
"However, don't blame me for deceiving you, you were the one who did not ask!"

Then I guess this part highlights XL's "problem". Deceiving her that he doesn't care, deceiving her that he always helped her expecting something în return, deceiving her that she was always a transaction to him. 


"if he did accept it, I feel like it might partly be for silly reasons (WXL raised this poisonous bug just for him!) and maybe partly because being able to sense her pain and having his lives connected to hers would mean that he would be in a better position to protect her"

I thought about this too and it does fit their narrative / dynamics, but whatever his purpose, I am fairly convinced that it didn't imply having a future with her. XL always knew that all he is allowing himself to be to her is that short-term companion they spoke about în the beginning, having  the lifespan of a snowflake sort of, one can say he was like fei fei to her, lured out by her sad story and helping her overcome her sorrows, so in a way she did end up catching one the day they met.


Thank you so much for sharing the parallels you observed between Chi Chen and Xiang Liu. 

(I was especially struck by this, because they were more filial than even most close family members.) They were willing to die for them, even when they didn’t have to (IMO). Because of this, both of them were headed towards a tragic ending in Tong Hua's storytelling.

I love this observation. In a world where demons are distrusted and looked down upon by the deity tribes, their unwavering loyalty, honour and integrity rivals, if not outshines those who lay claim to a superior form than theirs. However, can Xiang Liu's loyalty to Hong Jiang and the Shen Nong army be considered as being filial to his godfather? I don't quite see it that way, but rather one that stemmed from a debt of gratitude that evolved into something far more, not just for Hong Jiang but for the comrades, deceased and living whom he can neither forget nor abandon. He did not subscribe to their cause - he himself told Xiao Yao that Hong Jiang was a pathetic fool, leading a bunch of fools, doing pathetic things - and yet he would give his life for them, lay down his life with them. Xiao Yao was right when she called him the most pathetic fool of all, because he had no vested interest in their futile, lost cause, their country not his own, but he would still fight for them, even exacting a deal to have them interred in the place they longed for but could not return to in life, while he himself disintegrated into a pool of black blood, leaving no other trace behind. 

For me, much worse was that for many decades, he didn’t tell XY his suspicions about being set up by his grandmother, his brother and Yi Ying. That was the one thing that I disliked the most about TSJ. He owed XY an explanation, and he knew it. He could have saved her (and himself) a lot of pain

Very well said. There was something inherently broken about their communication during that years, up to the time when he finally told her and they worked to bring Hou and Yi Ying down. Did he not suspect, or was it due to shame, feeling that he had lost any right to justify himself to her, and she would no longer be willing to hear what he had to say. Either way, he wasted so many unnecessary years which could possibly have been prevented had he been more upfront with his grandmother from the start, and with Xiao Yao.

As for S2, I hold very little hope that the final version restores what was rightfully Xiang Liu's, and choose not to whitewash Cang Xuan, though I continue to pray for a miracle. Based on the change in dialogue between little Cang Xuan and Xiao Yao (what was originally them pledging to marry each other was changed to being siblings forever), my instinct tells me that the drama is diluting any romantic bond Xiao Yao might be seen to have with anyone other than the official pairing. I just hope that the drama proves me wrong.


"Now the question for me is, at what point did XL decided his fate is with the resistance army? I personally feel likes things changed following the 37 years under the sea. This was also the point where XL started to push XY towards Jing. Thoughts??" 

IMO, XL always knew his fate is with the resistance army, he was aware of that all the time. I have a different way of interpreting the "turning point",  but I don't know how to explain it without getting confusing. Lets just say that I think this turning point hints to the discussion they had în the beginning, XY telling him that if she can't find a forever, a short companion is good enough. I belive XL, giving his circumstances / his duty with the army / his fate, was happy to fit this short-term companion she asked for, he never meant to / couldn't be more than that, however the turning point for him to back off was the beach scene, when she told him that she is scared of starting to dream about him (thus scared of starting to want more than he is willing / able to offer), especially because unlike XL, she did know all along her true identity, topped with his realisation that she did come across to someone who might fit her request for a forever. 


"However, don't blame me for deceiving you, you were the one who did not ask!"

Then I guess this part highlights XL's "problem". Deceiving her that he doesn't care, deceiving her that he always helped her expecting something în return, deceiving her that she was always a transaction to him.

It's only a "problem" for XL, if you think he should be selfish and do what he wants instead of listening to XY and giving her what she wanted.  She rejected him, in part, for reasons he understood well -- he was the enemy of her family.  XL did those things to keep from becoming the man of her dreams.


"XL did those things to keep from becoming the man of her dreams." 

Yes, I totally agree, yet that is not to say that he wanted to become the man of her dreams to begin with, I don't belive he ever wanted that.  Also this also indicates that he is aware that if not for him deceiving her, he has the power of being the man of her dreams. 

Even if, let's say I accept the fact that maybe sometime în the beginning he dared to wish for more from her, everything changed after the beach scene, so whatever came after was definetely not him trying to open a door for her, on the contrary, she was the one who on a few ocasions tried to have that door (re) open. 

Has anyone seen the Yaoliu couple bracelet from Tencent, it says two way secret love, love each other, long love sickness


Has anyone seen the Yaoliu couple bracelet from Tencent, it says two way secret love, love each other, long love sickness

I did see pictures and the translation on twitter. And yet, there are still people whi insist that they are only "soulmates" of the friendship variety .


Does this board have a poll function?

It would be interesting to see where the posters here sit with regards to the question of XL's fate at the start of the story. It has been interesting reading wveryone opinions and why they think the way they do.

The first time I read the novel, I also thought that he had decided even before he met XY that he is going to die, but then I shifted and thought that it's possible that this wasn't the case. No concrete reason for the change just about being open to another possibility. Regardless of where we sits on this matter, I think we can all agreed that he did contemplate a life with XY be it few hundreds years or "forever", but changed his mind during the course of the story. 

Now when did he change his mind and why did he change are other questions we can poll on. 

I agree with your opinions most of the times and I do find them very smart, but I just can't agree with you on this one. Maybe I am the one who's în denial, I don't know, but I just interpret things differenly.

"I disagree, because I don't think it was always and immutably XL's intention to die. He wouldn't have accepted the PLB, if that was the case."

It wasn't his intention to die, but he knew it is bound to happen regardless. But I belive he was confident enough that he will be able to choose on his own terms the moment when that îs going to happen. I don't belive he thought CX has more chances to survive death, than he had, with his 9 lifes. He did accept the PLB, but he did not ask for the PLB, he just accepted it, but IMO for different reasons than you think. I am not as convinced as you that he would have take the bug if not for the bug not being already planted in CX or in someonelse for that matter.

Well thank you.  I think most the time I'm flailing about trying to articulate what I believe the characters are feeling.  And it's fine if we don't agree.  I still learn things and it often gives me more to think about.  We all have different interpretations and bring our different PoVs to these discussions.  That's what I love about them.

Okay, are you saying that XL only accepted the PLB to keep XY from dying when he killed CX?  I do think he might have accepted the PLB if it wasn't in someone else, because I also believe part of the reason he accepted the PLB was to see if what he was feeling was love and it was returned.  This is not an opinion shared by every one, BTW.  Plus, remember, when she secretly tried to give him the PLB the first time, he asked what she was doing, and if she was going to poison him, she should do it openly.

One reason why I believe that XL had no intention of dying with Hong Jiang and the army once he accepted the PLB is because of the alleged casting sheet, which says that XL could envision a future with XY (until it all went tragically sideways -- thanks a lot CX).

Secondly, if he didn't see a future with XY, why was he so mad at her when her true identity was revealed?  If it was just about protecting her, then he could be happy she was with her powerful family and he didn't have to worry about her anymore.  If it was just about protecting her, then why did he recite the lover's poem before he killed the PLB?

"The sycamore trees on the ground will grow old intertwined, the mythical jian bird in the sky will not fly alone, the mandarin ducks in the water will die together."

THIS is what he wanted.  He wanted to be her lover until their death.  He could only accept the PLB if there was love between them.   And he knew that one of her requirements in a lover was that she could rely on him, that he would stay with her.  She didn't want to be an abandoned person again.   He had to be committed to surviving Hong Jiang and the army's end at that point, or he would be guilty of abandoning  his lover XY, and that was something he would never do.



"XL did those things to keep from becoming the man of her dreams." 

Yes, I totally agree, yet that is not to say that he wanted to become the man of her dreams to begin with, I don't belive he ever wanted that.  Also this also indicates that he is aware that if not for him deceiving her, he has the power of being the man of her dreams. 

Even if, let's say I accept the fact that maybe sometime în the beginning he dared to wish for more from her, everything changed after the beach scene, so whatever came after was definetely not him trying to open a door for her, on the contrary, she was the one who on a few ocasions tried to have that door (re) open. 

You don't believe XL wanted XY to love him and for them to be together / married?

Because of the PLB, he knows he is / can be the man of her dreams.  He knows she loves him.  But he also knows she's afraid to commit to him because they are on opposites sides.  And yes, I agree, the beach scene is her rejection of him and denial of their love.

I'm not sure I said that.  But I don't think XL tried to open that door again, unless she DID make an overture.  Like the poison crystal ball, which I think we talked about before, and which once again, I believe I see differently from many.  I think he broke up her marriage to Feng Long because of that overture, and even asked if who (i.e. him)  she wanted to spend her life with.  The way she reacted and her inability to answer, told him she still wasn't going to commit consciously to him.  Ironically, she wasn't going to give up CX for him -- though she demanded her lover give up everything for her.

Again, despite people wanting to label XL a toxic abuser, he let her dictate their relationship.  Even if he knew how she felt, he did as she asked.

I think he would take the PLB even if it wasn't planted in CX. He might disguise the reason and misdirect her but he would take it.

The reason I think he would take it comes down to the fact she wanted him to have it. She made it for him.

The drama version of him makes it obvious that he makes plans to give her what she wanted early in, prior to her identity being exposed. It's less obvious in the book. However he always gives her what she verbally asks. If she asked him to take the PLB I think it's in character for him to take it and find a way to solve it if he felt their connection put her at risk.

I think at that point in time, the war was status quo so dying really was a threat and who knows it might go on forever. What changed was CX. I don't think he would consider taking it condemning her or a barrier to taking the bug.


Has anyone seen the Yaoliu couple bracelet from Tencent, it says two way secret love, love each other, long love sickness

Yes. Meanwhile, the one with Jing has something about music and beautiful women.


I am with you. Part of me believe that his probing was in a way of him opening the door but her response confirmed their love but was another form of rejection. She doesn't want to consciously pick him.

 AH :
My sense is that XL always planned to die with Gong Gong and his comrades. He fought with them for centuries and knew that they all wanted to die on the battlefield. IMO, the only way for XL and the rest of them to survive would be if they miraculously managed to defeat Xuan Yuan and restore Sheng Nong. At certain points in the novel the chances of that happening are very slim. At other points the chances are basically "none".

I feel like, in some ways, it's even more settled in the drama than in the novel, as they moved XL's line about dying on the battlefield being the best death from the second half of the story (in the novel) to the first half (in the drama), when XL hadn't found out about XY's true identity yet.

 We disagreed on this point before.  At the end of the book, they were in an impossible situation, and the army decided to die all together on the battlefield.  At the beginning of the book, dying on the battlefield could be done piecemeal, and the situation wasn't settled or impossible.  Who knows what would have happened if Hong Jiang had died in Chapter 3.  XL and the rest of the army could have made different decisions, especially if he was given a reason, i.e. marrying XY.

 AH :
I don't see why not. There was no sign that the Sheng Nong remnant army's fight would end any time soon. He had already fought with them for 300 years, and after XL met XY they lasted for another ~120 years. The equation changed when ZX was able to quickly take control of Gao Xing, cutting off the Sheng Nong remnant army's supplies and other support while simultaneously expanding Xuan Yuan's forces. ZX also married Xing Yue and moved the kingdom's capital to Sheng Nong Mountain. Both of those moves solidified the status quo (where Sheng Nong was subsumed by Xuan Yuan).

Although the time for the final battle might have come earlier than expected, XL still did what I believe he always planned to do: he broke the connection between himself and XY at the last minute to ensure that she would not die when he lost his final life. Losing his other lives didn't seem to have any affect on XY, so there was a pretty substantial safety net.

I don't think he knew when he took the PLB that he could break the connection.  In fact, IIRC, he was told he could not, without XY dying.  Plus, he already knew that XY feared abandonment, and his loss would hurt her deeply.  He wouldn't have put her through that.

 AH :
XL pretty much gets this answer in chapter 32, and XY makes a few other bids throughout the second half of the story. But XL doesn't accept any of them. I'm not convinced that XL would have chosen a different ending even if XY had been more explicit with her bids (e.g., by coming right out and saying that she loved him and wanted to run away with him).

He doesn't accept any of them, because she won't admit / commit.  She won't give up CX.  Sadly, had she been serious,  when he let slip his wistful, 'give up being a Princess and roam the world with me,' and he carried through, they could have a wonderful life together.

 AH :
I can see why you're saying this, but I think that's oversimplifying it a bit. I don't see XY choosing to protect CX as necessarily choosing to let XL die. XL was fighting Xuan Yuan since CX was a child. If XY had let CX die, XL would still go on fighting Xuan Yuan long afterwards. He'd most likely still end up dying the same way. Especially if CX had been killed before becoming the Black Emperor.

XY protects CX, but she also protects XL, to the extent that she can. She does what she can to try and make sure that neither of them die. Even at the very end she still tries to convince both CX and XL to make choices that will allow XL to live. It was all futile not because XY didn't try hard enough, but because XL had made his choice and refused to change it.

I disagree.  The situation with the resistance army, XL and Hong Jiang was at an endless stalemate. It was CX becoming emperor, and absorbing Haolin, that changed matters and swung things in Xiyan's favor.  XL correctly assessed, that CX was the threat that would end the stalemate, and his life.

I agree, that XY tried to protect both CX and XL.  However, at no point did she throw herself between CX and XL to save XL's life.

 AH :
When XY begs CX to spare XL's life in chapter 50, he agrees that if XL stopped, he would let XL go. That promise doesn't mean much, because XL was never going to stop, but it shows that XY fought to give him an out until the very end.

Based on what liddi said about the leaked S2 script, the drama will be even more explicit. XL will be offered a way out during the final battle. And he will refuse it.

It doesn't mean much, because it's nothing but ASKING.  She didn't ASK XL not to stick his claws into CX.  She ran down there and jumped between them.  She didn't beg XL not to shoot CX, twice, she physically put herself between them, twice.  If XY wanted to save XL, she'd have marched her butt down to that kill ground and put herself between him and thousands of arrows.  That would be her protecting both of them equally.  But she didn't.

If CX was serious about saving XL's life, which I don't think he was, nor would I be in the same situation, he'd have sent XY down there to make that final offer.  But he didn't.


To be honest, I too changed my mind on a few aspects thanks to this topic, but there are a few things that I can not view differenly, no matter how I look at them, such as the crystal ball being a love declaration on her part and the fact that XL always predicted his outcome.

"Okay, are you saying that XL only accepted the PLB to keep XY from dying when he killed CX?" 

I can't know for sure, no one can know for sure why he did accept the PLB, we can just assume, but one thing I am 100% convinced of is that the reason didn't involve a promise of him being her forever companion. XL makes it clear since the beginning, since chapter 4 actually, how important gong gong and his army are to him, XY can't even suggest to him to switch sides and follow Yellow Emperor instead without him getting very angry at her. He îs also very aware from the beginning that the rebel army stands no chances and it is only a matter of time untill all of them will perish. 

"Secondly, if he didn't see a future with XY, why was he so mad at her when her true identity was revealed?" 

He was angry because he thought her whole sad story was a lie and she took him for a fool, getting close to him în order to spy on him. 

"You don't believe XL wanted XY to love him and for them to be together / married?" 

They did love each other, regardless if that is what they wanted or not, but no way I belive he wanted them to run togheter and get married or even having this option open for her. Everytime she came closer, he made sure to push her back. 

Also I want to add that the crystal ball was sent after CX got the throne, so she thought her job there was done.