XL (trying to be as nonchalant as possible): You are afraid? What are you afraid of?
XY: You. I am afraid of you.

Xiang Liu was stunned. After a while, his lips curved, as if in a laugh, yet not quite.

XL: Is kissing me more frightening than death?

Thanks a lot for all the translations you do:) got me to go and watch the scene again and cry again...

So did he actually shared her sorrow?? Cuz in the drama she asked if he was controlling the bug and her heart ached.

when he caused her heart beat increased in CX's wedding, she talked (to herself --> transfering to the bug that XL, stop). She knew he did it. As I said, this time he wanted to draw Jing's attention. 

XY later asked him if he could feel her heartache - meaning her sorrow, her emotional pain. XL answered that he felt them as much as her. Thus, she should take care of her heart and herself. If she felt alright, he would also be better (since no suffer from her pain). 


"Can you share with me some examples of these tactics. I know that there are a few readers/viewers who see Jing as quite manipulative."

Honestly, there were quite a few. Off the top of my head I recall the scene from chapter 14, when XY got annoyed at him and told him she wants to take back her promise. He starts self-pitying himself about being a cripple and how FFY doesn't like him because of that. Was enough to make XY feel guilty. This is not him being genuine, this is him being manipulative, because Jing is not dumb, he is weak, but not naive, on the contrary, he is a fox, a cunning one. He mentioned quite a few times în the novel how he is aware of XY's kind nature and how he does not want to take any more advantage of that. That's the same manipulation his grandma used on him to get him to continue with FFY. It runs în the family, I guess. 

"Did any of you ladies feel like their interactions became less cheesy/theatre-acting as the story continued"

I belive their relationship did become more genuine after their 43 years engagement, but not really in a more romantic sense. Kinda how some couples turn after a long relationship, the sparks aren't there anymore, but  they genuinely care and got used to eachother.

Also, I am firmly convinced that if XY knew all the things XL did for her, she definetely wouldn't have been able to run away with Jing at the end. Some of you guys belive that the reason why XL did his best to hide everything from her was because he wanted to spare her from a bigger pain, but I belive that's only part of the reason. He also did it so she can keep Jing by her side. 


Thanks a lot for all the translations you do:) got me to go and watch the scene again and cry again...

You're most welcome. So sorry to make you cry again. I think that is part of the vicious cycle for those who love Xiang Liu...

5 days ago
 AH :
Xiao Xiao is CX's maid.

The maid who told XY how ill TSJ was when XY came to visit TSJ in chapter 33 (after FFB took her away from her wedding with Feng Long in chapter 32), was TSJ's maid, Jing Ye. 

Thank you, I keep mixing them up. 

You're welcome. ^^

Speaking of which, I can help but notice that Jing is using the same tactics to keep XY tied to him as his grandma uses to keep Jing tied to her wishes. The debt card, the pity card, such a gross manipulation IMO. Both XY and Jing are weak when it comes to these things, but Jing, same as his grandma, kept taking advandage of XY's weakness over and over again while being aware of XY's kind nature, he knew what he's doing. 

Did he know what he was doing? I feel like the details that Tong Hua provides in relation to TSJ's actions and intentions are sometimes contradictory, or at least open to multiple interpretations. 

Sometimes he is portrayed as earnest and well-intentioned (and sometimes even a bumbling, awkward, clueless person when it comes to XY), with any manipulation seemingly only being done accidentally and unknowingly. At other times, certain details make it seem like some of the things he says or does... he must have either said or done them with the intent to deceptively manipulate XY or, even if he had other reasons for saying or doing those things, he must have at least been aware of the unfairly manipulative effect those words or actions would be likely to have on XY. For example, in chapter 14, XY brings up the engagement. TSJ tells XY not to worry about FFYY because she doesn't even like him. When XY asks him why that would be the case, TSJ tells her that FFYY doesn't like him because he's a cripple and she was shocked by him. An answer that seems honest and was framed in an understated way, but of course it also stir's up XY's sympathy, which is important for the next part of their conversation. When XY calls FFYY beautiful, TSJ tells XY that she is the most beautiful and launches into a speech about how unexpectedly beautiful she is and how much better than him she is. Even if his intent was to make XY feel more secure and to convince her that he would definitely not choose FFYY over her, the way he went about it... he ought to have been well aware that he was playing on her pity.

Some things seem like they could go either way. For example, in chapter 33, TSJ seemingly tries to hide his illness (i.e., the fact that his health is in such bad shape that his life is in danger) from XY, and when TSJ's maid (Jing Ye) tells XY the truth about his health, TSJ chides her. Perhaps that was all genuine, in which case TSJ was actively trying to not use the state of his health to manipulate XY. Or perhaps TSJ's actions were all for show. Perhaps he knew that XY would certainly find out about the true state of his health during her visit (perhaps he even decided from the beginning of their visit to try to get her to treat his illness as a first step towards restarting their relationship), and only pretended to hide the truth from her so that XY would soften towards him and not suspect that TSJ was using his health to manipulate her. In which case, TSJ's actions were intentionally super manipulative. 

And in chapter 18, when XY calls TSJ straightforward, XL thinks that description is worthy of an eye-brow raise. Suggesting that XY thinks of TSJ as a straightforward person, and XL does not share that view of TSJ. If XL thinks that TSJ is not straightforward, does he think that TSJ intentionally manipulates XY? Or does he view "straightforward" as a questionable descriptor for TSJ for other reasons?


Chapter 8:

This time Shi Qi’s response was immediate, “You’re a girl.”

Xiao Liu actually felt Shi Qi had known for a long time that she was a girl, but how did Shi Qi know? “Why are you so certain? Even Xiang Liu being that smart can’t be absolutely certain I’m a girl.”

Shi Qi softly chuckled. “That’s because he hasn’t seen you……” He suddenly shut up.

“Seen me what?”

Shi Qi refused to explain so Xiao Liu got more curious. “Seen me what?” Xiao Liu shook Shi Qi’s arm coquettishly and wheedled, “Not seen me what? Tell me! Tell me!”

Xiao Liu was always acting like a loutish man and this was the first time showing a pouty girlish side. Even in the darkness and Shi Qi couldn’t see her face clearly, he was already defeated. He said, “The first time I bathed after I was strong enough, you sat to the side and I saw…..when you saw my body…..I knew you… me…..”

Xiao Liu yelped and then covered her face. “You’re lying! I didn’t, I didn’t!”

“I’m not lying.”

“You’re lying, it’s totally a lie. I never blush.”

“I’m not lying.”

Shi Qi usually gave in to whatever Xiao Liu wanted so this was the first time he was so absolutely stubborn and unwilling to concede to her. 


“My father died shortly after I was born. I have an older twin brother named Tu Shang Hou. 


One day, my brother came to see me and asked to talk. I went with him without any suspicion, and when I woke up I was in a deep dark jail cell, my powers sealed, my limbs in dragon bone chains.”

Shi Qi talked nonstop to get to this point, but the painful torture, the endless degradation, it all came rushing back and in the darkness his body clenched tightly. Xiao Liu quickly pressed on his heart and softly murmured, “This is not that prison, I am here, Shi Qi, I am here.”

Shi Qi buried his head in Xiao Liu’s hair and after some time was able to calm down. “When I was being tortured and shamed, I thought about making him pay when I got out. But if that happened then even if I lived a part of me would still be dead. I would never be a complete person, I would only be someone tormented by shame and vengeance. Thankfully the person who saved me was you, no matter how broken down and scarred I was, you only saw me as a treasure and cared for me tenderly. No matter how many horrific scars were on my body, you would always…..blush…..” This time Xiao Liu didn’t interrupt Shi Qi and quietly let him finish.

“Xiao Liu, when I see you, I have no hatred and vengeance in my heart, only gratitude. I am grateful the Heavens let me live, let me have a still whole body, let my eyes still see, so that I can see you pretend to be stupid, let my ears hear, so that I can hear you complain, let my hands still work, so that I can help you dry your hair, let my legs still move, so that I can carry you. Xiao Liu, I don’t want revenge, I just want to be Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu lowered her head.

Shi Qi said, “I don’t want to go back because my brother is very capable and much more ruthless than me. He’s actually a more suitable leader of the clan than me. If he’s there, the family will be fine. As long as there is no Tu Shan Jing, then Tu Shan Hou will be the best. But that day I went with you to the jewelry store without knowing it belonged to the family. Jing Ye recognized me and the entire store saw me, word would soon get back to my brother that I was alive. I don’t want revenge, and I want even less to be Tu Shan Jing, but once my brother knows he will hunt me down no matter where I go. I was afraid he would hurt you and Lao Mu and them so I had to go back to being Tu Shan Jing. If I am in the open, then my brother will know where his target is and not aim wildly.”

Xiao Liu sighed. “You don’t want to hurt him but he wants to hurt you. For your own safety you ought to kill him, but if you do you can’t have a peace of mind. His death is an instant release but you’ll carry the guilt your whole life. I guess you really can’t kill him.”

Shi Qi was so happy. “I knew you would understand and support me. Jing Ye and them cannot understand why I don’t want revenge.”


Shi Qi’s breathing was erratic and his heartbeat was also fast. Xiao Liu knew what he wanted to say but was embarrassed to say. So she didn’t rush and instead nestled like a cat on his shoulder waiting patiently.

“Xiao Liu….I……I know I am engaged and have no right to say this to you…..and I never dared to….but…….I will call off the engagement, I will call off the engagement! You wait for me for twenty years….no…, fifteen years. You give Tu Shan Jing fifteen years, and after fifteen years I’ll give you back a Ye Shi Qi.”

Xiao Liu asked, “How do you want me to wait?”

“You… won’t let another man……into your heart.”

Xiao Liu was silent.

In the darkness, Shi Qi couldn’t see Xiao Liu’s expression and he was so nervous he forgot to breathe.

Xiao Liu suddenly burst out laughing and Shi Qi didn’t know if her laughter was mocking him for daring or….

Xiao Liu said, “You, you really don’t know me at all. My heart is cold and there is a hard shell encasing it. Forget fifteen years, likely in fifty years there won’t be a man who goes inside.”

Shi Qi asked, “So you’re agreeing? Let’s make a palm promise.

Xiao Liu lazily raised her palm and Shi Qi felt where it was and then solemnly pressed his palm on hers. After they joined palms, he didn’t release and instead tightly held her hand. “Xiao Liu, I’m, I’m so happy.” His voice was quivering as his heart soared.

Xiao Liu couldn’t help but smile. “You said everything boils down to a business transaction, so why do I feel like I’m not getting the better end of the bargain here?”

Shi Qi shook her hand. “That doesn’t include love, only love can never be measured by profit or loss. Family love, sibling love, friendship love, romantic love, it seems so easy but is a rare treasure that cannot be bought with any amount of money.”

Xiao Liu giggled, “They say Tu Shan Jing is a shrewd businessman and great at conversation. I didn’t believe it since you’re always so stupid looking around me and rarely talking. Today I finally believe it.”

Shi Qi laughed lightly and his laughter was just like his personality – gentle, peaceful, pure.

Xiao Liu said, “Shi Qi, I’m not like you. I’m not a businessman but I know that I am a ruthless person. I am ruthless towards others and even more ruthless towards myself. Do you know that?”

“I do.”

Xiao Liu laughed. “Do you really?”

Shi Qi said, “I know you never give yourself hope so you don’t trust first and won’t give first. You have a true heart but if the other doesn’t appreciate it, then you won’t give it. I’m willing to wait, wait until you’re willing to hope.”

“What if in my entire lifetime I’m not willing?”

“Then I’ll wait an entire lifetime. As long as you don’t disappear, then even if it’s an entire lifetime it will still be happy.” Shi Qi smiled – Xiao Liu was ruthless and cold to herself, but to everyone else in her life she was so good. Lao Mu, Chuan Zi, Mai Zi, Xan Tian Er, these people were just passing by in her life yet she gave them everything they needed for their own lives.

Darkness like death, silence like death, the most infamous jail cell in the vast wilderness made any prisoner seek death, but to Shi Qi and Xiao Liu, as they talked they didn’t even feel like time was passing. Shi Qi was so grateful that Zhuan Xu locked him up in the same cell as Xiao Liu, and only here did he have the courage to reveal his greatest wish. He even wished now to never leave, he was willing to spend an entire lifetime here with Xiao Liu. When the footsteps of the jailer sounded, Shi Qi felt like it was much too short.


Chapter 14:

Jing sat down across from her and said softly, “Can you stay for a bit before going back? Just a little bit.”

Xiao Yao said nothing.

“I waited for you all night and thought you weren’t coming.”

Xiao Yao said angrily, “If you thought I wasn’t coming, then why keep waiting?”

Jing didn’t know how to answer. If she didn’t come, then he didn’t know where else to go. In this dark deep place, he once experienced the sweetest happiness, but the one who gave him the happiness was Xiao Liu. It wasn’t this girl before him now. If she took back her promise, he would completely understand.

Xiao Yao got on her knees and faced him, her eyes reflecting her anger. “Do you think waiting all night was hard? You have a fiancee! You step out with her all the time together, and then you find any opportunity to remind me of my promise to you. If you don’t trust me, then why ask me to promise? Let me tell you, last night I tried to keep the promise and almost died!”

Xiao Yao shoved Jing hard. “I don’t want to play anymore. I take back my promise! You scram back to Qing Qiu and go marry Fang Feng Yi Yang!”

Jing didn’t dare do anything back to her but he also didn’t budge. “I won’t marry her. She doesn’t like me so she likely doesn’t want to marry me either.”

Xiao Yao stopped shoving. “I don’t believe it! What reason does she have to not like you?”

“I’m a cripple and I can tell she’s shocked and dismayed. One time she saw the scars on my body and was shocked…..” To say “shocked” was an understatement, Yi Yang’s face was stark white and she was petrified, not daring to look at him in that moment. Since then, when they were alone together, she would purposely keep her distance from him.

Xiao Yao felt terrible. She knew Jing had a crippled leg and his scars were truly scary, but that shouldn’t be a reason to dislike him. Xiao Yao said, “You guys have been engaged for tens of years, shouldn’t she not care about such external trappings?”

“In truth, before I saw her in Qing Shui Town, I didn’t even know what she looked like. We never met before and she was chosen by my mother. By then my mother was very sick and I didn’t want her to fret over my marriage so I agreed immediately. I took care of my mother and ran the businesses so I was so busy I didn’t care much about this. It was my brother who went off to meet her and came back with a smile and told me “congrats, she’s beautiful and smart”. After mother died, I had to take care of my despondent brother so was in no mood for romance. After my grandmother revealed my brother’s birth, I was even less inclined to think about this. Then my grandmother wanted to set the wedding date and that was when I remembered I had a fiancee. My grandmother is elderly and my sister-in-law is of no use, so the Tu Shan clan needs a lady of the house to help my grandmother with her worries. After my grandmother discussed with the clan elders, they set a wedding date but before it arrived, I was already captured by my brother.”

So Qing Shui Town was their first meeting, no wonder Fang Feng Yi Yang was disappointed…..Xiao Yao’s feelings were so conflicted, she felt angry and upset, but also somewhat happy. She really didn’t know what she was thinking.

After a moment, Xiao Yao said coolly, “Miss Fang Feng is definitely very beautiful and she’s quite capable. If she’s got high standards that’s normal, don’t feel too bad about it.”

“You. Are the most beautiful.” Jing said that and then lowered his head.

“Even now?”


Xiao Yao burst out laughing. “Now I know why the young girls are putty in Zhuan Xu’s hands with his honeyed words. Even though I know you’re not telling the truth, I still like hearing it.”

I’m telling the truth, Xiao Yao. I never imagined you would look like this. If I had known you were like this…..even in the dark prison I would have never dared to reveal my greatest wish….” Jing’s back was straight but his head was still lowered, like a tree growing in darkness. “My body, my voice….do you know why I never got my crippled leg healed even knowing I can? Because I know that even when I’m healed, the real injury is inside that no medicine can heal. I can wear clothes to cover up my hideous scars, I can use rare medicine to cure my crippled leg, I can talk less to conceal my voice, I can lie to everyone that I can still the dashing Young Master of Qing Qiu, but I can’t lie to myself……Xiao Yao, I’m not good enough for you! This time, there will be many handsome, smart, physically whole young men…”

“Jing, raise your head! Tu Shan Jing, raise your head.”

Jing slowly raised his head and Xiao Yao put her face right in front of his and murmured, “Last night, a man forced me to kiss him, but right now all I want to do is kiss you.” Her lips softly landed on his lips and Jing’s body shook and he darted backwards. “No….Xiao Yao.”

Xiao Yao closed her eyes and raised her face, her cheeks bright red as her body softly shivered. “Jing…..Jing…..”

Xiao Yao’s soft voice was so low he almost could hear what she was saying, but Jing was shaking as his lips touched the peach blossom birthmark on her forehead and it felt like a fire burned from Xiao Yao straight to his head. His cold heart warmed up, with the hope that one day those scars concealed deep within his heart would also heal.

Jing tightly embraced Xiao Yao and buried his face in her neck, this joy like a dream where he just wanted to hold Xiao Yao forever and never let go.

Xiao Yao murmured, “You’re suffocating me.”

Jing immediately released her with his face bright red. Xiao Yao chuckled and rested her head on his arm and looked at him. Jing was embarrassed so turned his head slightly. “You said just now that you almost died last night, and also said…..”

Xiao Yao waved her hand casually. “It’s nonsense, I just said it to scare you.”

Jing looked at Xiao Yao with doubt in his eyes, but he knew she didn’t want to discuss it anymore.

Xiao Yao laughed and pointed to her lips. “Why not here?”

Jing said in a low voice, “Now’s not the time yet.”

“What time then….?” Xiao Yao lowered her eyes and used her hands to cover her face and her embarrassment.

Jing couldn’t answer because the choice was with Xiao Yao and not with him. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire her, but what he wanted was her love. He didn’t want her pity and care for him, she already gave him too much, he didn’t want to continue using her kindness.

Xiao Yao peeked at him through her fingers. “I thought you men when you see a girl all want to push her down on the pallet and rip their clothes off….” Xiao Yao couldn’t continue, ever since she returned to being a girl, she couldn’t be as shameless as Xiao Liu anymore. Especially now, she was dying to take what she just said back.

Jing may have been very proper, but he was still the clan leader and would often go to places of pleasure to discuss business. Plus the scions of the powerful families were all experienced in the male-female relations, and Jing as a man clearly knew enough. In discussing business, he saw more and heard more explicit things than this and was always just fine with it. But facing Xiao Yao, he felt this fire burning through him and he tried to explain, “I am not like that.”

The two were silent, their shyness conveyed in their awkwardness, mixed with the tender stirrings of happiness.


Chapter 16:

“I heard Xiao Yao saying the Prince will be back after dinner. If you have something urgent, you should send word to Xuan Yuan Mountain.”

“I already sent someone to Xuan Yuan Mountain.”

Xiao Yao shot up fully awake. That gentle raspy voice, other than Jing who else could it be?

It was so weird. Anytime she heard him talking to someone else, she always felt it was not the same Jing she knew. When he was saying something false to others, he remained calm and smooth, yet when he talked with her it always felt like he was slightly tongue-tied and awkward.


Xiao Yao acted like she heard nothing from earlier and politely said to Jing, “Gege is in Cao Yun Peak and I’ll have someone summon him back. If Young Master is not busy, then wait here. If you’re busy, then you can go back first and I’ll have Gege go find you.” She actually called a maid in and told her to summon Zhuan Xu back from Xuan Yuan Mountain.

Xiao Yao curtsied to Jing, “Bei and I have other matters, we’ll be leaving now.”


Xiao Yao felt a pair of eyes on her back, it was heavy, so heavy she felt she couldn’t move. But she decided on it so she forced her footsteps to be light as she laughed.

When they got to the front door, she suddenly remembered what Zhuan Xu asked her earlier and stopped. She didn’t know why but she just wanted to be mad at Jing.

Fang Feng Bei asked, “What is it?”

Xiao Yao said, “I suddenly remembered that Gege asked me to do something. I won’t accompany you today and let’s make it up another time, okay?”


Inside the court, it was eerily silent with no movement. Jing sat on the pallet without moving and it was unclear what he was thinking.

Xiao Yao said to herself: he’s Tu Shan Jing, not the broken and battered Ye Shi Qi that no one wants.

Xiao Yao smiled as she walked over and sat down facing Tu Shan Jing. “Do you want some tea? I’ll have the maids make some for you.”

Jing’s voice was low. “No.”

Xiao Yao was very eager. “Then you want some wine? I’ll have the maids warm up some wine? Xuan Yuan Castle isn’t as warm as Qing Qiu, and now it’s late Autumn so everyone likes warmed wine.”


Xiao Yao laughed. “Then what do you want?”

“You are here, that is enough.”

There was the hint of a smile in Jing’s eyes mixed with sadness. But it really did appear that no matter what Xiao Yao did or said, as long as she was there then he was content.

Xiao Yao suddenly felt really pointless, like pushing with all her might at a cloud.

Jing handed a box to Xiao Yao and she opened it to find inside was a necklace with a purple gem hanging on a pendant. It was crystal clear and glittering.

Xiao Yao was in disbelief. “A fish amethyst?”

“I wanted to find you a red fish ruby but it really is hard to find and needs to be by chance. Only a fish amethyst was found and initially I wanted to engrave it but then thought you probably want to put it in your mouth so you can swim longer in the water. This shape is round so it’s comfortable to hold in your mouth. If you want a design, I’ll have it carved for you.”

Xiao Yao asked, “This was hard to find, right?”

“Not difficult.”

“Not difficult? Even the Tu Shan clan with wealth to rival a kingdom could only find a purple one. In the future when you give something to a girl, be more sincere about it.”

Jing said nothing.


“So if I put it in my mouth I can swim underwater?”

“Yes, I tested it already.”

Xiao Yao was almost ready to put the gem in her mouth but when she heard this she quickly put her hand down and felt the gem was hot in her hands.

Jing was worried that Xiao Yao loved to play so much she got in trouble. “The longest time I swam was for one day, two nights. But I have powers so just to be safe don’t do it for longer than ten hours.”

Xiao Yao murmured a yes. Jing liked quiet over activity but to test the gem he swam for one day and two nights in the water.

Xiao Yao suddenly flopped on the pallet and buried her head in her arms.

Jing was shocked and his voice quivered, “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, are you alright?”

“I’m fine, I just hate you a little.” Every time when she steeled her heart, he always had a way of softening it. Was it because she saved him and took him home that she just couldn’t be heartless with him?

“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t appear!” Jing didn’t know what Xiao Yao was thinking, all he knew was that Xiao Yao was very unhappy but earlier she was very happy with Fang Feng Bei.

Xiao Yao was so angry she threw the gem at him. “You are such a big idiot! I don’t know why everyone else thinks you’re so smart.”

Jing didn’t dare duck so just sat there.


Xiao Yao glared at him and played with the gem and groused, “You came to Xuan Yuan Castle, why bring along….. Do you still want to end the engagement? If you don’t, then tell me earlier so I am not holding onto my promise with you!”

Jing hurriedly said, “I want to end it! I already told my grandmother I don’t want to marry Fang Feng Yi Yang!”

Xiao Yao lowered her head and said nothing.

Jing continued, “All these years, Yi Yang spent by my grandmother and is very close with her. She didn’t agree to let me end it but agreed to postpone the wedding. This time Yi Yang wanted to come to Xuan Yuan Castle and I didn’t want to take her but grandmother said the clan owed her for me to treat her like a little sister.”

Xiao Yao played with the gem and thought about it.

Jing said, “Xiao Yao, my grandmother spoils me. I will be able to convince her.”

Xiao Yao said, “I’ll accept this fish amethyst!” She put the necklace around her neck and then tucked the pendant into her robe.

Jing noticed and his heart skipped a beat and he lowered his head.

Xiao Yao said, “I’m learning archery from Fang Feng Bei who offered to teach me which is why we’ve been hanging out.”

Jing’s heart soared and he said with a smile, “No need to explain, and I have no right to ask you to explain. Just now, you coming back, that is enough.”

But she didn’t come back just now for Jing, she came back because of Zhuan Xu! Xiao Yao felt this pressure in her heart, was her relationship with Jing also subject to being used? Xiao Yao said, “Do you remember promising me not to hurt Xuan?”


“I don’t know what my Gege wants to do, but if it doesn’t harm Tu Shan clan, can you help him a little?”

Jing warmly said, “If it’s this request, you need not even ask. I actually came with Feng Long this time to discuss something with Zhuan Xu.”

“If you didn’t have something to discuss, then you wouldn’t have come?” Xiao Yao bit her lip and furrowed her brow.

Jing's heart skipped a beat and he explained, “Feng Long asked me to wait for him but I couldn’t wait any longer and came first….”

“This is called coming first? I’ve been in Xuan Yuan Castle for twenty months now.”

Jing tried to think through what Xiao Yao said and he felt she meant he came too late. But he couldn’t quite believe she would mean that, so he had to think through each word and really wished she would say it again so he could hear her tone of voice.

Xiao Yao was silent and then sighed, standing up to walk away.

Jing grabbed her and stammered, “Xiao Yao, you…you…you want to see me?”

Xiao Yao stared at him and he said with uncertainty, “I know I’m rather dense at some stuff, if I made a wrong assumption, don’t be angry.”

Xiao Yao felt like she was looking at Shi Qi again and her heart softened. “Do you want to see me?”

Jing nodded very solemnly. Because he missed her to the core, he thought of an idea and convinced Feng Long and then dragged Feng Long and Xing Yue thousands of miles to come to Xuan Yuan Castle to convince Zhuan Xu.

Xiao Yao was angry. “Why didn’t you come?”

“Some things I needed to do.”

Xiao Yao sighed. “How can you be so certain I won’t let another man into my heart?”

Jing shook his head, he was so uncertain.

Xiao Yao was so exasperated. “You….are so stupid!”

Jing was taken aback. Compared to Fang Feng Bei’s dashing charm, he really was too dull and staid.


Chapter 33:

“Why did you do it?”

“That day, on the streets of Qing Qiu, you told me you were getting married but there wasn’t a hint of happiness in your eyes. No one forced you so why are you forcing yourself to marry Feng Long? I….I couldn’t let you marry Feng Long like that. I begged him to cancel the wedding but he said no. I wanted to find you but I knew I was pouring oil on the flame. Right when I was at my wits end, I ran into Fang Feng Bei. I remembered that you promised to do one thing for Xiang Liu as the price for breaking the voodoo bug in Zhuan Xu. Since Zhuan Xu became Emperor, the provisions have been scarce in the army base so I discussed a deal with Xiang Liu to buy the promise you made to him. I asked him to beg you to cancel the wedding. But I couldn’t have imagined that he would show up at the actual wedding ceremony to ask you to fulfill your promise. It was my fault, Xiao Yao, I’m sorry!

Xiao Yao coolly said, “Nothing to be sorry about, it was a willing transaction between us all. My deal with Xiang Liu was fair and willing, your deal with Xiang Liu is also fair and willing. But I hope that you will never get involved in my life again! Whether I’m happy or not has nothing to do with you!”

Xiao Yao felt her coming to Qing Qiu was ridiculous but now that she said her piece, she had nothing else left to stay for, so she stood up to say her farewell to leave. Jing jumped up and blocked the door while calling, “Xiao Yao…..” while his body shook like he was about to keel over.

Xiao Yao quickly assisted him and took a look at his ill visage and wanted to take his pulse.

Jing pushed her hand aside. “I’m fine! It’s dark now so please stay one night. You can leave in the morning. If you don’t want to see me, I’ll leave immediately.” Jing’s face was stark white which made his eyes even darker, there appeared a million things he wanted to say but couldn’t and it all turned to despair.

Xiao Yao remembered what Xan Tian Er said and sighed before sitting down. “I’ll leave tomorrow.”

Jing stared at Xiao Yao for a moment and then sadly said, “I’m leaving. You rest well and Jing Ye will keep watch outside. If you need anything, let her know.”

Jing walked to the door when Xiao Yao suddenly said, “I have something to say to you.”

Jing turned and quietly waited.


Jing quietly watched Xiao Yao and wished this moment could go on forever.

Xiao Yao said, “All these years, I have not slept well and constantly thought about the past.”

Jing was shocked. He hadn’t slept one night well all these years either and constantly thought about the past. But Xiao Yao appeared fine, so Jing thought she had totally gotten over him.


Xiao Yao’s tears fell and she turned around to use her sleeve to wipe her tears but it fell more and more.

Jing was so anxious he grabbed her. “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao….don’t cry! You did nothing wrong. I promised to make the effort and to have faith in you and to protect you, but I didn’t do it.”

Xiao Yao leaned her head on his shoulder and cried soundlessly. In the thousands of nights in the dark, she hated Fang Feng Yi Yang, hated Jing, and in the end, hated herself.

Jing felt like a knife was cutting his heart when he heard Xiao Yao crying. This was the first time she ever cried for him. When she heard Yi Yang was pregnant, she smiled at him. [If he could choose again,] [Note: I'm wondering if a more accurate translation might be, "If he had a choice,"?] he would rather that she act like she didn’t care, he would rather that she really forgot him. He didn’t want Xiao Yao to be as pained and tormented as him.

Jing softly stroked her back. “Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao…..” He kept murmuring her name over and over, like him calling her every night as he missed her and thought of her but could never touch her.

Xiao Yao hit Jing hard and cried, “Why didn’t you let me get married? Why can’t you let me act like I’m fine and keep walking forward with a smile?”

Jing couldn’t answer. Why? Perhaps it was Xiao Yao’s look of sadness as she stood on the streets of Qing Qiu. He didn’t want her entire life to be like that. Perhaps he loved her too deeply and couldn’t let her marry another man. Perhaps deep inside his heart was a sliver of undying hope.

Jing said, “I apologized earlier but I take it back now. I don’t regret it at all. Even Xiang Liu using such an extreme means that caused the entire vast wilderness to descend into chaos, I’m still very happy that you didn’t marry Feng Long.”

“You… bastard!” Xiao Yao cried as she kept hitting him.

Jing smiled, “I always was a bastard!”

Xiao Yao cried until she let out all the years of tamped down anguish and gradually regained her clarity. She realized she was in Jing’s arms and forcefully pushed him away.

Jing didn’t force her and got up to bring her another cup of hot tea. “Drink some water.”

Xiao Yao took the cup and felt so embarrassed and shy, not able to look Jing in the eyes. What did she just say? She was the one who said they were now strangers, yet she just cried buckets of tears in his arms.

Xiao Yao’s attitude turned cool and she said, “I said what I wanted to say so you can go now. Tomorrow I’ll go back to Sheng Nong Mountain and you don’t need to see me off.”

Jing stared at Xiao Yao and said nothing. It took ten years for Xiao Yao to finally lose her composure and the tears were still in the corner of her eyes but she was once again calm and rational. This time she said the final things she needed to say, after this parting he likely would never see her again.

Xiao Yao smiled. “Wrong is wrong, even regret can’t change things. I will try hard to forget and keep on walking forward for your sake and for mine. Let’s not see each other ever again!”

Because he correctly guessed what Xiao Yao would say, Jing actually smiled and said, “Have dinner first and afterwards I have something to say to you.”

Xiao Yao was about to turn him down when Jing added, “I listened to what you had to say, you ought to listen to me as well. That’s only fair.”

Xiao Yao neither said yes nor said no.

Jing Ye brought porridge and served Xiao Yao a bowl and then served Jing a bowl.


After Jing Ye left, Xiao Yao asked, “What did you want to talk to me about?”

Jing said, “Promise me that whatever I say, you’ll have the patience to hear me out. Don’t leave in a huff.”

“I promise, so say it.” Xiao Yao decided that after tomorrow she would never see Jing again and since this was their last night in each other’s presence, whatever Jing had to say then she would listen to it.

Jing said, “Since Yi Yang and I…..had that happen, I always felt dejectedly dazed. I let my grandmother arrange everything and the only demand I had was that I would never see Yi Yang. But with the wedding done and she was pregnant, Yi Yang didn’t care either. It wasn’t until my sister-in-law died that I snapped out of it and started to see what was going on.”


Xiao Yao said, “Even without definitive proof, there are so many suspicious hints that I actually believe you.”

Jing’s impassive face broke into an open smile, the kind that was like a dying person getting another chance at life but was hard pressed to be truly happy in the face of enduring so much.

Xiao Yao said, “Don’t be rash now, if they suspect you cottoned onto them, then likely you’ll never be able to get proof. If you act, then you have to strike dead center. But you must be careful!” Xiao Yao thanked Jing’s sister-in-law in her heart, if it wasn’t for her then Jing would have likely been killed already.

Jing said, “After my sister-in-law died, I’ve been exceedingly on guard towards my brother and Yi Yang, don’t worry.”

Xiao Yao’s heart hurt. How did Jing live all these years? With so much turmoil in the vast wilderness, as clan leader he needed to take each step carefully and needed the support of his family the most, yet his brother and his wife both wanted him dead.

Xiao Yao asked, “After your sister-in-law died and you became suspicious, how come you didn’t tell me?”

“Without evidence, if you’ve already moved on then why do I need to involve you anymore? Knowing after tonight that you still… I thought things can’t possibly get worse, so I decided to just tell you.”

Jing Ye knocked and brought in a plate. “Master, please take your medicine.”

Jing crushed the pills and took the medicine with warm water.

Xiao Yao couldn’t help but ask, “What is your illness?”

“Not a big illness, just managing my health.”

Jing Ye interrupted. “Master almost died ten years ago of heartbreak. And all these years, because of Princess, he can’t sleep and can’t eat, it’s all in his heart. Three months ago, Princess came to Qing Qiu to deliver a wedding announcement and invited Master to the wedding. It caused him to fall ill and he hasn’t gotten better…”

“Jing Ye!” Jing’s voice was filled with censure.

Jing Ye had tears in her eyes and glared at Xiao Yao before leaving.

Xiao Yao watched Jing who said, “It’s not as serious as Jing Ye claims.”

“Give me your hand.”

Jing didn’t move so Xiao Yao stared until he finally moved his hand over.

Xiao Yao placed a finger on his wrist and after a moment her face fell and she pulled her hand back without saying a word. She had so many thoughts in her mind, but in the face of death nothing else mattered.

Likely Jing already heard from Hu Zhen his real condition so he didn’t need to hear from Xiao Yao and smiled. “It’s nothing. It’ll get better slowly.”

Xiao Yao’s spirit was low but she forced a smile. “It’s nothing, yes.”

Jing asked, “How’s your health all these years?”

“I’m okay. I don’t sleep well at night but it’s not as bad as you. You have many things to worry about during the day. I've had nothing to worry about since Zhuan Xu took the throne and can stay in bed for as long as I want. And no one would come bug me every few days to annoy me.”

Jing couldn’t help but laugh. “If I hurt and you feel better, I actually feel better as well.” It didn’t matter if it was hate or anger, at least she still cared.

Xiao Yao said, “You didn’t know that I felt better then.”

“At least it’s not too late that I know now.”

Xiao Yao said nothing, even believing nothing happened between Jing and Yi Yang, and the child was Hou’s, did that mean she could start over again with Jing?

Jing didn’t dare to hope and he was already thrilled that Xiao Yao believed him. Before he resolved his mess, he didn’t dare say anything or hope for anything.


The two of them silently stared at each other, like there was more to say but what they wanted to say had all been said.

Jing stood up. “It’s late, you get some rest!”

That night Xiao Yao didn’t know if Jing slept well but she couldn’t sleep. She thought about Jing’s health, Yi Yang and Hou, about what to do from now on……

At dawn Xiao Yao rose to wash.

Jing arrived shortly thereafter. After they breakfasted, Xiao Yao didn’t say she was leaving but Jing knew that her time here was coming to an end.

Xiao Yao said to Jing, “I want to take a good look at your health today. I’ve been learning medicine carefully these past few years and yesterday when I took your pulse, I discovered something troubling about your health. Luckily there is still time so don’t worry……”

Jing casually said, “I was never worried, if you don’t want to heal me then I don’t care if I live or die. I know I’ll get better now.”

Xiao Yao calmed herself and asked, “Is Hu Zhen still your doctor? Have him join us!”


Hu Zhen solemnly said, “The clan leader’s illness from forty years ago never was properly treated and now it’s gotten much worse. Princess your idea is great but requires long term care for about ten to twenty years. Princess, you really suggest this?”

Xiao Yao didn’t respond.

Jing said to Hu Zhen, “Everything according to Xiao Yao’s suggestion.”

Hu Zhen bowed. “Yes!”


Xiao Yao said to Jing, “I need to go.”

Jing felt reluctant but knew he had no right to keep her.

Xiao Yao walked out and said, “You are kind and loving and it’s not a personality flaw, but faced with Yi Yang and Hou then it becomes a weakness.”

Jing said, “I understand. It all stops now and I won’t retreat anymore.”

Xiao Yao nodded. “That’s more like it.”

Jing walked her to the front door and Xiao Yao said, “No need to send me off. Jing Ye will lead me out.”

“Wait!” Jing stopped Xiao Yao and took out the fish amethyst from his waist and handed it to her.

Xiao Yao didn’t accept it nor did she reject it.

Jing said, “This is my payment for the medical consult, will the Princess please accept?”

Xiao Yao thought and said, “If I accept then I have to fully cure your illness.”

Jing said, “I will do as the doctor says and take care of myself. After some time I will go to Zhi Yi castle and ask the Princess to continue to treat me.”

Xiao Yao took the fish amethyst and walked away without saying a word.

Jing let out a pent-up breath. As long as she was willing to see him, even if just as a patient, then he was happy.


Chapter 18:

Fang Feng Bei whispered right against her ear, “Someone is hiding there spying on us.”

Xiao Yao was furious at the spy and asked, “And you didn’t stop it?”

Fang Feng Bei smiled. “Just reminding you that I’m the spare son so I shouldn’t make a scene.” Fang Feng Bei put an ice arrow in Xiao Yao’s hand, “Princess, show me how your archery skill has improved.”

Xiao Yao asked, “Where is the person?”

Fang Feng Bei held Xiao Yao’s hand and directed it. “Over there.”

Xiao Yao concentrated and threw the arrow from her hand. A shadow moved and a person stepped out from behind the tree.

It was Jing!

Xiao Yao hurriedly asked, “Did it hit you? I didn’t know it was you.”


Jing handed the arrow to Fang Feng Bei who accepted it and said teasingly, “How come it’s just you alone, didn’t you accompany my sister to play?”

Xiao Yao knew she had been toyed with by Fang Feng Bei and angrily yelled, “Fang Feng Bei!”

Fang Feng Bei turned to her with a twinkle in his eye and a smile, “Yes? You called me?”

Xiao Yao was utterly speechless – she felt right now he was being so manipulative and unreasonable and totally devious, like all the flaws in both Xiang Liu and Fang Feng Bei were combined together into one person. What could she do? She could only hope the next time he was injured he wouldn’t come looking for her!

Xiao Yao turned to leave, fairly leaping and jumping out of there, she couldn’t wait to get away from that damn demon!

Jing moved to follow her and took two steps before Fang Feng Bei caught up with a smile and tapped his shoulder before pointing in the other direction, “I think I just saw my sister over there looking for you.”

Jing had no choice but to stop and watch Fang Feng Bei and Xiao Yao disappear into the forest.

Xiao Yao turned to glare at Fang Feng Bei and snarked, “Was that fun, toying with someone so straightforward?”

Tu Shan Jing straightforward? Fang Feng Bei’s eyebrows raised at that and he snarked back, “Not as fun as toying with you.”

5 days ago
Been sick today, so of course you guys got real chatty.  lol

Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather Kokuto. I hope you're feeling better now!

For XL, this was his confession and marriage vows.

I don't view XL's suggestion to transfer the bug to him or his acceptance of the bug as equivalent to a confession or a marriage vow.

Doesn't a romantic confession require one person making their romantic feelings for another person known to that other person? 

XL accepting the Lovers' Bug did not make his romantic feelings for WXL known to WXL at the time, and WXL coming to know about XL's feelings for her at some later point because of the Lovers' Bugs was not inevitable. XY happened to find out about the true name of the Lovers' Bugs in chapter 26 (many decades after XL accepted the bug) through a very unlikely series of events (TSJ's grandmother's doctor happened to be the Voodoo King's aunt, TSJ's grandmother used a poisonous bug and it backfired, and XY met TSJ's grandmother's doctor when she helped treat TSJ's grandmother). She didn't find out about the details of the bugs until 70 years after XL accepted the bugs, and that was not information that the Voodoo King would have shared with just anyone. XY obtaining that information was far from inevitable. And even after finding out about the details of the bugs, it seemed like XY (with XL's help) was able to convince herself that XL might not love her despite the fact that they had shared a Lovers' Bug connection without any issues for 70+ years. Since XL's acceptance of the Lovers' Bug did not achieve the function of a romantic confession, I do not view it as one.

As for a wedding vow, I don't see that either. IMO, XL was not making a promise to XY to spend the rest of his life with her, or to die with her. In order to believe that, you would also have to believe that he broke that promise. IMO, XL was not making a promise of any kind. That's kind of his thing, especially when juxtaposed against TSJ. He doesn't make promises that he might not be able to keep. IMO, XL thought it was necessary to remove the bug from CX, and the bug also allowed XL to do several things that he wanted to do (e.g., better understand and protect WXL/XY) for a period of time. And it was part of a commitment that XL decided to take on (appointing himself as WXL/XY's protector for a time), but a commitment that a person chooses to take on (without telling anyone else) is not the same as a promise made to another person (like a marriage vow). 

In the opposite direction, XL does ask WXL to make a promise and a blood oath. Since WXL views the promise and oath as part of a transaction, I also do not think they are analogous to wedding vows. 


Chapter 7:

After a few moments he said, “I can help you lure the bug into me, but you have to promise that in the future you will do one thing for me. If I ask, you will do it.”

Xiao Liu thought about it. “Other than killing Xuan.”


“I also can’t kill Tu Shan Jing.”


“You can’t ask me to kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiang Liu said incredulously, “My nine-heads would need to be flooded with water for me to think you can kill the Yellow Emperor or the Grand Emperor.”

Xiao Liu wasn’t mad but asked again, “The answer is…?”

“I won’t!”

Xiao Liu yelled, “Then it’s a deal!”

Xiang Liu raised his palm and Xiao Liu clapped it to strike the deal. “I promise that if Xiang Liu helps me remove the voodoo bug from Xuan, I agree to do one thing he asks of me.”

Xiang Liu coldly asked, “What happens if you break the promise?’

Xiao Liu thought. “The Heavens strike me into pieces. With your personality that won’t be enough. What do you think should happen to me?”

“If you break the promise, whatever you love will turn into pain, whatever you enjoy will turn into bitterness.”

Xiao Liu felt goosebumps run down his spine “You’re sure vicious!” He raised his palm to swear the promise, “If I break this promise, then whatever I love will bring me pain, whatever I enjoy will turn bitter.” He put down his hand and thumped his chest. “Don’t worry, I’ll do it.”

Xiang Liu had a slight smile on his lips. “What do I have to worry about? If you can’t do it, you’re the one suffering.”

And XL accepted this bug with full knowledge.  He specifically asked if he could remove the Love Bug, and was told that he could not, once it was successfully planted.  He was also told they would live together and die together.  Why would XL accept the bug only to protect XY, while still planning on dying with his troops?  That's not protective, that's forcing her to share his pre-mature death.

Of course, later, XL finds a way around this -- probably inspired by the assassination attempt.  But at the time he accepted the Love Bug, it was with the knowledge that his death would mean hers.

This scene (where XL is told that the bugs cannot be removed after they are successfully planted, but is not told how to break the bug connection by killing the bugs) does not occur in the novel. 

In chapter 48, XL tells XY that he did not lie to her when he told her that he could not [remove] the bugs (there was a conversation earlier in this thread about the correct translation here, but I can't remember if the conclusion was that there was a better translation than "remove" or not), because it was true. He could not [remove] the bugs, but he could break the bug connection by killing the bugs, and XY didn't ask him about that. The implication is that XL had long known how to break the bug connection, but chose not to tell XY. IMO, it would make the most logical sense for XL to have known that information before he accepted the bug transfer. He already knew that the bugs were Lovers' Bugs (and that the bug in CX could only be transferred to a person who met the necessary criteria) before he suggested the transfer. Since we are never shown a scene where XL gains additional information about the bugs, it seems logical to me to conclude that the things that he knew about the bugs in chapter 48 were things that he very likely knew before he suggested transferring the bug in chapter 7. 

The Sheng Nong remanent army's demise was all but inevitable, but it was far from imminent at the time that XL accepted the bug transfer. In the time that he had left (which turned out to be ~120 years, but could have been longer), XL was able to protect WXL/XY and to be her temporary companion. When that time was up, he had the ability to break the bug connection (as he does in chapter 48) so that his death in the final battle would not cause XY to die too.


Chapter 7:

Xiang Liu asked, “What are you thinking?”

“How to remove that voodoo bug. Xuan’s follower came by once to ask.” With Xuan’s real identity, that bug might not hurt him, but it was more likely one day it’ll kill Xiao Liu since so many people wanted to kill Xuan. Xiao Liu also didn’t want people to use him anymore against Xuan so was genuinely racking his brains for how to remove it.

Xiang Liu said, “I told you, find another person and plant the bug there.”

‘”Who would be willing? Maybe one of Xuan’s men?”

Xiang Liu very casually said, “It can’t be just any person.”


“You raised the bug, you don’t know?”

“I…..I don’t know.” Xiao Liu confessed.

“Where did you get the bug?”

“Many years ago, I met an old lady from the Jiu Li tribe. You know that the legendary most fearless, vicious, cruel demon of all time Qi Yo was from the Jiu Li tribe. After he was killed by the Yellow Emperor, the entire Jiu Li tribe was demoted to slave status. The men and women were born into slavery. That old woman was a slave that no one wanted anymore. She was smelly and dirty, laying close to death in a pile of dirt. I found her very pitiful so I asked her what her final wish was before she died. She asked for a bath so she could go see her lover clean and pretty. I took her to the river and helped her bathe, then brushed her hair into the hairstyle of a Jiu Li woman. She gave me a blackened shriveled walnut, saying that she had nothing on her except this pair of voodoo bugs. She gave it to me as thanks. She told me to leave and then she died. Her body immediately attracted a lot of insects and was immediately devoured clean. Later on, when I didn’t know how to deal with you, I suddenly remembered this walnut I carried with me for a long time. I used it to raise the two voodoo bugs according to the magic of Jiu Li. I fed it pieces of my own flesh and blood, then one bug chose me, and then the other was meant for you but instead I planted it in Xuan.”

“How did you learn how to raise a voodoo bug?”

Xiao Liu’s eyes twirled. “That old woman told me!” Xiang Liu coldly laughed “You’re full of shit. If she told you how to raise the bugs, how could she not have told you what the name of this particular voodoo bug was?”

Xiao Liu knew what he said was contradictory so just went with it. “Why do you care how I know how to raise voodoo bugs? I just do.”

Xiang Liu said, “The pair of voodoo bugs you have is very rare. If you want to remove it, the only way is to find another person and lure the bug into that person.”

“What are the requirements for that person?”

Xiang Liu said nothing, and after a moment, he stiffly barked, “I don’t know!”

Xiao Liu didn’t believe him, yet he didn’t know why Xiang Liu wouldn’t come out and tell him. So he tried asking, “Do you fit the requirement?”

Xiang Liu didn’t answer so Xiao Liu asked more, “You are a nine-headed demon. Luring a voodoo bug into you, that can’t be a problem, right?”

Xiang Liu didn’t deny it so Xiao Liu took that as a tacit confirmation. Xiao Liu got all excited. “You said with your nine heads, even if my body hurt then it wouldn’t hurt you much, right? So can I lure the bug over into your body?”

Xiang Liu stood there with his hands behind his back, staring at the moon, saying nothing. After a few moments he said, “I can help you lure the bug into me, but you have to promise that in the future you will do one thing for me. If I ask, you will do it.”


Chapter 48:

Xiang Liu sat down next to the raft and stared at the sleeping Xiao Yao before softly saying, “The tree grows old on land together, the mandarin ducks die together in the water – the Lover’s Bug connects heart to heart and our lives, and there truly is no way to remove the bug. Years ago I was only able to remove the bug from Zhuan Xu because he didn’t know it was you so he didn’t willingly accept the bug. So you never successfully planted the bug on him in the first place. But I….I was heart and soul willing, so the bug successfully planted in me. You asked me to remove the bug and I kept telling you I can’t do it, but you didn’t believe me. But I truly didn’t lie to you, I cannot remove the bug.

Xiang Liu picked up Xiao Yao’s hand and used his finger as a knife to slice into the flesh of her palm and his palm back and forth until he drew a blood spell. “I cannot remove the bug, but I can kill the bug!”

Xiang Liu smiled before joining his bloody palm to Xiao Yao’s bloody palm, so tightly that the blood flowing wasn’t clear whether it was his or hers. “Don’t blame me for not telling you this before, you were the one who did not ask!”


XL's Epilogue:

Remembering our first meeting in Qing Shui Town, you were full of tricks, with a mouth full of made-up crap. But the only thing you said that was true was: I have no ability to protect myself, no one to rely on, and nowhere to go.

After over ten years of teaching you archery, you now have the ability to protect yourself. You don’t need to use your own body to protect someone you treasure when danger is around. The right man for you. You now have someone to rely on. You don’t have to be all alone anymore with solitude as your companion. The sky is vast and oceans deep. You now have a place to go and don’t need to be chased by people and be without a place to call home.

Xiang Liu thought to himself: Xiao Yao, from now on I can no longer stand watch to protect you. You have to take good care of yourself. Wishing you a lifetime of worry free happiness!

He did try to find a different solution before having no choice but to accept it. I mean, if it wasn't for XL to agree to the bug, what do you think it would have happened to XY? What other solution was there for her at that point in time?

I'm not aware of him looking for a different solution when XY asked him about the Bug.

blabla100, were you referring to WXL looking for a different solution?

Like Kokuto, I don't recall XL looking for a different solution to help WXL with that problem before suggesting that she transfer the bug to him. Although he did (unhelpfully) tell WXL that he was going to kill CX (which would be a different way of resolving the bug issue...) immediately after he first suggested transferring the bug from CX to him.


Chapter 7:

Xiang Liu asked, “Since he’s so precious to you, why not remove the bug?”

Xiao Liu didn’t answer and thought for a long time. Since he was a demon, and demons and creatures and monsters were all in the same world, perhaps he might know something. “It’s not that I don’t want to remove the bug, it’s that I can’t. Last time I was injured, you used all sorts of weird medicines on me. The bug had some type of transformation. He asked me to remove the bug and I lied that I’ll do it when he leaves. Recently I’ve been trying all sorts of ways to coax the bug out of him but nothing works.

Xiang Liu thought about it. “If you don’t want to die, then don’t try calling it back. The only solution is to find a way to transfer the bug to another person.”

Xiao Liu sincerely said, “The only person I want to make miserable is you.”

Xiang Liu softly laughed. “Then put the bug inside me.” Xiao Liu scoffed, “Like you would be so nice.”

“I’ll kill him before he leaves Qing Shui Town, then you won’t have to worry about how to remove the bug.”

Xiao Liu felt his legs weren’t shaking anymore so slid down his body and started swimming. “Can killing him bring back the Sheng Nong Kingdom?” “No.” “Did he ever go on the battlefield and kill Sheng Nong soldiers?” “No.” “Do you have a personal blood feud with him?” “No.”

“Then why do you still want to kill him?”

“My position. Knowing that he’s right under my watch and not killing him, I feel like I’m not doing my part.”

“You have some sort of principles?”

“To Sheng Nong I do.”

Which leads one to ask, why didn't he just use that method with CX and XY if his reason was to protect XY?  He could have killed XY (and gotten CX dead too), then revived her with one of his lives.  This would have been ideal for him, killing two birds with one stone, pun intended.  In fact, XY had brought up this possibility herself, when he nearly drowned her to facilitate FFYY's assassination atempt on CX.

OK, I am genuinely confused. Did XL having 9 lifes means that  he  had the power to revive people? I thought he was able to revive XY through the bugs, indeed - by losing one of his life, but I didn't think he could have done the same without being tied togheter by the bugs. I mean, if that's the case, he could have just revived Jing without all the trouble he went through with the mercouple and getting XY's blood.

My understanding was that he used the Lovers Bug to keep XY from dying completely and then used blood magic, his blood and a life to save her.  I'm pretty sure he didn't want to spend another one of his lives and 37 years of blood letting for Jing.   But I presume he could have also used the same method he used to save Jing's life to save XY's life.

Again, he could kill XY and revive her.

It's the first time I am hearing this theory, but honestly I have a hard time making sense of it. I mean I don't remember anything in the novel or în the drama that points to the fact that XL has the power to revive people. He did manage to save XY,  but she wasn't completely dead, the bugs, as you said, kept her alive. Killing CX by killing her and revive her afterwards it's completely different.

I don't know, but I personally don't see any other option XL or XY had at that time to get the bug out of CX without turning bad for XY. 

I agree with blabla100 on this one.

IMO, killing WXL in order to kill CX was not an option that was available to XL for at least two reasons.

(1) The bug that WXL planted in CX was not planted successfully. Although some kind of bug connection was established (CX could feel WXL's pain), it is not clear whether their lives and hearts were tied together. My sense is that they were not, and that it would not have been possible to transfer the bug from CX to another person if CX's life had been tied to WXL's life. So killing WXL while the bug was in CX likely would not have resulted in CX's death. It would only have resulted in WXL's death. The opposite of what XL wanted.

(2) If it were possible to kill CX by killing WXL, then WXL would presumably have to be fully killed. When XY was on the brink of death in chapter 22 and chapter 47, XL was not affected. So I think we can infer that one host needs to fully die in order to kill the other host. If XL fully killed WXL, he did not have the power to bring her back from the dead. 

In chapter 21, XY appeared to be dead (not breathing and no detectable pulse), but she was actually only on the brink of death. The continuous transfer of spiritual power and XL's life via the bug connection kept her alive enough to be saved. When XL got to XY, he was able to heal and revive her using essential blood transfusions and a spell that exchanged one of his extra lives to continue XY's life. And even with those methods at his disposal, he would not have been able to bring XY back from the dead if she had fully died. The novel specifically tells us that if XY had died (i.e., if spiritual power had not been transferred to her continuously to keep her alive enough to be saved), it would have been too late for her.  


Chapter 21: 

Xiang Liu calmly said, “She’s almost out of time.” If it wasn’t for so many powerful people transferring power to Xiao Yao, even by the time Xiang Liu rushed here it would have been too late. It was by Zhuan Xu’s seemingly pointless effort that he managed to secure a lone shred of chance for Xiao Yao.


Chapter 22:

Gradually Xiao Yao felt more and more alert. When Xiang Liu was embracing her, she could feel his body heat, and could also clearly feel what the warmth was that was flowing into her body. It was Xiang Liu’s blood, and it was different than normal blood. It was scalding hot, and every drop felt like a little flame. Xiao Yao guessed it was Xiang Liu’s essential soul blood.

Xiang Liu fed her his essential soul blood, but because he was poisonous all over, even his blood was poisonous, so he needed to suck the poison out of Xiao Yao afterwards.

Xiao Yao had heard of a voodoo spell where a person could use their life in exchange for another. If Xiang Liu used his life to save hers, she hoped that he really had nine-lives because then if he gave her one it wouldn’t be too detrimental for him.


The monthly healing day arrived again.

Xiang Liu saved Xiao Yao by feeding her his essential soul blooand then used his powers to push life through all her vital organs. Then he bit down on Xiao Yao’s neck and sucked the poison out from his own blood that was now in her body.


They reached the surface and Xiao Yao felt the waves undulating and the sea breeze flowing over her. She could hear the waves and hear the wind. Xiao Yao was so touched she wanted to cry.

Xiang Liu said, "Tonight is a crescent moon like a bow. Every full moon I have to heal you so I can’t bring you to the surface. Actually, I haven’t seen a full moon in many years now.”

Xiao Yao thought that her assumption was right, he really was healing her once a month. The demon’s powers are the strongest during the full moon which is why Xiang Liu chose that time to heal her.


Zhuan Xu asked Xiao Yao how Xiang Liu saved her.

Xiao Yao answered, “I was unconscious the entire time so I don’t know the specifics. Likely due to the voodoo bug connecting us, so his life was the thread that kept me alive, and then he used a certain type of voodoo blood spell and exchanged his life to continue mine.”


After XY tried to commit suicide in chapter 47, she stopped breathing but had weak heartbeat. XL prepared a clam shell that was covered in blood magic spells. When XY was placed in the clam shell, it helped maintain her weak heartbeat. Then the Royal Mother of Jade Mountain put the clam shell in a lake on Jade Mountain to further help XY. When XL arrives on Jade Mountain, he transfers essential blood to XY. It is not clear whether XL used one of his extra lives to save XY this time too, but it is clear that XY did not ever fully die.


Before TSJ battled TSH in chapter 42, he took a life-preserving pill that XY had prepared for him using many special ingredients, including a significant amount of her own blood. In chapter 46, XL creates a jewel using another significant quantity of XY's blood and gives it to a merman, presumably so that it can be used to revive TSJ from a coma. It is not clear whether XL would have needed to use any of his own blood to help save TSJ, or to sacrifice one of his extra lives to do so, but it does seem very likely that TSJ never fully died before he was revived. 

5 days ago
By the way, I don’t think Xiang Liu firmly believes that he will definitely die. He just thinks that the possibility is very high, so he doesn’t want to gamble with Xiao Yao’s future. If he is lucky enough to still be alive after fulfilling his obligations to his army and adoptive father, and Xiao Yao does love him, I think he will pursue her. But he will soon find that Xiao Yao obviously loves Jing more, and Jing is indeed suitable for her, so he no longer had any illusions. Pity he won't ask her, "Please give me a hundred years and don't let other men enter your heart."

Why would the possibility be very high?  He's got 9 nine lives and is a shapeshifter as well as one of the best fighters and spiritual powers in the land.  The only reason he dies, is because he chooses to die.

I agree, XL only dies because he chooses to die. 

After who-knows-how-many life-or-death matches in the slave death match arena, 100+ years surviving in the far north, and 400+ years of battles and attempts to assassinate him after he joined the Sheng Nong remnant army, XL still had multiple lives left to spare for XY. As far as we know, he might have had seven of his nine lives remaining at the beginning of the final battle (if the only times he ever used up any of his extra lives were when he saved XY in chapter 22 and when he killed the Lovers' Bugs in chapter 48). Which... numerically would be an interesting parallel to TSJ losing seven of his nine tails before his "death"... But I digress. 

XL would not need to worry about dying against his will (except possibly, depending on how the bug connection worked, if XY died while the bug connection was still in place between them). If he did think that there was a high possibility that he would die against his will, then it would be very irresponsible for him to accept the Lovers' Bug, as doing so tied his life to XY's life. If XL died (i.e., lost all nine of his lives) before breaking the bug connection between him and XY, then his death would cause her death. 

Plus, the act of breaking the bug connection (to protect XY from dying with him) required XL to have an extra life to spare. If I remember correctly, in the drama it will require two of his extra lives. So when he accepted the Lovers' Bug, it seems likely that XL was confident that he would not be in a situation where he might lose more than seven of his lives (six in the drama) against his will, because in order to have the freedom to fight and die (lose all of his remaining lives) with his comrades in the final battle, he needed to have the ability to save XY first. 


Look what showed up on the Twitter.  I wish we could see the ice ball better.

Thank you for sharing this Kokuto. 

My expectations were low... I knew the ice crystal ball in the drama was not going to match what I pictured in my mind... but I am still disappointed.

Better to find out now and to be prepared than to be disappointed when S2 airs though. 

Even though it seems that I am the only one who belives that XL never had the intention to ultimately escape from his army's fate, I am still standing my ground. I think you guys are focusing too much on XL's feelings for XY and too little on what the army and its soldiers meant to him. Forget about teasing XL for having 9 heads, XY herself didn't dare to say anything bad about the army, since she knew that's the only topic that could really piss him off to the point of no control. I read all your posts regarding this subject, but I still belive XL chose to tied his fate with the army long before meeting XY and falling in love with her was just his light in the darkness. 

You are not alone in this belief blabla100. I agree with this interpretation.

I'm basing my opinion purely on the novel.

For me, it isn't about XL's intention to escape his army's fate, but that the situation at the start of the novel was not so dire for the Resistance Army that XL thought that they and he were doomed to perish shortly. They've managed to hold off the Xi Yan's army for 400 hundred years and they were still fighting for a chance to potentially turn things around even if it was slim. Just because you are fighting a war doesn't mean you gave up on hoping and wishing for a better future or that you stop living your life, having family and kids.

Cang Xuan was a threat that XL identified and he set out to get rid of the threat. If XL had succeeded in killing Cang Xuan, the situation could have turned out very differently. Cang Xuan's uncles and cousins were useless. As the Yellow Emperor grew older and his health declined, there would potentially be in-fighting for the throne, thus weakening Xi Yan. Once the Yellow Emperor died, Xi Yan might have weakened further under Cang Xuan's uncles rule/leadership. Who knows, maybe the old Chen Rong's aristocratic families might have raised up and reclaimed Chen Rong in some form. It was XY returning to her Princess identity and supporting Cang Xuan's quest for the throne which set off the chain of events that eventually resulted in the Resistance Army and Xiang Liu's fate. If Xiao Yao hadn't gotten involved, Cang Xuan may not have been able to achieve his goal - or it might have taken him much longer than the 100 or so years that it took in the novel.

So, for me, when XL accepted the Lovers Bugs, he was not looking at dying in the near future. XL had shown for 400 years that he was capable. He wasn't waiting to die,  he was still fighting for a future for/with the Resistance Army and he was still hopeful for a future with Xiao Yao. Everyone will die eventually, but another 400 years or so together might have been good enough. So I don't see Xiang Liu as never having the intention to be with Xiao Yao and only took on the Lovers Bugs to save her.

From what I recall, at the time that XL accepted the bug transfer, the remanent army had been holed up in the mountains outside of QS town for 300 years, not 400. At the time of XL's death, they had lasted over 400 years.

Although their demise was not imminent at the time that XL accepted the bug transfer, their demise was presented in the novel as virtually inevitable in the long run. More a matter of "when", not "if". 

Xiang Liu himself viewed Gong Gong's cause as one that made him a "pathetic idiot" leading "a bunch of idiots doing something pathetic" even before he suggested transferring the bug to himself. 

When XL accepted the bug, he had time left to spend with WXL, but when the final battle came, as he knew it would, he was planning to die with Gong Gong and his comrades. Which meant that he could not promise WXL a lifetime or that he would always put her first. He could only keep her company temporarily and train her so that she would be able to protect herself when he was gone. And to spare her from the pain of his death when it came, it would be better not to let her know his true feelings.


Chapter 2:

Qing Shui Town wasn’t big but it was a very unique place in the vast wilderness. From North to South it was tightly bordered by mountain ranges that were treacherous, creating natural barriers. After the Sheng Nong Kingdom was destroyed, the Sheng Nong Kingdom’s General Gong Gong refused to surrender. He controlled tens of thousands of soldiers stationed in the area to the East of Qing Shui Town and from there he continued to battle the Yellow Emperor.


Chapter 3:

General Gong Gong and Xuan Yuan had been fighting for a couple hundred years now. In the beginning, the Yellow Emperor sent army reinforcements, but the Middle Plains were still not conquered, Gao Xing was to the other side, Gong Gong was in an advantageous physical location so the Yellow Emperor lost all his battles. All he could do was keep Gong Gong cornered and wait for him to surrender one of these days.

The war gradually went from open battles to secret scuffles and underhanded schemes of assassination……..whatever Xiao Liu couldn’t even think of, someone already tried it.


Chapter 4:

Xiang Liu ignored him so Xiao Liu just spoke out loud, “Since Little Zhu Rong took over running the Middle Plains, I hear the Middle Plains are starting to be well managed. The Yellow Emperor will eventually deal with General Gong Gong. The power structure in this world can’t be reversed, and definitely not by the will of one person. I suggest you take off sooner rather than later. Actually, you’re just a demon, and a loathsome nine-headed one at that. With those snobbish Gods of the Sheng Nong tribe, in their eyes you are……you are less than nothing. Why do you have to worry about the Sheng Nong rebel army. What can you get by following General Gong Gong? Do you like power? Then why don’t you betray Gong Gong and cast your lot with the Yellow Emperor……….”


Chapter 5:

Within the flames of the fire, the faces of the men showed their familiarity with death, but in the mournful sounds of the song they sang it conveyed their deep sorrow. Their singing wasn’t in unison, flitting in and out, as they wondered about their cause and what it all meant in the long run.

It was true that the Yellow Emperor forcibly took over the lands of Sheng Nong. But the Sheng Nong Kingdom was now no more and the people living there only wanted a peaceful life to live. They don’t care who the Emperor is, and even began to speak warmly of the Yellow Emperor’s intelligence and generosity. The people don’t care about the remaining Sheng Nong soldiers who refuse to surrender. Thousands of years later, their determination won’t be remembered.

Only by giving up and bowing low could they get a sweet wife, a cute kid, perhaps even wealth given by the Emperor. But they still persisted to cling on to their belief. To hold onto something most people no longer cared about. To risk their lives for it.

The wheels of history were already turning but they remained stubbornly rooted in place, with their arms outstretched trying to turn the wheels back. But they were people that time has forgotten, they are going against the tide, and they were destined to be obliterated. Xiao Liu knew they were foolish, and felt pity for them, but he also couldn’t help but feel respect towards them.

In this moment, Xiao Liu suddenly realized why his last mocking question to Xiang Liu about why he worked for Gong Gong doing pointless things, to suggest that he betray Gong Gong and throw his lot with the Yellow Emperor, that question would cause Xiang Liu to fly into a dark rage. In this world, there was a determination that may be destroyed, may be annihilated, but can never be mocked!

Xiang Liu slowly walked back with the sorrowful song lingering behind him. Xiao Liu leaned against the door and watched him walk in the blood red sunset, his white hair and white robe still pristine and untouched. Xiang Liu stopped in front of Xiao Liu, his cold gaze containing a measure of disdain, but it wasn’t clear if it was meant for the world or for himself.

Xiao Liu suddenly bowed. “I wanted to apologize for what I said last time.” Xiang Liu was expressionless as he entered the house. “If the medicine comes sooner, they can live a bit longer. They are warriors. If they are to die, it ought to be in front of the Yellow Emperor’s army.”


Chapter 7:

Xiao Liu was silent and looked up at the crescent moon like a biscuit with a bite taken out of it. After a long time, he asked “What is General Gong Gong like? To lead to a demon like you giving him your allegiance?”

“He’s an idiot!” Xiang Liu quieted down for a while and then said, “He is a pathetic idiot. He leads a bunch of idiots doing something pathetic.”

Xiao Liu said, “The most pathetic one is you! They are all willing to do it, they don’t think they are idiotsThey think they are doing something they would be proud of to tell their family in the grave. To let their descendants be proud. They are happy to go down in a blaze of glory. But you – you mock it, yet you do it.

“Who let me have nine-heads? Of course it gets complicated and contradictory.”


Chapter 29:

Li Jie Chang said, “Little Lady, Fang Feng Bei is like that old man, neither are good stuff. Following Bei isn’t a good bet, why don’t you seriously consider my pal here. My pal here was accidentally set up by a woman and a son resulted, but it’s not a mistake that can’t be forgiven….”


Li Jie Chang said, “You don’t like the wife and son in Qing Qiu, then just have another residence here in Zhi Yi and have Jing live here with you. Let me tell you straight up, Fang Feng Bei’s life is here today with no guarantee of tomorrow. Even Jing who made a mistake is a better choice than Fang Feng Bei……..”


Xiao Yao glared at Chang and said to Fang Feng Bei, “You are sure even-tempered with this guy.”

Fang Feng Bei drank his wine and said casually, “Every word he said is the truth. I’m not a guy suitable for a woman to follow. Isn’t that something you already know?


The one-armed old man stared intently at Xiao Yao before downing all the wine in his bowl and then launching into a song. His song was sad and plaintive, singing about the fallen Sheng Nong kingdom and the sorrow of the soldiers fighting.

Xiao Yao listened intently and suddenly remembered the blood red sunset when Xiang Liu was dressed all in white and walked towards her from a burning funeral pyre of dead Sheng Nong soldiers.

Li Jie Chang yelled, “Uncle, stop your drunken craziness!”

The old man kept singing so Li Jie Chang shoved him into the house and nervously said to Xiao Yao, “The old man has low tolerance but loves drinking. When he gets crazy he loves to sing songs he heard from places…..he only has one arm now and his legs can barely walk, he’s already useless…..”

Xiao Yao said, “I only came to eat. Once I walk out this door I’ll forget everything.”

Li Jie Chang was relieved and listened to the singing from inside the house and sadly added, “My Uncle isn’t a bad guy, in fact he’s too good of a guy which is why he….can’t forget.”

Xiao Yao suddenly realized that when Li Jie Chang was talking about Fang Feng Bei earlier, all the things he was saying were about Xiang Liu. 


Xiao Yao softly asked, “Bei, tell me…..why is it so hard to find a person to walk the path with?”

Fang Feng Bei said, “Finding a person isn’t hard, finding a person who shares the same interests, genuinely treats you well, and makes the journey more interesting, that is what is hard.”


“Xiang Liu, I really don’t know, what is your heart thinking deep down inside?”

You and I are travelers who have crossed paths in this windy world. Whenever we meet we are each other’s companions to enjoy the world is all! Why do you care what I think deep down inside?”

Xiao Yao mocked herself “Yes, it’s my over-thinking! No matter what you feel deep down inside, none of it has anything to do with me!”

Xiang Liu stared down the dark alley and said nothing.


Xiang Liu stared at Xiao Yao and she avoided his piercing gaze and asked, “Who was that old man selling donkey meat?”

“He used to be a subordinate of Qi Yo and one of the survivors in the final battle in Yi Province. Carrying all the memories of those who perished, it’s easier just to have died.” Xiang Liu smiled. “Actually, to a General, the best ending is to die on the battlefield.”

It was a warm Summer night, but Xiao Yao suddenly felt her entire body turn cold in an instant.


Chapter 32:

Xiao Yao sensed something but had to confirm it. “Where is Fang Feng Bei?”

Xiang Liu coolly replied, “He’s dead.”

Xiao Yao stared at Xiang Liu and her eyes were blinded in pain by his whiteness like a cloud and like the snow. Tears came to her eyes, Fang Feng Bei took her away and now Fang Feng Bei was dead and would never appear again. From now on, it was only Xiang Liu. That irresponsible man who did whatever he wanted, taught her archery, took her through the world seeking the simplest of pleasures… that man was now dead.

He once said that she and he were just temporary companions in this unpredictable life seeking happiness. He never lied to her!


Chapter 35:

Xiao Yao was silent before suddenly asking, “Xiang Liu, why did you pick Gong Gong? Because he’s your adoptive father?” Xiao Yao didn’t know how she had the guts to ask him this question, probably because Xiang Liu didn’t seem like Xiang Liu tonight.

“Not just because he’s my adoptive father, there are also all those soldiers I fought along with and watched them die. We drank together, we went to battle together, we picked up our fallen brethren’s bodies…” Xiang Liu looked over at the altar. “For hundreds of years, do you know how many of my fellow soldiers I’ve had to personally cremate?”

Xiao Yao couldn’t imagine, but she understood what Xiang Liu felt. Her Fourth Uncle could have survived that day, and he did love Fourth Aunt and Zhuan Xu, but he chose to die alongside his soldiers. In this world there was camaraderie so strong that one would die rather than abandon it.

Xiang Liu laughed and pointed at his head. “I’ve lost count, but they are all here.”

Xiao Yao buried her head in her lap and grew silent. She felt her heart all jumbled and she didn’t know if it was for Xiang Liu or for herself.


Chapter 46:

“Are you thinking about Xiang Liu?”

Xiao Yao looked down and said nothing.

Zhuan Xu said, “I know you have some connection with him, and truthfully I’m rather admiring of his ability and loyalty. I’m even envious of Gong Gong’s fierce and unbending connection with him, but the Sheng Nong Kingdom is a thing of the past……….I have to eliminate them!”

“I know.” Xiao Yao was fully aware that Zhuan Xu did everything he could already to have them safely submit. The Xuan Yuan Kingdom had to fight this war, and for the Sheng Nong resistance army this would be a form of release. Zhuan Xu is doing nothing wrong, as the ruler of a kingdom he had to snuff out the final pocket of resistance, but Gong Gong and Xiang Liu were also not wrong in sticking with their loyalty and beliefs.

Zhuan Xu sighed. “No matter my admiration for Xiang Liu, we stand on opposite sides so I hope you don’t have any further ties with him.”

Xiao Yao said, “Don’t worry, I know! It was because it was so clear since the very beginning, that’s why Xiang Liu kept reminding her, and she kept reminding herself, that she and Xiang Liu could never be friends.


Chapter 51:

“It’s because he’s so sneaky that he doesn’t want to stay alive! One time he told me, “Actually, to a General, the best ending is dying on the battlefield.” So he chose for himself the best ending!

“But what a bullshit best ending! He’s the stupidest idiot in this world! He stayed loyal and true to Gong Gong and all his soldier comrades but did he do himself right?”


XL's Epilogue:

In the distance he could see fires burning, that was Ru So burning the entire mountain to force them to come out and battle. The final battle was about to arrive. All the soldiers knew their fate and they willingly chose this path in life. The world was at peace and the people were safe and secure, these Sheng Nong resistance army soldiers were now discarded in the passage of time and had become pointless. So death was the best release for them, and the most comforting final destination.

But they weren't doomed to be obliterated either -- until CX miraculously became the heir, and then the Emperor.  That is what threw the political and military stalemate completely off balance.

They were doomed to be obliterated sooner or later. They were not doomed to be obliterated imminently. 

Xuan Yuan's army was growing. The Sheng Nong remnant army would inevitably have been shrinking (it's difficult to recruit to an army when the army has been forgotten and the people no longer care about its cause).

Xuan Yuan gained territory around QS town. The Sheng Nong remnant army could not gain ground. If they moved beyond the mountains where they were holed up, they would lose the geographic advantage that allowed them to survive despite the fact that they were outnumbered. 

IMO, the final countdown towards the Sheng Nong remnant army's obliteration did not start when CX became the Black Emperor. Simply replacing the Yellow Emperor with CX was not the secret to beating the remnant army.  The shift happened when the Grand Emperor handed his throne, and Gao Xing with it, over to CX, which happened at least 15 years after CX became the Black Emperor. When Gao Xing became part of Xuan Yuan, QS town was completely surrounded by Xuan Yuan and could no longer rely on Gao Xing for supplies. Gao Xing being subsumed by Xuan Yuan was likely going to happen sooner or later even if CX wasn't on the throne. It just happened faster with CX on the throne because the Grand Emperor was willing to cut the war short and to hand the throne over to CX, whom he had personally taught with the intention of making CX his heir. 

I don't take WXL's observation to be some kind of gospel truth or that things must or will turn out that way.

WXL was NOT involved in the war and knew nothing about CX's, or anyone else's, plans. So those are WXL's very uniformed and biased opinions.


@HeadsInTheClouds @kokuto

I  personally take what WXL said at face value, sort of TH's giving us some background through WXL words. I don't know, I am also into subtleties, hidden meanings and all these stuff, but I feel that analyzing this part of the story is just overthinking it. 

blabla100, I find myself agreeing with you again.

WXL correctly noted that the political situation in the Middle Plains had changed. The situation in the Middle Plains had stabilized under Little Zhu Rong and the Yellow Emperor no longer needed to focus military attention on them.

WXL's observations on the subject also match up with XL calling Gong Gong's actions the actions of a pathetic idiot. 

My comments to @nathsketh are about interpreting that Xiang Liu could have felt devastated, desperate and sad through reasonable extrapolation of what we know of the story. It was not about the power must be from XL. Nathsketh and I agree on that front already. If nathsketch feels that I was suggesting that she lacks reading comprehension because of my comments, I will apologise to nathsketch.

We've been through this discussion about whose the devastating power belongs to way back when and I have no issue with how other people interpret it then or now.


I disengaged from our discussion the first time because it was clear to me that we disagreed on the timeline of how things happened so I didn't see the need to belabour the point.

Totally fair.


Happy Lunar New Year everyone. Health and happiness to you and your family in the year of the dragon :-)


Woooo Happy Lunar New Year, beloveds! 新年快乐! ❤️


Wishing all who celebrate a very blessed Lunar New Year! While certainly not as coiffed and cool as Xiang Liu, this does reflect my journey from the frazzled look of CNY preparations leading up to the transformation on the first day of the New Year LOL

Charting the Glow of the Bugs  (script, drama)


Hi Liddi,

That sounds very similar to Lunar New Year celebration in my native country too. I miss such busy but precious moments with friends and family so much. 

Happy Lunar New Year, the year of Dragon to all who celebrate this event!

I hope everyone had a fun LNY with good food and good company!

Liddi!! What a lovely LNY surprise to see you back here. Your presence in this thread has been missed <3

Love the before and after! I have no doubt you were as immaculate and stunning as XL on the first day of the new year. ^^

And you even brought LNY translation gifts! Thank you for that!


Gao Xing being subsumed by Xuan Yuan was likely going to happen sooner or later even if CX wasn't on the throne. It just happened faster with CX on the throne because the Grand Emperor was willing to cut the war short and to hand the throne over to CX, whom he had personally taught with the intention of making CX his heir.

White emperor planned to pass the throne to CX. However it would have happened in thousand(s) of years.

His father had ruled the country for thousands of years. He paid high price to get the throne. He just ruled Haoling for -400 years. 

Haoling was not weak. if it was not CX as Xiyan’s ruler, Haoling could have fought against Xiyan in a different way. Old Yellow emperor would not attack Haoling and CX’s uncles were inferior in comparison with Shao Hao.

Shaohao’s mental health deteriorated  after he brought XY to the desert to meet Ah Heng. 

Therefore, CX as ruler of Xiyan and XY’s return played crucial role to accelerate the merging of Haoling to Xiyan.

As for evidence/proof of political landscape or characters’ opinion about the war and its outcome when XL accepted the bug, I think the information/excerpt in chapters after CX became king (actually after WXL ebecame Wang Ji) is irrelevant. XY’s returned and helped CX in his quest for power changed history 

Someone had a question about XY's parents, and Haolin Emperor's pinky ring in the main comments.  Can someone elaborate on that?  I'm especially not sure about the pinky ring.


From the novel perspective, I agree with you. Xiang Liu in the novel knows everything:-). God, I really feel uncomfortable reading these plots about how Xiao Yao is obsessed with Jing. I feel very uncomfortable every time I see the intimate scenes between the two of them... I think Xiao Yao's taste in men alone makes her not good enough for Xiang Liu, just like you wouldn't want your son to fall in love with someone who thinks slugs are the cutest animals in the world...

Not sure if this was mentioned before, but I noticed a pretty interesting detail while I was watching the drama. Sometimes I want to hate the LYF drama producers for downplaying XL and Yaoliu but their clever little easter eggs like this make me unable to lmao.

In ep 6, the BGM that played during the WXL and Tian'er convo is the same BGM used for Jing/Yaojing's scenes (even the title of that BGM is literally called Tushan Jing lol). Interesting because it supports our theory that Tian'er/Chuanzi(Skinny) is meant to parallel Yaojing...

TE: Chuanzi has always been saying he wants to marry me, but I never took it seriously. With a background like mine, how can I believe what men say? But I didn't expect he actually asked you to redeem me. Actually, until now, I don't believe that Chuanzi will be nice to me forever. But I want to try. If Skinny is willing to stay with me wholeheartedly, I am willing to be wholehearted in return.

Just like Tian'er, XY did not believe that Jing would love and stay with her forever. They had so many seemingly sweet moments together - even kissed. But when XL asked the unconscious XY in ep 32 if she remembered Jing, she responded so cynically.

XL: Xiaoyao, do you remember Tushan Jing? Of course you remember him. That's Wen Xiaoliu's Ye Shiqi. How can you forget?

XY: I remember him, but he may not remember me. How could the leader of the Tushan Family be Ye Shiqi?

It wasn't until after XY learned that Jing was willing to die with her that she started to be "wholehearted in return," like what Tian'er said.

XY: Jing is seeking his own death? What happened while I was away? You were so heartbroken that you didn't want to live?

Jing Ye: Princess, don't you understand?

XY: What do I need to understand?

Ep 6: WXL and Tian'er convo starts at 35:10 -

BGM: 涂山璟 (Tushan Jing) -

Ep 32: XL and XY at 23:25, XY and Jing Ye at 37:25 -


Xiang Liu in the novel does know that Xiao Yao does not really love Jing, as you said, but I still think Xiao Yao is just deceiving herself in both the drama and the novel, and she is not pretending to love Jing intentionally, otherwise her character is really questionable. Would Xiang Liu love such a hypocritical and scheming woman?

Xiang Liu in the novel does know that Xiao Yao does not really love Jing

Wait, is this clear in the novel??

It would certainly make reading it far more interesting.