Can you guys please explain to me what makes you belive XY was willing to kill XL for CX? While reading chapter 47 I had the impression she wanted to kill XL not really for CX, but because if XL gets to kill CX that will turn the world into a chaos, thus leading to a lot more wars and deads of innocent people. 

 Also, I thought she backed off not because she wasn't able to kill him, but because she couldn't kill him, like she didn't have the heart to do it. In fact I remember her saying something among the lines of even if XL kills CX, she will go after his stepfather, implying that even if XL is going to kill CX, she still won't be able to kill XL, as in she was aware at that point that she won't have the heart to kill XL, thus going after his stepfather as a punishment. 

Do you guys think that she backed off because she knew she stands no chance in killing him - power wise, thus threating him with his stepfather because he is an easier target, or because she realised that she won't have the heart  to even try? I'm going to re-read that chapter later, because now I am quite confuse. 

Can you guys please explain to me what makes you belive XY was willing to kill XL for CX? While reading chapter 47 I had the impression she wanted to kill XL not really for CX, but because if XL gets to kill CX that will turn the world into a chaos, thus leading to a lot more wars and deads of innocent people. 

Xiao Yao's priority was never for the people. Her worldview is small - limited to those whom she personally care about. In this case, it is Cang Xuan, which is why she would willingly confront Xiang Liu and try to stop him.

Do you guys think that she backed off because she knew she stands no chance in killing him - power wise, thus threating him with his stepfather because he is an easier target, or because she realised that she won't have the heart  to even try? I'm going to re-read that chapter later, because now I am quite confuse. 

She realised that she could never bring herself to kill Xiang Liu, no matter how much of a threat he is to those she care for, not even to avenge Feng Long's death. Watching him bleed from the arrow she shot at him hurt her so much that she lost all will to kill him after that. As such, the only way she could think of to stop Xiang Liu from continuing to try and assassinate Cang Xuan is by threatening to go after Hong Jiang instead.

Thanks, liddi, it makes sense now. I RE-READ this part from chapter 46 and I think that îs why I thought that her reasons of going after XL  was not only because of CX but also because of the people, but you are right, her worldview was always limited to those whom she personally care about. Altough at that point I think she did care a bit about the people as well, iirc she once said that she doesn't want anyone else to lose a loved one / be abandoned by a loved one because of the war ever again. 

"If you kill Zhuan Xu then the entire  vast wilderness will be launched into disarray and war will begin again. Hundreds of thousands of people will be swept up in the devastation. Is this what Gong Gong wants in order to cling to his loyalty, be true to himself at the cost of the peace of the world?”

Xiang Liu smiled a sardonic grin “If I kill Zhuan Xu, then it means the vast wilderness isn’t yet united, how can you say we’re going up against the inevitable?”

“You know in your heart whether what I’m saying is right or not!”

Can you guys please explain to me what makes you belive XY was willing to kill XL for CX? While reading chapter 47 I had the impression she wanted to kill XL not really for CX, but because if XL gets to kill CX that will turn the world into a chaos, thus leading to a lot more wars and deads of innocent people.

I think I said sacrifice XL for CX.  I'm not sure if she could actually kill him herself.  Maybe.  Depends on the situation.  But what I meant is, once CX was revealed to her, she repeatedly chose to save him when XL was trying to kill him.  Even though she knows, IIRC, XL even told her as much, that CX is going to kill XL.  Heck, she knows that from her experience of CX in Qingshiui Town, cause he was repeatedly trying to kill XL there.

What liddi said.  XY may have said it was for the peace of the world, but all she's been focused on up to that point is CX. 

Do you guys think that she backed off because she knew she stands no chance in killing him - power wise, thus threating him with his stepfather because he is an easier target, or because she realised that she won't have the heart to even try?

It can be both.  But threatening Hong Jiang is just bluster.  She can protect her self, but XL didn't train her to be an assassin.  Her grandfather, her uncles and CX have been trying to kill both XL and Hong Jiang for centuries, and haven't been able to do so.

I think XY was more willing to sacrifice XL than she was CX. She was willing to go the full extend and put her life on the line to protect CX. She knew that CX would eventually kill XL. She did go against her normal self and begged for XL but it's not like she physically intervened or put her self on the line for him. I don't expect her to but it does show that between them she was more willing to let go of XL

I don't know, I always thought she couldn't sacrifice none of them for the other. She tried her best to protect all of them, I really don't think she tried less for XL, on the contrary. The thing with XL is that she knew she couldn't save him from himself, altough I do belive she tried quite a few times, but it wasn't really a matter of XL going against CX, more like XL choosing his own path and she was obviously aware that she doesn't have enough power over XL to change his mind, even if she tried to. Even if XL would have eventually managed to kill CX, I honestly don't think she could bring herself to take revenge on XL, I don't think she would have the heart to do that, same way as she didn't have the heart to kill CX when she found out that she betrayed her by killing Jing. 

Also, since the beginning, XL was the one who told her countless of times and even tried quite a few times to kill CX (CX was less obvious about that) yet she didn't really take any measures, she never betrayed XL. În fact IIRC CX on the other hand even tried to get XL on his side through out the novel many times, so he wasn't the one who was actually set on killing XL. XY just couldn't save XL against his own wish, but that îs not to say that she didn't try. That is why I think her last resort was trying to save XL by pleading with CX, because she already knew that XL wish was to die on the battle and there was nothing else she could do, but relying on CX to spare him and thus avoiding XL death wish, even against XL will. 


I think XY was more willing to sacrifice XL than she was CX. She was willing to go the full extend and put her life on the line to protect CX. She knew that CX would eventually kill XL. She did go against her normal self and begged for XL but it's not like she physically intervened or put her self on the line for him. I don't expect her to but it does show that between them she was more willing to let go of XL

In terms of who XY does more for, who she is closest to, and who she is more willing to let go of, between CX and XL, I agree that CX comes out on top but I think it's very, very close. 

In chapter 47, it's specified that, in XY's heart, CX was her closest person. So that point is inarguable. But how does XL measure up in comparison?

XY used her own body to physically protect CX's life twice. She risked her life to support his bid for the throne and stayed by his side in a political den of wolves (where she faces three separate assassination attempts, one of which was successful). 

But she also helps and protects XL. Not by shielding him from an immediate threat with her body (even if she was able to give that type of help, he wouldn't accept it anyway) but by giving him her blood so he can heal and ensuring that he stays hidden while he is healing. XL felt safe hiding in her room in chapter 3 while he is healing and vulnerable, and XY didn't reveal his location to his enemies. More importantly, in chapter 17, XY had reunited with CX at that point, but she still offers XL her blood to heal his wounds, hides him in her bed while he's healing, and takes steps to make sure that he is not discovered. If it was discovered that she was harbouring Xuan Yuan's greatest enemy, her life might really have been in danger. For years after that night, XY knows that FFB is XL, but she never reveals his identity to CX or any of his other enemies. She also offers XL her blood to heal his wounds over and over again in chapter 43. 

XY spends decades making XL poisons that he uses to increase his powers. She wishes she could have saved him from the death matches and ensured that he never got involved with the Sheng Nong remnant army's fight so he could live a care-free life instead. She tries several times to talk him out of continuing to fight for Gong Gong to the bitter end. She knows that CX has also tried many times to get XL to switch sides without success. And in chapter 50 she still begs CX (on her wedding day) to spare XL's life. It's the very last conversation she ever has with CX, and it's the only thing she ever begs CX for.

When XY was tortured by the nine-tailed fox and when she was tortured by CX's flesh-eating bugs, she escaped into her memories of CX for comfort. But by chapter 30 its specified that, for years, XY had taken comfort in her connection with XL (and the fact that he was feeling everything she felt) in her most painful-to-endure moments. 

In chapter 46, XY can't bear to kill XL. She can only wound him and threaten to kill Gong Gong. In chapter 47, XY can't bear to kill CX. She can only poison him and kill herself. 

After XL's death (which CX is indirectly responsible for) XY decides to leave Xuan Yuan, without saying goodbye to CX, to go to a place where CX has no power. A place that is connected to XL. And it's heavily implied that XY will never see CX again. 


Chapter 30:

Xiao Yao felt her heart constricting tightly so she sat up and took deep breaths. It started with being sleepless but over time she seemed to have developed a heart problem. She knew Xiang Liu was being bothered by her right now.

All these years in the deep dark of the night, when she was at her most painful-to-endure moments, knowing someone was experiencing the same feeling made her feel she wasn’t alone. It made her feel like he was right there keeping her company and it comforted her a lot.


Chapter 47:

In Xiao Yao’s heart, Zhuan Xu was the closest person to her, so much that she didn’t differentiate between him and her. If he wanted something then she would give her life to help him achieve it. From Five Gods Mountain to Xuan Yuan Mountain, from Xuan Yuan Mountain to Sheng Nong Mountain, whatever she had Zhuan Xu could have it, including her life. She always thought Zhuan Xu treated her the same way, that if she wanted something Zhuan Xu would get it for her, that if she treasured something Zhuan Xu would treasure it too.

But it was just her wishful thinking! So was she simply wrong about Zhuan Xu, or had he changed?


Chapter 49:

Xiao Yao’s eyes followed Zhuan Xu until his form disappeared from sight, as if watching the most important and precious part of her life vanish forever. Her body trembled and ached from the pain in her heart so she grabbed her chest with one hand as she leaned on Jing’s body for support.


Chapter 50:

Xiao Yao said, “Gege, can you… can you… spare Xiang Liu?

Zhuan Xu was shocked. “He killed Feng Long, don’t you want to avenge his death?”

“Killing Xiang Liu won’t bring Feng Long back.”

Zhuan Xu stared long and hard at Xiao Yao as she continued, “I know you are in a tough spot, but I’ve never asked you for a favor when it’s difficult for you. This is my first, and last time, begging you for something.

I don't know, I always thought she couldn't sacrifice none of them for the other. She tried her best to protect all of them, I really don't think she tried less for XL, on the contrary. The thing with XL is that she knew she couldn't save him from himself, altough I do belive she tried quite a few times, but it wasn't really a matter of XL going against CX, more like XL choosing his own path and she was obviously aware that she doesn't have enough power over XL to change his mind, even if she tried to. Even if XL would have eventually managed to kill CX, I honestly don't think she could bring herself to take revenge on XL, I don't think she would have the heart to do that, same way as she didn't have the heart to kill CX when she found out that she betrayed her by killing Jing. 

I agree with this.

Talking about all this killing and death it got me thinking about XY response to XL death.

Reading the books I felt that XY had a deeper connection to XL than TSJ and her love was... not more but uncontrollable. She suppressed herself from loving XL but she couldn't help herself while in a sense she allowed herself to love Jing. I always felt they were equally important.

However, her response to his death was a bit disappointing. I know with all things XL there is that desire inside her to suppress and deny but her response much stronger by several levels. With TSJ death she was went into depression and losing desire to live in a sense and she had physical responses to his memories. Anything TSJ seems more dramatic and physical. I know she clutched her heart and was weak when she heard about XL death and was very sad and obviously would not forget XL but she didn't seem as hurt. I guess that was also by his design. But I just thought having that unconscious love it would be harder on her or was really hoping so. I have not read to the TSJ death so I could be remembering things wrong.

This story just leaves me wishing soo much. I wish they could openly allow them to love each be other. 

Then again if things changed I am wouldn't be so obsessed....

I don't know, I always thought she couldn't sacrifice none of them for the other. She tried her best to protect all of them, I really don't think she tried less for XL, on the contrary. The thing with XL is that she knew she couldn't save him from himself, altough I do belive she tried quite a few times, but it wasn't really a matter of XL going against CX, more like XL choosing his own path and she was obviously aware that she doesn't have enough power over XL to change his mind, even if she tried to. Even if XL would have eventually managed to kill CX, I honestly don't think she could bring herself to take revenge on XL, I don't think she would have the heart to do that, same way as she didn't have the heart to kill CX when she found out that she betrayed her by killing Jing.

I disagree, because I don't think it was always and immutably XL's intention to die.  He wouldn't have accepted the PLB, if that was the case.  Eventually, it did come to that, but XY was the one who could have saved XL from that fate, by admitting she loved him and wanted to spend her life with him.

In the drama, it was totally CX and XL trying to kill each other.  CX literally says when he first shows up in Q Town, if he can't get XL to work for him, then he's going to kill him -- and then proceeds to attempt just that a couple of times.  He also admits it later, when he threatens XL, before letting him take XY to save her life, and XL says, "Aren't you planning to shred the rebel army and kill me regardless?"

Also remember, that a few of those attempts on CX's life were instigated by the Uncles, who the Fang Fengs had ties to and were paying handsomely.

Also, since the beginning, XL was the one who told her countless of times and even tried quite a few times to kill CX (CX was less obvious about that) yet she didn't really take any measures, she never betrayed XL. În fact IIRC CX on the other hand even tried to get XL on his side through out the novel many times, so he wasn't the one who was actually set on killing XL. XY just couldn't save XL against his own wish, but that îs not to say that she didn't try. That is why I think her last resort was trying to save XL by pleading with CX, because she already knew that XL wish was to die on the battle and there was nothing else she could do, but relying on CX to spare him and thus avoiding XL death wish, even against XL will.

It was CX who tried to kill XL first -- XL didn't even know who he was.  And he was obvious enough, that XY helped XL in his attempts to kill CX, before she discovered CX's identity.

XL repeatedly says and tells XY, that if he doesn't kill CX, then CX will kill him.  Once she chooses to save CX, she's choosing to let XL die at his hands / orders.  This is the main obstacle to their romance -- he's the enemy that means harm to her family and vice versa.

XY did take measures. She repeatedly threw herself in front of CX to keep XL from killing him.  But I agree, she didn't help CX kill XL.  But she didn't help XL kill CX, either, once she knew who he was.

She asked CX, but there was no way he was letting that happen.  He even told her, he'd lost too many men to XL and he was too dangerous.

It goes without saying that I agree with everything AH said. 

About Jing and XL being as equally important to her,  I belive this is a bit tricky. There is no doubt XY got to love Jing deeply, but IMO her true love and her true soulmate was always XL. It is difficult and tricky to judge these relationships per se because they are build on different circumstances. Jing can offer her a future, while XL can not / doesn not want to. I always thought she had a weaker spot for XL preciselly because XL, unlike Jing, never promised her anything, never even aknoweled his love to her and, even more so, he was hers / CX enemy. So even despite all this I never felt XL was less important to her than Jing, who had always put her first. If Jing and XL were to offer her the same circumstances, I higly doubt she would have ended up with Jing. It is also a matter of giving and taking, while Jing was willing to give her everything without taking anything, when it comes to XL, I belive she did give more to him than she was willing to give to Jing, without actually expecting something în return from Jing. 

Also I didn't find her response to XL death dissapointed, on the contrary, there were only 2 scenes în the whole novel where I belive she couldn't control her reactions, XL death and the scene where she mistook AhNian mom as her mom. And the reaction she had is even more powerful if we take into consideration that she always knew în the back of her mind that XL is going to die on the battlefield. She tried to prepared herself for this all throughout the novel, and yet when he finally died she just couldn't control herself. Her reaction was wild, honestly, I belive she wanted him to live the same way XL wanted her to live. No more, no less. 

I wasn't that impressed of her reactions towards Jing's, honestly. She could control herself well enough, the depression and everything that came was also because of the betrayal factor and the lack of perspectives on the long run, all the hopes and plans going down the sink, but I never felt like she couldn't overcome them. I don't know, to be honest I feel as if only Jing got an happy ending, I didn't feel as if XY will ever get to be actually happy again at the end of the novel. Secured maybe and at peace yes, but the only times I really felt she was genuine happy was with FFB/ XL. Jing was never able to make her happy the same way XL did, and not because he didn't try, but because Jing is Jing and not XL. 

Jing can offer her a future, while XL can not / doesn not want to. I always thought she had a weaker spot for XL preciselly because XL, unlike Jing, never promised her anything, never even aknoweled his love to her and, even more so, he was hers / CX enemy. So even despite all this I never felt XL was less important to her than Jing, who had always put her first. If Jing and XL were to offer her the same circumstances, I higly doubt she would have ended up with Jing. It is also a matter of giving and taking, while Jing was willing to give her everything without taking anything, when it comes to XL, I belive she did give more to him than she was willing to give to Jing, without actually expecting something în return from Jing.

As I said before, I think XL had and wanted to offer XY a future, but it got messed up by her true identity, and her rejection.

As to the second, you aren't the only one to say this, but throughout the drama, it just isn't true.  Even when he was 17, he put his desire to stay hidden, before XY, when he promised to back her up against CX and A Ninian, and then ghosted her.  While he wasn't vibing with me earlier, when he did that, he lost me.

So, I honestly wasn't surprised, that Jing put his family first, over his 'willingness' to put XY first -- which is exactly what he spent most of the second half of the season doing.

Yeah, I don't see that third part as true, either.  Maybe at the end of season 2 we'll see it, but it certainly is NOT the case, so far.


I agree with your opinions most of the times and I do find them very smart, but I just can't agree with you on this one. Maybe I am the one who's în denial, I don't know, but I just interpret things differenly. 

"I disagree, because I don't think it was always and immutably XL's intention to die.  He wouldn't have accepted the PLB, if that was the case." 

It wasn't his intention to die, but he knew it is bound to happen regardless. But I belive he was confident enough that he will be able to choose on his own terms the moment when that îs going to happen. I don't belive he thought CX has more chances to survive death, than he had, with his 9 lifes. He did accept the PLB, but he did not ask for the PLB, he just accepted it, but IMO for different reasons than you think. I am not as convinced as you that he would have take the bug if not for the bug not being already planted in CX or in someonelse for that matter. 

"but XY was the one who could have saved XL from that fate, by admitting she loved him and wanted to spend her life with him." 

Again, IMO she did try to tell him that, with the crystal ball. Hence, even before that, after their 37 years underwater, it was XL who pushed her away, not giving her a chance to even say something to him, she was obviously sad and not eager to go back. 

"CX literally says when he first shows up in Q Town, if he can't get XL to work for him, then he's going to kill him -- and then proceeds to attempt just that a couple of times.  He also admits it later, when he threatens XL, before letting him take XY to save her life, and XL says, "Aren't you planning to shred the rebel army and kill me regardless?" 

Yes, CX does say that, but to XL, not to XY. XL on the other hand told her many times that he plans to kill CX. CX and yellow emperor tried many times to get XL to switch sides, their aim was always the rebel army and not exactly XL, hence they did try to spare XL. CX because he though XL could be someone of value to him and yellow emperor because of XY. They did try to kill each other at the beginning, but it was always XL who initiated this, IIRC. I honestly have to re-read that part, because I don't remember the exact circumstances.

"Once she chooses to save CX, she's choosing to let XL die at his hands / order" 

But the same thing goes for XL too. She never choose to save CX, she just did, the same way she saved XL by not revealing his identity and helping him with her blood, her poisons etc, thus putting CX în danger. When FengL died, XL's target was actually CX and only by chance he ended up killing FengL. Protecting someone doesn' t really mean chosing someone, she just saved the one who at that moment in time needed to be save, be it XL or CX. 

Back on the topic of Yang Yang, comments on another website led me to believe that someone like Yang Yang would never take a third ML role (XL). They and their teams expect top billing, including over the FL, and equal or more screen time compared with the FL. I imagine that they would make an exception under special circumstances, like an FL who has a larger fan base. I don’t know how to look up fan-base sizes, but Yang Zi has been consistently higher on the Forbes China Celebrity 100 list than Yang Yang. The list is an annual one that isn’t published every year. It seems to be dominated by annual earnings.

It may be arguable whether Yang Yang would take second billing to Yang Zi’s first billing. But, he doesn’t seem like the type who would take fourth billing, while two other men, any two other men, took second and third billing. (And, one of the two other men get the happy ending, not him.) Regardless of billing, there’s also the big problem of screen time.

This makes me think that floating Yang Yang’s name for XL might only have been a negotiating tactic. Maybe Tong Hua was only trying to make a point, like cast men with as much popularity as possible.