from the Tu Shan clan?”

“Who? Ma Zi? Chaun Zi?” Xiao Liu opened his eyes and asked sincerely. “I wanted to be nicer to you but you always have a way of making me want to bite down and wring your neck.” Xiang Liu put both his hands around Xiao Liu’s head and slowly lowered his head. Under the moonlight, his two teeth extended into fangs as sharp as any beast.

Xiao Liu spoke. “You’re really more and more careless with your image. Last time it was the demon eyes, this time it’s the beast fangs. I know you’re a demon monster but knowing is different than seeing with my own eyes. You should know us people, whether be gods or humans, we like the outer image and we don’t care about what’s on the inside. Even what we eat we care about how it looks and smells. The wives we take must be pretty. Not like you demons, picking the plumpest fattest….”

Xiang Liu’s fangs retreated and he patted Xiao Liu’s cheek. “Lately you’ve been lonely?”

Xiao Liu sighed, “People who are too smart are bound to die young. But you’re not a person, you’re a demon….so you’ll die even faster!” Xiang Liu grabbed Xiao Liu’s neck and pressed in. “That man, the one who you always hide every time I show up, is that Tu Shan clan’s second son?”

Xiao Liu thought and knew he wouldn’t believe him if he said no. “Yes.”

“Good.” Xiang Liu released him. Xiao Liu saw him smile and all his goosebumps came out. “I’m not close with him, if you want something you go see him yourself.”

“I’m even less familiar with him. I’m familiar with you.”

Xiao Liu laughed. “A demon’s jokes are so not funny!”

Xiang Liu said, “It’s been very hot lately. There is an illness spreading in the mountains and medicine is desperately needed. Have Tu Shan Jing get some medicine for us.”

Xiao Liu sat up. “Why? Who do you think you are?” Xiang Liu smiled at Xiao Liu. “I’m someone who can eat you.”

“I’d rather you eat me than go find him.”

Xiang Liu conjectured out loud, “Do you want to know what the eldest son of the Tu Shan clan is like? Nine years ago, he disappeared right before his wedding. If I contact the eldest son and ask him for some medicine and he asks me to kill a person, what are the odds that the Young Master of Qing Qiu can stay alive?”

Xiao Liu spit out through gritted teeth, “No wonder your name is number 1 on the list of Most Wanted. I really want to use your head to exchange for the reward money.”

Xiang Liu laughed out loud and suddenly moved right in front of Xiao Liu’s face and said slowly, “I have nine heads, remember to sharpen the knife very well.” Xiao Liu glared at him, the two of them so close their breaths were mingling.

After a moment Xiao Liu said, “If he helped you, what good will that bring him?” Xiang Liu slowly moved away from Xiao Liu. “When matters in the mountain aren't too busy, sometimes I’m an assassin for hire, and a pretty notorious one at that. If the Tu Shan eldest son asked me to kill him, I would turn him down. If he wanted me to kill the Tu Shan eldest, I will accept the job.”

“He just went home, he might not be able to utilize the family money and manpower.”

“You underestimate him! Just a pallet of medicine, to him it’s nothing. Tu Shan clan does any type of business. Back then, he sold way more dangerous items to the Sheng Nong army.”

Xiao Liu asked, “This time, why don’t you buy it directly from the Tu Shan clan?” Xiang Liu coldly replied, “No money!”


Xiao Liu got up and walked out the door but Xiang Liu grabbed him back. “He’s by the riverbank.” Xiao Liu walked to the riverbank with Xiang Liu following behind.


“I need a batch of medicine.” Xiang Liu tossed over a tube, Xiao Liu caught it and handed it to Jing. “The details are inside.”

And Tushan Jing could distinguish people who used real or illusion face. So, I really doubt that XL did business directly with Jing.

Why would TSJ being able to see through illusions prevent XL from meeting TSJ in person to do business? If XL didn't want TSJ to see his real face, he could have worn a mask and still met with TSJ in person and seen TSJ's face.

When XL wanted to hide his face from CX and Ah Nian, he wore a mask. When TSJ wanted to hide his face from Ah Nian, he wore a hat that covered his face. 

Jing had not met FFB before their first encounter in Xuan Yuan capital in front of the casino. 

Agreed, XL had not met FFB before their encounter in chapter 16. But I don't think XL would have used his identity as FFB to meet with TSJ or his representatives while conducting business for the Sheng Nong remnant army back before TSH tortured TSJ. That would have jeopardized his identity as FFB.

We also know that TSJ had definitely seen XL's face before he met FFB for the first time, at least in QS town with WXL if not earlier. XY wondered why he never said anything about XL and FFB having the same face. 


Chapter 16:

Fang Feng Yi Yang got off the carriage as did Tu Shan Jing. Fang Feng Bei smiled. “You must be the Young Master of Qing Qiu. I’ve heard the great reputation of my future brother-in-law. Nice to meet you finally.”

Fang Feng Yi Yang said to Jing, “This is my second brother.”

Jing said nothing for a moment, and as someone who once saw Xiang Liu’s “real face” like Xiao Yao, his reaction was likely the same as Xiao Yao when she first saw Fang Feng Bei. A moment later he bowed politely. “Greetings second brother.”


Chapter 19:

Xiao Yao never concealed where she went and Jing knew she was spending a lot of time with Fang Feng Bei but he never said anything or asked anything.

Actually deep down inside, Xiao Yao wanted him to ask. But he likely thought he had no right to stop her so he didn’t ask. He never even mentioned that Fang Feng Bei looked just like Xiang Liu, not sure if he investigated and found nothing suspicious, or he didn’t think it mattered.

Since Jing didn’t mention it, Xiao Yao didn’t bring it up.


Chapter 24:

Jing slowly said, “That night…..I felt that Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu.”

Xiao Yao was startled and didn’t want to lie to Jing but also didn’t want to expose Xiang Liu’s secret so she tiredly said, “I don’t want to discuss those two guys.”

Jing said, “I’ll tend the fire for you and you go rest.”


Chapter 29:

Xiao Yao suddenly realized that when Li Jie Chang was talking about Fang Feng Bei earlier, all the things he was saying were about Xiang Liu. Did he know Fang Feng Bei was Xiang Liu?

That meant Jing also knew now that Bei was Xiang Liu.

Xiao Yao looked over at Jing and then back at Bei before saying to Bei, “Are you done eating? If you’re done then let’s go!”


Xiao Yao was silent for a few moments and then casually said, “Jing knows you’re Xiang Liu now. He won’t tell my Gege but if Feng Long knows, Gege will find out. You… be careful.”


Chapter 33:

Jing said, “I know Fang Feng Bei is Xiang Liu. He ought to have taken you to the Sheng Nong resistance army base in the mountains.”

Some insight about lifespan: Would Xiao Yao outlive Jing if they could live a normal life.

1. First of all, I would like to discuss what is the most crucial factor for lifespan. 

- Race: high-class deity like Jing or XY could live for thousands of years 

- Family bloodline: in modern words we call it gene. XY's family seemed to have gene for long lifespan

  • Xiao Yao: There was no information about Chi You's family. However he was very strong who could survise in forest among wild animals and beasts. XY could inherit her father's strong gene and resistance. In her mother side, both her grandparents could live very long. A Heng had lived in Jade Mountain for 60 years and she also ate a lot of rare and superfood in Jade Mountain which could have impact on her blood and physical properties. 
  • Jing: His grandfather and his mother died at relatively young (for deity standard). His grandmother had been ruling the clan for ~ 1500 years since her husband's death. We can guess that by that time Jing's father had not been matured yet, thus less than a few hundred years old. Thus, Jing's grandmother's lifespan was less than 2000 years old. Her lifespan could be affected by the used the bug in the end of her life. However, it was not likely that she could live for 3000-4000 years (as Ah Lei - XY's grandmother) 

- The most crucial factor is their own physical body properties and medical records. 

2. Spiritual energy/vitality (灵气)or spiritual power (灵力)- which is more important for surviving?

Cultivation is  the process of improving health, increasing longevity, and growing powerful. This is accomplished by cultivating Qi (气 ) and training in martial & mystical arts. In many of these novels, the ultimate goal of cultivation is to become an Immortal or attain godhood.

In xianxia universe, 灵气 is a kind of vital material or energy that is essential for life. If the live-being run out of 气, that person would die. The word 气 itself means gas, air or vital energy.  From modern medical view, it is essential elements for life such as oxygen, nutritions and energy. In most of translation tool,  灵气 is translated as spiritual energy. It is worth to mention that this term all covers other vital elements which is essential for life. 

灵力: is spiritual force or spiritual power. This term has direct connection to internal power or internal force. According to [1], internal power/force is the cultivated energy/power within a martial artist’s body. Utilizing it, a martial artist can accomplish superhuman feats of speed, agility, strength, endurance, etc… It can even be used to heal wounds and nullify poisons. The spiritual power/force reflects the force and action deployment ability of the cultivator. 

Since both 灵气, 灵力 overlaps on energy, I will use the term spiritual Qi for 灵气 and Spritual power for 灵力. 

As we know that the spiritual power of the 9-tailed fox condensed in the tails. Moreover, the tails strongly connected to other internal organs of the body as Hu Ya told XY when they arrived at the river bank in QS town after Jing was kicked in the water. 


"This is the clan leader's blood. It should be because the tails of the nine-tailed fox condensed with spiritual power were cut off one by one. The clan leader's internal organs were severely injured. He couldn't hold on any longer and fell here." (Chapter 42)

This is confirmed in the dialogue between Jing and Hou that cutting of Jing's tail could cause the most painful way of death since his internal organs suffered the damage. 


Jing's face turned pale, she pursed her lips tightly and said nothing. Hou said: "Then I can only tear off your tail one by one and let you die in the most painful way."
The tiger bit off another tail of the nine-tailed fox. Jing continued to fight the tiger while fighting the pain that seemed to be torn apart in her body.
The tiger slapped it with one claw, and the nine-tailed fox lost another tail. Hou roared and asked: "
Jing, would you rather have all your internal organs broken than say you are inferior to me?" (Chapter 42)

So the wound that Jing suffered was not only loss of 7 (over 9) tails, kicked in his heart by Hou and falling into the water, but also his internal organs were severely damaged. 

Let's take a look at the situation of 9-tailed fox demon who abducted Xiao Yao. He had ONE tail chopped off by Chi You. Xiao Yao said that his vitality (元气) was severely damaged. So, loss of 1 tail did not just mean losing about 11% of his cultivated power (功力), he might lost more than that because his vitality (internal Qi) was damaged, he could not function as usual and performe cultivation to gain spiritual power. 

“他应该一捉住我就杀了我,可是他被仇恨和贪婪蒙蔽了眼睛,用各种各样的宝贝养着我,逼我吃很多很恶心的东西,想把我养得肥肥时,再吃了我,用我的灵血恢复他失去的功力……哦,我忘记告诉你了,他其实已经不是九尾狐了,而是八尾,他的尾巴被剁掉了一根,元气大伤。他养了我三十年,就要大功告成,可那天他不小心,在我面前喝醉了。(Chapter 4)

"He should have killed me as soon as he caught me, but he was blinded by hatred and greed. He kept me with all kinds of treasures, forced me to eat a lot of disgusting things, and wanted to fatten me, eat me again, and use my spiritual blood to restore his lost power... Oh, I forgot to tell you, he is actually no longer a nine-tailed fox, but an eight-tailed fox. One of his tails was chopped off and his vitality was severely damaged. He had raised me for thirty years and was about to be done, but that day he accidentally got drunk in front of me. 

Although, the pill synthesized from XY's blood could partially keep him alive. The damage that Jing suffered was enormous. There was uncetainty that his internal could recover and function as usual for long term. The fox demon wanted to eat XY (blood and flees) to nutrition him in the hope of full recover from the loss of 1 tail. Although Jing got her blood elixir and later the blood jade made with a lot of her blood and XL’s spiritual power, this might be  justenough to recover him to certain extend and wake him up. 


XY suffered several severe health issues during her life. She lived 70 years in Jade Mountain with a lot of rare and superfood which changed her body and blood. Moreover, she spent a lot of time practicing 功 [gong] (a method of cultivation)Her spiritual power level was higher than others in her generation. She could survise alone in the forest for decades proved that she had high spiritual power and strong heath (For sure stronger than Jing). The 9-tailed fox demon forced her eat a lot of stuffs to fatten her as well as dispersing all of her spiritual power into the blood vessels and meridians. Thus her blood was rich of spiritual Qi (as said in chapter 46 when XY took her blood). In other word, all of her cultivation result was converted and stored in the form of Qi in her blood and meridians which was more easily to comsumed and absorb. The medicine also removed her cultivation skills. 




Xiangliu asked, "Why is your spiritual power so low?"

Xiao Liu said, "Originally, I also worked hard to cultivate, but that dead fox, in order not to waste my 
spiritual power, used medicine to abolish my cultivation, allowing my spiritual power to gradually disperse into the blood vessels and meridians, making it convenient for him to eat.

Xiangliu smiled and said, "I heard that the pain of dispersing power is like drilling through bones and sucking marrow. It seems that my forty lashes are too light. I need to find new tools of punishment in the future." (
Chapter 4)


The tripod caudron is transparent, it can be clearly seen the blood inside, and the spiritual Qi is flowing out, it is really beautiful. (Chapter 46)

Therefore, XY's total vitality materials and energy was almost unchanged, just stored in different form. Her cultivation skill (and maybe capability) was abolished. However this skill and the spiritual power could be restored with suitable training method in Jade Mountain as the Royal Mother told her in chapter 12


The Queen Mother took Xiao Liu's arm, held her pulse, and checked her body. After a moment, the Queen Mother let go of Xiao Liu and said calmly: "As long as you stay in Yushan, I may have a way to help you cultivate your profound spiritual power again. "

The consequence of having low spiritual power is XY could not do magical tricks, low fighting skill and her appearance would age faster than normal deity people. Actually many deity used their spiritual power to maintain their young appearance (this is a kind of illusional appearance). In Once Promised, Shao Hao's father or Royal Mother used to have very young looking despite of 4 - 5 thousand years of age. Ah Lei did not want to use spiritual power to change her look, thus she looked like an old woman with white hair. Royal Mother after hearing about Jan Emperor's death was so upset and she "aged" instantly which probably resulted from stopped using spiritual power to  maintain the look.  Therefore, XY's low spiritual power did not means her lifespan would be reduced significantly. 


The Queen Mother said coldly: "It doesn't matter who sealed it, you just need to know that I can help you now. Although you have a special physique, your spiritual power is low now, and your appearance will surely age faster than other women of the Gods in the future. The face flower retaining won’t do you any harm if it stays inside you.” 

Later when she got assasinated, she suffered a lot of wounds. Xang Liu used one of his life to exchange and extend her life. This life exchange and essential blood transfusion for 37 years long had changed XY to demi-demon and her blood now had properties of XL's blood besides her original blood properties. Since her body characteristics changed. In order to simplu understand it, the treatment by XL seemed to changed her gene. Since demon could live for very long time. Thus, this gene grafting could bring beneficial effect on XY's health properties. 

Last, whenever, people still had Qi or yuan qi, they would still survise. And people died when they run out of Qi.  In chapter 22 and chapter 48, what XY received from CX's guard and the blood spelled shell was spiritual Qi since it was vitality matter for life and survival. It was easily absorbed and comsumed by the body to maintain vitality.  Spiritual power could help cure the wound or providing strength for organs to function/work. In chapter 22, the endless stream of spiritual power which matched the right, crucial moment when her body run of physical strength. 




She really had no strength, and her heartbeat, which was weaker than a candle in the wind, had exhausted all her strength. Even with the tug and encouragement of another heart, her heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker.

Suddenly, a steady stream of spiritual power came in, allowing the weak heartbeat to continue.

She couldn't hear, see, or feel anything, but she felt sad because those spiritual powers were so sad and hopeless. Even the spiritual powers were crying. Xiao Yao really couldn't imagine how sad and desperate the owners of these spiritual powers must be. (Chapter 22)

Note: according to Han handbook: 力气 is physical strength; 气力" not only refers to physical strength, but also includes spirit. 

The timing of this stream of spiritual power came in the exact moment to keep the heart communication on going and XY could follow the instruction of the other heart whose was XL. 

Xiaoyao wanted to see who was sad, but she really didn't have the strength. She could only follow the pull of another heart and slowly lock herself up, just like a flower that changes from blooming to flower bud, and then from flower bud to flower bud. It turned back into a seed and hid in the soil. Waiting for the harsh winter to pass and spring to come.

Since XY had no breath and her body was severely damaged, she could not take Qi from surrounding into her body to maintain yuan qi. Thus, Xiao Xiao ordered the guards to transfer spiritual Qi to XY which kept her alive for much longer time until Xang Liu arrived

P/S: Could Jing's panic transfer of spiritual power come at right timing moment with endless, steady rate, matching the communication between XL and XY's heart? There is no such many coincidence. 


[1]. Glossary of Terms in Wuxia, Xianxia & Xuanhuan Novels | Immortal Mountain (wordpress.com) 

 AH :
Given all the things that he does to facilitate TSJ and XY being together, it would be pretty messed up if XL thought that TSJ was bad for XY.

There's a spectrum between thinking that Jing is bad for Xiao Yao and approval of Jing. 

 AH :
IMO, adding that line for XL in the drama makes drama!XL look pettier and more petulant than novel!XL

They've already made changes to dramaXL by allowing him to be more expressive. I don't see this as petty so much as a moment of frustration. And frankly, Jing's various failures should be acknowledged and called out more. CX is the only one who did, unfortunately, he gets dismissed as being motivated solely out of jealousy. 

We have different interpretations of who the devastating power belongs to, but even without that, Jing giving in to helplessness and not at least trying to get Xiao Yao out of there will never not be an issue for me. His sleeping for the next 37 years just compounds the problem. If he had stayed awake, maybe he could have sorted out his family drama and things wouldn't have gone to the dogs once XY wakes up.

 AH :
Novel!XL never seemed to expect TSJ to protect XY, and never seemed to blame TSJ for any danger that XY faced.

It isn't about expecting Jing to protect XY or blaming him for the danger that she faced. Although, in ancient/olden times, a man not being able to protect his woman would be seen as a total failure. It's more about should danger surface, Jing is not very capable of protecting XY. It's a good thing that XL taught XY archery so she won't have to rely solely on another person to protect her. At the end of the novel, the author arranges for Left Ear to be there - a substitute for XL of sorts. XL will no longer be there to protect XY or Jing, so his substitute will be tasked with that job, 'cause relying on Jing for this will result in an early grave for both of them.

 AH :
And XL found TSJ to be useful for a different purpose: filling the gap in XY's life (that XY expressed in their first meeting) as a person she could rely on.

Yes. Jing's main purpose.

 AH :
Zhi ji is a flexible term. It can have a very deep meaning, but it can also refer to a single moment of understanding.

The author of that piece and I will have to disagree about this one. Maybe the usage of this term has differed between Chinese and Vietnamese with time. Or maybe the terms have come to be used more casually in more modern times.  I also find that cited example of Wen Kexin and Zhou Zhisou to be off - being able to see through the disguise could just mean Wen Kexin has high martial arts abilities and can spot Zhou Shisou's martial arts ability beneath that beggar's persona - it doesn't have anything to do with knowing the actual person which is what zhiji means. Using zhiji there just seems really off to me and cheapens the meaning of the word. Maybe the author just wanted to lay the groundwork for the zhiji relationship to come between these two characters and was a bit heavy-handed.

 AH :
XL and TSJ collaborated more than once and had one clear shared goal when it came to XY. I can see how someone might look at that and see two people who shared an understanding on some level / at some point.

I shared many goals and understanding with my colleagues and I sure as heck wouldn't call them my zhiji :-)

@HeadInTheClouds, I think I read that post about Jing was XL's zhi ji. C'mon!

It's probably the same article. I may have taken them more seriously if it wasn't so obvious that their comprehension/interpretation of certain exchanges/incidences was so blatantly skewed to push a certain narrative. If you cannot pick up on the sarcasm/mockery of a line of dialogue and see it as an endorsement, then I question the rest of your interpretations.

Some insight about lifespan: Would Xiao Yao outlive Jing if they could live a normal life.

Thanks H19279. I will come back and read through this later. I have to say though, you ladies are out here analysing and giving details. Whereas I'm just thinking that in my decades of watching/reading wuxia/xianxia and whichever other xia that are out there, a person's internal energy or power is linked to their vitality. If a character depletes his/her internal power,  they usually die. So for Jing to lose 7/9 tails - the seats of his power - this suggests to me that his vitality will be severely impacted. Not only will his ability to protect XY be further diminished, but his lifespan will probably be as well.

I'm not sure where I read that Jing's lifespan was down to a century or so, but I'll see if I can find it.

Ah, maybe that's where I read it, the 9 tailed fox.  Will check it out.

Maybe you're thinking of the timeframe between the point when Chi You cut off one of the nine-tailed fox's tails (making him an eight-tailed fox) and the time when XY killed him? 

Chi You cut off that tail and gave it to Xiao Yao, who later gave it to CX before she was taken to Jade Mountain. She stayed on Jade Mountain for 70 years. Then she ran away from Jade Mountain and spent some time in a human's household (a pedo - whom she killed when he tried to remove her clothes) and then lived in society for a bit after learning to change her face, and we don't know exactly how long that period was. Then she lived alone in the mountains for 20 years after she lost control of her transformations. Then the eight-tailed fox captured her and tortured her for 30 years. At the end of the 30 years, the fox finally told XY that he would eat her in two more full moons. He sang a sad song and got drunk that night, so XY took the opportunity to poison him in order to escape and kill him. 

So the eight-tailed fox lived for a little over 120 years between the point that Chi You cut off one of his tails and the point when XY cut off the rest of his tails and then killed him. But the reason he died wasn't because of his reduced lifespan. He died because XY killed him. 

live for 3000-4000 years (as Ah Lei - XY's grandmother) 

Hmm, for some reason I thought there was a reference in one of the novels to the Yellow Emperor and Ah Lei taking over Xuan Yuan Mountain 6,000 years earlier (meaning that they both lived past 6,000 years old), but I can't find that reference now so I must be misremembering. 

The time references related to Ah Lei that I did find in Once Promised were: (1) when Ah Heng first met the 7th Flame Emperor, he told her that her mother had been famous 3,000 years earlier, and his father had instructed his older brother to ask for her hand in marriage; and (2) Ah Lei, Ah Mei and the 7th Flame Emperor were sworn siblings and very close, but parted company 2,000 years earlier - with Ah Lei marrying the Yellow Emperor, the 7th Flame Emperor marrying his wife, and Ah Mei becoming the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain shortly after their parting. Those time references seem to line up with the idea that Ah Lei would have been somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 when she died.  


One thing to note, though, was that Ah Lei did not live to the full extent of her lifespan (i.e., she didn't die from old age). She died from an illness that was exacerbated by heartbreak.


Chapter 5:

Xiao Liu started talking to himself, whatever he remembered he would say out loud. In the painful darkness, the images appeared strangely clear.


Grandmother’s health deteriorated and Mom was always by her side and couldn’t take care of her and Gege. People said that Uncle and Auntie died, and that Grandmother would die soon. She was so scared and at night she secretly climbed into bed with Gege and softly asked “What is death?” Gege answered “Death is never being able to see someone again”

“And can’t talk to that person again?” “Nope.” “Like you can’t see your mom and dad again?” “Yes.” “Is Grandmother going to die?” Gege embraced her tightly and his tears fell on her face.


Chapter 10:

Compared to Xiao Liu, Zhuan Xu was the real orphan. When he was very small, his father died in battle and his mother committed suicide on his father’s grave. His grandmother died of illness, and the auntie who was taking care of him also died in battle. He lost all his relatives who would have protected him. To survive, he had no choice but to leave his homeland and come to Gao Xing all alone.


Chapter 22:

Zhuan Xu smiled and said “I want to tell you guys a story about my childhood. I was very young then when my parents went to war, the war involving your grandfather. I stayed with my Grandmother and one day my Auntie brought my unconscious Mom back. Auntie kneeled before my Grandmother and kept bowing her head on the ground because she didn’t bring my Dad home. My Dad died in battle! My Grandmother asked my Auntie what happened and my Auntie wanted me to leave the room but my Grandmother had me stay. She said from now on, I was the only man in the family. My Auntie said things I only understood parts of, but I understood that my Dad didn’t need to die but my Ninth Uncle caused his death. But my Grandfather took my Ninth Uncle’s side. I watched my Grandmother, my Mom, and my Auntie hold each other and cry.”

Zhuan Xu stared directly at Feng Long and Xing Yue, “You have never experienced the pain of losing a loved one, so you can’t imagine the pain of those three women at that moment. Those three women were the strongest bravest women I had ever known in this world, but in that moment they were three heartbroken desolate inconsolable people. In that moment I vowed that I will one day be strong, be powerful, be greater than even the Yellow Emperor, just so I could protect them. I never ever wanted them to experience and endure heartbreaking sobbing. But before I could grow up, my Mom killed herself, my Grandmother died of a broken heart, and my Auntie died in battle. I could not protect any of them. They still died all alone and without any protection.”


Chapter 38:

If her Fourth Uncle didn’t die, then her Fourth Auntie wouldn’t have committed suicide. Then her Grandmother’s illness wouldn’t have taken a turn for the worse. Then her Mom wouldn’t have needed to go to battle….. Maybe, just maybe everything would be different now….

1. First of all, I would like to discuss what is the most crucial factor for lifespan.

- Race: high-class deity like Jing or XY could live for thousands of years

- Family bloodline: in modern words we call it gene.

- The most crucial factor is their own physical body properties and medical records.

2. Spiritual energy/vitality (灵气)or spiritual power (灵力)- which is more important for surviving?

Other important factors for deity lifespans that are heavily emphasized in LYF are a person's lifestyle and emotional well-being. 

Ah Lei died early due to heartbreak. We saw how intensely heartbreak impacted XY and TSJ's health over the course of the novel. And we are also shown how the Grand Emperor and the Yellow Emperor were able to recover from terrible health after they gave up their thrones for a different, less stressful lifestyle. 

Although XL did a lot to shield XY from the pain of his death, my guess is that XY will still grieve XL's death for some time, and that may impact her health. 

By the same token, TSJ and XY are escaping from their lives in Dahuang, where people kept trying to kill them, and heading for a life that should be simpler and less stressful. Which should mean that they will both live longer than if they had stayed. 




Chapter 39:

Ah Nian pleaded, “Zhuan Xu gege, please don’t attack Gao Xing anymore, okay? Dad is really exhausted, his hair has turned all white and his health is worsening and now has difficulty walking!


Zhuan Xu asked, “You said Master’s hair all turned white, is that really true?”

Ah Nian hiccupped. “When Dad announced that Xiao Yao was no longer a princess, that year I saw him one day gravely injured and his hair had turned all white. He was supposed too slowly recuperate, who knew you suddenly declared war and attacked us. Dad’s illness has never recovered…..I think he’s suffering from a broken heart which is why his hair and body can’t fully recover.

Zhuan Xu said, “Since Master is gravely ill, why are you here instead of spending time on Five Gods Mountain with him?”


Chapter 40:

Elder Liu angrily continued, “The Qing Long and Yi Hi tribes and their sneaky plans! They want Ru So to become the princess’s husband. The princess is useless and the Grand Emperor’s health is deteriorating fast. Once he passes, then Gao Xing would belong to Ru So who came from the Qing Long tribe. Rather than wait for Gao Xing to fall into the hands of the Qing Long tribe and at such time the Bai Hu and Chang Yi tribes are pushed to the edge, it’s better to seek greener pastures now.”


The Grand Emperor handed his wrist to Xiao Yao and she took his pulse and then checked his leg injury. Afterwards Xiao Yao said, “His majesty was gravely injured in the Chi Sui desert but Gao Xing has very good doctors and countless good medicine. If His majesty rested properly and healed then he would be mostly recovered now. But His majesty is plagued by emotional and mental worries, every day fretting and every night sorrowful, unable to sleep properly. That is why the illness hasn’t healed and instead has only gotten worse. If His majesty continues this way…” Xiao Yao’s words caught in her throat and she couldn’t say it out loud.

Zhuan Xu was shocked. “Fretting every day and sorrowful every night?” Was Xiao Yao really describing Master?

The Grand Emperor had nothing to say, he could conceal it from everyone but could not hide it from a skilled doctor. He could control his emotions from showing on his face but his body reflected his true feelings.

Zhuan Xu said “Master, I can understand fretting every day, but I don’t understand being sorrowful every night!”

The Grand Emperor said, “Zhuan Xu, you should understand. You are sitting in the position where you have lost the right to feel sad. It’s not that we don’t feel sad, it’s that we control and suppress our feelings deep inside our hearts.” The Grand Emperor smiled wryly. “Unfortunately when I was injured, the sadness I’ve suppressed my entire life was released and has become like a runaway horse that I can't control.


Chapter 41:

The Yellow Emperor resided on Xiao Yue Peak and never left, calling doctors to write medical texts while he used the mazes left by the Great Emperor Pan Gu to conjure up different climate zones on the Peak so he could experiment with planting different crops. The Yellow Emperor was only interested in his crops and nothing else outside of the Peak.

The White Emperor was the opposite, he didn’t stay on Xuan Yuan Mountain at all, instead always traveling around and even took Xiao Yao and Jing down the mountain with him.

The White Emperor opened a blacksmith shop in a desolate alley in Xuan Yuan Castle. He made anything and everything other than weapons. The location was out of the way but his skill was unparalleled so after tens of years it was so renowned that every day there were customers coming to place an order. The White Emperor was friendly and solicitous so all the folks liked this handsome old man.

If he wasn’t forging, he was drinking at an old wine shop while playing Go with an old musician, with the White Emperor losing more often than not. The old musician was so happy and suggested, “It can’t be helped that you don’t have the natural aptitude, this is already hard for ordinary folks to learn. Do you know who invented it? It was the Yellow Emperor! I’m descended from an illustrious family so that’s how I learned a little.”

The White Emperor just smiled as the old musician proudly twirled his mustache.

Beside the blacksmith shop there was a large tree, with firewood stacked underneath. Jing helped the White Emperor chop firewood while Xiao Yao sat on a stump and stared at this completely foreign White Emperor. Was he the same White Emperor who never smiled on Five Gods Mountain and even one cutting look could frighten an entire court of officials?

Jing finished cutting firewood and sat down beside Xiao Yao. She murmured, “How did he become a completely different person? If Ju Mang and Ru So saw him now they would die from shock!”

Jing said, “Perhaps he is back to being who he really was, the White Emperor that your Eldest Uncle Qing Yang met was probably just like this.”




Chapter 29:

The Yellow Emperor settled in Zhi Jin Summit and chose the most remote court. He rarely left his residence and never inquired into national affairs. Every day was spent on his health and well being, reading medical books and faithfully following Xiao Yao’s recommendations on taking care of himself. 


Chapter 30:

Ah Nian was reluctant to leave and kept by Zhuan Xu’s side while Xiao Yao attended to the Yellow Emperor and checked his vitals before reminding him of all the things he needed to pay attention to about his health.

These past years with Xiao Yao tending to him and his cooperation, the Yellow Emperor’s health had improved dramatically. If he remained cloistered away in Sheng Nong Mountain taking care of himself then he would have no problem living another few hundred years.


Chapter 31:

Xiao Yao stopped sleeping in and got up early every day to take classes at the medical school. The Yellow Emperor also got up early every day and went to tend the fields and read up on medical texts. One old, one young, the days passed peacefully on Xiao Yue Summit.

Every day Zhuan Xu would come have dinner with them rain or shine. After years of testing Zhuan Xu finally understood that the Yellow Emperor had let everything go with no intention of ever going back to rule. Zhuan Xu also gained experience with ruling Xuan Yuan and didn’t need his advice as much so he stopped telling the Yellow Emperor every detail of what went on in court and only shared the critical issues with him.

Most of the time Zhuan Xu never talked about politics or Zhi Jin Palace. He discussed the land with the Yellow Emperor and asked Xiao Yao what she learned today, the new friends she made in class, or whether anything interesting happened.


Chapter 34:

Xiao Yao was uneasy and didn’t have the mood to do anything. She went to tend the fields with the Yellow Emperor and worked backbreaking labor under the sun to wear out her body and relax her tension.


Jing followed behind the servant into the canyon and saw from the distance two people dressed in burlap sitting by the field. When he got close he realized it was Xiao Yao and the Yellow Emperor.


Chapter 40:

The Grand Emperor cut him off with a wave of the hand. “Sheng Nong Mountain is vastly different than Xuan Yuan Mountain yet the Yellow Emperor is living there just fine. I hear the Yellow Emperor’s health is even better than before. The importance of Xuan Yuan Mountain cannot be overstated so many will object but if you dare give it to me then I will be very comforted.

Although, the pill synthesized from XY's blood could partially keep him alive. The damage that Jing suffered was enormous. There was uncetainty that his internal could recover and function as usual for long term. The fox demon wanted to eat XY (blood and flees) to nutrition him in the hope of full recover from the loss of 1 tail. Althought Jing got her blood elixir and later the blood jade made with a lot of her blood and XY's spiritual power, this might be enough to recover him to certain extend and wake him up.

In chapter 33, XY used her blood (plus many rare and valuable medicines) to create a medicinal pill for TSJ, which he consumed just before TSH cut off seven of his tails. In chapter 46, XL used XY's blood to create a special jewel, which he gave to a merman to administer to TSJ. XL or the mercouple may also have taken additional steps (e.g., given him additional medicine, used blood magic, or used an extra life) to help stabilize / heal / revive TSJ. One way or another, TSJ was able to wake up and return to XY, and he was able to draw on some level of power in chapter 51. 

Both the medicinal pill and the jewel were created from huge amounts of XY's blood. Her blood that contained the benefits of all the treasures that she consumed on Jade Mountain. Her blood that contained the spiritual energy that the eight-tailed fox had stripped from her and put into her bloodstream. Her blood that was altered by 37 years' worth of essential blood transfusions from XL. To the extent that those aspects of her blood would have helped extend XY's life, in addition to partly recovering some of his power and waking up, shouldn't TSJ have received a significant portion of the same life-extending benefits through the pill and jewel that he consumed that were created from so much of her blood? 

The spiritual power that the eight-tailed fox stripped from XY and seeped into her blood was the primary treatment that the eight-tailed fox sought for his own injury / lost powers. And her blood had since been enhanced by XL's blood. Although TSJ's injuries were greater, and blood synthesized in a pill and a jewel would not compare to an entire child's body + all her blood, surely it would still have a pretty massive effect? And XY had the rest of her life to make more such pills for TSJ if she wanted to. It seems like that would be in keeping with her previous behaviour. 

In chapter 1, XY nursed TSJ back to health from the brink of death. In chapter 22, she saved him from the brink of death again. And in chapter 33 TSJ's illness (including remnants of his illness from chapter 22) threatened his life again and XY treated him thoroughly with her improved medical knowledge to return him to full health. XY wouldn't be able to replace TSJ's lost tails, but if anyone could treat the injuries to his organs, I imagine it would be her. 

So although I do think that XY will probably outlive TSJ, I'm not worried that he'll end up dying and abandoning her after a very short time due to his shortened lifespan.